REPORT-Political and Legal System Prospect For Global Bus
REPORT-Political and Legal System Prospect For Global Bus
REPORT-Political and Legal System Prospect For Global Bus
Monsanto Company
Under global perspective, businesses has grown rapidly for the past fews
years. This providing vast channel for economical growth of a country. Not only
the enomy or businesse that can change but also the political and legal system
of a country. The Political and legal system plays important in shaped the
country charcateristic. The objective of this study is to examine how poltical
system influence global business also how the legal system regulate the global
businesses. At the same time, to look in depth into Mosanto Company how the
political and legal system affecting Mosanto Company businesses.
totalitarian. The other dimension measures whether the focus of the political
system is on individuals or the broader collective. Individualism refer to that
people should be free to pursue economic and political endeavors without
constraint. In other words, goverment interest shall not dependant solely
influence individual behavior. Working in a group requires less energy per
person to achieve the same goal, but an individual will workas hard as he or
she has to in order to survive in a competitive environment. Simply following
the status quo will stunt progress, while competing will increase creativity and
progress. The groundwork for this ideology was founded long ago.
Philosophers such as David Hume (1711–1776), Adam Smith (1723–1790),
and even Aristotle (384–322 BC) contributed to these principles. While
philosophers created the foundation for this belief system long ago, it can be
witnessed playing out through modern practice. Eastern Europe, the former
Soviet Union, areas of Latin America, Great Britain, and Sweden all have
moved toward the idea that the betterment of society is related to the level of
freedom individuals have in pursuing economic goals, along with general
individual freedoms and self-expression without governmental constraint.
Global leaders must remain alert as to how political changes may impact their
business, as a continuous struggle for a achievement in government power
often affects leaders in office.
There are three major political system in which refering to different set of
Democracy with its European roots and strong presence in Northern and
Western Europe, refers to the system in which the government is controlled by
the citizens either directly or through elections. Essentially, every citizen
should be involved in decision-making processes. The representative
government ensures individual freedom since anyone who is eligible may have
a voice in the choices made. A democratic society cannot exist without at least
a two-party system. Once elected, the representative is held accountable to
the electorate for his or her actions, and this ultimately limits governmental
power. Individual freedoms, such as freedom of expression and assembly, are
secured. Further protections of citizens include impartial public service, such
as a police force and court systems which also serve the government and, in
turn, the electorate, though they are not directly affiliated with any political
party. Finally, while representatives may be re-elected, the number of terms is
often limited, and the elected representative may be voted out during the next
election if he or she does not sufficiently adhere to the goals of the majority
ruling. As mentioned above, a social democracy combines a socialist ideology
with a democratic political system, a situation that has characterized many
modern European states as well as some in Latin America and other regions.
Legal System
Legal system are made to regulate the global business operation. There are
four major law as stated below:
1. Religious law. For example Islamic law is law derived from interpretation of
the Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. It is found in
most Islamic countries in the Middle East and Central Asia.
2. Mixed law. This law that opreation together of two or three types of law.
3. Common law. This comes from English law, and it is the foundation of the
legal system in the United States, Canada, England, Australia, New
Zealand, and other nations.
4. Civil or code law. This law is derived from Roman law and is found in the
non-Islamic and nonsocialist countries such as France, some countries in
Latin America, and even Louisiana in the United States.
Monsanto Company
Monsanto had encountered quit a number on legal action that prohibit its
product to be either plant, process or sell in a certain country. For example,
Zambia had choosen to ban GM food to their country. The goverment of
Zambia itself rejected 35,000 ton of food aid just because it possibly contain
GM food. Another example is Serbia where they have a total ban over GM
food. The ban approach were take to reduce the risk of legal system where the
goverment of the country want to protect their own intellectual property and
their citizen. There is one consequences happen when the goverment of the
country fail to follow the rule of law. Weakness in rule of law will cause the
goverment to lose their power over controlling their need or essential to their
country. Rather, the would be controlled by giant company via corruption and
Previously, Monsanto nearly win in all of its law suit showing that the are one of
the most powefull company in GMO field. However under case Dewayne
Johnson, a 46-year-old former groundskeeper, has won a huge victory in the
landmark, with the jury determining that Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller
caused his cancer and that the corporation failed to warn him of the health
hazards from exposure. The jury further found that Monsanto acted with malice
or oppression. The case ought Mosanto to paid him $289 million in damages.
Most importantly as a home country the goverment should be stiff upon the law
implemented. It need to be ensure that the law is seen by all citizen, fairly
enforced and being respected and understand by all citixen. Because as
mention earlier, when law is weak the economic and business will affected. In
Monsanto point of view, they would need comprehensive research to make
their product is safe to everyone. As prevention are always be good then cure.
In conclusion, influence that political and legal system will determined the
economic businesses of a nation or a company. The more openess or freedom
the system the more economic will grow. However, to what extend the
business can grow would greatly dependant to the product itself. here, the
legal system will take place again to regulate and control accordingly to the
nations needs and respect.
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