Nadya Ayuningtyas was born in Madiun, Indonesia in 1996 and is 22 years old. She has experience as a cashier and intern where she maintained records and assisted customers. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Financial Management from University of Muhammadiyah Malang in 2019 with a GPA of 3.36. She is motivated to develop her skills in areas such as copywriting, communication, management, and design.
Nadya Ayuningtyas was born in Madiun, Indonesia in 1996 and is 22 years old. She has experience as a cashier and intern where she maintained records and assisted customers. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Financial Management from University of Muhammadiyah Malang in 2019 with a GPA of 3.36. She is motivated to develop her skills in areas such as copywriting, communication, management, and design.
Nadya Ayuningtyas was born in Madiun, Indonesia in 1996 and is 22 years old. She has experience as a cashier and intern where she maintained records and assisted customers. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Financial Management from University of Muhammadiyah Malang in 2019 with a GPA of 3.36. She is motivated to develop her skills in areas such as copywriting, communication, management, and design.
Nadya Ayuningtyas was born in Madiun, Indonesia in 1996 and is 22 years old. She has experience as a cashier and intern where she maintained records and assisted customers. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Financial Management from University of Muhammadiyah Malang in 2019 with a GPA of 3.36. She is motivated to develop her skills in areas such as copywriting, communication, management, and design.
Hi there! I am Nadya Ayuningtyas was born at Madiun, on 11th December
PROFESSIONAL 1996. I am 22 years old who has extremely motivated to constantly develop SKILLS my skills and grow professionally. I am confident in my ability to work with a team and organized where I can apply my knowledge and skills for Copywriting continuous improvement. I can work under pressure. Communication and Negotiation skill Management skill Layout design Photo editing EXPERIENCES Ms. Office Native in Bahasa CASHIER Intermediate in English | May - August 2019 (TOEFL Score 500) Make records of all transactions Helping customer to provide information about a product PERSONAL SKILLS Check the number of items at the time of receipt of goods Record physical cash, report to supervisor, and check monthly stock Commitment Creative spirit GENERAL STAFF AND FINANCE (INTERNSHIP) Friendly, honest, and diciplined DPRD Kabupaten Madiun | July - August 2017 Reliable and professional Organized Maintained and organized numerous office files Time management Constantly updated the company's contact and mailing list Team player Helping preparation of the trial Fast learner Motivated