Project OSCAR: Total Internal Reflection
Project OSCAR: Total Internal Reflection
Project OSCAR: Total Internal Reflection
Total Internal Reflection
Developer : Semeena Kader
Theory Of Total Internal Reflection
Part 1: Total Internal Reflection Demo
Part 2:Optical Fiber Demo
Optical fiber:Interactive
Theory Of Total Internal Reflection
When light is incident upon a medium of lesser refractive index , the
ray will bent away from the normal , so the exit angle will be greater than
the incident angle. The exit angle will approach 90 degrees for a particular
angle of incidence , called Critical angle (q) . For incident angles which is
greater than critical angle , light will be reflected back to the incident
medium itself . Such a phenomenon is called 'Total Internal Reflection.'
The Critical angle can be calculated from the Snell' s law by setting
the refraction angle to 90 degrees.
n1*Sin q = n2 *Sin 90
q=Sin n2/n1.
Here n1 and n2 are the refractive indices of medium 1 and medium 2
Total Internal Reflection takes place only when the following two
conditions are met.
1.The light is incident to a less dense medium from a more dense medium.
2.The angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle.
Demonstration Total internal reflection
Incident angle
. . . . . . .
Incident Reflected
ray ray
r Refracted
Select Medium1 Select Medium2
Critical Angle(Ci) Incident Angle(i) Refracted Angle(r)
TIR Interactive
The two media in the demo can be changed by selection. The
light is shown as entered from medium1 into medium2 and corresponding
incident ray and refracted ray is shown. When the incident angle is greater
than critical angle , ' Total Internal Reflection ' will be printed on the
window and the internally reflected ray will be shown.
When we select the media , corresponding critical angle will be
shown .
when the refractive index of medium1 is less than that of medium2 , 'No
total internal reflection, because n1<n2 ' will be printed.
As we change the direction of incident ray by dragging the
incident angle slider ,incident angle and corresponding refracted/reflected
angle will be shown in the window.
Demonstration Optical fiber
light source
Usage: Drag the light source up or down and click on it.
Optical fiber Interactive
The user can drag the light source up / down to change the angle
at which light ray enter into fiber optics. When user click on the light source
,light ray slowly hits at the entrance of fiber optics , and refracted into it.
After that it undergoes total internal reflection continuosly . The user can
pause the movement of light ray.