30 - 11A1 - Feedback On Last Lesson

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Feedback on last lesson (No.

3) Tuesday, 8th October 2013

Last lesson, we started by listening to a song called “I need to wake up” and we had to take
some notes according to the meaningful words in the lyrics. Then, we discussed some words Commented [LB1]: As they are inside the lyrics
and expressions on the lyrics, and we reached the conclusion that we all contribute to the Commented [LB2]: ‘on’ is right here, meaning ‘about’.
sickness of our planet and we must change soon in order to guarantee a healthier and better
planet for the future generations.

After this, the teacher showed us some videos. The first video started with a man who threw a
bottle away and that had a great impact on people near him and at the end, he got hurt by an
arrow and he got hit by a truck. This video made us realize that all our acts come back to us
and they can have very bad consequences for ourselves, even when we don`t realize that.

The second video the teacher showed us was definitely my favourite one, but not for the best
reasons. It started with the view of a beautiful island on the Pacific Ocean with a large
population of sea eagles and their offspring. Then, we could see dead sea eagles and in their
stomach there were lots of garbage, like plastic bottles. It was one of the worst scenarios I
have ever seen… After some minutes of discussion, we reached the conclusion that it was all
our fault. When we go to the beach, some of us leave their garbage on the sand and the waves
take it to islands. The sea eagles do not reason, like humans do, so they eat that garbage and
they die. In order to stop their death, we have to stop polluting and we have to reason before

The last film the teacher showed us was some kind of analogy between what we do to our
bodies and what we are doing to our planet. Every day, we intoxicate our bodies, because of
the food that we ingest, like fast food, orange juice, among others, and that is exactly the same
thing that we do to our planet. If we don`t think enough to stop poisening ourselves, we`ll
never be able to stop hurting our planet, which is our home.

So, we have to be aware, not only of our actions, but also of the ones ` around us, and change
them for the better in order to have a better planet for ourselves, but above all for the future

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