Ddku L
Ddku L
Ddku L
nuVuuopMENT ^uauneY
Joint Administrative Building (6'h Floor)
HC - 7, Sector - III, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700106
You are hereby requested to sLrbmit all the uecessary docurnents which will establish that yoLr have been
perfonned the Routine Maintenance Works for the above stated Package within the stipulated tirne.
You are furlher requested to present at office clramber of undersigned with all relevant docuurents in
original on 06.02.2018 at 2.00 P.M
Superintending [:ngineer ( I i.Q.)
P & RD Depaftment.
No.-1fl tl(6)/WBSRDAI2E-5512014(Part-II)
(r ilrTffit/{g
Superintending Engineer ( t I.Q.)
P & RD Departrnent.