Contoh Tiket
Contoh Tiket
Contoh Tiket
Booking Reference: K326UU Office
At check-in, you must show a photo ID. GA B2T
Telephone: TBA
(1) Ok = confirmed (2) NVB = Not valid before (3) NVA = Not valid after (4)Each passenger can check in a specific amount of baggage at no extra cost as indicated
above in the column baggage. Each piece of baggage may not exceed 32 kilos
Name : Afrosiansi Dwi Mr (ADT)
Ticket number : 126 2114851498
Form of payment : NONREF : 1010600 : IDR0
Fare : IDR 796000
Taxes : IDR 5000 YR IDR 130000 D5 IDR 79600 ID
Total Amount : IDR 1010600
Issuing Airline and date : GARUDA INDONESIA 07Sep19 IATA : 15394654
Restriction(s)/Endorsements : **Sa3Akkc - Travelokadotcom** - **0-0** - Noend/Noextd/
Fare Calculation : JKT GA SRG796000.00IDR796000.00END
The fare that applies on the date of purchase is only valid for the entire itinerary and the specific travel dates mentioned on the ticket.