Analysis of Tooth Measurement Method Accuracy in Digital Periapical Radiograph For Personal Identification
Analysis of Tooth Measurement Method Accuracy in Digital Periapical Radiograph For Personal Identification
Analysis of Tooth Measurement Method Accuracy in Digital Periapical Radiograph For Personal Identification
In the field of forensic dentistry, methods for personal identification through tooth measurement
have been developed. This study aimed at proposing a new method for personal identification using
digital periapical radiograph.
Seven measurements were performed in 206 digital periapical radiographs (103 patients with
age more than 14 years old have double radiographs in the same region of interest) from seven
reference distanceswhich were appointed before the measurement in permanent mandibular
second premolar and first molar. The measurement process was done in two ways, digital
radiography software andmanual measurement.
The reliability of seven reference points was assessed with intra-observer and inter-observer
values (TEM < 1 mm). The accuracy of tooth measurement method was assessed withBland-
Altman test that demonstrated no statistical difference(p> 0.050) regarding paired radiograph
comparison. Limits of agreement (LOA) values from Bland-Altman test showed range of difference
(mm) from paired radiograph whichwas still acceptable as same person. The method been
examined further through blind test for similarview radiographs resulted 100% match between one
pair radiograph with true identity came from thesame person.
The method proposed in this study is able to identify person accurately.
Clinical article (J Int Dent Med Res 2017; 10: (1), pp. 9-13)
Keywords: Digital periapical radiograph; personal identification; tooth measurement method.
Received date: 28 September 2016 Accept date: 29 October 2016
legally.26–28Some conditions are not feasible to be appointed in cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) and
examined with conventional radiography apical part of permanent mandibular second
technique like fragile decease or stiffness premolar and first molar. Measurement results
induced by heat.12,29 were tabulated in Excel spreadsheet.
Digital periapical radiography technique is For tooth measurement, the distance
able to identify person as stated in Maurya et al between twoselected reference points was
study.26 Similar to Maurya et al, Borker and Naik measured with total of seven distances (three
study tooth measurement method to identify from mandibular permanent second premolar
person by using reference points in teeth with and four from mandibular permanent first molar)
accurate result.30 Santoro et al on their study has (Figure 1). As already mentioned above, the
introduced cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) as a sample was digital periapical radiograph from
stable anatomical part on teeth so that it can be 103 patients with each patient has two
used as reference point in tooth measurement radiographs which were first-taken and second-
method to identify person with sensitivity 97%, taken radiograph. The 103 samples consisted of
specificity 85%, and accuracy 95%.31 49 samples left mandibular and 54 samples right
In order to effectively establish individual mandibular.
identity through personal identification, it is
necessary to increase new studies and evolve
new methods.