Moving Window-Based Double Haar Wavelet Transform For Image Processing
Moving Window-Based Double Haar Wavelet Transform For Image Processing
Moving Window-Based Double Haar Wavelet Transform For Image Processing
nals. However, it is interesting to apply a multichannel filter III. HMF-BASED LLMMSE ESTIMATE
bank to the denoising of signals. The key of this problem is to
For the HMF, an operation on the wavelet coefficients will be
find such a multichannel filter bank whose high-pass filters and
derived in this section so as to obtain an optimal estimate of the
low-pass filter are good at edge detecting and noise smoothing,
original signal.
Suppose that is the original signal and the input noisy
It is known that the Haar wavelet has the most compact spa-
signal can be described as
tial support of all wavelets and is also an optimal edge matching
filter [18]. Thus, based on the Haar wavelet and a simple shift
operation [19], a -channel filter bank can be designed. Its (6)
high-pass and low-pass filters are defined as
where is white Gaussian noise with zero mean and vari-
(1) ance . Based on the filter bank shown in Fig. 1, (6) can be
rewritten as a vector notation
(2) where ,
and ,
respectively. . Suppose that
To obtain the reconstruction filters , , the samples are i.i.d. random variables
we need to express the -channel analysis filters as a matrix and the variance of the original signal is . A linear estimate
notation. Let of the wavelet coefficients can be defined as
.. ..
. .
where ,
, and
.. .. .. .. .. (3)
. . . . .
.. ..
. .
The inverse matrix of (see Appendix ) can be written as
.. .. .. .. .. (4)
. . . . .
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . .
Then, the reconstruction filters, , , are
given by [20]
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . .
where and are the matrices obtained by deleting the
(5) last row of and the last column of , respectively. The
where denotes the transpose of matrix. reconstruction process shown in Fig. 1 can be expressed as a
Note that the span of the low-pass filter is just . After vector notation
decimating with a factor of , the noise in the decimated refer-
ence signal will preserve its independent property. This property
is very useful for some denoising operators that ask the noise to (9)
be white in the different scales of wavelet transform domain.
Now, the design of the Haar wavelet-based -channel where .
filter bank (HMF) is finished. When , the HMF is Our goal is to minimize the mean-squared error
nonorthogonal. by selecting some proper values of
. For this purpose, we can derive the which can yield a local linear minimum mean-square error
equation [21] (LLMMSE) estimate [21] of the original signal.
.. .. ..
. . . Suppose that , and are the samples of
the input signal at a given time. The estimate of the center pixel
is especially important for some applications of image
processing. According to the definition of DHWT we have the
.. .. .. reconstructed
. . .
Then, (10) can be solved for to obtain
Fig. 3. (a) Part of an image; (b) 3 2 3 moving window centered at the pixel e; (c) by shifting one pixel, the 3 2 3 moving window is centered at the pixel h.
Fig. 4. Masks used by the Prewitt operator.
One of the advantages of the OPED is that the distances
between detected edges are enlarged. For example, suppose
to the neighbor pixel shown in Fig. 3(c). By applying the same that there are two edges with steps and ( ),
denoising operation to the pixels within the at the new posi- respectively. From (18)–(20), the estimates of the two edges
tion, the estimate of the pixel is subsequently obtained. In the are and . It means
worst case, the estimates of the pixels and are the average of that the distance between them increases from to
the grays of the nine pixels in their respective windows, which . This property cannot be achieved
just forms a 3 3 moving window-based mean filtering. with a linear noise smoother used for preprocessing.
The last two columns of Table I show the PSNR values ob- Based on the Prewitt masks shown in Fig. 4, the OPED can
tained by Applying the DHWT-based MWD to the three noisy be extended to 2-D easily. Suppose that, at a given time, the
Lena images, with the window length of three and nine, respec- pixels of an image in a 3 3 rectangular moving window are
tively. The corresponding filtered images, which were corrupted , . Let
by the Gaussian white noise with variance 400, are shown in
Fig. 2(e) and (f), respectively. Those images demonstrate that
the “mosaic” phenomenon is suppressed effectively.
Compared to the traditional denoising in wavelet transform (21)
domain, the MWD uses different wavelet coefficients for dif- (22)
ferent pixels to obtain the estimates. Thus, the estimate error of
the wavelet coefficients for a pixel does not influence the esti-
mates of the other pixels in the image.
Thus, the , and represent a one-dimen-
Edges are important features for analyzing images. The clas- sional (1-D) signal in the moving window of the image. Using
sical edge detectors are based on some standard masks such as the 1-D edge detector defined by (20), we obtain an estimate
the Sobel operator [24], and the Prewitt operator [25]. Simple of edges in the horizontal direction of the image. Simi-
and effective, those two properties make them commonly used larly, we can obtain the estimate of edges in the vertical
today. In general, the Prewitt operator is better in suppress noise direction of the image. Finally, the output of the edge detector
for some three point mean filters were employed in its masks is defined as
shown in Fig. 4. Unfortunately, it is still sensitive to the present
of noise. Thus, a low-pass filter, such as the Gaussian filter, is
often used for preprocessing. (24)
Since the DHWT-based LS provides an noise smoother, we
may use it to improve the property of the Prewitt operator in The following example shows the difference between the Pre-
suppressing noise. The key for this is to relate the wavelet co- witt operator and the OPED in edge detection.
efficients of the DHWT to the Prewitt operator. Note that, in Example 3: Fig. 5(a) shows a Balloon image corrupted by
the DHWT, the equation is white Gaussian noise with mean zero and variance 100. Fig. 5(b)
just the -transform of the Prewitt operator in one dimension. and (c) are the edge images detected by the Prewitt operator
Fig. 7. (a) Original block signal. (b) The edge enhanced block signal with = 0:2. (c) The edge enhanced block signal with = 0:6.
The matrix is defined in Section II for the Haar wavelet-
based -channel filter bank. In this appendix, we will derive
its inverse matrix as follows. Let
.. ..
. .
.. .. .. .. .. (A1)
Fig. 8. (a) Original fruits image. (b) The blurred image corrupted by Gaussian . . . . .
noise. (c) The images enhanced by unsharp masking. (d) The images enhanced
by the MFEE.
We have
In this paper, the concept of moving window-based local mul- (A2)
tiscale analysis of images is introduced. Consequently, based on
the Haar wavelet, a class of nonorthogonal multichannel filter (A3)
By using the equation
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