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Composed by our patron St. John Berchmans and recited

1. Holding the Miraculous Medal, make the
by him daily in order to obtain, through the intercession Sign of the Cross saying:
of Mary, the grace never to commit any sin against the In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
virtue of purity, this Chaplet consists of three groups and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
of four beads, with a medal with the image of Mary (It is customary to kiss the Medal
Immaculate framed by the prayer “O MARY, after signing oneself.)
CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN, PRAY FOR US O God, come to my assistance.
WHO HAVE RECOURSE TO THEE.” O Lord, make haste to help me.
The Chaplet consists of three Our Fathers in 2. On the Single Bead say:
honor of each person of the Blessed Trinity, each I thank Thee, O Eternal Father,
followed by four Hail Marys in honor of twelve for having by Thy Almighty power
virtues of our Lady. St. John Berchmans called preserved Mary, most holy, Thy Blessed
it the “Chaplet of the Twelve Stars” with which Daughter, from the stain of original sin.
to crown our Lady. He composed short and pithy Then: Our Father…Amen.
meditations for each prayer, in all fifteen, which
3. On each of the four beads say:
show fully the scope and fruit of this, his much loved devotion. Hail Mary… Amen. adding each time:
Blessed be the pure, most holy and
So great was his love for our Blessed Mother and his zeal for Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
Mary’s Immaculate Conception, that he made a vow that the first Virgin Mary.
book he should write would be on her Immaculate Conception.
Among his effects, after his death, was found a small paper, on 4. On the Single Bead say: I thank Thee, O Eternal Son,
which he had written and signed: for having by Thy wisdom preserved Mary, most holy, Thy Blessed
Mother, from the stain of original sin. Then: Our Father…Amen.
I, John Berchmans, most unworthy child of the Society of
Jesus, proclaim to thee, O Mary, and to thy Son, whom I 5. On each of the four beads say: Hail Mary… Amen. adding each
believe and confess is here present in the most august time: Blessed be the pure, most holy and Immaculate Conception of
the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Sacrament of the Eucharist, that always and forever, unless
the Church judges otherwise, I will be the supporter and 6. On the Single Bead say: I thank Thee, O Holy Spirit Eternal,
defender of thy Immaculate Conception… for having by Thy love preserved Mary, most holy, Thy Blessed
Spouse, from the stain of original sin. Then: Our Father…Amen.

7. On each of the four beads say: Hail Mary… Amen. adding each
time: Blessed be the pure, most holy and Immaculate Conception of
the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Chaplet is concluded by saying: Glory be… Amen.

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