Flood Model Using HECRAS
Flood Model Using HECRAS
Flood Model Using HECRAS
Abstract: HEC-RAS is an integrated system of deaths resulted from flooding and associated tropical
software, designed for interactive use in a multi- cyclones. In industrialized countries the loss of life
tasking, multi-user network environment. The is usually lower because of presence of flood control
system is comprised of a graphical user interface structures, zoning regulations that prevent the
(GUI), separate hydraulic analysis components, habitation of seriously vulnerable lands, and
data storage and management capabilities, graphics emergency preparedness. Still, property damage and
and reporting facilities. disruption of life takes a great toll, and despite flood
The HEC-RAS system will ultimately contain three control structures and land use planning, floods still
1-dimensional hydraulic analysis components for: do occur.
(1) Steady flow water surface profile computations;
(2) unsteady flow simulation; II HEC-RAS
(3) Movable boundary sediment transport
HEC-RAS is based on the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers’ HEC-RAS water surface profile model
Currently steady and unsteady flows are available
used for modeling both steady and unsteady, one-
and sediment transport is under development. A key
dimensional, gradually varied flow in both natural
element is that all three components will use a
and man-made river channels. HEC-RAS also
common geometric data representation and common
allows sediment transport/mobile bed computations
geometric and hydraulic computation routines. In
and water temperature modelling.
addition to the three hydraulic analysis components,
the system contains several hydraulic design Steady and unsteady flow modeling.
features that can be invoked once the basic water Mixed flow regime analysis, allowing
surface profiles are computed; including bridge analysis of both subcritical and supercritical
scour computations, uniform flow computations, flow regimes in a single computer run.
stable channel design, and sediment transport Bridge and culvert analysis and design,
capacity. including FHWA culvert routines for
elliptical, arch, and semi-circular culverts.
Multiple bridge and culvert openings of
Keywords: graphical user interface (GUI), HEC-
different types and sizes at a roadway
RAS, steady flow and unsteady flow crossing.
Bridge scours computations following
I Introduction FHWA Publication HEC-18.
A flood is an unusually high stage in a river. It is an Bridge design editor and graphical cross
overflow of water outside its normal course. A flood section editor.
results when a stream runs out of its confines and Floodplain and floodway encroachment
submerges surrounding areas. A flood from sea may modelling
be caused by a heavy storm, a high tide, a tsunami, Multiple profile computations.
or a combination thereof. As many urban Lateral flow, split flow, over bank dendritic
communities are located near the coast this is a networks.
major threat around the world. The annual cycle of Sediment transport/movable bed modelling.
flood and farming was of great significance to many
Sediment Impact Analysis Methods
early farming cultures, most famously to the ancient
Egyptians of the Nile River and to the
Water quality capabilities (temperature
Mesopotamians of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
In less developed countries, humans are particularly
sensitive to flood casualties because of high Tidal boundary conditions.
population density, absence of zoning regulations, Reservoir and spillway analysis
lack of flood control, and lack of emergency Levee overtopping.
response infrastructure and early warning systems. User defined rules for controlling gate
Bangladesh is one of the most susceptible countries operations.
to flood disasters. About one half of the land area in Pumping of flooded areas.
Bangladesh is at an elevation of less than 8 meters Modeling pressurized pipe flow.
above sea level. Up to 30% of the country has been
covered with flood waters. In 1991 more 200,000
Geometric model schematic can be placed number (Fr) is used to characterize flow regime,
over background maps. and incorporate where:
clickable scanned images of structures • Fr < 1 denotes Subcritical flow
Inline weirs and gated spillways analysis, • Fr > 1 denotes Supercritical flow
including both radial and sluice type gates • Fr = 1 denotes Critical flow
and Ogee, broad and sharp crested weirs.
Tributary/diversion flow network For a subcritical flow scenario, which is very
capabilities, allowing for fully looped river common in natural and man-made channels, direct
system analysis in which reaches can be step computations would begin at the downstream
subdivided and combined end of the reach, and progress upstream between
Quasi 2-D velocity distributions. adjacent cross-sections. For supercritical flow, the
X-Y-Z (pseudo 3-D) graphics of the river computations would begin at the upstream end of the
system. reach and proceed downstream.
Figure Error! No text of specified style in Z1, Z2= elevation of the main channel inverts
document..1 Flow in open channel Y1, Y2= depth of water at cross sections
V1,V2= average velocities (total discharge/ total flow
Given the flow and water surface elevation at one
cross-section, the goal of the direct step method is to
a1,a2= velocity weighting coefficient
compute the water surface elevation at the adjacent
g = gravitational acceleration,
cross-section. Whether the computations proceed
he=energy head loss
from upstream to downstream or vice versa, depend
on the flow regime. The dimensionless Froude
Other losses:
Energy losses due to contractions and expansions are
computed by the following equation:
Figure Error! No text of specified style in
CL = loss coefficient for contraction and expansion.
document..2 HEC-RAS main window
If the quantity within the absolute valuenotation is
negative, flow is contracting, CL is the coefficient for
contraction; if is positive, flow is expanding and C L
is the coefficient of expansion. In the standard step
method for water surface profile
computations,calculations proceed from the
downstream to upstream based upon the reach’s
downstream boundary conditions and starting water
surface elevation.
VI Working of HEC-RAS
Edit: This option is used for entering and editing Numerous flood modeling studies have been
data. Data are categorized. into four types: conducted using available modeling package.Snead
Geometric Data; Steady Flow Data; Unsteady Flow (2000) presented the application of steady flow
Data; and Sediment Data. In the current version, hydraulic model using HEC-RAS, for flood routing
Sediment Data is not active. and visualization for mill creek watershed located in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Run: This option is used to perform the hydraulic
calculations. The options under this menu item Model used rainfall run-off data in time series
include: Steady Flow Analysis; Unsteady Flow format from existing HEC-HMS model.Zaseh et al.
Analysis; Sediment Analysis; and Hydraulic Design (2005) estimated the extent of flood zone and
Functions. In the current version, Sediment Analysis economic damage over an 8.2 km reach of the
is not available. perennial LaeenaSoo in the northern Kharasan
province, Iran using HEC-GEORAS,acombination
View: This option contains a set of tools that of HEC-RAS and arc view GIS software .
provide for graphical and tabular displays of the
model output. The View menu item currently A two dimensional model was used to design a rock
includes: Cross Sections; Water Surface Profiles; dike just upstream of the new opening and to
General Profile Plot; Rating Curves; X-Y-Z determine whether bank protection is needed after
Perspective Plots; Stage and Flow Hydrographs; construction of project.
HydraulicProperties Plots; Detailed Output Tables;
Profile Summary Tables; and Summary Err, Warn, Flow direction information gathered from the two
Notes. dimensional model was used with HEC-RAS to
Options: This menu item allows the user to change perform scour analysis.
Program Setup options; set Default Parameters;
establish the Default Units System (U.S. Customary Kester and Davis (2010) through the Maryland state
or Metric); and Convert Project Units (U.S. highway administration, office of structure had
Customary to Metric, or Metric U.S. Customary). adopted a proactive approach with respect to
determination of hydraulic variables for computing
Help: This option allows the user to get on-line help, scour at structure.
as well as display the current version information
about HEC-RAS. Also on the HEC-RAS main Peppenberger et al. (2005) found out that while
windows a Button bar . The Button bar provides choosing a routing method, the accuracy and
quick access to the most frequently used options availability of lateral inflow data, channel cross
under the HEC-RAS menu bar. section and roughness coefficient and velocity
A description of each button is shown in Figure. discharge information may have a greater effects on
the predictive accuracy of the routing algorithm than
the choice of descriptive equations.
The resulting surface model provides a good Saleh et al (2013) concluded that the accuracy of
representation of the general landscape and contains predicted water level and maximum water depth
additional details within the stream channel. simulated by Saint -Venant model relies on an
accurate representation of channel geometry and bed
Villazon el al (2009) analysed the flow dynamic level slopes along the river reach.
process and the quantification of the peak discharge
by using HEC-RAS. Flooding in Pirai river responds VIII Hydrodynamic simulation software
entirely to flash floods and therefore unsteady flow
had to be simulated it was done using derived Abdelbasset et al. (2015) applied HEC-RAS model
hydrographs from measured hourly water level as to calculate water surface profiles corresponding to
boundaries condition. selected flood events downstream of AL Wahda
Dam in Sebou basin in Northern Morocco.
Akaret al.(2009) studied the effect of land use
features on flood occurrence by using GIS and Sinha et al. (2010) studied Kayu Ara river basin,
remote sensing techniques. Malaysia using HEC-RAS and GIS for flood hazard
mapping. The results of case study show that the
Yang and Rystedt(2002) use geographic information magnitude of rainfall event and river basin land use
system(GIS) and hydrodynamic modeling to obtain development condition has significant influence on
flood information for flood emergency planning. the river flood hazard map pattern. Moreover,
magnitude of rainfall event caused more influences Pramanik et al. (2010) used extracted river cross
on river flood hazard map in comparison with the sections to simulate the magnitude of flood in the
land use development condition for Sungai Kayu deltaic reaches of Brahmani river basin located in
Ara river basin. the eastern India. Forty cross section along the
reaches of the rivers were extracted from the DEM
Cecile Ashwanden et al. (2010) compared water and were used in the MIKE 11 hydrodynamic
surface profiles for Tar River generated from steady (MIKE 11HD) model. Four available measured river
and unsteady flow hydraulic models. cross sections were compared with the DEM
extracted modified cross section to examine their
Brych et al. (2002) developed, flood hazard maps of geometric and hydraulic similarity.The model
urban areas in the Orlicevalley(Czech republic) validation results showed a close agreement between
using HEC-RAS software. Extreme floods were the simulated and observed stage hydrographs.
considered to calibrate the hydraulic model of the
Orlice river system. Vijay et al. (2009) presented hydrodynamic
simulation of the river Yamuna under different
designated flood flows to delineate the land
IX Flood Modelling Studies in India availability under existing and modified riverbed
geometry including channel dredging and riverbed
Vijay et al. (2007) describes a hydrodynamic model dressing.
called River Cad that provides the flood levels and
land availability at various cross – sections in order Doiphode and Ravindra(2012) focused on the
to assess the limitation and evaluate the possibilities concepts of hydraulic flood routing model, with
for riverbed development. time-varying roughness updating to simulate flows
through natural channels. The authors solved Saint
Mazumder (2009) describes the methodology for the Venant'sequationusing the quasi-steady dynamic
determination of waterway for a bridge using wave and full dynamic wave theory. A case study of
detailed topographic, hydrologic and morphological unsteady flood modelling through HEC-RAS was
investigation. carried out for the Karad - Kurundwad reach of
Krishna River.
The study by Timbadiya (2011) aimed at
determining values of Manning’s roughness Sankhua et al. (20 12.) focused on concepts of
coefficients for upper and lower reaches of the lower hydraulic flood routing model, with time-varying
Tapi River for simulation of flood. The requirement roughnessupdating to simulate flows through natural
of multiple channel roughness coefficients channels, based on the quasi–steady dynamic wave
(Manning’s n values) along the river has been and full dynamic wave theory, emphasizing the
spelled out through simulation of flood, using HEC- solving of the intricate Saint Venant’s equations.
RAS, for the years 1998 and 2003. Parhi et al. used HEC-RAS to calibrate the channel
roughness coefficient (Manning’s n value) along the
Sharma et al.(2012) focused on the mo0nitoring of river Mahanadi, Odisha. The authors concluded
the diffuse pollution characterstics of the agricultural thatmannnig’s "n” value of 0.032 gives best result
land confining the River Yamuna in Delhi. for Khairrmal to Munduli reach of' the Mahanadi
Agricultral fields surrounding Yamuna river are the river. The calibrated model,in terms of channel
point source of pollution that directly impact the roughness, was used to simulate the flood for year
river quality. 2006 in the sam river reach. The performance of the
calibrated and validated HEC-RAS based model is
Arunesh (2012) estimated the design flood at tested using Nash and Sutcliffe efficiency.
Hathnikund and Okhla barrages for different return
levels. An analysis of the frequency of flood peaks Timbadiya et al., (2012) developed an integrated
for different threshold was also carried out at both hydrodynamic model of the lower Tapi River,
the barrages. Two methods have been used for the India. Firstly the one-dimensionaI model
estimation of design flood, namely Gumbel’s hydrodynamic model was calibrated for Manning’s
extreme value distribution and Log Pearson type 3 roughness of river channel and subsequently one-
distribution. The result of frequency analysis clearly dimensional and two-dimensional integrated 11
indicates that the frequency of extreme events has hydrodynamic model was used to ascertain the
increased in the recent past. This result is significant sensitivityof Manning’s 'n' on coastal flood plain
as it clearly indicates that there is an urgent need to depth of the lower Tapi river.
develop flood prevention and mitigation measures
for Delhi and NCR region. Mehta et al., (2012) presented a preliminary
design for the physical enhancement of the reach
of the Tapi River located near the confluence of
Arabian Sea and the Tapi River in Surat City, [12] Tate, E.C., and Maidment, D. (1999). Floodplain mapping
using HEC-RAS, Center for Research in Water Resources,
Gujarat. The design of table channel was carried
Bureau of Engineering Research, University of Texas,
out using thecopeland method, which has been in Austin, TX.
included in the HEC-RAS model. A review of the [13] Timbadiya, P.V., Patel, P.L., and Porey. P.D. (2012).
application of remote sensing and GIS in flood Caliberation of HEC-RAS model on prediction of flood for
lower Tapi river,India, J. of Wat. Reso. And Prot.,3:805-811
management with particularfocus on the developing
[14] Vijay, R., Sargoankar, A. and Gupta, A. (2007).
countries of Asia has been presented by Sanyal et al., Hydrodynamic Simulation of river Yamuna for riverbed
(2004). assessment: A case study of Delhi region, Environment
Monitoring Access.
[15] Vijay, R., Sargoankar, A. and Gupta, A. (2009). A
X CONCLUSIONS hydrodynamic Approach to address Yamuna riverbed
development in Delhi. J. Civ. Eng. 36:1155-1163.
[16] Wurbs, R.A., and James, W.P. (2007). “Water Resources
Flood modelling system here presented copes with a Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, India.
basic need of standardization of the databases [17] Zadeh, A.H., Ahmadi, M.Z., Sharifi, M.B. and Masoudian,
system. The main goal is to provide an flood control M. (2005). Flood zoning using the HEC-RAS hydraulic
system in which all computations made by the model in a GIS environment, Journal of Environment
Hydrology, vol. 13, paper 2.
different regional involved in river training,
hydraulic works and similar activities can converge,.
Application of hydraulic modelling in HEC-RAS
environment provides the capability to simulate
flood depth in different part of the floodplain. It is
describes the application of HEC-RAS model for
simulation of water surface profiles in the study
reach. The output from the HEC-RAS model was
utilized to determine the extent of overtopping of
bridges/barrages in the study reach when subjected
to flood of a given magnitude. With increased
stream flows at different locations in the future, the
vulnerability of the basin to high magnitude flooding
events is likely to increase under future climatic
change in the River basin system.
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