Modelo Mineralogico
Modelo Mineralogico
Modelo Mineralogico
This is a section through the gangue mineralogy model of the deposit. For every meter of drilling, the
gangue mineralogy has been classified from the assays. This section shows a cross section with drill
traces coloured by mineralogy; carbonate-rich, feldspar-rich or complete feldspar replacement by illite,
montmorillonite or kaolinite. The diorite stocks are in translucent pink.
Consider the ways in which a model like this can benefit a mining operation. What is the relative
hardness, BWi and mill throughput rates of ore with a feldspathic matrix versus ore in a phyllosilicate
matrix? If the sulfides were pre-concentrated in a flotation circuit, we need to know how kaolinite and
montmorillonite behave in this part of the processing. If the ore goes to a heap leach, we need to know
how kaolinite and montmorillonite behave on the leach pads. This model shows where zones of intense
clay alteration will be located on pit walls. What are the pit wall stability implications, and how will pit
wall angles have to be designed to allow for those clay-rich domains? Having a model like this allows us
to predict possible mining, processing and geotechnical problems, design tests to quantify the risks and
then spatially map problematic zones in orebodies.
One of the most useful plots is K/Al versus Na/Al, calculated on a molar basis. Consider a rock that is
totally sericitized. The mineralogy of the rock might be muscovite-quartz-carbonate-pyrite. All of the K
and Al in that rock will be within sericite. Muscovite has a composition of KAl3Si3 O10(OH)2. Therefore the
ratio of K:Al in the sericitized rock is 1:3. Similarly, a totally K feldspar (KAlSi3 O8 ) altered rock will have a
K:Al ratio of 1:1. Advanced argillic alteration plots at the origin (0,0).