The Photos Casey Anthony Didn't Want You To See

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The Photos Casey Anthony Didn't Want You to See


Discussions include: Myspace girl records Padilla, Chloroform searches, Zenaida Gonzalez at
Sawgrass apartments, Alzheimers patients visit the Anthony's, Protesters out of control, "Lorraine"
digs through George and Cindy Anthony's garbage, Lee Anthony flips out at "Blondie" with the dog,
Casey Anthony calls 911 on protesters, Financial Deal in the works for the Casey Anthony movie,
New Documents released, New Audio Released.
September 1st - Sept 7th COMMENT ARCHIVE
While reviewing the photos of Casey Anthony in this hub, you might question actual evidence in the

Why did the trunk of Casey Anthony's vehicle smell of decomposition? Why is the duct tape on the
gas cans so significant in this case? What did Casey Anthony do for 31 days while her daughter was
missing? Why did the Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, throw George Anthony under the bus?
For documents related to Casey Anthony's case, click here. Documents include: FBI lab results,
interviews with Casey Anthony, George Anthony, Cindy Anthony, Lee Anthony, Jesse Grund, Anthony
Lazzaro, Casey Anthony's extended family, Casey Anthony's former friends and school mates.
Additional documents include: Text messages, cell phone records, the immunity deal Casey Anthony
turned down, depositions, information about Casey Anthony's dream team, and Caylee Anthony's
autopsy results.
Discuss the Casey Anthony murder trial in real time with other Facebook users. Who knows, a small
detail may emerge that you may have forgotten about. There are so many twists and turns in this
case, anything's possible!
Discussions include: Waiting 31 days to report Caylee Anthony missing, The Club Fusion

photographs, Myspace messages, Anthony family debts, Gale St. John the "psychic detective," Caylee
Marie Anthony donations, Jose Baez, Skyview Aviation and Exotic Car Rental, Never Lose Hope
Foundation, Rewards, Crazy people posting ads on Craigslist and elsewhere, Zanny/Xanax
connection, The Anthony's appearance on Greta Van Susteren--On the Record, Patrick Bourgeois,
Jesus Ortiz, JP Chatt, Leonard Padilla bails Casey Anthony out of jail, Anthony family appoints
spokesperson, Justice for Caylee merchandise appears on Cafepress and Zazzle websites.
Theories/Speculations Discussed: Shovel, drugs, prostitution, incest/sexual abuse, washing evidence
to protect those guilty, paternity of Caylee Anthony, Kiomarie lives across from Swagrass apts.,
Anthony family coordinates June 9th as the original date Caylee went missing, Zenaida of Sawgrass
claims her ID stolen last year.

Theories/Speculations Discussed: George Anthony may have found more than gas cans when he
opened the trunk on June 24th, Something might have happened to Caylee under someone (other
than Casey's) watch.
September 7th - September 30th COMMENT ARCHIVE
Casey Anthony bakes brownies, George Anthony claims that the body in the back of his daughter's
car was not his granddaughter, Protests begin to get out of control, Casey is re-arrested on fraud
charges. Kiomarie Torres Cruz claims Casey Anthony wanted to give Caylee Anthony up for
adoption, George Anthony throws umbrellas & lawnchairs.
Anthony Rusciano fired from OCSD, Clerical errors in the Disocvery Documents, Evidence removed

from the Anthony home, Reports surrounding the DNA of Caylee Anthony are disputed by the
Anthony family and their attorney, Leonard Padilla says he's going to revoke bond, George says
people are watching the kidnappers, Cindy Anthony Calls Texas EquuSearch, Cindy Anthony begins
hammering "No Trespassing" signage on the lawn, Leonard Padilla changes his mind--does NOT
revoke bond.
Discussions include: Anthony Lazzarro, Nancy Grace, Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez, Discovery
Documents released, Clint House on Greta, Casey Anthony wearing a t-shirt with Caylee's picture on
it, Tests Confirm Evidence Of Decomposition In Casey Anthony's Car.
Discussions include: MyFoxOrlando puts a webcam on the Anthony house, Jose Baez hires "The
Publicity Agency" (same publicity agency for Drew Peterson), Angry family hangs a sign on the
Anthony's door and pleads with them to "tell the truth," Cindy requess an apology from Sgt. Kevin
Beary, Cindy Anthony shakes trees looking for cameras, Texas Equusearch searching for Caylee
Anthony, Rev. Richard Grund on Geraldo, First Vigil seen on webcam, Lead Investigator Says Body
In Trunk Was 3-Year-Old, Cindy and George's outrageous comments.

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