Quick Detour Meant Driving Into Historic Woodstock

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Kenny G to perform in
Fargo in December, LIFE, B4

LATE EDITION Thursday, August 15, 2019 INFORUM.COM

Above: This picture of Jack Zaleski was taken one day

after leaving the now famous Woodstock music festival.
Forum file photo

Left: Jimi Hendrix performs at the Woodstock Music

Festival in Bethel, N.Y., Aug. 18, 1969.
Larry C. Morris / The New York Times

Quick detour meant driving

into historic Woodstock
t was supposed to be the UConn campus at Storrs. (“Joe” is generic. I promised that afternoon, hoping to reach an island
our annual late-summer Several founding members of the should I ever write about our Woodstock we knew by sunset, where we would
canoe trip to Adirondack Adirondack canoe crew already experience, I would not use his name. He set up first night’s camp.
Mountain lakes in upstate were off to other places and earned Ph.D.s in engineering and physics, AM radio intervened.
New York, a wilderness would miss this trip, leaving only and went to work for a defense contractor. We plumbed the dial for pop rock
excursion we’d made every Joe and me to paddle into the He believed his association with Woodstock stations along the route. DJs were
year when we were students at far reaches of the Fulton Chain could damage his career.) talking up a musical event near the
the University of Connecticut. Lakes near Old Forge, N.Y. With a 16-foot Grumman lashed town of Woodstock, N.Y. Thousands of
The August 1969 trek would Then came a detour to to the roof of my 1965 Volkswagen young people, mostly college students
be our last. Our undergraduate
ZALESKI something called “Woodstock.” Beetle by a rope and pole rack, we
it was reported, were coming from all
studies were done. Some It would become a cultural headed west on the Massachusetts over the nation to a festival that was
of us were preparing for 
touchstone of the 1960s, but Turnpike, connecting to the New York to feature dozens of rock and
graduate schools, others had Joe and I had no idea we were State Thruway. It was Friday, Aug. 15.
jobs that would take them far from driving into history. We wanted to be on the lake by mid- WOODSTOCK: Page A5

Nonprofit files Attorney general: Fargo

suit questioning Park Board violated
AG’s office hire, open meetings law
Bloomberg ties By Barry Amundson
open meetings law.
Stenehjem wrote that
By Dana Ferguson forumcomm.com the park board commis-
Forum News Service FARGO — The North sioners must review the
ST. PAUL — A conservative-lean- Dakota Attorney General’s July 2 special meeting
ing legal nonprofit representing a Office ruled on Wednes- minutes and provide fur-
Washington-state energy policy day, Aug. 14, that the ther details of what was
group filed a lawsuit on Wednes- Fargo Park Board gave specifically discussed
day, Aug. 14, against the Minneso- inadequate notice of what during the meeting.
ta Attorney General’s Office alleg- it intended to talk about The board has seven
ing it denied the group data under at a meeting earlier this days to comply with the
the Data Practices Act and raising Dana Ferguson / Forum News Service summer during which the ruling or face penalties.
concerns about a billionaire busi- Doug Seaton, president of the Upper Midwest Law Center, on Wednesday, district’s executive direc- In response to the rul-
nessman potentially influencing its Aug. 14, spoke with reporters at the Capitol about a lawsuit he filed on tor resigned, a severance ing, the new president of
work. behalf of Energy Policy Advocates claiming requests for data were wrongly package was discussed the board, Jerry Rostad,
Doug Seaton, president of the denied. and an interim director said in a statement the
Upper Midwest Law Center, said was appointed. board “will comply with
Energy Policy Advocates last year group wanted to probe connections profile of a special assistant attor- Attorney General Wayne the ruling.”
sought information from the attor- between attorneys in the office and ney general which cites that the Stenehjem said in a He added that steps have
ney general’s office but didn’t Michael Bloomberg, a businessman attorney is a fellow with the New request from The Forum already been initiated to
receive or were denied certain and philanthropist. that the park board did
correspondence. Seaton said the Seaton pointed to the LinkedIn LAWSUIT: Page A5 indeed violate the state’s MEETING: Page A3

INSIDE TODAY’S Business................... A4

Classifieds............ C3-8 Hawley man says he feared for his life during
FORUM Comics..................... B3
Crosswords............. C7
Life............................. B
hostage response prompted by hoax call
Obituaries.......... A6, C2 Kevin Wallevand and Scott “Hello, I have my kids
Opinion.................... A7 Hanenburg / WDAY tied up in the basement
Sports........................ D HAWLEY, Minn. — right now and I want a
Home & Abroad........ C1 Authorities continued to hostage negotiator,” the
investigate Wednesday caller can be heard telling
Today’s weather Aug., 14, after a false report dispatchers in a recording.
of a hostage situation “If you don’t come right

75° prompted a large police

response at a Hawley res-
now, I’m going to shoot
58° idence in a prank call that
could have turned deadly.
The caller claimed to be
Hawley resident Todd Ren-
Showers developing
More than a dozen law don, though he declined to
Details, D4 enforcement officers give a phone number and
responded after dispatch- at one point said he was
ers received a report at located in “Hawley, Man-
SPORTS: around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday hattan.”
Bison safety James from a male caller on an While the caller provided
unknown number claiming vague, inaccurate details to Scott Hanenburg / WDAY
Hendricks has been Police responded to Hawley, Minn., resident Todd
$1.50 to be the owner of a home dispatchers, police didn’t
Mr. Versatility. (Suggested retail price) on the 1000 block of Hart- Rendon’s home Tuesday, Aug. 13, after receiving a hoax
PAGE D1 Copyright 2019 The Forum ford Street. HOAX: Page A5 call claiming a hostage situation was underway.
The Forum Local News Thursday, August 15, 2019 A3

Gun found in river not Additional safety measures taken

linked to informant’s death as Block 9 reaches 14th floor By Barry Amundson ing in the state, completed by the end
By Kim Hyatt inal Apprehension, lead [email protected] of September, Leier said. The North
[email protected] agency in the Sadek case. FARGO — As crews work on the 14th Dakota State Capitol is the tallest
WAHPETON, N.D. — A She wanted to know if the floor this week of the 18-story Block 9 building at 19 floors while the nearby
handgun discovered in the gun was turned over to building in downtown Fargo, a request Radisson Hotel is just slightly lower.
Red River over the week- authorities and if it was a has been approved to block off part of McGough Construction Inc. crews
end is not associated with .22-caliber gun. Third Avenue North to provide extra hope to have most of the building
the unsolved “He messaged right back pedestrian and vehicle safety. enclosed for inside work by the end
death of and said he was aware of Project manager Keith Leier of the of the year or before the cold weather
A n d r e w it,” she said, adding that settles in.
Kilbourne Group said they would
S a d e k , Baumann said the gun was The Fargo City Commission approved
typically put up netting to prevent
according to turned in, but it’s “a larg- the closing of part of Third Avenue
any material from falling below, but
family and er caliber handgun.” North on Monday night.
because one of the cranes will be
authorities. The BCA did not imme- However, work also continues on
installing pre-cast segments on the
Wahpeton diately respond to The other streets around the project area.
outside of the north tower of the build-
Sadek Police Chief Forum’s request for com- Broadway has reopened after being
ing, netting could not be installed. So,
Scott Thor- ment. closed for three weeks as Block 9 has
Thorsteinson, whose part of the street will be closed and now been tied into utility connections
steinson told The Forum fenced off until early November at the there. Parallel parking is allowed on
a Moorhead woman called police department isn’t
involved with the Sadek latest. the east side of Broadway by the proj-
police at about 2:30 p.m. Leier said the project is meeting all ect area.
Saturday, Aug. 10, after investigation, said the gun
Special to The Forum OSHA safety regulations, even without
finding the gun. Thor- had been in the river “for Starting this week, however, Second
A woman discovered a a period of time” and was the closure. Extra protection is not Avenue North on the south side of the
steinson said the woman gun Saturday, Aug. 10, needed on the other sides of the build- project is closed for about two weeks
was fishing on a dike in “not in very good shape.”
while fishing on the Red “Your guess is as good ing because there is plenty of room or near Gate City Bank to allow Block 9
Chahinkapa Park when River in Wahpeton, N.D. as mine as to how long it’s it’s blocked off from the public. to tie into a storm sewer under the
she either observed or Many speculated that the been in there,” he said. The goal is to have all 18 floors of avenue.
hooked the gun. gun could be connected Thorsteinson said the the $117 million multi-use structure, Readers can reach Forum reporter Barry Amundson at
Police used an ultra-
with the unsolved killing of gun was not reported as which will be the second tallest build- 701-451-5665.
sonic cleaner to remove
Andrew Sadek. stolen and the only case in
enough rust to get a serial
number off the gun that his jurisdiction of a miss-
cide or homicide. ing revolver is from 1996
Thorsteinson said is a .357 After Andrew disap-
magnum revolver. and involves an aggravat-
peared, the Sadeks noticed ed assault.
A .22-caliber bullet was a .22-caliber handgun was
found lodged in Andrew “We don’t have any rea-
missing from their home son to believe it’s associ-
Sadek’s head after his near Rogers, N.D. Tammy ated with a crime in our
body — weighed down Sadek previously told jurisdiction,” he said.
with a backpack full of The Forum she believes As for how the gun
rocks — was discovered her son took the gun in ended up in the Red River,
June 27, 2014, in the Red self-defense but that the Thorsteinson said it’s
River nearly two months gun was used against him. unknown whether it was
after he went missing. “It’s not ours,” Tammy intentional or accidental.
Sadek, a 20-year- Sadek said of the gun “The secret remains with
old student at the North found Saturday, a photo whoever put it there,” he
Dakota State College of of which was shared on said.
Science in Wahpeton, social media, prompting The police chief said
became a confidential many people to reach out found property isn’t
informant after selling to the Sadeks. unusual and his depart-
small amounts of mari- “I must’ve had five ment takes in a number of
juana to other informants (messages) on my phone guns every year.
on campus. and 17 on my computer,” “This going in the river
His mother, Tammy Tammy Sadek told The makes you wonder a little
Sadek, said the family was Forum on Tuesday, Aug. bit more, but there are a
hopeful the recovered gun 13. “This has been hap-
variety of reasons how it
was the one used to kill
her son, who she believes
pening for two days.”
On Sunday, she sent an
could’ve ended up there,”
he said.

The Forum
was murdered. An autop- email to Daniel Baumann,
Readers can reach Forum reporter
sy never determined if his an agent with the Min- Kim Hyatt at 701-241-5511 or on
manner of death was sui- nesota Bureau of Crim- Twitter @kimvhyatt.

MEETING Vettel’s
job perfor-
Vettel resigned from his inforum.com/bestof
From Page A1 mance, his job for reasons that remain
resignation largely undefined; through
received by a separation agreement
add further details to the with the park board, he is
the board
meeting minutes. being paid $75,000, plus
prior to the
Stenehjem said the park benefits, which include
Vettel meeting was
board had only used the health insurance and
discussed as
“vague topic” of “HR/ retirement contributions,
well as the
Staff Review” when noti- through 2019. A job review
hiring of interim execu-
fying the public of the spe- at the end of 2018 pointed
cial meeting. He said that tive director Dave Leker,
who had been the deputy to his management style
phrase “could have multi- and how the administra-
ple meanings and does not director.
tion had been divided into
sufficiently describe the The ruling stated that
“two camps.”
specific topic the Com- “general terms or phras-
The park district has the
mission clearly knew it es” such as the “HR/Staff
equivalent of about 700
would be discussing at the Review” lack the speci-
full-time employees and
special meeting.” ficity required to give the
an annual budget of about
Even though the orig- public meaningful notice $37 million.
inal purpose was to dis- of what would be dis- Readers can reach Forum reporter
cuss former director Joel cussed during a special Barry Amundson at 701-451-5665.

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