Assignment Topic - Polluter Pays Principle:: International and National Perspective
Assignment Topic - Polluter Pays Principle:: International and National Perspective
Assignment Topic - Polluter Pays Principle:: International and National Perspective
The Polluter pays principle (PPP) basically means that the producer of goods
should be responsible for the cost of preventing any pollution caused as well
as remedy any damage so caused. It will include full environmental costs i.e.
cost of pollution or any other harm caused to the ecology and not just those
which are immediately tangible costs1.
Ashford Nicholas A. and Charles C. Caldert, Environmental law, policy and economics: Reclaiming the
environmental agenda, MIT press, London, 2008
Candice Stevens, Interpreting the Polluter Pays Principle in the Trade and Environment Context 27
Cornell Int’l L. J. 577 (1994)
government even the specific polluters should incur the responsibility for
abating their contribution to a particular pollution problem. This is called
equitable internalization. As polluters bear all the cost the distortions in
international trade and investment arising from differential pollution
abatement financing methods could be eliminated through the adoption of
the PPP3. The polluter pays principle has been used as the beneficiary-pays
principle which favours the costs of providing conservation goods (i.e.
prevention or repair of environmental degradation) being allocated to those
who benefit from those goods. The strict version requires costs be fully
distributed among beneficiaries pro-rata to their shares of total benefits
(User pays principle) while the weaker version requires that all beneficiaries
cover full costs. (Beneficiary compensates principle)4 In recent days, the
polluter pays principle is seen as a way of internalizing pollution-related
costs within the context of the economic rationality of the enterprise. There
is a close relationship between a country's environmental policy and its
overall socioeconomic policy5. Furthermore, under this principle it is not the
responsibility of government to meet the costs involved in either prevention
of environmental damage, or in carrying out remedial action, because the
effect of this would be to shift the financial burden of the pollution incident
to the taxpayer. But State practice does not support the view that all
depollution costs should be borne by the polluter, particularly where
transnational dispute is involved.
Cardwell Michael, The polluter pays principle in European Community law and its impact on United
Kingdom farmers Okla. L. Rev. 89
Choudhary Himanshu, A short note on the Polluter Pays Principle available
at last visited on 27 January 2010
This is a part of the International Environmental Agreements Compendium, compiled 1995 by the
Pollution Prevention and Pesticide Management Branch, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks,
British Columbia, Canada .
They simply passed the cost of using the air or water for waste disposal on to
the future users of those resources. This failure to properly allocate costs
stimulates over-production leading ultimately to a market failure. Such
failure, if not corrected, will result in pollution which needs to be adequately
paid for. This is commonly known as the theory of internalization of external
Dam Shubhankar and Vivek Tewary, Polluting environment, polluting constitution worse than a polluted
environment? 17 J.Envtl. L. 383
PPP favours corrective justice and is concerned very less with idea of fault.
When reduced to its most basic logic and applied to the interstate level, the
polluter pays principle serves a reparative function: one who causes harm
must remedy it. This logic is particularly compelling given that these harms
impinge upon common concerns of humanity. Furthermore, under this
principle it is not the responsibility of government to meet the costs involved
in either prevention of environmental damage, or in carrying out remedial
action, because the effect of this would be to shift the financial burden of the
pollution incident to the taxpayer8.
Divan Shyam, Demin Rsencraz, Environment law and policy in India, second ed., Oxford University
press, London, 2002
De Lucia, Vito, Polluter pays principle at last
visited on 9 February 2010
The recognition of the vice of pollution and its impact on future resources
was realised during the early part of 1970. The United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe, during a panel discussion in 1971, concluded that
the total environmental expenditure required for improvement of the
environment was overestimated but could be reduced by increased
environmental awareness and control.
It was the EU which took the lead in promoting the PPP when in 1974, it
made it mandatory that this principle be uniformly applied to all its member
The current Fourth Action Programme makes it clear that ‘the cost of
preventing and eliminating nuisance must in principle be borne by the
polluter’, and the PPP has now been incorporated into the European
Community Treaty as part of the new Articles on the environment which
were introduced by the Single European Act of 1986.
Drumbl Mark A., Poverty, wealth and obligation in international environment law 76 Tut.L.Rev.843
PPP is included in Article 174 of the EU Treaty (1997) and since 1990,
when the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response
and Co-operation was agreed upon by the International Maritime
Organization (IMO), the PPP has been acknowledged as a ” …general
principle of international environmental law.” In US, the principle was
adopted by the enactment of Comprehensive Environment response
Compensation and liability Act, 1980.
Dube Indrajit, Environment Jurisprudence: polluter liability, Lexis-Nexis Butterworths, Delhi, 2007
Fitzmaniaca Malgosia, Contemporary issues in International environment law, Edward elgar publishing
inc, USA, 2009
Havenga Peter, A Few Steps Closer Towards Establishing the ‘Polluter Pays’ Principle (1997) 9 SA
Merc LJ
The judiciary in India first recognised the polluter pays principle as a sound
principle in Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action v. Union of India &
Ors13 (Bichhri Village case) which interpreted PPP to mean that “absolute
liability of harm to the environment extends not only to compensate the
victims of pollution, but also to the cost of restoring environmental
Interpretation of Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) In India available
at last visited
on 27 January 2010
Explaining the principle, the Court held that it is not the role of the
government to meet the cost either in the prevention of such damage or in
carrying out remedial action, because the effect of this would be shifting the
financial burden of the pollution incident to the tax payers and why should
the tax payers share this burden? It should be the polluter who should be
made responsible for their wrong doings15.Thus, according to this principle,
the responsibility for repairing the damage is that of the offending industry.
Sections 3 and 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 empower the
Central Government to give directions and take measures for giving effect to
this principle.
law in our country too, as is clear from Articles 47, 48-A and 51-A(g) of our
Constitution and that, in fact, in the various environmental statutes, such as
the Water Act, 1974 and other statutes, including the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986, these concepts are already implied. The learned
Judge declared that these principles have now become part of our law. In
fact on the facts of the case before this Court, it was directed that the
authority to be appointed under Section 3(3) of the Environment (Protection)
Act, 1986 shall implement the PPP19.
Sohn, The Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment, 14 HARV. INT’L L.J. 423(1973)
Even with all its success in Indian scenario, the polluter pays principle is not
a cure for all of the world’s environmental problems. It has a potential only
for problems that stem from identifiable polluters who have sufficient
economic resources to pay their way and even under the broadest definitions
of pollution, the PPP cannot assist with serious environmental issues such as
declining biological diversity or destruction of ecologically critical habitats.
Other problems, though pollution related, are the aggregated consequence of
the disparate actions of millions of individuals who are just trying to
maintain a subsistence livelihood in overcrowded cities or desertified rural
areas. The PPP would be inappropriate in such situations; these
impoverished polluters are in no position to pay for their contribution to the
world’s environmental burden.Most developing countries are yet to
completely subscribe to the polluter pays principle as a major environmental
policy guideline due to difficulty in implementing the same and due to its
vague nature. The poor households, informal sector firms, and subsistence
farmers cannot bear any additional charges for waste disposal while the
small and medium-size firms from the formal sector, which mainly serve the
home market, find it difficult to pass on higher costs to the domestic end-
users of their products. Lastly, many environmental problems in developing
countries are caused by an overexploitation of common pool resources. Yet
the Indian Judiciary and the recent national environment policy have
enthusiastically applied the policy successfully on case to case basis. Its
development into a well rounded principle can only be judged with time but
its present usefulness is very apparent.