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Food Corporation of India Zonal Office (N) A-2A, 2B, SECTOR-24, NOIDA

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A-2A, 2B, SECTOR-24, NOIDA-201301.

Tender No. Genl./ Tender/ Office boys-Safaikarmi/ 2018/ NZ Dated: 12.11.2020



Food Corporation of India (FCI), Zonal Office (N), Noida invites online tender under Two Bid system
for appointment of Manpower Service Provider for providing manpower services viz. Drivers, Office
Boys, Plumbers, Mali, Sweepers etc. in FCI, Zonal Office (N), Noida.
Critical Dates:

Tender publishing date and time 13.11.2020 at 10.30 a.m.

Tender Document Download Start Date/time 13.11.2020 at 10.30 a.m.
Tender Document Download End Date/time 07.12.2020 upto 1.00 p.m.
Date and time for submission of online bid 07.12.2020 upto 2.00 p.m.
Date and Time of online Technical Bid Opening 08.12.2020 at 3.00 p.m.
Place of opening the Technical Bid FCI, ZO (N), NOIDA.
Estimated Contract Value of tender = Rs. 1,00,00,000/-
EMD= Rs. 2,00,000/-
1. Tender shall remain open for acceptance for 60 days from date of opening of technical bid. The
Asstt. General Manager (General), Food Corporation of India, Z O ( N ) may, at his
discretion, extend this date by a fortnight and such extension shall be binding on the Tenderers.
2. If the date fixed for opening of e-Tenders is declared a holiday, the Tenders will be opened on
the next working day following the holiday but there will be no change in the time for opening
as indicated above.
3. If the date up to which the Tender is open for acceptance is subsequently declared to be a closed
holiday/Sunday, the Tender shall be deemed to remain open for acceptance till next working
4. Price Bid of only technically qualified Tenderers will be opened on the date to be intimated later.
5. Tender document may be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal Website
(https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) and also from FCI website www.fciweb.nic.in.
The tenderer shall deposit Rs.1180/- towards cost of Tender document through
RTGS/NEFT/UPI in the stipulated FCI A/c No. 30071676903 with IFSC Code No.
SBIN0005936 in State Bank of India, Sec-2, Noida and the scanned copy/ soft copy of
RTGS/NEFT/UPI acknowledgement of such Deposit shall be uploaded alongwith the Technical
6. Food Corporation of India reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any
7. FCI will not enter into negotiation with any tenderer including the lowest tenderer.
1. FCI is using services of Central Public Procurement Portal for e-procurement at
https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app’. Tender documents may be downloaded from
Central Public Procurement Portal https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app. Aspiring
Tenderers/ Suppliers who are not enrolled/registered in e-procurement should get
enrolled /registered themselves before participating through the website
https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app. The portal enrolment is free of cost. Bidders are
advised to go through instructions provided at Annexure-A regarding ‘Instructions for
online Bid Submission’.
2. Tenders a n d s u p p o r t i n g d o c u m e n t s s h o u l d b e submitted ( on-line a t
https://eprocure.govt.in/eprocure/app through internet) within the prescribed date and
time as mentioned in the e-Procurement portal. Hard copy of the Tender documents will
not be accepted.
3. The TECHNICAL BIDS will be opened online at prescribed time and date as mentioned
in the critical date sheet.
4. The Tenderers may contact 24*7 helpline No.1800 233 7315 with regard to technical
issues relating to functioning of e-procurement platform.
5. Other details can be seen in the Tender Documents.
6. Tender must be accompanied with Earnest Money as prescribed in the Tender
Document. The Tenderers shall deposit EMD of Rs. 2.00 Lakh through
RTGS/NEFT/UPI in the stipulated FCI’s A/c No. 30071676903 with IFSC Code No.
SBIN0005936 in State Bank of India, Sec-2, Noida and the scanned copy/soft copy of
RTGS/NEFT/UPI Acknowledgement of such deposit shall be uploaded alongwith the
Technical Bid.
7. Tenderers are advised to follow the instructions provided in the Tender Document for
the e-submission of the bids online through the Central Public Procurement Portal for e-
Procurement at https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app’.
8. The offers submitted would be governed by all the terms & conditions laid down in the
prescribed Tender document and terms & conditions indicated herein.
9. Neither FCI nor NIC shall be responsible for non-accessibility of e-Procurement portal
due to technical glitches or internet connectivity issues at Tenderers end.
10. In case of any clear indication of cartelization or express or implied anti-competitive
agreements between the tenderers at the time of finalization of Tender or thereafter, which
at any time i.e. before or after award of the Contract comes to the notice of the FCI, the
Tendering Authority may reject the relevant Tenders/ Terminate the contract, forfeit their
EMD/Security Deposit, recover the losses as assessed by the Authority arising out of such
anti-competitive practices of the Tenderer(s) and also recommend the case to the Ministry
of Finance/Registrar of Companies/NSIC/Competition Commission of India or any other
department having appropriate jurisdiction or Authority, for initiating necessary action
including, but non restricted to, cancellation of license.
discrepancies noticed in the Technical Bids submitted by them such as missing signature on
the page, serial numbers, missing seal, Attestation etc. While evaluating the Tenders
Corporation at its discretion may seek any clarification from the Tenderers in respect of the
Tender submitted by the Tenderer(s). The request for clarifications and response of the
bidder thereof shall be in writing. No new mandatory Document in support of the minimum
qualification conditions will be allowed to be submitted /accepted subsequently by way of
12. In this bid document the term Bidder, Tenderer, contractor, Agency, Service Provider is used
interchangeably and shall be ascribed the same meaning and purport. Similarly, terms - Food
Corporation of India, FCI, Corporation is used interchangeably and shall be ascribed the same
meaning and purport.

Asstt. General Manager (Genl.)



The Asstt. General Manager (Genl.),

Food Corporation of India,
Zonal office (N).
A-2A, 2B, Sector-24,
Email- [email protected]
Telephone- 0120-2411600


Dear Sir(s),

For and on behalf of the Food Corporation of India (hereinafter called the Corporation) the A s s t t .
General Manager(Genl.), Food Corporation of India invites online Tenders under Two Bid system at
Central Public Procurement Portal Website (https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) from
eligible service providers who confirm to the minimum qualification conditions stipulated in the Bid
document for providing man power viz. Drivers, Office Boys, Plumbers, Mali, Sweepers etc. in FCI, Zo
n a l O f f i c e ( N ) , Noida for a period of one year with the provision of a further extension for a period
of one year mutually at the sole discretion of the Corporation on the same terms and conditions.

All communications concerning the various issues pertaining to the Tender shall be directed on the
address listed above. Unauthorized contact with other FCI officials may result in disqualification. Any oral
communication by Tenderer will be considered unofficial and is not binding on FCI. Tenderer shall rely
only on written instructions issued by the authorized Officer of FCI. Any action required or permitted to
be taken and any document required or permitted to be executed, under this contract by FCI or the
Tenderer, may be taken or executed by the respective Authorized Officers which shall be binding on the

Asstt. General Manager (Genl.)



The Service Provider shall provide Manpower Services for a specified period, as and when instructed
by the A s s t t . General Manager (Genl.), FCI or any Officers/ Officials acting on his behalf. Initially
15 Sweepers/ Safaiwala , 12 Office boys/ Attendant, 03 Drivers, 01 Mali (Gardener) Head,
01 Mali Asstt., 01 Plumber & 01 Asstt. Plumber are required to be provided by the successful Bidder.
However, FCI may vary the requirement of manpower from time to time as per its requirement.

2. The Contract, if any, which may arise from this Tender shall be governed by the terms and conditions
of the Contract as set out in the Notice inviting Tender, Tender Document and its Annexures and


(I) The tenderer shall fulfill the following minimum qualification conditions to be eligible to
participate in the Tender:

(a) The Tenderer/Service Provider shall have experience of having provided Manpower
Services (viz. providing Drivers /Office Boys / Sweepers / Plumbers / Mali) to Central
Government/State Governments/PSUs (both Central and States)/ Private Companies
Registered under Companies Act, LLPs during the immediate preceding 3(three) financial
years, ie, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20. The experience prior to FY -2017-18 will not be
considered. The tenderer should have executed the following value of work;

i. Three same or similar nature of works completed with contract value not less than
the amount equal to 40% of the estimated contract value of this Tender .


ii. Two same or similar nature of works completed with contract value less than the
amount equal to 60% of the estimated contract value of this Tender.


iii. One same or similar nature of works completed with contract value not less than the
amount equal to 80% of the estimated contract value of this Tender.

(b) The Tenderer shall have an Office in Delhi/NCR.

(c) Tenderer shall have a valid PAN and GST Registration Number.

(d) Tenderer shall have a valid EPF and ESIC Registration Number.
(II) The Tenderer shall furnish and upload the particulars of his experience in support of the
minimum qualification conditions in the Pro-forma appended as Annexure-‘X’, along with
supporting documents. In support of the experience criteria, Tenderer shall furnish & upload
self-attested copies of the Certificate of experience issued by the Client(s) on their Letter Head
for whom the contract is executed which should contain the following details:
(i) Nature of work done/services provided.

(ii) Period and Value of Contract: The experience certificate to be submitted alongwith Technical
bid should contains specific period (commencement to till its completion of the Contract), year
wise work executed in the last three financial years of experience period and total value of the

(iii) Relevant Experience: The certificate(s) should also bring out that the tenderer possess
experience of having provided any of the required manpower viz. Drivers or Office boys or
Sweepers or Plumbers or Mali.

(iv) Stating proof of satisfactory execution and completion of contract.

The contracts under execution will also be considered provided the certificate contains all the
above details.

Other documents in support of the Experience viz. copies of Assignment Order, Agreement etc.
other than the certificate(s) required above shall not be considered in any case.

(III) The tenderer shall scan and upload valid proof of having office in Delhi/NCR and shall also scan
and upload the copies of PAN, GST, EPF, ESIC Registration documents in the name of the Tender
firm. If the Tenderer is a proprietorship concern, at least the GST, EPF, ESIC Registration documents
shall be in the name of the Tender firm. For Legal entities other than proprietorship concerns all
documents should be in the name of the Firm.


MSEs registered with the prescribed agencies and holding a valid certificate may claim exemption
from deposit of EMD and tender fee, provided the scanned copy of documentary proof / certificate
in support thereof issued by the Competent Authority is uploaded by the Bidders along with the
Technical Bid. Their registration should be valid as on the last date of submission of tender and
they should also mention the terminal validity of their registration, failing which their offer shall
not be considered for benefits under MSE Notification dated 23.03.2012, as amended from time
to time to the extent its applicability to this bid process.


Sl. No. Type of Personnel Qualifications

1. Office Boys Matric
2. Sweepers/ Safaiwala Not required, Well conversant with Local Language
3. Driver Matric + Valid LMV Commercial Driving License holder
4. Plumber/ Asstt. Plumber Matric
5. Mali/ Asstt. Mali 8th Standard

(I) Tenderers who have been blacklisted or otherwise debarred by FCI or any Department of
Central or State Government or any other Public Sector Undertaking will be ineligible during the period
of such blacklisting/debarment.
(II) Any Tenderer whose contract with the Food Corporation of India, or any Department of Central
or State Government or any other Public Sector Undertaking has been terminated before the expiry of
the contract period at any point of time during last five years, will be ineligible.

(III) Tenderer whose Earnest Money Deposit and/or Security Deposit has been forfeited by Food
Corporation of India or any department of Central or State Government or any other Public Sector
Undertaking, during the last five years, will be ineligible.

(IV) If the Proprietor /any of the Partners of the Tenderer Firm/any of the Director of the Tenderer
company have been, at any time, convicted by a court for any offence involving moral turpitude,
or sentenced to imprisonment for a period of three years or more, such Bidder will be
(V) While considering ineligibility arising out of any of the above clauses, incurring of any such
disqualification in any capacity whatsoever (even as a Proprietor, Partner in another Firm, or as Director
of a Company etc.) will render the Tender disqualified.

(VI) A Hindu Undivided Family (either as a Proprietor or partner of a firm) shall not be entitled to apply
for Tender. Any Tender submitted in the capacity of Hindu Undivided Family (either as a Proprietor or
partner of a firm) shall be summarily rejected.

(VII) The onus of ensuring the eligibility condition would be on the Tenderer and any party found
subsequently ineligible on any account its Tender would be summarily rejected and the EMD and
Security Deposit in such case shall be forfeited, without any prejudice to any right or remedies the
Corporation may have under the Contract and Law.

(VIII) Any t e n d e r e r if quotes “NIL” or “ZERO” service

charges/ consideration, the bid shall be treated as non-responsive and will not be considered.


The instructions to be followed for submitting the Tender are set out below:

(a) The Tenderer must fill up and sign the forwarding letter in the format given in Appendix-I.

(b) Signing of Tender(i) Person(s) signing the Tender shall state in what Legal capacity he is, or they
are signing the Tender, e.g., as sole Proprietor of the Firm, or as a Secretary/Manager/Director etc.
of a Limited Company, partner of the Registered partnership firm / LLP etc. In case of
registered Partnership Firm, the names of all Partners should be disclosed and the Tender shall be
signed by all the Partners or their duly constituted Attorney, having authority to bind all the
Partners in all matters pertaining to the Contract. The scanned copy of original Registered
Partnership Deed shall be uploaded along with the Tender. In case of Limited Company/LLP, the
names of all the Directors shall be mentioned, and a scanned copy of the Resolution passed by the
Company /LLP authorizing the person signing the Tender to do so on behalf of the
Company/LLP shall be uploaded with Tender along with M e m o r a n d u m and Articles
of Association of the Company/ Registered agreement of LLP, certificate of incorporation etc.
(ii) The person signing the Tender, or any documents forming part of the Tender, on behalf of another
or on behalf of a Registered Firm shall upload a Scanned copy of proper Power of Attorney duly executed
on a non – judicial stamp paper of appropriate value, attested by a Notary Public, duly executed in his
favour, stating that he has authority to bind such other person, or the Registered Firm, as the case may
be, in all matters, pertaining to the Contract.IF SCANNED COPY OF SAID POWER OF ATTORNEY

(iii) The Power of Attorney should be signed by all the Partners in the case of a Registered Partnership
Concern, by the Proprietor in the case of Proprietary Concern, and by the person who by his signature can
bind the Company/LLP in the case of a Limited Company/LLP. The entire Tender document must also be
signed on each page by the authorized person.


(i) Tender (except MSEs claiming exemption in the manner prescribed) must be
accompanied by Earnest Money of Rs. 2.00 lakh (Rupees Two Lakh Only). The Tenderers shall
deposit EMD through RTGS/NEFT/UPI in the stipulated FCI’s A/c No. 30071676903 in State Bank of
India, Sec-2, Noida (Bank) with IFSC Code No. SBIN0005936 and the scanned copy/soft copy of
RTGS/NEFT/UPI Acknowledgement of such deposit shall be uploaded alongwith the Technical Bid.
Tender not accompanied by Earnest Money shall be summarily rejected. The Tenderer shall be permitted
to tender on the express condition that in case he resiles, or modifies his offer, or terms & conditions
thereof, after submitting his Tender, for any reason whatsoever during the tender process, the Earnest
Money Deposited by him shall stand forfeited, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of the
Corporation under the contract and law, and the Tenderer will be liable for any loss suffered by the
Corporation on account of its withdrawal/modification etc besides forfeiture of EMD. He will also be
debarred from participating in any other Tender Enquiry with FCI for a period of five years.

(ii) The Earnest Money will be returned to all unsuccessful Tenderers within a period of 30 days
from the date of issue of the acceptance letter and to a successful Tenderer, after he has furnished the
Security Deposit, if he does not desire the same to be adjusted towards the Security Deposit. However,
in case the Tender is disqualified during technical evaluation, the Earnest Money will be refunded within
15 days of technical disqualification of the Tender. No interest shall be payable on Earnest Money, in any

(iii) The Earnest Money is also liable to be forfeited in the event of the tenderer’s failure after the
acceptance of his tender to furnish the requisite Security Deposit by the due date including extension
period, if any, as per terms of the tender without prejudice to any other rights or remedy available to the
Corporation under the Contract and Law.

(iv) If any of the attached/uploaded documents are found to be forged/fabricated at any stage, before or
after the award of the Contract and/or expiry of the Contract, the EMD/Security Deposit of the Tenderer
shall be liable to be forfeited without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of the Corporation under
the Contract and Law.

The successful Tenderer shall furnish, within fifteen working days of date of acceptance letter accepting
his Tender, Security Deposit of Rs. 5.00 lakh (Rupees Five lakh Only) for the due performance of
his obligations under the Contract. Security Deposit will be accepted through Demand Draft/Pay Order
issued by a nationalized Bank or Electronic Clearing System (ECS)/other electronic means in favour of
Food Corporation of India payable at New Delhi. On the specific request of the successful bidder the
EMD amount may be adjusted against Security Deposit.
(i) In case of failure of Tenderer to deposit the Security Deposit within 15 working days of date
of acceptance letter accepting his Tender further extension of 07 working days can be given
by AGM (Genl.) subject to levy of penalty @ 1% of Security Deposit.
(ii) The Security Deposit furnished by the Tenderer will be subject to the terms and conditions
given in the Tender and the Corporation will not be liable for payment of any interest on the
Security Deposit.
(iii) In the event of the Tenderer’s failure, after the communication of acceptance of the Tender
by the Corporation, to furnish the requisite Security Deposit by the due date including
extension period, his Contract shall be summarily terminated besides forfeiture of the Earnest
Money and the Corporation shall proceed for appointment of another contractor at the risk &
cost. Any losses or damages arising out of and incurred by the Corporation by such conduct
of the contractor will be recovered from the Contractor, without prejudice to any other rights
and remedies available to the Corporation under the Contract and Law. The Contractor will
also be debarred from participating in any future Tenders of the Corporation for a period of
five years. After the completion of prescribed period of five years, the party may be allowed
to participate in the future Tenders of FCI provided all the recoveries/ dues have been effected
by the Corporation and there is no dispute pending with the contractor/party.
(iv) If the successful Tenderer had previously held any Contract and furnishes Security Deposit,
the same shall not be adjusted against this Tender and a fresh Security Deposit will be
required to be furnished.


No documents are to be submitted/uploaded with the Price Bid. Scanned copy of proof of deposit
of Earnest Money together with the following documents is to be uploaded with Technical Bid

i) Entire Technical Bid (Part-A) of the Tender Documents with all Annexures, appendices and
supporting documents stipulated in the Tender document, duly completed and signed on every
page, along with proof of deposit of Earnest Money and tender cost.
ii) The Tenderer should upload the scanned copy of the following documents (in a serial clearly
indicating the name of the documents) online on website
(https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app ) with Technical Bid duly signed by the
Tenderer or Authorized Signatory, as the case may be, alongwith the Experience Certificate
& EMD of Rs. 2.00 lakh.
a) Scanned copy of Income Tax PAN.
b) Scanned copy of Employees Provident Fund Registration No.
c) Scanned copy of ESI Registration No.
d) Scanned copy of Goods and Service Tax Registration No.
e) Scanned copy of proof of deposit of Tender Form Cost.
f) Scanned copy of valid proof of office in Delhi/NCR.
iii) Tenderer must upload the duly signed scanned copy of documentary proof of experience as
per qualification conditions for Tender clause 3 of General Information to Tenderers.
The particulars of Experience should be in prescribed proforma (Annexure-‘X’ and should
be supported by scanned copy of certificate of experience issued by the client.
iv) All other documents mentioned under different clauses of Technical Bid i.e. duly signed
scanned copy of Power of Attorney, Registered Partnership Deed/Memorandum of
Association, Articles of Association etc. as per applicability.
The eligible tenderers would be required to show the supporting documents in original or self-attested by
Tenderer or Authorized Signatory, as the case may be, on the date to be notified to enable the Corporation
to physically verify the authenticity of the documents scanned and uploaded in the e- procurement portal
which is pre-qualification for technical evaluation. A list of Tenderers who qualify the Technical bid will
be available in the e-procurement portal.


Tenderer shall submit the Tender electronically in the CPP portal as stipulated in the Tender before
the notified last date and time of Tender Submission by the Authorized Signatory using his Digital
Signature (DSC). FCI may extend the dead line for submission of tender by issuing appropriate
notification in which case all rights and obligation of FCI and the Tenderers previously subject to
the original dead line will then be subject to the new dead line.

(a) The Tender shall be submitted online in two parts, viz., Technical Bid and Price Bid.
(b) The Technical Bid shall include the following:
(i) Scanned copy of the entire Tender document along with all its Annexures & Appendices duly
signed on each page by the Tenderer.
(ii) Scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit & Tender fee receipt.
(iii) Scanned copy of Documents as per Appendix II and clause 9 (Document required to be
attached with Tender).
(c) Tender who do not comply with these instructions or conditional Tenders shall be summarily
(d) The Tender Form shall be filled in by Tenderer clearly, neatly and accurately. Any alteration,
erasures or overwriting should be duly initialed by the authorized signatory.
(e) It should be clearly understood by the Tenderer that no opportunity shall be given to them to
alter, modify or with-draw any offer after submission of the Tender and beyond bid due date.


(a) Tenderer may modify and correct or upload any relevant document in the portal till the last date and
time of tender submission(bid due date), in the e-procurement portal.
(b) In case of withdrawal/modification of offer/Tender beyond bid due date, EMD shall be forfeited.


The Technical Bid will be opened online in the Office of the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.), Food
Corporation of India, Zo n a l O f f i c e , A - 2 A , 2 B , S e c t o r - 2 4 , N o i d a -201301 at the fixed time and
the date indicated in the NIT. The Tenderer will be at liberty to be present either in person or through an
Authorized Representative at the time of opening of the Technical Bid. Price Bids of only those Tenderers
shall be opened whose Technical Bids qualify, at a time and place for which notice will be given. The
Tenderer technically qualified will be at liberty to be present either in person or through an Authorized
Representative at the time of opening of the Price Bids. Tenderer can also check the Bid opening status
online at their end.

The Technical Bids will be evaluated in accordance with the minimum qualification conditions, terms &
conditions and instructions stipulated in the Tender document and Tenderers who fulfill the same will
only be considered as technically qualified. The Bids which does not fulfill the minimum eligibility
criteria, terms & conditions and instructions stipulated in the Bid document will be summarily rejected.


1) The Price Bids of only the Bidders who are qualified in the Technical Bid evaluation will be
opened. Based on the rate quoted in the Price Bid the L- 1 bidder will be determined and the
contract will be awarded to the L-1 Bidder.

2) In the event more than one bidder is determined as L-1, in which case the contract will be awarded
to the MSME bidder who quoted L1 rates. However, if there are more than one MSME bidders
who quoted L1 rates, in which case the contract will be awarded to the MSME bidder having
highest contract value of the similar nature of the works completed in the last three financial years,
furnished by the bidder for evaluating the experience criteria under Cl. 3 of the Tender Document-
Qualification conditions for the Tender.

1) Subject to clause 15, the contract will be awarded to the successful lowest Bidder by way of
issuance of acceptance letter by FCI by registered post/e-mail/hand delivery under acknowledgment
and the Bidder shall immediately act upon such acceptance letter. Acceptance, so conveyed, will
eventuate into the Contract between the Bidder and FCI effective from the date of acceptance letter.
The Contract, if any, which may eventuate from this Bid, shall be governed by the terms and
conditions as contained in the NIT, Bid documents, its Annexures and schedules. The Bidder shall
be bound by the communication of acceptance of the offer dispatched by FCI within time.

2) Food Corporation of India reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the Bids and / or cancel
the Bid enquiry at any stage without assigning any reason and does not bind itself to accept the
Lowest Bid or any Bid and Corporation will not be liable for any costs and consequences thereof.


a) Payment Terms: The tenderer/ bidder, registered under GST (if applicable) shall ensure that the
invoice to be raised with FCI is compliant with the provisions of the GST Law and contains the
requisite details in an accurate manner for claiming of tax credits by FCI. FCI reserves the right
to release the payment of GST amount (if applicable) only post matching of the invoices in the
GSTIN system. This shall further be ensured by the tenderer/ bidder, registered under GST (if
applicable), that the invoice raised by him during a month is approximately reported in the GST
returns of the said month.

b) Set-off/ Indemnity: FCI reserves the right to claim from the tenderer/ bidder any amount of tax,
interest, penalty and litigation cost, if any, that may be incurred in future due to GST reporting/
compliance mistake(s) on part of the service provider.

c) Clause related to MTF for Non-Exempt Sale/ outward supply under GST- FCI shall not be
under any obligation to entertain claims related to future obligation arising on buyer related to
input tax credit (ITC) mismatch in GST return or wrongful availment of ITC by buyer, if the
same is not intimated within a period of 90 days from the date of issue of invoice.


As a condition precedent for issuing the Acceptance Letter, successful Tenderer shall submit the hard
copy of MTF with all supporting documents duly signed by the Tenderer or Authorized Signatory, as the
case may be, within seven days from the date of communication of FCI advising the Tenderer to furnish
the same failing which EMD of the Tenderer shall be forfeited without prejudice to any rights or remedy
available to the Corporation under the Contract and Law.


Any bribe, commission, or advantage offered or promised by or on behalf of the Tenderer to any
Officer or Official of the Corporation shall (in addition to any criminal liability which the Tenderer may
incur) debar his Tender from being considered. Canvassing on the part of, or on behalf of, the Tenderer
will also make his Tender liable to rejection.
20. Tenderers shall not indulge in any anti-competitive practice/agreements implied or expressed while
participating in the Tender.
21. In case of any clear indication of cartelization or express or implied anti-competitive agreements
between the Tenderers at the time of finalization of Tender or thereafter, which at any time i.e. before or
after award of the Contract comes to the notice of the FCI, the Tendering Authority may reject the relevant
Tenders, forfeit their EMD/Security Deposit, recover the losses as assessed by the Authority arising out
of such anti-competitive practices of the Tenderer(s) and also recommend the case to the Ministry of
Finance/Registrar of Companies/NSIC/Competition Commission of India or any other Department
having appropriate jurisdiction or authority, for initiating necessary action.
22. If the information given by the Tenderer in the Tender Document is found to be false/incorrect at any
stage, Food Corporation of India shall have the right to disqualify/summarily terminate the Contract
without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that the Corporation may have under the Contract and
23. Food Corporation of India reserves the right to reject any or all the Tenders without assigning
any reason. The successful Tenderer will be intimated of the acceptance of his Tender by a
24. FCI will not enter into any negotiations even with the lowest Tenderer.
25. In case of breach or violation of any terms and conditions of the Tender Document including
Annexures, Appendics etc. by the Contractor/Tenderer, the Corporation reserves the right to summarily
reject the Contract/Tender including forfeiture of EMD/Security Deposit, without prejudice to any other
right or remedies available to the Corporation under the Contract and Law.
26. If the information given by the Tenderer in the Tender Document and its Annexures & Appendices
is found to be false/incorrect at any stage, Food Corporation of India shall have the right to disqualify/
summarily terminate the Contract, without prejudice to any other rights that the Corporation may have
under the Contract and Law.

Asstt. General Manager (Genl.)

Food Corporation of India,
Zonal Office (N), Noida.
Annexure- A


As per the directives of Department of Expenditure, this tender document has been published
on the Central Public Procurement Portal (URL: http://eprocure.gov.in). The bidders are
required to submit soft copies of their Bids electronically on the CPP Portal, using valid Digital
Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the Bidders in
registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their Bids in accordance with the requirements and
submitting their Bids online on the CPP Portal.
More information useful for submitting online Bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at:

1) Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public
Procurement Portal (URL: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) by clicking on the
link “Click here to Enroll” on the CPP Portal is free of charge.
2) As part of the enrolment process, the Bidders will be required to choose a unique
username and assign a password for their accounts.
3) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of
the registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP
4) Upon enrolment, the Bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
Certificate (Class II or Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any
Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify / TCS / nCode / eMudhra
etc.), with their profile. Possession of valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) by
the Authorized signatory and registration of the consultants/Bidders on the e-
procurement/e-tender portal is a prerequisite for e- tendering. The details are
available at https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app.
5) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a Bidder. Please note that the Bidders are
responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to
6) Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID /
password and the password of the DSC / e-Token.
1) There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search
active Tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID,
Organization name, location, date, value etc. There is also an option of advanced
search for Tenders, wherein the Bidders may combine a number of search parameters
such as Organization name, form of contract, location, date, other keywords etc. to
search for a Tender published on the CPP Portal.
2) Once the Bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download
the required documents / tender schedules. These tenders can be moved to the
respective ‘My Tenders’ folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the
Bidders through SMS / e-mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the Tender
3) The Bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each Tender, in
case they want to obtain any clarification / help from the Helpdesk.

1) Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document
before submitting their Bids.
2) Please go through the Tender Advertisement and the Tender Document carefully to
understand the documents required to be submitted as part of the Bid. Please note the
number of covers in which the Bid Documents have to be submitted, the number of
documents - including the names and content of each of the document that need to be
submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of the Bid.
3) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the Bid Documents to be submitted as indicated
in the Tender Document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS / RAR /
DWF formats. Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white
4) To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents
which are required to be submitted as a part of every Bid, a provision of uploading such
standard documents (e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has
been provided to the Bidders. Bidders can use “My Space” area available to them to
upload such documents. These documents may be directly submitted from the “My
Space” area while submitting a bid, and need not be uploaded again and again. This will
lead to a reduction in the time required for Bid submission process.
1) Bidder should log into the site well in advance for Bid submission so that he/she upload
the Bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for
any delay due to other issues.
2) The Bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required Bid Documents one by one as
indicated in the Tender Document.
3) Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the tender fee / EMD as
applicable and enter details of the instrument.
4) Bidder should prepare the EMD as per the instructions specified in the tender document.
The original should be posted/couriered/given in person to the Tender Processing
Section, latest by the last date of bid submission or as specified in the tender documents.
The details of the DD/any other accepted instrument, physically sent, should tally with
the details available in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission
time. Otherwise the uploaded bid will be rejected.
Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in the
format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the prices bid have been given as a
standard BoQ format with the tender document, then the same is to be downloaded and to be
filled by all the bidders. Bidders are required to download the BoQ file, open it and complete
the white coloured (unprotected) Cells with their respective financial quotes and other details
(such as name of the bidder). No other cells should be changed. Once the details have been
completed, the Bidder should save it and submit it online, without changing the filename. If the
BoQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the bid will be rejected.

5) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as
the standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders,
opening of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
6) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be
viewed by unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of
the bids is maintained using the secured Socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology.
Data storage encryption of sensitive fields is done.
7) The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the
authorized bid openers.
8) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids, the portal will give a successful bid
submission message & a bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date
& time of submission of the bid with all other relevant details.
9) The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission
of the bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening
1) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained
therein should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant
contact person indicated in the tender.
2) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP
Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk. The contact number
for the helpdesk is 1800 233 7315.



(i) The term ‘Contract’ shall mean and include the Invitation to Tender incorporating also the
instructions to Tenderer, the Tender, its Annexures, Appendices, acceptance of Tender and such general
and special conditions as may be added to it.
(ii) The term ‘Contractor’ wherever they occur shall mean and include the person(s), Registered Firm
or Company with whom the contract has been placed including their Heirs, Executors, Administrators
and Successors as the case may be.
(iii) The term ‘Contract Rates’ shall mean the rates of payment accepted by the Food Corporation of
(iv) The term ‘Corporation’ and the ‘Food Corporation’, ‘ F C I ’ wherever they occur, shall mean
the Food Corporation of India established under the Food Corporations Act, 1964, and will include its
Authorized Officers/ Officials.
(v) The term ‘Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) shall mean Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) of Food
Corporation of India under whose administrative jurisdiction, FCI, Zonal Office (N), Noida. where the
manpower services have to be provided, fall.
(vi) The term ‘Office’ shall mean the Food Corporation of India, Zonal Office (N), A-2A, 2B,
Sector-24, Noida, belonging to or in occupation of the Corporation at any time.
(vii) The term ‘worker’ shall mean Drivers, Office boys, Plumbers, Mali, Sweepers etc.
(viii) The term ‘Minimum Wages’ shall mean Minimum wages notified by the appropriate Govt.,
Provident Fund & ESIC (Employer’ share), Bonus payable to the workman man.


(a) The parties to the Contract are Contractor and the Food Corporation of India represented by the
Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) and/or any other person authorized and acting on his behalf.
(b) The person signing the Tender or any other documents forming part of the Tender, on behalf of
any other person or a Registered Firm, shall be deemed to warrant that he has the authority to bind such
other person or the Registered Firm, as the case may be, in all matters pertaining to the Contract. If at
any stage it is found that the person concerned had no such authority the Food Corporation of India may,
without prejudice to other civil/criminal remedies, terminate the Contract and hold the signatory liable
for all costs and damages.
(c) Notice or any other action to be taken on behalf of the Food Corporation of India may be
given/taken by the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) or any Officer so authorized and acting on his behalf.


(a) Contractors shall, in the Tender, indicate whether they are a Sole Proprietary Concern, or
Registered Partnership Firm, or a Private Limited Company, or a Public Limited Company or a
Registered LLP. The composition of the Registered Partnership, or names of Directors of Company,
LLP as applicable, shall be indicated. The Contractor shall also nominate a person for the active
management and control of the work relating to the Contract during the tenure of the Contract. The
person so nominated shall be deemed to have full authority from the Contractor in respect of the
Contract and his acts shall be binding on the Contractor.

(b) If the Tenderer is a Registered Partnership Firm, there shall not be any re-constitution of the
Partnership without the prior written consent of the Corporation till the satisfactory completion of the
Contract, failing which the Contract shall be forthwith liable for termination treating it as breach of
Contract by the Contractor with consequences flowing therefrom.

(c) In case of Partnerships, only registered partnership firms are eligible to participate in the Tender.
Only the experience of the registered partnership firm will be reckoned and for the purpose the
experience of the individual partners will not be counted.
(d) The Contractor shall notify to the Corporation the death/resignation of any of their
Partners/ Directors immediately on the occurrence of such an event. On receipt of such Notice, the
Corporation shall have the right to terminate the Contract.

The Contractor shall not sublet, transfer, or assign the Contract, or any part thereof. In case of subletting,
the tender shall be summarily rejected and Security Deposit shall be forfeited, without prejudice to any
rights or remedies the Corporation may have under the Contract and Law.


All transactions between the Contractor and third parties shall be carried out as between two principals
without reference to the Corporation in any event/manner. The Contractor shall also undertake to
make third parties fully aware of the position aforesaid.


(a) All persons employed by the Contractor shall be engaged by him as his own employees in all respects,
and all rights and liabilities under the Contract Labour (R & A) Act, 1970, or the Indian Factories Act,
or the Employees Compensation Act, or Employees Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act or
Minimum Wages Act and other applicable Enactments, in respect of all such personnel shall exclusively
be that of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be bound to indemnify the Corporation against all the
claims whatsoever in respect of his personnel under the Employees Compensation Act, 1923, or
EPF&MP Act, 1952 or ESI Act or any statutory modification thereof or otherwise for or in respect of
any damage or compensation or penalty or interest payable in consequence of any accident or injury
sustained by any workmen or other person whether in employment of the Contractor or not.
(b) Contractor shall also comply with all Rules and Regulations/Enactments made by the state Govt.
/Central Govt. from time to time pertaining to the Contract including all Labour Laws.
(c) The contractor shall during the period of contract pay not less than minimum wages as applicable
(skilled worker/unskilled worker/semi-skilled worker) to the, Drivers, Office Boys, sweepers, Mali,
plumbers, etc. engaged by him throughout the term of the contract. Minimum wages shall mean the
rates notified by ‘appropriate authority’ and prevailing at the time of submission of Tender for the
work as amended from time to time. The contractor shall also maintain such Records and also submit
such Returns as may be prescribed under the Act to the authority designated under the Employee’s
Provident Fund Act, 1952 and the Scheme and the rules framed there under. The contractor shall also
make available such Returns/Records as may be prescribed and or demanded for inspection by RPFC
and to the AGM (Genl.) or any Officers Authorized by FCI. The contractor shall also maintain necessary
Records and Registers as per Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and Central Rules made thereunder i.e.
Register of Fines, register of deduction for damage or loss caused to employer by the neglect or default
of the employed person, Annual Return, O.T. Register for workers, Muster Roll, Abstract of the Act &
Rules to be displayed on the Notice Board.

(i) The Contractor shall be liable for making contributions in accordance with the provisions of the
Employees Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and the scheme framed there under
in respect of workers employed by the contractor. However, the responsibility and liability towards
deposit of PF contribution shall squarely be with the contractor. The Contractor shall deposit the
employee's share with the RPFC together with amount payable by the employer and then submit the
complete record (ECR & Challan) of having deposited the EPF, to the Asstt. Genl. Manager (Genl.)
alongwith monthly bill for its reimbursement. If on account of default of the Contractor, in
making/depositing such payments or for any other reason the Corporation makes such contribution on
behalf of the Contractor, the FCI shall be entitled to set off/recover against the amount due to the
Contractor, the contributions made by it on account of his default in making payments, or otherwise in
respect of workers employed by the Contractor.
(ii) The Contractor shall maintain and submit following Records and Returns prescribed under the
EPF Act, 1952 and the Scheme framed thereunder to the Authority designated under the said Act and to
the Food Corporation of India :-
Form – 2 Nomination and Declaration Forms to be submitted for new entrants.
Form - 3 The Contribution Card for the currency period – Annually.
Form – 3A Contribution Card for the currency period from 1stApril to 31stMarch-Annually
Form - 4 Contribution Card for Employees other than monthly paid Employees Annually
Form - 5 Return of Employees qualifying for the Membership.
Form 5A Return of Ownership to be sent to the Regional Commissioner.
Form 6 Return of the Contribution Card and Annual Statement of Contribution.
Form 6 A Consolidated Annual Contribution Statement.

Form 10 Form of Maintenance of Accounts.

Form 11 Balance Sheet
Form 12 A Statement of Contribution – Monthly.

(iii) The Contractor shall, within 7 days of the close of every month, submit to the Principal
Employer (Corporation), a Statement showing the recoveries of Contribution in respect of Employees
employed by or through him and shall have to furnish to him such information as the Principal Employer
(Corporation) is required to furnish under the provisions of Employees Provident Fund Scheme 1952 to
the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner.

(iv) The Contractor shall maintain Inspection Note Book in the form as may be specified by the
Commissioner, for an Inspector to record his observations on his visit. The Contractor shall also make
available the same when asked for inspection to the Officers of the Regional Provident Fund
Commissioner and to the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.), Food Corporation of India or Officer
authorized by him or acting on his behalf.

(v) If the Contractor fails to submit the prescribed Returns, Records and other documents to the
designated authority under the EPF & MP Act, 1952 and the Scheme framed thereunder and also to
Asstt. General Manager (Genl.), Food Corporation of India or an Officer acting on his behalf, FCI will
be at liberty to withhold the pending bills, Security Deposit etc., and or any other payments due to the

(vi) In complying with the said Enactments or any statutory modifications thereof, the Contractor shall
also comply with or cause to be complied with the Labour Regulations Enactments made by the
State Govt./Central Govt. from time to time in regard to Payment of wages to the workers, wage period,
deduction from wages, recovery of wages not paid and deductions unauthorisedly made, maintenance
of Wage Book and Wage Slip, publication of the Scale of Wages and other terms of employment,
inspection and submission of Periodical Returns and all other matters of like nature.
(vii) Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) reserves the right to withhold 20% of the amount from the
monthly bills of the Contractor for any financial liability under the Contract. The amount so deducted
will only be refunded/ adjusted when Contractor produces proof for fulfilling statutory obligations as
stipulated in different Labour Acts/Rules/Instructions/ Circulars etc. as applicable to the Contract.
d) The Contractor shall comply with the provisions as regards to provision of canteen/rest room,
latrine, urinal, washing facilities, first-aid facilities, weekly-off, attendance allowance etc. as contained
in the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 and other applicable laws as amended from time to time.

e) Tenderer whose Tender is accepted by the Corporation shall immediately apply for license (if
applicable) to the prescribed Licensing Authority in terms of Section 12 of the Contract Labour (R&A)
Rule, 1971 before entering upon any work under the Contract. The Contractor shall also obtain
temporary license whenever required under Rule-32 of the relevant Rules in cases where he intends to
employ more persons in number than that mentioned in the Regular License for short durations not
exceeding 15 days. The Contractor shall make an Application for renewal of the Regular License at
least two months before expiry of the Regular License. The Contractor shall also get the temporary
license renewed whenever necessary.If for any reason the Application for a License is finally rejected
by the Licensing/ Appellate Authority, the Contract shall be liable to be terminated at the Risk and Cost
of the Contractor and the decision of the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) in this behalf shall be final
and binding on the Contractor. Every Contractor shall also abide by all the provisions of the Contract
Labour (R&A), Act, 1970 and the Rules framed thereunder. Any liability arising on FCI out of the
Contract, FCI is entitled to recover the same from the Bills/Security Deposit of Contractor.

f) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the redressal of grievances/resolution of disputes
relating to person deployed by them. FCI shall, in no way, be responsible for settlement of such issues
whatsoever. FCI shall not be responsible for any damages, losses, claims, financial or other injury to
any person deployed by contractor in the course of their performing the functions/duties or payment
towards any compensation.
g) For all intents and purposes, the Contractor shall be the “Employer” within the meaning of
different Labour Legislation in respect of personnel so employed and deployed in the Office of FCI. The
persons deployed by the Contractor in the Office of FCI shall not have claims of any Master and Servant
relationship nor have any Principal and Agent relationship with or against FCI.

(h) In case of termination of this Contract on its expiry or otherwise, the persons deployed by the
Contractor shall not be entitled to and will have no claim for any absorption in the regular or otherwise
capacity in the office of FCI. Contractor should make this known to persons deployed by him.

i) The personnel deployed by the Contractor shall be the employees of the Contractor and shall
neither claim nor shall be entitled to any pay, perks and other facilities admissible to casual, adhoc,
regular/confirmed employees of FCI during the Contract or after expiry of the Contract.

j) Any liability arising out of accident or death of any personnel while on duty shall be borne by
the Contractor.


An Act of bribe, gift or advantage, given, promised or offered, by or on behalf of the Contractor, or any
one of their Partners/Directors/Agents or Officials, or any person on his or her behalf to any Officer,
Officials, Representative or Agent of the Corporation, or any person on his or their behalf, for showing
any favour or forbearing to show any disfavour to any person in relation to the Contract, shall make the
Contractor liable for termination of this Contract or any other Contract with the Corporation and the
Contractor shall be liable to reimburse the Corporation of any loss or damage resulting from such


i) The Contract shall remain in force for a period of one year from the date of issue of acceptance
letter or such later date as may be decided by the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.), FCI, Zonal
Office, Noida. The Corporation may mutually extend the Contract at its sole discretion on
the same terms and conditions for a further period of one year.
ii) The Asstt. General Manager (Genl.), FCI reserves the rights to terminate the Contract at any
time during its currency without assigning any reasons thereof by giving Thirty Days’ Notice in
writing to the Contractor at the notified address and the Contractors shall not be entitled to any
compensation by reason of such termination. The action of the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.),
FCI under this clause shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Contractor.

The Tenderer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the FCI and its employees during and after
the term of this contract against all liabilities, damages, losses, expenses, deaths , prosecutions,
demands, actions, proceedings , costs, Taxes, duties, charges, levies and claims of any nature
whatsoever as a result of or arising out of or in any way connected with the acts, omissions,
negligence, nuisance ,breach of the terms of this contract, or any violation/ non observance of
applicable Laws/ Rules & Regulation and failure to perform obligations herein, directly or indirectly
by the Tenderer or its employees, staff, agents, affiliates. FCI stands indemnified from any claims
that the hired manpower may opt to have by virtue of working under the contract. FCI also stand
indemnified from any compensation arising out of accidental loss of life or injury sustained by the
personnel while working under the contract.


The Contractor shall be liable for all costs, damages, registration fees, charges and expenses suffered
or incurred by the Corporation due to the Contractor’s negligence and un- workman like performance
of any services under this Contract, or breach of any terms of the Contract, or failure to carry out the
work under the Contract, and for all damages or losses occasioned to the Corporation, or in particular to
any property belonging to the Corporation, due to any act, whether negligent or otherwise, of the
Contractor or his employees. The decision of the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) regarding such failure
of the Contractor and their liability for the losses, etc. suffered by the Corporation, and the quantification
of such losses, shall be final and binding on the Contractor.


(a) In the event of the Contractors having been adjudged insolvent or going into liquidation or winding
up their business or making arrangement with their creditors or failing to observe any of the
provisions of this Contract or any of the terms and conditions governing the Contract, the Asstt.
General Manager (Genl..) shall be at Liberty to terminate the Contract forthwith without prejudice
to any other right or remedies available to the Corporation under the Contract and Law and to get
the work done for the unexpired period of the Contract at the Risk and Cost of the Contractor and to
claim from the Contractor any resultant loss sustained or cost incurred by the Corporation.
(b) The A s s t t . General Manager(Genl.) shall also have without prejudice to other rights and remedies,
the right, in the event of breach by the Contractor or of any of the terms and conditions of the contract,
to terminate the contract forthwith and to get the work done for the unexpired period of the
Contract at the Risk and Cost of the Contractor and/ or forfeit the Security Deposit or any part
thereof for the sum or sums due for any damages, losses, charges, expenses or cost that may be
suffered or incurred by the Corporation due to the Contractor’s negligence or unworkman like
performance of any of the services under the Contract.
(c) The Contractor shall be responsible to supply adequate and sufficient “manpower” under the
Contract in accordance with the instructions issued by the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) or an
Officer acting on his behalf. If the Contractor fails to supply the requisite number of Drivers, Office
boys, Sweepers, Plumbers etc. the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) shall at his entire discretion,
without terminating the Contract be at liberty to engage other Agency at the Risk and Cost of the
Contractor(s), who shall be liable to make good to the Corporation all additional charges, expenses,
cost or losses that the Corporation may incur or suffer thereby. The Contractor shall not, however,
be entitled to any gain, resulting from entrustment of the work to another party. The decision of the
Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) shall be final and binding on the Contractor(s).


1. The Corporation shall be at liberty to reimburse themselves for any damages losses, charges,
costs or expenses suffered or incurred by him due to Contractor’s negligence and un- workmanlike
performance of service under the Contract or breach of any terms thereof. The total sum
claimed shall be deducted from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due,
to the Contractor under this or any other Contract with the Corporation. In the event of the
sum which may be due from the Contractor as aforesaid being insufficient, the balance of the total
sum claimed and recoverable from the Contractor as aforesaid shall be deducted from the Security
Deposit, furnished by the Contractor. Should this sum also be not sufficient to cover the full amount
claimed by the Corporation, the Contractor shall pay to the Corporation on demand the remaining
balance of the aforesaid sum claimed.

2. In the event of termination of this Contract, or in the event of any breach of any of the terms and
conditions of this Contract by the contractor, the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) shall have the
rights to forfeit the entire or part of the amount of Security Deposit of the contractor or to
appropriate the Security Deposit or any part thereof in or towards the satisfaction of any sum due
to be claimed for and damages, losses, charges, expenses or cost that may be suffered or incurred
by the Corporation. The decision of the A GM (Genl.) in respect of such damages, losses, charges,
expenses or cost shall be final and binding on the Contractor(s).


1. The Contractor shall carry out all items of services assigned or entrusted to him by the Asstt.
General Manager (Genl.) or an officer acting on his behalf and shall abide by all instructions
issued to him from time to time by the said Officer. He shall render the services to the satisfaction
of the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) or an Officer acting on his behalf together with ancillary
and incidental duties, services and operations as may be indicated by the said Officer(s) and are
not inconsistent with the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Contractor shall always be
bound to act with in responsible, diligent and in a businesslike manner and to use such skill as
expected from men of ordinary prudence in the conduct of their activities.

2. Only qualified, trained and experienced manpower viz. Drivers, Office boys, Sweepers,
Plumbers, Mali etc. will be supplied by the Contractor to the FCI. The Contractor shall be
responsible for leave, uniforms, bonus and other fringe benefits to the manpower provided viz.
Drivers, Office-Boys, Sweepers, Plumbers, Mali etc. to FCI. Each incumbent viz. Drivers, Office
Boys, Sweepers, Plumbers, mali etc. will be provided an Identity Card by the Contractor.
3. The Contractor’s personnel should not consume drug/or bettle or liquor in the FCI’s premises.
In case any of the personnel provided by the Contractor is found to be indulging in any suspicious
activities or is found to be under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicants while on duty
or the conduct and integrity is found to be doubtful or performance is not found to be satisfactory,
he/she shall be removed from duty immediately. Decision of AGM (Genl.) or an Officer acting
on his behalf will be final and binding on the Contractor.

4. The FCI will not be responsible in any respect with regard to service conditions, salaries and
conduct of the personnel provided by the Contractor. The Contractor will be the employer of the
manpower provided viz. Drivers, Office Boys, Sweepers, Plumbers, Mali etc. and the FCI will
have no concern/liability whatsoever in respect of their services.

5. The Contractor shall be responsible for the good conduct of their employees/personnel and shall
compensate the Corporation for losses arising from negligence, carelessness, want of skill or
misconduct of themselves, their servants or Agents or Representatives. The Asstt. General
Manager (Genl.) shall have the right to ask for the removal of any employee of Contractors who
in his opinion is hampering the smooth execution of the work and his decision regarding losses
caused by neglect and misconduct etc. by the Contractors, their servants and Agents or
Representative shall be final and binding on the Contractors.

i) The Office Boys or any other personnel provided by the Contractor must not be less than 18
years of age and shall be in a good health.
ii) The Contractor shall not change the personnel frequently without prior permission of FCI
iii) The Agency/Contractor shall ensure that the workmen must rigidly follow all the Rules and
Orders regarding entry-exit and safety precautions, conduct and discipline and will have to
maintain strict law and order.
iv) In case any personnel provided by the Contractor is absent and no substitute is provided by the
Contractor, then it will be treated as a default on the part of the Contractor for which he shall be
liable to pay penalty at double the rate of daily wages of the absentees and the same
shall be deducted from the monthly wage bill.

(g) The Contractor shall intimate to the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) or Officers authorized to
act on his behalf, the name of one or more responsible Representative(s) authorized to act on
his behalf in day to day working of the Contract. It shall be duty of such Representative(s) to call
at the Office of the Asstt, General Manager(Genl.) or an Officer acting on his behalf, every day
and generally to remain in touch with them to report the progress and generally to take
instructions in the Matter.

(h) Police verification of the workers shall be submitted by the Contractor within a period of One
month on entering into the Contract or for a further period of upto a maximum of Three months
on the request made by the Contractor. In case of change of any worker, payment of wages for
that worker will be released only after submission of police verification.

(i) The Contractor is liable to disburse the Minimum wages to the personnel engaged for FCI on the
following month by 5th but not later than 7th, failing which Rs. 100/- per worker per day will be
deducted from the bill(s). If the wages to the workers not paid by 10th of the following month, the
Contract is liable to be terminated and Security Deposit will be forfeited.

(j) The Contractor will not tag any condition whatsoever, including payment of its bills, with the
timely disbursement of wages to the personnel engaged for FCI.


Any sum of money due and payable to the Contractor (including Security Deposit refundable
to the Contractor) under this Contract may be appropriated by the Corporation and set off against any
claim of the Corporation under this Contract or any other Contract made by the Contractor with the

The Contractor shall, whenever required, produce or cause to be produced for examination by
the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) or any other Officer authorized by him in this behalf, any cost or
other accounts books, vouchers, receipts, letters, memoranda or writing, or any copy of, or extract from,
any such document, and also furnish information and returns, verified in such manner as may be
required, relating to the execution of this Contract. The decision of the A s s t t . General Manager (Genl.)
on the question of relevancy of any document, information or return shall be final and binding on the
Contractor. The Contractor shall produce the required documents, information and Returns at such time
and place as may be directed by the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.).


Subject as hereinafter mentioned, the Corporation does not guarantee any definite number of
Drivers, Office Boys, Sweepers, Plumbers, Mali etc. required by the Corporation at any point of
time or throughout the period of the Contract. The Corporation has the right to vary the requirement
of manpower from time to time as per its requirement. However, initially Corporation may require
15 Sweepers/ Safaiwala, 12 Office boys/ Attendant, 03 Drivers, 01 Mali (Gardener) Head, 01 Mali
Asstt., 01 Plumber and 01 Asstt. plumber.

(a) Indicative list of statutory payments to be made in respect of M a n p o w e r /
personnel employed by the Contractor under this Contract are as under:-


Monthly Salary: Minimum wages as notified by the Central Govt. at present and amended time to

Overtime rates in case of Drivers & nights will be guided by Minimum wages Act as well as Shops
& Establishment Act.
(i) EPF: 12 % on minimum wages.
(ii) ESIC: 0.75 %


a) Statutory payment i.e. (Provident Fund : 13 % on minimum wages + 3.25 % ESIC on

gross wages)
b) GST (As applicable)
c) Service Charges quoted in price bid.

The above list of statutory payment is only indicative and not exhaustive.
The Contractor shall abide by all statutory provisions applicable to the Contract and make all
necessary statutory payments. All statutory payments will be made on Minimum Wage only, over
GST as per rules and the Contractor will claim the same separately.
(b) Payment will be made by the A s s t t . General Manager (Genl.) on submission of Bills in
triplicate duly supported by Attendance Certificates issued by the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) or an
Officer acting on his behalf, as the case may be and on production of proof of payment of Minimum
wage, depositing of EPF, ESI and other statutory payments in r/o the personnel engaged in FCI.
After disbursing payment of wages to the staff on or before 7th of the succeeding month, the
Contractor will raise the bill against FCI for payment of monthly wages along with a copy of Wages
Sheet, ECR and Challan of EPF and ESIC. The EPF and ESI contribution (employer and employee share)
shall be deposited by the Contractor and bill will be submitted to the Asstt.Gen.Manager(Genl.).

(c) The Corporation shall not be liable for payment of any interest on any bill outstanding
for payment.


i) The rates of wages in respect of the required category of jobs, to the incumbents would be as per
the Minimum Wages fixed/notified by the Central Government from time to time. The contractor
shall quote his service charges for providing the manpower services on the percentage rate on
minimum wages as applicable on the date of submission of Tender. The Contractor is not entitled
to claim any enhancement of service charge rates on any account during the tenure of the
Contract. No escalation whatsoever shall either be claimed or considered.
ii) In case the minimum wages are revised upward, the Contractor will only be entitled to the quoted
Service Charges on enhanced wages.


The contractor will not be responsible for delays which may arise on account of reasons beyond
their control of which the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) shall be the final judge. Strikes by contractor’s
workers on account of any dispute between the Contractors and their workers as to wages or otherwise
will not be deemed to be a reason beyond the Contractor’s control and the Contractor shall be responsible
for any loss or damage which the Corporation may suffer on this account
1. A Force Majeure means – any event or circumstances or a combination of events and such as:
(i) drought, lightning, earthquake, landslides, tempest, cyclone, hurricane, whirlwind, storm, floor,
and other unusual or extreme adverse weather or environmental conditions, transporter’s
agitation, merchant agitation, riots, civil disturbances of any kind including civil commotion or
other events of natural disaster of rare severity.
(ii) Epidemic or
(iii) Strikes or boycotts (other than those involving the Contractors or their respective
employees/representatives/labour or attributable to any act or omission of any of them)
interrupting supplies and service to the Contractor for a period exceeding a period of 12 days in
(iv) Industry wide or state wide or nationwide strikes or industrial action which prevent the affected
Party from performing any of its obligations for a continuous period of not less than 21 (twenty
one) days from the date of its occurrence.
(v) Act of war (whether declared or undeclared), threat of war, invasion, armed conflict or act of
foreign enemy, unexpected call up of armed forces, revolution, religious strife, bombs, sabotage,
terrorism or threat of such acts or other similar events of a political or social nature;
(vi) Expropriation, confiscation, or nationalization of the Facilities/Project by Govt. or a
Competent Authority.
(vii) The imposition of blockade, embargo, import restrictions, rationing or allocation by Govt.
(viii) Any decision or order of a Court or Tribunal which has the effect of restraining all or any part
of the activities concerning the provision of Services.
(ix) Any event or circumstances of a nature analogous to the foregoing which are beyond the
reasonable control of the affected Party, which such Party could not have prevented or
reasonably overcome with the exercise of reasonable skill and care in relation to the
implementation of this Agreement, which do not result from the negligence of such Party or the
failure of such Party to perform its obligations hereunder which are of an incapacitating nature
and of a severe magnitude and have Material Adverse Effect on the affected Party’s obligations
under this Agreement.

2. A Party shall be entitled to suspend or excuse performance of its respective obligations under this
Agreement to the extent such performance is impeded by a Force Majeure event.
3. Procedure for Force Majeure
If a Party claims relief on account of a Force Majeure, then the party claiming to be affected by
such event shall, as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within seven days of
becoming aware of the Force Majeure, give notice of and describe in reasonable detail the effect
of such Force Majeure to the other party in writing, including the dates of commencement and
estimated cessation of such Force Majeure and its effects on the Party’s obligations under this
Agreement. Upon cessation of the situation which led to a Party claiming force Majeure under
this section the relevant Party shall within Seven days thereof notify the other party in writing
of the cessation and the parties shall as soon as practicable thereafter continue performance of
all obligations under this Agreement but without prejudice to the excuse of performance of all
obligations during the continuance of the Force Majeure.
4. Revised Timetable
Provided that the Party claiming to be affected by the Force Majeure has complied with the
notice procedure, any time period specified in this Tender for the performance of an obligation,
including the term of this Contract, shall be appropriately extended for a period equal to that
during which the effect of the Force Majeure applies to the obligation.
5. Consultation and Duty to Mitigate
The Party claiming relief under Force Majeure shall, at its own cost, take all steps reasonably
required to remedy and mitigate the effects of the Force Majeure and restore its ability to perform
its obligations under this Contract as soon as reasonably practical. The Parties shall consult with
each other to determine the reasonable measures to be implemented to minimize the losses of
each party resulting from the Force Majeure.
6. Prolonged Force Majeure
In the event Force Majeure continuously impedes or prevents a Party’s performance for longer
than 60 consecutive days from the date of commencement of such Force Majeure,
notwithstanding the suspension of the obligations of the Parties, they shall decide by mutual
consent through consultation either the term upon which to continue the performance of this
contract or to terminate this Contract.


1. The Contract will be governed by the Laws of India for the time being in force. Any dispute arising
out of this Contract will be settled in the Court of law of competent jurisdiction. The Courts in Noida
shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate the disputes arising under the Contract.
2. The commercial disputes between CPSEs inter se and CPSE and Govt. Departments/ Organizations
shall be settled through instructions issued by GOI on Administrative Mechanism for resolution of
CPSEs Disputes (AMRCD) vide OM F. No. 4(1) 2013- DPE(GM)/FTS 1835 dt. 22.05.2018 and as
amended from time to time.

The Corporation is under no obligation to enter into any contract with anyone by issuing the Tender.
The Corporation reserves the right to accept or reject any or all response, to request clarifications
from one or more bidder in writing or to cancel the process entirely without assigning any reason.
The Corporation makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy,
correctness and completeness of the information contained in the Tender documents.

photograph of
From … tenderer

(Full Name & Address of the Tenderer)


Dear Sir,

1. I submit the online Tender at CPP Portal website https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app for

appointment as Contractor for providing manpower services for a period of one year with provision
for further extension mutually for one year at the sole discretion of the Corporation on the same
terms and conditions.
2. I have thoroughly examined and understood all the terms & conditions as contained in the Tender
Document, invitation to Tender, General Information to Tenderer and its Annexure & Appendices
and agree to abide by them.
3. I agree to keep the Offer open for acceptance for sixty days after opening of technical bid and
to the extension of the said date by a fortnight in case it is so decided by the Asstt. General Manager
(Genl). I shall be bound by communication of Acceptance of the Offer dispatched within the time.
I also agree that if the date upto which the Offer would remain open is declared a holiday for the
Corporation the Offer will remain open for acceptance till the next working day.
4. Proof as scanned copy/soft copy of payment of Rs.2.00 lakh (Rupees Two Lakh Only) made
through RTGS/NEFT in FCI’s A/c No. 30071676903 with IFSC Code No. SBIN0005936 in State
Bank of India, Sec-2, Noida as prescribed Earnest Money is enclosed. In the event of my Tender
being accepted, I agree to furnish Security Deposit as stipulated in the Tender.
5. I do hereby declare that the entries made in the Tender and Appendices/Annexures attached therein
are true and also that I shall be bound by the act of my duly Constituted Attorney.
6. I hereby declare that my Firm/Company has not been blacklisted or otherwise debarred during the
last five years by the Food Corporation of India, or any other Public Sector Undertaking or any
Government, for any failure to comply with the terms and conditions of any Contract, or for
violation of any Statute, Rule, or Administrative Instructions.(*)
I hereby declare that my Firm/Company was blacklisted/debarred by (here give the

name of the Office which debarred/blacklisted the Tenderer/Contractor) for a period of

, which period has expired on . (Full details of the reasons for

blacklisting/debarring, and the communication in this regard, should be given)(*)

(*) (Strike out whatever is not applicable)
7. I hereby declare that no Contract entered into by my Firm/Company with the Food Corporation of
India, or any other Public Sector Undertaking or any Government, has been terminated before the
expiry of the Contract period at any point of time during the last Five years.
8 I hereby declare that the Earnest Money Deposit and/or Security Deposit has not been forfeited
or adjusted against any compensation payable, in the case of any Contract entered into by me with the
Food Corporation of India, or any other Public Sector Undertaking, or any Government during the last
Five years.
9. I hereby declare that I have not been convicted at any time by a Court of Law for an offence
involving moral turpitude, or sentenced to imprisonment for a period of three years or more.
I certify that all information furnished by me is correct and true and in the event that the
information is found to be incorrect/untrue, the Food Corporation of India shall have the right to
disqualify me without giving any notice or reason therefor or summarily terminate the Contract, without
prejudice to any other rights that the Corporation may have under the Contract and Law.

(Signature of Tenderer)


Details of Tenderer
1. Name, date of birth and address of the Tenderer,
email id & contact No.
2. Composition of Tenderer:- (state whether the
Tenderer is a Proprietorship concern, or Registered
Partnership Firm, or a Company). The name of the
Proprietor, or all Partners, or, the Directors of the
Company, as applicable, should be given.
3. Particulars of the Head Office and Branches, if any,
where located.
4. Income Tax PAN of the Tenderer.
5. Details of Manpower Services provided
1 Scanned copy of Income Tax PAN No.
2 Scanned copy of Employees Provident Fund
Registration No
3 Scanned copy of ESI Registration No
4 Scanned copy of GST Registration No
5 Scanned copy of NEFT/RTGS of EMD of Rs.
2 .00 lakh.
6 Scanned copy of NEFT/RTGS of Rs.1180/- towards
sale of Tender Form.
7 Scanned copy of Experience Certificate in
support of particulars of experience as per
clause 3(II) of General Information to Tenderer and
Annexure - X
8 Scanned copy of Registered Deed of
Partnership/Memorandum and Articles of
Association/By-laws & Certificate of Registration
etc. as applicable
9 Scanned copy of Power of Attorney of
Person signing the Tender & scanned copy of
10 Scanned copy of valid proof of Office in Delhi/NCR

11 State whether you:-

a) Have been black-listed by FCI or Govt. /Quasi
Govt. Organization /PSU or any Department?
b) If yes, Date of Black Listing
c) Whether your contract has been terminated,
EMD/SD forfeited by FCI/ Govt.
Organization/PSUs or any other Department.
d) Date of termination of Contract/Forfeiture of
e) Whether Proprietor/Any of the Partner/Any of the
Directors have been convicted and Sentence to
imprisonment by a Court of Law?
f) If yes, for how many years?
g) Whether Tenderer is participating in the capacity of
Hindu undivided family.
(A Hindu Undivided Family either as a Proprietor or
Partner of a Firm shall not be entitled to apply for
12 Scanned copy of proof of Office in Delhi / NCR.

13) Name & Address of all the partners/ Directors/

Proprietor, as the case may be
All above column should be filled-in by the Tenderer failing which tender shall not be considered

1 Forwarding Letter Yes/No

2 Part –A – Technical Bid with all its Annexures & Appendix Yes/No
List of documents uploaded:
a) Scanned copy of Income Tax PAN No Yes/No
b) Scanned copy of Employees Provident Fund Registration No. Yes/No
c) Scanned copy of ESI Registration No. Yes/No
d) Scanned copy of GST Registration No. Yes/No
e) Scanned copy of NEFT/RTGS of EMD of Rs. 2.00 lakh. Yes/No
f) Scanned copy of NEFT/RTGS of Tender Cost of Rs.1180/- Yes/No
g) Scanned copy of Experience Certificate as per clause 3(II) of General Information to Tenderer Yes/No
h) Scanned copy of Registered Deed of Partnership/Memorandum and Articles of Yes/No
Association/ By-laws & Certificate of Registration, certificate of incorporation etc. as
i) Scanned copy of Power of Attorney of person signing the Tender Yes/No

List of Documents Attached

Name and Signature of Tenderer

With seal


Pro-forma of Work experience certificate of the Tenderer.

Sl. Name Contract Nature of work executed Contract Financial Whether Rem
No. of the period (providing Man power value of year wise contract arks
Client (From….To) viz Drivers/Mali/Office executed breakup of completed
Boys/sweepers/plumber contracts work successfully.
etc) during the executed
preceeding three FY and value of
2017-18, 2018-19, executed
2019-20 work.

Office Address of Tenderer Firm in Delhi/NCR:

Authorized signatory of the Tenderer.

Important Note:
The particulars of experience indicated above shall be duly supported by experience certificate
issued by the Client in their Letter head certifying the nature of work, period of contract, value of
contract, whether work has been successfully completed etc.

The Asstt. General Manager (Genl.)
Food Corporation of India,
Zonal Office (N),

Dear Sir,

I, submit online Price Bid for appointment as Contractor for providing Manpower Services
viz. Drivers/Office Boys/Sweepers/Plumbers/Mali at FCI, Zonal Office (N), Noida.

2. I thoroughly examined and understood all the terms and conditions as contained in·the Tender
Document, Invitation to Tender, General information to tenderer and its Annexure and Appendices and
agree to abide by them.

3. I hereby offer to work at the following percentage of service charges on the basic minimum wages
notified by the Central Govt. applicable at the time of submission of tender and as amended from time to
time. 1/We undertake that I am not entitled to claim any enhancement of services charges on any account
during the tenure of the contract. Present applicable (i) Minimum wages (ii) E PF (iii) ESIC are appended
below. The Tenderer /bidder shall quote the percentage rates on the items shown below as per detail
shown per month:-
(Rates to be quoted at Row VI below)

I. Minimum wages notified by the Minimum wages at present Remarks

Central Govt. and amended from For Sweeper/ Safaiwala worker On actual payment, it
time to time. Rs. 639x26=16,614/- Per month at will be reimbursed to
present under “ Unskilled the contractor by FCI
For Office boys Rs. 639x26=
Rs. 16,614/- per month a present
under “Unskilled worker”
For Driver Rs. 777x26=20,202/-
per month at present under
“Skilled Worker”
For Mali (Gardener) Head Rs.
707x26=18,382/- per month at
present under “Semi skilled
For Mali Asstt. Rs.
639x26=16,614/- per month at
present under “Unskilled
For Plumber Rs. 777x26=20,202/-
per month at present under
“Skilled Worker”
For Asstt. Plumber Rs. 639x26=
16,614/- per month at present
under “Unskilled worker”
II. Provident Fund @ 13% on
minimum wages
III. ESIC @ 3.25% on gross wages
IV. OTA Charges + Night Charges
(In case of Drivers only)
V. Total (I+II+III+IV)
VI. Service Charges to be quoted
in Percentage
_________ % on wages ( % on
on (V) above by the bidder. wages)

i. L-1 will be decided on Arithmetic basis i.e. on the basis of Service charges.
ii. The rates quoted as "Zero" or "NIL" or in any other manner than the above wi ll be
summarily rejected.
iii. In the event more the one bidder is determined as L-1, in which case the contract will be
awarded to the MSME bidder who quoted L1 rates. However, if there are more than one
MSME bidders who quoted L1 rates, in which case the contract will be awarded to the
MSME bidder having highest contract value of the similar nature of the works completed
in the last three financial years, furnished by the bidder for evaluating the experience
criteria under Cl. 3 of the Tender Document- Qualification conditions for the Tender.”
iv. In case the minimum wages are revised upward, the Contractor will be paid Service
Charges at enhanced wages.
v. Any upward revision in the basic minimum wages/ statutory payments, Contractor is entitled
to the same, only if he satisfies the Corporation that the same is passed on to the personnel
engaged by him and not otherwise.
vi. Tenderer has not obtain GST No. will be summarily rejected. GST extra will be applicable
as per norms of Govt. of lndia.

(i) I undertake to make payment of not less than minimum wages as notified by the Central Govt.,
from time to time, to the Sweeping and Cleaning workers, Office boys, Drivers, Mali Head,
Mali Asstt., Plumber and Asstt. Plumber and our aforesaid quoted percentage/ Service charges
will be payable on basic Minimum Wage only and will remain the same during the currency of
the contract.
(ii) I undertake to comply with all Rules, Acts and Regulations/Enactments made by the Central
Government from time to time pertaining to the contract, including all labour laws.

(iii) I agree to keep the offer open for acceptance upto and inclusive of and to the extension of the
said date in case it is so decided by the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.).
(iv) Any upward revision in the basic minimum wages/ statutory payments, contractor is entitled to
the same, only if he satisfies the Corporation that the same is passed on to his personnel engaged
by him and not otherwise.

4. I shall be bound by the communication of acceptance of the offer dispatched within the time and I
also agree that if the date upto which the offer would remain open be declared a closed holiday/Sunday
for the Corporation, the Offer will remain open for acceptance till the next working day.

5. As required, no documents are being enclosed with price bid. Proof of deposited Earnest Money,
scanned copy of RTGS/ECS done in stipulated FCI's Account No : 30071676903, Branch : State
Bank of India, Sec-2, Noida, IFS Code : SBIN0005936 for a sum of Rs. 2.00 Lakh (Rupees T wo
Lakh Only) is uploaded with the Technical Bid as Earnest Money. In the event of my Tender being
accepted, I agree to furnish the Security Deposit as stipulated in the Tender.

6. I do hereby declare that the entries made in the Tender and its Appendixes/Annexures are true and
also that I shall be bound by the act of my duly Constituted Attorney, and of any other person who in
future may be appointed by me to carry on the business of the concern whether any intimation of such
change is given to the Asstt. General Manager (Genl.) FCI, Zonal Office (N), or not:
7. I/We hereby declare that my/our firm/company is not blacklisted by GST authorities.

Yours faithfully,

Signature of Tenderer
(Name in capital words)
(Capacity in which signing)

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