Novena Prayer

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NOVENA Recite 3 Hail Marys and three Glory be A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE INCIDENTS there waiting for her.

A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE INCIDENTS there waiting for her. Her arms were extended
to the Father, etc. IN THE forward as if wishing to enfold her little one in
To (To all the faithful who recite devoutly three times CARMELITE MONASTERY a tender maternal embrace. I wish this place
the Glory be to the Father, etc. morning, noon and evening,
to thank the Most Holy Trinity for the graces and privileges
LIPA CITY to be blessed tomorrow, She said. At what
Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace bestowed on the Blessed Virgin Mary, the following time, my Mother? asked Sister. Any time
On September 12, Sunday, Feast of the
indulgences are granted: 500 days each time and Plenary your Mother Prioress wants. My child, I forbid
once a month if recited daily. March 25, 1936.) Most Holy Name of Mary, at about five oclock
Recite with devotion and fervor five you to forget the incidents of these fifteen
in the afternoon, a Sister who was taking a
decades of the Rosary meditating on the Remember us, O Virgin Mother of God, days. Then blessing the Sister, She
walk in the garden suddenly remarked that a
Joyful, Sorrowful, Luminous or Glorious in the presence of the Lord, and do Thou disappeared.
vine shook and as there was no wind at all, it
mysteries as the Blessed Virgin asked at speak in our favor so that His wrath be attracted her attention. She approached and The blessing of the nook in the garden
Fatima; then say: averted from us. heard a womans gentle voice that said: Fear was set for three oclock in the afternoon of the
V. Incline unto my aid, O Lord. (300 days indulgence. Plenary once a month if recited
not, my child. Kiss the ground. Whatever I next day. Carmels Chaplain, His Excellency,
daily. Nov. 22, 1934.)
R. O Lord make haste to help me. shall tell you to do, you must do. For fifteen Bishop Alfredo Ma. Obviar, wearing the
V. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, V. Our Most powerful Mediatrix, pray for us. consecutive days come to visit me here, in this rochette and stole entered the enclosure and
and to the Holy Ghost. R. That we may be worthy of the promises spot. Eat some grass, my child. The sister did the Community followed him to the spot. As
R. As it was in the beginning, is now and of Christ. not see anyone, she only heard the voice. the Community drew near, the Lady, visible
ever shall be, world without end. Amen. only to the Sister, appeared with Her arms
PRAYER Next day, Monday, at five oclock, the
Remember, O most gracious Virgin extended as if to gather all in Her maternal
Sister returned to the place. She knelt and
Mary, that never was it known that anyone O Lord Jesus Christ, our Mediator with embraces. As soon as the Sister knelt before
recited the Hail Mary. She had reached the
who fled to Thy protection, implored Thy the Father, who hast appointed the most Her, She said: My child, kiss the ground and
words full of grace when she remarked that
help, and sought Thy intercession, was left Blessed Virgin, Thy Mother, to be our eat a little grass. Take a piece of paper and
the vine was moving and lo! and behold she
unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly Mother also and our Mediatrix before Thee; pencil and write down what I shall tell you for
saw a Beautiful Lady with her hands clasped
unto Thee, O Virgin of Virgins my Mother, to grant that whosoever draws near to Thee to the Community. The following is Her
on her breast, a golden rosary hanging on her
Thee I come; before Thee I stand sinful and beseech any benefit, may receive all things message:
right hand. She was stooping slightly, her
sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, through Her and rejoice. Who live and My daughters:
dress was pure white, simple, held at the waist
rejoice with God the Father and the Holy 1. I ask of you to believe in Me and to
despise not my petitions, but in Thy mercy by a narrow cloth belt. Her feet were bare and
Spirit forever and ever. Amen. keep this a deep secret among
hear and answer me. Amen. resting on clouds which were about two feet
(From the Missal, May 31) yourselves for the time being.
(3 years indulgence. Plenary indulgence once a high from the ground. Her face of
month if recited daily. S. P. Ap. Sept. 8, 1935.) 2. Love one another as true sisters.
indescribable beauty was radiant. She was
L. D. V. M. 3. Come often to visit Me. Make this a
We fly to Thy patronage, O holy smiling. Be faithful to come here, be it rain or
sacred place and respect it. Gather the
Mother of God; despise not our petitions in Persons who receive graces through sunshine, She said to the Sister. Then the
petals my children. I bless you all.
our necessities, but deliver us from all Mary Mediatrix are earnestly requested to Sister asked Her, Beautiful Lady, who are
dangers, O ever glorious and blessed Virgin. report them to the Carmelite Monastery, you? I am thy Mother, my little one. And Then the Lady vanished and in the place
(5 years indulgence. Plenary once a month if recited having said this She vanished. of the apparition there were rose petals
Lipa City.
daily. Dec. 12, 1935.) scattered. The Chaplain proceeded with the
On Tuesday at the same hour, Sister
blessing of the place after which he gave a
went to the same spot, The Lady was already
short talk to the Community emphasizing the members to Herself according to the spirit of and help spread My devotion and to make
Ladys message. St. Grignon de Montfort. penance for those who dont believe. When
At five oclock the same day, Sister went On the last of the fifteen days, Sunday,
people come to pray and ask for graces let MARY, MEDIATRIX
them ask directly to Me and not through you.
to the same place and as on the preceding
days the Apparition was waiting for her. I shall
September 26, the Lady repeated Her
counsels to Her little one: My child, you must
These things may now be revealed. This is my
last apparition in this spot. Blessing her little
ask something from Carmel. I want a statue of love and obey your Mother Prioress. Tell your
one and the Community assembled in the
Mine to be placed here. To clean this part of Sisters to love one another as true Sisters, to
sacred place, Mary Mediatrix of All Grace
your garden so it will be a real place of prayer. practice Humility and simplicity, the virtues I
You need not tell Me all your Sisters are love most. Tell them to love and obey their
asking, for I know them. Tell them that they Superiors and not to forget the things I ask. I
A. M. D. G.
must believe lest they lose grace. I shall shall not ask bigger things from you as you
always bless the Community, My child. expect because you are My little ones. Do not
forget to consecrate yourselves to Me on |
On September 16, when Sister reached |
October 7. Be very good. I am MARY
the spot the Lady in Her usual attitude told her |
the following: I want a statue of Mine to be |
bless the Community morning and evening.
placed here. I want you to describe Me to your Imprimatur
Blessing the Sister, She disappeared.
Chaplain because I want it to be as you see A. VERZOSA
Me and as big as the statue of Our Lady of On September 30, rose petals were EPISCOPUS LIPENIS
Lourdes that is in the cloister. Tell your Mother strewn in the cells of the monastery. On Dec.6, 1948
Prioress to have the rosary recited by the October 3, the shower fell on the staircase.
Community here every afternoon during these Occasional showers within the cloister
days. Extend My love to all My daughters. Tell followed. On November 11, the petals fell
them that I love My daughters in Lipa Carmel, outside and were seen by some visitors. |
that I shall always be with you all. Then |
On Friday, November 12, after Mass, the |
blessing Her little one She departed.
Sister was called to the place of the Imprimi Potest
The following days the Lady and the Apparition, and there on the vine was Mary IOANNES S. CORONEL
Sister met each other on the spot and She Mediatrix of All Grace. Her hands joined on Censor Librorum
spoke to her as a Mother to her little one. She Her breast in an attitude of prayer. She looked Dec. 5, 1948
gave her motherly advice telling her to be tenderly but sadly on Her little one and on the |
obedient, simple and humble. To tell the Community that had followed. Then She said:
Community that simplicity and humility are the People believe not My words. Pray, My child,
two virtues She loves much, so to love and pray much because of persecution. Pray for
practice them. priests. What I ask here is exactly what I have |
One day the Apparition asked from the
Community an individual consecration of its
asked at Fatima. Tell this to the people. They
dont believe in Me nor do they give what I
July 2017
Pray for us!
ask. Tell the Sisters that I ask them to pray

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