Revised Chart of Accounts PDF
Revised Chart of Accounts PDF
Revised Chart of Accounts PDF
Assistant Commissioner
Government Accountancy Sector
Topical Outline
4. Other Matters
• Updates on eNGAS roll out at National
Government Agencies (NGAs) and
Local Government Units (LGUs)
0 00 00 00 0
Account Group
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash on Hand
Cash Collecting Officer
GL Contra-Account
Asset with Contra Account
Example: Accounts Receivable
1 -03 -01 -010
Loans & Receivable Accounts
Accounts Receivable
GL Contra-Account
Asset with Contra Account
Allowance for Impairment - Accounts Receivable
1 -03 -01 -011
Loans & Receivable Accounts
Accounts Receivable
Allowance for Impairment-
Accounts Receivable
Major Changes
New Accounts
1 02 01 010 Financial Assets Held for Trading in compliance with IPSAS 28-30
1 02 02 011 Allowance for Impairment - in compliance with IPSAS 29 (Financial Instruments -
Investments in Treasury Bills - Recognition and Measurement)
1 03 02 020 Finance Lease Receivable in compliance with IPSAS 13 (Leases)
1 03 02 021 Allowance for Impairment - in compliance with IPSAS 13 (Leases)
Finance Lease Receivables
1 05 01 020 Investment Property, Buildings in compliance with IPSAS 16 (Investment Property)
1 05 01 021 Accumulated Depreciation - in compliance with IPSAS 16 (Investment Property)
Investment Property, Buildings
1 05 01 022 Accumulated Impairment Losses - in compliance with IPSAS 26 (Impairment of Cash
Investment Property, Buildings Generating Assets)
New Accounts
10202010 Investments in Treasury Bills – Local In compliance with
IPSAS 29-30
10202011 Allowance for Impairment - Investments In compliance with
in Treasury Bills - Local IPSAS 29-30
10501010 Investment Property, Land In compliance with
10501011 Allowance for Impairment - Investment In compliance with
Property, Land IPSAS 16 & 21
New Accounts
1 01 04 010 Cash-Treasury/Agency
Deposit, Regular
1 01 04 020 Cash - Treasury/Agency
Deposit, Special Account
1 01 04 030 Cash - Treasury/Agency
Deposit, Trust
Major Changes
• Subsidiary Ledgers:
01 - Buildings
02 - School Buildings
03 - Hospitals and Health Centers
04 - Markets
05 - Slaughterhouses
06 - Hostels and Dormitories
99 - Other Structures
Depreciation - Buildings and Other Structures
• Subsidiary Ledgers:
01 - Buildings
02 - School Buildings
03 - Hospitals and Health Centers
04 - Markets
05 - Slaughterhouses
06 - Hostels and Dormitories
99 - Other Structures
Expanded Account
Cash - National 1 01 04 040 Cash-Modified Disbursement
Treasury, System (MDS), Regular
Modified 1 01 04 050 Cash-Modified Disbursement
Disbursement System (MDS), Special
System (MDS) Account
1 01 04 060 Cash-Modified Disbursement
System (MDS), Trust
Created in 2014
New Accounts
BIR books
• constructive receipt of remittance thru TRA
• closing to Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)
New Accounts
Cash – Tax Remittance Advice (1-01-04-070)
BTR books
• TRA issued (credit)
• Closing to Accumulated Surplus/ (Deficit)
New Accounts
1 06 12 000 Service Concession Assets
1 06 12 010 Service Concession - Road Networks
1 06 12 011 Accumulated Depreciation - Service Concession - Road Networks
4 02 02 240 Service Concession Revenue
New Accounts
General Guidelines and Procedures
All NGAs and GOCCs with SAGF shall effect the
conversion based on the Balance Sheet as of
December 31, 2013
The Chief Accountants/Heads of Accounting units shall
be guided by the Matrix on the Conversion of Accounts
The Chief Accountants/Heads of Accounting units shall
carefully analyze the GL and SL accounts before
Any clarification or request for assistance shall be
directed to the Government Accountancy Sector (GAS),
Specific Guidelines/Procedures
Analyze balances as of December 31,
Prepare JEVs to close the accounts and
transfer to the appropriate account
Furnish COA Auditor and GAS copies of
the JEVs
Specific Accounting Policies and Guidelines
Maintenance of NG books shall be
discontinued. A separate set of books shall be
maintained by fund. All balances as of December
31, 2013 shall be transferred to the appropriate
new books.
• Bases shall be the law creating the fund
• Copies of the JEV shall be furnished the COA
Auditor and the COA-GAS separately
Appropriate SLs shall be maintained for real
accounts and for some income and expense
Specific Accounting Policies and Guidelines
To set out the recognition, measurement, presentation
and disclosure requirements for financial reporting in
the Philippine Government.
PPSASs set out requirements dealing with
transactions and other events in general purpose
financial reports.
Phased Implementation
Phase 1 (25 PPSAS for implementation in
Phase 2 (3 PPSAS for implementation in 2015)
Phase 1 – For implementation in 2014
1. PPSAS 1- Presentation of Financial
Statements (IPSAS 1)
2. PPSAS 2- Cash Flow Statements (IPSAS 2)
3. PPSAS 3 – Accounting Policies, Changes in
Accounting Estimates and Errors (IPSAS 3)
4. PPSAS 4- The Effects of Changes in FOREX
rates (IPSAS 4)
Phase 1 (continued)
5. PPSAS 5- Borrowing Costs (IPSAS 5)
6. PPSAS 6- Consolidated and Separate Financial
Statements (IPSAS 6)
7. PPSAS 8 – Interest in Joint Venture (IPSAS 8)
8. PPSAS 9- Revenue from Exchange Transactions
9. PPSAS 12- Inventories (IPSAS 12)
10. PPSAS 13- Leases (IPSAS 13)
11. PPSAS 14- Events after the Reporting Date (IPSAS
12. PPSAS 16- Investment Property (IPSAS 16)
13. PPSAS 17- Property, Plant and Equipment (IPSAS
Phase 1 (continued)
14. PPSAS 19- Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Assets (IPSAS 19)
15. PPSAS 20 – Related Party Disclosure (IPSAS 20)
16. PPSAS 21- Impairment of Non-Cash Generating
Assets (IPSAS 21)
17. PPSAS 23- Revenue from Non- Exchange
Transactions (Taxes and Transfers) (IPSAS 23)
18. PPSAS 24- Presentation of \Budget Information
in Financial Statements (IPSAS 24)
Phase 1 (continued)
19. PPSAS 26- Impairment of Cash Generating Assets
(IPSAS 26)
20. PPSAS 27- Agriculture (IPSAS 27)
21. PPSAS 28- Financial Instruments Presentation (IPSAS
22. PPSAS 29-Financial Instruments: Recognition and
Measurement (IPSAS 29)
23. PPSAS 30- Financial Instruments Disclosure (IPSAS 30)
24. PPSAS 31- Intangible Assets (IPSAS 31)
25. PPSAS 32- Service Concession Arrangements: Grantor
(IPSAS 32)
Phase 2 – For Implementation in 2015
1. PPSAS 18- Segment Reporting
Salient Features
Accrual basis except for transactions otherwise
accounted for as required by law.
Comparative Information
- for all amounts reported in the FS
- for all relevant narrative and descriptive information.
PPSAS 1- Presentation of FS
Complete set of Financial Statements:
1. Statement of financial position
2. Statement of financial performance
3. Statement of changes in net assets/ equity
4. Cash Flow Statement
5. Notes, comprising a summary of significant
accounting policies and other explanatory notes
6. Separate additional statements for comparison of
budget and actual amounts shall be prepared and
PPSAS 2- Cash Flow Statement
Objective – To set overall considerations for the:
Provisions of information about changes in cash and cash
equivalents by means of a cash flow statement.
Classifies cash flows during the period from operating, investing
and financing activities.
Salient Features
Cash flows for operating activities are reported using the direct
Cash flows exclude movements between items that constitute
cash or cash equivalents.
Investing and financing transactions that do not require the use
of cash shall be excluded from the cash flow statement, but they
shall be separately disclosed.
PPSAS 3 - Accounting Policies, Changes in
Accounting Estimates and Errors
Salient Features
Changes in Accounting Estimates
Follow transition requirements
If the change is voluntary, apply the new accounting
policy retrospectively by restating prior periods.
Effect of a change in estimate is accounted for by including it
in net income or comprehensive income as appropriate in:
a. The period of change if the change affects that period
b. The period of change and future periods if the change
affects both.
PPSAS 4 – The Effects of Changes in Foreign
Exchange Rates
Salient Features
Covers Foreign currency transactions and
Foreign operations.
Translation should be done for foreign
currency items into functional currency.
Initial recognition and measurement record
the spot exchange rate.
PPSAS 5 – Borrowing Costs
Salient Features
Borrowing costs shall be charged to expenses in the
period when they are incurred. (Benchmark treatment)
Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition,
construction, or production of a qualifying asset shall be
capitalized as part of the cost of that asset. (Allowed
Alternative Treatment)
For borrowing costs pertaining to loans borrowed by the
National Government (NG) which are recorded by the
Bureau of the Treasury, the benchmark treatment shall be
used. However for loans borrowed directly by the NGAs
and LGUs, the allowed alternative treatment shall be
PPSAS 6 – Consolidated and Separate Financial
Salient Features
• Prescribes requirements for preparing and
presenting consolidated FS for an economic
entity under the accrual basis of accounting.
• A controlled entity is an entity controlled by
another entity, known as the controlling entity.
• Balances, transactions, revenue and expenses
between entities within the economic entity
are eliminated in full.
PPSAS 8 – Interests in Joint Ventures
Salient Features
The key characteristic of a joint venture is a
binding arrangement whereby two or more
parties are committed to undertake an activity
that is subject to joint control.
Joint ventures may be classified as jointly
controlled operations, jointly controlled assets
and jointly controlled entities. Different
accounting treatments apply for each type of
joint venture.
PPSAS – 9 Revenue from Exchange Transactions
Salient Features
Applies to revenue arising from the following
exchange transactions and events:
The rendering of services.
The sale of goods, and
The use of others of entity assets yielding
interest, royalties and dividends.
Cash - generating assets- are assets held with the primary
objective of generating a commercial return.
Non-cash - generating assets- are assets other than cash-
generating assets.
Impairment - a loss in the future economic benefits or service
potential of an asset, over and above the systematic
recognition of the loss of the asset’s future economic
benefits or service potential through depreciation.
PPSAS 21 – Impairment of Non-Cash Generating
Salient Features
A non-cash-generating asset is impaired when
the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its
recoverable service amount.
An impairment loss shall be recognized
immediately in surplus or deficit.
After the recognition of an impairment loss,
the depreciation charge for the asset shall be
adjusted in future periods.
PPSAS 23 – Revenue from Non- Exchange
Transactions (Taxes and Transfers)
Non- Exchange transactions
(a) Taxes; and
(b) Transfers (whether cash or non-cash)
An asset acquired through a non exchange
transaction shall initially be measured as its fair
value as at the date of acquisition.
An entity shall recognize an asset in respect of
taxes when the taxable event occurs and the
asset recognition criteria are met.
PPSAS 24 – Presentation of Budget Information in
Financial Statements
Salient Features
PPSAS 24 requires:
Presentation of budget information in the financial
statements when the reporting entity is publicly
accountable for its budget.
Disclosure of an explanation of the reasons for material
differences between the budget and actual amounts.
To ensure that the public sector entities discharge their
accountability obligations and enhance the transparency of
their financial statements.
PPSAS 26 – Impairment of Cash Generating Assets
Cash-Generating Assets (CGA) - Assets held with
the primary objective of generating a commercial
Impairment - a loss in the future economic
benefits or service potential of an asset.
An impairment loss of a cash-generating asset - is
the amount by which the carrying amount of an
asset exceeds its recoverable amount.
PPSAS 27 – Agriculture
Salient Features
Prescribes the accounting treatment and disclosures related
to agricultural activity.
Agricultural activity- management by an entity of the
biological assets for sale, or for distribution at no charge or for
a nominal charge or for conversion into agricultural produce
or into additional biological assets.
PPSAS 28 – Financial Instruments Presentation
Prescribes principles for classifying and presenting financial
instruments as liabilities or net assets/equity, and for offsetting
financial assets and liabilities.
IPSAS 29 – Financial Instruments: Recognition
and Measurement
Established principles for recognizing, derecognizing and
measuring financial assets and financial liabilities.