Mains 2020

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Unit Topics

1. Sets, Relations & Functions

2. Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equation

3. Matrices & Determinants

4. Permutation & Combination

5. Mathematical Induction

6. Binomial Theorem

7. Sequencers & Series

8. Limit, Continuity & Differentiability

9. Integral Calculus

10. Differential Equations

11. Coordinate Geometry

12. Three Dimensional Geometry

13. Vector Algebra

14. Statistics & Probability

15. Trigonometry

16. Mathematical Reasoning

1. Physics & Measurement

2. Kinematics

3. Laws of Motion

4. Work, Energy & Power

5. Rotational Motion

6. Gravitation

7. Properties 0f Solids and Liquids

8. Thermodynamics

9. Kinetic Theory of Gases

10. Oscillations & Waves

11. Electrostatics

12. Current Electricity

13. Magnetic Effects of Current & Magnetism

14. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

15. Electromagnetic Waves

16. Optics

17. Dual Nature of Nature and Radiation

18. Atoms and Nuclei

19. Electronic Devices

20. Communication System

For the Section- A: PHYSICAL:

Unit Topics

1. Basic Concepts of Chemistry

2. States of Matter

3. Atomic Structure

4. Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure

5. Chemical Thermodynamics

6. Solution

7. Equilibrium

8. Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry

9. Chemical Kinetics

10. Surface Chemistry

For the Section- B: INORGANIC:

Units Topics

11. Classifications of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

12. General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals

13. Hydrogen

14. Block Elements

15. Block Elements (Other Groups)

16. D- and -f Block Elements

17. Coordination Compounds

18. Environmental Chemistry

For the Section-C: ORGANIC:

Unit Topics

19. Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds

20. Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry

21. Hydrocarbons

22. Organic Compounds Containing Halogens

23. Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen

24. Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

25. Polymers

26. Biomolecules

27. Chemistry in Everyday Life

28. Principles Related to Practical Chemistry

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