Tender For Providing Manpower Support To Iit Dharwad: Near High Court, PB Road, Dharwad-580011 TEL NO: +91 836 2212 839
Tender For Providing Manpower Support To Iit Dharwad: Near High Court, PB Road, Dharwad-580011 TEL NO: +91 836 2212 839
Tender For Providing Manpower Support To Iit Dharwad: Near High Court, PB Road, Dharwad-580011 TEL NO: +91 836 2212 839
Detailed tender notice can be downloaded from the website of the Institute at:
The right to suspend the tender process or part of the process, to accept or reject any or all
the tenders at any stage of the process and/or to modify the process or any part thereof at
any time without assigning any reason thereto vests with IIT Dharwad without any obligation
or liability whatsoever.
Assistant Registrar (C&S)
IIT Dharwad
1. Tenders are invited under Open Tender Enquiry and two bid system for providing
manpower support to IIT Dharwad. Te c h ni c a l Bid along-with supporting documents,
Earnest Money Deposit (in form of DD/Bankers Cheque in favour of Registrar, IIT Dharwad
payable @ Dharwad) shall be submitted in separate sealed envelopes and then encased
inside one sealed envelope super scribed ‘Technical Bid for providing manpower
support to IIT Dharwad’ All the pages of this tender document along with necessary
Appendices (as applicable) duly signed and stamped, will form the technical bid.
2. The Price Bid as per the format annexed with this tender document, should be duly
filled, stamped and signed by the authorized signatory of the agency/firm/company and
sealed in a separate envelope super scribing ‘Price Bid for providing manpower support
to IIT Dharwad’.
3. The Technical bid and the Price bid shall be sealed in one envelope super scribing
‘Tender for providing manpower support to IIT Dharwad’
4. The technical bids shall be opened as per schedule placed at Notice Inviting Tender
(NIT). The vendors who are short listed after qualifying technical bid evaluation will be
intimated the date of opening of price bids subsequently through proper means. IIT Dharwad
reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders/bids without assigning any reason thereof.
5. The tender for providing manpower support to IIT Dharwad shall initially be
awarded for a period of one year from date of award of contract. However, the tender may
further be extended for a period of two more years (on year to year basis) on mutual
agreement subject to providing satisfactory service to IIT Dharwad and annual performance
review. It may also be noted that the rates quoted by the firm, terms & conditions of the
tender document shall remain unchanged during the currency of contract and extension
period, if any.
6. For any query/Clarification please contact IIT Dharwad during working hrs and days
on [email protected]. Bidders are requested to seek all clarifications through mail at the said
id within the stipulated timeframe only (i.e. up to pre-bid meeting scheduled as per the NIT).
Please note that no query / input from bidders will be addressed from the point of view of
modification in IIT Dharwad requirement after the pre-bid is over.
7. Bidders are invited to participate in a pre-bid meeting scheduled as per the NIT. In
case the pre-bid meeting is not held on the due date due to unavoidable reasons, it will be
held on the very next day. Attending Pre Bid meeting and site visit is mandatory. Only
those firms who will attend the Pre Bid meeting will be eligible to participate in the
Tender. Please be present in the Conference Room of IIT Dharwad, WALMI Campus,
Dharwad-580011 for this purpose. All inputs / queries will be submitted to [email protected]
before start of the meeting. The agenda of the pre-bid meeting is as follows: -
8. The detail of information to be provided along-with bid, tentative penalties and other
instructions are appended at Appendix A - G to this document.
4. The scope of work generally consists of providing Skilled, Semiskilled, Unskilled and
specialized manpower on a monthly basis in accordance with the labour and other
concerning law. The requirement is approximately 100 numbers. However, in case of
additional requirement, the contractor shall supply additional manpower at the quoted
rates on prior notice.
6. Skilled Manpower.
(c) Support and supervision in the areas of liaison, public relations, front office
management etc.
7. Semi-Skilled Manpower.
Persons who have passed 12 standard or equivalent, ITI or Equivalent Diploma of two
years in relevant fields along with suitable experience identified as semi-skilled by IIT
Dharwad from time to time. The requirement of semi-skilled manpower will be intimated
to the contractor as and when required. The scope of work will include the following: -
8. Unskilled Manpower.
Persons who have passed 10 standard or equivalent along with suitable experience
identified as unskilled by IIT Dharwad from time to time. Persons in this category will
be assisting other categories of Manpower and rendering assistance to various
functions of IIT Dharwad. The scope of work shall be identified and modified by IIT
Dharwad from time to time.
This document makes provision for joint monitoring of contract deliverables wherein
the contractor / a suitable representative (Authorised by the contractor with power of
attorney) shall meet IIT Dharwad authorities on a monthly basis to manage the
contract. Deviation from this will attract penalty as per Appendix ‘C’.
10. The manpower shall generally be deployed on all working days (Monday to Saturday)
from 0830 hrs to 1730 hrs with variations in shifts as per requirement. One weekly off
will be admissible in addition to the national holidays declared for IIT Dharwad. The
contractor shall provide necessary manpower on closed/public holidays whenever
required. In case of unscheduled absenteeism, IIT Dharwad shall levy penalty as per
Appendix ‘C’.
11. The manpower supplied by the contractor shall be interviewed by the IIT Dharwad
authorities for fitness of deployment and authentication. Bio data of the individual is
12. The manpower support so approved by IIT Dharwad authorities should not be
withdrawn for any reason whatsoever without prior written consent of the authorities.
A suitable substitute has to be provided with the approval of IIT Dharwad authorities.
13. If the contractor fails to provide the manpower for a particular period, penalty will be
levied as per relevant clause under this document. However, such recoveries shall not
liquidate or dissolve other liabilities of the contractor under the agreed terms and
conditions of contract. All consequent responsibilities for such lapses shall be
undertaken only by the contractor.
14. The character and antecedents of all the manpower is to be verified from the police by
the contractor. Police Verification of the manpower is to be submitted at the time of
award of work as per relevant clause of this tender Document.
15. The contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for the deployed manpower for
any medical issue or emergency while at work. In case such arrangements are made
by IIT Dharwad the expenditure will be recovered from the Contractor.
16. The monthly wages payable to the manpower shall be fixed by IIT Authorities as per
scope of work. There is no scope for any alteration/modification of such wages by the
17. In case of an additional requirement not originally covered in the scope of work, the
contractor shall provide such manpower as and when need arises as per the terms of
this tender document.
18. IIT Dharwad shall reimburse the contractor to the extent of the amount of variation
arising out of the upward revision in minimum wages as per Minimum Wages Act, 1948
by Govt. of India (Central Govt.) from time to time.
19. The contractor shall have one point of interaction with IIT Dharwad authorities (i.e.
Assistant Registrar (Contract & Services). The contractor shall not have any direct
dealing with any other officials at IIT Dharwad. Violation of above will be viewed
20. Prior approval is to be obtained from the IIT authorities before sending the personnel
on leave.
21. In case of objection from IIT Dharwad, the contractor shall remove any manpower
deployed by him who may, in the opinion of the IIT Dharwad worthy of such removal.
Any claim by such workmen shall be fully discharged by the contractor. For security
reasons, the removal / replacement of personnel should be done within an hour of
decision by IIT Dharwad.
22. The successful bidder will be required to enter into an agreement with IIT Dharwad as
per the prescribed format and execute a notarized indemnity bond on non-judicial
stamp paper of appropriate value at his own cost to indemnify IIT Dh against possible
or unforeseen eventualities arising out of or flowing from the contract awarded. Terms
and conditions in this Tender Document will form the Contract agreement.
24. Contractor shall not assign or sublet the work in whole or in part to anybody else.
25. Manpower requirement. The agency will be required to deploy the following
manpower: -
26. The number of manpower is indicative. The actual numbers required may differ at the
sole discretion of IIT Dharwad.
27. The manpower deployed by the contractor at IIT Dharwad will be employees of the
contractor and any disputes between contractor and his employees will have no
bearing whatsoever on IIT Dharwad.
28. The contractor shall be equally and squarely responsible for discharging of all the legal
obligations under various labour legislation/ statutory laws/acts/rules and regulations
as may be in force from time to time in so far as the manpower engaged by the
contractor is concerned.
29. In case of theft or damage to the property and assets (movable and immovable) of IIT
Dharwad by the manpower deployed, it shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor
to make good the loss caused due to such theft or damage. If there is any loss to the
IIT Dharwad on account of dishonesty, connivance and/or due to any cause attributable
to such services, the contractor shall make good the loss to the IIT Dharwad on
30. IIT Dharwad shall be free to cancel the tendering process at any stage without any
liability whatsoever and reserves the right of accepting and / or rejecting the whole or
any part of the bids without assigning any reason whatsoever.
31. IIT Dharwad is a total alcohol and tobacco free campus, therefore none of the
manpower deployed at the campus should be possessing or consuming alcohol and/or
tobacco products such as bidi, cigarette, chewing tobacco, gutkha, masala, pan etc.
Violation will attract penalty.
32. Minimum eligibility criteria: - IIT Dharwad has set up minimum eligibility criteria
(09 points to be read with note) for the bidding purposes. All bidding parties must
meet following criteria before they apply for the bid. The bidding parties meeting the
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criteria must enclose their supporting documents along with the technical bid: -
b. Kindly refer the minutes of pre-bid meeting as part of this tender document
(uploaded on our website on 17.09.2019) for inclusion in the bid.
b. Any firm/bidder not fulfilling any of the above mentioned criteria duly
supported by the indicated documents shall be out-rightly rejected and the bid
shall not be considered for further evaluation.
(a) Technical bids will be opened first and evaluated based on the documentary
validation and evaluation criteria (including minimum eligibility criteria)
stipulated in the tender document. Commercial bids of only technically
suitable/ qualified bidders will be opened. Unopened commercial bids along
with EMD of technically unsuitable bidders will be given back to the bidders.
Bidders will have to collect the same by submitting a requisition.
(b) As provided in the price bid format, the bidders will have to quote the price
and the L-1 firm will be awarded with the tender. Service charge on the
emoluments would be the sole factor of evaluation for identifying L1
firm. Service charges prima facie appearing to be untenable or quoted with
a disruptive intent will be liable to be rejected. The decision of the
Procurement Committee IIT Dharwad will be final and binding in this regard.
(c) Wages payable to the manpower supplied under this contract shall not be
lower than Minimum Wages for Zone ‘B’, as prescribed by Central
Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India, as applicable on the
date of issue of this Tender.
(d) In order to ensure compliance with statutory payments, IIT Dharwad will
indicate the wage payable to each category of manpower supplied. Such
payment of wages will be claimed by the contractor in his monthly bills (with
proof of payment of wage, ESI and EPF against each manpower) along-
with his service charge for manpower support service.
(e) The price bid shall be unambiguous and strictly be as per the price bid
format. Conditional offers or the proposals not furnished in the format
attached at Appendix ‘E’ shall be considered non-responsive and will
be rejected.
34. Award of Contract: -
(a) Contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose tender has been determined
to be substantially responsive and who has been adjudged L1 bidder.
(b) IIT Dharwad reserves the right to increase or decrease the requirement of
manpower indicated at the time of award of contract.
(c) Successful bidder shall execute the contract on a stamp paper of adequate
cost as given in this document. The terms and conditions of this tender
document will be part and parcel of the contract agreement.
1. The bidding firms are advised to study carefully the various clauses contained in the Special
Terms and Conditions before submitting their bids. Firms willing to participate in the tender may also
visit IIT Dharwad, Dharwad and acquaint themselves with the nature and quantum of work involved
before submitting the bids.
2. Minimum Wages and Social Security Provisions. The minimum wages payable
and other statutory obligations related to social security on the part of the contractor (employer) will
be as under:
(b) Variable DA: As revised/applicable from time to time based upon CPI or any other
basis specified by the concerned office.
(c) Social Security: The EPF and ESI shall be payable to the workmen as per rates
prescribed by the concerned authority from time to time. The contractor can deduct
workmen’s contribution from the wages payable to the workmen. The employer’s
contribution is to be paid by the contractor himself. Contractor will submit necessary
proof for claiming contributions against EPF & ESIC along with bills.
(d) The minimum liability of payment on the part of the contractor to the workmen or to
their respective accounts will be the total of:
(e) TDS @ 2% shall be made from the amount payable to the contractor. The TDS
certificate will be issued by IIT Dharwad. Payment of income tax on profits of the firm
is the sole responsibility of the contractor
3. Contract Implementation.
(b) Persons below the age of 18 years shall not be engaged for the work. The contractor will
submit medical certificate/any other certificate as age proof of the workmen deployed by
him. The contractor will also submit medical certificate to the effect that the workmen
deployed by him are fit for work and are not suffering from any contagious disease.
(c) Working hours will be 8 hours per day for the workmen excluding break period. The timings
and the break period will be indicated by the authorised rep. of the institute.
(d) Contractor shall not change any employee without consent of the authorised rep. of the
institute. He shall also ensure physical availability of his supervisors for mustering in/out
the workmen at the institute gate and supervise their work on daily basis.
(e) The contractor(s) shall maintain a register of all his employees and the work assigned to
them on daily basis. He should be in a position to produce the same at any given time.
The register shall be authenticated by the authorized representative(s) of institute on daily
basis before closing of the shift.
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(f) Contractor will provide his telephone numbers of his office/residence/mobile on
which he can be accessed / approached by institute.
(g) The contractor will be accountable for any accident, injury and loss of life to the workers
deployed by him and shall be responsible for payment of compensation as per law. If need
arises, the institute will recover such amount form the contractor to effect payment to the
affected person(s).
4. Termination of Contract.
(a) Institute reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time without assigning any
(b) The contract can be terminated with two months’ notice on either side.
(c) In case the contractor fails to respond to the instructions given by IIT Dharwad authorities
even after 48 hours, the contract may be summarily terminated by IIT Dharwad without
any notice.
(d) In case of violation of any of the terms and conditions under this contract by the contractor,
IIT Dharwad shall terminate the contract and the security deposit of the contractor shall
be forfeited to the extent of loss, damage, penalty against such violation. In case the loss,
damage, etc, suffered by IIT Dharwad is over and above the quantum of amount of
security deposit, IIT Dharwad shall have the right to recover the balance amount by lawful
(e) In case of any default in remittance of statutory dues like EPF, ESI and GST by the
contractor or non-compliance of provisions under the Labour Act, the contract is liable to
be terminated. Any expenditure incurred by IIT Dharwad attributable to the fault of the
contractor or the manpower deployed by him, such expenditure will be adjusted out of the
security deposit and IIT Dharwad shall have the right to recover the balance amount by
lawful means.
(f) In case of any loss suffered by IIT Dharwad due to gross negligence and dereliction of
duty by the manpower deployed by the contractor, the contractor shall take action forthwith
and make good such loss incurred by IIT Dharwad. Besides, the contractor shall terminate
such manpower and take remedial measures to avoid recurrences. A report on the action
taken by the contractor shall be submitted to IIT Dharwad authorities within a week. Failure
to adhere to the above, the contract shall be summarily terminated and loss will be
recovered from the contractor.
(g) The successful agency / firm / company will have to deposit a refundable interest free
Bank Guarantee @ 10% of the contracted value of service at the time of award of
work. This Bank Guarantee should be from a scheduled/ nationalized bank in the form of
Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) in favour of Registrar, IIT Dharwad. This PBG shall
cover entire period of contract and shall remain valid for a period of 60 days beyond the
period of contract. If contract is further extended beyond the initial period, the PBG shall
have to be renewed for the extended period also with a grace period of 60 days.
(a) The contractor shall disburse wages to all deployed manpower on the last working day of
the month without fail. Absentee payment will be made within 2 days of the scheduled
payment day. The bill shall be submitted to IIT Dharwad on or before the last working day
of each month, so as to enable IIT Dharwad to release payment by 7th of the following
month. The monthly payment to the manpower deployed shall be claimed by the
contractor and paid by IIT Dharwad.
(b) The contractor shall submit one consolidated bill in duplicate with all supporting
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documents. IIT Dharwad shall make payment to the contractor within 7 (Seven) days of
receipt of the original bill complete in all respects from the contractor. The bills shall be
submitted along-with following documents: -
(i) Copy of pay slip and acquittance roll for the payment duly signed by deployed
(ii) Copy of attendance duly certified by IIT Dharwad authorities for the month
(iii) EPF and ESI payment challans including detail of EPF and ESI remittance along-
with names of persons deployed in IIT Dharwad.
(v) The contractor shall pay the bonus to the deployed manpower in accordance with
the provisions of payment of Bonus Act.
(vi) Monthly summary regarding recovery / penalty etc. and action taken report by the
contractor or a nil report (as the case may be).
(c) The contractor will maintain all registers as required under the relevant acts/rules and shall
get inspected by the authorized representative of the institute every month before
(d) The contractor will issue wage slips and employment cards as per relevant Act.
(e) The contractor will make payment to his employees either through A/c payee cheque in
presence of authorized representative of the institute as directed or through NEFT and
produce the necessary documents in proof of payment.
(f) In case of delayed / short supply of manpower, penalty / liquidated damages @ 0.5% of
annual value of contract will be deducted for every day of deficiency in performance
subject to a maximum of 5% of annual value of contract.
(g) Payment to the contractor is liable to be held back if the contractor fails to make payment
due to the workmen engaged by him within statutory time period.
(h) Deductions shall also be made from contractor’s bills during implementation of the
contract that may be become due as penalties for violation of rules, terms and
conditions, damages, liabilities or for other causes.
(i) It may also be noted by the contractors that the payment of the first month bill may be
considered for release if the firm to whom the contract has been awarded is in the process
of obtaining all the statutory documents like EPF, ESI, Labour Office registration etc., but
the same shall be at the sole discretion of Competent Authority and will also depend on
the level of satisfactory services provided by the firm. The contractor will be required to
submit a formal request for the same to IIT Dharwad Authorities.
(c) The contractor will ensure that the workmen maintain good personal hygiene and
shall need to be free from any contagious diseases. The workforce will be subjected
to medical check-up of appropriate medical authority identified by IIT Dharwad. Unfit
personnel will not be deployed by the contractor. The expenditure on this effect will
be paid by the Contractor.
8. Security
(a) The contractor and the persons engaged by him should not have any adverse police
record and should bear good character. The Police Verification and security
clearance initiation for all the workmen and supervisory staff is to be ensured by the
contractor at the time of placement of supply order. The receipt of the verification
forms by the concerned Police Department will be furnished within 45 days of signing
the contract.
(b) The security office will maintain register for the contractor’s workmen and obtain their
signature/thumb impression while coming “IN” and going “OUT” or as the case may
be. Mobile phones will not be allowed to be carried while on duty. The same will be
deposited with the security at the gate.
(c) The contractor shall be bound by all security procedures followed at IIT Dharwad and
abide by security instructions for all purposes. Workmen engaged by him will be liable
for check and search by the security on duty while mustering in and out and also at
the other random places and timings. Any breach/violation of security regulations in
the work premises by any of the contractor’s persons shall be contractor’s
(d) The contractor will be responsible for good conduct of his workmen. If any workman
is found indulging in undesirable activities, he will have to be withdrawn immediately
as asked by the institute and replaced with a new person.
(e) Institute reserves right to disallow any or all of the contractor’s men from being
deployed inside the institute campus without assigning any reason.
(f) In the event of any damage to the property of the institute or life of its employees
and/or their dependents the contractor shall be liable for payment of compensation
and/or prosecution in accordance with applicable law and provisions. Compensation
for damage to the property of the institute will be as assessed by authorized
representative(s) of the institute and shall be recoverable from the contractor at
market value out of his monthly bill or PBG.
9. Statutory Obligations
(a) The contractor shall abide by and comply with the provisions of all the Acts, Rules and
notifications issued by Central/State Govt. as applicable from time to time in respect of
the contracted work and all staff employed by him at his own cost and risk, including the
(iii) Payment of Wages Act 1936, Payment of Wages (Amendment) Act 2005
(b) Liability arising due to failure to adhere to statutory or other legal provisions attributable
to the contractor shall be borne by the contractor himself.
(i) The contractor shall maintain up to date records required for compliance with the
provisions of all the Acts and Rules made by Central/State Govt. as applicable
from time to time in respect of the contracted work. The authorized representative
shall be entitled to inspect these records at any time.
(c) Indemnity Clause. The contractor shall indemnify IIT Dharwad against any
litigation arising from violation of statutes, laws and rules during operation of the contract.
The contractor shall conduct all legal proceedings as may be necessary without any cost
to the Institute. If due to any reason whatsoever, IIT Dharwad management is made liable
to pay any liabilities of the contractor under any of the said laws etc, the same shall be
recovered from the dues payable by IIT Dharwad to the contractor and/or from the security
deposit(s) furnished by him. The contractor has to execute an indemnity bond stating "The
Contractor indemnifies IIT Dharwad of any issues arising on account of providing
manpower support to IIT Dharwad" at the time of signing the contract.
10. General
(h) The persons employed by the contractor, will have no right whatsoever to claim
permanent/temporary employment in this organization. There will be periodical as well as
surprise checking of the services provided by the contractor for the subject job by the
representative of the institute. In case of default, the contract will be liable for short closure
of supply order forfeiting the security deposit.
(i) If any employee of the contractor is found to have committed misconduct or misbehaviour,
the institute at its sole discretion, may direct the contractor to remove such employee and
the contractor shall remove such employee(s) without questioning the decision of the
institute. Any claim by such workmen shall be fully discharged by the contractor.
(j) The personnel deployed by the contractor will not become member of any trade union of
the Institute. If the personnel employed by the contractor indulge in union activities which
affect the service obligation of the contractor or safety and security of the Institute, the
contract will be liable for termination. In the event of violation, they will be debarred from
entering Institute premises and contract can also be considered for termination.
(l) The personnel deployed by the contractor shall be available at the place of work defined
for them. They must not visit undesignated places without valid authorization by Institute.
Neither the IIT Dharwad nor the contractor shall be considered in default in performance
if such performance is prevented or delayed because of war, hostilities, revolution, civil
commotion, strike, epidemic, accident, fire, wind, flood, earthquake or because of any
Government action or of any act of God or of any other cause whether similar or dissimilar
nature beyond the reasonable control of the party affected. Should one or both the parties
be prevented from fulfilling their contractual obligations by a State of Force Majeure lasting
continuously for a period of six months, the two parties shall consult with each other
regarding the future implementation of the agreement.
a. The issue of substitute, overtime & leave policy will be discussed during pre-bid
b. Decision on annual enhancement of salary of manpower will be intimated at later
c. Biometric of the manpower engaged will be required for the purpose of release of
salary on monthly basis.
d. The Female manpower will be entitled for leave benefits as per the prevalent labour
I/We certify that all the particulars furnished above are true and correct and based on documentary
evidence, and I have read all the terms and conditions of the tender document and accept them. It is also
certified that the offer submitted has no deviation from the terms and conditions of the tender document.
I/we understand that if any of the above particulars is found to be false or misleading, our bid is liable to be
summarily rejected at any stage and my/our company is liable to be blacklisted/debarred by IIT Dharwad
for at least 3 years.
Note -
Complete detail of the bidder must be enclosed with the Technical bid. Bidders’ address,
name of contact person(s) with phone numbers must be listed in the enclosure. The
Procurement Committee may carry out surprise visits to establishments/ facilities of the
tenderers for the short-listing process.
(The penalty will be deducted out of monthly bill payable to the caterer
in case of violation/s)
In response to the Tender Document for providing manpower support to IIT Dharwad, I/
We hereby declare that presently our Company/ firm __________________________ is
having unblemished record and is not declared ineligible for corrupt & fraudulent practices
either indefinitely or for a particular period of time by any State/ Central Government/
PSU/Autonomous Body.
If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that
may be taken, our performance security may be forfeited in full and the bid, if any to the
extent accepted may be cancelled at any stage and the contract may be terminated and
we shall be debarred from bidding in future against any other tender.
Yours faithfully,
Place: Signatures
Date: Name
i. The bidder must note that GST shall be applicable extra as prevalent under the rules
for the period.
ii. The bidder is requested to acquaint himself with the scope of work, all terms and
conditions & penalty details etc. of the complete tender document before quoting the
iii. Wages payable to each category of manpower (as per Tender Document) will be fixed
by a competent authority at IIT Dharwad and the contractor will have no scope for any
alteration/ modification of the wages.
iv. EPF, ESI, GST and Bonus will be reimbursed after payment on actual, on production
of proof, according to the terms and conditions of tender.
v. In case, two or more firms have quoted the same percentage as service charge, then
the bidder offering highest rate of discount will be awarded the tender.
vi. It must be noted by all prospective bidders that contractor’s service charge must not
be Nil (after adjusting TDS on monthly bill). Any price bid submitted by the prospective
bidder violating this condition will be rejected and not be considered for evaluation
and award of contract.
(To be typed on Non-judicial stamp paper of the value of Indian Rupees of One Hundred) (TO BE ESTABLISHED
The Registrar,
Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad
Dharwad, Karnataka– 580011.
Whereas, Indian Institute of Technology, Dharwad (Buyer) has invited Tenders vide Tender No
________________ for ‘--------------------’ and whereas, the said tender document requires that any
eligible successful tenderer (seller) wishing to supply the service in response thereto shall establish
an irrevocable Performance Guarantee Bond in favour of “Registrar, Indian Institute of
Technology, Dharwad” in the form of Bank Guarantee for Rs ---------- (Rs (words)---------)(10%
(Ten percent) of the purchase value) and valid till one year or up-to warranty period whichever is
later from the date of issue of Performance Guarantee Bond may be submitted within 15 (Fifteen)
days from the date of Order Acknowledgment as a successful bidder.
NOW THIS BANK HEREBY GUARANTEES that in the event of the said tenderer (seller)
failing to abide by any of the conditions referred in tender document / purchase order / performance
of the service this Bank shall pay to Indian Institute of Technology, Dharwad on demand and without
protest or demur Rs --------- (Rs (words) ------------)
This Bank further agrees that the decision of Indian Institute of Technology, Dharwad (Buyer)
as to whether the said Tenderer (Seller) has committed a breach of any of the conditions referred in
tender document / purchase order shall be final and binding.
We, .................................................. (name of the Bank & branch) hereby further agree that
the Guarantee herein contained shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the Tenderer
(Seller) and/ or Indian Institute of Technology, Dharwad (Buyer).
1. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs --------- (Rs in words ------------).
2. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to ..........................(date) and
3. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this bank guarantee
only and only if IIT Dharwad serves upon us a written claim or demand on or
before ..........................(date).
This Bank further agrees that the claims if any, against this Bank Guarantee shall be
enforceable at our branch office at ........................................ situated at .............................. (Address
of local branch).
Yours truly,
Dear Sir,
With Reference to IIT Dharwad tender document inviting quotations for providing manpower
support at IIT Dharwad - this is to undertake that none of my close relation is posted at IIT
Dharwad or following relations are posted at IIT Dharwad: -
Thanking You,