Embassy of The Kingdom of Belgium in Hanoi: Press Release

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Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium 49 Hai Ba Trung

in Hanoi
Tel. : +84 4 3 934 61 77/78/79
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“Water management in urban areas in Vietnam in the context of climate change”
Tuesday, 28th May 2019
Jonathan KS Choi Cultural Centre, VNU campus -144 Xuân Thủy, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội

In the framework of the Belgian Development Cooperation’s activities in Vietnam, the Embassy of
the Kingdom of Belgium, in close collaboration with VNU – Institute of Vietnamese studies and
Development Science (IVIDES), the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel), KU Leuven,
Université de Liège (ULg) and ULB (Free University of Brussels) is organizing a Workshop
“Water management in urban areas in Vietnam in the context of climate change”.

Its objective is to share knowledge and expertise with policy makers, universities, research
institutions and international development partners, industry and private partners. The workshop
will take place on Tuesday the 28th of May at the Jonathan KS Choi Cultural Centre of the VNU
Campus from 9.00 to 16.00.

Vietnam is one of the countries most affected by climate change which also influences the
interplay between water and urban areas. Climate change intensifies the risks of both drought
and flooding. In Vietnam’s rapidly expanding cities, increased development in addition to
increased heavy intensity of rainfall due to climate change, creates significant new problems for
flood risk which not only impacts on human lives and the economy but also creates
environmental problems. Responses and approaches examined in the workshop include analysis
of climate change impact, consideration of increased risk and vulnerability as well as actions for
capacity building, awareness raising and infrastructure works.

The Belgian development cooperation invests significantly in solutions to the consequences of

climate change in urban areas. Three major projects of the Belgian development agency (Enabel)
in Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan and Ha Tinh are finalizing their activities and will share their results
and lessons learned. In addition, there will be presentations of joint Belgian - Vietnamese
academic research on water management in major Vietnamese cities such as Hanoi, HCMC and
Can Tho. Research on remote sensing, flood control systems, flood mapping, flood protection
barriers water retention, role of waterways / rivers, water robust, urban planning and landscape
architecture. Such research can offer crucial help for the future design of climate proof
sustainable water management and urban planning.

From being long standing partners in development cooperation, Belgium and Vietnam have been
maturing bilateral ties in different sectors. This workshop is an occasion for Belgium to not only
reiterate its support towards sustainable growth, but also continue its support for Vietnam to
respond effectively to the challenges of climate change.
Belgian –Vietnamese cooperation involved:

1. KU Leuven + VNU/IVIDES, supported by VLIR-UOS TEAM project, "WAMADE - Water

management and urban development in Ha Tinh in relation to climate change"

2. KU Leuven & Thuy Loi University (TLU), supported by VLIR-UOS - South Initiative,
"Assessment of urban flood hazard in Hanoi under current and future climate conditions"

3. Université de Liège (ULg) and Thuy Loi University (TLU), supported by WBI (Wallonia
Brussels International), “development of a sustainable policy of flood protection barriers in
Vietnam in the framework of climate change and sustainable development” + weblink

4. Enabel Program on Integrated Water Management and Urban Development in Relation to

Climate Change in the provinces of Ha Tinh, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan and TSU

Ha Tinh: https://open.enabel.be/en/704/2011/p/integrated-water-management-and-urban-

Ninh Thuan: https://open.enabel.be/en/704/1992/p/integrated-water-management-and-urban-


Binh Thuan: https://open.enabel.be/en/704/2010/p/integrated-water-management-and-urban-


TSU: https://open.enabel.be/en/704/2012/p/technical-support-unit-for-water-management-and-

The presenters will be available for interviews with the press.

For any further information for press coverage, please contact:

Mrs. Le Thi Lan Huong

Embassy of Belgium
Tel : 84-24-39346179, Ext: 906
E-mail : [email protected]

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