Irritants of Plant Origin: Submitted To Amity Institute of Forensic Science Amity University, Noida

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Submitted to
Amity Institute of Forensic Science
Amity University, Noida

By: - Ananshi Saini

Enrollment No. : - A5905917099
Course: - B.Sc. (H) – Forensic Sciences

Under the guidance of

Ms Neha Tomar
This is to certify that the report entitled “Irritants of Plant
Origin” is a bonafide research work carried out by
Ananshi Saini, which is submitted in partial fulfilment
for the award of the degree “B.Sc. (H) - Forensic
Sciences in the Amity University, Noida.

Date: 14/06/2019
Place: Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Faculty Guide:
Ms Neha Tomar
I, student of B.Sc. (H) - Forensic Sciences, hereby
declare that the matter in the project report entitled
“Irritants of Plant Origin” submitted to Ms. Neha
Tomar, Amity University, Noida is bonafide and
genuine research project under the guidance of Ms.
Neha Tomar. The work done in the report is original
and has not submitted earlier for the award of any
degree, or fellowship of any other university and

Place: Noida
Date: 14/06/2019

Name: Ananshi Saini

Enrollment No.:

I consider it as my proud privilege my indebtedness

to those persons who have provided invaluable help
directly or indirectly to produce this NTCC work.
My first and foremost reverent gratitude goes to my
respected Mentor Ms Neha Tomar for having worked
under her supervision. Her unique guidance,
uninterrupted help, constant and supervision made
me able to do this project in due time.

Thank you,


Certificate 2
Declaration 3
Acknowledgement 4
Table of Contents 5
1. Abstract 6
2. Introduction 7
3. Types of plants poisons 8

4. Classification of 9
5. Opium 10-13
6. Datura 14-16
7. Cannabis 17-18
8. Oleander 19-22

10.Abrus Precatorius 23-25

11.Conclusion 26


Poisons are substances that do interference in

organisms, usually by chemical activity, when
9. References 27
organism absorbs its sufficient quantity. The
field of medicine and zoology distinguish poison
into toxin and venom. A toxin is a poisonous
substance which is produced within an organism
whereas venom is injected through animal bite
in tissues or enters the bloodstream.
Poisoning is classified into two:-
Acute is usually for short period of time and
chronic is long-term repeated or continuous
exposure to a poison where symptoms do not
occur forthwith.


Plants which are poisonous basically produce

toxins that discourage herbivores from
consuming them. They act as irritants and
because of their active principle they proceed to
their action.
Externally, inflammation, vesication, pustulation,
and sometimes ulceration are produced.
Internally, gastrointestinal irritation symptoms
are produced.

Poisons classified as:-

1. Neurotic- Papaver Somniferum
2. Cerebral- Cannabis Sativa
3. Irritants- Abrus Precatorius
4. Miscellaneous- Oleander

Poisoning In India
Basically there are more than 4000 species of
medicinal plant which grows as shrubs, herbs
and when taken in large dose act as poison. The
active principle of the plants is alkaloids,
glycosides, toxalbumins, cannabinoides etc.
Reason of suicide in India is easily availability of
poisonous plants like- Datura, oleander etc. The
incidence of poisoning is highest and more than
50,000 people die due to exposure of toxic.
Accidental is very rare due to the colour, taste of
the poisons.
Types of Plant Poisons
a) Heroin
2 Datura
a) Datura Alba
b) Datura Niger
a) Cannabis Sativa
b) Cannabis Indica
a) Nerium Odorum
b) Cerbera Thevetia
5.Abrus Precatorius
Classification of Poisons

According to their mode of action, poisons are

classified which is divided on the basis of their
effect on the body and their origin. Name of the Common Toxic Part

Plant Name
1 Abrus Rosary Roots,
Precatorius pea seeds and
2 Cannabis Sativa Hashish Bhang-
Leaves &
fruit shoots
3 Cerbera Thevetia Yellow All parts
oleander especially
leaves &
4 Datura Thorn All parts
apple especially
seeds and
5 Nerium Odorum White All parts
6 Papaver Opium Ripe, dried
Somniferum capsules,
petals and


Source plant- Papaver Somniferum

Part of plant- Latex
Opioids is the poisons which belong to the
category of somniferous drugs. Symptoms are
divided into two sets: - EXCITEMENT and
Dried juice of opium is extracted from the unripe
capsules of white poppy seeds.

Active Principle
The activity of the opium is due to two basic
a) Phenanthrene Group- Morphine, codeine
b) Isoquinoline Group- Papaverine, Narcotine
Dried and ripped poppy seeds produce narcotic
effect which only contains trace of opium while
fresh seeds are harmless and contain no opium
which is basically creamish in colour. Fresh
crude opium is dark brown in colour which
becomes black on standing. It has a
characteristics odour and a bitter taste.
Fatal Dose Crude Opium- 500mg
Morphine- 200mg
Fatal Period Death within 9-12hours

Sign and Symptoms

(I) Acute Poisoning
Ingestion- half an hour
Injection- 3 to 5 minutes
Opioids primarily act on CNS, causing
stimulation and afterward depression followed
by narcosis.

Effects are classified in 3stages:-

a) Stage of Excitement
- Laughter
- Hallucinations
- Rapid heart rate

b) Stage of Stupor
- Weariness of the body
- Headache, giddiness
- Sense of weight in the limbs
- Contracted pupil
- Cyanosis of lips and face

c) Stage of Narcosis
- Fall in blood pressure
- Rapid pulse rate
- Slow breathing
- Subnormal body temperature

Post-Mortem Appearances
It can be characterised as external and internal
External Signs
- Smell of opium is present
- Deeply cyanosed appearances of the face
- Finger nails become blue in colour
- Froth from nose and mouth

Internal Signs
- Presence of small brown colour opium in
- Congestion of trachea, bronchi, lungs and
- Froth in trachea
- Oedematous lungs
(II) Chronic Poisoning
Addiction of opium causes chronic opium
poisoning which results from regular use or to
get feeling of ‘high’. Larger doses is required
when tolerance become high to have the same
effect on body.
It results in:-

1. Physical Degeneration- skin ulceration,

constipation, anorexia
2. Mental Degeneration- loss of memory,
depression, irritability.
3. Moral Degeneration- to get the drug supply,
crime committed by the addicts.

Basically, death may occur due to loss of

tolerance towards the drugs.

Medico-Legal Significance
a) In suicidal cases, as it is easily available and
death cause by it is painless.
b) Rarely used as homicidal poison due to black
in colour.
c) Accidental poisoning can occur in kidnapping
to keep children quiet.


Source of plant- Solanaceae

It is found in two varieties namely ‘Datura Alba’
and ‘Datura Niger’.
Alba is white coloured flower plant also known
as ‘Safed Datura’ whereas Niger is black/purple
coloured plant commonly called as ‘Kala
Plant’s flower are bell in shape, fruits are

Fatal Dose 100-125 seeds

60mg alkaloids- adults
4mg alkaloids- children
Fatal Period Death occur in 24hours
spherical and have sharp spines which is also
called as ‘Thorn Apple’. Seeds are yellow in
colour which is similar to chilly seeds. Fruit
contains about 450-500 seeds which weigh
about 8grams. All parts of the plant are
poisonous but most poisonous are seeds and

Active Principle
it contains alkaloids, Laevohyoscanine, also pine and

Signs and Symptoms

Acute Poisoning
The alkaloids of Datura primarily trigger the
higher centres of the brain following the motor
centres. Depression and paralysis of the vital
centres in the medulla occur during primarily
Symptoms are described as:-
- Dry as Bone
- Red as Beet
- Blind as Bat
- Hot as Hare
- Mad as Wet Hen
Symptoms generally appears within half an hour
if seeds are taken while appears earlier if
decoction is taken and forthwith if alkaloids are

Symptoms can be studied as 9D’s:-

- Dryness of mouth and throat
- Difficulty in talking
- Dysphagia
- Dilatation of cutaneous blood vessels
- Dilatation of pupil
- Dry hot skin
- Delirium
- Drowsiness

Post-Mortem Appearances

- Signs of asphyxia
- Presence of seeds in stomach
- Congestion in gastro-intestinal tract causing
congestion of stomach

Medico-Legal Significance

a) Used as stun poison prior to robbery,

kidnapping and rape.
b) Used as accidental poison where adult or
children eat the raw fruits and seeds wrongly
identifying as edible fruits or capsicum seed.
c) Used as an aphrodisiac.

Source of plant- Cannabis Sativa

Part of plant- Flower
Basically it is found in two forms that is
‘Cannabis Sativa’ and ‘Cannabis Indica’.
Cannabis a poison is absorbed by digestive and
respiratory tract which acts on central nervous

Active Principle
It is a fat soluble oleoresin in the form of

Fatal dose Charas- 2gm/kg body weight

Ganja- 8gm/kg body weight
Fatal Death occurs within 12hours.

Signs and Symptoms

a) Stage of Excitement
(small dosage)
- Cheerfulness feeling and well-being.
- Talkative
- Increase appetite
(large dosage)
- Visual hallucinations

b) Stage of Narcosis
- Giddiness, confusion
- Tingling, numbness of extremities.
- Deep sleep
- Death may occur because of respiratory

Post-Mortem Appearances
- No characteristics findings
- Signs of asphyxia are observed.

Medico-Legal Significance
a) In accidental poisoning, Charas is used as
stun poison in robbery and kidnapping.
b) Marijuana can be seen in accident and
violent crimes.

Family- Apocynaceae
Oleander grows various parts of the country
commonly in wild area. There are two varieties
of it which is white and yellow. The white
oleander have white/pink colour flowers also
Fatal dose 15gm of fruits
Fatal period Within 24hours.
known as ‘Nerium Odorum’ while yellow
oleander have bell shaped flowers commonly
known as ‘Cerbera Thevetia’.

Nerium Odorum:-

It’s all parts are poisonous in nature. Active

principle consists of three glycosides-
-Neriodorin (cause death from cardiac failure.)
-Neriodorein (cause muscular twitching’s and
-Karabin (acts on heart and spinal cord.)

Signs and Symptoms

- Vomiting
- Pain in the abdomen
- Restlessness in the body
- Slow and Weak pulse
- Drowsiness
- Coma followed by death due to heart failure.
Post-Mortem Appearances
- No specific signs are observed
- Congestion in the mucosa of the
gastrointestinal tract.

Medico-Legal Significance
a) In suicidal poison, as it is easily available in
plenty of amount.
b) In accidental poison, decoction of leaves is
applied to wound.
c) Roots in the form of paste may be used to
treat cancerous conditions.

Cerbera Thevetia:-

Yellow oleander bears globular fruits which are

5cm in diameter containing single nut which is
triangular in shape and colour is light brown and
nut contains pale yellow coloured seeds.
Active principle is three glycosides-
-Thevetin (action on the cardiac muscles)
-Thevotoxin (act on heart)
-Cerberin (act on spinal cord)
Thevetin and Thevotoxin are extracted from the
kernels of the seeds while Cerberin is extracted
from the milky juice produced by whole plant
and are less toxic than Thevetin.

Fatal dose 8-10 seeds, 15-20gm of root, 5-10

Fatal Death occurs within 24hours.

Signs and Symptoms

- Burning sensation in the mouth and tingling in

- Dryness of throat.
- Nausea, vomiting
- Dilated pupils
- Drowsiness
- Coma followed by death

Post-Mortem Appearances
- Gastrointestinal irritation
- Congestion of various organs of the body
- Engorgement of veins

Medico-Legal Significance

a) In suicidal poison, roots and seeds are use of

yellow oleander.
b) Used as an abortifacient.
c) In cattle poisoning, mixed with fodder and fed
to animals.
d) Homicidal poisoning cases are rarely seen.

Family- Fabaceae
It is commonly known as Jequirity bean, Rosary
peas, crabs eye, rati etc. Seeds of the plant are
commonly used as all parts of plant are
poisonous. They are like small pea; size about
0.85cm long, 0.65cm wide and average weight
of 120mg. Colour of seed is red with black
colour spot on one hole on it. They are
tasteless, odourless.

Active Principle
‘Abrin’ is active principle for Abrus, which is a
tox-albumin and its action is very much similar
Fatal dose Ingestion: 1-2 seeds
Injection: 90-120mg of Abrin
Fatal Death occur within 3-5days
to viper snake bite.

When seeds are taken raw or after cooking, they

may not be poisonous while if extract is injected
under the skin or into the wound, it may cause
Preparation of Suis: - Suis are fine needles
prepared by decorticating the seeds and
powdering them. Afterwards it is mixes with
opium; Datura to form paste then this pate is
shaped into small, sharp needle and is allowed
to harden under sunlight. Basically these
needles are 15mm long and weight is about 90-
120mg. Finally these needles are fitted into
holes made in wooden stick and then struck to
the animal.

Signs and Symptoms

a) In case of animals
- Oedema
- Necrosis
- Animal becomes apathetic and drowsy
- Comatose followed by death and convulsions
may proceed to death.

b) In case of humans
- Painful swelling
- Necrosis
- Vertigo
-Convulsions followed by death
- When ingestion is considered; nausea,
vomiting, abdominal pain, collapse sets in the
body, ultimately death is observed.

Post-Mortem Appearances

- Injured is generally swollen, necorsed,

- Fragments of Suis found in wound.
- Congestion and haemorrhage observed in the
internal organs of the body.

Medico-Legal Significance

a) In cattle poisoning, Suis are used to kill cattle

for cheap hides or for revenge.
b) Keeping Suis spike between the fingers of
human then giving slap which is seen in human
c) For arrow poison abrus is commonly used.


In this we studied, majority of plants species have

poison in their seed, latex, flower. Some the plants
are used for poisoning purpose in cases like
accidental and suicidal. Plants like Abrus Precatorius,
Datura are used for homicidal and suicidal purpose as
they are easily available. We also studied that all
plants have their own active principle, sign and
symptoms. So we should be careful of these
poisonous plants and seeds as mistaking them as a
raw fruit, edible items.

1. Narayan Reddy K S, Medical Jurisprudence and

Toxicology (law practice & procedure) ALT
Publications, Hyderabad (2005).

2. Parikh C K, Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence and

Toxicology, CBS publisher, Mumbai 6th Ed. (2005).

3. Krishan Vij, Textbook of forensic medicine and

toxicology (principle and practice), fifth edition.

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