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Daniel Fournier and Normand Amyot

IREQ, Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

SUMMARY interruptions and low overnight current load. Tests

A large number of power failures occur at cable joints in ended at cable joint failure (dielectric breakdown or loss
Hydro-Québec underground conduit network. Many are of electrical contact).
due to degradation of the electrical connection inside
these joints and the corresponding degradation of their Results and discussion
electrical insulation. A few years ago, Hydro-Québec We monitored two parameters, namely ∆Tmin and
started an infrared thermography program for ∆Tmax, while our cable joints were subjected to current
underground cable joints. This program was cyclic load. ∆Tmin is the minimum (joint temperature
implemented to perform predictive maintenance and minus ambient temperature) reached during the daily
withdraw the defective joints before failure. So far, the low current portion of the cycle. At this point of the
withdrawal criteria have had no real scientific and cycle, the joint temperature has stabilized and it is
experimental basis. Moreover, there are serious possible to follow the evolution of the initial ∆T
discussions as to whether a non routine measurement of anomaly (~2°C above normal). The ∆Tmax is the
the temperature of a cable joint can really represent the maximum (joint temperature minus ambient
health of its electrical connection. Also, for how long a temperature) reached during the 24-hour cycle.
temperature measurement is valid and therefore what Our results show evidence of a self-healing phenomena
should be the best frequency of temperature in power connectors. Indeed, connectors had periods of
measurement resistance instabilities during which metallic contacts
are repeatedly reduced and then renewed. The self-
Experimental healing phenomena is more apparent in the low-current
We first chose three types of cable joints which portion of our cycle load. We believe that the
represent the variety of electrical connections found in appearance of self-healing is a valuable indication that
the underground power distribution system: separable the electrical contact has entered an accelerated-aging
elbow connectors for their bolted Cu (tin-plated) to Cu phase preceding the failure. This could be a good
electrical contact, straight joints for their crimped withdrawal criterion, since self-healing appears even at
connector (Al to Al electrical contact) and T joints for low current loads and seems to precede failure by a fair
their bolted Al to Al electrical contact. We then amount of time (several months). The presence of the
measured the normal operating temperatures of each self-healing phenomena might explain why a non
type of cable joint described above. Temperatures were routine temperature measurement with an infrared
measured at critical locations both inside and outside the camera cannot assess the health of the electrical contact
cable joints, using thermocouples. These temperatures of a cable joint. Indeed, an unfortunate worker could
were measured at different current loads, at constant measure a normal temperature (due to self-healing)
ambient temperature (~20°C) and for a given cable when in fact the contact is severely damaged.
gauge. We defined one reference temperature for each We believe that it is detection of the temperature
type of cable joint. The difference between these instabilities at low and high current loads which counts
reference temperatures and the ambient one is called and which reveals the true state of the electrical contact.
the normal delta of temperature (∆T). The second step Continuous monitoring of joint temperatures should
was to assemble cable joints with stable and well therefore be considered.
characterized electrical-contact defects. These defect A computer software has been developed to diagnose
temperatures were measured at different current loads, the state of health of the cable joint. It takes into account
at constant ambient temperature (~20°C) and for a given all the aforementioned considerations and also many
cable gauge. We defined one reference temperature for factors such as critical ∆T, current load, ambient
each type of cable joint. The difference between these temperature, cable size, type of cable joint, and
reference temperatures and the ambient one is called historical data bank. It is also backed by live data from
the normal delta of temperature (∆T). The second step the field where defective cable joint are being
was to assemble cable joints with stable and well monitored. This software gives a diagnostic with a
characterized electrical-contact defects. These defects maintenance action: normal condition with a data
were such as to generate a temperature ~ 2°C above recording, anomaly, which necessitates a closer
normal ∆T, for a current load of 50 A. inspection schedule and, finally, an important anomaly
Our cable joints with their defects were subjected to a with immediate withdrawal of the cable joint. It is
24-hour current cyclic load, under high voltage (14.4 being tested in the field and results so far are very
kV). Cyclic loads were intended to simulate field encouraging.
conditions: daily peak demands, sudden demand,

Daniel Fournier and Normand Amyot

IREQ, Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

INTRODUCTION indirect way) a resistance increased of ~ 500 mΩ at the

A great deal of power failures occur at cable joints in defect location before testing under current load.
Hydro-Québec underground conduit network. Many
failures are due to the degradation of the electrical
connection inside these joints and the corresponding
degradation of their electrical insulation. Hydro-Québec
started a few years ago an infrared thermography
program for underground cable joints. This program has
been implemented to perform a predictive maintenance
and withdraw the defective joints before failure. This Fig. 1 Typical straight cable joint assembly with
program has very strict withdrawal criteria. Those thermocouple location (TC). Note the location of the
criteria have until now no real scientific and reference temperature (TC3) used to compute the
experimental basis. Moreover, there are serious ∆Tmin and the ∆Tmax.
discussions as to whether a punctual measurement of the
temperature of a cable joint can really represent the For the straight cable joint category, defects were
health state of its electrical connection. Also, for how generated at the Al crimped connector. Defects consist
long a temperature measurement is valid and therefore in a low crimping pressure (3000 instead of 8000 psi)
what should be the best frequency of temperature and only two crimps. The lower crimping pressure is
measurement ? intended to decrease the total metallic contact area and
A computer program based on sound cable joint therefore, increase the constriction resistance, and the
withdrawal criteria has been developed. It diagnoses operating temperature.
defective cable joints by detecting signs of electrical Before sliding the joint housing over the crimped
connection degradation before their failure. connector, we measured the resistance of the electrical
contact of defects. We measured ~ 30 µΩ which is
EXPERIMENTAL twice as high as for a normal crimped connector.
We first choose three types of cable joints which For the ‘T’ cable joint, the bolted Al to Al electrical
represent the variety of electrical connections found in contact is a preferential location for hot spots. We
the underground power distribution field: elbow created a defective electrical contact at this location by
separable connectors for their bolted Cu (tin plated) to simply tightening it at a lower than recommended
Cu electrical contact, straight joints for their crimped torque. Indeed, by using a torque of ~ 20 instead of 55
connector (Al to Al electrical contact) and ‘T’ joints for pounds-feet, we got a measured ~ 48 µΩ instead of
their bolted Al to Al electrical contact. We then 15 µΩ which represents the normal value for this
measured the normal operating temperatures of each electrical contact.
type of cable joint described above. Temperatures were Our cable joints with defect were submitted to a 24
measured at critical locations both inside and outside hours current cyclic load (see Fig. 2), under high
cable joints, using thermocouples (see Fig. 1). These voltage (14.4 kV). Due to the high voltage applied to the
temperatures (once stabilized) were measured at cable conductor, only outside thermocouples were
different current loads, at constant ambient temperature retained to measure the joint temperatures. Cyclic loads
(~20°C) and for a given cable gauge. We have defined were intended to simulate field conditions : daily peak
one reference temperature for each type of cable joint. demands, sudden demand, interruptions and low
The difference between these reference temperatures overnight current load. This is not a truly accelerated
and the ambient one is called the normal delta of aging test since we have always respected the
temperature (∆T). A complete description of the manufacturer current load limits. The only acceleration
experimental set-up is given in (1). is due to three peak demands (instead of two per days)
The second step was to assemble cable joints with stable and the initial higher than normal electrical contacts
and well characterized electrical contact defects. resistance. Tests ended at cable joint failure (dielectric
These defects were such as to generate a ~ 2°C above breakdown or loss of electrical contact).
normal ∆T, for a current load of 50 A. For the elbow
connector, we created an electrical connection defect at RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the 90° change of direction where the tin plated Cu rod One criteria of accelerated degradation of an Al-Al
bolts into the Cu-Al lug. We managed to measure (in a electrical contact is when the crimped connector reaches
~100°C (2). This is the case when ∆Tc3 (see fig. 1) field is to re-tighten the Cu rod of elbow joints when
reaches ~ 15°C (or 35°C at joint housing surface for they have a hot spot.
and ambient temperature of 20°C). For elbow We therefore re-tightened the tin plated Cu rod and re-
connector, Stoneham (3) has specified that it should be started the test to see the consequences of such practice.
replaced if its internal temperature (Cu rod) is above The three aging phases are more readily apparent in this
70°C. It is also said that the internal temperature of a ‘T’ second portion of the test : formation from about days
joint should not exceed 90°C as there is a rapid 281 to 290, relative stability from day ~ 290 to 390 and
degradation of its epoxy components at this temperature accelerated aging (characterized by contact resistance
(4). instabilities) from day 390 up to day 475 (loss of
Once our cable joints were submitted to current cyclic electrical contact).
load, we monitored two parameters : the ∆Tmin and the Figure 4 shows the ∆Tmin versus time for the elbow
∆Tmax . ∆Tmin is the minimum reached during the connector (∆Tmin is the minimum reached during the
daily low current (50 A) portion of the cycle (~04:00) daily low current (50 A) portion of the cycle). Around
during the night. At this point of the cycle, the joint day 90, contact resistance instabilities are observed. As
temperature has stabilized and it is possible to follow opposed to figure 3, there is no gradual increase in the
the evolution of the initial ∆T anomaly (~2°C above ∆T anomaly until ~ 6 days before failure. Indeed, within
normal). The ∆Tmax is the maximum reached during a few days, rapid increases in ∆T are followed by
the 24 hours cycle. Figure 3 shows the ∆Tmax versus sudden returns to the initial ∆T anomaly (~2°C).
time for the elbow connector.
Elbow connector
Straight joint
T joint
600 Loss of elec. contact
30,00 Loss of electrical contact
Current (A)


200 15,00

100 10,00
Time (hour)
5,00 Re-start of the test
02 0

06 0
08 0
10 0

14 0
16 0
18 0

22 0




0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Fig. 2 Typical current load cycle. Time (days)

It basically shows the aging behavior of the defective

electrical joint. It is not exactly like the one described Fig. 3 ∆Tmax versus time for the elbow joint : bolted
by Bergmann (5). Nevertheless, one can recognize Cu (tin plated) to Cu contact.
more or less the three aging phases: the formation, the
relative stability and accelerated aging. The formation In this second portion of the test, the contact resistance
phase is short (from day 0 to ~ 20). It is characterized by instabilities resumed around day 390 which corresponds
a rapid increase in the ∆T which reflects a joint to a rapid increase of the ∆Tmax. The more important
resistance increase. The formation phase might extend instabilities appeared at about day 425 and correspond
here from day 90 up to ~ 120. If we disregard the ∆T to the important ones observed for the ∆Tmax after day
fluctuations due to initial current load adjustment (at about 420. This means that the common practice in the
day 70), this phase is characterized by a gradual field which consists at re-tightening the tin plated Cu
increase in the joint resistance. The accelerated aging rod of elbow joints when they have a hot spot is
phase extends from about day 120 until the loss of definitely not a solution.
electrical contact at day 280. This phase does not show The contact resistance instabilities observed in figures 3
a monotonic rapid increase of the contact resistance. It and 4 are probably caused by a self-healing
is characterized by contact resistance instabilities where phenomenon due to softening or melting of the contact
rapid and important increase (up to ~13°C) and regions (6).
This phenomenon is probably enhanced by the cyclic
diminution of the ∆T can take place within a few days.
current load. Indeed, cyclic loads generate micro-
Finally, at day 280, the ∆T reaches its highest peak
movements caused by the dilatation and contraction
(~31°C above normal) and failure occurred by loss of
during heating and cooling of the contact region. The
the electrical contact which opened the electrical circuit
micro-movements induced by the dilatation of the
of our test loop. Such circuit opening in the
conductor associated with the softening in the contact
underground distribution network would result in an
region can lead to a significant increase in the contact
electrical power failure. This test has been going on for
area. This causes the resistance to decrease, and the
~475 days. It should have normally ended after ~280
supertemperature to fall.
days when this joint failed. A common practice in the
mentioned in the previous section and also many factors
such as critical ∆T, current load, ambient temperature,
cable size, and type of cable joint.
14,00 Loss of electrical contact Loss of elec. contact
∆ T(°C)

6,00 50,00
4,00 40,00

∆T (°C)
2,00 30,00
0,00 Re-start of the test
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 10,00
Time (days)
Fig. 4 ∆Tmin versus time for the elbow joint : bolted 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Cu (tin plated) to Cu contact.
Time (days)

It reverses the aging process [6]. On the other hand, Fig. 5 ∆Tmax versus time for the straight joint:
these micro-movements could cause fretting corrosion crimped Al to Al contact.
at the contact area and destroy it. Also, the presence of
tin plating at the metallic interface increases the chance
of having fretting since tin is prone to fretting (7).
Therefore a succession of higher contact resistance
(caused by fretting corrosion) and self-healing
phenomenon could explain the pattern illustrated in 10,00
∆T (°C)

figures 3 and 4 where quiescent periods are interrupted

by periods of intense interfacial activity during which
the area of metallic contact is repeatedly reduced and
then renewed.
Figure 5 shows the ∆Tmax versus time for the straight 0,00
joint. In this case, the formation phase is not apparent. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
This contact seems to be in a relative stability phase Time (days)
(although short cycles of small ∆T variations are
observed) with a gradual increase in ∆T. It is difficult to Fig. 6 ∆Tmin versus time for the straight joint:
say from this figure when this contact enters the crimped Al to Al contact.
accelerated aging phase albeit one can observe a brief
period of resistance instabilities (from days 170 to 210). It is also backed by live data from the field where
Figure 6 shows ∆Tmin versus time for the same straight defective cable joint are being monitored. All those
joint. One can see that important and short periods of information are stored in an extended data bank. It also
resistance instabilities showed up at ~ day 115, 140 and contains all the parameters concerning the thermal
180. The onset of the accelerated aging phase seems to signature for almost any combination of medium
appear at day 260 where continuous short cycle with voltage cable joint (for the north American market) and
high amplitude temperature variations are observed. It is cable size (Al or Cu) in function of the current load and
interesting to note that the onset of the accelerated aging ambient temperature. Finally, each diagnostic are stored
in this data bank since one criteria of this program is
phase is much more obvious on the ∆Tmin graph where
based on the evolution with time of overheating cable
a relatively low current load is used. The duration of
joint. The following is a brief description of the
this accelerated aging phase is still unknown since
computer program functioning.
failure of the electrical contact has not occurred yet.
Finally, concerning the ‘T’ joint results, it is interesting
Pre-inspection for a safe access to underground
to note that, to the contrary of the previous tested joints,
no precursor sign (i.e. resistance instabilities)
Figure 7 shows the main menu of the computer program
announced the contact failure. Indeed, only a steep
named “Thermo”. The upper part is for the
increase in the ∆Tmin occurred few hours before the
identification of the cable joint. The middle part
failure. One explanation of this situation could be the
specifies the accessory model and cable size (using a
lack of pressure at the contact interface of bolted or
list box), the ambient and the accessory surface
screw type connections [1].
temperatures both measured with an infrared camera,
before workers get in the underground structure. Note
that the current load is not necessary at this stage. Once
A computer program has been developed to diagnose
the “pre-inspection” button is pushed, the program
the health state of medium voltage underground cable
estimates the inner temperature of the accessory. If the
joint. It takes into account all the considerations
temperature is above 70 or 100°C (according to the
accessory model), the access of the underground is
denied. A lower than 70 or 100°C allows free access to
the structure.

Full diagnostic using the current load.

Current load is measured once the worker is in the
structure. It is put in the main menu and by pushing the
“Diagnostic” button, a full maintenance diagnostic is
performed as can be seen in figure 8. Three different
diagnostics can be obtained: “green” meaning that the
accessory behaves normally and that no maintenance is
required, “yellow” message meaning that we have a
small overheating problem which requires a tighter
maintenance schedule and finally, a “red” message
meaning that the accessory has an important
overheating problem and that it should be withdrawn as Fig. 8 Main menu of the “thermo” program. In this case
soon as possible. In the case of a “yellow” message, a a full diagnostic has been performed
“Prediction curve” (see figure 9) gives one the
opportunity to visualize how close the actual situation is
to the red area (where inner accessory temperatures are
above 70 or 100°C ) in function of current load and
ambient temperature.

Historical data bank

By pushing the “History” button on the main menu, we
have access to the historical data bank where every
diagnostic is stored (see fig. 10). This data bank is very
important since every time a diagnostic is performed,
the program compares the actual data with the previous
one in order to detect any “thermal instabilities” as
observed on figures 4 and 6. If any instability is
detected, a message appears in the information box and
a withdrawal of the accessory is recommended. Any Fig. 9 Prediction curve showing the actual situation
data can be retrieved for examination or for another versus the critical area where inner
inspection. temperature are above 100°C

Fig. 10 Historical data bank

Fig. 7 Main menu of the “thermo” program. In this case CONCLUSION
a pre-inspection has been performed Our results have shown evidences of self-healing
phenomena in power connector. Indeed, connectors had
periods of resistance instabilities during which metallic
contacts are repeatedly reduced and then renewed. The
self-healing phenomena is more apparent at the low
current portion of our cycle load. We believe that the
appearance of self-healing is a valuable indication that
the electrical contact has entered an accelerated aging 6. Williamson B. P., 1980, “Self-Healing Effect : its
phase preceding the failure. This could be a good Implications in the Accelerated Testing of Connectors”,
withdrawal criteria since self-healing appears even at Proc. 10th ICEC, Budapest, Hungary, p. 1089.
low current loads and seems to precede the failure by a
fair amount of time (several months). The presence of 7. Braunovic M., 1994, ,“Aluminum connections :
the self-healing phenomena might also explain why a Legacies of the Past”, Proceedings of the 40th IEEE
punctual temperature measurement with a infrared Holms Conference on Electrical Contacts, Raghar Holm
camera cannot asses the health state of a cable joint Scientific Achievement Award.
electrical contact. Indeed, unfortunate worker could
measure a normal temperature (due to self-healing)
when in fact the contact is severely damaged. We
believe that it is the detection of the temperature
instabilities at low current and high current loads which
counts and reveals the true electrical contact health
state. Continuous monitoring of joint temperature
should therefore be considered.
Finally a computer software has been developed to
diagnose the health state of cable joint. It takes into
account all the aforementioned considerations and also
many factors such as critical ∆T, current load, ambient
temperature, cable size, type of cable joint and historical
data bank. It is also backed by data from the field where
defective cable joint are being monitored.
This software gives a diagnostic with a maintenance
action: normal condition with a data recording, anomaly
which necessitates a closer inspection schedule and
finally an important anomaly with an immediate
withdrawal of the cable joint. It is being used in the
field and results are so far very good.

Our special thanks to Daniel Lalancette and Richard
L’écuyer for their technical contribution and to
Christian Langheit for the programming of the
“THERMO” software.

1. Fournier D., 1998, “Aging of Defective Electrical
Joints in Underground Power Distribution Systems”,
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Holms Conference on
Electrical Contacts, pp. 179-192, Arlington, USA, .

2. Dang C., 1992, “Condition limites d’utilisation des

jonctions Elastimold”, Hydro-Québec IREQ-92-067

3. Stoneham M, 1990, “Infrared Thermography for

Distribution System”, Canadian electrical association
Report no. 168 D 391A, p. 73.

4. Dang C. and Trinh N.G., 1990, “Dielectric

Performance of Distribution XLPE-Cable Accessories
at High Temperature”, Canadian electrical association
Report no. 139 D 505A.

5. Bergmann, Lobl H., Bohmeand., HGrosβmann S.,

1996, “Model to Asses the Reliability of Electrical
Joints”, Proc. of the 1996 IEEE Holm Conference on
Electrical Contacts, Chicago, Il., September, p. 180.

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