4701-Article Text-Importance of Biology For Engineers
4701-Article Text-Importance of Biology For Engineers
4701-Article Text-Importance of Biology For Engineers
Danny D. Mann
Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6
Corresponding Author E-mail Address: [email protected]
Abstract – Biology may not be a typical subject in processing, and structures and environment. Until the
the traditional engineering disciplines (i.e., civil, early 1970s, the focus of agricultural engineers remained
electrical, or mechanical), however, it is a at the farm level.
Modern agriculture has very little resemblance to
fundamental component of disciplines such as
agriculture in the early 1900s. Agricultural engineers
biosystems engineering. Biosystems engineering cannot take all of the credit, but they did play a major role
emphasizes the application of engineering principles in increasing the efficiency of food production per unit of
to biologically-based systems (i.e., systems that land area and in reducing the percentage of the population
include plants, animals, microorganisms, or needed to provide food to feed society. Notable
humans). A biosystems engineering program is achievements by agricultural engineers include
designed to give students knowledge of the development of the agricultural tractor and self-propelled
fundamental principles of engineering and to combine, rural electrification, conservation tillage
introduce biological concepts to enable these practices, center pivot irrigation systems, and refrigerated
engineers to successfully interact with relevant on-farm milk storage. Despite the “success” of this
discipline, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find an
professionals when solving engineering problems
agricultural engineer (at least in North America). Where
involving biological systems. The Department of have they gone? The truth is that they now can be found
Biosystems Enginering at the University of under a new name such as biosystems engineer (or
Manitoba offers five specializations (agricultural, something similar). Using a business analogy,
biomedical, bioprocessing, environmental, and agricultural engineering has undergone a merger (and
sustainable building systems) that can be taken then a name change). The so-called merger occurred
within the biosystems engineering program. The when agricultural engineers began working on off-farm
purpose of this paper is to discuss the biology problems. Agricultural engineers had established
content of the biosystems engineering program at credibility in dealing with engineering problems involving
the University of Manitoba and to highlight the plants and animals (based on inclusion of courses such as
biology and physiology in the curriculum); it was only a
importance of biology to each of the five
small step to include topics such as ecology,
specializations. microbiology, anatomy, or other similar sciences to equip
these engineers to work in jobs related to food processing,
Keywords: engineering curriculum, Biosystems pharmaceutical production, environmental protection, or
engineering rehabilitation engineering. A single name was needed to
describe an engineer educated to work in any area where
engineering was expected to consider biological factors.
1. HISTORY OF BIOSYSTEMS Thus, the discipline of Biosystems Engineering was born.
ENGINEERING At the University of Manitoba, the name of the
Department of Agricultural Engineering officially
In 1905, the discipline of Agricultural Engineering was changed to the Department of Biosystems Engineering in
officially established in the USA. The mandate of this 1995.
discipline was to increase agricultural productivity while The first substantive deviation from the traditional
decreasing the drudgery associated with the production of agricultural engineering curriculum was the creation of an
food. The earliest members of the discipline had been “environmental option” which was jointly offered with
educated as civil, electrical, or mechanical engineers. the Department of Civil Engineering. Appropriate
These engineers began to apply engineering principles to science courses such as ecology and microbiology were
problems related to agriculture in the following areas: added to the curriculum and new technical electives were
power and machinery, soil and water, electric power and developed to provide education in topics such as
biological materials will continue for the foreseeable Biosystems Engineering is that many of the “sustainable”
future. building practices involve materials of biological origin
The bioprocessing specialization was developed with rather than the more common construction materials of
the intent of providing engineers for these types of steel and concrete. Such biological materials usually have
careers. Technical electives in this specialization include: distinct properties and distinct responses to building
crop preservation, unit operations, bioprocessing for loads. Closely associated with sustainable building
biorefining, management of by-products from animal practices is the desire to create a more natural home
production, and pollution prevention practices. environment. Knowledge of human physiology is a
Additional courses related to food processing and definite asset when attempting to create an environment
nutrition provide relevant complementary knowledge to ideally suited to human occupants.
engineering students. Technical electives in this specialization include:
design of light-frame building systems, structural design
3.4 Environmental Specialization in wood, and alternative building design. Other courses
offered on campus which are available to students in the
There are numerous environmental issues faced by sustainable building systems specialization include green
society. The environmental specialization provides building & planning, advanced structures courses from
engineers with the knowledge to predict environmental Civil Engineering, and relevant courses from the Faculty
impacts due to human developments and to solve of Architecture.
problems associated with the environment (i.e., soil
contamination, pollution of rivers and lakes, air pollution,
wastewater treatment). When one remembers that the 4. BIOLOGY IN THE CURRICULUM
environment is filled with living plants and animals (not
to mention people!), it is quite obvious to see that Figure 1 depicts a “tomato washer” that was designed
knowledge of basic biology is an asset to the and fabricated in 2002 by a team of Biosystems
environmental engineer. Engineering students for the WERC International
For many years, the Department of Biosystems Environmental Design Contest at New Mexico State
Engineering has offered an Environmental Option (which University. This device is extremely useful for illustrating
has now been replaced with an Environmental the importance of biology to an engineering design.
Specialization). There are numerous graduates working
for government agencies, engineering consulting firms,
and private companies whose work involves some aspect
of environmental management (i.e., oil & gas companies,
pharmaceutical company). These graduates are well-
respected for the knowledge and skillset that they bring.
Technical electives in this specialization include: air
pollution assessment and management, environmental
impact assessment, management of by-products from
animal production, design of water management systems,
remediation engineering, and pollution prevention
practices. Other electives that can be taken by students
include environmental ethics, ecology, environmental
engineering analysis, environmental economics, and
geography courses (i.e., introduction to geographic
information systems, geography of natural resources).
Figure 1: Tomato washer designed and constructed by
Biosystems Engineering students for the 2002 WERC
3.5 Sustainable Building Systems Specialization International Environmental Design Contest.
There is a growing desire to reduce the ecological Essentially, the challenge was to clean the surface of
footprint associated with residential and commercial ripe tomatoes before sending them for sale. Tomatoes
buildings. Engineers will gain knowledge in sustainable irrigated by water containing fecal bacteria can result in
building practices and the use of renewable energy these bacteria remaining on the outside surface of the
sources in building systems. Of all five specializations, tomatoes at the time of harvest. The device designed by
the sustainable building systems specialization perhaps the students was to clean the surface of the ripe tomatoes
relies least on a knowledge of biology. The relevance to using minimal resources. The students chose to design a
continuous-flow rotating-drum washer that would Stand-alone biology courses are not the only means by
sequentially spray the tomatoes with two solutions of which Biosystems Engineering students gain an
acid and then rinse water while tumbling the ripe understanding of how to incorporate biological
tomatoes through the washer. Students were required to considerations into engineering analysis or design. Core
have some knowledge of microbiology to establish a courses such as “engineering properties of biological
strategy that would effectively kill the undesirable materials” and “mechanics of materials in biosystems”
bacteria on the surface of the tomatoes. Secondly, provide opportunities for engineering students to learn the
students needed to design a washer that was sufficiently relationship between composition, structure, and
gentle so that the ripe tomatoes would not be damaged properties of biological materials; the mechanical
because they were to be sold as fresh produce. properties of biological materials; the thermal properties
Consequently, they needed to have knowledge of the of biological materials; and how biological materials
engineering properties of biological materials. Thus, the behave when subjected to external loads. Other courses,
success of the continuous-flow rotating-drum washer was such as “unit operations” provide instruction related to
enabled by the appropriate application of biological equipment and systems used in handling, mixing, size
knowledge. This tomato washer is often used in student reduction, separation and size enlargement of value-added
recruitment activities because it is a visible representation food products.
of an engineered device that relied on biological
knowledge. There are numerous current engineering Table 1. Summary of basic science content in the
problems that can benefit from a similar consideration of Biosystems Engineering curriculum. Courses marked
biological knowledge. with * are biology courses.
All engineering programs are required to have a Specify
minimum of 195 accreditation units in basic science. The relevant
Biosystems Engineering program contains 323 Course title content
accreditation units of basic science, with approximately
one-half classified as “life sciences” (Table 1). In CHEM 1300 Structure and Modelling in Chemistry
addition to the traditional “basic science” courses of
chemistry and physics, the Biosystems Engineering CHEM 1310 University Chemistry 1 Chemistry
curriculum includes required science courses in biology, ENG 1460 Thermal Sciences Physics
physiology, and microbiology. A special “biology for
engineers” course teaches the fundamentals of cell PHYS 1050 Physics 1: Mechanics Physics
biology for viruses, bacteria, plants, and animals. This BIOE 2590 Biology for Engineers* Life Science
course has been taught by an engineer, but is currently MBIO 1220 Essentials of Microbiology* Life Science
being taught by a professor with a background in
microbiology. All students are required to take an or
introductory microbiology course that introduces students MBIO 1010 Microbiology I* Life Science
to the essential characteristics of microbes. Depending on BIOL 1410 Anatomy of the Human Body* Life Science
the interest of students, they will then take either a course
in human physiology (students pursuing the biomedical
specialization) or a course in plant and animal physiology SOIL 4060 Body or Physical Properties of Earth
(students pursuing all other specializations). Such courses Soil Science
are intended to introduce the basic concepts of physiology BIOL 1412 Physiology of the Human Body* Life Science
including the mechanisms regulating homeostasis and or
physiological responses to the environment. Students AGRI 2200 Principles of Plant and Animal Life Science
pursuing one of the specializations may take additional Physiology*
biology courses (i.e., anatomy is taken by students in the
biomedical specialization, advanced-level physiology
courses may be chosen by students in the biomedical
A final element of the curriculum that may provide an
specialization, ecology may be chosen by students in the
opportunity to apply biological considerations to an
environmental specialization). Thus, all Biosystems
engineering problem is the “graduation project” course.
Engineering students will complete a minimum of 3
All Biosystems Engineering students are required to
biology-related courses (out of the 45 courses in the
complete a graduation project which is typically an
program). In the biomedical specialization, students may
experimental research project in an area of research
complete up to 4 additional biology-related courses. A
represented by faculty members in the Department. Most
relatively small proportion of the curriculum is able to
of the research conducted in the Department has some
provide the necessary basis for an engineering student.
relevance to a biological entity or biological system.