Simple Self Defense v1

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Simple Self-Defense
by Heath Brower and Dan F. Sullivan

No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any
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of the publisher. It is illegal to copy, distribute or create derivative works of this book in
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works of this book.

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information regarding

the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not
engaged in rendering professional services. Dan F. Sullivan is a pen name.

If legal, accounting, medical, psychological, or any other expert assistance is required, the
services of a competent professional person should be sought. The author and publisher
specifically disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or
application of any information contained in this publication.

Table of Contents
Disclaimer........................................................................................................... 3
Introduction....................................................................................................... 5
Attack Prevention............................................................................................... 8
Situational Awareness......................................................................................11
Important Factors in Self-Defense....................................................................14
Part-Time Self-Defense Weapons.....................................................................16
Sensitive and Vital Body Parts..........................................................................21
Basic Self-Defense Moves.................................................................................25
Attack Situations............................................................................................... 29
Anti-Rape Techniques.......................................................................................34
Finding the Perfect Self-Defense Class..............................................................36
Closing.............................................................................................................. 39

We live in a dangerous world. According to FBI statistics, a violent crime is
committed every 25.3 seconds. This is an astounding statistic, and it doesn't
paint a pretty picture about our society.
You have undoubtedly decided to read this e-book, not for pleasure, but
because you are aware of violent tendencies and have decided to do
something about it and not become a statistic.
This book is written for those with no previous experience in self-defense, and
more importantly, it is designed to give you the most practical advice possible
when it comes to self-defense.
There are a lot of e-books covering this topic, and some of them go into great
detail in scenarios and ways to protect yourself, while others layout techniques
that are neither practical nor applicable in a real-life situation.
What this book provides you is a practical and simple approach to protecting
yourself during an attack. These skills, when utilized, can get you away from an
attacker and save your life.

Most importantly, they are given to you in the hopes that they give you the
confidence you need, so you will never have to face adversity like what is
described. Gaining this knowledge should give you an edge if any attack was to
come your way and give you an opportunity to get away, which should be your
ultimate goal. NEVER stay if you have the opening to get away.
Ultimately, your goal should be to find a self-defense class that you believe in
and a trainer that you trust to give you the techniques that you can master and
use in dangerous situations. Without this, you may be facing a losing a battle
solely relying on information that you acquire from the internet without any
Many self-defense classes are geared towards real-life situations, some of
them are good, most of them are bad – and we will outline what you should
look for when finding a self-defense class.
But, even if you live out in the middle of nowhere and have no way of finding a
class for yourself, knowing what is outlined in this e-book will help you if you
are ever faced with a situation where you have to defend yourself.
Always remember, to stay vigilant, stay positive, keep your mind clear, and find
the solution to your problem, whatever it may be.

Who Is Heath Brower?

From a very early age, Heath had an interest in martial arts. At age seven he
was enrolled in Bushi-Ban Karate where he became a regular in their
tournaments and exhibitions due to his enthusiasm to learn and surpassing his
peers with his technique and desire to win.
Many highlights come from these three years, but the one that stands out to
him the most was an in-house tournament. The tournament consisted of the
lower ranked class – and younger in age – that he was a part of at the time,
and the next ranked class that both occupied the dojo at that period. Heath
had made it to the final round, beating older and more skilled opponents.
The final opponent was someone nearly twice his age and twice his height. The
rounds were neck and neck, and the last point was to declare the winner. This
went on for many rounds as both would score a point at the same time. Heath
kept his cool and his mind clear, knowing that a weakness would show and a
calm head would prevail as his opponent was cocky the entire fight. Sure
enough, his opponent came in with his arm high, exposing his ribs and armpit.
A well-placed kick that was held in his armpit for what seemed like an eternity
was only released at the ear-shattering and excessively blown whistle to
declare the winner. Much to everyone's surprise.
Shortly after this, he took an interest in something that felt a little more
practical, and something that had more sparring and an emphasis on training
that could be utilized in real-life events. Luckily the dojo he was at taught
kickboxing as well, and that satisfied his hunger for more. He learned
kickboxing up until he was able to play American football in middle school.
He didn't take or practice any martial arts until he joined the U.S. Army after
finishing high school. The sparring matches in basic training had awoken a long
suppressed desire that was all but forgotten. He found MMA (Mixed Martial
Arts) at this time and practiced technique with his battle buddies.
After basic training, he was roomed with a specialist who had gone to nationals
during his time wrestling in high school. He learned many valuable wrestling
techniques and was surprised at how little he knew at this point, as his
roommate, who easily weighed 30lb less that he did, was able to control him in
ways he didn't think was possible.
Once Heath was promoted to Sergeant, he begged his NCO to send him to
Combatives school so he could become an instructor. It is here where he
became interested in BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) and found the perfect partner to
practice with(A partner who could beat him every time.)
After Combatives school, he was put in charge of combatives training for his
platoon, and also found an MMA school to train at until he was relocated to
Ft.Hood where he saw out his time in the military.
After the military, he went on to join a Krav Maga class and one other MMA
class back in his hometown. His love for martial arts continues, and he is now
focused on learning Aikido and expanding his knowledge in BJJ.

Attack Prevention
Attack Prevention is the ultimate goal. Identifying and nullifying situations
before they become a problem is the best way to keep yourself out of harm's
way. There are many ways to keep yourself safe without ever having to defend
yourself, and chances are you are already implementing some or most of these
These tips are meant to keep you out of danger, but if you find yourself in a
situation that seems to be going south, only a few of these will help you, and
some are no longer applicable because you are already staring danger in the
1. Situational Awareness
We will talk more in detail about this topic, but it must be said that being
situationally aware will give a heads up to potential threats. This is without a

doubt one the most important skills to develop if you want to keep yourself
out of harm's way.
2. Avoiding Potentially Bad Areas
This ranges from dark alleys, bad neighborhoods, and empty parking lots. If
you are alone – especially if you are woman – avoid these places as much as
possible. If you have to take a longer route to get home, do it. The extra length
you have to walk is nothing compared to potential threats that you can come
across in these areas.
3. Avoid Walking near Places Where You can be Surprised
Walking at night, near hedges, alleys, or anywhere where someone can hide
should be avoided as much as possible. Find another route or walk on the
other side of the street. If it's night time, find a taxi or an Uber and get home
safe. If you have to walk in an area where you can be surprised, walk with
confidence and try to be in ear or eye shot of others.
4. Walking With Confidence
Nearly every attacker, whether it is a mugger or potentially worse are looking
for easy targets. They have no desire to take on someone that looks like they
are going to give them a hard time and make their attempts harder than they
need to be.
Walk at a strong pace that shows you have a purpose and things to do. Don't
walk too fast, but have in your mind that you are going from point A to point B
and nothing is stopping you. Chest out, head up but not looking in the sky, and
shoulders broad to tell people that you mean business and you are not to be
messed with.
5. Always Answer the Door with Caution
Even if it the police, there are many people that use the uniform or other
means to get you to drop your guard down so you open your door and allow
them in. Use your peephole or chain lock to verify who is on the other side.
Just because they say they are a salesman or police officer doesn't mean that it
is a fact.
6. Use Caution when Taking an Elevator or the Stairs
Some people lay in waiting in stairwells, especially in apartment buildings. If
you notice someone 'hanging out' in the stairwell that looks suspicious, treat
them as such and get out of there. Always stand by the elevator panel so you
can push the emergency button or fire button if you are trapped in there with
someone who intends to harm you.
7. Scream Fire
If you are grabbed or find yourself in a potentially hostile situation, scream and
scream fire. Statistically, people are more like to come and help someone in
distress that yells fire as opposed to someone who is just yelling help.
8. Never Argue with Strangers
If you are in a discussion with someone you don't know, and it is escalating to
an argument, stop it. Stop the discussion and leave it. You don't know who you
are talking to, what they are capable of, and what their mentality is. Many
attacks happen over a simple argument.
9. Give Them what They Want
If you are being held up by gun point or knife point and they want your money,
wallet, car, whatever. Just give it to them. Your life is much more valuable than
any possession you will ever own, and material possessions can be replaced.
You, on the other hand, cannot.

Situational Awareness
We briefly mentioned, but this is such an important skill to have that it needs
its own chapter, so we understand how important it actual is.
Without this skill, you could think of yourself as a rabbit, unaware of the
bobcat sneaking up behind you or the deer that got the scent of the hunter too
late. If you are aware of your surrounds, you are capable of taking in
information that is potentially life threatening before the situation is even a
Situational awareness is defined as the perception of environmental elements
with respect to time and space. This is crucial no matter where you are at, or
what you are doing. A color coding system was developed by Jeff Cooper, a
former U.S. Marine and the creator of modern handgun techniques.

This color coding system goes from white, yellow, orange, red, and in the US
Military, it goes up to black. We will focus on the first four, as black has to deal
with military combat.
White is best described as being unaware and unprepared. You have walked
into a building, you don't know who or how many people are there, nor do you
know where the exits are or haven't looked at the surrounding object in your
vicinity. You never want to be in the state of white.
Yellow should be how you are 99% of the time. You are alert to your
surroundings, but there is no potential threat that you can realize. At the
yellow state, you have an idea of your surroundings, you have scanned the
individuals and object in your vicinity and have your exits covered.
Orange means there is a potential threat. Something isn't right or doesn't feel
right. You are on high-alert, but the fight or flight response hasn't kicked in.
Things that should trigger this state are suspicious individuals pacing or maybe
talking to themselves, an argument that is escalating, or a group of sketchy
men walking into a bank together. This shouldn't send you into the red zone,
but you should become more aware of your surroundings and what these
people are doing.
Red is the fight or flight response. It's been triggered and things are seconds
away from becoming ugly. Our gut reaction is very good in these situations and
is an excellent indicator that things are going south. You should have gone
through all colors and have your basics covered well before hand.
Where is cover? Where are the exits? How many people are a threat? How can
I keep myself and others safe? These are some of the questions that you
should already have answers to because you are probably going to need to
react at a moment's notice.
Now, just because there is no immediate threat does not mean you shouldn't
be situationally aware. Think for a moment about you alone in your home and
what we discussed about in the yellow state. You are very aware of your
surrounding at your home, you know all the exits, and you know all the objects
in your home that can be used to your advantage.

This knowledge gives you an advantage if say an intruder was to break in while
you are watching your favorite show on Netflix.
You know where the knives are; you know that you have a pistol in your closet,
and you know that you can make it to the back door before he even gets
through the broken window. You are aware of the situation you are in and
have a huge advantage over the intruder.
This knowledge needs to be acquired anywhere you go. When you walk into a
restaurant, bank, grocery store, corner store, whatever it may be, you need to
learn the place like you know your home.
This is the key fundamental to Situational Awareness. Treat every new place as
your home and become aware of things that give you an advantage in case
things go south.
You have probably become aware of some of the things that you need to be
aware of to become situationally aware from reading this chapter, and that is
the first step to becoming aware. Taking the knowledge that is given to you by
your senses and using them to your advantage.
Some of the things that you need to be aware of are exits. You need at least
two exits every time in case one is blocked by the threat. Next, you need to
know where you can find cover. Finding cover during a shooting will save your
life. Period.
When you enter an unfamiliar area, you need to scan each individual and their
threat level. If someone new walks in, they need to be scanned as a potential
threat. Finally make yourself aware of the objects in the room and their
potential to be used as a weapon, or their hindrance in allowing you to escape.
This will be said many times over, but your ultimate goal in any hostile
situation is to escape. Don't try to be a hero is you can get away. Only do it if it
is what HAS to be done.

Important Factors in Self-
When you are faced with a situation where you will have to defend yourself,
there are some important factors – some which we have already discussed –
that you must keep in mind in order to get out of the situation alive and
unharmed. Knowing these factors are what will give you an edge if you have to
defend yourself.

Give Them What They Want

If they are only after your possessions, give it to them. This cannot be stressed
enough. Too many people fight for something that can be easily replaced and
it up getting hurt or worse. Give it to them and save yourself from being hurt.

Find an Opening and Get Away

As stated, this is your ultimate goal. When an opening shows its self, take it
and get away. Even if it means giving your attacker something. If that is what
they are asking for, give it to them and get the hell out of there; if you have to
incapacitate them, do it, and get away!

Matching/Surpassing Their Level of Aggression

If you have to defend yourself, you have to match their level of aggression.
Surpassing their aggression can be pulling a gun (If you have one) if they have a
knife, or something as simple as a very serious threat before they attack. If
their intention is to kill you, you have to be willing to kill them.
Matching and surpassing their level of aggression will tell your attacker that
you mean business, and they will need to reevaluate their plan if they want to
harm you. This factor is paramount is you want to get out of a dangerous
situation alive.

Do Whatever You Can to Survive
This includes anything from groin shots, biting, or using anything within arm’s
reach as a weapon. If they intend to cause you harm, you have to be willing to
dish it back to them anyway you can. There are no rules in self-defense, and
you need to treat an attack as if it is a matter of life in death because in some
cases those are your two choices.

Only Expose the Outside of Your Forearm

If you are dealing with anything that can cut you, be it dogs or a knife fight, you
do not want to expose the inside of your forearm. There are vital arteries that
run down the inside of your forearm, and if they are punctured or cut, you’re
in for a worse time than what you initially found yourself in.
Instead, let the outside of your forearm be a shield for knife and dog attacks.
Think about how the police practice with their dogs for attacks and how they
have their arm positioned.

Part-Time Self-Defense
You don’t need to have a firearm to survive an attacker, although one will
greatly increase your chances of survival. There are everyday items you can
use to inflict serious damage to any attacker, provided that you know how to
use them. A lot of these objects are best used when placed between your
middle and the ring fingers, as you’re about to see but that’s not a rule.

Your car or house keys are probably the “part-time weapon” you’re most likely
to have on you. Hold one of the keys between your ring and middle finger as
explained earlier, and you’ve got yourself a weapon!

Just make sure your chosen key is fixed in-between your fingers, otherwise,
the hit will be a weak one at best.
One way is to punch him in his face. Another is to hold the key along with your
index finger, making sure you cover it with its entire length. When you poke
him in the eye, the finger will bend, but the key will go inside, causing
permanent damage.
You can use the keys to cause some serious cuts. (We will talk about the best
areas of the body to do that with.) You don’t want to start cutting in places
where he won’t feel a thing; you’ll be wasting your time.
Here’s a great move: with your keys held the way I taught you, with an upward
motion, slash his face starting from the mouth, all the way to the ear or nose.

Tossing dirt, sand or even snow into your attacker’s eye might just give you the
edge you need to run away. There isn’t much to discuss here, just try it.

If you’re a lady, you probably have perfume or spray in your purse that you can
use just as you would pepper spray. If you don’t, perhaps it’s time to get one,
although, while you’re at it, you might as well get pepper spray. Don’t start
spraying one foot away; wait for his eyes to be really close to you and attack
only when you can spray enough perfume or pepper spray to make him fall on
the floor in tears.

A Pen
If you’re lucky enough to have a pen on you when you’re attacked, you can use
it just like you would your keys to poke your “new friend.” Hold it like you
would a knife if you were to use stabbing motions and make sure your thumb
is placed firmly on the back end, so it doesn't slip out of your hand when you
All you have to do to poke him in the eye, ear or throat by doing a stabbing
motion towards it.

But what if your attacker is firmly holding your hand? What you can do in this
case is grip the pen with the point towards your hand, then try to push it on his
wrist. The wrist is very sensitive, and he’ll eventually let go.
Recommended: get a tactical pen from Amazon, and you’ll be in a much better
position to defend yourself. Don’t rely on a regular pen simply because you
now know how to use one.

A Brush
Another item in a lady’s purse, another lethal weapon. In fact, you probably
saw how to use one for self-defense in action movies. The girl takes the brush
and holds it firmly in the palm of her hand with the bristle pointing outwards.
She just raises her arm up and then slams it into the eyes for extra momentum.
Now, if what you have is a pointed brush, you can use it just as you would the
pen: stick it right into his eye with your index finger guiding the way.

A Comb
Combs can be used to cut across his face or even his eyes. Hold it in your palm
with your thumb supporting one of its ends, just like you would a knife.

An Umbrella
Here it depends whether it’s a classic umbrella, case in which it has a strong,
pointy end (often metallic) or if it’s a modern, telescopic umbrella. If it has a
pointy end, you can use it to poke him in the eye, though you have to be
careful how you hold it.
But if your goal is to hit him in the stomach, either type of umbrella will do.
If your umbrella has a hook, you can use it to grab his groin with it – it works
every time. Heck, you can even jab it in the stomach area, or the ribs.

A Stick
Virtually any stick can be used like the pen or umbrella. Each situation is
unique, so you’re going to have to use your spirit of observation to find a stick
that you can jab in his eyes.

The fact of the matter is, every object in your vicinity can be used as a weapon.
Use it to stick it in the eyes, to hit him in the stomach, groin or smash it in his

A Hot Cup of Coffee or a Mug

...or tea or something else. When you’re under attack, unless you’re aware
that this can be used to defend yourself, you might not think about it. From
now on you will.

A Heeled Shoe
Ok, I guess I’m trying to put a funny image in your head, but if you have the
reflex to remove your heeled shoe quickly, you can use it to hit your attacker.
Multiple times and as fast as possible, of course.

A Heavy Vase, a Mug or a Plant Pot

You’ve probably seen this in action movies, right? The truth is the blunt force
with which a vase can hit you if thrown with force is formidable. One thing you
shouldn’t do is throw them from a far distance. Do it from up close, or you can
even charge right through your attacker without letting it go (just make sure to
put your whole body into it).

A Lollipop
The lollipop looks harmless but, trust me; it isn't. Here’s how to use it to poke
your attacker in the eye or even cut his face. Hold it in your palm with the stick
pointing outside between your ring and middle finger. Then just hit him in the
eyes, cheek and any other soft spot as fast as you can for maximum damage.

Rolled Up Newspaper
Although newspapers are becoming obsolete it seems, they are still around
even if you don't see or use them. To use these as a weapon you have to take
3-5 sheets and roll them up as tight as possible.
Then fold it in half, and you have something resembling a billy-club. Make one
and slap something with it, you will be surprised at how sturdy and strong it is.

Glass Bottle
If you happen to get into an altercation where there are bottles around, you
can grab one by the neck and use it as a club as well. Just holding a bottle in
this way is enough to make most people stand back. It doesn't take a rocket
scientist to know that it will hurt and then you have an even more dangerous
weapon once it breaks.
The fact of the matter is, any object can become a weapon. Here are a few
more ideas below. I don’t expect you to memorize them, but it would be great
if you could take them one by one and imagine how you would use them to
defend yourself. Thus, when the moment arrives, your mind will be tuned in to
quickly identifying part-time weapons that will save your life.
Here they are: brooms, shovels, coffee mugs, pans, cutting boards, ashtrays,
lamps and even pocket change!

Sensitive and Vital Body
We’re going to start with the best body parts to hit because hitting them hard
is going to give you those few extra seconds to run like hell. The good news is
that some body parts are more sensitive than others, and they’re the ones we
need to focus on. The really good news is that they’re a lot of them, meaning
you can take him by surprise by hitting him in one place while he’s busy
protecting another. So let’s take them one by one...

The eyes are not only the most sensitive body part you can hit but also the
easiest to target. Unless your attacker is wearing goggles or something, he is
vulnerable, and you will take advantage of that.

The easiest move is to grab him by the ear(s) and press your thumb(s) in his
eyes. This is more effective than simply poking him in the eye because your
hands are locked in on his face. As he tries to turn his head, he’s not going to
get away from the pain. The only thing he can do is to try and pull back. That’s
your queue to get out of there.
You’ll have plenty of time, too because, as you pull out your thumbs, he’s
going to go blind for a few precious seconds. If you think this is too
complicated, as I said, you can simply try and poke him with your fingers,
knuckles or any sharp object at your disposal, such as your keys.

Hitting him forcibly in the nose is a great way to escape, but it all depends on
his position relative to yours. If he’s in front of you, you should hit him with the
heel of your hand as hard as you can. A classic punch will also work well.
The thing with the nose is that the pain is so strong, your attacker will have no
choice but to grab it and hold on to it for a few seconds. That’s your queue to
run away, of course.
If on the other hand, he grabbed you from behind, you should hit him with
your elbow right in the nose. If he blocked your first attempt, don’t get
discouraged and surprise him by hitting him with your other elbow or even
focusing on some of the other body parts we’re about to talk about.
Another thing you can do when he’s behind you is to throw your head back.
Hopefully, you will hit his nose and be able to flee.

Not a lot of people know this, but the best way to cause damage to the neck is
to hit it on the side with the so-called knife hand strike. Hold all your fingers
straight, with your thumb tucked in and a little bent at the knuckle, then hit
him hard like in the old karate movies and you can cause temporary paralysis.
Of course, you could do a lot more damage to the neck because the jugular
vein and the carotid artery go through there...The second way to attack him is
with your elbow but make sure you throw your entire body weight into it.
Height is an important factor here.

If you’re not very tall, you’ll probably have very little chances to escape doing
such a move like this because, even if you do touch his neck with your elbow,
it’s not going to be powerful enough to destabilize him.
Another great place to poke him with your fingers right below his Adam’s
apple. This will make it very difficult for him to breathe. You can hit him there
or even press hard as you can until he lets you go.

The great thing about knees is that they’re vulnerable from every direction.
They’re also low enough for you to kick them without risking your foot being
caught by your attacker’s and they are accessible no matter how tall he is.
The goal when hitting the knee is to unbalance your attacker, so the worst
place to hit him from this point of view is right in the middle. However, kicking
the front of the knee will also result in damage, although, you need a lot more
power so keep that in mind when you decide where to hit.
The ideal knee kick is on the side where you can cause ligament damage, giving
you ample enough time to make your escape.

This is one of the obvious places to try and hit him first. If he’s been through
enough fights, he’s going to expect it so don’t rely on this alone to save you.
Nevertheless, his groin is vulnerable to kicks, punches, and even squeezing!

Ears are vulnerable not just because you can use a key to cut them but also
because you can use your bare hands (your palms, in this case) to hit him hard
and create overpressure. For maximum efficiency, you should hit both ears at
once. You can also grab them and give them a good twist. This causes a
tremendous amount of pain.

Lower Abdomen
The abdomen is extremely sensitive but for a good reason: Mother Nature
knew how important it is for us to be flexible. When your attacker is busy

trying to immobilize you, why not hit him with your elbow or even punch him
when he least expects it?
By the way, if you want to minimize the damage when you are hit in the
abdomen, you should tighten it as much as you can before taking the hit. This
is something you can include as part of your survival tactical workouts (which
every prepper should do).
Another thing you can do while you’re at it is to do abs exercises. Abs are just
like every other muscle, the more you train them (up to a point), the stronger
they will get and the better they can take a hit.

If you have something sharp in your hand, it may be worth it to go for their
kidneys. If you don't, don't bother going for the kidneys. Even though they are
sensitive, it takes a beating before they become crippled from kidney punches
and your energy is better used in more sensitive areas like the groin or eyes.
The kidneys are located on the small of the back, where the rib cage ends and
close to the spine.
Ok, we talked about the best body parts to hit, now it’s time to learn how to
hit them. You don’t need to know a lot of moves. You don’t need to know
complicated moves. You need to know a few, then practice them enough
times, so you are confident in them if you are put in the position where you
need to use them.

Basic Self-Defense Moves
Ready for some self-defense moves? Great. But, before we begin, let me take
the time to remind you that you have to practice them. Since you may be
doing survival drills with your family, you should set aside some time to
practice some of these moves.

The Palm Strike

Hitting your opponent with your palm may surprise you but, the fact of the
matter is, it’s pretty efficient and safer for you if you don't have practice in
throwing a closed-fist punch. The trick is to NOT bend the elbow in order to hit
with extra force. Also, curl the fingers slightly and bend the wrist straight back.
Where can you use it: In the face, in the solar plexus or his groin. To hit him in
the face using this technique, raise your hand up, keep your elbow locked and
straight, then bring the palm down and hit him in the nose as hard as you can.

Also, put your right foot forward (or your left one if you’re a lefty). The second
place you can hit him is his solar plexus. He’ll have trouble breathing for a few
seconds, and you’ll have time to run.
Again, for maximum damage, put your best foot forward and hit him by
making sure you don’t bend your elbow. Hitting him in the groin is useful the
moment he’s behind you, holding you tight. All you have to do is move your
hip a little then, keeping your elbow straight and locked, swing the arm and hit
him in the groin as hard as you can.

The Knife Hand Strike

This is something you’re probably familiar with from old karate movies. You
hold your palm open and your fingers straight, held tight against each other.
Your thumb should be a little bent and on the inside of your palm and your
wrist should also be held tight for maximum momentum. The best places to hit
are his Adam’s apple or the side of the neck.
Hitting him in his throat is great because the area is very sensitive and you
don’t need much strength to do it. You can do it while he’s grabbing you, just
make sure you wait for the right moment.
Now, to strike the side of the neck, make a knife hand and slap it into where
the neck meets the collar bone. You can knock them out with one hit if you did
it right.

Knee Strikes
Hitting him with your knees is yet another effective means of defending
yourself. To make the best of it, you should: hit as forcibly as possible; lift your
knee as high as possible.
The easiest place to hit is his groin because it’s not that high and is easily
accessible. If you can grab his hair and bring his head down, you can hit your
attacker with the knee right in the face.
This is a very powerful blow because it’s not just the speed with which you
move your knee up, you need to add to that the speed with which you move
his head downwards.

The Kick
Let’s start with kicks to the groin because it's easiest one. Most women know
this kick as they practiced it when they were fighting boys back in grade school.
But they were doing it wrong, and they’re still going to if they find themselves
face to face with a rapist.
You shouldn’t use a stiff leg when you do the kick but focus on hitting his groin
in full, with maximum foot surface. Of course, you then have to pull your foot
back as soon as you can so they don’t have time to grab it.
If they do grab it, you’re in a very delicate position. Another great kick is over
his knee. As he gets near you, just kick him with the sole of the shoe as hard as
you can over one of his knees, whichever one looks like an easier target. The
beauty of the knee kick is that it’s so low that it will be nearly impossible for
him to grab your foot.

The Stomp
You know what to do, right? Simply stop on his instep with as much force as
possible with your heel.

Elbow Strikes
There’s so much power in your elbow... and you probably had no idea - It is
also one of the toughest bones in the body. You can use it to hit someone in
front out you, to your side and even behind you. The trick is to put your whole
body weight into it for increased momentum and damage.
If he’s coming from behind, it’s easy to aim for his stomach or his groin,
depending on his height. The same can be done if he’s grabbing you from the
side. If he comes from the front, though, the only place you can hit him with
your elbow is the face, and he has to fairly close to connect with it.

The Heel Scrape

This is a somewhat weird move but still effective. If your attacker grabs you
from behind and you have a thick sole on your shoe (preferably leather soles,
not soft ones made of canvas), you can use it to scrape his tibia (shin) off. Just
lift your foot up by bending the knee, and then forcibly pressing it down at an

almost straight angle. Notice I said “almost,” the angle should be at around 5-
10 degrees.
Again, if you don’t have the right shoes, you probably shouldn’t do it.

The Two-Finger Eye Strike

Warning! Use it at your own risk! This is a tough move because, if you do it
right, you could pop your attacker’s eye. Do it wrong, and it’s pretty much
useless. Holding your middle and index finger firmly, stick them in under his
eyelids and then move them straight up. Like I said, think hard before you
decide to learn and apply this one.

The Punch
Punching is overrated when it comes to women, reason being, they just can’t
imprint enough force to inflict any damage unless they have had a lot of
practice with it and knew where to punch. We’re going to talk about it,
There are several ways to throw a punch. The most popular one is with your
dominant arm. The secret is to twist your hips and your body into it for
maximum damage and if you can. When throwing punches, you have to be
pretty fast. If not, you risk missing the target and even getting your hand
caught by him.
Now, a variation of this punch is called the hook punch. You will also want to
do it with your dominant arm only this time; the arm comes from the side
instead of the previous punch, generating power from the momentum. Again,
you have to put your whole body into it and twist your hips to hit him as hard
as you can.
Use your weaker arm for jabs to break an opening in their defense for one of
your stronger punches with your dominant arm.
One last Tip: always keep your thumb tucked in and protected. Some people
keep their thumb on top of the other fingers, and it’s easy to see how easily
they can break it when they hit. DO NOT curl your fingers over your thumb;
you will break or dislocate your thumb with the first punch.

Attack Situations
Let's now address some of the more common ways for a thug to attack you.
When you recognize him, you’ll be less likely to be taken by surprise and keep
your FOCUS so you can apply the moves you know and practice.

If He’s Choking You...

...then you’re in a lot of trouble because you could be killed! However, most
attackers will want something from you, so they won’t try and do this without
a good reason. However, if you feel this is happening, your first reaction should
be to tuck in your chin and tighten your neck muscles. This will make it harder
for him and (hopefully) is going to give up on doing that.
Next – and you have to do this as fast as possible, so you don’t run out of air –
you need to find a way to hit him hard enough, so he’s forced to let go. A kick
in the groin is the easiest, provide he's not in a position which prevents you
from doing it.
You can grab his head and press your fingers into his eyeballs with your
thumbs just like I taught you. You can even do both if one doesn’t work. All you
need are a few seconds to get the heck out of there.
Now, if he’s trying to choke you from behind and you’re both standing, what
you can do (besides tensing your neck muscles) is to dip down; this will loosen
the grip.
Of course, you won’t be able to get away just yet; you’re still going to have to
hit him in the groin. If you’re still standing, you can use your heel, but if you
dipped down, you can use your hand with your elbow straight and locked.
Another thing you can do is to step on his foot. The thing is, you can’t say for
sure which move will work best when the time comes. You have to learn to
react quickly in the order in which you think they are most likely to work.
If hitting him in the groin with your heel or elbow doesn’t work, don’t give up.
Keep your neck muscles tense, and try to hit him in his knee or any other area

open to attack. As he tries to protect himself, hit him, change your focus to his
upper body and in the face or neck with your elbow. Keep doing these
“chaotic” movements (at least that’s how they’ll seem to him) until you find
that little window of opportunity to run away.

Grabbed from Behind

If you find yourself being grabbed from behind, there are a few simple ways
you can get them to release their grasp. It's important to note that once they
release you need to attempt to get away. There are also many ways to get out
of this grab, but these techniques are more advanced and better taught in a
class environment with a certified instructor.
The simplest way to get them to let go is to stomp on their foot with your heel.
Your heel is one of the strongest bones in the body, and the feet have some of
the weakest bones. It's a no-brainer which bones are going to give way first.
You may even have the opportunity to use your elbow to strike at their head,
solar plexus, or groin. Like the heel, the elbow is very strong, and one good hit
to the head can cause your attacker to let go, and hopefully be dazed so you
can get away.
If they have both of your arms under control, use your head and slam it back
into their face. Ideally, you want to aim for the nose, as one good hit will break
it causing severe pain and making it very difficult to see, giving you your
opportunity to get away.

Grabbed from the Front

There are a few things you can do if you are grabbed from the front. For one, it
is much easier for you to use a weapon if you have it. If you do not have a
weapon available but your arms are free, you can do an ear slap. This can
cause them to be dazed or rupture their eardrums giving you enough time to
Ideally, you should be going for their eyes in this situation. If they are bear
hugging you and your arms are free, go for their eyes. Grab around their skull
with your thumbs in their eyes and press as hard as you can with the support

from your fingers wrapped around their head. This should be your first attack if
you find yourself in this situation.
Next, you have a groin strike. If you are unable to do an ear slap or eye gouge,
chances are your legs are still free. Just throw your knee into the groin as
forcefully as possible and get away. Your other option is to stomp on the feet
with your heel just like if you were to be grabbed from behind.

Fist Fight
If this is just a street brawl and you have something that can make them think
twice about attacking, use it. Pull out a pocket knife or pepper spray if you
have it and tell them forcefully if they take another step, you will use it.
Hopefully, this is enough to make them back down. If not, then use it once and
get out of there.
If you have to fight, remember to keep your hands up and move in a circle. This
will help to protect you from attacks and give you angles for counter punches.
You may be in luck and find yourself fighting someone that doesn't know how
to box, and doing these two things will give you an edge.
Remember the tips on throwing punches and practice them.
If you have stunned them, get out of there!

Knife Fight
As stated before in the Important Factors to Remember section, only expose
the outside of your forearm and use this as a shield. Most people use a knife in
a slicing fashion, so yes your forearm will take a beating, but it won't be as
worse as what you will be capable of dishing out.
With a knife, you want to jab and refrain from slicing as much as possible.
Although slicing the flesh hurts a lot, it is nothing compared to being punctured
by a knife.
You have to lunge in and puncture and get back out of their striking range
quickly. Be careful as landing a few of these will make them realize that they
are probably doing it wrong and will adapt their style to something similar to

Aim for the vital areas to incapacitate them so you can get away. If you can hit
the kidneys, abdomen, or neck, go for it. These areas are typically a one hit
area and will give you the opening you need to get away.

Held at Gunpoint
They haven't shot you, so they want something. Ask them what they want
calmly and give it to them. Don't lunge for the gun and try to take it from
them. You are not Jason Bourne. Give them what they want and let them
leave. Do not provoke them.
If they are at a distance and are firing at you, run away from them - not
perpendicular – and in a zig-zag manner till you can find adequate cover.
Listen. Wait till they are out of bullets or reloading and use this opportunity to
get away.
If you know that they are just closing the distance on you while you are behind
cover, you have to attack and grab their gun and hand once they are in
attacking distance.
If they were patient enough to stop shooting and close the distance on you,
then chances are they only have one thing in mind, killing you. Use the
element of surprise to grab them and disarm them any way you can. You will
only have one chance to do this.
If you have something strong and sturdy to knock the weapon out of their
hand, use that. If you do not have anything to use, you will have to grab the
gun. If they do not have both hands on the gun, it will be much easier for you
to control it.
As soon as you grab the gun, move the barrel away from you in one fluid
motion if possible. Once the barrel isn't pointed at you, then try and gain
control of the weapon. If you know, people are within earshot, scream for help

Defending Against a Dog Attack

This section will be fairly short as there is only one way to defend against a dog
attack if you are unarmed effectively. If you have a weapon, you have more
options available to you. Depending on the weapon, you can end the attack

fairly quickly, but if there are multiple dogs, you want to keep your head clear
and identify the alpha. The alpha should be the one initiating the attack,
making the most noise (this isn't always the case though), and its tail should be
the highest. If you take out the alpha, there is a good chance the others will
back down.
If you don't have a weapon to keep the dog/s at a distance, and you have time
to do so, wrap something around your weaker arm, you are going to have to
give them that arm to open up an opportunity to scare it off. Remember to
give the animal the outside of your forearm and not the inside where it can
puncture a vein or artery.
Once it has latched on to your arm, remain calm. You may be thinking to go for
the eyes, but just like us, they can blink and render the attack less effective.
Instead, punch the dog as hard as you can on the nose. Their nose is very
sensitive, and you can end most attacks this way.
It's important to remember that in most cases, you shouldn't run away from
the dog/s as this will just trigger their predator instinct to chase and it/they will
catch you. Instead, stand tall and present yourself as an alpha. In some cases,
this is all you will have to do.
If it is multiple dogs, they will circle you and attack you from multiple angles.
There are two thing you want to keep in mind when facing multiple dogs –
Identifying the alpha, and staying on your feet. If you do find yourself on the
ground, protect your throat as best as possible and try to get back on your
feet. Go for anything soft – eyes, groin, or the best spot as stated before, the
Do not scream if you can help it, this will only drive their predator instinct
more, as to them, you will sound like an injured animal. Keep your head clear,
focus on the alpha, and target their nose as much as possible.

Anti-Rape Techniques
I don’t mean to scare you with these stats, but approximately 90,000 people
are raped each year in the United States. Few of the rapists are actually caught
but what difference does that make if the damage is done? Fortunately for
you, if you’re a woman who’s about to get raped, there are plenty of things
you can do to delay it and, eventually, get away or incapacitate them.
See, the more you stall, the less likely you are to get raped. If he corners you in
an elevator, for instance, he doesn’t have much time. Same thing if he caught
you in a dark alley: it’s only a matter of time until someone will show up. There
are different techniques for different scenarios, depending on how far he’s
Is he coming towards you?
If you’re in the early stages, as he’s approaching you fast, don’t’ wait to use the
techniques below. Use the previous techniques to hit him and run.
Has he thrown you to the ground?
In the early stages, when he throws you down to the ground, what you can do
is curl yourself with your head in your knees and your arms around them. This
will make it very hard for him to untie you.
To do this, it means he’s going to use both his arms and possibly even keep his
legs apart for more stability. All you have to do is to kick him in the groin or in
the face the moment you get a chance. But, don’t count on it to arrive, stay
curled up as long as you can to buy you time.
Has he spread your arms apart?
Now, if he managed to spread your arms apart, you’re in a good position to
kick him in the groin. As he recovers from the hit, give him another one in his
face or press your thumbs on his eyeballs the way I taught you.

Has he spread your legs apart?
This is a good time to kick him in the groin or even the face. It’s also a good
idea to try to release one or even both your hands and use them to cause
damage to his face. Remember that, while you’re on the floor, maybe you can
throw dust or sand in his eyes.
What else can you do?
If your rapist wants you, he’s going to have a hard time every step of the way.
Continuously look for opportunities to hit him in any way that you can. In most
cases, such opportunities will arise. Keep in mind that one good hit is all you
need to unlock yourself from him and escape.
Does he have you at knifepoint?
You’re probably not going to like this but in most cases is just best to let him
do whatever he wants. He might not hesitate to slit your throat if you resist.

Finding the Perfect Self-
Defense Class
There are a few things you will want to identify when looking for a potential
instructor. First, you need to find out their credentials. These can be faked as
well, so the next step is to sit in during a few classes. Most instructors will
allow you to watch how the class goes, and if they do not, find another
Find a class that you feel confident in. If your desire is to learn boxing, then do
it. Most martial arts/self-defense classes will give you valuable lessons in better
ways to protect yourself, and if you love what you are learning, chances are
you will continue to do it.
It's important to state that there are many “real-life” self-defense classes
popping up that are better left alone. It's easy to spot this once you sit in and
watch the class. Things to look out for in these real-life situations are the levels
of aggression from the attack. The attacker isn't going to simply grab you and
wait for you to react.
Learning to protect yourself in this manner can be a hindrance to your
progress, and potentially teach you things that are either irrelevant or only
applicable if your attacker is passive and allowing you to react to their attack –
which is never the case.
Instead look for a real-life self-defense class with an intensity that mimics a
real attack. That way if you are ever put in that situation, you will have some
experience in dealing with that level of aggression.
If you are looking to get into a martial-arts program instead of a self-defense
class, you have many different styles that will teach you how to protect
yourself, or make you a better fighter.
MMA is becoming more popular due to the growing trend in UFC. It consists of
many different styles of martial arts, hence the term Mixed Martial-Arts. If you
can find a good instructor, you will learn a lot of valuable lessons when it
comes to defending yourself and teach you how to react to a variety of attacks.
Some other martial arts that may be worth looking into are boxing, kickboxing,
and Muay Thai. All of this are focused on learning how to strike, and how to
strike effectively. If you are more interested in learning how to strike to subdue
your attacker, these three may be worth looking at.
If you would like to learn how to control your opponent through a martial arts
style, you have quite a few options – we will only go over a few of the more
successful and popular ones so you may be able to find a gym near you.
First, you have Judo, a form that deals with primarily taking control of your
opponent and throwing them to the ground. It also has some elements of
The last one we will touch up on is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This is a very powerful
form of martial arts when it comes to controlling your opponent and putting
them in an awful situation. It focuses solely on taking your opponent to the
ground and subduing them with submissions and joint-locks. This sounds

counterintuitive, but go to a legitimate dojo and ask to spar the smallest
person there. You might be very surprised at what they will do to you.
It's important to state that there are many not listed here that are worth
investigation and are excellent forms of self-defense. Martial-arts like Kempo,
Krav-Maga, Sambo, and even wrestling will give you a wealth of knowledge.
Keep in mind that an MMA class will have a lot of elements from most of these
Look for an instructor that you can trust, has verifiable credentials, and leads a
class that you know you will enjoy and learn from.

Learning to defend yourself is just as important as anything else us preppers
deem necessary to learn. Knowing what you need to do in dangerous
situations will give you the confidence to apply your learned skills if you are
ever attacked. Remember to keep your head clear, stay situationally aware,
and don't become another statistic.

Stay safe,
Heath Brower and Dan F. Sullivan


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