The Main Causes of Drug Addiction
The Main Causes of Drug Addiction
The Main Causes of Drug Addiction
On youth of Nepal”
This piece of work is dedicated to the research work of sociology of BBM semester on Mahendra
Multiple college of Dharan about the drugs addiction on youth. We students of group ‘SIX IN THE
MIX’ from Mahendra Multiple College of first semester, hereby declare that, this report is our internet
research work and which is not fully copied from any reports, books, articles etc.
At the beginning of this report, we would like to admire and pour our deep gratitude to our teacher,
instructor and supervisor Prof. Tanka Mani Paudel for showing us a proper way to make our work
successful and magnificent & also for providing us his valuable guidance, some suitable suggestions,
ideas and knowledge which were really needed and helpful for us to make this report.
In the same way I would like to express my warm appreciation to have such a coordinative team, I am
so thankful towards all our group members for appreciated and coordinated to collect the required
data for this report. Similarly, we would like to thanks every individual person who motivated, and
supported us in direct and indirect way in-needed situations for collecting the information’s for this
1. Muskan Thapa
2. Saurav Raut
3. Anila Chettri
4. Numa Limbu
5. Binu Bishwokarma
6. Gareema Bhandari
1. Introduction …………………………….. 1- 5
5. Conclusion ………………………… 11
References ………………………… 12
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In today’s generation our society is changing every single day. We can see there are a lot of things,
which are affecting and changing our society in a good and in a bad way too. Some of our youth are
fallen on some bad addiction and they are affecting our society very badly and pushing our society into
the wrong path. Some of them are Alcohol, Gambling and some are online games like: PubG, Freefire
and so on, which are really affecting our society. But at the end of this, in today’s time the major
addiction on youth is ‘Drugs’. Drugs are really killing the progress of our society and pushing into the
dark. Drugs are most dangerous thing for human body and mind. It kills our energy and mind slowly.
By the help of Google, we get to know that Drugs are medicines or other substance which has
physiological effects when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. Drugs Abuse also
called Substance Abuse.
According to Google updates some of the most commonly using drugs are:
1. Alcohol
As we can see in our surrounding area most of the people are
addicted in alcohol as well as losing their life because of alcohol. In
today’s time alcohol is being most common drink in this world but
this is really expanding drugs addiction for our new generation.
Alcohol abuse is leading to a significant amount of fatalities and it is
one of the leading causes of preventable death in this world.
2. Cocaine
3. Opioids
4. Heroin
5. Pain relievers
6. Marijuana
7. Inhalants
According to NIDA, “Inhalants are various products easily bought
and found in the home or workplace-such as spray paints, markers,
glues, and cleaning fluids. They contain dangerous substances that
have psychoactive (mind-altering) properties when inhaled.
People don't typically think of these products as drugs because
they're not intended for getting high, but some people use them for
that purpose. When these substances are used for getting high, they
are called inhalants. Inhalants are mostly used by young kids and
teens and are the only class of substance used more by younger
than by older teens.
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8. Club drugs
& others substances are also using as drugs some of them are a type of mushroom and so on.
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Drug abuse is one of the critical topics in today’s contemporary period of time. As we can see in our
surrounding there a lot of people are addicted in different types of drugs. Various data and report
shows the growing number of people of Taking drugs; which can affect not just your physical and
mental health, but your whole life. Just one pill can kill. Studies show that drug use increases your risk
of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and psychosis. People with mental health issues
also have a higher rate of drug use problems. People with drug addiction have a lot of challenges in
society. Each drug causes different physical reactions; it depends on the type of drugs. Some will
make you feel more awake, alert and energetic. Others will give you a calm, relaxed feeling. Others
may make you feel numb. However these all types of drugs are harmful to us; they can affect your
finances, your relationships, your social life and also your criminal record. As We all know most of the
drugs users are involved in criminal activities. In Nepal we can see because of drugs there a lot of
issues are generating on our society. According to NIDA It is become very serious in Nepal.
Particularly, the urban and sub-urban areas of Nepal are susceptible to sale and abuse of drugs.
Therefore, the society, families and the life of adolescents of these areas of Nepal are highly affected
and endangered due to the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other pharmaceutical drugs.
Mostly youth are addicted in drugs in Nepal. According to some reports every year 11.36% drugs
users are increasing in Nepal. In Nepal some drugs are illegal but some of medication drugs like pain
killers are legal but anybody can easily buy them from any pharmacy shop. So the terms of Nepal’s
government on drugs are also the reason of increasing rate of drugs abusers.
According to some reports of drug abuse some effects and issues of drugs on society are as follows:
As the situation is worsening, it is imperative to determine the impact of drug abuse and carry out
effective drug abuse prevention programs to improve the health of this vulnerable urban population.
There is also the need of public awareness raising program through NGOs involving local
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Research Questions
Research Objectives
To understand the main causes why people use drugs especially youth.
To study about different types of drugs which are mostly using in today’s time.
To get to know the effects of the drugs on human health & as well as on our society.
To raise awareness about the negative impacts of drug addiction & reduce the criminal activities
involving drug users.
We chose Nepal as our study area because we all are familiar about Nepal’s condition because of
drugs. Our society is really facing a lot of problems because of drugs abusers, a lot of youth are using
drugs and involving in criminal activates and also influencing others youth, kids. The main reason is
when they want to give up on this addiction after they get use to on it; it’s really hard for them. So we
personally wanted to get to know about this big matter of our society. And help our youth to make
aware of drugs.
For this research report required data were collected by internet due to CORONA virus; we didn’t get a
chance to go for a research physically in field. But we collect this information from reliable internet
sides, such as: Google, Wikipedia, YouTube and so on.
As we explained, we didn’t get a chance to go for a research field, so we discussed and decided to
collect the data and information on internet from reliable institute such as NIDA, WHO and so on. And
we add the required information on our report from the sources. So this was our techniques to collect
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A study was carried out in a small township of Nepal in 2008 which was presented at the 2008 NIDA
International Poster Session at the Society for Prevention (SPR) Conference called Dallu in
Kathmandu, Nepal from June 2006 to August 2006. A comprehensive questionnaire was developed
and distributed to the known drug abusers of Kathmandu to find out the level and effects of drug
abuse on them, their family and society. Participants of the study were adolescents (12 to 25 years
old) and some household heads (38-66 years old). The sample size was 130 persons (95 drug
abusers/addicts and 35 household heads).
And the result was Thirty five percent among the interviewed 95 abusers and addicts were injecting
drug users (IDUs) and most of them were multi-drug abusers. Remaining 65 percent were the abusers
of marijuana, hashish, alcohol and other pharmaceutical drugs. The responders did not reveal about
the prevalence of HIV, Hepatitis B and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as the prevalence
of such diseases is considered as humiliation in Nepalese society. Most of the abusers of the study
area are adolescents.
A study of 2019 by Sanskriti Acharya was done in Nepal. In that research they find out a data of drug
abusers. Out of the total crimes of 2019, seven percent was related to the drug. According to NCB
(Narcotic Control Bureau), total of 2382 drug users were held in that last five months. Of the arrested,
2171 were Nepali nationals, 83 Indian nationals and six from other countries. In 2018, a total of 4898
were arrested in connection with drug smuggling while 3941 were arrested in 2017.
The government’s initiative seemed less effective in terms of controlling the supply of illegal drugs in
recent years.
Mainly, youths are addicted to drugs in Nepal, according to statistics maintained by the NCB. Data
shows that 54.5 percent of drug users are below 25.
The police do not have definite reasons to exactly figure out what leads today’s youth into drug
addiction. However, trends suggest that unemployment, family problems, frustration, peer pressure,
and poverty are some of the reasons.
Of the total drug abusers, 70.1 percent were found to have received drugs from their friends, 30.7
percent purchased drugs from mobile drug dealers and 28.4 percent from local pharmacies.
Spokesperson of the Nepal Police, Bishwaraj Pokharel told Republica Online that there are various
reasons behind the rise of drug-related crimes in the country."Drug trafficking has been significantly
increased due to the open and porous border with our southern neighbor India," Pokharel said.
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India is a key destination of hashish and it has been illegally produced in Nepal for several years. The
smuggling of psychotropic substance and pharmaceutical drugs has become quite common along the
Nepal-India border.
Foreign nationals are also found to be involved in drug abuse and trafficking. Tribhuvan International
Airport, the only international airport of Nepal, has been misused to transit drugs to various countries.
In its recent report, the United States Department of State expressed concern that foreigners are using
Nepal as a transit point.
According to NCB, almost all the pharmaceutical drugs like Buprenorphine, diazepam and
amphetamine are smuggled to Nepal from India.
According to Nepal Police, police arrest on an average of 10 persons every day and 305 persons
every month in connection with drug-related crimes.
NCB Spokesperson, SP Krishna Prasai vowed to curb drug smuggling in Nepal. He admitted that
several racketeers are using Nepal as a transit point for drug smuggling.
“Contraband drugs like cocaine and opium are mostly smuggled to foreign countries via Nepal. It is
because these contraband drugs are less consumed in Nepal since these drugs are quite expensive,”
he said.
Prasai said that Nepal Police has been launching public awareness program in schools and colleges
to reduce the drug-related crimes.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Home Affairs launched a week-long campaign against drug abuse and illicit
The campaign run until June 27 under the slogan 'Drug-free healthy life for building a prosperous
nation'. Secretary Prem Kumar Rai expressed the belief that the campaign would help reduce the use
of drugs as the number of drug abusers is increasing every year in the country.
Rai further said that the campaign would help to control the drug abuse as around 150,000 youths are
now involved in drug addiction in Nepal.
The ministry said that the campaign will be launched at the center, states, and local levels to control
drug abuse and its illegal trafficking.
On 2021 august 20, a report was presented of Jhapa by RASTRIYA SAMACHAR SAMITI.
Youths between 18 to 35 years of age are found to be more vulnerable to drug abuse in Jhapa.
According to the data, 307 people were apprehended for drugs abuse last fiscal year (2020-21) and
261 or 85 per cent of them belonged to the above-mentioned age group.
The District Police Office, Jhapa said most of the accused were either secondary-level students or
those pursuing higher academic degrees. With falling into addiction, their academic performance was
found to be eroded.
The district shares its border with West Bengal of India to the east and with Bihar state to the south.
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The open border system with India is blamed for flourishing an illegal market of Narcotic drugs in the
district as smugglers take undue benefits of the open border to make their business. The statistics
show that the rates of drug smuggling did not slow down during the COVID-19 lockdown as well.
According to police, of those arrested last fiscal year, eight per cent were Indian nationals. A total of
195 cases of drug smuggling were registered in the district last fiscal year while the figure was 118 in
the previous year.
While analyzing the registered cases and statements of detainees, it has been found that drug
smuggling is used as a means of making quick money.
As per the statement, 42 per cent of those arrested last fiscal said they were in this illegal trade for
monetary gains and 26 percent narrated the same before police during interrogation during the
previous fiscal year.
Likewise, 38 per cent of those arrested in the last fiscal said the purpose for smuggling was for self-
use while 20 percent denied disclosing their intentions.
Indian town Pani Tanki sharing its border with Kakarvitta, the major transit point in eastern Nepal, has
been used as one of the major points for trans-border supplies of Narcotic drugs. When the Kakarvitta
checkpoint was shut during COVID-19 lockdown, the Nepal-India border points in north Bahundangi
and south Jamirgadhi were used as alternative routes for drug trafficking.
Police had cases that some persons involved in drug trafficking cited that they were medically
prescribed for the use of drugs they were possessing at the times of arrests.
Before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, police used to launch a campaign against drug abuse
targeting schools and it has not been able to resume the camping as COVID-19 still continues to pose
a grave public health threat.
Here from these three reports some of the causes our youth are having drugs are as follows:
Lack of the knowledge of the harmful effect of drugs has been found as the major cause of drug
abuse among the youngsters of Nepal.
Similarly, Misusing of money by rich kid in drugs for show off
Affected by Friends zone, some youth also get in drugs abuse by pressure and insisted by
friends and peers
Because of poverty by street people and others poor people to lost in drugs and forgot about
Because of family problems and depression also, so to get relief from it youth also use to get in
drugs abuse
Some of today’s youth also get Affected from movies, some youth use to do everything like
their favorite character and if they have drugs they also start to have drugs so also from here
youth starts to use drugs
According to some reports, because of some childhood experiences such as physical / sexual
abuse people also use drugs
Also because of unemployment our youth of Nepal are using drugs
At the end most of the youth also get into this addiction because of lack of family supports and
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Here from these reports, some data and information’s we get to know drugs is wildly increasing on
Nepal in a lot of youth, children and adults in Nepal are addicted into drugs and getting affect and
affecting our society too. In Nepalese context the condition of drugs is being worst and worst day by
day. We need to focus on this topic and educated our youth and make them aware about drugs to
reduce the drug abusers rate and to get rid of this in Nepal. Our government should also focus on
drugs and make them band on Nepal and in the case of some medical drugs we need to make some
terms for buying these medicines only after a doctor’s recommendation or else they can’t buy those
By the help of these all information’s here are some ways to reduce drugs user’s rate in Nepal:
We need to do some programs, seminars, street dramas about drugs to make aware our youth,
We should focus and take a strict action on terms of drugs on Nepal by government,
By the help of this report we get to know that unemployment is one of the reason why our youth
are using drugs, so our government should also focus on employment of youth in Nepal,
Also because of depression people are using drugs we need to take care of our family
members, friends and all people whom we can help to get them out from depression,
Poverty is also one of the reasons of drug addiction; we need to open some NGOs programs,
some tanning for their servable, Some programs to make them self dependent to help them to
fight against poverty,
If we will see drugs abusers we need to contact the rehab ration centers to give them normal life
So these are some ways to help our society to make aware about drugs abuse. We really want to
finish this big problem. We hope our report will help people somewhere to reduce drugs addiction on
our society.
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Dallu in Kathmandu, Nepal from June 2006 to August 2006