Consulta Numero 3
Consulta Numero 3
Consulta Numero 3
“Design for X”
The DFX methods are proposed in order to focus the and subassemblies to fit together into the larger product,
design object on some factor x that the company and designing mistake proofing into the parts
considers relevant. in general, the dfx concept is usually themselves. Mistake
related to the strategies of concurrent engineering We
usually talk about design for: manufacturing, assembly, proofing is essentially the idea that you ought to make
maintenance, reliability, safety, the environment, reuse, sure there is only one way to assemble a product. If the
recycling; The most important ones are mentioned, since assembler
it is about the direction of the company, of the company,
of the company, of the difference.[1]
makes a mistake regarding orientation, fastener size or
Design for “excellence” (also known as DFX) is a general type, or a number of other issues that might come up in
term used in the engineering world that serves as a the course of assembly, mistake proofing prevents them
placeholder for different design objectives. In reality, the from making it by ensuring the part simply cannot be
term DFX is better thought of as Design For “x” where the assembled with the wrong accessories and/or in the
variable x is interchangeable with one of many values wrong manner. Think of designing mechanical limits into
depending on the particular objectives of the your products (e.g. square pegs that fit in square holes
venture. Some of the most common substitutes for x but simply cannot fit into a round hole even if the
include assembly (DfA), cost (DfC), logistics (DfL), assembler thinks they’re supposed to). A well designed
manufacturability (DfM), reliability (DfR), product
serviceability and/or repairability (DfS).
has safeguards against mistakes that are intended to
prevent costly outcomes farther down the production line.
Designs can vary wildly depending on which items you
prioritize over others and the degree to which you make
them your focus. Here is a little more about each design
and their associated principles:
B. DfC: Design For Cost possible to use only one type of screw then focus
on minimizing the different type of screws used in
DfC needs to be a consideration in every design because the design.
a product that costs more to produce than it can be sold
for doesn’t have a future. Designs must be profitable and • Parallel processing involves eliminating
cost reduction on the design and development side of bottlenecks where a single fallout can hold up the
things is a large piece of that puzzle. DfC combines a lot entire operation. The objective of parallel
of other design principles into one. A design that is easily processing is to achieve “just-in-time” (JIT)
assembled, logistically efficient, manufacturable, reliable, manufacturing in the shortest amount of total
and serviceable is also likely to be lower cost. Choice of time possible.
materials is also a major influencer Other relevant DfC
principles include simplification (reducing the total D. DfM: Design For Manufacturability (read detail on
number of parts and fasteners in your design), DfM)
modularization (the idea that parts ought to be
somewhat interchangeable and/or of logically DfM involves technical expertise in the particular
standardized size and dimension), and parallel manufacturing process being used. One of the most
processing (minimizing bottlenecks and common manufacturing processes is known as injection
inefficiencies in assembly). molding. Designs that minimize defects during injection
mold manufacturing will take into account technical
specifications like mold temperature, cycle time, and even
C. DfL: Design For Logistics larger ticket items like facility humidity. Designers will also
incorporate techniques like designing small draft angles
DfL is also known as Design for Supply Chain. The into vertical surfaces and rounded corners within mold
concept involves incorporating design considerations like cavities. Other important design considerations include
economizing on packaging and transportation, items like gate location and its relative location to different
modularization (standardization) of parts, and parallel part geometries. Designers should aim to avoid flow
production processes that minimize lead time and issues as this will ultimately prevent weakness in the final
inventory requirements. output.