GTE Micro Project 4th Sem

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Select a soil sample from given on which contains more clay particle has greater
saturated unit weight, has a greater dry unit weight, has a greater void ratio.

1.0 Brief introduction :-


Soil is defined as the sediment or other unconsolidated accumulation of the solid

particle by physical and chemical disintegration of rock

In engineer language mixture of mineral and rock, derived from chemical and
mechanical weathering of rock is known as soil.

Soil formation mainly take place due to mechanical disintegration or chemical

decomposition of rock whenever get exposed to atmosphere, it is acted by various
weathering agencies and it gets disintegrates or decomposed in a small particle and
the it is converted into soil.

2.0 Aim of Micro project:-

Select a soil sample from given on which contains more clay particle has greater saturated
unit weight, has a greater dry unit weight, has a greater void ratio.

3.0 Action Plan:-

Sr. Details of activity Planed Planed Name of responsible team

No start finished member
date date
1 Selection Of Topic Of Micro 29/12/20 07/01201 Shrikant Bopche
project And Matching Of Cos 18 9
With Topic
2 Collect the information about the 10/01/20 25/01/20 Abhay Raut
topic 19 19
3 Prepare format about micro project 30/01/10 15/02/20 Shushil Bhoyar
19 19

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4.0 Resources required:-
Sr. Name of Specification Quantity Remark
No. resource/material
1 Soil sample 2000gm - -
2 pan - 1 -
3 Water 200ml - -
4 Refrene book Prof. Nishant Upadhye -

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Select a soil sample from given on which contains more clay particle has greater
saturated unit weight, has a greater dry unit weight, has a greater void ratio.

1.0 Brief Description:-

In natural soil the three phases are intermixed. To aid analysis it is convenient to consider a
soil model in which the three phases are seen as separate but still in their correct proportion.


This is due to considering different weights such as weight of only soil solids, weight of soil
solid, and water etc. and also due to different volume.

Dry unit weight:-

It is defined as weight of soil solid (Ws) per unit total volume of the soil mass (V).

Thus, 𝜸=

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Saturated unit weight:-

It is defined as weight of fully saturated soil (Wsat) per unit volume of that fully saturated soil
mass (Vs).

Thus, 𝜸𝒔𝒂𝒕 = 𝑽𝒔

Void ratio:-

The ratio of volume of void (Vv=Va+Vw) to the total volume (V) of the solids called as void

Thus, 𝓮 = 𝑽𝒔
The void ratio is generally expressed as a decimal fraction.

3.0 Aim of Micro-project:-

Select a soil sample from given on which contains more clay particle has greater saturated
unit weight, has a greater dry unit weight, has a greater void ratio.

4.0 Course Outcomes Integrated:-

Compute optimum value for moisture content for maximum dry density of soil
through various tests.

5.0 Actual Procedure Followed:-

take about 2kg of de-aired soil passing through sieve 20mm in tray.

Add about 4% water to the soil and mix thoroughly with trowel and cover it mixing of water
with soil

Note dimension of proctor mould, collar and base plate.

Apply a thin film of grease on inside of the mould

Fix the mould to the base plate with the help of wing nuts, place collar on the mould.

To determine the proctor density till the soil in mould in three equal layer 25 blows to each
layer using standard hammer.

Collect the sample from middle of the mould for water cotent determination.

Repeat step 5 to 10 time fresh sample of same oil with addition 3 to 4 %

Calculate dry unit weight and saturated unit weight.

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6.0 Actual Resources Used:-

Sr. Name of Specification Quantity Remark

No. resource/material
1 Soil sample 2000gm - -
2 pan - 1 -
3 Water 200ml - -
4 Proctor tools 10cm diameter 1 -

7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects:-

The porosity of soil sample is 35%

Specific gravity is 2.7


1) Void ratio
2) Dry unit weight
3) Saturated unit weight

1) Void ratio

Relation between porosity and void ratio

𝓮 = 𝟏−𝓷
𝓮 = void ratio
𝓃 = porosity

𝓃 = 100

𝓮= 𝟑𝟓 = 𝟎. 𝟓𝟑𝟖

𝓮 = 𝟎. 𝟓𝟑𝟖

2) Dry unit weight

𝛄 𝐆𝐲𝐰
𝐝 =

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𝛄 𝟐.𝟕 𝒈
𝐝 = =𝟏.𝟕𝟓𝟓 ⁄ 𝟑
𝟏.𝟓𝟑𝟖 𝒄𝒎

4) Saturated unit weight

𝜸𝒔𝒂𝒕 = (𝑮+𝒆)𝜸𝒘

𝛄 𝟐.𝟕+𝟎.𝟓𝟑𝟖 𝐠
𝐬𝐚𝐭 = =𝟐.𝟏𝟎𝟓 ⁄ 𝟑
𝟏.𝟓𝟑𝟖 𝐜𝐦

8.0 Skill Developed:-

o Increase the field knowledge.

o Measurement skill is increase.
o We determine the water content of soil mass.
o We know the void ratio at summer as well as winter.

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