Sun Tzu The Art of War
Sun Tzu The Art of War
Sun Tzu The Art of War
Many authors have translated The Art of Are we making good legal and business
War and added their own forwards, insights, decisions and are we properly training our
and recommendations for the text. The Art employees to conduct interrogations?
of War is prescribed reading for military Doctrine represents the methods we use to
officers, CEO’s, sales professionals and elicit information from people.
college students alike. In this revue I will
examine how, as interrogators, we can Here is where we follow any applicable laws
benefit from Sun Tzu’s lessons of and policies as we execute our interrogation
leadership, preparation and confrontation. techniques.
Once the decision has been made to one little detail we learned about our
conduct the interrogation the focus turns to subject. Knowing ourselves is an underrated
preparation. Sometimes we have days to aspect of our preparation. It can be difficult
prepare and on other occasions we may to acknowledge that we have areas of our
only have a few minutes. According to Sun game that need improvement or that there
Tzu, whatever preparation time we have could be holes in our investigations.
should be focused on creating advantages
for ourselves. We can create advantages by When we understand our personal
researching our subject’s background, challenges we will be better prepared to
choosing the right location to conduct the avoid or overcome them during an
conversation, reviewing the investigation or interrogation. If we go into an interrogation
taking a few seconds to make the and do not know ourselves or our subject
conversation appear spontaneous or well we are almost certainly preparing to fail.
planned. If we look at preparation as an
ongoing process we can consider Sun Tzu’s One of my favorite Sun Tzu assertions is
assertion that better trained armies will that it is better to capture an enemy then it
typically prevail. As CFIs it is safe to is to destroy him. Assuming we are having a
assume that we make training a priority for conversation with a guilty subject, one of
ourselves so the question becomes how we our goals will be to develop a complete
train others. confession. If we attack, belittle, and
threaten him we could destroy him and if he
Activities including formal training classes, admits to anything it will be to what we
reviewing previous interrogations, assigned already knew. However, if we use the
reading or even trading rationalizations and strategy of convincing him of his guilt while
themes will continue to develop those helping him understand that good people
whose careers we are trying to enhance. make mistakes we can psychologically
capture him and obtain a thoroughly
When Sun Tzu states that the acumen of developed confession. Sun Tzu goes on to
skill is to win without fighting he could have include a technique for capturing our
been speaking of obtaining admissions opponent; never fully surround him. When
without having to overcome denials. He people find themselves completely
continues to discuss two very important surrounded in an adversarial situation they
points of knowledge. First is the importance often feel the need to fight to the death. In
of knowing when to fight and when to walk an interrogation this could cause our
away. As interrogators there are many subjects to continue to deny even if they
occasions when we want to interrogate believe they are caught. The alternative is to
someone as fast as possible, but we need leave them a perceived way out.
to understand that it could be far more Regardless of what technique we choose
important to live to fight another day. By we can surround our subjects by convincing
considering the political climate, the depth them that their guilt is known. We leave their
of the investigation, our subject’s perceived escape route open by using the
background and ourselves, we can make right rationalization/theme and following it
educated decisions regarding the best time up with a well-conceived and properly timed
to speak with someone. This leads us to his soft accusation or choice question. When
second point which is to know ourselves they choose to take that escape route by
and our subjects. Sun Tzu accurately states providing us an initial admission they
that if we only know ourselves we have, at unknowingly play right into our strategy
best, a 50% chance at success. without feeling the need to defend
Each of us can probably recount
interrogations that we salvaged because of
During our preparation we will need to advantage. When we take the time to build
create an offensive and defensive strategy. rapport and verify background information
Sun Tzu discusses the importance of we can learn our subject’s normal speech
understanding our own, and our subject’s, and behavior pattern, what they look like
strengths and weaknesses. This is similar to when they are being truthful, and allow them
any SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, to give us ideas for rationalizations/themes.
Opportunities, and Threats) analysis we This information becomes the foundation for
have previously completed. our entire interrogation to be built on.
Weaknesses can include time restrictions, Another statement Sun Tzu makes is to “Be
incomplete investigations, language barriers without shape”. We are all comfortable with
or a lack of familiarity with our subject or the fact that the best laid plans will
their profession. Our strengths start with our somehow fall apart. At any point during an
training, education and experience but they interrogation we might hit an unexpected
may vary from there. We want to focus on roadblock or uncover new information. By
protecting our weaknesses, avoiding their “being without shape” we allow ourselves to
strengths and attacking their weaknesses remain flexible, transition between
with our strengths. Above all we never want techniques, and become who ever our
to underestimate our subjects. subject needs us to be.
Although he is talking about a military battle It is also important to consider Sun Tzu’s
Sun Tzu speaks of the importance of “five dangerous qualities of a general”. He
occupying the field first. We want to dictate lists these negative qualities as being
the terms and pace of our interrogation and reckless, cowardly, quick tempered, having
a great way to begin is by waiting in the a delicate sense of honor and being too
room when our subject arrives. We may compassionate. These negative attributes
choose to alert him in advance to the should always be considered when we are
conversation, have an escort explain the deciding to interrogate an individual or to
reason for the conversation on the way to trust what we are being told.
the interview room or we could use an
“ambush” technique, either alternative will In summation if we educate and inspire our
allow us to set up our room, collect our employees, prepare by understanding
thoughts and gain a psychological ourselves, our subjects and our
advantage without saying a word. When investigations, create advantages for
Sun Tzu considers waiting for his ourselves, remain calm and exercise good
opponent’s arrival his recommendation is to judgment we will set ourselves up for
“wait in serenity”. Every interviewer success. The Art of War is a quick read and
experiences varying levels of nerves and Sun Tzu’s chapters are written in a bullet
excitement before and during an format, and depending on the translation
interrogation. By cultivating a calm spirit you choose the author’s notes and
before we start the conversation, we will not contributions could vary. I would
allow these emotions to affect our recommend browsing through several
judgments. translations and choosing the one that fits
your reading style.
Building rapport and verifying background
information are steps that many individuals
rush through or avoid due to lack of time,
confidence or interest. In a military
application Sun Tzu states that it is
important to understand your opponent’s
movement so you can use it to your