Psychiatric Nursing PDF
Psychiatric Nursing PDF
Psychiatric Nursing PDF
02.All of the following are clinical symptoms occur during anorexia nervosa ECEXPT.
a) Behavioral symptoms b) Physical symptoms
c) Psychological symptoms d) Endocrine symptoms
05.Chlorpromazine (Largactil) is :
a) Antipsychotic b) Anti anxiety
c) Anti depressant d) Anti Parkinsonism
07.Which of the following phrases most accurately defines the term phobia:
a) Persistent, irrational fear of an objectively non-threatening object or situation
b) Repetitive, persistent, intrusive ideas, thoughts, images or impulses
c) A specified set of rules governing the performance of ritual like behaviors
d) A tendency to exhibit an exaggerated startle response even in non-threatening situations
08.An individual experience chronic anxiety that is: uncomfortable an intense, along
with tension and somatic manifestation this person eventually seeks treatment,
which of the following diagnosis most likely applied to him:
a) Panic attack b) Panic disorder
c) Generalized anxiety d) Depression
09.Hallucination is the following phrase EXCEPT :
a) Occur only in mentally
b) Is misinterpretation of external stimuli
c) Auditory hallucination associated with schizophrenia
d) Visual hallucination suggests organic cause