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dif be greg Pore (ete enwe/ Fe nme Republic of the Philippines OQ Professional Requlation Commission | caro. eee. Manila oA, ast PROFESSIONAL REGULATORY BOARD OF NURSING RESOLUTION No. 22_ Series 2017 Promulgation of the Philippine Professional Nursing Practice Standards (PPNPS) WHEREAS, Article Ill, Sec. 4 (h) of Republic Act (RA) No. 7164 or the Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 provides for the powers, duties and functions of the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing (PRBON), which include the power to promulgate decisions or adopt measures as may be necessary for the improvement of the nursing practice and for the advancement of the profession; WHEREAS, in September 1994, the PRBON called for a consultative meeting on Safe Nursing Practice with nursing leaders from the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA), Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines (ANSAP) and other national nursing organizations and groups. The output of this two (2) ~ day workshop was the draft document on Standards of Safe Nursing Practice. After several meetings and discussions, PRBON Resolution No, 82 was issued which adopted and promulgated the Standards on September 30, 1998; WHEREAS, these initiatives were further strengthened with the passing of R. A. No, 9173 or the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002. Article III, Sec. 9 (c) of this law states that the PRBON shall monitor and enforce quality standards of nursing practice in the Philippines and exercise the powers necessary to ensure the maintenance of efficient, ethical and technical, moral and professional standards in the practice of nursing taking into account the health needs of the nation; WHEREAS, with such new legal mandate, the PRBON assumed the responsibility of formulating the 2005 Nursing Core Competency Standards which represent the minimum knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to provide competent, efficient and safe nursing care; WHEREAS, in 2009, the PRBON undertook an extensive and comprehensive review of the 2005 Nursing Core Competency Standards, in collaboration with nursing partners from the service and the academe who are members of various nursing specialty organizations and interest groups, such as the Commission on Higher Education-Technical Committee on Nursing Education (CHED-TCNE), ANSAP, and the UP Manila College of Nursing (UPCN) as. the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Nursing Leadership and Development; WHEREAS, the results of this study led to the formulation of the 2012 National Nursing Core Competency Standards (NNCCS) which defined the three (3) major beginning roles and corresponding responsibilities of the nurse in: (1) Client Care; (2) Leadership and Management and (3) Research; P. PAREDES ST., SAMPALOG, MANILA, PHILIPPINES, 1008 P.O, BOX 2038, MANILAa a A fbepuis, Proust Bucy Page 2of 3 Promulgaton of the Phiipine Professional Nursing Practice Standards (PPNPS) WHEREAS, the completion of the NNCCS in June 2012 and its promulgation by the PRBON on July 27, 2012 was very timely as this complemented the implementation of the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) that describes the levels of educational qualifications and sets the standards for qualifications outcomes in knowledge, skills and values. It also complemented the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Nursing Services. WHEREAS, the PRBON and its Technical Working Group (TWG) continually worked on the competency standards by refining the set of competencies and the indicators of performance under the four (4) domains: value-based nursing practice; knowledge-driven nursing practice; ‘outcome-oriented professional relationships; and leadership and governance. These domains were identified by the TW in its process of benchmarking the Philippine nursing standards with those of other countries. The revised document was presented to nursing leaders and other stakeholders in a pubic consultation on July 16, 2015 at St Luke’s Medical Center at Taguig City whereby further inputs and comments were given by the participants; WHEREAS, at the start of year 2017, the core members of the TWG met to revisit the original 2012 NNCCS document. Subcommittees were created corresponding to the four (4) domains of the nursing practice standards to review and discuss the specific outputs of the specialty nursing organizations vis-a-vis the original document. The product of the discussions on the harmonized nursing standards was presented in a public orientation on March 23, 2017 at the PNA Headquarters, WHEREAS, the primary purpose of the standards is to promote, guide, and direct professional nursing practice. Specifically, the Standards will be useful to the following: The Professional Nurses: (1) to have a better understanding of their professional obligations; (2) use the same as basis for their own continuing competence and professional development; (3) advocate for enhancing changes in policies and practice: and (4) define and resolve professional practice issues and concerns. The Employers: to be able to develop systems that support nurses to meet prescribed standards of practice focusing on: (a) developing job descriptions; (b) developing orientation and in-service programs; and (c) creating performance appraisal tool The Nursing Education Leaders: to serve as guide in the development of standards that shall serve as the bases for curriculum development, The Public can be assured of competent, safe, quality nursing care and ethical practice. The PRBON: (1) to be able to use the same as basis in regulating the nursing practice by: (a) using it as framework for the Nurse Licensure Examination (b) recognizing the entry level education program; (c) providing guidance to nurses of their professional obligations; (d) providing a foundation for the assessment of their professional performance: (e) clarifying to the public and other health care professionals what the profession expects of its members; and (f) serving as a basis in addressing incompetent and unethical nursing practicePage 3 of 3 Promulgation ofthe Philippine Professional Nursing Practice Standards (PPNPS) WHEREFORE, the PRBON, in light of the foregoing initiatives and advances in the nursing profession, has RESOLVED as it so RESOLVES, to issue and promulgate the Philippine Professional Nursing Practice Standards (PPNPS), which is hereto appended as Annex A. This Resolution and its Annex A shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from publication in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of general circulation in the county. Let copies hereof be further furnished the U. P. Law Center, Department of Health (DOH), Philippine Nurses Association (PNA), Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines (ANSAP), Association of Deans and Philippine Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and other specialty and nursing interest groups and ‘organizations for information Done this 18tRjay of October 2917 in the City of Manila, ole Sate Chairperson’ Moraned “er CORA A. ANONUEVO GLORIA B. ARCOS Member Member FLORENCE ©: CAWAON CARME! Member Member —~“CakeREDDA P. DUMLAO Member Attested: Lap % ba ATTY. LOVELIKA T. BAUTISTA Officer-in-Charge Secretary's Office of the Professional Regulatory Boards Approved: An f TEOFILO S. PILANDO, JR. Chairman (VACANT) Commissioner CommisMoner 0-OCHIO-OCIUPRB.NSGID-LID.D-SPRB TSPYORIGSAERIILTBImilpAnnex A Professional Regulation Commission BOARD OF NURSING THE PHILIPPINE PROFESSIONAL NURSING PRACTICE STANDARDS (PPNPS) INTRODUCTION The Standards of Professional Nursing Practice are authoritative statements of the duties that all registered nurses, regardless of role, population or specialty are expected to perform competently (ANA, 2010, p. 2). The ANA further states that the standards can change as the dynamics of professional nursing evolve and that specific clinical circumstances or conditions might affect the application of the standards at any given time. The Registered Nurses Association of British Columbia (2003) and the College of Nurses of Ontario (2002) defined nursing standards as guide to the knowledge, skills, judgment and attitudes that are needed to practice safely. They reflect a desired and achievable level of performance against which actual performance can be compared Development of Nursing Standards in the Philippines Legal Bases The impetus in the development of nursing standards emanated from Article Il, Sec. 4 (h) of Republic Act No. 7164 (Philippine Nursing Act of 1991) which ‘enumerated the powers, duties and functions of the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing (PRBON). Among others, the PRBON shall “Promulgate decisions or adopt measures as may be necessary for the improvement of the nursing practice, for the advancement of the profession.. Thus, in September 1994, the PRBON, then chaired by Aurora S. Yapchiongco, called for a consultative meeting of presidents/representatives of national nursing. associations and concerned groups and individuals on “Safe Nursing Practice.” Thereafter, it organized a two-day workshop, the output of which was incorporated in the document on Standards of Safe Nursing Practice. After several meetings and discussions, BON Resolution No. 82 issued on September 30, 1998, adopted and promulgated the Standards. In 2001, the Association of Nursing Service ‘Administrators of the Philippines (ANSAP], together with the PRBON and the Philippines Nurses Association (PNA), developed the Standards of Nursing Services. This document progressed with its 2008 edition. th op ped Bun gow * 92a:These initiatives were further strengthened with the passing of the R.A. 9173 (Philippine Nursing Act of 2002). Article Ill, Sec. 9 (c) of the law states that: “the PRBON is empowered to monitor and enforce quality standards of nursing practice in the Philippines and exercise the powers necessary to ensure the maintenance of efficient, ethical, and technical, moral and professional standards in the practice of nursing taking into account the health needs of the nation.” Core Competency Standards of Nursing Practice With the legal mandate, the PRBON assumed the responsibility in the improvement and effective implementation of the core competency standards of nursing practice in the Philippines which represent the imum knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to provide competent, efficient and safe nursing care, and maintain the integrity of the nursing profession. The 2005 Standards identified four major competencies of a beginning nurse: (1) Patient Care Competencies; (2) Empowering Competencies; (3) Enhancing Competencies; and (4) Enabling Competencies. Under each competency were key areas of responsibility. Then in 2009, the PRBON undertook an extensive and comprehensive review of the 2005 nursing core competency standards. The Nursing Core Competency Revisiting Project (NCCRP) was a collaborative activity of the PRBON with nursing partners from the service and the academe who are members of various nursing specialty organizations and interest groups, together with the Commission on Higher Education-Technical Committee on Nursing Education (CHED-TCNE), and the UP Manila College of Nursing as the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Nursing Leadership and Development The revisiting process included work setting scenario analysis, benchmarking core competency standards with other countries, field validation studies on the nurses’ roles and responsibilities in the hospitals and community settings, integrative review of output from the validation strategies, presentation of validation analysis, core competency validation, and public consultation. 2012 National Nursing Core Competency Standards (NNCCS) From the results of this extensive study spanning a period of three (3) years, the PRBON came up with 2012 National Nursing Core Competency Standards (NNCCS) which can be applied to the practice of professional nurses and can serve as a guide for nursing specialty practice. Three (3) major roles of nurses have been defined: (1) Beginning Nurses’ Role in Client Care; (2) Beginning Nurses’ Role in Leadership and mn mm panel Mey, gee > yeaManagement; and (3) Beginning Nurses’ Role in Research. Under each role are nurses’ responsibilities as presented below. 2012 NATIONAL NURSING CORE COMPETENCY STANDARDS ROLES SSNS Beginning 1. Prectes nacatance wih gal rene nd cote of tics in making personal rd uesa's professional judge 2 Unies the nursing proces inthe ieiscplinay care of ciel that empowers the cers and Role promt sate quay cae in Client 3. Mantas conl, carla up dl eng andrea st. Care 4 Eabses a clare ales wih oleae an cbermanbes be wants ance rigor eal ee sere 5, Proms professional and personal growth and develonment Beginning 1 Osvenstaes nape adap sisi pote sa ay coe Nurse's. 2 Oerustls sonable srg pacer 3, Donates ranayenet letersi sis oder heath poyans and srvees etre Role in to specic cent groups in the community seting. Leadership 4. Manapes acne based heath actycanporest ota ea pogtan ca mseg Manage sever ment 5. Demonstrates ablity to lead and supervise nursing support staf 6, Utliaes appropnate mechanisms of networking, inkage building and referrals Boginning 1 Erasing or heath ed eseach th rut sein of an epee Nurse's —— NUse® 2 Blades rh yet gp ne cnt cle te ech ge 3 Apples the research proessinimromng patent caren partership wih 2qualy improvement Research ‘quaity assurance! nursing aut earn. Significance of the 2012 NNCCS ‘The NNCCS serve as a guide for the development of the following: 1. Basic Nursing Education Program in the Philippines through the Commission ‘on Higher Education (CHED). 2. Competency-based test framework as the basis for the development of course syllabi and test questions for “entry level” nursing practice in the Philippine Nursing Licensure Examination; 3. Standards of the Professional Nursing Practice in various settings in the Philippines; 4, National Career Progression Program for nursing practice in the Philippines; and 5. Related evaluation tools in various practice settings in the Philippines. the ne pee ht. + 92%The completion of the National Nursing Core Competency Standards in June 2012 and its promulgation by the PRBON on July 27, 2012 through Resolution No. 24, was very timely as this complemented the implementation of the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PF) that describes the levels of educational qualifications and sets the standards for qualifications outcomes in knowledge, skills and values. It also complemented the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Nursing Services. Standards of Professional Nursing Practice Standards of care describe the competencies of the nurse and the indicators of performance. Below is the structure and sequence of formulating the nursing standards. LE RESPONSIBILITIES STANDARDS fete Miaaicy INC RS OF PERFORMANCE The primary purpose of nursing standards is to promote, guide, and direct professional nursing practice. The nursing standards will be used by the individual nurses, the public, the employers, the regulatory boards, the academe and other stakeholders. (College of Nurses of Ontario, 2002; Registered Nurses Association of B.C., 2003). Specifically, The professional nurses can: 1)_have a better understanding of their professional obligation; 2) use nursing standards as basis for enhancing their competence and professional development 3) advocate for changes in policies and practice; and 4) define and resolve professional practice issues and concerns. The employers can develop systems that support nurses to meet prescribed standards of practice focusing on 1) developing job descriptions; 2), developing orientation and in-service programs; and Oh Tprnne peny buy gee * faa.3) creating performance appraisal tool. For Nursing Education Leaders to serve as guide in the setting of nursing curriculum standards The Public can be assured of competent, safe, quality nursing care and ethical practice. ‘The PRBON can use these as bases for legal responsibility to protect the public by regulating nursing practice by: 1) recognizing the entry level education program; 2), providing guidance to nurses of their professional obligations; 3) providing a foundation for the assessment of their professional performance; 4) clarifying to the public and other health care professionals what the profession expects of its members; and 5) serving as a basis in addressing incompetent and unethical nursing practice. Philippine Professional Nursing Practice Standards (PPNPS) Nursing Practice Standard Domains The PRBON and its Technical Working Group (TWG) continually worked on the competency standards by refining the set of competencies and the indicators of performance using the following four (4) domains: PRC non mauled Patra hte cused ieee nanan caie Pate eu ronnie These domains were identified and aptly classified by the TWG in its process of benchmarking the Philippine nursing standards with those of other countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Hongkong and Singapore. op Po pee Fite fuThe revised document was presented to nursing leaders and other stakeholders in a pubic consultation on July 16, 2015 at St Luke's Medical Center, Makati City whereby further inputs and comments were given by the participants. Meanwhile, specialty organizations have begun working on/reviewing their standards specific to their field of nursing practice using the template of the draft “mother” (original) document, the initial outputs of which had been presented to the PRBON for comments and suggestions. At the start of year 2017, the core members of the TWG met to revisit the original 2012 NNCCS document. Subcommittees were created corresponding to the four (4) domains of the nursing practice standards. Each Subcommittee reviewed and discussed the specific outputs of the specialty nursing organizations vis-a-vis the original document. The product of the discussions on the harmonized nursing standards was presented in a public orientation on March 23, 2017 at the Philippine Nurses Association Headquarters. A. VALUE-BASED NURSING PRACTICE STANDARDS Defi Value-Based Nursing Practice is a clinical decision-making process guided by empirical body of knowledge, ethico-moral values and practices, rules and regulations, combined with appropriate competencies in client care reflecting personal and professional values when engaging with others of diverse cultures. ‘A, Value-Based Nursing Practice STANDARD Al. CARE OF CLIENTS DefinitionCare of Clients is the provision of professional nursing services to varied clients: individuals across the lifespan with varying health-iliness status and gender; to healthy or at-risk families, population groups and communities, ‘COMPETENCIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS. | 1.Provides quality and safe _| 1.1 Performs comprehensive and systematic nursing nursing care utilizing the assessment by collecting pertinent data using nursing process. appropriate techniques and tools; 1.2 Formulates appropriate nursing diagnosis based on assessment data; 1.3 Identifies client outcomes that are reali attainable; and 1.4 Develops a plan of care in collaboration with the client and other members of the health care team; 1.5 Implements the care plan safely and effectively using evidence-based nursing interventions; and 1.6 Evaluates effectiveness of interventions, makes revisions when necessary, and documents nursing care rendered. 2. Demonstrates appropriate knowledge and skills based on the health/illness status of 2.2 Provides holistic care across lifespan; and individual, families, population groups and/or communities. 2.1 Explains health needs of clients; 2.3 Uses appropriate skills in the care of clients. 3. Provides sound decision | 3.1 Gathers data related to the health condition making in the care of taking into account the beliefs and values of the individuals/ families/ client; population groups and communities considering their beliefs and values. | 3.3 Selects appropriate action to support/enhance responses to health and illness; and 3.2 Analyzes the data gathered; 3.4 Monitors periodically the response of the client On Ope ee ny” (Sear IBh gato the nurse’s action. 4, Promotes client safety. | 4.1 Performs age-specific safety measures in all aspects of client care; 4.2 Complies with the International Patient Safety Goals issued in January 2017 by the Joint Commission*; 4.3. Complies Standards; other International Safety 4.4 Conforms to the golden rules in medication (preparation, administration and drug reconciliation); 4.5 Administers other health therapeutics safely; and 4.6 Educates client and family on indications and effects of medications. * (https://www hapter_ HAP_Jan2017. Pdf) 5. Sets priorities in nursing | 5.1 Identifies the needs of clients; care based on client's 5.2 Analyzes the priority needs of clients; and needs. 5.3 Determines appropriate nursing care 6. Implements sound 6.1 Explains interventions to client before carrying nursing care to achieve them out; identified client outcomes. 6.2 Carries out safe, efficient and effective nursing intervention; and 6.3 Uses the participatory approach to enhance client-partners empowering potential for healthy lifestyle and wellness. 7. Ensures continuity of 7.1 Establishes means of providing continuous client care. care; 7.2 Collaborates with other members of healthcare team and appropriate agencies for continuity of care; MW gon pe Seger geen $e| 7.3 Refers client with identified problems to appropriate professionals/agencies; and 7.4 Promotes client empowerment towards self- | care. 8. Participates in quality | 8.1 Assesses client's experience upon discharge; improvement activities (e.g,, feedback on client's satisfaction, accreditation, quality assurance and related activities). 8.3 Evaluates continually quality of care provided. 8.2 Implements significant findings of nursing audit through quality circles, nursing rounds, policy development and clinical pathways; and STANDARD A2. ETHICAL, MORAL, AND LEGAL PRACTICE, Definitions Adherence to ethical, moral, and legal standards in the provision of care. Ethical refers to principles that encourage universal values such as trust, respect, fairness, and benevolence. Moral refers to beliefs of what is right or wrong. Legal refers to conformity to the provisions of relevant laws and jurisprudence. [COMPETENCIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1. Adheres to ethico- | 1.1 Makes professional decisions within ethical, bioethical moral and legal principles, moral and legal parameters; considerations when _| 1.2 Uses institutional, community and other relevant providing safe and resources to address ethical, moral and legal concerns quality care in nursing practice; 1.3 Applies legal and ethical principles to advocate for human and societal well-being and preferences; and 1.4 Clarifies unclear or questionable policies, orders, decisions or actions made by intra/inter-professional health team members. 2. Protects client’s rights | 2.1 Advocates client's rights; based on “Patient's Bill of Rights and Obligations.” 2.2 Educates the client on their shared roles and responsibilities in healthcare; 2.3 Evaluates client's understanding of health care rights; 2.4 implements strategies/interventions to protect client's op pak Baier Gon fearight guided by the “Patient's Bill of Rights and | Obligations”; and 2.5 Monitors compliance to “Patient's Bill of Rights and Obligations.” 3.Applies ethical reasoning and decision- making process to address situations of ethical and moral dilemma. 3.1 Executes the ethical reasoning process used in decisions to address situations of ethical and moral dilemma; and 3.2 Decides on cases based on ethical reasoning, 4. Adheres to the established norms of conduct based on the Philippine Nursing Law and other legal, regulatory and institutional requirements relevant to safe nursing practice. 4.1 Performs within the scope and standards of nursing practice; 4.2 Shows evidence of compliance with legal requirements in the practice of nursing such as, but not be limited to, current professional identification card (PIC); and 4.3 Acts in accordance with the terms of contract of ‘employment and other rules and regulations, 5. Accepts responsibility and accountability for ‘own decisions and actions 5.1Meets nursing accountability requirements as | embodied in the job description; 5.2 Justifies basis for nursing actions and judgment; 5.3 Recognizes own limitations and seeks appropriate help when needed; and 5.4 Projects a positive image of the profession ions STANDARD A3. PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL VALUES Personal values are a set of individual's principles, standards, concepts, beliefs and ideas that are internalized from the society or culture in which one lives. Professional values are beliefs and principles that guide nursing practice and which influence one’s work behavior. These are acquired through experience, education, training and practice considering, but not limited by, regulatory standards, Code of Ethics, and the core values of the nursing profession. 8 Orme ped Ben geCOMPETENCIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 11 Assumes, | Li ldentifies learning needs based on current and responsibility and projected/future practice requisites; accountability for 1.2 Updates one’s learning plan to enhance competence as personal and a registered nurse; professional 1.3 Validates new knowledge from peers and other sources that enhances one’s competency; and 1.4 Works towards personal and professional career path as part of one's lifelong learning, development and for lifelong learning, ‘2. Demonstrates | 2.1 Undergoes training for personal and professional continual competence | growth; and professional growth 2.2 Participates actively in professional activities; and 2.3 Complies with regulatory requirements for practice (e.g. Continuing Professional Development or CPD). 3. Engages in advocacy | 3.1 Negotiates relevant services on behalf of clients. activities to influence health and social care services. 3.2 Develops alliances with groups working to advocate for the upliftment of health and welfare of clients. 3.3 Participates in legislative and executive lobbying and policy making processes. 3.4 Utilizes conflict-resolution strategies to address issues and concerns. 4, Models personal and | 4.1 Demonstrates consistently professional behavior in professional behavior words, actions, and in relating with clients, colleagues and values. and the general public; and 4.2 Utilizes communications and social media judiciously and responsibly, : B, KNOWLEDGE-DRIVEN NURSING PRACTICE STANDARDS Definition Knowledge-driven nursing practice refers to the consistent application of @ scientific body of knowledge and skills through the integration of the different patterns of knowing (Carper, 1978) such as esthetics, ethics, and personal relationships as bases for safe and sound judgment to appropriate care of clients. th Jaren pee reg GO G20.B. Knowledge-Driven Nursing Practice Standards ‘Standard B2 Evidence Based Nursing Practice ‘Standard B3 Continual Quality Improvement STANDARD B1. RESEARCH Defi Research is a scientific process that validates existing theories/models and generates new knowledge to improve nursing practice, client outcomes, and health care delivery system. ‘COMPETENCIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1 Plans research L1 Explains the relevance of the research for the activities individually or in | improvement of care; groups to generate 1.2 Identifies research gaps through comprehensive relevant areas of study. review of literature and use of clinical data; 1.3 Formulates research problems based on identified gaps; 1.4 Determines appropriate research methodology; and 1.5 Applies research ethics guidelines. "2. Conducts relevant 72:1 Participates in the collection and/or analysis of data; research studies. and 2.2 Applies ethical principles and guidelines in all the phases of the research. 3. Uses research 3.1 Incorporates research data in clit results/findings to conferences; and improve nursing practice. | 3.2 Presents research results/findings in proper forum. ical care rounds and te pene pe RangeSTANDARDS B2. EVIDENCE BASED NURSING Definition Evidence-based practice is a problem-solving approach that integrates current best evidences, clinical expertise, and client’s preference and values in making decisions towards promoting safe and quality nursing practice. COMPETENCIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1. Uses the current best | 1.1 Appraises data from current evidence; evidence in providing safe | 1.2 Incorporates best practices in the total care of and quality care, clients; and 1.3 Identifies opportunities for improvement of existing practice guidelines based on new evidence. 2. Collaborates with the | 2.1 Shares the best applicable research results/findings health care team and with health care team and stakeholders; and other stakeholders in the | 2.2 Coordinates with the health care team and other application of best stakeholders to improve client outcome. research evidence in client care. 3. Integrates client's 3.1 Informs clients appropriately on the risks and values, preferences, best | benefits of interventions and therapeutics; and evidences and clinical | 3.2 Supports client’s decision-making process in the expertise in decision choice of health care, | making for client care. STANDARD B3. CONTINUAL QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Definition Continual Quality Improvement is the analysis of performance, monitoring of the outcome of processes, and application of strategies for the improvement of safe and quality nursing practice. COMPETENCIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1. Participates in quality | 1.1 Identifies opportunities for improvement; improvement programs 1.2 Participates in data collection/analysis/monitoring and activities. with quality improvement/quality assurance/ audit team; and 1.3 Suggests solutions to identified areas of improvement and quality checks. 2. Contributes to 2.1 Participates in post-graduate conferences/workshops continuing growth and and continuing professional development programs; development of the Oh pomran gl ey PO GE2.2 Provides professional inputs towards improvement of nursing practice. 3. Keeps abreast with | 3.1 Establishes linkages with colleagues and professional trends and developments | bodies on updates that affect nursing practice; and of health care system and | 3.2 Utilizes basic information technology system in the | nursing profession. delivery of health care. profession and the nurse. | and | 4 OUTCOME-ORIENTED PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Definition Cutcome-oriented professional relationships refer to intra- and inter- professional relationships that lead to an enhancement of one’s role through communication, collaboration and understanding of cultural context to achieve ‘mutually-agreed upon outcomes for client care. C. OUTCOME-ORIENTED PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS: STANDARDS. ‘Standard C1 Communication ‘Standard C3 Transcultural Nursing Care STANDARD C1. COMMUNICATION Definition Communication is a relational process whereby messages are transmitted and understood by both the sender and the recipient using varied modes, skills and approaches including media and information technology with the goal to facilitate effective health care delivery. COMPETENCIES 1. Establishes working relationship with clients, I gene pe Miringe PM “fer PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 11.1 Sets an agreement with the client, family, health team.| family/relatives, health members and other stakeholders to facilitate team members, and interaction; other stakeholders. 1.2 Listens actively to the concerns of client, family, health team members and other stakeholders; and 1.3 Provides feedback in an appropriate and timely manner, 2. Communicates 2.1 Identifies barriers in communication; effectively with clients, | 2,2 Uses effective strategies in communication; and health team members and other stakeholders to facilitate delivery of 2.3 Uses varied channels of communication to include available and appropriate information and communication technology. care. 3. Responds toneeds of | 3.1 Provides reassurance through therapeutic touch, individuals, families, warmth and comforting words of encouragement; Population groups and | 3.2 Uses therapeutic communication techniques and bio- communities. behavioral interventions to meet client’s needs; and 3.3 Provides timely, available, affordable, and appropriate services and resources based on expressed needs of clients. 4. Uses safe, appropriate | 4.1 Demonstrates competence in the use of informatics and secure technology to) —_(e.g., information and communication technology, facilitate communication. | basic computer systems), database management and data security; and 4.2 Utilizes available, accessible, appropriate and functional modes of communication to support the delivery of health care. STANDARD C2. COLLABORATION AND TEAMWORK Definitions Collaboration refers to the process where there is partnership among the health care professionals which is reciprocal and founded on respect and trust, considering each other's expertise in achieving mutual goals. Teamwork is to “function effectively within nursing and interprofessional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care." (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2013), fh rm yee eye OM "Gea,COMPETENCIES [ PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1. Establishes collaborative | 1.1 Recognizes the role of members of the health team relationships with with mutual respect and trust; and colleagues and other 1.2 Participates actively in client care management. health team members. 2. Coordinates plan of care | 2.1 Prepares accurate documentation for efficient with inter-professional communication of services; health team members 2.2 Acts as liaison /advocate of the client; and 2.3 Refers clients to allied health team partners 3. Applies principles of 3.1 Uses the right principles in carrying out strategies partnership and and activities in partnership and collaboration collaboration to improve intended to improve health service delivery; and delivery of health services. | 3.2 Addresses issues and concerns in safe and quality client care. 4. Determines resources | 4.1 Selects appropriate strategies for networking, available for networking, linkage building and referral necessary to improve linkage building, and delivery of health services; and referral necessary for 4.2 Uses appropriate mechanisms and strategies for improving delivery of networking, linkage building and referrals. health services 5, Collaborates with 5.1 Carries out effective partnership strategies with government organizations GOs, NGOs and socio-civic organizations to improve (GOs), nongovernment health of the communities; and organizations (NGOs) and | 5.2 Supports environment protection policies, safety other socio-civie and security efforts in the community. organizations on matters related to environmental and community health. 6. Engages in advocacy 6.1 Identifies priority advocacies to address nursing and activities that foster the health-related concerns; and growth and development | 6.2 Participates in advocacy strategies to address of the nursing profession. nursing and health related concerns. STANDARD C3. TRANSCULTURAL NURSING CARE Definition Transcultural nursing care is the provision of safe, efficacious, responsible and ‘meaningful nursing services to people according to their cultural values and health- illness context Oh Games pal rect I guCOMPETENCE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Demonstrates better 1. Provides culturally sensitive client-centered care; understanding of the role _| 2. Refrains from using derogatory, judgmental and of culture in the delivery of | stereotype remarks; and nursing care, 3, Recognizes common barriers to cultural understanding among health team members and clients. D. LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE STANDARDS, Definition Leadership and Governance is influencing other people through the exercise of authority, direction, control and regulation in the practice of the nursing profession to achieve desired goals. D. LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE STANDARDS Standard DS Resource Management STANDARD D1. PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Definition This refers to the acquisition of knowledge and skills for ensuring that one’s performance in the chosen area of expertise is always at the highest possible level, in both career and life roles. Ri Go rye I GetCOMPETENCIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS L.Develops self-awareness | 1.1 Identifies strengths and weaknesses; towards personal and 1.2 Enhances strengths identified; and Professional development. | 1.3 Takes corrective actions on weaknesses. 2. Determines one’s career | 2.1 Formulates personal vision in relation to career path, considering the development; and current and relevant frameworks for development. 2.2 Takes steps to achieve personal vision. 3. Pursues continuing 3.1 Participates in formal, informal, non-formal professional development learning and other types of CPD activities; and (CPD). 3.2 Applies learned competencies in the work setting. 4, Adapts to changes in ‘4.1 Updates oneself to trends and issues affecting | nursing and health. nursing and health; and 4.2 Incorporates healthy and effective strategies towards self-growth and development. 5. Gets involved in 5.1 Participates actively in professional and socio-civic professional organizations activities; and soci ic activities. 5.2 Maintains membership in professional organizations; and 5.3 Initiates/supports activities to address nursing and health related issues. 6. Performs functions 6.1 Sets attainable performance objectives; according to professional __| 6.2 Evaluates own performance against standards of standards. nursing practice; and 6.3 Sets corrective actions to improve performance. 7. Demonstrates positive | 7.1 Listens to suggestions and recommendations; and attitude towards change | 7.2. Modifies behavior in response to accepted and criticism. suggestions and recommendations. STANDARD 2. RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY Definitions Responsibility refers to the nurse's obligations, accountability and liability in carrying out the authority accorded by the state through the Nursing Law and other regulatory laws, policies and rules. Accountability is the nurse’s willingness to be judged against performance expectations and live with the consequences of one’s actions, Oh Yin ney rare g IX * Jan,COMPETENCIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1. Supervises the nursing | 1.1 Organizes workload to ensure efficiency in meeting care given by others, responsibilities and achieving outcome; and while retaining accountability for the quality of care given to clients. 1.2 Monitors accomplishment of assigned workload of unlicensed assistive personnel within a given time frame. 2. Seeks ways to promote | 2.1 Initiates independent nursing actions; and nursing autonomy and 2.2 Performs dependent and interdependent nursing accountability. actions in an enabling environment. 3. Participates in the 3.1 Identifies the need to develop policies and standards development of policies of nursing practice based on gaps; and standards regarding f ti in poli dst safe pulsing beoetce 3.2 Participates actively in policy and standards formulation; 3.3 Disseminates developed policies and standards; 3.4 Implements policies and standards; and 3.5 Monitors compliance to the policies and standards. STANDARD D3. POSITIVE PRACTICE ENVIRONMENT Definition Positive practice environment is one where the nurse performs in a supportive, safe, caring, encouraging, and positively charged workplace where the individual's potentials are maximally developed. It includes the physical, psychological, socio- political, cultural, and spiritual dimensions of the work setting. COMPETENCIES | PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1. Promotes a healthy, | 1.1 Applies principles of evidence-based prai safe and quality decision making to ensure safe, quality environment environment of care. of care; 1.2 Utilizes critical thinking and decision making in solving problems; 1.3 Collaborates with inter- and/or intra- disciplinary team, the client and other support staff in employing strategies and actions to ensure safe and quality | environment; and th mn ene (We 9H * $e.1.4 Advocates for/Promotes patient's rights. ] 2. Maintains 2.1. Demonstrates professional presence with dignity, professionalism in the respectability and confidence, and uses appropriate workplace. language in verbal and non-verbal forms; 2.2 Asserts appropriately one’s democratic and economic rights; 2.3 Treats colleagues with respect, trust and dignity; 2.4 Demonstrates effective con resolution skills; 2.5 Applies specific resolution strategies/ approaches to resolve/transform conflict situations; and 2.6 Adheres to the highest moral and ethical standards of nursing practice. STANDARD D4, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Definition Social responsibility is an obligation to act in fulfilling one’s civic duty for the benefit of society. The nurse is sensitive and responsive to the social, cultural, economic, political, spiritual and environmental issues. ‘COMPETENCIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS |1 Participates in activities | 1.1 Applies strategies to foster growth and that contribute to the development of the family, community, and attainment of social goals society; and and development m 1.2 Influences others to maintain a clean and safe environment through health education acti 2. Empowers self, clients | 2.1 Works to uplift one’s health and well-being; | and society towards social 2.2 Encourages participation of clients and society at responsibility large to improve their health and welfare; 2.3 Participates in critical discussion on nursing and health issues and developments; and 2.4 Works towards attainment of the health dimensions of Sust (ss). te go pe Misery 9% 20. ‘able Development GoalsSTANDARD DS. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Definition Resource management refers to the efficient and effective allocation of resources, where and when they are needed, and which include human, organizational, information, financial, technical, equipment, materials and physical resources. COMPETENCIES PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1. Utilizes resources 1.1 Identifies resources needed to accomplish tasks; necessary to deliver client | 1.2 Reports misuse of resources; and care. 1.3 Recommends action for the efficient and effective management of resources. 2. Advocates for safe 2.1 Reports for duty on time; staffing pattern. 2.2 Comes to work adequately rested and prepared to fulfill duties; and 2.3 Speaks up when inappropriate staffing ratios, assignment or delegation would cause patients to be put at risk or harm. 3. Utilizes financial, technical, physical and _| 3-1 Practices cost-effectiveness of resource utilization. material resources to support client care, 4. Follows established 4.1 Coordinates preventive maintenance program of mechanism to ensure equipment; and proper functioning of 4.2. Ensures proper functioning of equipment, equipment. considering the intended use, cost-benefit, infection control and safety. 5. Maintains a safe work | 5.1 Complies with standards and safety codes environment. prescribed by law; 5.2 Adheres to policies, procedures, and protocols on prevention and control of infection; 5.3 Observes protocols on pollution control (water, air, and noise); 5.4 Observes segregation and proper disposal of waste; 5.5 Participates in drills for fire, earthquake, and other ‘emergency situations; and 5.6 Observes protocols on emerging and re-emerging diseases and biomedical hazards including terrorism, ppm pl Barnaag Gh G20.REFERENCES: American Nurses Association (ANA). Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2” edition. Maryland: Silver Spring, 2010. ‘Australia Nursing and Midwifery Council. National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurses. Available at standards rn.pdf Canadian Nurses Association. Canadian Nurse Practitioner Core Competency Framework. Available at College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (2003). Nursing Standards, Available at hnttps:// aspx College of Nurses of Ontario, Standards and Guidelines (2002). inttp:// National Nursing Core Competency Standards (NNCCS). Training Modules for the Philippines. Makati City: International Labour Organization, 2014, Nursing Council of New Zealand, Competencies for the Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice. Available at file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/NP%20competencies%20December%202012.pdf Republic of the Philippines, Professional Regulation Commission, Board of Nursing. The 2012 National Nursing Core Competency Standards, Republic of the Philippines, Professional Regulation Commission, Board of Nursing. Embedding and Spreading of the 2012 National Nursing Core Competency Standards for the Bachelor of Science of Nursing (BSN) Program. Monograph 2. Available at http://www. Republic of the Philippines, Office of the President, Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Memorandum Order No. 14, Series 2009. Policies and Standards for the BSN Program. Republic of the Philippines, Professional Regulatory Commission, Board of Nursing Resolution No. 220, Series of 2004. Code of Ethics for Nurses in the Philippines. Royal College of Nursing. Competencies in Nursing: Nurse Practitioner. Available at content/onlineresources/1902alliedhealthprofessionals/ nurse%20practitioners%20- 9620in%20detail.pdf ‘Singapore Nursing Board. Core Competencies of Registered Nurse. Available at OCompetencies%20and9620Generic%20Skills%20for%20RN_SNB_1%20Dec%202012.pdf th men pe ry IE 44gThe Nursing Council of Hongkong Core Competencies for Registered Nurse (February 2012). Available at http://www. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE PROFESSIONAL NURSING PRACTICE STANDARDS (PPNPS) ‘A. 2015 CORE GROUP PLANNING COMMITTEE Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing (PRBON) = Carmencita M. Abaquin, PhD, RN = PerlaG. Po, MN, RN = Gloria B. Arcos, PhD, RN = Glenda S. Arquiza, PhD, RN Florence C. Cawaon, PhD, RN "Carmelita C. Divinagracia, PhD, RN "= Carfredda P. Dumlao, PhD, RN PLANNING COMMITTEE PARTNERS/TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP Araceli O. Balabagno, PhD, RN ~ University of the Philippines Manila College of Nursing Annabelle R. Borromeo PhD, CNS, RN - Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines (ANSAP} " Balbina M. Borneo, MAN, RN, RM - Mother and Child Nurses Association of the Philippines (MCNAP) "Maria Linda G. Buhat, PhD, RN ~ ANSAP = Elsa V. Castro, PhD, RN ~ ANSAP * Leonora N. Collantes, MAN, RN ~ St Luke's Medical Center, OC = Mila Delia M. Llanes, PhD, RN = Betty F. Merritt, MN, RN Philippines Nurses Association Philippine Professional Nursing Roadmap Coalition = Marie Therese A. Pacabis, MN, RN - ANSAP = Elizabeth R. Roxas, MSN, RN Association of Deans of Philippine Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN) * Nilda B. Silvera, MAN, RN ~ National League of Philippine Government Nurses (NLPGN) * Glenda A. Vargas, MAN, RN ~ ADPCN a Po epee lhe &™, GeB. 2017 PPNPS COMMITTEES PLANNING COMMITTEE: PRBON "Cora A. Afionuevo, PhD, RN = Gloria B. Arcos, PhD, RN = Glenda S. Arquiza, PhD, RN = Florence C. Cawaon, PhD, RN = Carmelita C. Divinagracia, PhD, RN * Carfredda P. Dumlao, PhD, RN "Marian Grace A. Gascon, PhD, RN ‘TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP. + Cora A.Afionuevo, PhD, RN ——~ Project leader = Carmelita C. Divinagracia, PhD, RN + Carmencita M. Abaquin, PhD, RN Araceli 0. Balabagno, PhD, RN * Milla Delia M. Llanes, PhD, RN "Cecilia G, Pena, MAN, RN SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS Teresita |, Barcelo, PhD, RN = Rodolfo C. Borromeo, PhD, RN "Annabelle R. Borromeo, PhD, CNS, RN "Ma Belinda Buenafe, PhD, RN " Leonila F. Faire, MN, RN = Remedios L. Fernandez, PhD, RN = Gisela D. Luna, PhD, RN = Betty F. Merritt, MN, RN "= Marie Therese A. Pacabis, MN, RN = Perla G. Po, MN, RN = Elizabeth R. Roxas, MSN, RN = Raquel Z. Tejada, MM, RN = Glenda A. Vargas, MAN, RN ho napa” Aaanypicde fie
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