Delivering The Primary Curriculum: The Use of Subject Specialist and Generalist Teachers in NSW

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Issues in Educational Research, 20(3), 2010.


Delivering the primary curriculum: The use of subject

specialist and generalist teachers in NSW

Kathie Ardzejewska
Australian College of Physical Education, Sydney
Anne McMaugh and Pamela Coutts
Macquarie University

The delivery of the primary curriculum has been subject to recent debate in Western
countries. In Australia, the primary teacher is by and large considered a generalist;
however a current paradox exists whereby there are claims that specialists are needed
to deliver the curriculum. This study explores this claim by first addressing the
prevalence of specialist use in NSW government schools before examining principals’
views regarding the current work of primary teachers. Data was collected using a
mixed method sequential QUAN+QUAL design. In phase I questionnaires were
distributed to all principals (N = 1608) in government primary schools in one
Australian state (New South Wales) with a response rate of 25%. Follow-up
interviews were conducted with 14 principals in phase II. The findings suggest that
there is a disjuncture between the assumption that the primary curriculum can be
delivered by a generalist and current practices which forces us to consider whether it
is time for a different model.


Currently there is a great deal of discussion regarding the minimum standards required
of pre-service primary teachers in Australia. It would appear underlying this, is an
assumption that primary teachers are generalists who have an ability to provide
instruction in all key subject areas. In contrast, there seems to be a parallel discourse
increasingly promoting the need for specialist teachers in the primary school setting. In
England it has been argued that the idea of the generalist is outdated and does not
reflect practice (Alexander, Rose & Woodhead, 1992) and as such, four types of
primary specialist teachers were introduced (OFSTED, 1997). Moreover, in 1998
preservice teachers were required to specialise in at least one area (OFSTED, 2001). In
Australia, no such debate or sanctioned change in practice has occurred. Despite this
there is increasing evidence which suggests that specialist teachers in primary schools
are relatively common (Angus, Olney & Ainley, 2007). This paper aims to draw
attention to this apparent disparity by reporting on the general use of specialist teachers
in government schools in one state in Australia (New South Wales [NSW]) and
exploring the rationale for this practice. Exploring NSW alone reflects the governance
of the education system of Australia where each State has its own regulations and

A growing interest in the primary specialist teacher

Although NSW public primary schools acknowledge the employment of a limited

number of specialists[1], commonly the generalist teacher is expected to deliver a
diverse range of subject matter in the primary curriculum. For example, the NSW
204 The use of subject specialist and generalist teachers in NSW

Institute of Teachers [NSWIT] (2009) stipulates that pre-service primary teachers must
undertake a pattern of study that prepares them to teach all six Key Learning Areas
(KLAs). It is unlikely however, that teachers approach all subjects with the same level
of competence. This is apparent in the varying patterns of study which pre-service
teachers may undertake to meet content requirement which allows students to focus on
some areas more than others (NSWIT, 2009). In addition, teachers are also required to
meet other essential requirements in ‘Nominated Areas of the Standards’ which include
literacy, Aboriginal Education and Special Education for example (NSWIT, 2007).

In other contexts it has been argued that the generalist primary teacher might be more
appropriately employed as an ‘expert’ deliverer of prioritised key learning areas such
as literacy, numeracy and science. In his review into improving Literacy, Numeracy
and Science Learning in Queensland, Australia, Masters (2009, p. 73) claimed that
“ideally, every primary school teacher would be an expert teacher of literacy,
numeracy and science”, thus explicitly prioritising the development of teacher
competencies in some subject areas over others. This review further recommended that
teachers be offered the opportunity to develop specialised subject knowledge and also
advocated the employment of specialist teachers. Williams (2009, p.10) further
articulated this vision by suggesting that primary schools would emulate the practice of
high schools, forming curriculum departments with specialist teachers, whereby the
specialist teacher “would hone their knowledge by teaching across year levels, and by
delivering the same lessons to numerous classes within the same year level.” Williams
(p.10) further claimed that “curriculum and learning objectives would become truly
standardised as specialists not only deliver deep knowledge but also uniformly plan
and evaluate lessons”. Support for this position was found in an OFSTED (2009, p.7)
survey which reported that when teachers “were less secure about aspects of a lesson
which required subject-specific knowledge” they were unable to provide students with
opportunities for deep learning. Such discourses represent a shift from the ideologically
valued position of the subject generalist to one which appears to value the ‘deep
knowledge’ of the subject specialist.

Although the research evidence is scant, there is literature that shows that classroom
teachers themselves may support the use of specialist teachers in certain subject
domains. Morgan and Hansen (2007) found that 60% of their sample of NSW primary
school teachers (N = 189) would prefer to have a specialist teacher in the subjects of
Music, Creative and Practical Arts, Computers and Science and Technology. Much of
the current research posits that specialist teachers bring a number of important
dimensions to a subject. Hennessy, (2000) for example, argues that specialist teachers
bring greater confidence to the classroom, while Wilson Macdonald, Byrne, Ewing,
and Sheridan (2008) contend that subject specialists use their specialised content
knowledge to empower students to produce a higher quality of work. Emotional and
values-based claims have also been made about the use of specialist primary teachers.
Fromyhr (1995) reported that these specialists show greater ‘enthusiasm’ while others
report that specialists ‘value’ the subject more highly (DeCorby, Halas, Dixon,
Wintrup & Janzen, 2005). Asked specifically about Physical Education (PE), these
teachers attributed their desire for the use of specialists to the belief that PE would be
taught consistently by specialist teachers. Similar arguments have also been made for
Ardzejewska, McMaugh & Coutts 205

Music (Australian Government, 2005) and Science (Abell, 1990; Jones & Edmunds,

Although there is evidence of emerging support for the specialist primary teacher, there
is little evidence of the extent or breadth of specialist teacher use in NSW government
schools. The suggestion that specialist teacher use might be relatively common in
Australian schools is supported by only one study revealing that specialists are at work
as teachers of literacy, Music and PE (listed in order of frequency) (Angus et al.,

Conceptualising the specialist teacher

In the absence of an accepted practice of using specialist teachers, it is important to

explore the meaning and definition of the term ‘specialist’ as described in the
Australian literature. In their study, Angus et al. (2007) did not report or define the
qualifications of the subject specialist; therefore it is difficult to conceive of the
conditions or standards by which one is deemed a ‘specialist’. The Ramsey Review
(2000, p. 151) indirectly defined specialisation as part of its discussion on accreditation
as “teachers who have undertaken significant further studies … gained through
specifically designed courses”. Focusing on PE, Tinning, Kirk and Evans (1993, pp.
143-144) question whether a specialist is “someone who has done a major study in
physical education/human movement studies in their initial teacher training? Is it
someone who has done a ‘specialist’ four-year degree in physical education?’ or ‘Is it
someone who is appointed to the position of physical education at a school regardless
of his or her qualifications or interest in the area?” They suggest that the first definition
is concerned with expertise while the second is concerned with responsibility for the
subject, and hence reflecting the possibility of contextual and standards based elements
in concepts of the specialist teacher.

One contextual element in the use of specialist teachers can be found in Queensland
where specialist teachers are systematically allocated to fill relief time[2]. These
specialists deliver subject content in areas such as PE and are specifically trained in the
delivery of this subject (DinanThompson, 2009). In a contrasting example of
contextual variation, Hargreaves (1992) found that in one Canadian state, teachers
preferred that the ‘relief time’ teacher deliver a discrete subject, however these teachers
were not specifically trained in the delivery of this subject.

In addition to contextual or standards based concepts of the specialist teacher, is the

nature of the subject to which a specialist might be allocated and the values implicit in
this decision. In the emerging discourse supporting the use of specialist teachers, the
‘subject’ is prominent in even this limited debate. For example Masters (2009)
prioritises the core areas of literacy, numeracy and science and suggests the
deployment of specialists, while research by Morgan and Hansen (2007) suggests that
classroom teachers in NSW seem to defer the “skills and frills” (Stodolsky, 1988, p. 4)
subjects of Creative Arts and PE to the specialist teacher. Indeed, there is an extensive
body of work which suggests that delivering the curriculum is not a values free
exercise but rather is influenced by epistemological beliefs about the subjects
206 The use of subject specialist and generalist teachers in NSW

themselves. Stodolsky called this the ‘subject matters’. Over time researchers in this
area have used the lens of the subject to focus on: how cultural norms and assumptions
relate to the subject; subject status; the body of subject knowledge; teachers’ work; and
how school leaders’ influence the delivery of subjects. For example, in the USA Burch
and Spillane (2003) described how factors such as district policy, threat of closure and
exam performance resulted in Mathematics and Literacy being prioritised by school
leaders. In another study Burch and Spillane (2005) found that even when outwardly
there were no differences in the value placed on Literacy and Numeracy reform, senior
administrators acted in ways which supported an epistemological hierarchy. Put
simply, epistemological beliefs can shape and influence policy (Rowan & Miskel,
1999). In considering the use of specialist teachers the value of the subject itself may
shape the decision about the allocation of a specialist teacher.

In NSW it is the principal who allocates teachers and hence is responsible for the
generalist or specialised delivery of the curriculum. This study examined the
prevalence of specialist use in NSW government primary schools and the factors
influencing principals’ decisions to appoint specialists to certain subject domains.
Furthermore, it specifically focused on whether epistemological beliefs had a role in
the work of primary school teachers. In other words, asking questions about individual
subjects provided a framework to explore what principals perceive is the role of the
primary school teacher.


The study employed a sequential quantitative-qualitative (QUAN+QUAL) design. This

was chosen as it allows for the collection and analysis of quantitative data followed by
the analysis of qualitative data produced by a purposeful criterion sample (Tashakkori
& Teddlie, 2003).


The potential sample of the study consisted of all principals of NSW government
primary schools (N = 1608) who were invited to participate in the study. A total of 401
respondents participated in the quantitative phase of the study representing a response
rate of 25%. Unsolicited mailed questionnaires are notorious for their low response
rates and although disappointing, it is above the minimum acceptable and still
represents a sizable sample. Moreover, Keeter, Miller, Kohut, Groves & Prosser (2000)
have shown that there is minimal difference in answers between response rates of 20 to
40%. There is no reason to think that the principals who responded might have a
different view from those who did not, particularly given that responses reflected an
adequate demographic profile of NSW principals including a representation of all 10
administrative regions and all of the six different school sizes as identified by
NSWDET (New South Wales Education and Training). There were more male (n =
217) than female (n = 184) respondents, although in schools these positions are held
equally between the sexes (NSWDET, 2008). In the qualitative phase a purposeful
criterion sample of 14 principals was selected from those who had returned the
questionnaire and belonged to one of the following categories: had never considered
Ardzejewska, McMaugh & Coutts 207

using a subject specialist; had considered but never used a subject specialist; had used a
subject specialist. Attempts were made to select two principals from each category of
specialist use, drawing on a variety of geographical (urban and rural), administrative
regions (rural, metropolitan, city) and school sizes (small, medium, large). It was not
always possible to recruit the same number of representatives for each of the purposive
criterion. For example, although the questionnaire data found that principals of urban
schools wanted to use specialists, none of these principals consented to an interview.


For the quantitative phase a questionnaire was developed to assess five issues, three of
which are detailed here and employed a combination of quantitative and open ended
self-report data. Sections 1 and 2 asked about school and principal characteristics while
the third section focused on the prevalence of subject specialist use. Because this was
the first time such data was being collected and in order to capture the broad spectrum
of possible specialist use, the items were couched in general terms only. Indeed the
difficulty of exploring specialist use was identified in the pilot stage as a number of
respondents asked for clarification of the term. As suggested in the piloting, to avoid
misinterpretations of the term specialists, the front page explained that the study was
not interested in 'career specialists'. Data about the use of teachers who work as
consultants or in reading recovery, for example already exists. Therefore this study
wanted to capture those generalists who instead of teaching the entire curriculum were
limiting their teaching to a particular KLA or strand. Subject specialists were defined
as an RFF (Relief from Face to Face) teacher or other NSWDET teacher who teaches
in one specific Key Learning Area or a Strand or activity and/or an outside provider
teaching the same. This paper addresses the use of specialists who are defined as an
RFF teacher or other NSWDET teacher. In this third section there were three questions
and seven sub questions. The first question asked whether the school considered the
use of any type of specialist. The second question asked whether the school currently
used a specialist in each of the three categories identified above and the third question
asked principals to list the KLA, strand or activity each type of specialist taught. Data
regarding the hours specialists were employed were not collected.

The subsequent qualitative phase reported in this paper explored the factors influencing
the decision to use subject specialists. This paper focuses on three areas of
investigation: views regarding the delivery of the curriculum by both the generalist and
specialist teacher; perceptions of the subject specialist; and explanations of the use of


This study received ethical approval from the Macquarie University Ethics Review
Committee and the NSWDET. All principals in NSW government primary schools
were mailed an information package containing a participant information letter, letter
from NSWDET, the questionnaire and a return paid envelope. Special schools were
excluded because of the differences in their curriculum, staffing expertise and student
to teacher ratios. Principals who agreed in the questionnaire to be interviewed and who
208 The use of subject specialist and generalist teachers in NSW

were subsequently selected, were sent a copy of the interview schedule two days prior
to the interview. All semi-structured interviews were conducted face to face where
there was an openness that allowed for follow-up of answers that uncovered “the
stories” (Kvale, 1996, p. 124). Each audiotaped interview was transcribed verbatim and

The analysis occurred in three stages described by Attride-Stirling (2001) as ‘thematic

networks’. ‘Meaning categorisation’ was used first whereby every transcript was coded
according to basic themes (Kvale, 1996). All interviews were coded by the sole
researcher. To increase reliability two of the interviews were also coded by an
independent researcher. The percentage agreement for interrater reliability was 90%.
Any discrepancies were discussed and resolved. These basic themes were then grouped
conceptually into ‘organising themes’ or clusters. In this study while the data analysis
was clearly shaped by some prior expectations, it was impossible to know what
principals were going to report, or indeed, to form prior descriptions of all findings. As
a result inductive analysis was employed here to develop clusters. The constant
comparative method which is mostly associated with grounded theory (Glaser &
Strauss, 1967) was employed by comparing an account with all other similar accounts
across the data set. Units of data were sorted into similar groups and hence ‘themes
within clusters’ were formed. Units of data were required to be both meaningful in the
context of the study and to be self-contained as possible or interpretable in their own
right (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). The third level of analysis aimed at identifying
relationships among the clusters and how they worked together at a global level. Such
“theorising” (Merriam, 1998, p. 188) about the data was conducted in relation to the
broader research aims of identifying the views and factors influencing NSW primary
principals in their decisions about who delivers the curriculum.

Documenting the use of subject specialists

A total of 293 (73%) principals explicitly endorsed the use of subject specialists by
reporting that they had used a subject specialist while a further 6% reported they had
considered their use. No significant differences in use of a specialist were found for
regional location (χ2=2.61; df=2; p<0.05) or school size (χ 2=0.19; df=2; p<0.05). Nor
were there any significant differences in the use of specialists as a function of the years
of experience of the principal (χ 2=56; df=5; p<0.05) or gender (χ2=0.81; df=2;
p<0.05). Table 1 reports the use of subject specialists according to KLAs and
demonstrates the reported use of specialist teachers in this study is not consistent
across KLAs. Rather, specialists are used more frequently in Science and Technology,
Creative Arts and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE).

Who is teaching what and why?

Given that 73% of principals used subject specialists, subsequent qualitative analysis
explored the responses of 11 principals to establish their reasons for using specialists.
Analysis elicited three main reasons. The first reflected broad philosophical beliefs
about the role of the primary school teacher. The second revealed a perception that
Ardzejewska, McMaugh & Coutts 209

primary teachers have variable subject expertise and that the expectation that
generalists teach everything was problematic. Linked to this was the final reason which
found that specialists were often used to resolve administrative issues.

Table 1: The reported number of subject specialists used according to KLAs

No. of
specialists used*
Creative Arts 113
(Band, Music, Visual Arts)
English 14
Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE) 0
Mathematics 0
Personal Development Health and Physical 62
Education (PDHPE) (Dance, Gymnastics, PE, Sport)
Science and Technology 159
* Cell counts add up to >293 as it was possible for principals to report multiple use of
subject specialists
** Strands/activities listed by principals that fall under the KLA

The philosophy of primary schooling and the role of the primary teacher
It was clear that decisions about curriculum delivery were strongly influenced by
principals’ educational philosophies and their beliefs about the role of primary
schooling and teaching. Principals regularly returned to discussing primary schooling
in terms of subjects and teachers’ responsibility for the attainment of specific skills by
students, in particular, for English and Mathematics. Their accounts go to the heart of
explaining how educational philosophies sit within epistemological beliefs. Every
principal incorporated within their response their philosophy that primary schooling
should provide the foundation for English and Mathematics.

… that’s [English and Mathematics] been our bread and butter for time
immemorial (L.2);

… in the early stages of your life, if you don’t have those good foundation
skills [English and Mathematics] … you really need to acquire them in the
early years and I would say that kindergarten, year one and then two are the
most important years of your entire school career (L.1).

They go on to describe with no uncertainty what they believe is the core work of
primary teachers.

I really believe that teachers need to teach their own class those particular
skills [Maths and Literacy] because they are skills that are transferred across
all other key learning areas throughout the week (L.6);

… their classroom teacher should be teaching the basic skills (L.9).

210 The use of subject specialist and generalist teachers in NSW

These views are not surprising given that teaching ‘Reading, Writing and Arithmetic’
have long been viewed as the purpose of primary schooling.

Variable expertise
Not surprisingly, given their philosophical position described above, almost all
principals believed that primary teachers were experts in English and Mathematics.
One principal sums this up quite simply:

If you say to me that you are a primary teacher and you don’t have an interest
in maths then I think there is a major problem. I’d say to go to high school and
be an English teacher (L.9).

A belief that teachers were required to have a similar level of expertise in all other
KLAs however was not evident. Moreover, the decision to use specialists was justified
by a perception that teachers lacked the expertise or had variable expertise in the
delivery of other curriculum areas. When further unpacked, the issue for some
principals was the level of expertise required, and although related, for others it was the
breadth of skill required. For example, some chose to use subject specialists as a result
of their beliefs that students need enrichment and that generalists were unable to
always provide the requisite experience. Phrases such as “rich and full as possible” (L.
1); and a “range of experiences” (L. 3); describes their belief that primary schooling
should offer a breadth of opportunities. Other principals considered that teaching all
subjects well was close to impossible:

Any teacher coming into a school … would probably have in their bow other
KLAs of strong interest and skill and would probably have a few that they
would try to avoid, as a general rule (L.9);

It’s a naïve and simplistic view that everybody in primary education can cover
all areas of the curriculum (L.1).

Table 2 provides a summary of the areas considered by principals as difficult to teach

and some of the reasons why. The three most frequently reported strands are Music, PE
and Computers. Of note, English, Mathematics, Science and HSIE (Human Society
and Its Environment) do not appear.

Tensions around administrative practicalities

Another reason for using subject specialists was the difficulties encountered when
trying to administer a traditional generalist classroom teacher model while managing a
crowded curriculum. Every principal spoke of how difficult teaching has become for
the classroom generalist:

primary teachers … are flat out teaching any science at all because
everything’s a priority, you know, whether its Road Safety or Drug Education
or Sex Education or Child Protection, everything must be done in the primary
school (L. 2).
Ardzejewska, McMaugh & Coutts 211

Other principals spoke of the impact of additional NSWDET expectations for quality
teaching and learning including new assessment and reporting procedures. Principals
similarly found themselves trying to manage under increasing expectations.

Principals are really pushed to the hilt these days to try and keep up with the
demands and expectations from head office and still have a sensible approach
to running their school and manage their teachers and students (L. 4).

Table 2: Subject areas reported by principals as difficult to teach

and the reasons why

• I just couldn’t teach music because I’m tone deaf and I can’t sing and I don’t play a
musical instrument (L. 1)
• just a couple of people who are happy to do that [teach computers, music or sport]
where as the rest would much rather hand it over (L. 2)
• My teachers have been trained in how to judge [athletics], … how to teach it [but
not demonstrate it] (L. 3)
• It’s very rarely someone within the school has got skills, especially for PE (L. 4)
• Unless you have a music background it would be really hard to teach it efficiently
(sic) (L. 5)
• like most schools, it’s [computers] an area where you really need that expertise
• There are certain areas in … [PE] … haven’t got staff who can do it (L. 10)
• People maybe haven’t had the experiences or the training or expertise for meeting
the high expectations that the community now has for subjects like music and PE
(L. 11)
• I think languages need to be taught by a specialist language teacher (L. 14)

At the same time principals need to make decisions regarding the allocation of the
teacher workforce in a system where schools have only limited control over the
selection of teachers. The NSWDET allocates teachers to government primary schools
using a formula based on the number of students in a school. Although there is some
provision within staffing to request the NSWDET assign a teacher with a particular
skill, principals reported that the depth of expertise is variable. This study revealed that
decisions around RFF allocation often took into account an identified need for
expertise in a particular curriculum area. The RFF teacher may come from the pool of
permanent teaching staff at the school or, if casual positions exist, be employed by the
school in this capacity alone. The following examples outline how views about
subjects have clearly played a role in the development of notional subject teachers,
under the guise of RFF provision.

One principal from a large school used RFF time to deliver two subjects, namely PE
and Drama, across a number of classes. This decision appeared to be made as a
pragmatic response to a perceived lack of expertise and willingness to teach these
subjects by other staff members as well as the principal’s desire for students to improve
their current performance in these areas. This model of allocating a subject or subjects
to RFF appeared to be the preferred model for all but two principals. The following
212 The use of subject specialist and generalist teachers in NSW

quote shows that the process is complex while again highlighting the desire of
permanent generalist teachers to teach certain KLAs.

because you don’t have control of your staffing, it means that you don’t
necessarily get a balanced staff as far as skills go. And I think people have
looked out and said “well, if we use our RFF this way … we can actually
balance our staffing a lot better.” I’ve been in schools where there’s been no
one who’s prepared to take, but don’t do a very good job or as good as
possible in the PE area, ... they bring somebody in. The next year it might be
dance and the next year it might be something else, music for instance. You
may have a whole staff that are all good at music but no one’s good at PE or
vice versa (L. 10).

This study has found that some primary school teachers are not delivering all six
KLAs; instead a ‘specialist’ is used to address contextual demands and/or perceived
comparative weakness in subject expertise. Indeed, by using subject specific lenses this
study confirms that different subjects matter differently with English and Mathematics
thought to be the core of primary teaching. This seems to result in a situation whereby
principals could not conceive of English and Mathematics being taught by someone
other than the generalist classroom teacher but allows for other subjects to be taught by
someone else.


The current study investigated the prevalence and practices associated with the use of
specialist teachers in NSW government primary schools. The findings provide
significant evidence of the use of subject specialists, which is consistent with the
limited and anecdotal reports previously available. There is also evidence of increasing
perceptions that specialist skills are required for teaching primary school subjects (e.g.
Appleton, 2003; Goulding Rowland & Barber, 2002; Hennessy, 2000; Wilson et al.,
2008). As principals have no official policies or procedures to guide their decision
making in regards to specialist teachers, this study has found that they resort to their
own (sometimes deeply held) beliefs to provide them with guidance. Consistent with
the hypothesis that the “subject matters” (Stodolsky, 1988), there is a perception that
primary teachers should, and do, treat different subjects differently. It appears that
principals believe that primary teachers think in terms of subjects (rather than
generalisms), which is more in line with their high school colleagues and also have
particular subject identities and fields of knowledge. In this way the majority of
principals saw generalists as teachers of English and Mathematics who had limited
ability to cover everything at an ‘expert’ level. The focus on these subjects reflects the
primacy of numeracy and literacy reflected in previous calls for the development of
teacher expertise in these areas (Masters, 2009). Australia is not alone; in England
OFSTED (2009, p. 4) reported that although teachers have been provided with
professional development for Literacy and Numeracy, “with notable exceptions there
has been relatively little opportunity for primary teachers to identify and remedy
weaknesses in subject knowledge beyond English and mathematics”.
Ardzejewska, McMaugh & Coutts 213

This study found that both contextual and standards based elements have given rise to a
standard of practice whereby the generalist delivers the high status subjects, English
and Mathematics, and the subject specialist delivers the other KLAs. The first
contextual issue relates to the issue of RFF. Arising from an industrial condition where
a relief teacher is used in place of the regular teacher, many principals have actively
decided to fill this time as one dedicated to a single subject. In this study, this appeared
to be Science and Technology, Creative Arts or PDHPE. Although finding a relieving
teacher is paramount, it seems that when making the decision about who will fill this
position, principals also consider how students might be given opportunities to engage
in an enriching curriculum. For many principals providing a subject specialist to
deliver RFF offers a single solution to both concerns. In such a framework the subject
specialist is used for "only the add on bits" (L. 10) as stated by one principal.

This concurs with the work of Thornton (1990, p. 36) in England, who found that while
the majority of teachers supported the use of specialists they did not want them to
replace generalists. Instead, they saw them used as supernumerary consultants or "in
special circumstances, for only some subjects and provided there was not too much of
it" (original italics). This view is consistent with the research of Hargreaves (1992, p.
100) who found that teachers preferred that their preparation-time was covered by
"segregated cover arrangements, in which a colleague comes in and teaches a self-
contained speciality for which he or she holds complete responsibility". In contrast,
'integrated cover' where programming is shared between the classroom and relieving
teacher was seen less positively. Like teachers in Hargreaves' (1992) study, principals
in the current study reported that they believed teachers had less expertise in the "frill"
subjects: Music and PE. This supports the view of teachers themselves where Morgan
and Hansen (2007) found a preference for specialist teachers in such subjects and is
confirmed in a wider study by Angus et al. (2007) who reported that only a minority of
Australian teachers felt they had 'all the expertise needed' to teach either the Arts or
Health and PE.

The second contextual factor is accountability. This concurs with observations of

leadership practices by Burch and Spillane (2003; 2005) who found that English and
Mathematics were priorities for leaders in Chicago primary schools. In reality NSW
primary school principals have little choice, given policy dictates that over 50% of time
be apportioned to these two subjects (Board of Studies NSW, 2006). These findings
concur with those of Angus et al. (2007, p. 17) who not only reported that: “literacy
and numeracy continue to dominate the primary school curriculum”, but that “there has
been very little change in the time allocated since the 1920s, when English and
Mathematics together occupied slightly more than half of the instructional time”. In
fact, Angus et al. (p. 22) make the claim that “to some extent, the problem of defining
what is ‘core’ for primary school has been resolved. There is no campaign to displace
either English or Mathematics from the top tier or to reduce their time allocation”.
Indeed, the pre-eminence of these subjects continues to increase as evidenced by
growing accountability measures. For example students in kindergarten now have their
literacy and numeracy skills assessed (NSWDET, 2007).
214 The use of subject specialist and generalist teachers in NSW

Intertwined with contextual factors which influence the decisions regarding who
delivers the subject is a concern for standards. It is clear from this study, that when
teachers are perceived as being weak in a subject area, principals will seek support.
Such decisions may be interpreted in one of two ways. On one hand it is a concern that
some teachers are excused by their principals from delivering some parts of the
curriculum. This abrogation of responsibility can be read as being in conflict with not
only “the principle of curriculum entitlement [which] means that subjects must be
taught equally well” (Alexander et al., 1992, p. 24), but also the 1990 NSW Education
Act, which is supposed to provide children with “high quality education that meets
students’ needs, including quality teaching and a decent standard of resources” (NSW
Public Education Council, 2005, p. 2). On the other hand, designating the delivery to
specialists may be argued as an attempt by some principals to improve the teaching and
learning; however the determination of ‘quality’ in teaching is a contestable area and as
yet an untested assumption about specialist teachers in the Australian context. Indeed
judgments regarding the implementation of subject specialists are beyond this study.
One thing is clear, principals do not have the expectation that teachers should have
equivalent expertise across all subjects.

Indeed the release of the Australian Primary Principals Association’s Charter on

Primary Schooling [Charter] (2007) reflects the concerns of many principals in this
study in advocating for both a core and non core curriculum in primary schools. The
core curriculum is referred to as English, Mathematics and to a lesser extent, Science
and Social Education while non-core curriculum refers to PDHPE and Creative Arts.
Not only does this dichotomy reflect the traditional and expected subject hierarchies
discussed by Stodolsky (1988) and others, but it also contains an implicit suggestion
that the core is the focus of the generalists while the later would be taught according to
the available expertise.

The release of the Charter (2007) along with the evidence from this study indicates the
need for a debate into the contemporary role of the primary school teacher in Australia.
The Charter itself offers two alternate policy directions. The first maintains the status
quo, which according to NSWDET is where all KLAs are taught by the generalist
albeit within a hierarchical curriculum. The second reprioritises subjects so that they
are all of equal status, or perhaps more realistically, treated as equally important and
resourced accordingly. The third alternative of course is to formally adopt the use of
specialist teachers in some guise or another. Just how this might be managed in such a
large centralised system such as NSWDET is beyond the scope of this paper; however
there is evidence from England that it is possible to improve the delivery of the
primary curriculum by focusing more specifically at the subject level.

Arising from a concern that not all subjects were being taught equally well and a
position that primary teachers cannot have equivalent expertise across all subjects
(Alexander et al., 1992), in 1998 all preservice primary teachers in England were
required to study at least one specialist subject. Specialist knowledge was defined as
having “secure knowledge … to at least a strand approximating to GCE Advanced
level” (OFSTED, 2001, p. 11). Levels of expertise were translated into four categories
of teachers with the following responsibilities.
Ardzejewska, McMaugh & Coutts 215

• The generalist teacher “teaches most or all of the curriculum, probably specialising
in age-range rather than subject”;
• The generalist/ consultant teacher “combines a generalist role in part of the
curriculum with cross-school coordination, advice and support in one or more
• The semi-specialist teacher – “teaches his/her subject, but who also has a
generalist and/or consultancy role”;
• The specialist teacher – “teaches his/her subject full-time” (OFSTED, 1997, p.

In a report some seventeen years after the concern was raised, a review found a number
of supports and barriers to improving teachers’ subject knowledge. Primary amongst
the supports is the role of the subject leader and perhaps formally developing such a
role in NSW government schools may broaden expectations around teachers’ abilities.
Subject leaders are charged with a number of tasks including supporting the
development of subject knowledge of other teachers and overseeing the delivery of the
subject across the school. The review noted, however, that the level of subject expertise
was inequitable across schools, and was “largely a matter of chance” (OFSTED, 2009,
p. 7).

The results of the current study similarly point to such a concern arguing that by
relying on available expertise as described in the Charter (2007), the socio-economic
and geographic disadvantage already present within the NSW community might be
exacerbated. For example, for subjects like Music, which the Charter advocates should
be offered on the basis of a school’s ability to “respond to individual and local needs,
interests and circumstances” (p. 3) it is likely that some schools will have less ability to
“respond”. Indeed Gill argues that relying on specialism that is dependent on resources
“is a form of education discrimination … the kids in the private schools who have
music regularly from prep right through to high school have an advantage in every
single way” (2009, 12).

The current practice points to a need to formally explore how the role of a primary
teacher might be changing at the grass roots level. It seems that for many of the
respondents in this study a generalist is an expert in the core subjects of English and
Mathematics who should be supported by a range of specialist teachers. If this position
is becoming accepted practice and the data from this study and the Charter (2007)
strongly suggests that it is, it is important to acknowledge that this may change primary
schooling for both teachers and students. It will be interesting to see whether the
introduction of Phase 2 of the National Curriculum which covers subjects not
previously identified within the NSW six KLAs (e.g Languages) results in an increase
in the use of specialists. It may be useful to replicate this research from a national
perspective when the new curriculum is implemented.


This study has demonstrated that there is wide support for and use of specialist teachers
in NSW government primary schools. While it is difficult to speculate on the fraction
216 The use of subject specialist and generalist teachers in NSW

of time specialists are used to deliver subjects, this preliminary study provides scope
for further more explicit exploration of the use of those who are currently working
alongside the generalist.

This study has established that delivering the curriculum in NSW public primary
schools today is no easy task. Intertwined with the tension of delivering an increasingly
crowded and demanding curriculum is the practical need to manage the teacher
workforce, especially as it relates to RFF. Almost three quarters of the principals
related difficulties in achieving a balanced teacher workforce due to a combination of
staff assignments by the NSWDET and perceived gaps in subject expertise. One
response that has drifted into practice rather than a result of systematic review and
implementation is the use of subject specialists. Such data clearly shows that we are in
a time when not all generalists are teaching all KLAs which begs the question; should
we continue to expect them to do so? Drawing on the English experience, if subject
specialists are thought to be a useful contribution to the quality of curriculum delivery,
establishing a clearer definition and purpose of the subject specialist teacher would be
an important place to start. Not acknowledging the use of specialists is problematic.
Although this study cannot comment on the quality of the teaching and learning
experiences when subjects are delivered by specialists, the findings demonstrate that
the learning and teaching experiences in schools are certainly not uniform and that the
gaps are not being managed at a higher policy level. Such variable patterns of teacher
allocation point to the real possibility that students are experiencing quite different
educational opportunities.

[1]. Counseling, library, reading recovery, computer coordination, special education,
Languages Other Than English, and English as a Second Language (NSWDET,
[2]. Introduced in NSW government primary schools in 1984, it provides every full-
time teacher with two hours to undertake administrative and educational tasks
(NSWDET, 1987).


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Kathie Ardzejewska is a lecturer in health at the Australian College of Physical

Education, Sydney, Australia. She is interested in a range of social justice issues
pertaining to teachers work and the issues of social and cultural change in the
philosophy and practice of education today, particularly as it relates to PDHPE.
Email: [email protected]

Anne McMaugh is a Lecturer in the Department of Education, Faculty of Human

Sciences, at Macquarie University. Anne teaches in the areas of educational
psychology, child development and inclusive education. Her research interests
encompass teacher education and the development of learners in school and higher
educational contexts. Email: [email protected]

Pamela Coutts is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education, Macquarie

University. Her research interests are in the area of social cognition as it applies to
educational issues such as children's idea about responsibility, parent and teacher
views about curriculum and assessment. Email: [email protected]

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