Corneal Collagen Crosslinking PDF
Corneal Collagen Crosslinking PDF
Corneal Collagen Crosslinking PDF
Elmer Y. Tu, MD, Editor for Cornea and External Disease José L. Güell, MD, PhD
Stephen E. Orlin, MD, Basic and Clinical Science Course Faculty, Section 8 R. Doyle Stulting, MD, PhD
Dasa V. Gangadhar, MD, Practicing Ophthalmologists Advisory Committee for Education
FocalPoints™ Editorial Review Board
Eric Paul Purdy, MD, Bluffton, IN
Editor in Chief; Oculoplastic, Lacrimal, and Orbital Surgery
Lisa B. Arbisser, MD, Bettendorf, IA
Cataract Surgery Introduction 1
Syndee J. Givre, MD, PhD, Raleigh, NC Keratoconus and Other Ectatic Conditions 1
Deeba Husain, MD, Boston, MA Corneal Collagen Crosslinking 3
Retina and Vitreous Safety Considerations in CXL 4
Katherine A. Lee, MD, PhD, Boise, ID Indications 4
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Contraindications 4
W. Barry Lee, MD, FACS, Atlanta, GA
Refractive Surgery; Optics and Refraction
Standard Surgical Technique 4
Ramana S. Moorthy, MD, FACS, Indianapolis, IN
Ocular Inflammation and Tumors Postoperative Management
Sarwat Salim, MD, FACS, Milwaukee, WI After Standard Crosslinking 6
Elmer Y. Tu, MD, Chicago, IL Complications 7
Cornea and External Disease
Results of Major Clinical Trials 7
FocalPoints Staff
Surgical Technique Variations 7
Susan R. Keller, Acquisitions Editor
Epithelial-On Versus Epithelial-Off
Kim Torgerson, Publications Editor Crosslinking 7
D. Jean Ray, Production Manager
Techniques for the Thin Cornea 8
Debra Marchi, CCOA, Administrative Assistant
Techniques for Shorter Light Treatments 9
Clinical Education Secretaries and Staff Combining Crosslinking With
Louis B. Cantor, MD, Senior Secretary for Clinical Education, Other Modalities 9
Indianapolis, IN
Future Directions 11
Christopher J. Rapuano, MD, Secretary for Ophthalmic
Knowledge, Philadelphia, PA Conclusion 11
Dale Fajardo, Vice President for Education
Clinicians’ Corner 12
Suggested Reading 15
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The authors, reviewers, and consultants dis- OPHTEC (2015). (C, L) Alcon Laboratories C = Consultant fee, paid advisory boards or fees for at-
close the following financial relationships: (2014, 2015). (C, O) Cambium Medical Tech- tending a meeting (for the past 1 year)
Lisa B. Arbisser, MD: (C) Bausch + Lomb nologies, EyeYon, TearLab (2014, 2015). (L) E = Employed by a commercial entity
(2013, 2014). (C, L, S) OptiMedica (2013). Allergan (2014, 2015). Elmer Y. Tu, MD: L = Lecture fees (honoraria), travel fees or reimburse-
(L) Abbott Medical Optics (2014). Clara (C) Bausch + Lomb (2013), Seattle Genetics ments when speaking at the invitation of a com-
C. Chan, MD, FRCSC, FACS: (C) Bausch + (2014, 2015). mercial sponsor (for the past 1 year)
Lomb (2013–2015), Tearscience (2015). (C, The following contributors state that they O = Equity ownership/stock options (publicly or pri-
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ries (2013–2015). (S) Allergan (2015). José L. ship with the manufacturer of any commer- P = Patents and/or royalties that might be viewed as
Güell, MD, PhD: (C) Alcon Laboratories, Carl cial product discussed in their contributions creating a potential conflict of interest
Zeiss, OPHTEC BV, RVO Raindrop, Thea to this module or with the manufacturer of S = Grant support for the past year (all sources) and all
(2015). (O) Calhoun Vision, Orca Surgical any competing commercial product: Syn- sources used for this project if this form is an up-
(2014, 2015). W. Barry Lee, MD, FACS: (C) dee J. Givre, MD, PhD; Deeba Husain, MD; date for a specific talk or manuscript with no time
Shire (2015). (L) Allergan, Bausch + Lomb Susan R. Keller; Katherine A. Lee, MD, PhD; limitation
(2013–2015). Eric Paul Purdy, MD: (L) Al- Ramana S. Moorthy, MD, FACS; Kim Torger-
con Laboratories (2014). Sarwat Salim, MD, son (2013–2015). Eric Paul Purdy, MD (2013,
FACS: (L) Alcon Laboratories (2013, 2014), 2015). Dasa Gangadhar, MD; Stephen E.
Merck & Co (2013). R. Doyle Stulting, MD, Orlin, MD (2014). Aaron Chan, OD (2014,
PhD: (C) Abbott Medical Optics, Calhoun Vi- 2015). Lisa B. Arbisser, MD; Sarwat Salim,
sion, Hoya, NuLens, Optovue (2014, 2015); MD, FACS (2015).
Figure 2 Topographic image showing high against-the-rule astigmatism from pellucid marginal degeneration in the
right eye.
in keratoconic corneas, resulting in weakened biome- peripheral cornea rather than the paracentral cornea
chanical stability. Growing evidence suggests that tissue (Figure 2). PMD is characterized by a peripheral band
degradation and corneal thinning involve the expression of thinning from approximately the 4 o’clock to the
of inflammatory mediators. The pathogenesis and pro- 8 o’clock position, which gives a classic “crab-claw” ap-
gression of keratoconus is a very active area of research pearance on topography. Consequently, managing PMD
that warrants a separate discussion, one that is beyond with penetrating keratoplasty is more difficult, as larger
the scope of this module. It is, however, important to be and more eccentric grafts are required, raising the risk for
aware of some of the ongoing debate about theories of postoperative astigmatism and graft rejection. Crosslink-
inflammation and progression in keratoconus. ing for PMD is performed in the same fashion as with
Pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD) is less com- KC. Although the area of steepening is more peripheral
mon than keratoconus and usually affects the inferior in PMD, the central 8–9 mm treatment zone appears to
be adequate in coverage. Along with keratoglobus, there riboflavin then reacts with oxygen, creating reactive
seems to be overlap between PMD and keratoconus. oxygen species and radicals. These reactive species theo-
Progressive post-laser keratoectasia (PPLK) is a con- retically induce covalent crosslink bonding between the
dition of gradual corneal thinning and steepening fol- protein molecules within the stroma including collagen
lowing LASIK or photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and proteoglycans.
surgery (Figure 3). It generally occurs within 2 years Considerable evidence supports the creation of
after refractive surgery and is estimated to occur in 1 in these crosslink formations following CXL. In a seminal
2500 to 1 in 5000 cases. The underlying cause of PPLK study, Spoerl and Seiler irradiated porcine and rabbit
is not well understood but is thought to be from the corneas presoaked in photosensitizing agents, and re-
weakening of the anterior stroma from flap creation, sultant corneas were stiffer and more resistant to en-
insufficient residual stromal bed thickness after tissue zymatic degradation. Subsequent in vivo studies have
ablation, or from the uncovering of a previously undi- confirmed increases in corneal rigidity, with an original
agnosed ectasia such as forme fruste keratoconus. Risk study by Wollensak supporting a >320% gain in corneal
factors for PPLK include thin corneas, repeated en- biomechanical strength. Later reports claimed that cor-
hancement treatments, irregular preoperative topogra- neal stiffening was dependent on depth, with the effect
phies, and deep ablations. confined mostly to the anterior 200 µm of the stroma.
In regard to the crosslinked cornea being more resistant
to enzymatic degradation, it is postulated that changes
Corneal Collagen to the tertiary structure of the collagen fibers prevent en-
zymes (eg, collagenases) from accessing specific cleavage
Crosslinking sites. This may be helpful in understanding in part the
pathogenesis of keratoconus, as some studies indicate a
CXL specifically involves the activation of riboflavin disruption in the balance between proteolytic enzymes
(vitamin B2) with UVA light to enhance covalent bond and their endogenous inhibitors in KC corneas, imply-
formations (or “crosslinks”) between collagen fibers in ing more proteolytic activity and fewer protein compo-
the stroma. The process begins with the activation of the nents when compared to normal controls.
photosensitive riboflavin to an excited state. The excited
Figure 8 UVA treatment of riboflavin-imbibed
Management After
cornea. a. Limbal stem cells are protected with
a Kerocel Chayet Drainage Ring (Beaver Visitec,
Standard Crosslinking
Waltham, Massachusetts). b. Irradiation commences The postoperative management of crosslinking is a simi-
for 30 minutes with continued riboflavin instillation. lar experience to postoperative management after PRK.
The early healing stage is most symptomatic, and pa-
tients may experience symptoms of pain, tearing, foreign
10. Irradiation commences for 30 minutes, with body sensation, and photophobia that are consistent
continued riboflavin instillation every 3 minutes with having a corneal abrasion. A bandage contact lens
(Figure 8b). is used to support re-epithelialization and reduce pain.
11. Alternating applications of balanced saline Topical antibiotics and preservative-free lubricants are
solution (BSS) and topical anaesthetic are given given until re-epithelialization and pain can be man-
intermittently to prevent desiccation and to aged with oral opioids and analgesics. The epithelium
maintain corneal anesthesia. typically heals by day 4–7, at which point the bandage
contact lens is removed and a regimen of topical ste-
12. Corneal pachymetry is measured at 10, 20, and roids is given to reduce scarring and promote further
30 minutes after riboflavin drops have started healing. (The author uses dexamethasone 4 times daily
to ensure that the stromal thickness remains for 2–4 weeks, tapering to twice daily for 2–4 weeks
greater than 400 µm. Should the pachymetry depending on the presence or absence of any haze, but
measurement fall below 400 µm, hypotonic there is much variation in the literature.) Patients are
riboflavin drops are used instead of the routine followed up at 1 day, 4–7 days for bandage contact lens
isotonic riboflavin drops. removal, 1 month to monitor for haze, then further fol-
13. Upon completion of the UVA irradiation low‑up at 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year. Thereafter,
treatment, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, such as patients are seen every 6–12 months to monitor for pro-
moxifloxacin, is instilled and a bandage contact gression via serial manifest refraction and topography
lens is positioned onto the cornea (Figure 9). with their optometrist or ophthalmologist.
Clinical Trials
cially uncomfortable for the patient.
There is much debate to epi‑on CXL’s effectiveness
The results of major clinical trials are listed in Table 1. as it compares to the “gold-standard” of epi‑off CXL.
Of the many peer-reviewed clinical trials, nearly all re- Experimental support for epi‑on CXL is controver-
port halting moderate to advance progressive kerato- sial. Wollensak experimented with epi‑on in a labora-
conus, often with some regression of corneal steepness tory and found it to be 20% as effective as epi‑off. A
(Kmax). On average, studies report a Kmax reduction number of subsequent reports have concluded similar
of approximately 2.00 D, resulting in improved visual decreases in efficacy. On the contrary, there are a few
small, published studies that suggest epi‑on is at least as that the group’s UV light source and riboflavin formula-
efficacious as epi‑off. The results of these epi‑on CXL tion are proprietary and much of their data is yet to be
studies are listed in Table 2. There is also a very large, published. At present, all published long-term data have
multicenter, nonrandom, prospective, research effort un- been performed with epi‑off procedures. Further clinical
derway in the United States that cites excellent initial re- studies with longer follow-up and randomized controls
sults. The CXL‑USA Study Group supports that epi‑on are required to ascertain the efficacy of epi‑on CXL as it
CXL provides patients with equivalent or superior out- compares to the current standard of epi‑off CXL.
comes to epi‑off CXL while causing significantly less
pain and healing time. The study group has treated pa- TECHNIQUES FOR THE THIN CORNEA
tients as young as 9 and has even found benefit in treat- Many patients with advanced keratoconus have corneas
ing patients more than 35. Readers should be mindful that are under the threshold for treatment (<400 µm
but rather, uses minimal laser ablation to resurface and CXL IN COMBINATION WITH PTK. In another tech-
normalize the irregular cornea by removing no more nique variation, laser phototherapeutic keratectomy
than 50 µm of tissue. The goal is to improve BCVA with (PTK) has been used to remove the epithelium prior
a flatter and more regular corneal surface while halt- to CXL. By using the patient’s epithelium as a mask-
ing the ectasia with CXL. A number of case series have ing agent and with the understanding that the epithe-
repeated the Athens protocol with encouraging results lium is thinnest above the steepest point of the cornea,
and demonstrated safety (see Table 3); however, the un- the premise is to take advantage of the smoothing and
orthodox procedure remains quite contentious amongst normalizing effect of PTK to achieve better visual out-
leading experts. Larger, longer, prospective, randomized comes. An excimer laser is used to remove the anterior
studies establishing safety and efficacy are needed to 50 µm of surface tissue, including the epithelium. At a
validate the results of these studies. For now, extra cau- depth of 50 µm in a keratoconic eye, a small amount
tion and explicit informed consent is warranted when of the stroma and anterior cone is ablated, effectively
considering this procedure for patients. flattening and levelling out the cone. Initial studies have
reported lowered mean refractive spherical equivalent Corneal collagen crosslinking has ushered fundamen-
(MRSE) and better visual outcomes but longer term, tal changes in the treatment of keratoconus and kera-
follow‑up studies with larger patient series are necessary tectatic conditions. CXL treatment can stabilize these
to properly evaluate outcomes of this combination. diseases, allowing patients to preserve or improve their
vision and possibly delay or obviate the need for cor-
neal transplantation. Long-term studies continue to be
an era of antimicrobial resistance, there has been added
carried out to confirm the lasting effects of CXL and
emphasis in finding agents that can eradicate microbes
combined treatment modalities such as with PRK, PTK
with limited side effects. The known antimicrobial prop-
or intrastromal corneal ring segments. Questions about
erties of activated riboflavin have been widely leveraged
rates of re-treatment and definitions of progression in
in the past to disinfect blood products and inactivate
patients treated for 10 years and beyond still need to be
viruses. In vitro experiments have also demonstrated
addressed. Further modifications to the treatment pro-
the bactericidal effect of CXL. Subsequently, a num-
tocol with epithelial-on techniques and adjustments in
ber of reports have surfaced in which CXL is used to
UVA light delivery will lead to increased patient com-
treat multi- drug resistant infectious keratitis. Of the
fort and decreased surgical risks associated with the
published data, nearly all report a reduction in pain,
ulceration, and healing time in a wide array of bacte-
rial, fungal and Acanthamoeba organisms. Moreover,
the stiffening effect of CXL increases resistance to en- Aaron Chan, OD, is an MD candidate at the University
zymatic degradation, which has been demonstrated to of Toronto Medical School and is a Doctor of Optom-
halt corneal melt. Worth noting is that the majority of etry at Downtown Eye Associates, Toronto, Canada.
these cases are severe, and many eventually require cor-
Clara C. Chan MD, FRCSC, FACS, is an assistant pro-
neal transplant from significant scarring. Though this
fessor in the Department of Ophthalmology and Vision
potential application is exciting, published literature
Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
is mostly anecdotal and randomized clinical trials are
needed to define appropriate criteria. Until more data is
established, CXL for infectious keratitis should be ap-
proached with caution.
Clinicians’ Corner provides additional viewpoints on the subject covered
in this issue of Focal Points. Consultants have been invited by the
Editorial Review Board to respond to questions posed by the Academy’s
Practicing Ophthalmologists Advisory Committee for Education. While
the advisory committee reviews the modules, consultants respond
without reading the module or one another’s response. –Ed.
1. Do you prefer epithelial-on or epithelial-off treat- stiffening effect that occurs. Remember, it is always pos-
ment for corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL)? sible to offer epi‑off treatment if there is progression af-
ter epi‑on treatment.
>>>Dr. Güell: Today, despite the obvious advantages
of leaving the epithelium untouched (postoperative risk
and subjective complaints), I still prefer an epithelial-
off procedure with the classical protocol in my stan- 2. Can patients with thinner corneas (<400 µm) re-
dard CXL treatments. The available data of riboflavin ceive CXL safely? How do you modify your tech-
stromal distribution through an intact epithelium is still nique for a thinner cornea?
quite debatable and inconsistent. On the other hand,
and together with other investigators, we are exploring >>>Dr. Güell: Again, available data on this item is
the epithelial‑on iontophoresis technique (particularly quite confusing. I still recommend CXL with the stan-
in our older patients) because it looks like that, although dard epithelium- off protocol in cases with central
slightly reduced, the penetration of riboflavin through pachymetry between 375–400 µm using hyposmotic ri-
this approach is quite homogeneous throughout the cor- boflavin preparations. We should take into account that
neal stroma. these unstable thin corneas would only have, as a sec-
ondary option, a keratoplasty approach. Thus, it makes
>>>Dr. Stulting: We have been performing CXL for sense to test a not-so-invasive procedure first.
7 years as investigators for 3 different clinical trials,
treating over 400 eyes using both epi‑off and epi‑on pro- >>>Dr. Stulting: For the past 1 1/2 years, we have
tocols. Although we have not had any cases of severe, been performing epi‑on CXL under a protocol that al-
significant visual loss, we have seen sterile infiltrates lows treatment of corneas as thin as 250 µm. We have
and subepithelial scarring due to persistent epithelial de- actually treated corneas with a thickness in the low
fects with epi‑off treatments. Epi‑off protocols result in 300 µm range without complications. During our early
greater discomfort, lengthier visual recovery, and more years of performing CXL, we instilled artificial tears
frequent follow-up examinations than epi‑on protocols. and asked patients to sit with their eyes closed when the
On the other hand, epi‑on treatments probably do not corneal thickness was less than 400 µm after saturation
stiffen the cornea as much as epi‑off treatments do. with riboflavin. This method causes rapid swelling of
The key to obtaining good results with epi‑on treat- the cornea so that treatment can be begun on a cornea
ment, I believe, is to obtain good saturation by effective thicker than 400 µm typically in only a few minutes.
enhancers in the riboflavin solution, mild mechanical
epithelial disruption during saturation, slit lamp verifi-
cation of adequate riboflavin penetration, not applying
3. What age limits are recommended for CXL? Do
riboflavin during light treatment, and greater fluence.
Nobody knows how much stiffening is “enough” for these limits change depending on the reason for
any given patient, but I believe the increased safety of treatment (eg, keratoconus, postrefractive ectasia)?
epi‑on CXL more than compensates for any reduced
>>>Dr. Güell: I do not consider any age limit nor dif- >>>Dr. Güell: My limited experience using CXL in
ferences between primary or secondary ectasia for my severe cases of infectious keratitis unresponsive to the
CXL indication. I only consider refractive-topographic conventional topical treatment has been extremely sat-
instability or progression in primary and secondary isfactory. There were 3 cases of infectious keratitis, sev-
cases. Age might be an issue when recommending CXL eral months apart, 2 caused by Pseudomonas and 1 by
without demonstrating this instability or progression. Acanthamoeba. In 1 of the pseudomonas cases, amni-
In these very young patients, I recommend CXL before otic membrane transplantation was applied immediately
these signs are topographically obvious if I consider the after the CXL treatment. All cases responded very well,
risk of progression to be high. stopping the active process in less than 1 week. Several
groups are investigating the effect of CXL early in the
>>>Dr. Stulting: Having seen the results of CXL in management of infectious keratitis. Although the results
my own hands and reading the international literature, have not yet been published, preliminary results look
I now believe that CXL is the procedure of choice for quite promising.
keratoconus at the time of diagnosis for young patients,
regardless of patient age. Because CXL is a relatively >>>Dr. Stulting: I have no experience in treating in-
safe treatment, particularly with epithelium on, and fectious keratitis with CXL.
progression of keratoconus so likely, I do not believe
it is in the best interest of a young patient to wait for
demonstrated progression before offering CXL. On the
other end of the spectrum is the older patient, whom we 6. What is your experience with CXL in combina-
initially believed might not benefit from CXL because tion with photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and
of the natural stiffening of the cornea that occurs with intrastromal corneal ring segments (ICRS)?
age. We have now seen not only stabilization of disease,
but improvement in vision in older patients. Based on >>>Dr. Güell: I started relatively late with the combi-
these observations and the safety of epi‑on CXL, I be- nation of PRK and CXL because I needed to see long-
lieve the upper age limit for CXL treatment should be term results from other groups first. Finally, during
up to 60 years of age. the last 3 years, I have been using such a combination
in 2 groups of patients with very good results: forme
fruste keratoconus with low ametropia (<3.00 D of SE)
in those patients seeking or refractive surgery and in
4. What major contraindications exist for CXL? those progressive keratoconic eyes with low ametropia
(<3.00 D of SE). I recommend doing both procedures at
>>>Dr. Güell: From a clinical point of view and beside the same time, starting with the PRK, and my favorite
the corneal thickness limitation, the only major contra- approach is the topography-guided transepithelial tech-
indications are a history of recent active ocular surface nique for PRK, in order to precisely try to correct the
herpetic disease or allergy to riboflavin. irregular component of the topography.
Regarding the combination with ICRS, I am recom-
>>>Dr. Stulting: Patients with very thin corneas that mending CXL after ICRS implantation only in kerato-
might receive endothelial damage from CXL and corneal
conic eyes that show progression, accepting the practical
scarring that would prevent the patient from obtaining
limitations in evaluating progression in these cases.
acceptable vision are contraindications to CXL. I believe
that the original recommendation that CXL with the >>>Dr. Stulting: I have no experience with CXL in
Dresden protocol should not be performed on corneas combination with PRK and ICRS.
less than 400 µm in thickness may be overly conserva-
tive. It is certainly overly conservative for epi‑on treat-
ments as we are now performing. We are not certain,
however, what the minimum safe limit of corneal thick- 7. What is the re-treatment rate for CXL? Is the ef-
ness for epi‑on CXL might be. This question will only fect of the surgery stable?
be answered when we gain more experience with CXL.
>>>Dr. Güell: After 7 years of standard protocol
epithelium-off CXL and with more than 300 eyes oper-
ated on, I have re‑treated only because of progression of
5. What is your experience with CXL in treating the ectasia in one case. In most series, the re‑treatment
infectious keratitis? What other future indications rate is very low, although I presume that groups us-
might apply for the CXL modality? ing transepithelial techniques and shorter treatment
9. What are the alternatives to treat progressive José L. Güell, MD, is director of the Cornea and Re-
keratoconus, and when should crosslinking be fractive Surgery Unit at the “Instituto de Microcirugia
considered? Ocular de Barcelona” and an associate professor of oph-
thalmology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona
>>>Dr. Güell: There is today no other treatment but in Barcelona, Spain.
CXL to treat progression in keratoconic eyes. It has
been described in several published series, including R. Doyle Stulting, MD, PhD, is cofounder of the Stult-
ours, that ICRS might stabilize in a significant number ing Research Center at Woolfson Eye Institute and a
of cases of progression but they should not be used for practicing ophthalmologist in Atlanta, Georgia.