Identification of Pulpitis at Dental X Ray Periapical Radiography Based On Edge Detection, Texture Description and Artificial Neural Networks
Identification of Pulpitis at Dental X Ray Periapical Radiography Based On Edge Detection, Texture Description and Artificial Neural Networks
Identification of Pulpitis at Dental X Ray Periapical Radiography Based On Edge Detection, Texture Description and Artificial Neural Networks
Key words:
Artificial neural networks, dental X-ray,
edge detection, image entropy, mean Objectives: The aim of the present research was to identify pulpitis
square error, periapical radiography, through periapical radiography by applying edges as basis image
pulpitis, texture description features, the texture description and the artificial neural networks (ANNs).
Materials and Methods: Input image data records of 10 molar and 10 canine
teeth were used. The clinical diagnosis of interest cases were represented
as normal pulp, reversible and irreversible pulpitis, and necrotic pulp. The
following image processing steps were done. First, the data records were
converted digitally and preprocessed as its original image using the Gaussian
Filter to obtain the best smoothed intensity distribution. Second, the local
image differentiation was used to produce edge detector operators, e(x,y)
as the image gradient; ∇f(x,y) providing useful information about the local
intensity variations. Third, these results were analyzed by using the texture
descriptors to obtain digitally the image entropy, H. The fourth step, all were
characterized by the ANNs. Results: The edge detection carried important
information about the object boundaries of pulpal health and pain conditions
in the dental pulp significantly. The image entropy which was identified, the
diagnostic term, was obtained from texture descriptors in the segmentation
regions where the curves of pulp states tent convergence with the normal pulp
line from 4.9014 to 4.6843 decreasing to the reversible and the irreversible
pulpitis line include the nectrotic pulp line from 4.6812 to 4.5926 and then
inputting to the ANNs analysis at the same of mean square error around
Address for correspondence: 0.0003. Conclusions: Referred to these results, the correlation of the
Prof. Bernard Y. Tumbelaka, image entropy and the ANNs analysis could be linearly classified with the
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
critical point of 4.6827. Finally, it could be concluded that the direct reading
Sciences, University of Padjadjaran,
radiography is better to be digitized in order to provide us the best choice
Jatinangor, Indonesia.
E‑mail: [email protected]
for diagnosis validation.
among all ages especially younger people due to several separate the pulpitis. It could be also separated the
unhygienic factors like smoke, hormonal disturbance in infected line in two regions of interest as the reversible
woman, diabetes, stress, cancer, AIDS, genetic factors, pulpitis and the irreversible pulpitis. The process used
insufficiently nutrients, and drugs.[4] weight input generated that was always trained until
reached the result of learning appropriate data same as
An attempt to find a new method in radiography that identified. For the first training as compared variables
could identify this inflammation of tooth pulp in soft let amount of database. Furthermore, these selected
tissue is worth to try it. The pulp is the inner part of number of database input would be very influence the
the tooth that consists of blood vessels, nerve endings, analysis results because the identification error would
and connective tissues. The primary objective of pulp be able corrected if only if the weight input database
therapy is to maintain the integrity and health of the were more added.
teeth and their supporting tissues. The indications are
based on the clinical diagnosis of normal pulp, reversible Experimental setup
pulpitis (pulp is capable of healing), symptomatic or These research works were arranged for the
asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis (vital inflamed pulp is preprocessing and processing of the original image to
incapable of healing) and nectrotic pulp or pulpless (pulp obtain the best intensity distribution using Gaussian filter
do not respond to vitality test).[5‑8] It might be interesting and to identify the tooth in the next step by the edge
to try to find these indications that could be obtained detection as the basic image features of the disinfected
from radiographic evidence of periapical radiolucency and infected tooth regions of image segmentation
to diagnose pulpitis. It was impossible to achieve an separately to find the deterministic processing [Figure 1].
accurate diagnosis of the state of the pulp on the basis
When the non‑deterministic cases were obtained, it was
of clinical proof alone. The only accurate method is to
needed to apply the ANNS analysis.
do a histological examination.[9] Therefore, numerous
classifications of pulp disease had only identified by a
Gaussian filter
limited number of clinical diagnostic tests before effective
It was needed to apply a very commonly used filter,
dental treatment is performed. Therefore, our research
which smoothly, reduces noise and gets small details.
interest was aimed to identify pulpitis in the regions of
Equation[1] of a Gaussian function in two dimensions
interest through periapical radiography by applying edges
was the product of two of one‑dimensional Gaussians,
as basis image features, the texture description and the
one in each dimension, Gσ(x, y) as follows:
artificial neural networks (ANNs).
1 −X 2 + Y 2
Gσ(X, Y) = exp [1]
where: x is the distance from the origin in the horizontal Texture descriptors
axis, y is the distance from the origin in the vertical axis, Mostly, an image characteristic depend on its texture
σ is the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution. used in the region segmentation. There were several
important simple texture descriptors such as the image
It was also needed to use the discrete convolution of histogram pf (fk), the arithmetic mean, µ in equation [8]
equation [2] as follows: and the variance of the standard deviation square, σ2 in
equation [9] and the image entropy, H in equation [10]
f ∗ g = ∑ f i g x − i [2] as a scalar value representing the entropy of gray scale
image, fk having B pixels are given by:
where: f is the image function, g is the Gaussian
function Mean : µ = ∑Bfkpf(fk) [8]
When it was applied to the edge detection, it might k =1
be a derivative of a noisy signal that could cause Variance : σ2 = ∑ B (fk − µ ) pf (fk )
more noise. Therefore, it was needed to apply the
k =1
Gaussian filter before taking a smoothed derivative. The Image Entropy: H ( B )=− ∑ B pf (fk ) ln pf (fk ) [10]
differentiation and convolution of equation [3] both k =1
linear operators where they commuted together as
where: pf(fk) – the image histogram, fk – is the various
d df dg image intensity levels, 0 ≤ f ≤ 2 B, k – is the pixel
(f ∗ g ) = ∗ g = f ∗ [3]
location, k = 1, 2,…., B, B – gray scale unit, 2 bits, 4
dx dx dx
Edge detection
Image edges were the form of local variations of image Usually, entropy was a statistical measure of
intensity that can produce local image differentiation randomness that can be used to characterize the texture
techniques defined as edge detector operators, the image of the input image histogram. The image histogram was
gradient, ∇f(x,y) could be written as equation [4]: calculated within an image region, f.
∇f(x,y) = [fx fy] T, [4] The relation between the average codeword length, L(f),
and the image entropy was very close that could be
where: f x = ∂f/∂x and f y = ∂f/∂xy are the gradient written as equation [11]:
operators, T is the matrix transpose
H (B) ≤ L(f) ≤ H(B) +1 [11]
This gave useful information about local intensity
variations. The edge detector, e(x,y) was obtained Entropy of the gray scale image contained of thousand
as the magnitude of f (x, y) that can be written as bits of information, representation of intensity. Entropy
equation [5]: converted any class other than logical to unit 8 for the
histogram count calculation so that the pixel values
e(X, Y) = fx 2 ( X 1Y ) + fy 2 ( X 1Y ) [5] were discrete and directly correspond to a bin value.
Using these texture descriptors, it was deterministic
The sum of the absolute values of partial derivatives fx, analysis that could refuse several descriptor cause
fy could be employed simply as equation [6]: the reversible and the irreversible problems both the
disinfected and the infected tooth regions. Therefore,
e (x, y) = |fx(x, y)| + |fy(x, y)| [6] it was needed to use the ANNs analysis to be the
non‑deterministic (random) analysis.
The local intensity direction could be described by the
direction angle of the phase of f(x,y) as follows in Artificial neural networks
equation [7]: Pulpitis identification was done through ANNs
analysis, where accuracy was the percentage of
φ(x, y) = arctan (fx, fy) [7]
number of true classified compared to all final
Texture descriptor analysis was based on the edge result classified using mean square error (MSE)
detection features related to the image entropy. defined as follows in equation [12]:
Saudi Endodontic Journal • Sep-Dec 2014 • Vol 4 • Issue 3 117
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Figure 2: Original Images, Gaussian filter images, cropping and edge detection at normal pulp (a) reversible and irreversible pulpitis (b) tooth
regions of image segmentations
Figure 3: Curves of variance and mean analysis for normal pulp, reversible, irreversible, necrotic
Figure 6: Diagnose the best training performance in 32 × 32 iterated at
epoch 7 of data testing simulation using by ANNs analysis
The correlation of the image entropy and the ANNs
analysis could be linearly classified with the critical point
The principles for diagnosis of the condition of the of 4.6827. Finally, it could be concluded that the direct
dental pulp are no different from those applied to the reading radiography is better to be digitized in order to
management of other disease conditions. One of the provide us the best choice for diagnosis validation.
essential methods is radiographic examination which is
an important complement to the clinical examination. It ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
provides information about the presence and severity of
caries, deep restorations in relation to the dental pulp as We acknowledge the great collaboration between Faculty of
well as root fractures and periapical changes. Dentistry and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
of University of Padjadjaran and Faculty of Dentistry,
University of Airlangga, Indonesia.
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