Experiment No 01

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Experiment No.

To Determine the Resistance of Galvanometer by Kelvin’s Method

Theory: A post office box is a compact form of the Wheatstone’s bridge. In the instrument
each of the arms AB & BC contains three of 10, 100 and 1000 Ω respectively as shown in figure.
These are called ratio arms. The arm AD is the other ratio arm R. The key K1 is connected to the
point A and the key K2 to the point B internally as shown by the lines drawn on the ebonite
plate. The unknown, S, is connected between C & D, the battery, E, between C & A through the
key K1 and the galvanometer, G, between D & B through the key K2. Hence
P /Q = R / G
In the Kelvin’s method the same galvanometer whose has to be measured, is also used
as an indicator for obtaining the balance point. The galvanometer acts as its own indicator for
obtaining the balance point.

Apparatus: The apparatus used in the experiment are

Post Office box
Power Supply
High Resistance Box
Connecting Wires.

Principle: The principle of Kelvin’s Method is the same as for Wheatstone bridge. Now
according to Wheatstone bridge principle if the ratio of two resistances (R1 / R2) on one edge is
equal to the ratio of two resistances (R3 / RX) on another edge then there will be no flow of
current between the midpoints of the two edges of resistance. This condition of the bridge is
known as the Balanced Bridge Condition. In the Balanced Bridge condition the current flow
through the Galvanometer is zero. In Wheatstone bridge experiment one resistor should always
be variable in order to obtain a balanced condition.


Figure 1 Figure 2

Mathematical Equation:
I1 - Ig = I3
I2 + Ig = I4

If the bridge is balance mean: Ig=0

I1 = I3 ------------------ Eq (1)
I2 = I4 ------------------ Eq (2)
I1P = I2P -------------- Eq (3)
I3Q = I4X ------------- Eq (4)
Divide Eq (3) by Eq (4)
I1P / I3Q = I2R / I4X
We get
Rg = Q R / P

Procedure: The point C and point D of Post Office Box is connected by wires to
Galvanometer both terminals. The point C of Post Office Box is also connected to High
Resistance Box and the other end of High Resistance Box is connected to the Battery (Negative
Terminal). The positive terminal of Battery is connected to Key 1 of Post Box Office. The point D
of Post Box Office is connected to Key 2. According to Wheatstone bridge the circuit is
assembled as shown below.
From Post Box Office “P” and “Q” resistors, screws of 10 ohms are removed from each.
Pressed the Key 1 and the deflection of Galvanometer is reached to 30, then from High
Resistance Box a screw is removed which minimized the deflection from 30 to 10. Key 2 is
pressed which showed the deflection. Then the screws from resistor “R” are removed one by
one with pressing both keys (K1 and K2) and where no deflection was shown that is the point
where the whole circuit is balanced. It gave the value of ‘’R’.’ Calculated the resistance of
Again From Post Box Office “P” 100 ohms and from “Q” 100 ohms are removed from
each. Pressed the Key 1 and the deflection of Galvanometer is reached to 30, then from High
Resistance Box a screw is removed which minimized the deflection from 30 to 10. Key 2 is
pressed which showed the deflection. Then the screws from resistor “R” are removed one by
one with pressing both keys (K1 and K2) and where no deflection was shown that is the point
where the whole circuit is balanced. It gave the value of ‘’R”. Calculated the resistance of
The whole process is repeated 4 times by changing the values of “P” and “Q” and value of
“Rg“ is calculated.

Observation and Calculation:

S.No P (ohms) Q (ohms) R (ohms) Rg = QR/P

1 10 10 20 20 Ω
2 100 100 20 20 Ω
3 1000 10 2110 21.1 Ω
4 1010 100 210 20.8 Ω

(i) Clean the connecting wires.
(ii) All connections should be neat and tight.
(iii) The screws of the instruments may not be loose.
(iv) All the plugs should be properly tight.
(v) K1 should be pressed first and thereafter K2.
(vi) P ≥ Q (always).

Result: The resistance of Galvanometer is 20Ω.

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