Money Orders:-
Alteration in address or place of payment. === Free of cost
Alteration of payee’s name. == Second MO commission
Stoppage of payment == free of Cost.
Period during which orders are Payable. – (1) If an Indian Postal Order is not presented for
payment within 24 months from the last day of the month of issue a second commission at the
rates prescribed will be charged which must be paid in postage stamps affixed to the back of the
order. Those authorized to use them may pay the second commission in Service Postage Stamps.
(2) Indian Postal Orders presented for payment more than 36 months after the last days of the
month of issue will not be paid but will be forfeited.
(i) Philately is the hobby of collection and study of postage stamps.
— Commemorative- Issued to commemorate important events, prominent personalities in
various fields, aspects of nature, beautiful or rare flora and fauna, environmental issues,
agricultural activities, national/international issues, games etc.
1. Short title, extent, application and commencement.-
(1) This Act may be called the Indian Post Office Act, 1898.
(2) It extends to the whole of India and it applies also to all citizens of
India outside India.
(3) It shall come into force on the first day of July, 1898.
Power to fix rates of inland postage- (1) The Central
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, fix the rates of postage
49.Penalty for misconduct of person employed to carry or
deliver mail bags or postal articles.- shall be punishable with fine which may extend to fifty
50. Penalty for voluntary withdrawal from duty, without
permission or notice, of person employed to carry or deliver mail
bags or postal articles.- punishable with imprisonment which may extend to one month, or with
fine which may extend to fifty rupees, or with both.
51.Penalty for making false entry in register kept by person
employed to carry or deliver any postal articles.- punishable with imprisonment for a term which
may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees, or with both.
52. Penalty for theft, dishonest misappropriation, secretion destruction, or throwing away of
postal articles.- punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years, and
shall also be punishable with fine.
53. Penalty for opening, detaining or delaying postal articles.- punishable with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine or both.
54.Penalty for fraud in connection with official marks and for
receipt of excess postage.- punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two
years, and shall also be punishable with fine.
55. Penalty for fraudulently preparing, altering, secreting or destroying Post Office
documents.- punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, and shall
also be punishable with fine.
Deposits of employees that remain unclaimed for three years after their refund becomes
admissible (for instance after an employee leaves the Department) are to be credited to
Government under the head “Miscellaneous Revenue”.
A general stock book (Form S.K.-1) must be kept in every office
to maintain the special form of stock register of bags [Form S.K.-1 (a)].
Emergent indents
Officers in charge of offices should prepare indents on the Depot, in form SK.-2 or form Genl.-18,
for articles of stock required for use in their offices;
Superintendents prepare indents for the articles required for themselves and for their inspectors.
In the case of branch offices under First Class Postmasters= by the Public Relations Inspectors
through the Postmaster. Indents for other branch offices should be prepared and sent by the Sub-
divisional Inspectors (Posts).
A Master Schedule in the prescribed form will be supplied to the undermentioned offices by the
officers noted against each :—
(1) First Class Head Post Offices (Form SK-4)
(2) Supdts. Offices (P.O. & R.M.S.) [Form SK-5and SK-5 (R)] Head of Circles
(3) Postal Training Centres
(4) Second Class Head Post Offices (Form SK-4) =Supdts. of Post Offices
(5) Sub-Post Offices [Form SK-4 (S)]
(6) Record Offices [Form SK-5 (R)] =Supdt., R.M.S.
The Master Schedule of Forms will be thoroughly reviewed after every 5 years
Weekly sorting orders. – All changes in the sorting arrangements of the circle should be
incorporated in a sorting order which should be issued weekly and numbered in a consecutive
annual series.
Minimum cash balance. – (1) The minimum balance of an office is the least sum that it should
ever be left with, i.e., the least sum that will enable the office to carry on its work until it can obtain
funds from the treasury or sub-treasury, or from its head office account office, or cash office, or until
its funds are likely to be replenished in the ordinary course by receipts from the public or from other
Maximum cash balance. – (1) The maximum cash balance of an office is the highest
sum that it should eve by allowed to have in its possession
Saving Bank
Interest rate applicable (w.e.f. 1.3.2001 is 3.5 per cent )/ From 1.12.2011 4%.
Silent Accounts :
An account, not operated during three complete financial years, shall be treated as ‘Silent
A service charge @ Rs. 20 per year is charged on the last day of each year until it is reactivated.
In a silent account from which after deduction of service charge, the balance becomes NIL, the
account stands automatically closed.
Advance deposits : (1) In an account which has not become discontinued account
under rule 7, deposits for not less than six monthly installments may be made in advance in any
calendar month at the option of the depositor and rebate on such deposits shall be admissible as
follow :
Premature closure :
Premature closure of accounts is permissible after expiry of three
years provided that interest at the rate applicable to post office savings
account shall be payable on such premature closure of account.
One withdrawal upto 50% of the balance allowed after one year.
A deposit with a minimum of Rs. 200and in multiplies of Rs.200 thereafter with no maximum limit.
W.E.F 1.4.2012 w.e.f. 1.12.2011 (Old)
1 Yr. A/c 8.20% 7.70%
2 yr. A/c 8.30% 7.80%
3 yr. A/c 8.40% 8.00%
5 yr. A/c 8.50% 8.30%
Premature withdrawal :
In case of premature closure of 1 year, 2 Year, 3 Year or 5 Year account on or after 01.12.2011, if
the deposit is withdrawn after 6 months but before the expiry of one year from the date of deposit,
simple interest at the rate applicable to from time to time to post office savings account shall be
In case of premature closure of 2 year, 3 year or 5 year account on or after 01.12.2011, if the
deposit is withdrawn after the expiry of one year from the date of deposit, interest on such deposits
shall be calculated at the rate, which shall be one per cent less than the rate specified for a period
of deposit of 1 year, 2 year or 3 years as mentioned in the concerned table given under Rule 7 of
Post office Time Deposit Rules.
Interest :
Interest @ 8.2 per cent/ per annum, payable monthly in respect of the
accounts w.e.f 1.12.2011 From 1.4.2012 8.50%
No, bonus is admissible from 1.12.2011.
Premature closure :
Premature closure facility is available after one year.
(i) If the account is closed on or before expiry of three years of opening of
such account, an amount equal to two percent of the deposit shall be
deducted and remainder paid to him and
(ii) If the account is closed after expiry of three years from the date of
opening of such account an amount equal to one per cent of the
Closure of account :
Account shall be closed after expiry of 5 years,
Interest/maturity value :
With effect from 1st December, 2011, Maturity value a certificate of Rs. 100
denomination is Rs. 150.90 FROM 1.4.2012 8.60%
Premature encashment :
Premature encashment of the certificate is not permissible except at a
discount in the case of death of the holder(s), forfeiture by a pledge and
when ordered by a court of law.
Place of Encashment/discharge on maturity :
Can be encashed/discharged at the post office where it is registered or any other post
Maturity :
Period of maturity of a certificate is TEN Years.
Interest/maturity value :
With effect from 1st December, 2011, Maturity value a certificate of Rs. 100
denomination is Rs. 234.35 FROM 1.4.2012 8.90%
The loan should be refunded within 36 installments. And the interest should be refunded within 2
monthly installment, If the advance non refunded in time 6% int. per annum will be charged,
6.Withdrawal :
Premature withdrawal is permissible every year after completion of 5 years from the end of the year
of opening the account. The amount of withdrawal cannot exceed 40% of the amount that stood to
credit at the end of fourth year preceding the year of withdrawal or at the end of preceding year
whichever is lower.
Interest at the rate, notified by the Central Government from time to time, is
calculated and credited to the accounts at the end of each financial year.
Present rate of interest is 8.6 per cent / per year since: 1st December 2011
FROM 1.4.2012 8.80%
1. Short title, commencement and application
(1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
(2) They shall come into force on 12.12.1964.
These rules are not applicable to:-(a)Railway Services, (b) Member of All India
Service,(c) a holder of any post in respect of which the President has, by a general
or special order (d) Gramin Dak sevaks.
Rule 3(1) (i) Govt. Servant should maintain absolute integrity.
Rule 3 (1) (ii) Maintain devotion to duty
Rule 3 (1) (iii) Do nothing which is un becoming of a Govt. Servant
Rule 3 (A) Promptness and courtesy
Rule 3 (B) Observance of Govt. Policies
From 13.2.08 Prohibition of sexual harassment of working
Rule 3 (C) women
1. Every G.S. holding supervisory post shall take all possible
steps to ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of all Govt.
servant under his control.
2. Govt. Servant shall act in his best judgment while performing
official duties or exercising powers except while acting under
direction of Supervisor
3. The direction of the official Supervisor shall ordinarily be in
writing if unavoidable such oral directions be confirmed in
4. The Govt. Servant who has received the oral directions from
Superiors, the official shall seek for written confirmation where
Rule 3 (2) upon the official supervisor shall confirmation in writing.
Employing of near relatives in companies/firms with whom we
Rule 4 are having official dealings (Permission required)
Rule 5 Taking part in political /election not permissible
Rule 6 Not to join banned association
Rule 7 Demonstration/Strike prohibited.
Without the previous sanction of Govt or prescribed authority a
Govt. servant shall not participate or Radio/TV/Press.
However is exempted, if it is in the bonafied discharge of his
Rule 8 duties or if the article is purely literacy, art or scientific.
Rule 9 No criticism of the Govt
Evidence before committee compulsory, but it should be
Rule 10 appointed by the Govt. only and not private.
Rule 11 Unauthorized communication of information prohibited.
Rule 12 Non subscription from public.
Gift should be accepted as per schedule for wedding
anniversary, religious functions gifts from relatives and
personal friends.
11. Penalties
The following penalties may, for good and sufficient reasons and as hereinafter provided, be
imposed on a Government servant, namely :-
Minor Penalties -
(i) censure;
(ii) withholding of his promotion;
(iii) recovery from his pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused by him to the
Government by negligence or breach of orders;
(iii a) reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay by one stage for a period not exceeding
three years, without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension.
(iv) withholding of increments of pay;
Major Penalties -
(v) (a), reduction to a lower stage in the time-scale of pay for a specified period, with further
directions as to whether or not the Government servant will earn increments of pay during the
period of such reduction and whether on the expiry of such period, the reduction will or will not have
the effect of postponing the future increments of his pay
(vi) reduction to lower time-scale of pay, grade, post or Service for a period to be specified in
the order of penalty, which shall be a bar to the promotion of the Government servant during such
specified period to the time-scale of pay, grade, post or Service from which he was reduced, with
direction as to whether or not, on promotion on the expiry of the said specified period -
(vii) Compulsory retirement;
(viii) Removal from service which shall not be a disqualification for future employment under the
(ix) Dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be a disqualification for future employment
under the Government.
Procedure for Major Penalty :- (there are four stages in a Disciplinary case) Preliminary
Inquiry, Initiation of Proceedings, Inquiry, Final orders:
Ex parte Enquiry:-
If the Govt. Servant does not submit his statement of defence within the specified date or does not
appear in person before the Inquiring authority or otherwise fails or refuse to comply , the enquiry
need not be kept pending on that score. The Inquiring Authority is empowered to hold the enquiry
without the presence of the delinquent official. The enquiry so held is called ex parte enquiry.
Common Proceedings:-
When two or more Government servants are involved in the same case, disciplinary action against
all of them should as far as possible be conducted by the same authority (who will be higher among
them)in a common proceeding, so that the evidence and the defence statement submitted by the
different officials may be examined together.
Appellate Authority:-
A GS can prefer an appeal against all or any of the orders mentioned in Rule 23 of CCS (CCA) to
authority specified in this behalf. ( Higher than the Disciplinary/Appointing authority).
Appeal to be preferred within forty five days.
Petition to be preferred within six months. (petition against adverse remark in the CR the time limit
is one month) = ( to the officer higher than appellate authority)
Revision to be conducted within six months. By the President, Appellate authority, higher
authority, head of the department or any officers on behalf of President.
Review = By President.
22. Orders against which no appeal lies
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Part, no appeal shall lie against-
(i) any order made by the President;
(ii) any order of an interlocutory nature or of the nature of a step-in-aid of the final disposal of a
disciplinary proceeding, other than an order of suspension;
(iii) any order passed by an inquiring authority in the course of an inquiry under Rule 14.
Leave Account Come into force on 1.6.1972.
Earned Leave
Yearly Credit = 30 days.
Given In two instalments i.e. 1st Jan =15 days & 1st July=15
How it is calculated:- 2 ½ days for each completed calendar month (Calendar month means Ex.
Jan= 31 days Feb= 28 or 29 as the case may be Apr= 30days
Any period treated as EOL/Diesnon 1/10th EL to be deducted from the following credit. (i.e. any
EOL was availed from 1Jan to 30 June to be adjusted at the time of giving credit on 1st July)
Un availed portion of Joining Time can be credited in to EL account sub. To max.15 days and Max.
Ceiling. (This cannot be kept separately)
Half Pay leave
Yearly Credit : 20 days
Given In two instalments i.e. 1st Jan =10 days & 1st July=10
How it is calculated:- 5 days for each completed 3 calendar months (Calendar month means Ex.
Jan 31 days Feb 28 or 29 as the case may be Apr 30days)
If any official appointed in the middle of the month the credit will be given only for the completed
calendar month.
Any period treated as Diesnon 1/18th HPL to be deducted from the following credit. (i.e. any
Diesnon was availed from 1Jan to 30 June to be adjusted at the time of giving credit on 1st July)
Commuted leave availed double the no. of HPL to be deducted. Commuted leave always
supported by medical certificate. However female employee in continuation maternity leave 60days
commuted leave can be availed without M.C. This is also applicable for adoption of child.
Leave Not Due:- When there is no leave balance at EL & HPL, LND can be availed. M.C. is must.
It will be adjusted against the future credit of HPL. During the entire service 360 days can be
availed. MC is not necessary in continuation of maternity leave & this is applicable for adoption
also. Temp. GS may be granted LND sub. to condition he should put minimum one year service.
Overstayal: If any official in continuation of granted leave, extended the leave without giving any
intimation or intimation is not submitted timely the period will be treated as Overstayal. The period
will be deducted from HPL also he will not get any Pay & allowance also liable for Punishment.
Leave encashment: From 6th Pay commission any shortfall in the EL, which can be taken from the
HPL sub. to condition that the total encashment of EL & HPL should not be more than 300 days.
Maternity Leave
1. Admissible to Married/unmarried female employees during:-
(a) Pregnancy :- 180 days from 1.9.2008 admissible only to employees with less than two
surviving children.
(b) Miscarriage/abortion : 45 days for the entire service.
(c) No maternity leave for threatened abortion.
2.The leave is not debited to the leave account.
3. It is granted on full pay.
Paternity Leave
Admissible only to Male employees with less than two surviving children.
Duration 15 days.
Leave Salary : Equal to last pay drawn.
To be applied up to 15 days before or up to 6 months from the date of delivery of his wife or from
the date of valid adoption. If the leave is not availed within this period it will be lapsed.
The leave is not debited to the leave account.
Adoption of Child
Granted 180 days to female G.S. with less than two surviving children, on valid adoption of a child
below the age of one year.
Leave salary: Equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave.
The leave is not debited to the leave account.
Child Care Leave
Female Employee having minor children may be granted for maximum of 730 days during the
entire service for taking care of up to two children.
Leave is granted for look after their child to any of their needs like exam, sickness etc.
Leave salary: Equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave.
The leave is not debited to the leave account.
Minimum 15 days has to avail at a time. 3 spells in a year.
Study Leave:-
Granted to G.S. with not less than 5 years for undergoing a special course consisting of higher
studies or specialized training in a professional or technical subject having a direct and close
connection with the sphere of his duties or being capable of widening his mind in a manner likely to
improve his ability as a civil servant.
Maximum 36 months for CHS officers and 24 months for others.
Leave salary: Equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave.
For outside India In addition Study allowance.
The leave is not debited to the leave account.
Hospital Leave :-
The leave may be granted to Class IV & Class III GS whose duties involve the handling of
dangerous machinery, explosive materials or the performance of hazardous tasks.
Leave salary:- Equal to EL for first 120 days and remaining equal to HPL
Shall not debited against leave account.
Maximum Period of leave does not exceed28 months.
v Leave Preparatory to retirement:- EL can be granted not exceeding 300 days together with HPL
due sub. to the condition that such leave extends upto and include the DOR.
v Advance of leave Salary:- Proceeding on leave for a period not less than 30 days may be
allowed. The advance should be adjusted in full in leave salary bill.
Pay on Promotion:- One increment equal to 3% of the sum of the existing Pay band and the
Grade pay will be computed and rounded off to the next multiple of 10. While rounding off, paise
should be ignored but any amount of rupee or more should be rounded off to next multiple of
10. This will be added to the existing pay in the pay band. The grade pay corresponding to the
promotion post will thereafter be granted in addition to this pay in the pay band. However, if the pay
in the pay band after adding the increment is less than the minimum of the Higher pay band to
which promotion is taking place, pay in the pay band will be stepped to such minimum.
Old Post New Post
(i) 5200 – 20200 + 2400 (GP) 5200 – 20200 + 2800 (GP)
10240 + 2400 ( 10240+2400 x 3%)=379.20 10620 + 2800
( 10240 + 380 )=10620
Family Pension – 30% of pay last drawn. Sub. to minimum Rs.3500 p.m. ( In some cases the
family pension will be based on the average of emoluments drawn )
Enhanced Family Pension:-
Death while in service:- upto 10 yrs. From the date of death of G.S. 50% of pay last drawn.
Death after retirement:- The original pension or 50 % of pay last drawn whichever is less upto 7
years or the ex. G.S. attaining the age of 67 whichever is earlier.
Commutation:- Max. 40 % pension X 12 X points for age of next birth day.
Residuary Gratuity:- Employee dies within 5 years after retirement the total amount received by
him (Pension + Gratuity+ Commutation) is less than 12 times of emoluments the difference will be
paid to the family.
b) Not eligible:- temp. staff (who will not continue in service at least for 6 months after advance)
Officials under suspension/HPL/LPR
e) Interest : Nil
g) Conditions: second & subsequent adv. (become necessary) b4 earlier adv, fully recovered ( Ex.
5000 -3000 (already recovered) bal. 2000 amt. of second adv. Rs.3000 + 50-% relaxation i.e.
3000+ 1500 total + Rs.4500/-)
i) Interest : Nil
3. Warm clothing advance: Rs.3000
a) Conditions:- Places which Are situated at a height of 1000 metre or more above sea level.
e) Second/subsequent: a period of 3years has elapsed since the grant of earlier advance.
4. Motor Car advance: Rs.1,80,000/- or 8 months pay in the pay band or price of the car
whichever is the least. (Second/subsequent adv. Rs.1,60,000/- or 8 months pay in the pay band or
price of the car whichever is the least.)
6. Motor Cycle/Scooter Adv:- Officers drawing pay in the pay band Rs.8560 or more
Rs.30000/- or 4 months pay in the pay band or the anticipated price of PC whichever is the least.
Second/subsequent + Rs.24000/- or 3 months pay in the pay band or the anticipated price of
PC whichever is the least.
7.Cycle Advance : Non Gaz. GS whole grade pay not exceed Rs,2800
Amount: Rs.3000/-
HBA : -34 times of pay in the pay band or 7.5 lakhs or cost house or repaying capacity which ever
is the least.
Loss of Govt. property due to fire, theft, fraud:-Movable property loss value Rs.10000 to be
reported to police. Immovable property Rs.50000 to Govt. through usual channel.
Capital Expenditure:-Significant expenditure incurred with the object of acquiring tangible assets
of a permanent nature or enhancing the utility existing assets defined as Capital Expenditure.
Purchase of Goods:-
Single Tender : Only a particular firm is the manufacture of the required goods. In case of
emergency the goods are necessarily to purchase from particular firm.
Bid security; (EMD) 2 to 5% of the estimated value.
Security Deposit 5 to 10% of the value of contract.
In case of maintenance contract the amt. should not exceed the amount payable for 6 months
under the contract.
Supply of Stamps:-
The maximum value of stamps to be kept in stock will be fixed for Ist class Post offices by the Head
of the Circle, and for HOs, SOs and BOs by SPO/SSPOs.
The word stamps includes postage stamps, non postal stamps, envelopes and Postcards.
The balance actually held in stamps in HO/SO & BOs at the close of the month should be shown by
the Head Postmaster in the Cash Balance Report submitted by them to Postal Accounts Office with
the monthly Cash Account.
When postage stamps and sty. Are lost or damaged or become useless or obsolete, the value
thereof should be written off under the orders of the competent authority.
International Reply Coupons:-
By arrangements made with the International Bureau at Berne, post offices in India are authorised
to hold stock of IRC for sale to the public and to exchange them for Indian Postage Stamps. The
IRC will be supplied by DA(P) Kolkatta.
HO Summary:- (ACG.1) In which are summarised the transactions of the HO. Maintained by the
SO Summary(ACG 3) in which are summarised the transactions of the several sub offices (and
BOs in account with the SO ) as shown in the daily accounts received each day from SOs.
Maintained by Sub Account assistant.
BO Summary:- (ACG 3 (a) ) in which are summarised the transactions of (1) the several branch
offices in account with the HO as shown in the daily account received each day from the several
BOs and (2) the Village Postman (if any) of the HO.
Treasurer’s Cash Book(ACG 2) :- Intended for the entry of all sums (including stamps) actually
received and paid by the Treasurer. All the entries in this book must be made by the Treasurer
himself exactly as the transactions occur and at the time they occur. All transactions under the
heads, receipts and Payments, should be serially numbered.
HO Cash Book (ACG 4) The Head Postmaster is personally responsible that the HO cash book
and his balance sheet are correctly and punctually written up on the day following that to which the
entries relate, and generally that his accounts are correct.
The entries in the HO cash book and in his Balance Sheet must be made by the Head Postmaster
himself except when under the special orders of the Head of circle has been allowed to delegate
the duty of writing up the Head office cash book but not the postmaster’s balance sheet to one of
his subordinates.
Cash Account:- ( ACG 5) Monthly summary of Cash book
Prepared by HO every month and sent to DA (P) on 1st of following month.
Important Points on FHB Vol.II:-
§ The transactions of SOs during the closing days of March are incorporated in a supplementary
account for that month and not in ordinary accounts for April. A supplementary cash balance report
of the HO should be submitted to the DAP.
§ The letter postage account (ACG44) and the Deposit account (ACG45) which deal with the unpaid
postage of the Head Office.
§ A declaration in Form TR 40 shall be obtained half yearly from all recipients of Family Pension.
§ Gratuity is paid in a single sum, and not by instalments. A gratuity payment order shall remain in
force for one year only, and no such order shall be retained in a Disbursing officer if payment has
not been made on it within a year of issue. The void order shall be returned to the Postal Accounts
§ The facility of payment of pension to Railway Pensioners through PO SB has been introduced from
August 1976. The pensioner will appear in person at least once a year either in June or December
before the PM and in addition send a life certificate (duly attested) once a year in December or
Scope:- The Scheme, which is compulsory to all the Central Govt. Employees.
Insurance & Savings Funds:- From the contribution 30% to Insurance Fund & 70% to Savings
Ø Membership:- Employees are enrolled as members of the scheme only from 1st January every year.
If an employee enters service on or after 2nd January in any year he will be enrolled as a member
only from 1st January of next year. From the actual date of appointment to 31st December, he will
be contributed on reduce rate.
Ø If any employee is promoted to higher group in the middle of the year his subscription will be raised
only from the 1st January of the next year. As for example a Group C employee promoted as
Group B w.e.f 2nd January he will continue contribute Rs.30 (as a Gr’ C’ ) from 2nd January to
31st December of that year. From 1st January of next year his contribution will be Rs.60.
Ø While in service the employee expired the family will get the both benefits i.e. Savings Fund +
Insurance Fund. If the official retired he will get only savings fund.
Paper III
Two other members, one of whom shall be a woman, who shall have the following qualifications.
i) Be not less than thirty five years of age.
ii) Possess a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university
Adequate knowledge and experience & experience at least 10 years in dealing with problems
relating to economics,law,commerce,accountancy ,industry, public affairs or admn.
Provided that not more than fifty percent of the members shall be from amongst persons having
judicial background .
Jurisdiction of the State Commission:-The State Commission deals the compliant exceeds
rupees twenty lakhs but does not exceed rupees one crore
And appeals against the orders of Dist Forum within the state.
Transfer of cases:- On the application of the complainant or of its own motion, the State
Commission may, at any stage of the proceeding, transfer any complaint pending before the
District Forum to another Dist. Forum within the State if the interest of justice so requires.
National consumer Disputes Redressal Commission established by the Central Govt. by
notification.(Section 9(c) )
Composition of the National Commission:- a person who is or has been a Judge of Supreme
Court appointed by the Central Govt. who shall be its President.
Not less than four members, one of whom shall be a woman, who shall have the following
i) Be not less than thirty five years of age.
ii) Possess a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university
Adequate knowledge and experience & experience at least 10 years in dealing with problems
relating to economics,law,commerce,accountancy ,industry, public affairs or admn.
Provided that not more than fifty percent of the members shall be from amongst persons having
judicial background .
Jurisdiction of the National Commission:-The National Commission deals the compliant
exceeds rupees one crore
And appeals against the orders of State Commission.
Transfer of cases:- On the application of the complainant or of its own motion, the
National Commission may, at any stage of the proceeding, transfer any complaint pending before
the District Forum of one state to a Dist. Forum of another state or before one state commission to
another State Commission
Appeal:- any person aggrieved by an order made by the National commission may prefer an
appeal against such order to Supreme Court within thirty days from the date of the order.
Limitation of Period:- The Dist. Forum, State Commission , or the National commission shall not
admit a complaint unless it is filed within two years from the date on which the cause of action has
Penalties:- Where a trader or a person against whom a complaint is made (or the Complainant)
fails or omits to comply with any order made by the Dist. Forum, state Commission or the National
Commission shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one
month but which may extend to three years or with the fine which shall not be less than two
thousands rupees but which may extend to ten thousand rupees or with both.
Section 85:- Release sale and restoration of attached property:- If the proclaimed person appears
within the time specified in the proclamation the Court shall make an order release the property
from the attachment.
If he not appeared the property shall be at the disposal of State Govt. but it shall not sold until the
expiration of six months from the date of attachment or any claim or objection made under section
If he appears within two years from the date of attachment and proves that he did not abscond or
conceal , unable to attend within the specified time limit the property or if the same has been sold
the net proceeds of the sale or if part only sold the net proceeds of sale shall after satisfying there
from all costs incurred in consequence of the attachment be delivered to him.
Section 59:- Proof of facts by oral evidence
Section 60:- Oral evidence must be direct.
Section 61:- Proof of contents of documents
Section 62:- Primary Evidence
Section 63 Secondary Evidence