TTL Group Activity

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Step 1: Reading Curriculum Guide in English or Filipino Subject

Identify a grade level from the K to 12 Curriculum and read the Curriculum
Guide for English or Filipino of this level. Focus your reading on the different
language competencies of every language lesson.
Step 2: Identifying Language Competency for IBL
Find learning competencies in the chosen Curriculum Guide that are suited
for an IBL. Determine the type of inquiry that you will be using. Note them
down on the table provided.

Subject: English 6

Grade Level: Grade 6

Language Learning Competencies Types of Inquiry

1. Uses different types of figurative language

(e.g., similes, metaphors, personification) in Structured Inquiry
writing and speaking.
2. Determines the theme or central message
of a literary text. Controlled Inquiry
3. Writes a short story using different literary
devices. Guided Inquiry
4. Identifies the different parts of speech (e.g.,
nouns, verbs, adjectives) and their Structured Inquiry
functions in a sentence.
5. Writes a persuasive essay arguing for a
specific point of view. Guided Inquiry
6. Identifies the different types of writing
(e.g., narrative, descriptive, persuasive) Controlled Inquiry
and their characteristics.
7. Writes a poem using different poetic
devices (e.g., rhyme, rhythm, imagery). Guided Inquiry
8. Explains the impact of cultural context on a
literary text. Controlled Inquiry
9. Identifies the different types of conflict
(e.g., internal, external) in a literary text. Structured Inquiry
10. Writes a script for a short play or dialogue. Guided Inquiry
Step 3: Developing Core Questions
Create core questions about the competencies that learners might be asked
to answer.

Subject: English 6

Grade Level: Grade 6

Language Learning Competencies Core Questions

1. Uses different types of figurative  How do similes, metaphors,

language (e.g., similes, and personification make
metaphors, personification) in writing more interesting and
writing and speaking. engaging?
 Can you find examples of
figurative language in your
favorite books or songs? How
do they affect the meaning?
 How can you use figurative
language to create vivid
imagery in your own writing?
2. Determines the theme or central  What is the main idea or
message of a literary text. message that the author
wants to convey in this story?
 How do the characters, plot,
and setting help to reveal the
 Can you connect the theme of
this story to your own life or
3. Writes a short story using  What are some literary
different literary devices. devices that you can use to
make your story more
 How can you use dialogue,
imagery, and conflict to
create a compelling story?
 What kind of story would you
like to write? What theme or
message would you want to
4. Identifies the different parts of  How do the different parts of
speech (e.g., nouns, verbs, speech work together to
adjectives) and their functions in create a complete sentence?
a sentence.  How can understanding parts
of speech help you to write
more clearly and effectively?
 Can you create your own
sentences using different
parts of speech?
5. Writes a persuasive essay arguing  What is a persuasive essay?
for a specific point of view. How is it different from other
types of writing?
 What are some strategies for
writing a strong persuasive
 What is a topic that you feel
strongly about? How can you
use evidence and reasoning
to persuade others to agree
with your point of view?
6. Identifies the different types of  What are the key features of
writing (e.g., narrative, each type of writing?
descriptive, persuasive) and their  How can you tell the
characteristics. difference between a
narrative, a descriptive essay,
and a persuasive essay?
 What type of writing do you
enjoy reading or writing the
most? Why?
7. Writes a poem using different  What are some poetic devices
poetic devices (e.g., rhyme, that you can use to create a
rhythm, imagery). poem?
 How can you use rhyme,
rhythm, and imagery to
create a poem that is both
beautiful and meaningful?
 What is a topic that inspires
you? How can you write a
poem about it?
8. Explains the impact of cultural  How does the culture in which
context on a literary text. a story is set influence the
characters, plot, and themes?
 Can you find examples of
cultural references in a story
you’ve read? How do they
affect your understanding of
the story?
 How can you use cultural
context to create a more
authentic and engaging story?
9. Identifies the different types of  What are the different types
conflict (e.g., internal, external) in of conflict that can occur in a
a literary text. story?
 How does conflict drive the
plot of a story?
 Can you identify examples of
different types of conflict in a
story you’ve read?
10. Writes a script for a short play or  What are the key elements of
dialogue. a play script?
 How can you create
believable characters and
 What kind of play would you
like to write? What theme or
message would you want to

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