Corerws Reviewer L1: Genre Forms, Text Types and Structures: Summarizing Synthesizing

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CORERWS REVIEWER CRITICAL THINKING is the ability to think clearly and

rationally, and the ability to understand the relation of

L1: Genre Forms, Text Types and Structures ideas presented

TEXT TYPE Characteristics of a Critical Thinker:

- Produced individually/collectively 1. Understands the relation of one ideas to another.
- Author maybe named or anonymous 2. Determines the importance and relevance of ideas
- May be published, photocopied, faxed and arguments.
- May be read once and thrown away, or read 3. Recognizes, builds and appraises arguments.
repeatedly or learned by heart by successive 4. Identifies inconsistencies and errors in reasoning.
generations 5. Approaches problems in a consistent and
- Classified according to function (informative, systematic way.
expressive, operative) 6. Reflects on justification of his own assumptions,
- Each text type has a distinct structure, beliefs and values.
appearance and a set of language features
- Printed reading materials Critical Reading Strategies:
- Taught in schools explicitly 1. Annotating – note taking
2. Contextual Reading
GENRE 3. Outlining – organizing the text you’re reading
- A TRADITIONAL category in literary studies, 4. Summarizing
including: 5. Paraphrasing
o Short story 6. Comparing and Contrasting
o Novel 7. Evaluating an Argument
o Play 8. Reflecting on Challenges to your Beliefs and
o Sonnet Values
o Epic 9. Looking for Patterns of Opposition
o Autobiography 10. Judging the Writer’s Credibility
- A TYPE OF DISCOURSE that occurs in a 11. Exploring the Figurative Language
PARTICULAR SETTING, that has distinctive and 12. Recognizing Emotional Manipulation
and distinctive COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTIONS Making Inferences (Educated Guess)
- Applies equally to everyday uses of WRITTEN - Reading between the lines
AND SPOKEN LANGUAGE. - An idea or conclusion that’s drawn from evidence
- Can change through time and reasoning
- Can go out of fashion and become less useful - Use of context clues and prior knowledge
- May be defined together with SOCIAL
INSTITUTIONS and PROFESSIONS (minutes of L3: Scanning VS. Skimming
the meeting, annual reports etc.)
to locate and swoop down on particular
DIFFERENCES bird's eye-view of the material
fixed/standard flexible/evolving
written language wrtitten and spoken language
used by school teachers used by discourse analysts
> know what you're looking for Be alert of:
SIMILARITIES > look for keywords key words and phrases
purposeful > let the eys look rapidly unfamiliar words
goald-directed > read the surrounding areas of the word Pay special attention to:
socially recognized langugae activities which form patterns of meaning in the social
- Complete text is not relevant
HYBRID TEXT - Help you improve you speed for study reading and
- Combination of two distinct text types average reading.
INTERTEXTUALITY - Help you build background knowledge.
- Any text is a new issue of past citations
- All texts make their meanings L4: Summarizing VS. Synthesizing
- Recreation, reiteration, interpretation
- Issue = PLAGARISM; solution =
PARAPHRASING, etc. > pulling information in order to point out > pulling information from the text
what are the important ideas in the (important points) plus the conclusion or
L2: Critical Reading and Thinking Strategies
material read new insight/knowledge you got.
CRITICAL READING is engaging yourself in a text or any
material that you are reading.
L5: Internet Reading o EMBRACE both Print and Digital Reading
o As we are immersing int the digital
OFFLINE READING already, we need to help ourselves into
- a.k.a. Traditional Reading reading in both environments.
- majority of the world’s population are under
traditional text
- bookstores, libraries L6: READING PROCESS:
1. Pre-Writing
o People’s reading habits have changed in response to 2. Drafting
Internet and ongoing pressures of the digital space. 3. Revising
- EFFECT: Publishers have invested in DIGITAL 4. Editing
LIBRARY and E-COMMERCE 5. Final Draft

- A.k.a. Digital Reading
- Electronic texts on digital devices usually
w/Internet access
- Gadgets, e-books, websites

o Reading is an interaction between person and

o Differentiating factors:
 Each medium provides a different reading
 Physiology in reading process
 Tangibility of paper vs. vice versa
o Include HYPERLINKS in online reading
o ISSUE: Deep Reading
- Because of SKIMMING became the new reading
- Did the reader really understand the text?
1. Physicality of printed pages
may provide emotional 1. Skimming
2. Easier time to take notes. 2. Scanning
3. Higher level of focus.
4. Less likely to try to multitask.


1. Convenience of being able

1. Skimming
to search.

2. Portability 2. Scanning
3. Lower Economic Cost 3. Low tolerance for long texts.
4. less inclined to read deeply.

Skills and Strategies Needed:

1. Previewing, guessing, annotating, questioning,
paraphrasing, summarizing are equally useful with
electronic texts.
a. conditioning our own minds
b. best practices (ex. Annotating) and
3. Cultivate the READING MINDSET that you need
to bring effort.
4. Practice SELF-CONTROL
a. Reducing distractions

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