CONDUCT RULES - General Administration
CONDUCT RULES - General Administration
CONDUCT RULES - General Administration
Short Title
1. These rules may be called the Orissa Government Servants’ Conduct Rules, 1959
1[ 3. General-Every Government servant shall at all time, maintain absolute integrity, decorum of
conduct and devotion to duty and shall not commit any act which amounts to personal immorality
or failure to discharge duties properly. 1/22
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‘failure to discharge duties properly’ includes all such acts and omissions
on the part of a Government servant as are likely to weaken the position
(b) and prestige of the Government of the Union or the Government of
Orissa or which indicates an absence of loyalty and devotion to the
Union or any feeling of loyalty towards any State outside the Union.]
4. Obedience to superiors – Every Government servant shall at all times carry out the orders and
Obedience to Superiors act according to the instructions of his superior authorities so far as his official duties are
Explanation – For the purpose of this rule. “Sexual harassment” includes such unwelcome
sexually determined behaviour, whether directly or otherwise, as -
(e) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.]
Taking part in politics etc. 5. (i) No Government servant shall be a member of or be otherwise associated with any political
or communal party or any organisation which taken part in politics or communal activities, nor 2/22
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shall he take part in subscribe in aid of or assist in any other manner, any political or communal
movement or activity.
If any question arises whether any movement or activity falls within the
scope of this rule, the decision of the Government thereon shall be final.
Provided that -
Explanation – The display by a Government servant on his person, vehicle or residence of any
electoral symbol shall amount to using his influence in connection with an election, within the
meaning of this sub-rule.
1. Inserted vide G. A. Department Notification No. 33648/Gen., dated the 8th September 2000.
(ii) No Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the
Government or any other authority empowered by it in this behalf, or in
the bonafide discharge of his duties, participate in a radio broadcast or
contribute any article or write any letter, either anonymously or in his 3/22
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Provided that no such sanction shall be required if such contribution to any newspaper or
periodical is on a purely literary, artistic or scientific subject and of occasional character.
7. No Government servant shall in any radio broadcast or in any document published
Criticism of Government. anonymously or in his own name, or in the name of any other person or in any communication to
the Press, or in any public utterance, make any statement of fact or opinion -
Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to any statement made or views expressed by a
Government servant in his official capacity or in the due performance of the duties assigned to
Explanation I – Nothing contained in this rule shall be construed to limit or abridge the power of
the Government to require any Government servant to publish and explain any policy or action of
the Government in such manner as may appear to them to be expedient or necessary.
Explanation II – For purposes of this rule a club shall be deemed to be a public place.
8. (1) No Government servant shall with a view to ventilating his grievance, whether such
grievance is individual or general in character or for any other reason take to any strike,
etc (including hunger-strike) from work whether such strike is partial or complete. 4/22
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No Government servant
shall join the public to
ventilate his grievances
even if such grievances
(3) are common with the
public in a manner
which is likely to cause
a breach of the public
2[ 9. No Government servant shall join, or continue to be a member of an association the objects
Joining of Associations by
or which are, in the opinion of Government, prejudicial to the interests of the sovereignty and
Government Servants.
integrity of India or public order of morality.]
1. Substituted vide P. & S. Department Notification NO. 17124, dated 8th December 1962, Orissa
Gazette, Part III, Page 2256 of 1962.
2. Substituted in P. &S. Department No. 1674/Gen., dated the 11th February 1974 – Given effect
to form the 11th February 1974.
1[ 9-A. No Government servant shall, without the approval of Government, be or continue to be
an office-bearer of a service association of Government servants of a particular category, if he
does not belong to that category and he has no common interest in matters of that association.]
10. (1) No Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government give
Evidence before evidence in connection with any inquiry conducted by any person, committee or authority :
Committee or any other
Provided that no such sanction shall be necessary for giving evidence -
at an inquiry before an
authority appointed by
the Government of
Orissa, by the
Government of India, by
the Legislature of
Orissa or by Parliament;
or 5/22
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11. No Government servant shall, except in accordance with any general or special order of the
Government or in the performance in good faith of the duties assigned to him, communicate
communicati-on of
directly or indirectly any official document or information to any Government servant or any other
person to whom he is not authorised to communicate such document or information.
12. No Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government or of such
Subscriptions authority as may be empowered by it in this behalf, ask or accept contributions to or otherwise
associate himself with the raising of any fund in pursuance of any object whatsoever.
13. No Government servant shall, except with the permission of the head of the office or
department in which he works, shall apply for any concession, help or loan granted by the
Government, if he is likely to deal with such application in his official capacity. The head of office
or department shall, before granting such permission, satisfy himself that the applicant is not
likely to take undue advantage of office in availing of the concession, help or loan.
14. (1) Save as otherwise provided in these rules, no Government servant shall, except with the
Gift previous sanction of the Government, accept or permit any member of his family to accept any
gift whatsoever from any person who is not a close relation of the family.
Explanation – For the purpose of this sub-rule any trowel, key or other similar articles offered to a
Government servant at the laying of the foundation stone or the opening of a public building or
any ceremonial function shall be deemed to be a gift.
A Government servant
may accept or permit
any member of his
family to accept a gift of
a reasonable value from
personal friend on
ceremonial occasions
(2) such as the functions
connected with birth,
death or marriage when
the making or receiving
of such gifts is in
conformity with the
prevailing religious or
social customs. 6/22
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personal friends on
other occasions.
Explanation – Whether or not a gift should be treated as of a reasonable or trifling value shall
depend on the social and economic standing of both the donor and the donee and the
circumstances in which the gift is made. A gift exceeding Rs. 20 in value from a person who is not
a close relation shall ordinarily be regarded as a gift not of trifling value.
1 Added in P. &. S. Department Notification No. 18446/Gen., dated the 7th November 1974. 7/22
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Explanation – For the purposes of this rule, ‘Dowry’ has the same meaning as in the Dowry
Prohibition Act, 1961 (28 of 1961)]
15. No Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government, receive
Public demonstratio-ns in any complementary or valedictory address or accept any testimonial or attend any meeting or
honour of Government entertainment held in his honour, or in the honour of any other Government servant:
a farewell entertainment
of a substantially private
and informal character
held in honour of any
Government servant on
the occasion of his
retirement or transfer or
of any person who has
recently quitted service
of any Government;
the acceptance of
simple and inexpensive
(ii) entertainments
arranged by public
bodies or institutions.
Illustration – A. A. Deputy Collector is due to retire. B. another Deputy Collector in the district, may
give a dinner in honour of A, to which select persons are invited.
16. No Government servant shall enter into any pecuniary arrangement with another Government
Unauthorised pecuniary servant or any other person so as to afford any kind of advantage to either or both of them in any
arrangements. unauthorised manner or against the specific or implied provisions of any rule for the time being in
Private trade or 17. (1) No Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government,
employment engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business or under any employment:
2[ Provided that a Government servant may, without such sanction, undertake honorary work of a
social or charitable nature or occasional work, a literary, artistic or scientific character, subject to
the following conditions, namely :- 8/22
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Provided further that if the undertaking of any such work involves holding of an elective office, he
shall not seek election to any such office without the previous sanction of the Government.
No Government servant
shall except with the
previous sanction of the
Government take part in
the registration,
promotion or
(2) management of any
bank or other company
registered under the
Indian companies Act,
1956 or any other law
for the time being in
1. Inserted vide P. &. S. Deptt. Notification No. 9800/Gen., Dt. 24-5-1977 & given
effect to from 24-5-1977.
1[ Provided that a Government servant may take part in the registration, promotion or
management of a Co-operative Society substantially for the benefit of Government servants or of
a literary, scientific or chartitable society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21
of 1860), or any corresponding law in force, subject to the following conditions, namely:- 9/22
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he shall discontinue
taking part in any such
activities, if so directed
by the Government:]
Provided further that if taking part in any such activities involves holding of an elective office, he
shall not seek election to any such office without the previous sanction of the Government.
No Government servant
shall hold a lottery for
the disposal of his
(3) property or for any other
purpose, except with
the permission of
A Government servant
who is about to quit the
station, district or t other
local limits for which he
has been appointed
may, without reference
(4) to any authority, dispose
of any of his movable
property by circulating
list of it among the
community generally or
by causing it to be sold
by public auction.
Every Government
servant shall, if any
member of his family is
engaged in trade or
2[(5) business or owns or
manages an insurance
agency or commission
agency, report that fact
to Government.]
18. Action in respect of a relation – (1) Where a Government servant submits any proposal or
opinion or takes any other action, whether for or against any individual related to him whether the 10/22
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relationship be distant or near, he shall with every such proposal, opinion or action, expressly
state whether the individual is related to him, and if so related, the nature of the relationship.
Where a Government
servant has by any law,
rule or order in force,
power of deciding finally
any proposal, opinion or
any other action, and
that proposal, opinion or
action, is in respect of
an individual related to
him, whether the
relationship be distant
or near and whether
that proposal, opinion or
action affects the
individual favourably or
otherwise, he shall not
take a decision but shall
submit the case to his
superior officer after
explaining the reasons
and the nature of
No Government servant
shall make, or permit
any member of his
family to make, any
investment likely to
embarrass or influence
him in the discharge of
his official duties and
(2) where a Government
servant fails to prevent
a member of his family
from making an
investment of this
nature, he shall make a
report to that effect to
the Government
forthwith. 11/22
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nature referred to in
sub-rule (1) or sub-rule
(2) the matter shall be
referred to the
Government or any
officer authorised by it
in this behalf and the
decision of the
Government thereon
shall be final.
No Government servant
shall, except with the
previous sanction of the
Government, lend
money to any person
possessing land or
valuable property within
the local limits of his
authority, or at interest
to any person:
1. Substituted vide P. &. S. Department Notification No. 6883/Gen., dated. The 12th
May 1973.
2. Added in P. &. S. Department Notification No. 13647/Gen., dated the 5th August
Provided that a Government servant may make an advance of pay to a Private servant, or give a
loan of small amount free of interest to a personal friend or relative, even if such person
possesses land within the local limits of his authority.
No Government servant
shall save in the
ordinary course of
business with a bank or
firm of standing, borrow
money from, or
otherwise place himself
under pecuniary
(5) obligation to any person
within the local limits of
his authority, nor shall
be permit any member
of his family, except with
the previous sanction of
the Government to
enter into any such
transaction: 12/22
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Provided that a Government servant may accept a purely temporary loan of small amount free of
interest from a personal friend or relative or operate a credit account with a bona fide tradesman.
Note – A pecuniary obligation means not only obligation arising out of a cash transaction but also
the acceptance without consideration of any service or facility of other than trifling value.
When a Government
servant is appointed or
transferred to a post of
such a nature as to
involve him in the
breach of any of the
provisions of sub-rule
(6) (4) or sub-rule (5), he
shall forthwith report the
circumstances to the
Government and shall
thereafter act in
accordance with such
order as may be passed
by the Government.
20. A Government servant shall so manage his private affairs as to avoid habitual indebtedness
Insolvency & Habitual
or insolvency. A Government servant, who becomes the subject of a legal proceeding for
insolvency, shall forthwith report the full facts to the Government.
21. (1) No Government servant shall except with the previous knowledge of the prescribed
Movable, Immovable &
authority, acquire or dispose of any immovable property by lease, mortgage, purchase, sale gift
valuable property.
or otherwise either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family or a benamidar:
Provided that any such transaction conducted otherwise than through a regular or reputed dealer
shall require the previous sanction of the prescribed authority. :
2[ Provided further that nothing in this sub-rule shall apply in respect of the lease of a house
taken by a Government servant for residential purposes.]
3[ Explanation – The prescribed authority for the purposes of this sub-rule shall be the controlling
authority, namely:- 13/22
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in respect of
Government servant on
foreign service or on
deputation to any other
Department or any
other Government the
prescribed authority
shall be the immediate
superior authority to
whom he is
Illustration – A sub-divisional Officer can give permission to a Tahasildar or any Gazetted, Non-
gazetted Officer working under him. Similarly, the Tahasildar shall permit his subordinates to
dispose of or acquire immovable or movable property. In case of the Department of the
Government and Heads of the Department the Section Officer can permit the staff working under
him in this matter.]
1. Inserted vide P. &. S. Department Notification No. 14811/Gen., dated the 27th
August 1970.
2. Added vide P. &. S. Department Notification No. 7830/Gen., dated the 19th April
3. Substituted vide P. & S. Department Notification No. 6301/Gen., dated the 3rd
May 1973. 14/22
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purchase, sale or
otherwise shall forthwith
report such transaction
to the prescribed
authority referred to in
sub-rule (1):
Provided that no Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of
Government,2[either in his own name or in the name of any member or his family] enter into any
transaction with or through any person other than a reputed dealer or agent of standing.
Explanation – For the purposes of this sub-rule, the expression, “Movable property” includes inter
alia the following property, namely:-
jewellery, insurance
policies, shares,
securities and
1[ Note 1 – The Secretary to Government in the Administrative Department in case of Gazetted
Officers and Heads of Department or Head of Offices in case of Non-Gazetted Officers, shall be
the authority to whom the declarations are to be submitted. The Chief Secretary to Government,
in case of Secretary to Government and Heads of Departments, shall be the authority to whom
the declarations are to be submitted. The G. A. Department shall act as the Co-ordinating
Department in regard to this matter. Judicial Officers shall submit their property statements to the
High Court for preservation.]
Note 2 – Officers who are on deputation or transferred temporarily to another cadre shall submit
their property statements to their authority in the parent cadre in which they are borne or retain a
lien. On their permanent transfer to another cadre or Department all sealed covers containing
their statement shall be transmitted to the appropriate authority in their new cadre or department
competent to preserve them.
Note 3 – In case of Government servants newly appointed to Government service they should
declare their assets as on the date of appointment within three months from that date. They will
make subsequent declaration along with others after the normal triennial period, notwithstanding
the fact that three year have not elapsed since the submission of their first declaration.
Substituted vide G. A.
Deptt. Notification No.
6504/Gen., dated the
23rd February 1988,
Published in Orissa
Gazette and given
effect to from the 30th
March 1988.
Note 4 – The first declaration shall be made by a Government servant in respect of all his assets,
both movable and immovable and subsequent declaration need, only specify modification
required in the statements of the previous occasion showing in detail the manner of fresh
acquisition and disposal of property acquired previously.
1[ Note 5 – notwithstanding anything contained in this sub-rule, every Government servant after
his/her marriage, shall make a true and complete declaration of his/her assets afresh in the
prescribed form within three months of marriage.]
2[ Note 6 - 2[ The Grade – D] Government servants shall not be required to submit declaration
under this sub-rule.]
Vindication of acts and 22. No Government servant shall except with the previous sanction of Government have recourse
character of Government to any Court or to the Press for the vindication of any official act which has been the subject
servant. matter of adverse criticism or an attack of defamatory character.
Explanation – Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to prohibit a Government servant from 17/22
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vindication his private character or any act done by him in his private capacity.
23. No Government servant shall bring or attempt to bring any influence whether official or non-
Canvassing of non-official
official to bear upon any authority to further his interests in respect of matters pertaining to his
or other influence.
appointment under Government, promotion, pay and other service conditions.
4[24. Bigamous marriage - (1) No Government servant shall enter into, or contract a marriage
with a person having a spouse living; and
No Government
servant, having a
spouse living shall enter
into, or contract, a
marriage with any
Provided that the Government may permit a Government servant to enter into or contract, any
such marriage as is referred to in clause (1) or clause (2), if they are satisfied that-
such marriage is
permissible under the
personal law applicable
(a) to such Government
servant and the other
party to the marriage;
and 18/22
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Explanation – For the purpose of this rule “Public place” means any place or premises (including a
conveyance) to which the public have or are permitted to have, access, whether on payment or
Inserted vide G. A.
Department Notification
No. 19267/Gen., dated
the 31st August 1995,
Published in Orissa
Gazette and given
effect from the 22nd
September 1995.
Renumbered vide G. A.
Department Notification
No. 19267/Gen., dated
the 31st August 1995.
Substituted vide G. A.
Department Notification
3. No. 26321/Gen., dated
the 30th September
1996. 19/22
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1[25. A Government servant whose whole time is at the disposal of the Government which pays
him may be employed in any manner required by the appropriate authority. For all his actions in
Employment of
such employment whether it is paid or honorary or whether it is under Government or under any
Government servant
other public or private body or institution, he shall be held responsible to Government irrespective
outside his normal duties.
of the fact whether such employment is outside the normal duties of the post he holds at the time
under Government.]
Note – The appropriate authority with reference to this rule shall be, in case of Government
servants belonging to a State Service, the Government and in other cases the Heads of the
26. No Government servant shall misuse or carelessly use, amenities provided for him by the
Proper use of amenities
Government to facilitate the discharge of his public duties.
Use of services without 28. No Government servant shall without making proper and adequate payment, avail himself of
payment any service of entertainment for which a hire or price or admission fee is charged.
Note – The prohibitions will not apply to occasional and unsolicited complimentary passes issued
by the proprietors or managers of the service or entertainment.
2[Note -The onus of establishing exceptional circumstances and payment of proper fare shall rest
on the Government servant.]
30. No Government servant shall himself ask or permit his wife, or any other member of his family
Purchases through living with him to ask any Government servant who is subordinate to him, to make purchases
subordinates locally or from out station, on behalf of him, his wife or other members of his family, whether on
advance payment or otherwise:
Provided that this rule shall not apply to the purchases which the personal staff attached to the
Government servant may make on behalf of such Government servants. 20/22
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3[30-A- (1) Every Government servant shall intimate his residential and postal address and
changes, if any, to the head of Office/Department. 21/22
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Inserted, vide G. A.
Department Notification
3. No. 26321/Gen., dated
the 30th September
Engagement of child 4[30.- B – No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work by any
labourer. Government servant.]
31. Government may relax all or some of the provisions contained herein in respect of such
Relaxation Government servants particularly part time and contingency paid Government servants, as they
may deem fit.
32. If any question arises relating to the interpretation of any of these rules, it shall be referred to
the Government whose decision thereon shall be final.
33. The Government may, by General or special order direct that any power exercisable by it or
any Heads of Department under these rules (except the powers under rule 21 and this rule), shall
Delegation of powers
subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order, be exercisable also by such
officer or authority as may be specified in the order.
34. Any rules corresponding to these rules in force immediately before the commencement of
Repeal and savings these rules and applicable to Government servants under the control of the Government of
Orissa are hereby repealed:
2[Provided that an order made or action taken under the rules so repealed or any violation
thereof shall be deemed to have been made or taken under or to be a violation of the
corresponding provisions of these rules.] 22/22