Piis0016510717321119 PDF
Piis0016510717321119 PDF
Piis0016510717321119 PDF
This document is an update of guidelines for sedation This guideline is intended to be an educational device
and anesthesia in endoscopy prepared by the Standards to provide information that may assist endoscopists in
of Practice Committee of the American Society for Gastro- providing care to patients. This guideline is not a rule
intestinal Endoscopy (ASGE). In preparing this guideline, and should not be construed as establishing a legal stan-
a search of the medical literature was performed by using dard of care or as encouraging, advocating, requiring,
PubMed from January 1980 through August 2017 that or discouraging any particular treatment. Clinical deci-
related to the topic of “sedation and anesthesia for gastro- sions in any particular case involve a complex analysis
intestinal endoscopy” by using the keyword(s) “sedation,” of the patient’s condition and available courses of action.
“anesthesia,” “gastrointestinal endoscopy,” “endoscopy,” Therefore, clinical considerations may lead an endoscop-
“endoscopic procedures,” and “procedures.” The search ist to take a course of action that varies from these
was supplemented by accessing the “related articles” guidelines.
feature of PubMed, with articles identified on PubMed
as the references. Pertinent studies published in English
Sedation is a drug-induced depression in the level of
were reviewed. Additional references were obtained
consciousness. The clinical objectives of administering
from the bibliographies of the identified articles and
sedation for GI endoscopy are to relieve patient anxiety
from recommendations of expert consultants. When little
and discomfort, improve the outcome of the examination,
or no data existed from well-designed prospective trials,
and diminish the patient’s memory of the event. A number
emphasis was given to results from large series and
of different sedatives and analgesics can be used to achieve
reports from recognized experts. Guidelines for appro-
appropriate levels of sedation for GI endoscopic proced-
priate use of endoscopy are based on a critical review
ures. The targeted level of sedation may vary depending
of the available data and expert consensus at the time
on patient and procedural variables, and doses of sedatives
the guidelines were drafted. Further controlled clinical
should be titrated accordingly to achieve a safe, comfort-
studies may be needed to clarify aspects of this guideline.
able, and technically successful endoscopic procedure.
This guideline may be revised as necessary to account for
Knowledge of the pharmacologic profiles of sedation
changes in technology, new data, or other aspects of
agents is necessary to maximize the likelihood that the
clinical practice. The recommendations were based on
desired level of sedation is achieved.
reviewed studies and were graded on the strength of the
Practice guidelines for non-anesthesiologists providing
supporting evidence by using the GRADE criteria
sedation have been put forth by the American Society of
(Table 1).1
Anesthesiologists (ASA) Committee for Sedation and Anal-
gesia by Non-Anesthesiologists and were approved by the
Copyright ª 2018 by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
ASGE.2-4 A sedation continuum has been described,
0016-5107/$36.00 ranging from minimal sedation or anxiolysis to general
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gie.2017.07.018 anesthesia (Table 2). During endoscopic procedures
High quality Further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of effect. 4444
Moderate quality Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect 444B
and may change the estimate.
Low quality Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect 44BB
and is likely to change the estimate.
Very-low quality Any estimate of effect is very uncertain. 4BBB
Adapted from Guyatt et al.1
Responsiveness Normal response to Purposeful response to Purposeful response after Unarousable even
verbal stimulation verbal or tactile stimulation repeated or painful stimulation with painful stimulus
Airway Unaffected No intervention required Intervention may Intervention often required
be required
Spontaneous ventilation Unaffected Adequate May be inadequate Frequently inadequate
Cardiovascular function Unaffected Usually maintained Usually maintained May be impaired
Figure 1. The Mallampati Classification. Class I: soft palate, fauces, uvula, pillars. Class II: soft palate, fauces, portion of uvula. Class III: soft palate, base of
uvula. Class IV: hard palate only. The original figure was first published in the article “Multisociety sedation curriculum for gastrointestinal endoscopy”
Gastrointest Endosc 2012;76:el-25 and is reused with permission.
endotracheal intubation.11 In these instances, a team of the last oral intake; and (5) a history of tobacco, alcohol,
approach to minimize the patient’s aspiration risk should or substance use.12 A focused physical examination
be used. includes vital sign measurements, auscultation of the
All patients undergoing endoscopic procedures require heart and lungs, and assessment of the patient’s baseline
pre-procedural evaluation to assess their risk for sedation level of consciousness and airway anatomy (Fig. 1).5 In
and to manage potential problems related to pre-existing addition, pregnancy testing should be obtained from all
medical conditions. A history and focused physical exami- women of childbearing age in the appropriate clinical
nation at the time of the procedure are necessary. setting, because some sedatives may be teratogenic.13,14
Elements of the history that may impact sedation include Table 3 shows the ASA classification used to risk-stratify
(1) a history of snoring, stridor, or sleep apnea; (2) a patients for sedation.15 One recent retrospective study of
history of drug allergies, use of current medications, and more than 1 million patients undergoing endoscopy and
potential for drug interactions; (3) a history of an adverse colonoscopy confirmed that the ASA class is associated
reaction to sedation or anesthesia; (4) time and contents with a risk of adverse events during GI procedures and
Class Description
may be useful in stratification of risk for GI endoscopy.16 TABLE 4. Guideline for anesthesia provider assistance during GI
Analysis of the Clinical Outcomes Research Initiative endoscopy
database has demonstrated that increasing ASA Anesthesia provider assistance should be considered in the
class is associated with increased risk of unplanned following situations:
cardiopulmonary events during endoscopy.16,17 Prolonged or therapeutic endoscopic procedures requiring
Documentation and sedation planning in accordance deep sedation
with the ASA and the ASGE recommendations are impor- Anticipated intolerance to standard sedatives
tant quality metrics.5 In addition, regulatory frameworks, Increased risk for adverse event because of severe comorbidity
including those of the Joint Commission, mandate that (ASA class IV or V)
pre-procedural assessment should be documented and a Increased risk for airway obstruction because of anatomic variant
procedural pause (“time out”) should be performed before ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists.
initiation of sedation.18 During the time out, the patient
and all members of the procedure team stop other these situations is not trained in the rescue of patients
activities to perform a final verification of patient from general anesthesia, an anesthesia professional
identification and the planned outcome, including the should be consulted to provide sedation (Table 4).
sedation plan, before the procedure is begun.19
The Mallampati Classification identifies potential
obstructive sleep apnea and predicts difficulty with any INTRA-PROCEDURAL PATIENT MONITORING
endotracheal intubation.20 This classification is based on
the structures visualized with maximal mouth opening Recommendations for various staff roles and responsi-
and tongue protrusion in the sitting position (Fig. 1). In bilities for patient monitoring as well as minimum
addition, airway management may be difficult in patients staffing numbers during sedated procedures, were
with the following situations: (1) previous problems with addressed in a recent ASGE guideline on safety in the
anesthesia or sedation; (2) a history of stridor, snoring, endoscopy unit.20 Patient monitoring during sedated GI
or sleep apnea; (3) dysmorphic facial features, such as endoscopy may detect changes in pulse, blood pressure,
Pierre-Robin syndrome or trisomy 21; (4) oral abnormal- ventilatory status, cardiac electrical activity, and level of
ities, such as a small opening (<3 cm in an adult), edentu- sedation before clinically significant events occur. For
lous dentition, protruding incisors, loose or capped teeth, both moderate and deep sedation, patient level of
high arched palate, macroglossia, tonsillar hypertrophy, or consciousness and vital signs must be periodically
a nonvisible uvula; (5) neck abnormalities, such as obesity assessed and documented at a frequency that depends
involving the neck and facial structures, short neck, limited on the type and amount of medication administered, the
neck extension, decreased hyoid-mental distance (<3 cm length of the procedure, and the general condition of
in an adult), a neck mass, cervical spine disease or trauma, the patient. At a minimum, the assessment of the
tracheal deviation, or advanced rheumatoid arthritis; and patient’s level of consciousness and vital signs should be
(6) jaw abnormalities such as micrognathia, retrognathia, done (1) before the procedure is begun; (2) after
trismus, or significant malocclusion.5 administration of sedative-analgesic agents; (3) at least
An ASA task force that devised guidelines for sedation every 5 minutes during the procedure; (4) during initial
and analgesia administered by non-anesthesiologists states recovery; and (5) just before discharge. If recording is
that the presence of 1 or more sedation-related risk factors performed automatically, device alarms should be set to
coupled with the potential for deep sedation will increase alert the care team to critical changes in patient status.
the likelihood of sedation-related adverse events.2 Equipment and medications for emergent resuscitation
According to the ASA, if the practitioner confronted with should be immediately available. For moderate sedation,
the personnel assigned to monitoring the patient can be patients undergoing elective outpatient upper endoscopy
assigned brief and interruptible tasks (such as mucosal and colonoscopy targeting moderate sedation with a
biopsy), provided that the patient has not reached a state combination of benzodiazepines and opioids found that
of deep sedation. For deep sedation, personnel assigned capnography did not reduce the incidence of hypoxemia
to monitoring the patient must do so in a continuous in either procedure type.27
and uninterrupted fashion.2,5 After the completion of endoscopic procedures,
Minimal patient monitoring requirements for sedated patients should be monitored for adverse effects from
GI procedures include electronic assessment of blood either instrumentation or sedation. Standardized discharge
pressure, heart rate, and pulse oximetry and the visual criteria should be used to assess recovery from sedation.
assessment of ventilatory activity, level of consciousness, Post-procedural monitoring after sedated endoscopy
and discomfort.20 ASA guidelines recommend continuous has been discussed in a previously published ASGE
electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring of patients with guideline.20
significant cardiovascular disease or dysrhythmia during
moderate sedation.2 Other patients who may benefit
from ECG monitoring include those with a history of
significant pulmonary disease, the elderly, and those in
Select patients may be able to undergo endoscopic pro-
whom prolonged procedures are anticipated. All patients
cedures without sedation,28,29 and provider education may
receiving intravenous sedation should be monitored with
increase patient willingness to consider this option.30
non-invasive blood pressure devices.
Small-diameter endoscopes (<6 mm) can improve the
Pulse oximetry effectively detects oxygen desaturation
tolerability of upper endoscopy when sedation is not
in patients undergoing sedation and analgesia, and both
used.31 In general, topical anesthesia is used during
the ASA and the ASGE recommend that pulse oximetry
unsedated upper endoscopy. Successful colonoscopy also
be used during all sedated endoscopic procedures.2,6
is possible in selected patients who receive no sedation
Risk factors for hypoxemia include a baseline oxygen satu-
or sedation only if needed.32,33 Older patients, men, pa-
ration of less than 95%, emergent indication for the endo-
tients who are not anxious, and patients without a history
scopic procedure, a procedure of long duration, difficulty
of abdominal pain may be more willing to undergo upper
with esophageal intubation, and the presence of comorbid
endoscopy or colonoscopy with little or no sedation.34-36
illness. The routine administration of supplemental oxygen
Standard pre-procedural preparation for sedation and
has been shown to reduce the magnitude of oxygen
monitoring, including intravenous insertion, should be
desaturation during sedated endoscopic procedures.21
followed, in the event that the patient does not tolerate
The ASA and the ASGE recommend that supplemental
the procedure or develops a cardiopulmonary unplanned
oxygen be considered for moderate sedation, and it is
event, and sedation is ultimately required. In addition,
required for all procedures with intended deep sedation.
the use of water-assisted or carbon dioxide insufflation
Supplemental oxygen should be administered if
may reduce pain during and after the procedure in
hypoxemia is anticipated or develops.2,5
both unsedated and sedated colonoscopy.37,38 The use of
Capnography is a noninvasive technology that detects
topical anesthesia may decrease patient discomfort in
disordered or depressed respiratory activity by graphic
those receiving unsedated procedures or non-propofol
assessment of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide
mediated sedation. In randomized controlled trials that
throughout the respiratory cycle.22 Capnography has
used propofol mediated sedation for EGD, topical
been demonstrated to detect depressed respiratory
anesthesia did not affect endoscopist satisfaction, the total
activity before transient hypoxemia,23,24 but a clear link
propofol dose, or patient responsiveness.39-41
between transient hypoxemia and serious cardiopulmo-
nary unplanned events during sedated endoscopy has
not been established.25 Integrating capnography into MINIMAL AND MODERATE SEDATION FOR
patient monitoring protocols for endoscopic procedures ENDOSCOPY
with moderate sedation has not been shown to improve
patient safety; however, there is evidence supporting its Minimal and moderate sedation are defined in Table 2
use in procedures targeting deep sedation. A randomized and are routinely used to improve patient tolerance of
study of more than 500 patients undergoing colonoscopy upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. Endoscopy is
with deep sedation found a significantly lower incidence generally well tolerated but may be associated with pain
of transient hypoxemia in patients with capnography or discomfort during the procedure as well as anxiety
monitoring compared with those receiving standard about the procedure and possible findings. The decision
monitoring.26 Independent risk factors for hypoxemia in to use minimal or moderate sedation should be shared
this study were age, high body mass index, history of between the provider and patient. There is an
sleep apnea, and increased doses of sedatives. A recent expectation in the United States that endoscopic
randomized controlled trial in healthy ASA Class I and II procedures will be performed by using at least minimal
sedation, although patient wishes and medical conditions box warning on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
must be considered when determining whether sedation product label indicates that droperidol should be used
is necessary and safe. only when first-line agents have not provided adequate
Minimal and/or moderate sedation can be delivered sedation.46 Droperidol use is contraindicated in patients
safely by endoscopists to patients who are ASA Class I, II, with a prolonged QTc interval (>440 ms in men,
or III. Other candidates for minimal or moderate sedation >450 ms in women), and should be used with extreme
include those with a history of previously successful caution in patients at increased risk of developing QT
procedures with moderate sedation and an expectation interval prolongation (eg, patients receiving other
for moderate sedation as well as those undergoing a pro- medications known to increase the QT interval; patients
cedure that is expected to be uncomplicated or routine.42 with a history of congestive heart failure, bradycardia,
Medications targeting minimal and moderate sedation diuretic use, cardiac hypertrophy, alcohol abuse,
generally can be administered in an incremental fashion hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia; aged >65 years) because
by an appropriately trained registered nurse (RN) under of the risk of ventricular tachyarrhthmias.47,48 In addition,
the supervision of an endoscopist. Patient response to the use of diphenhydramine has been shown to improve
administered sedatives and analgesics should be moni- sedation and decrease pain in patients undergoing
tored by a nurse (generally an RN), whose primary respon- colonoscopy with a combination of an opioid and
sibility is patient monitoring.5,6,22 In this setting, the RN benzodiazepine.49
can perform short, interruptible tasks in addition to moni-
toring the patient. Balanced propofol for moderate sedation
The use of propofol in addition to an opioid and benzo-
Moderate sedation with benzodiazepines diazepine is referred to as balanced propofol sedation
and opioids (BPS). BPS can be effective in achieving moderate sedation
Minimal and moderate sedation regimens typically for endoscopic procedures.4,50 BPS will be discussed
consist of a benzodiazepine to minimize anxiety and a further in the section on propofol-mediated sedation.
narcotic analgesic to minimize pain and discomfort. Benzo-
diazepines have been used either alone or in combination
with an opiate to achieve minimal to moderate sedation for PROPOFOL-MEDIATED SEDATION
endoscopy. The most commonly used benzodiazepines
are midazolam and diazepam. The efficacy of sedation Non-anesthesiologist–administered propofol
with these 2 benzodiazepines is comparable.42 However, sedation
most endoscopists favor midazolam for its fast onset Extensive data have demonstrated the safety and efficacy
of action, short duration of action, lower risk of of non-anesthesiologist–administered propofol sedation
thrombophlebitis, and high amnestic properties.5,43 (NAAP). NAAP can be divided further into nurse-
Opiates, such as meperidine and fentanyl administered administered propofol sedation (NAPS), in which propofol
intravenously, provide both analgesia and sedation. Fenta- is administered as a single agent to target deep sedation
nyl has a more rapid onset of action and clearance and has under the direction of the endoscopist, and BPS, which
a lower incidence of nausea compared with meperidine. involves the administration of a single dose of an opioid
The pharmacologic profiles of the benzodiazepines and and benzodiazepine followed by intermittent bolus admin-
opiates are discussed in a previously published ASGE istration with propofol to target moderate sedation.
document.5 Specific antagonists of opiates (naloxone) NAAP has been associated universally with shorter sedation
and benzodiazepines (flumazenil) should be readily times and shorter recovery times, when compared with the
available in every endoscopy unit. The effects of reversal combination of an opioid and benzodiazepine targeting
agents may be shorter than the effects of the moderate sedation thus supporting its use in routine
benzodiazepines and opioids themselves. Therefore, a sedation regimens.50 NAAP requires specialized training,
policy of extended recovery room monitoring may be patient selection, and personnel dedicated to continuous
necessary to avoid post-discharge sedation-related issues.5 physiologic monitoring (Table 4). Regulations regarding
Pharmacologic adjuncts to a typical benzodiazepine- administration of propofol are determined at the state,
narcotic combination may include diphenhydramine, regional, and local levels regardless of the targeted level
promethazine, and droperidol. These medications poten- of sedation. As a result, the practice of NAAP is quite
tiate the action of the benzodiazepine-narcotic regimen limited nationally. Hence, propofol-based sedation for
and can result in deeper levels of sedation and potentially low-risk patients undergoing routine procedures often is
a prolonged recovery. Droperidol is a neuroleptic agent in administered by anesthesia personnel.
the same class as haloperidol and has sedative effects. Published protocols for NAPS51-53 report various dosing
Randomized trials have demonstrated the efficacy of dro- schedules of administered propofol. Propofol dosing and
peridol in patients undergoing therapeutic endoscopy, the depth of sedation should be individualized to the
particularly those who are difficult to sedate.44,45 A black needs of each patient.7
NAPS should be administered by personnel specifically reporting pain or discomfort. Patient satisfaction across all
trained in its administration who should have expertise controlled trials was lower with midazolam plus narcotic,
in emergency airway management and must be present when compared with monopropofol sedation.
continuously during its use.5 In addition, the patient’s BPS is effective at achieving moderate sedation for
physiologic parameters and level of sedation must be endoscopic procedures.4,50 BPS provides the benefits of
continuously monitored. Multiple studies have shown a propofol-mediated sedation, such as shorter recovery
high level of safety and have confirmed that it compares times and enhanced patient satisfaction, while reducing
favorably with lighter levels of sedation by using a the risk of over-sedation.50,59-61 Typically, loading doses
combination of an opioid and benzodiazepine. The of an opioid and benzodiazepine are given, followed by
appropriate personnel and equipment for deep sedation intermittent bolus dosing of propofol to target moderate
propofol administration are listed in Table 5. sedation. When propofol is used alone for endoscopy, its
In centers in the United States and worldwide where it lack of analgesic properties may require larger doses and
is permitted, NAPS is typically performed by trained therefore result in deep sedation,55 for which there is no
RNs whose sole responsibilities are patient monitoring specific reversal agent.62 In contrast, when BPS is used,
and administration of propofol.54 In a multicenter analgesia and amnesia can be achieved with less than
retrospective review of more than 36,000 endoscopies hypnotic doses, mitigating the potential for deep
performed with NAPS, the rate of clinically important sedation. Furthermore, more precise dose titration is
events, defined as an episode of apnea or other airway possible with smaller bolus doses of propofol (5-15 mg),
compromise requiring assisted ventilation, was <0.2%.55 and the potential for partial pharmacologic reversibility is
Endotracheal intubation was not required, and no patient retained by using naloxone or flumazenil.5,50,51,63
had permanent injury or died.
A prospective study of more than 24,000 patients Anesthesia provider–administered sedation
receiving NAPS found a major adverse event rate of Anesthesia provider–administered sedation comprises a
0.016%, involving 2 patients who received bag-mask ventila- sizeable proportion of procedural sedation for outpatient
tion and 1 who experienced largyngospasm.56 The minor endoscopic procedures in the United States. It is estimated
adverse event rate in this same series, which included that over half of colonoscopies currently are performed
patients who received monopropofol infusions or propofol with monitored anesthesia care (MAC).64 Potential
plus midazolam, was 0.46% and was mostly characterized advantages to the use of anesthesia provider–administered
by transient and reversible hypoxemia. Several studies sedation for routine colonoscopy and upper endoscopy
have compared NAAP sedation to standard moderate may include improved patient satisfaction, decreased
sedation (ie, a benzodiazepine plus narcotic), with respect distractions for the endoscopist, and increased throughput
to safety, patient and provider satisfaction, and induction through the endoscopy unit because of shorter sedation
and recovery times. Two randomized controlled trials and recovery times, although there are no published
compared NAPS for colonoscopy with a combination studies confirming these. In addition, patients with
regimen of midazolam and fentanyl57 and midazolam plus medical comorbidities may require MAC that typically
meperidine.58 All studies found that NAPS exhibited involves administration of propofol with or without
significantly shorter recovery times. There were no adjunctive sedatives to achieve moderate sedation, deep
significant differences across sedation regimens in the sedation, or general anesthesia.65,66 Governance to deter-
incidence of bradycardia, hypotension, hypoxemia, mine who can administer MAC is dictated by state and insti-
physician satisfaction, or in the number of patients tutional regulations. In some instances, anesthesiologists
directly administer MAC or supervise certified registered In summary, anesthesia provider–administered sedation
nurse anesthetists. In other states, certified registered nurse most likely improves throughput, patient and/or endoscop-
anesthetists may administer MAC independently or under ist satisfaction, and endoscopist focus. In the setting of
the direction of an endoscopist. advanced endoscopic procedures such as EUS-guided
Several factors that may determine whether the assis- FNA, it may also improve efficacy. Anesthesia provider–
tance of anesthesia providers is needed include patient- administered sedation is more expensive and does not
specific risk factors for sedation, the planned depth of appear to result in improved safety as compared with
sedation, and the urgency and type of endoscopic proced- endoscopist-directed sedation for ambulatory endoscopic
ure performed (Table 5).67 Patient risk factors include procedures such as upper endoscopy and colonoscopy.
significant medical conditions such as extremes of age;
severe pulmonary, cardiac, renal, or hepatic disease;
pregnancy; the abuse of drugs or alcohol; uncooperative
patients; a potentially difficult airway for positive-pressure
Patient-controlled sedation and analgesia with propofol
ventilation; and individuals with anatomy that is associated
and other agents is a method of sedation in which patients
with more difficult intubation.5,67 Additionally, an anes-
deliver their own drug via an infusion pump. Patient-
thesia provider may be used to provide propofol-based
controlled sedation has been studied in several random-
sedation for settings in which regulations or policies do
ized trials. Külling et al78 showed that patients receiving
not allow endoscopist-administered propofol, but the
patient-controlled sedation with propofol and/or alfentanil
treating physicians judge the benefits of a propofol
exhibited a high degree of patient satisfaction and more
regimen to outweigh the risks and costs.
complete recovery at 45 minutes when compared with
Studies have demonstrated that anesthesia provider–
conventional sedation and analgesia. Ng et al79 reported
administered sedation for EUS-guided FNA of pancreatic
that patients undergoing colonoscopy with propofol
masses and overtube-assisted enteroscopy is associated
patient-controlled sedation exhibited significantly shorter
with improved outcomes.68,69 Anesthesia provider–admin-
mean recovery times (43 vs 61 minutes; P Z .001) and
istered sedation is advantageous during ERCP, which often
improved comfort compared with midazolam alone. Heuss
involves placing a patient in a prone position. The prone
et al80 reported that younger and more anxious patients
position may be associated with altered cardiovascular
are less likely to agree to patient-controlled sedation.
and pulmonary physiology and may involve limited airway
Currently, this method of procedural sedation remains
under the purview of anesthesia providers.
However, for lower-risk patients (ASA I-III) undergoing
non-advanced endoscopic procedures such as elective co-
lonoscopy and EGD, recent large population–based studies RECOMMENDATIONS
found a higher risk of aspiration and other unplanned car-
diopulmonary events in patients receiving deep sedation 1. We recommend that all patients undergoing endoscopic
with propofol as administered by anesthesiologists, when procedures be evaluated to assess their risk of sedation
compared with patients who received lighter sedation as related to pre-existing medical conditions. 4444
administered by endoscopists.71,72 Additionally, a recent 2. We recommend that the combination of an opioid and
study using claims data found a higher perforation rate in benzodiazepine is a safe and effective regimen for
colonoscopies with anesthesia services.73 achieving minimal to moderate sedation for upper
Currently, the cost of anesthesia-delivered propofol endoscopy and colonoscopy in patients without risk
sedation is a separate charge from the endoscopy proced- factors for sedation-related adverse events. 4444
ure and can range from $150 to $1500 per case. Despite 3. We suggest using an appropriate adjunctive agent
the demonstration of no safety benefit, utilization of anes- (eg, diphenhydramine, promethazine, or droperidol)
thesia services for low-risk endoscopic procedures such as in combination with conventional sedative drugs in
EGD and colonoscopy continues to increase.74,75 In a cost- select clinical circumstances. 44BB
effectiveness model, Hassan et al76 showed that 4. We recommend that providers undergo specific training
endoscopist-directed propofol sedation was more cost in the administration of endoscopic sedation and
effective than anesthesia-administered propofol sedation. possess the skills necessary for the diagnosis and
Dominitz et al77 demonstrated in a large cohort study of management of sedation-related adverse events,
Medicare beneficiaries that anesthesia-administered seda- including rescue from a level of sedation deeper than
tion for colonoscopy varies widely across regions and that intended. 4444
appears to be more associated with reimbursement prac- 5. We recommend the routine monitoring of blood
tices (ie, Medicare contractors), rather than assessment pressure, oxygen saturation, and heart rate in addition
of patient risk. This study also found no significant to clinical observation for changes in cardiopulmonary
difference in the adenoma detection rate between status during all endoscopic procedures using
endoscopist-directed or anesthetist-directed sedation.77 sedation. Supplemental oxygen administration should
be considered for moderate sedation and should be 9. Godwin SA, Burton JH, Gerardo CJ, et al. Clinical policy: procedural
administered during deep sedation. Supplemental sedation and analgesia in the emergency department. Ann Emerg
Med 2014;63:247-58.e18.
oxygen should be administered if hypoxemia is antici- 10. Practice guidelines for preoperative fasting and the use of pharmaco-
pated or develops. 4444 logic agents to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration: application to
6. We suggest that capnography monitoring be considered healthy patients undergoing elective procedures: an updated report
for patients undergoing endoscopy targeting deep seda- by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee on Standards
tion. 44BB and Practice Parameters. Anesthesiology 2011;114:495-511.
11. Khiani VS, Soulos P, Gancayco J, et al. Anesthesiologist involvement in
7. We recommend anesthesia provider–administered seda- screening colonoscopy: temporal trends and cost implications in the
tion be considered for complex endoscopic procedures Medicare population. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2012;10:58-64.e1.
or patients with multiple medical comorbidities or at 12. Cha JM, Jeun JW, Pack KM, et al. Risk of sedation for diagnostic esoph-
risk for airway compromise. 444B agogastroduodenoscopy in obstructive sleep apnea patients. World J
8. We suggest that endoscopists use propofol-based Gastroenterol 2013;19:4745-51.
13. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee; Pasha SF, Acosta R, Chandrase-
sedation (endoscopist-directed or anesthesia-provider khara V, et al. Routine laboratory testing before endoscopic proced-
administered) when it is expected to improve patient ures. Gastrointest Endosc 2014;80:28-33.
safety, comfort, procedural efficiency, and/or successful 14. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee; Shergill AK, Ben-Menachem T,
procedure completion. 44BB Chandrasekhara V, et al. Guidelines for endoscopy in pregnant and
lactating women. Gastrointest Endosc 2012;76:18-24.
15. American Society of Anesthesiology Physical Status Classification Sys-
tem 2014. Available at: http://www.asahq.org/resources/clinical-
DISCLOSURE information/asa-physical-status-classification-system. Accessed April
19, 2015.
16. Enestvedt BK, Eisen GM, Holub J, et al. Is the American Society of An-
Dr Muthusamy is a consultant for Boston Scientific
esthesiologists classification useful in risk stratification for endoscopic
and received honoraria from Covidien GI Solutions. Dr procedures? Gastrointest Endosc 2013;77:464-71.
Chathadi is a consultant for Boston Scientific. Dr Khashab 17. Sharma VK, Nguyen CC, Crowell MD, et al. A national study of cardio-
is a consultant for Boston Scientific. He is on their advi- pulmonary unplanned events after GI endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc
sory board and has received grants from them. He is a 2007;66:27-34.
18. Ragsdale JA. Validating patient safety in the endoscopy unit using the
consultant for Olympus America and has received grants
Joint Commission Standards. Gastroenterol Nurs 2011;34:218-23.
from Cook Medical. All other authors disclosed no finan- 19. American College of Surgeons. Statement on ensuring correct patient,
cial relationships relevant to this publication. correct site, and correct procedure surgery 2002. Available at https://
Abbreviations: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; ASGE, Accessed June 14, 2015.
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