Novatech Robotic Centre
Novatech Robotic Centre
Novatech Robotic Centre
Here is What some of the great Leaders of the world think about Robotics
Visionary Bill Gates, the Japanese Robotics Association and the European Commission has
something in common: they all believe robotics will be as important tomorrow as computers are
today.This means all future engineers, Doctors, scientists, Technocrats and researchers in applied
sciences will benefit from learning about robotics.
At a school Function President Of USA Barack Obama Said "I want us to all think about new creative
ways to engage young people in science & engineering,whether it is science festivals,robotic
competitions,fairs that encourage young people to create ,build and invent -to be makers of
things,not just consumers of things."
The module is tailor made to match the course curriculum of individual School and Colleges.
As the cost is prohibitive, Novatech Is associated with ROBOTIC INTERACTIVE LEARNING
EVIRONMENT of University of West Florida and Lawrence Technological University Michigan USA,
In view of which the schools taking on Novatech Robo will have a program which is of international
standard with support of two universities from USA.
School Photos
Skillls Improvement
Space for setting up the Training Centre with all necessary basic infrastructures like computers
and power back up.
One coordinator who will be assisting the trainer to conduct the program.
Help us in the process of registration and scheduling the classes during School hours.
Competitions Training
Novatech Robo will train its students in national and international level competition like Robofest by
Lawrence Technological University Michigan USA,IRO-Indian robot Olympiad, WRO- World robot
Olympiad, FLL – First Lego League, Novatech Robo Champions etc
This program is completely an activity based process for kids who want to become Engineers,
Doctors, Technocrats, and Scientists in latest technology.
Targeted to the age group between 7 to 16 years.
Using Robotic models they can easily understand some of the SCIENCE CONCEPTS and solve
MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS which they are studying at the School levels.
Our Program has been developed keeping in mind the child’s IQ level and their competency.
This will enhance their skill in all the areas so that they can compete in any National or International
Competition IRO, WRO, FFL AND ROBOFEST competitions.
Provide Training for participation in ROBOFEST competition from Lawrence Technological
University where in some selected students will have an opportunity to travel to USA for Participation
in World Robofest competition on 18th May every year.
The program makes them Technology experts at a young age.
Once they learn the basics perfectly they can easily implement their ideas to build their own
application in the real world.