Culuture Centr

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Design 5

Culture Center

Dr :- Seif Farag

Name:- Ahmed mariy

ID:- 20156132
%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B8%D8%A9_ THEATRE

Design foundations for theaters:-

Take different forms of them

1- Fan
2- Horseshoe
3- Rectangular or square
4- Circular and oval

Theater Chairs:-
The distance between the chairs behind the chair should be from 86 cm to 144 cm
the last distance is suitable for the spectator so that it does not stand to pass another

Spectator in the same Row Theater Seats .

Theater hall corridors:-

Have as many chairs as possible in one row 14 chairs, for the purpose of seeing a wood
Theater in a way that places radiological corridors where prefer this method, as preferred
The straight radiative pathway on the arched radiative passage, the vertical pathways on
Stage is not preferred because onlookers passing through the corridors are cutting a field
Vision for the spectator sitting on his seat in the theater.
The width of the aisles must be at the theater level> 2 m and at the other levels the width
shall be 1.5 m
The theater area was more than 350m2 and the width of the hallways should be increased by
15cm per 50m2

Lines of vision:-
The largest horizontal angle in the lines of vision is 60; otherwise, distortion will occur
the angle is also the largest vertical angle on the ability to distinguish Actor on stage.
The net size of the theater:-
Theater Theater needs a size from 4.2 m 3 to 5.6 m 3 per seat, and does not enter the stage.

Width and height of the stage aperture:-

The width of the aperture is 9-12m for drama, and 1212-15m for music. Their height
is from 4.5 to 6 for drama, and from 6.9 to 9 for music.
The distance below the balcony shall not exceed double the height of the floor from
The floor.

Theatrical Service behind the Stage:-

Less space for theatrical service behind the stage:
Distribution hall:- 4.5 m2
Guard booth:- 2.7 m2
Theater room: -1.5 m2 / person
Makeup room: - 9 m2

Bathrooms:- 1 course for 6 people, 1 shower per representative, private room and shower
One for every 6 representatives do not have their own rooms, the room of green plants: 27 m 2
Corridor:- Less width 1.5 m as a ramp instead of stairs in case of difference
Level, stand on stage: 4.5m2, changing room: 9m 2 .
Shop variety: - 13.5 m2
Management: - 9 m2

Vacuum scenes viewer :-

Rear:- Lower loading door has 2.4 m and a height of 3.6 m,
Vacuum receiving mirrors less space has 18 m 2 and height 6 m,
The place of repair of the less space of 9 m 2.

Spaces to enter the theater: -

Theater entrance hall: Requires an area of 0.929 m2 per seat, as well as one outlet for the least required
In the Buildings Act, the American Buildings Act requires the doors of the hall to be directly overlooking
the street on the basis that the minimum width of the door is 1.5 m per 300 persons.

It is the space used to distribute the theater audience, and is regarded as the entrance and distributor
For a dressing room and lounge in the theater, require less space 0.13 m 2 per
Seat in the theater.

Ticketing Office:- The office must separate from the main traffic to the public, and requires a window for
every 1250 seats in the theater.

Lounge:- A place for drinks is attached, preferably courses and telephones close to the entrance, and
requires an area of 0.75 m 2 per seat for the theater.

A sitting room for smokers and a dressing room for ladies from the public,
Bathrooms are for men with at least 5 urinals, 3 basins and 2 toilets each
1000 seats, and women's bathrooms, with at least 5 toilets and 5 basins each
1000 seats.

The stairs must have a maximum height of 18.5 cm and a minimum width of 26.5 cm

Elements of different cinema: -

First entrance hall: -

1- Entrance hall should be covered with additional holes for the

2- The entrance hall shall be closed to reduce noise transmission
and reduce the heat loss in the winter and to give immunity to
break the light levels from the street into the showroom
3- - Provide a means to guide the public towards the showroom
4- Must accommodate the box office and in the case of
crowdedness Break or waiting area
5- Provide access to the reception and drinks
6- There should be kiosks for sweets and refreshments

7- There is a room for security and organization in the event of

Second Showroom: -
The large area in which appropriate divisions must be taken into account for good
seating of the viewers, and are essential for optimal use of the site area.

Design foundations: -
1- The showroom requires means of entry and exit at reasonable rates and must be exits on the
open air meter with no 1.5
2- The width of the exit doors shall not be less than 2 meters and can be reduced to the presence of
any encounter before it.
3- The site should be used to achieve economic use by linking it to shops
4- It should provide a space to guide visitors to the showroom.
5- The showroom provides a safety area for the seats of the viewers and the display and allows
suitable openings in the form of roads and corridors between the seats.
6- Wheelchairs for disabled persons within theaters with special provisions for their entry and exit
7- The degree of disturbance that may occur to the sitting viewer and the extent of its potential
should be controlled. - Entry from the middle of the back roads, which gives the least disturbance
8- The corridors must be greater than or equal to direct meters, which will be discharged outward
should be opened to the total length of the pavement.
Foundations of the arrangement of the seats and their floors within the showroom:-
1- The minimum seating space is 1 mm, although the level of 760 at noon is noon at noon and
in the high balcon 900 the prevailing comfort is mm, and the minimum difference between
the 990 and the rear seats is one of the seats and the front of the seat directly beyond 300
mm –
2- The floor of the way theater should be started at the highest possible distance from the
screen (cm 7.5). The slope requires great orientation between rows to work. Degrees
3- the slope of the rear floor decreases to 4%, thus eliminating the differences in the height of
the baskets necessary to be placed The rows of seats on them.

The main spaces of the library:-

The main reading room:-

Is the center of the project and take into account the corridors to which you
wish to, which is the basic criterion to determine the location of the library and take into account
the direction of the north and the windows are 1/5 the total area of the room and a small table
scanner 3 square meters.

Loan Section:-

An attached part of the reading room consists of a counter to lend books space 40-50m2
Department of indexes:-
Is the special section in the library by the division and arrangement of books, which by
way of easy access to books and be attached to the office and the maximum dimensions 3 * 3m2

Book classification halls:-

Be in direct contact with the reading rooms and take advantage of this great free lounge
from the library
Library spaces and standards:-
1- the full space for library not be less then 25m2

2- Any additional space equivalent to 25% of the area of books and additional
3- Display of passages 85cm and in libraries that are not important 72-77cm
4- Stairs are distributed all 25m and must provide it with emergency stairs

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