Special Corporation Quiz
Special Corporation Quiz
Special Corporation Quiz
The single stockholder may not be appointed as the In case of death or permanent incapacity of the single
corporate secretary. stockholder, the nominee shall sit as director and manage
the affairs of the one person corporation until the legal
A single stockholder who is likewise the self – appointed heirs of the single stockholder have been lawfully
treasurer of the corporation shall give a bond to the SEC determined and the heirs have designated one of them or
which to be determined by the SEC. have agreed that the estate shall be the single stockholder
of the one person corporation.
What are the special function of the corporate secretary ?
o Responsible for maintaining the minutes and The alternate nominee shall sit as director and manage the
records of the corporation one person corporation in case the nominee’s inability,
incapacity, death or refusal to discharge the function as be jointly and severally liable for the debts and liabilities of
director and the manager of the corporation. the one person corporation.
The single stockholder may change its nominee and
alternate nominee by submitting to the commission the The principles of piercing the veil applies with equal force.
names of the new nominees and their consent. For this
purpose articles of incorporation need not be amended. A single stockholder of the ordinary stock corporation may
What are the reportorial requirements of the one person apply for conversion into a one person corporation subject
corporation? of such documents as the commission may require. If the
o Annual financial statement audited by an conversion is approved, the commission shall issue a
independent certified public accountant. Provided, certificate of filing of amended articles of incorporation
that if the total assets or total liabilities are less reflecting the conversion. The same applies if the single
than 600K the same may be certified under oath by stockholder of the one person corporation applies for
the corporation’s treasurer and president. conversion into ordinary stock corporation.
o A report containing explanations or comments by
the president on every qualification, reservation.
o A disclosure of all – self dealings entered into Dissolution may be voluntary or involuntary
between the corporation and the single Voluntary dissolution may be done where no creditors are
stockholder affected. This may be dome by majority vote of the Board
The SEC may place the corporation under delinquent of Directors or trustees and by a resolution adopted by the
status should the corporation fail to submit the affirmative vote of the stockholders owning at least
reportorial requirements 3 times, consecutively within majority of the outstanding capital stock or majority of the
a period of 5 years. members of a meeting to be called for the purpose.
Where the dissolution of a corporation may prejudice the
A sole shareholder claiming limited liability has the burden rights of any creditor, a verified petition for dissolution
of showing that the corporation was adequately financed. shall be filed with the commission.
Where the single stockholder cannot prove that the The petition shall be signed by a majority of the
property of the one person corporation is independent of corporation’s BOD or trustees, verified by its president or
the stockholder’s personal property, the stockholder shall secretary and that its dissolution was resolved by the vote
of the stockholders representing at 2/3 of the outstanding verified by any incorporator, director, trustee,
capital stock or at least 2/3 of the members at a meeting shareholder or member. Upon receipt of withdrawal of
of its stockholders called for the purpose. request for dissolution, the commission shall withhold
action on the request for dissolution and shall after
The petition shall likewise state the following investigation do the necessary action which deemed
o The reason for the dissolution required
o The form, manner and time when the notices were
given A withdrawal of the petition for dissolution shall be in the
o The date, place and time of the meeting in which form of a motion.
the vote was made.
Involuntary dissolution – the commission may be
The corporation shall submit to the commission the
dissolved by the commission motu proprio or upon filing
of a verified complaint by any interest party. The
A copy of the resolution authorizing the following are the grounds for dissolution of the
dissolution corporation
A list of creditors o Non - use of corporate charter
o Continuous inoperation
If the petition is sufficient in form and substance, the commission o Upon receipt of a lawful court order dissolving the
shall, fix a deadline for filing objections to the petition which shall corporation
not be less than 30 days no more than 60 days and shall be o Upon finding by final judgement that the
publiced at least once a week for 3 consecutive weeks in a corporation procured its incorporation through
newspaper of general circulation published in the location where fraud
the principal office of the corporation is situated. o Upon finding by final judgement that the
corporation was created, committed or aided for
If there is no objections, the commission shall proceed to hear the
the purpose of committing violations, smuggling,
petition and try any issue raised in the objection filed and if no
tax evasion. If the corporation is ordered dissolved
sufficient objection it shall render judgement dissolving the
by final judgement its assets, after payment of its
liabilities, shall, upon petition of the commission
May the request for dissolution be done? A withdrawal of with the court, be forfeited in favour of the
the request for dissolution shall be made in writing, duly national government.
Every corporation whose charter expires pursuant to its
articles of incorporation, is annulled by forfeiture, or
whose corporate existence is terminated in any other
manner, shall nevertheless remain as a body corporate for
3 years after the effective date of its dissolution, for the
purpose of settle its affairs but not for the purpose of
continuing the business for which it was established.