Mobile Phones Introduction
Mobile Phones Introduction
Mobile Phones Introduction
India is the world’s 12th largest consumer market. It is projected that by 2027, it will
become the fifth largest economy and will be ahead of Germany in the world. There is an
intense growth in all the areas of consumer services and goods. Communication that
accounts for 5 percent of consumer’s spending today will be one of the fastest expanding
categories with growth of about 17 percent. Mobile telecommunication industry has shown
a great growth over the last years and at present there are about thirty crores (3 crores = 30
million) subscribers of the mobile phone usage in the country. The market for the mobile
is also growing with the growing demand for mobile services. This demand will grow in
future also. India at present is the second largest market for mobile phones. The growth in
this sector has been improved due to liberalization and privatization of telecommunication
policies and legal rules. The consumers of both urban and rural areas, from college students
to mature elders, of almost all income groups have started using mobile telecom services.
The growth is fastest in mobile services as compared to fixed lines where it is modest.
Some of the consumers particularly college students have to rely on their parents for the
buying of products like mobile handset and communication gadgets. This is so because
large majority of such people are not economically independent till the age of 23-25 years.
Therefore, they have to satisfy themselves with what their parents buy for them. But now-
a-days, these people have become an asset to influence their parents in buying the products
of their choice. This is probably due to small family size of one or two children these days,
where parents comply more with the requests of their children as compared to the past
where children were not asked for their opinion and were given what their parents was
This survey was conducted to assess the opinion of public about the different brands of mobile
– On how mobile services are made available throughout India
– On how complaints are handled
– To evaluate and quantify the levels of satisfaction with the manufacturers and retailer’s
customer service policies.
This report deals with consumer ideas based on their contact with their manufacturer/retailer. It
shows, how each provider performs against key measures such as:
– Issue type
– Were the issues completely resolved
– Is the consumer Satisfaction with customer services
– How complains are handled
– Future use based on consumer service experience.
The study has been carried out by interviewing 70 respondent based on convenience
sampling in January 2018, with the help of a questionnaire in Hyderabad city. The city was
chosen for the reason that even though the mobile telecom services are expanding across
the country, yet these are concentrated in urban areas. The respondents who were using
mobile handsets were asked to rate the select factors on a five-point scale that they
considered most while buying their latest mobile handsets. The respondents were also
asked to select factors on the basis of the brand of mobile phones they use, and the features
they are attracted to.
The prime objective of the study was to understand the variation in the importance of the
factors given by different gender and age groups. Among the 70 consumers, 40 were male
and 30 were female. These were then classified into three different groups based on their
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a collection of associated estimation procedures (such
as the "variation" among different groups) and their statistical models used to analyze the
differences among different group means in a sample. ANOVA was originated by
evolutionary biologist and statistician Ronald Fisher.
Technique of ANOVA has been used for the data conclusions & analysis. The approach
was chosen to understand both main interaction effects of variables as well as independent
impact - gender and age. The respondents were asked to rate the factors on the following
basis: ‘Physical Appearance’ (color, size, weight, and design), ‘Brand’, ‘Price’, ‘Added
Features’ (music, messaging, photos, games, videos, etc.), ‘Technical Features’ (Bluetooth,
GPRS, memory etc.), and ‘After-Purchase Services’ (maintenance and repairs, warranties,
technical support etc.)