Quick Detour Meant Driving Into Historic Woodstock
Quick Detour Meant Driving Into Historic Woodstock
Quick Detour Meant Driving Into Historic Woodstock
Kenny G to perform in
Fargo in December, LIFE, B4
The Forum
was murdered. An autop- email to Daniel Baumann,
Readers can reach Forum reporter
sy never determined if his an agent with the Min- Kim Hyatt at 701-241-5511 or on
manner of death was sui- nesota Bureau of Crim- Twitter @kimvhyatt.
MEETING Vettel’s
job perfor-
Vettel resigned from his inforum.com/bestof
From Page A1 mance, his job for reasons that remain
resignation largely undefined; through
received by a separation agreement
add further details to the with the park board, he is
the board
meeting minutes. being paid $75,000, plus
prior to the
Stenehjem said the park benefits, which include
Vettel meeting was
board had only used the health insurance and
discussed as
“vague topic” of “HR/ retirement contributions,
well as the
Staff Review” when noti- through 2019. A job review
hiring of interim execu-
fying the public of the spe- at the end of 2018 pointed
cial meeting. He said that tive director Dave Leker,
who had been the deputy to his management style
phrase “could have multi- and how the administra-
ple meanings and does not director.
tion had been divided into
sufficiently describe the The ruling stated that
“two camps.”
specific topic the Com- “general terms or phras-
The park district has the
mission clearly knew it es” such as the “HR/Staff
equivalent of about 700
would be discussing at the Review” lack the speci-
full-time employees and
special meeting.” ficity required to give the
an annual budget of about
Even though the orig- public meaningful notice $37 million.
inal purpose was to dis- of what would be dis- Readers can reach Forum reporter
cuss former director Joel cussed during a special Barry Amundson at 701-451-5665.
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