Topical Language
Topical Language
Topical Language
… is valued at/measured in …
Consumers spent … on …
… the second most illiterate nation with … people can read and write
… highly literate
… engaged in …
… substantial between-gender differences in participation rates, with girls reporting to be less interested
in …/finding … less enjoyable than their male counterparts
After the age of 65 the risk of heart disease in women is almost the same as in men.
The number of people affected by HD increases with agein both men and women.
Middle-aged men have more HA than women in the same age group.
People who work in skilled trade professions spent the least time on leisure (four hours and 34 minutes
per day), compared with people in sales and customer services professions who spent the most (five
hours and 21 minutes per day).
Of the individuals who were working, on average, those employed full-time spent the least amount of
time performing leisure activities (four hours and 48 minutes per day), compared with those who were
employed part-time (five hours and seven minutes per day); enjoyment of leisure was similar across all
working groups.
Of the individuals who were not working, those who were long-term sick spent the most time in leisure
activities, at seven hours and 57 minutes per day, and were least likely to enjoy their leisure time;
retired people took slightly less leisure time
on average, men spent 6 hours and 9 minutes per day undertaking leisure pursuits as compared to 5
hours and 29 minutes spent by women
how the amount of leisure time changes with work status
Men in the 16-to-24-year-old age group took an average of six hours 27 minutes of leisure time per day
the same pattern of men taking more leisure time on average than women is evident. However, the
trend is more pronounced in some work status groups than in others
for those in full-time employment or those who were self-employed, there was little difference in the
amount of leisure time taken by men and women, where full-time employed men took an average of
five hours and two minutes of leisure per day while women took four hours and 27 minutes per day.
women working part-time took just 8% more leisure time than those women working full-time
Internet users
Internet penetration
Penetration rate
The statistic shows share of internet users in the United States in 2019, sorted by age group.
During the survey period, it was found that 100 percent of 18 to 29-year olds in the United States were
internet users.
39% of its adult internet users being in the 16-24 age group
… share of the general population of Turkey who used the internet 2012 to 2018, by age group
In each of these years, there was a correlation between youth and likelihood of internet use.
There was about a 35% overlap between artists liked by both age groups.
The most preferred genre overall was Rock. In fact, about 53% of the responders chose Rock.
Country music topped the list; 27.6 percent of respondents picked it among their three favorite genres.
A year earlier, the result was one percent lower, which allowed classic rock to take the lead.
The genre is also widely popular among American teenagers, earning the second place and 15.3 percent
of votes in a survey in August 2012. The first place and more than 18 percent of votes was awarded to
pop music, rock scored 13.1 percent and landed in fourth place.
Pop and Pop Rock were the most popular genres for both, male and female participants, followed by …
As opposed to the female participants, males chose Pop to be one of their least favorite types of music
(only 6.1%). They prefer to listen to …
R&B/hip-hop music was the year's biggest genre, accounting for 24.5 percent of all music consumed.