Upsc Interview Transcript
Upsc Interview Transcript
Upsc Interview Transcript
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 3
Having cleared Mains, you are both delighted and You will be interviewed by a Board who will have
frightened as to what the interview would be like! before them a record of your career. You’ll be asked
What preparation will help you crack the interview questions on matters of general interest. The tech-
and post a winning score? Speculations abound and nique of the interview is not that of a strict cross
there seems no definite clue. You reel under confusion examination but of a natural, though directed and
and grow further uncertain. Just don’t worry. That’s purposive conversation, intended to reveal your
something very natural. Hold your breath. Relax. Read mental qualities. It is not intended to be a test
on. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. either of the specialised or general knowledge
which has already been tested through the writ-
The technique of the interview is not that of a strict
cross examination but of a natural, though directed
ten examination. You are expected to have taken
an intelligent interest not only in your special
and purposive conversation that is intended to reveal
your mental qualities9540528336,9540467939 subjects of academic study but also in the events
which are happening around you both within and
The object of this interview is to assess your personal outside the country. You are also expected to be
suitability for a career in Public Service by a board aware of the modern currents of thought and new
of competent and unbiased observers. The test is in- discoveries which rouse the curiosity of every well
tended to judge your mental calibre. In broad terms educated youth.
it is really an assessment of not only the intellectual
qualities but also the social traits and interest in What the Board members are
current affairs. Some of the qualities to be judged looking for?
are mental alertness. Critical powers of assim-
ilation. Clear and logical exposition. Balance In this context, I am reminded of an anecdote from
of judgement. Variety and depth of interest. Shiv Khera’s best-seller, You Can Win. “There was
Ability for social cohesion and leadership. And a man who made a living selling balloons at a
intellectual and moral integrity. fair. He had all colours of balloons, including red,
yellow, blue, and green. Whenever business was
Having pointed out the object of the interview it slow, he would release a helium filled balloon into
would certainly be pertinent to provide some hints the air and when the children saw it go up, they all
about facing the Board. I know, giving advise is easy, wanted to buy one. They would come up to him,
acting upon them is rather difficult. Remember, inter- buy a balloon, and his sales would go up again.
view is a test of personality which you build over the He continued this process all day. One day he felt
years, not over days or months. To me, guiding for the someone tugging at his jacket. He turned around
interview is like guiding somebody to prepare for life. and saw a little boy who asked, “If you release a
Obviously, there can be no short cuts, at least I don’t black balloon, would that also fly?” Moved by the
know of one. Remember again! There is no magic boy’s concern, the man replied with empathy, “Son,
wand for success in life as also in the interview. It’s it is not the colour of the balloon, it is what is inside
the lifetime preparation that pays in the ultimate run. that makes it go up.”
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4 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
It is what is ‘inside’ that matters. The thing inside of you don’t. Never lie. Never be arrogant. Never get
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
us that makes us go up in life is our attitude. If we into arguments with the Board members. Never ap-
can build a positive attitude towards life and any- pear casual. And never-ever lose your temper. They
thing that we do, it provides a solid foundation for each carry a hundred negative marks!!
success. That is precisely what the country needs:
Remember! The Board members are people with tre-
Officers with the right attitude to take up the chal-
mendous experience. They would be at least double
lenge of nation building and fight the evils of cor-
your age. The amount of their experience is unfath-
ruption, poverty, ignorance, communalism, casteism
omable. You just can’t dodge them. The only key to
and nepotism. Today, great value is attached to
success is to be your natural self.
upholding the fundamental premises of democratic
polity as secularism, social justice and human rights,
upon which the survival and sustenance of India as How do they test you?
a nation rests. In the preceeding paragraphs I tried outlining the
basic traits that are likely to be probed in the inter-
It pays to be view. Now one must think and anticipate as to how
this probe is likely to be operationalised. The process
• confident but not complacent is analogous to what is called reverse engineering,
• firm but not stubborn where a finished product is disassembled step-by-
step in order to ascertain the process of assembly of
• assertive but not argumentative
the end product. During the interview, this process is
• pragmatic but not idealistic carried out on the basis of information available to
• courteous but not submissive the board members.
• bold but not foolhardy The basic source of the information available to
them is the Mains’ application form filled in by you,
• upright but not arrogant
• comfortable but not casual
containing the details of your family background,
domicile, subjects of study, academic performance,
• critical but not conceiting institutions attended, awards won, hobbies, inter-
ests, extra-curricular activities, service preferences,
• witty but not farcical
job experience etc. Remember to keep a copy of the
• proud but not egoistic form. If you haven’t, try reconstructing. The personal
• cool but not content details furnished by you in the form, provide the
initial stimulus to the interview. These also provide
• committed but not beseeching vital clues to the personality traits they are looking
for. Your past performance and record of career is
What constitutes positive attitude? believed to be a reasonably good predictor of the fu-
ture, though not the only one.
People with a positive attitude are honest. Upright.
Sincere. Hardworking. Committed. Enthusiastic. As I see it, the process of unveiling the personality
Confident. Tolerant. Optimistic. Innovative. Patient. traits is in four stages. The Board usually begins by
Humble. Generous. Courteous. Polite. Sensitive. asking questions on what you would be most com-
Open to ideas. Willing to own up mistakes. And fortable with, i.e. about yourself. Gradually they
learn from them. They do what they enjoy. And en- widen the net and put questions relating to your spe-
joy what must be done. They have a clear vision of cial subjects of study. Further they test your higher
things to come. faculties of analysis and decision making by putting
questions on matters of general interest, espe-
There are no quick-fix methods of developing these cially current social, political and economic issues.
qualities and traits. But they are the ones that lay Finally they pin you down by asking some critical
the foundation of a strong character and a powerful
personality. And only conscious effort can help build
Never pretend to know what you don’t. Never lie.
them. If you don’t have these, they will show up on Never be arrogant. Never get into arguments with
your face. If you don’t feel for the stand that you the Board members. Never appear casual. And never-
take, the interviewers can smell. If you lack convic- ever lose your temper. They each carry a hundred
tion they can sense. So, never pretend to know what negative marks!!
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 5
questions to test your balance of judgement and applied nature. The contemporary issues, specially
particular political party, using religious sentiments, over them! And let us know too.
to rouse the feelings of the electorate, be banned?
The Civil Services examination is one of the toughest
Can we combat corruption in public life? Should we
and its interview, the most rigorous of all conducted
have reservation for backward classes in jobs? Why
in the country. And by people who have excelled in
you want to be an IAS officer? There is a big fire
their respective fields. Before your interview begins,
and a riot in two corners of the District where you
each of the Board members would have read through
are the District Magistrate. Where would you prefer
your bio-data and have had a mental image of your
to go first ? Your minister asks you to do something
personality. If you prove to be better than what they
off the record. Would you? These and many such
had expected, it’s your day. If you don’t. Never mind.
other questions, I repeat, are to test your balance of
The road to success does not end here...
judgment, honesty, integrity and uprightness. There
The Civil Services interview is essentially a test of may ask a question to judge a candidate’s secular
the candidate’s personality rather than knowledge. credentials. Therefore one should not only be careful
Presumably, knowledge is an integral part of a ma- about the view one presents but also about the infer-
ture personality. Keeping this in mind it would be ad- ences it may lead to.
visable to avoid an overfactual performance in front
of the interview Board. Instead, what is desirable is The perception that one should always stick to the
to use facts and figures, once in a while, to supple-
ment one’s analysis of issues. What is expected out
middle ground is wholly untrue. In fact it adds up
to one’s performance if one can take a stand and
support it
of a mature personality is a capability to coherently
argue on an issue without contradicting oneself and
A candidate for the Civil Services interview is not
at the same time being able to draw it towards a log- expected to be a veritable storehouse of informa-
ical conclusion. One should have a knack of looking tion. Rather, one should have the courage to own
at issues, events and happenings in entirety rather up one’s ignorance on certain issues. A candidate
than getting entangled in factual details. should try to master the art of giving direction to
A popular perception among many aspirants is the the interview as it would definitely ensure a good
view that one should always stick to the middle performance. Most of the time the Chairman, as
ground. This is wholly untrue. In fact it adds up to the initiator, and the members, as interjectors, give
one’s performance if one can take up a stand and a totally new direction to the interview by adding
logically support it. However, on issues like corrup- up alien issues but subsequent conversation largely
tion etc. one should not get into mentioning names. depends on the candidate’s answers. In this context
Overtly political statements should also be avoided. one should have the knack of steering the interview
towards one’s own terrain. However, even in such
The role of a civil servant is to serve the political
cases academic technicalities are to be shunned. In
master over the span of one’s professional career
fact, the faculty of presenting complex and highly
and it must be an informed one. At the same time
technical issues in simple and lucid language would
it should also exhibit the traits of flexibility, empa-
ensure a good score. Flowery language should be an
thy, practicality and pragmatism. Keeping this in
absolute no-no. One should focus more on the con-
mind one should avoid taking ideological posturing.
tent while keeping the presentation simple, precise
Awareness of political ideologies is required but cer-
and clear.
tainly not an overt leaning towards any party ideol-
ogy. Mind you, in India a civil servant is not expected If the Board questions the candidate on sticky situa-
to make his political choice public. However, there tions where one is asked to do something which is
is an emphasis on character traits such as integrity, clearly immoral, the best way would be to imagine
and commitment to the constitutional goals and ob- oneself as a Civil Servant in the service of the nation.
jectives. In this regard, for example, a Board member This would enable him to come out with a practical
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 7
and pragmatic stand. For example, a candidate was You can learn a line from a win
I write this piece, so that Civil Services aspirants, by the fear of what would happen next. Positive
specially those appearing for the interview, may mental makeup goes a long way in making the task
benefit from my experience. It is in no way intended at hand easier to tackle.
to be an expert opinion but at the same time it is
Coming to the crux of the matter, the preparation
my conviction that this endeavour of mine and your
for an interview for Civil Services by its very nature
efforts would not go in vain, if you would pause to
makes it a long-drawn process. It not only involves
take a cue from my experience.
planned study but also the conscious and uncon-
While preparing for the interview I had the oppor- scious training of mind. However, this process of
tunity to read through the advise given by some training of mind and gathering of requisite skills
successful candidates. Having read, I felt, they should become a conscious effort right from the
were making the whole exercise complicated. Ac- day a person decides to take this examination. One
cording to them, success in the interview requires a should try to inculcate basic values of life — hon-
herculean effort. Descriptive references about the esty, compassion, social responsibility, positive at-
interview as ‘battle’, ‘war’ and ‘matter of life and titude, among many more things which are neither
death’ have been made. These often create fear in hard to discern nor difficult to inculcate. This exer-
the minds of the aspirants and hamper the prepa- cise would infuse into one’s personality, qualities
ration. At the same time they destroy their confi- that are expected of an administrator. A candidate’s
dence level. personality should exude confidence, sound judge-
ment, dynamism, modern approach and receptive
I am of the opinion that on getting an interview call
attitude. To my mind, in a developing country like
one should be bubbling with confidence, euphoric in
India where a lot has to be done and undone, it is
thought and determined to grab the long awaited op-
important that an administrator should be devoted,
portunity. The candidate should not be bogged down
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8 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
sensitive, committed, hard working and above all a background among others. Brush-up your knowl-
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
visionary. In this age of rapid and abrupt changes edge. It would do well to remember that in this
one should have the vision to foresee things. It is leg of preparation thinking is more important than
essentially these qualities which should broadly be reading. Read only as much as can be assimilated.
reflected in your personality during the interview. A lot of time should be devoted structuring to your
thoughts. Take as many mock interviews as you can.
Focused preparation should start just after the It should be serious and very near a simulation ex-
Mains. A Xerox of the Mains form would show
ercise. You can also ask questions to yourself and
the areas to be thorough with and the others to be
answer them. Take lead for the next question from
touched upon
what you’ve answered. Don’t unnecessarily exert to
Focused preparation for the interview should start add to your information base. Instead consolidate
just after the Main examination. It is advisable to what you know. The obvious questions and issues
have a xerox of the Main form, so that one exactly should be well thought and thrashed out. Choice of
knows the areas one should be thorough with and words is also very important. They reveal important
the others which should be touched upon. For ex- traits of one’s personality. At the same time, it im-
ample, if you are a History student and travelling is proves presentation.
your hobby and if you have visited Madurai, it is ex- Our greatest glory is not in never failing
pected that you know the architectural pattern of the but in rising each and every time we fail
Meenakshi temple and the river on which the city is
situated. Remember, bulk of the questions in the in-
terview will be based on your bio-data. As such one Success is to be measured not so much by the
should be cautious while filling up the Main form. Do position that one has reached in life as by the
not try to put in unnecessary information in the bio- obstacles
data section. It will only enlarge the area from which which he has overcome while trying to succeed
questions could be put to you. Booker T Washington
One could start by reading basic books on subjects Be Strong!
like foreign policy, economic reforms, administration, It matters not how deep entrenched the wrong
insurgency, information technology etc. Any latest
book of relevance and meaning to the country, like How hard the battle goes, the day how long
VISION 2020 by Abdul Kalam is advised to be read. Faint not – fight on!
One should keep abreast of the latest happenings Tomorrow comes the song
and devour the newspapers regularly. However, mere Maltbie D Babcock
reading is of no consequence. Try forming opinion on
Never give in! Never give in! Never, never, never...
matters of national— social, economic and political
importance. Your readings on the subject, knowledge In nothing great or small, large or petty, never give
base and fruitful discussions with friends and col- in
leagues will go a long way in making your opinion bal- except to convictions or honour and good sense!
anced, sound and pragmatic. Reading and discussions Sir Winston Churchill
will help you see things in a broader perspective.
It’s the steady, constant driving to the goal for
On getting an interview call, the nature of prepara- which you
tion should change. Make an exhaustive list of top- are striving, not the speed with which you travel,
ics which need to be covered. It should necessarily
that will make your victory sure
include current developments/events, hobbies and
interests, matters relating to home state and home Anonymous
state per se, institutions attended and educational
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 9
Facing the Interview
to say. By telling them flatly that it is your view and Other Checklists
I cannot agree, you are asking for trouble. Try out
• Remember to greet the lady members of the board.
gentle ways to put your view across the table. You
Also remember to thank them after the interview
can tell them while you are true another angle to the is over.
issue can be this. If you come up with a relatively
new opinion on the subject, anticipate counter ques- • Use minimal hand movements.
tion by telling them conventional views on the topic • P ush the chair back if it is placed too close to the
and then you can start off. table. Do not drag the chair by pulling its arms.
• Remember to be always polite.
How to avoid unnecessary debates? • Wear your watch.
In case of counter-questions, take the opportunity
• Interview usually starts at 10 am, nearly an hour
and patiently explain yourself. If any argument
after one has entered the hall. 4-5 candidates
starts, take care and listen to the board’s point of are interviewed by a board in one session
view. Analyse and gauge the situation. If they are (forenoon and afternoon sessions). This hour
persisting, be flexible to accept what they are say- is utilised in checking your original documents
ing. During such difficult times keep you body lan- and collecting photos and attested copies of the
guage pleasant so that you give no impression that certificates.
you are accepting their answers under duress. • Check out the placement of the board’s room.
• Feel relaxed inside the hall.
Do I need to be defensive?
• C arry all the documents required. UPSC sends a
While there is a need to accept other person’s point
list of documents that are required. Ensure that
of view, don’t be defensive. Explain what you know they are ready a day before the interview.
and if you are still cornered, accept your limitations,
but don’t counter-punch by using such phrases as it’s • Keep photographs in sufficient numbers.
not good anyway…your objection is still not valid
anyway…it is a useless task …I already told you
• H
ave sufficient photostate and attested copies of
all your documents. Many times candidates forget
the same thing. photographs and attested copies. You must carry
your original certificates too.
Do you feel intimidated? • Carry a pen.
We feel intimidated because we are not sure of our- • Ladies should avoid wearing any bold ornaments.
selves and there is this feeling that the other side • L ast but not the least, remember to collect your
knows all the answers. You very well know this is a letter for the medical test before you leave the hall.
false assumption and you may be a fool to believe
this. Some candidates face the embarrassment of
being caught in their answer. First mantra to avoid
this is: never lie. It is suicidal and even one lie can
irreparably damage your chances. If you are giving occasions, without thinking and lose the chance to
opinion on anything, be as logical and persuasive as engage. Don’t get in the habit of thinking that time
possible. There is nothing right or wrong about such is running out. Remember, quizzing and interview are
answers and your answer can be as good or as bad two different ball games and need to be played dif-
as theirs. ferently.
What is the value of patience? How can I make the interview different?
Many a time we behave stupidly on dinner table Remember Shiv Khera. The punch line of his famous
thinking our turn would never come. Hence, we book is ‘winners do not do different things, but do
move too fast. If only we could wait long enough things differently’. What you need to do is to plan
to see how much food is wasted after dinners. The your strategy and try to gain forethought of what
moral of the story is, we commit an answer, on many your interviewers want of you. In common parlance,
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 11
this is called developing chemistry. If you are suc- Where do I look when I answer?
calm. All this might not win you extra points, but the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life
definitely help you not to lose one.
by a conscious endeavour
I am asked very difficult question. Henry David Thoreau
When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a
What do I do? stonecutter
Trust your instincts. Our brain works at lightning
hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred
speed. We kill its functioning by looking for a stan-
times without
dard answer. At difficult times, trust your instinct. It
might save your day. If not, say sorry and move on. as much as a crack showing in it.
Having given your interview, the final exit lines you Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two,
utter and the mood you create at the end are very and I know it was not that blow that did it,
important. Even supposedly you have done badly, but all that had gone before
leave with eagerness and excitement. Don’t put up
Jacob Riis
a long face. Take it in your stride. Reversibly, if you
have done well, don’t get excited. Maintain equa- “Brave admiral, say but one good word:
nimity and calm at all conditions. In general, try to What shall we do when hope is gone?” The words
leave behind positive thoughts. It is during this time leapt
that they put those vital marks. Thus, on second
like a leaping sword: “Sail on! Sail on! and on!”
thoughts, they must surely think positively on the
way you behaved inside the hall. Joaquin Miller
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 13
Educational Qualifications
Exam Institution Year
Xth Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj 2002
ATUL International
PHOTOSTAT Baccalaureate Program, 2004
Graduation (Eco Hons)
American School of Warsaw, Poland
St Stephen’s College, Delhi University 2007
PG (Eco) Delhi School of Economics, DU 2009
Services preferences: IAS, IFS only
Earlier selections in Competitive examinations (including Civil Services exam):
2011- Reserve List 2012- Rank 240, IPS
Job experiences :
Assistant Manager, Citi (Global Decision Management)
Assistant Professor (Economics), Lakshmi Bai College, Delhi University
IPS (Probationer), Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad
Prizes, Medals, Scholarships: CBSE Merit certificate for English for being in top 0.1% of students
passing the exam, DPS, 2002.
US President’s Award for excellence in Academics, American School of Warsaw, 2004.
Award for Creativity Action and Service, American School of Warsaw, 2004.
CAS Scholarship, Delhi School of Economics, 2007-08.
Hobbies/Interests: Reading fiction
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14 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
My Interview teaching made me more thorough with my subject,
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
I wore a white suit and churidaar with chikan work and I developed a larger reading base while teaching.
for the interview. I read the newspaper on the way I realized during the teaching experience that you
to UPSC. I think I was the fourth in line for Shri AP have to study more as a teacher, than you do as a
Singh Sir’s board. I knew he was an IPS officer, and student. Madam agreed wholeheartedly with this. I
the former CBI Director, so I was expecting some also said that while under IPS training, I engaged in
questions related to policing, given my current job. outdoor activities which I probably would not have
But at the same time, I did not want to go in with done otherwise, like firing (which I turned out to be
any pre conceived notions or assumptions. I talked rather good at) or horse-riding, etc. So I have gained
a bit with fellow candidates while we were waiting from both the experiences.
for our respective turns. The lady member also stated that the common man
I went in with a smile when I was called, and wished is very hesitant to approach the police, and asked
all the members. I was asked to take a seat. The me what I would do about this once I go to my
first question came from AP Singh Sir, who asked district. I confessed that it was unfortunately true,
me if I was teaching at Delhi University at the time. and that me and several of my IPS batchmates had
I explained I was, when I filled the DAF, but that I never been to a police station before getting through
was currently undergoing IPS Training at SVPNPA, this service. I spoke of how interaction between
Hyderabad. He asked me about the debate between public and police (community policing) could help. I
Jagdish Bhagwati and Amartya Sen, which I spoke also told madam that as part of my IPS training in
of in fine details. Then he asked me for my opinion Hyderabad , I had observed that having a reception
on which approach I found better, and why. I area at every Police station can make the police
answered that while poverty ratio in India in terms seem more approachable. Also, I recommended
of HCR was only around 22%, but more than higher representation of women in police, as it is
50% population is multidimensionally poor (as per currently a miserable 5%
Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative).
Next, I was asked about my hobbies (Reading and
Therefore, a comprehensive view like Amartya Sen’s
cooking). They asked me to name my favorite authors.
capability approach seemed more suitable in the
I said my favorites were Gabriel Garcia Marquez,
Indian context. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Amitav Ghosh and that
One of the board members asked me about I was then reading the novel “And the mountains
whether entry of foreign universities in India was echoed” by Khaled Hosseini. He asked me if that
a good idea, to which I replied in the affirmative. was the author who wrote about Afghanistan, and
He contradicted me by saying it would lead to an whether I had read his other novels. I replied in the
influx of mediocre/below average universities and affirmative to both the questions, naming his other
that the best professors would not come to teach novels. Then he asked me if I knew of an Indian
here. To this, I replied that we only intend to let author who wrote on the same subject, but I said I
them in if they pass certain minimum standards in did not recollect having read any such novel.
terms of internationally recognized ranking systems. Then the board went on to my next hobby, cooking,
Moreover, we could use multimedia as a means of and asked me what I liked cooking. I said I basically
communication effectively even if some professors liked preparing desserts, like ice-cream, different
are unable to come here to teach. types of halwas, rasgullas, rasmalai, chhenamurgi,
He also asked me a question on demographic and a few others, at which all the board members
transition, and I spoke of the window of opportunity started laughing loudly. So did I, blushing a bit. Sir
we have at present, in terms of a sizeable young asked me if these were healthy options, to which I
population. I talked about how it could either prove said they are if one can go for portion control, because
to be a resource or a burden, and that India would starving yourself off desserts wasn’t a great idea. He
have to invest substantially in human capital, in asked me what the concept of Michelin restaurants
building an educated, healthy, skilled labour force, if is, which I defined. He asked me if I knew of Michelin
we are to use this window of opportunity, which will restaurants in Delhi, and I said I did not.
only be open for a short while. The next member asked me if a certain technological
The lady member asked me how I found teaching innovation would undermine human capability,
to be different from police training. I explained that at which I started explaining how technology is a
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 15
double edged sword, quoting certain examples. But also asked me a little bit about the history
Name Neha
Rank 22
Sex Female
Father’s Name Dilip Singh
Father’s Occupation Civil Engineer
Medium of Exam English
Optional Sociology
Services preferences: IAS, IFS, IRS(IT), IRS(Custom)
Number of attempt: 3
MG How should one prepare for Prelims, Mains You can go with relaxed state of mind that you have
and Interview? done your bit.
Be humble, and completely honest. In my interview,
Interview I was not able to answer few questions but I think
Prepare your bio-data thoroughly. Each and every my honest confession was liked by the board. Don’t
word should be scrutinized properly. My interview beat around the bush, or give superficial arguments.
started with questions on economics, which was You can simply admit that you are not aware of
just an extra subject in my 12th standard. Later I the answer or ask for their permission if you are
realized after I saw my DAF that it was because I guessing the answer.
had written economics first in the series of subjects
Board wants you to interact with them. So you have
in my 12th standard and that caught the attention
to speak. Just go with the mindset that you are
of the chairman. So you never know which word or
really lucky to get an opportunity to interact with
phrase in your form gets picked by the board.
such learned people. Rather than being scared, look
Keep yourself abreast with the current affairs. at it as an opportunity.
Preparing your bio-data & current affairs may not
MG Neha, I could see that you have scored well
directly help you in interview. They may ask you
even in the Interview - 193 marks. What all
completely random questions. But preparation gives
you did to prepare for the Interview?
you that confidence which is required in interview.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 17
Neha I had a friend and she was also preparing. What are the challenges or the criticism
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 19
Bhavna Garg Rank 1(1998)
Educational Qualifications
Xth ICSE Christ King 1992 89%
Convent, Kapurthala
XIIth PSEB HMV, Jalandhar 1994 75%
B.Tech (Chemical) IIT IIT, Kanpur 1998 8.4/10
Job experience Infosys, Bangalore (Jan.-Feb. ’99)
Number of attempts 1
Marks obtained
Service preferences IAS, IRS, IFS, IC&ES
Earlier selections in Competitive examinations
CET, Punjab (Rank 1), JEE (Rank 642)
When did you start preparing for the Interview? regularly. I never wanted to read anything on bird
watching because it is very boring to read on field
At the back of my mind I knew I was going to get an
activities. In mid-April I decided to go back to IIT,
interview call. When I got my call I was bed ridden.
Kanpur to rejuvenate myself for the interview.
There was very little of interaction with the outside
world. We did not have a television at Bangalore. Is there any specific method of preparing for the
I had a radio with me but then it also went out of interview. How does one prepare for such a vast
order. All my friends were busy in their jobs and range of topics?
nobody had any spare time to spend with me. In
I believed that the interview is a test of personality
fact I hardly did anything for the interview. Most of
and so it does not require any preparation as such.
the time I used to paint, listen to music or bid my
However, my friends at the IIT told me that contrary
time in leisure activities. I didn’t read anything on
to the popular misconception interview is not a test
bird watching those days. I used to read newspapers
of personality only.
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20 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
Would you prefer self study over group preparation? The library was the only source of information and
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
Educational Qualifications
Exam Institution Year %
Xth St Johns High School 1991 91.2
XIIth DAV College, Chandigarh 1993 79
Graduation Punjab Engg College, Chandigarh 1997 75.6
Number of Attempt(s) Three
Educational Qualifications
Exam Institution %
Xth Abhinav Bharti High School, Kolkata 77.60
XIIth Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Kolkata 85.20
B.Sc. Presidency College, Kolkata 65.60
PG (M Sc) Presidency College, Kolkata 66
CA ICAI 55.25
ICSI 64.50
Number of Attempts: Two
Marks obtained in this attempt
GS Economics Commerce Essay Interview Total
224 271 278 98 174 1045
Services preferences: IAS, IFS, IPS, IRS (IT), IRS(C&CE)
Earlier selections in Competitive examinations (including Civil Services exam): Coal India Ltd, ONGC
Prizes, Medals, Scholarships: All India Rank in Company Secretary: Final & Intermediate Exam. All
India Topper in Economics in Class XIIth CBSE Exam.
Games, Sports & extra-curricular activities: Swimming
Hobbies/Interests: Visiting places of interest, cooking
My Interview
Board: PK Mishra
Interviewers: 5 (Chairman, M1, M2, M3, M4)
Interview Date: 22 March 2013
Me May I come in, Sir?
Chairman Yes, Nitin.
(I went inside and greeted all the interviewers starting with the Chairman. Then I was
asked by the Chairman to sit)
Chairman S o Nitin you are from an economics background, please comment on the following
statement: “Morality is ignored in the marketplace but sometimes it dominates the
(This was the least expected question and that too at a very early stage. Holding my
nerves, I asked the Chairman)
Me May I take few seconds to think?
Chairman Sure (with a smile)
Me In this era of Privatization, producers are profit-oriented in their objective and it
overruns the welfare and moral aspects. Off late, we find that the expectations of the
society are not met by them in an appropriate manner hence it is ignored at the market-
(The Chairman looked satisfied with the answer but it seemed that I was unable to
answer the second part of the question)
Chairman It’s okay but when you go home just give a thought on the second-part and you will get
the answer.
Me Okay sir.
Chairman itin, you are from Purulia (West Bengal), can you brief me with an incident there
which is in news since two decades.
(The Chairman was expecting an answer with regard to the Arms Drop Case, 1995)
Me: Sir, on the night of December 17th 1995 arms were dropped from a Latvian aircraft
to be used for creating disturbance and establishing President’s Rule in Bengal by
some social organization. The kingpin in this unfortunate incident was Kim Davy. The
extradition treaty signed with the Danish Government helped India to bring back Kim
Davy. However he was forced to be sent back to Denmark on the pretext of inhumane
behavior with him in the prison.
(The Chairman looked satisfied with my answer)
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24 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
Chairman You have a hobby of exploring places of interest. Which was the last place you visited?
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
Educational Qualifications
Exam Institution Year %
Xth St.Joseph’s Convent 2005 92.3
High School,
XIIth Kendriya Vidyalaya 2007 89.6
B Tech in West Bengal 2011 8.87
University of (CGPA)
PG Indira Gandhi 2014 76.04
(Pub Admn) National Open
Services preferences: IAS, IFS, IRS (IT), IRS (Customs & Excise)
Earlier selections in Competitive examinations: SSC Examination, CSE 2012 Prelims
Job experiences : Was selected as Assistant Systems Engineer by TCS in campus selection and
Income Tax officer in Ministry of Finance through SSC but did not join the service.
Prizes, Medals, Scholarships: Chittaranjan Township Tower in 10th and 12th, Topper in College in ECE
Dept in Engg, gold Medal in 6th International level Science Talent Examination 2004 in 10th Standard.
Games, Sports and extra-curricular activities: Participated in Athletics track events in school.
Hobbies/Interests: Reading books, painting and story telling.
My Interview
Name of the chairman: Shri Chattar Singh
Date: 17th April 2014
Time: Afternoon
Chairman (CM)
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 27
CM: So you are Abhilasha? M2: Do you know recommendation of Reddy
M1: How is magnitude of earthquake measured? M3: An UMPP is going to be set up in Jharkhand.
Tell me where?
M1: How will the magnitude change from
Richter Scale 6 to 7? M3: Can you tell me who is setting this project?
M1: How do Richter Scale measure earthquake? M3: You are DM of a district and a SDM has
been taken by naxalite and their demand is
M1: Can you tell me how will the energy to release few dreaded naxalite. The moral
released change from Richter Scale from 6 of your subordinate is low. What will you
to 7? do?
M1: What is El Nino? ATUL PHOTOSTAT Member-4
M1: Does it have9540528336,9540467939
any effect on India? M4: Abhilasha, do you think training is
M1: Can we predict El Nino? necessary?
M2: Who is called Iron Lady? M4: You are posted as DM of a drought prone
area and require water urgently. What will
M2: You are coming from Jharkhand and there you do?
is problem of naxalism. Same is the case in
north east. Irom Sharmila is fighting in NE M4: If you are posted as DM of a district and
against something. What is it? you have to set up a library to enhance
the reading habit of people in your district.
M2: What is the provision in AFSPA because of How will you do this?
which she is fighting against this Act?
M4: Do you know about TQM in Japan? Will it
M2: What had happened with her (personal be effective also in India?
cause) because of which she is fighting
against this Act?
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28 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
Chandni Singh Rank 9(2012)
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
JM: How confident were you when you went for your interview this time?
CS: I had prepared a great deal. I tried not to leave any stone unturned. I
learnt a lesson from my previous experience that I was very nervous
largely owing to my lack of preparation. So, this time right after my Main
I started discussing issues, form an opinion and take a stand, with my
friends and after that I realized that it reflects in your manner of speech
and your conduct in the interview. So, experience was a great help and
preparation will add manifold to your confidence.
JM: During the interview preparation, most people try to keep reading and
watching TV to keep themselves updated with current affairs. What was your strategy?
CS: I kept the number of books I referred to the minimum (only the basic ones that I needed) because I
realized that it is very difficult to know even one book thoroughly. So, I just relaxed and made reading
the minimum possible wherever it was actually needed as my strategy.
JM: Did you practice mock interviews with your friends?
CS: I did practice that. It helped a great deal. In fact if you can find friends to practice interview with, it
is of great help.
JM: How did you practice for the interview— sitting as if facing the interview and others asking
Yes, it has to be done seriously.
JM: No group discussion?
CS: 9540528336,9540467939
No, Sir. It was one-on-one. There were sets of questions that my friend asked and then I took his
interview. We worked in turns.
JM: What is the importance of Current Affairs in interview preparation?
CS: V ery important. I think that is the crucial part. Besides that, I think it is still okay to say ‘I don’t know’
to your knowledge of optional or even for your background or very technical questions. But for current
affairs, you are expected to know.
JM: How much percentage of Current Affairs questions were there in your interview?
CS: Not much actually but from all the collected experience that I have read about it, it is very important.
JM: Does the knowledge of Current Affairs give you much added confidence?
CS: Yes, definitely. In my interview the questions were very factual; surprisingly mostly from my
background. I felt it like a quiz competition.
JM: Whose Board did you get?
CS: Mrs Alka Sirohi.
JM: Can you briefly tell us your experience with the Interview Board second time?
CS: It was cordial. It did not feel like a stress test even though may be the constant bombardment of
questions was meant to make it like that. But I knew from the very beginning that it was not a test
of knowledge so I felt very comfortable saying ‘I don’t know’ to the questions which were technically
beyond my knowledge. Other than that I did try my best to answer the factual questions they asked
even if I couldn’t recall the correct answer at that moment. The questions from my background were
more to know about why my performance had slipped in college. I believe that they do expect the
candidates to have taken a keen interest in their graduation or college subjects.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 29
B esides that there were many insightful questions like my interpretation of a particular quote. So
Educational Qualifications
Exam Institution %
Xth CRTSVM Siswa Bajar 75
XIIth CRTSVM Siswa Bajar 77
Graduation DAV Degree College 60
PG (Pol Sc) JNU, New Delhi 6.12
Number of Attempts: Three
interview this time, which is almost 30 you in the job already? What is that job
marks more than what you scored in your and why did you want to be an IAS when
last attempt. What effort did you put to you are already an IPS?” Then there were
improve your marks? questions on Naxalism and Maoists, their
underground activities, Government’s
RS: I think in my last attempt, I went through
left-wing extremism affected special
a lot of mock interviews and wasted my
programme. In how many districts these
energy. While staying at JNU, I used to get
programes have been implemented till
up early in the morning to attend the mock
so far? Then some questions were asked
interview and then get back to the JNU
on my hobby which I had mentioned as
campus wasting a lot of energy and time.
‘watching movies’. So they asked me if I
So, I was not able to prepare myself in the
have watched ‘Taare Zameen Par’. What
best possible manner.
was the central massage given through this
But this time around, I somehow managed. movie?
I was in the Police Academy but I managed
MG: During your interview, at any point of time,
to prepare well. Another area where I was
did you feel your interview is going well
a little skeptical about my performance is
and you will score better this time around?
English speaking. In the last attempt, it was
very poor, but, this time I improved on it. RS: Yes sir, most of the time.
But still I think the marks are not as much
MG: What made you feel that way: the body
as I expected; but yes, comparatively, I am
language of the Chairperson or the facial
satisfied with my result this time.
MG: Whose Board did you get this time?
RS: Ma’am chairperson was very supportive
Mrs Alka Sirohi. and kept smiling all throughout the
interview. She used to drop some hints to
Can you briefly tell us your experience with
the Interview Board?
the questions which I was struggling with
and I picked up on her hints to elaborate the
RS: My interview was on March 7, in the answer.
second half and I was the fifth candidate
There was a very good question like why
to be interviewed that day. Board members
is it so that there is exclusion of people
were very cooperative and Alka Sirohi
from BPL list in the village and how can we
Ma’am, especially, was very cordial and
eradicate this problem? So, I was clueless
ever smiling.
about the whole issue and she said that do
MG: How long did the interview last? you think Gram Sabhas should be made the
RS: Sir, it lasted for 40-45 minutes. authority to conduct this task instead of
Gram Pradhans? I picked up her idea and
MG: What types of questions did the Board ask? started answering from that very point and
it went well.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 31
Mutyalaraju Revu Rank 1 (2006)
Educational Qualifications
Exam Institution Year %
Xth MSR ZPPH School, Gundugolanu 1995 80
DEEE SMVM Polytechnic, Tanuku 1998 89.3
B Tech NIT, Warangal 2002 89.1
M E IISc, Bangaluru 2004 6.8/8.0 CGPA
Number of Attempts Three
Marks Obtained in this Attempt
Essay GS Electrical Mathematics Interview Total
135 320 395 351 195 1396
Service Preferences IAS
Prizes, Medals, Scholarships ECET-98 State 1st Rank; GATE-02 All India 3rd Rank, ESE-03 All India 1st
Rank, CSE – 05 All India 223rd Rank and College topper in all 4 years during B. Tech
Hobbies/Interests Meditation, motivating others and reading mythological books
Q: What do you think is the right way to face Q: What types of questions did the Board ask?
the Interview Board confidently?
A: Chairman: Mostly on biodata like why did
A: A balanced personality, positive attitude I join polytechnic? Did I get any job after
and confidence are necessary for doing polytechnic? Why I joined B Tech? About
well in the interview. changing of service from IRSEE to IPS and
then to IAS, hobbies etc.
First make a group of friends who are
appearing for interview. Prepare in depth, the Member 1: Right to Information Act, World
areas of bio-data, previous job experiences, Cup, police training. Some questions on
hobbies, educational qualifications, law (Indian Evidence Act)
optional subjects, home state, then current
Member 2: On hobbies (meditation,
national and international events. Then
motivating others and reading Indian
conduct mock interviews within the group.
Mythological books), about training of
One should be confident and polite while
Indian cricket team for 2007 World Cup, etc.
answering the questions. Honesty will
definitely pay in the interview.
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32 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
Member 3: Mathematics puzzles, on Q: What is the most important thing one
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
Name S Nagarajan
Rank 1st
Sex Male
Date of Birth 8 February 1979
Father’s Name N Srinivasan
Medium of Exam English
Optionals Sociology & Geography
Educational Qualifications
Exam 9540528336,9540467939
Institution Year %
Xth Chinmaya Vidyalaya 1994 84.1
XIIth Chinmaya Vidyalaya 1996 95.5
BE BITS, Pilani (Elect Engg) 2000 9.55
Number of Attempts Four
Q: How did you prepare for Personality Test did I leave a good engineering career and
joined Railways? Why do I want to leave
A: In the previous attempts my preparations
Railways and go to IAS loosing three years
were haphazard. I was rushing through
of service? Then I worked on my Bio-data
coaching classes. More thinking about
and tried to generate as far away questions
personality and Bio-data are required
as possible. Almost the entire interview
rather than trying to know more about
was what I thought of.
current-affairs. This time, I asked myself
why I wanted to join civil services? Why
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 33
S Asker Ali Rank 167(2015)
Educational Qualifications
Exam Institution Year %
Xth Catholic School, Canchipur 2007 98.33
XIIth Herbert School, Changangei 2009 84.2
Graduation (Phy. Hons) Hindu College, Delhi 2012 76.37
Number of Attempts Three
Q: How was the atmosphere during your a challenge and express oneself sincerely
Interview? who and what one is. Stay far away from
pretensions and faking. The general mistake
A. The Board members were very cordial and
of associating result with the performance
reasonable questions were put forth. They
in personality test should be avoided.
placed before me 2/3 such questions to
check my temperament. But fortunately, If the candidate have lived a disciplined life
I didn’t feel any nervousness before or as that of a civil servant, his/her personality
during my personality test. test would be much easier.
Q: What do you think is the right way to face Q: What types of questions did the Board ask?
Interview Board confidently?
A. The Board did not ask anything extraordinary.
A. Always have a smiling pleasant face. But the initial questions were on Physics,
Candidates should not be fearful of the the subject I studied in my graduation. They
personality test. Though personality test further asked about state specific issues
is very crucial, it should not come down to and problems and prospects. Questions on
the question of life and death, but take it as economics were also placed. Situational
based questions were also put forth.
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34 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
Q: What is the most important thing one Q: During the Interview, did the Board
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
should keep in mind while facing the member(s) ask you any tricky question(s)?
Interview Board?
A. Yes, they did. Questions came from Physics
A. The candidates should convince themselves of 11th and 12th standard which are not
that it is just another test in the process to used in our day-to-day lives, so that took
select the right civil servant. Hence, there’s me sometime to frame the answers. And
no need to feel nervous. Just be true to I didn’t know answers to some of those
himself/herself and don’t pretend. questions, so I admitted I had no idea of
them. Again questions on insurgency came
which is a little tricky to comment.
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36 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
Amrita Banerjee Rank 110 (2015)
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
Educational Qualifications
Exam Institution Year %
Xth St. Xavier’s School, ICSE, 2000 90
Bokaro Steel City
XIIth St. Xavier’s School, ICSE, 2002 89
Bokaro Steel City
Graduation Lady Sriram College for Women 2005 60
Post Graduation Jawaharlal Nehru University 2007 6.75 CGPA
Jawaharlal Nehru University 2014 7.75 CGPA
Number of9540528336,9540467939
Attempts Fifth
Educational Qualifications
Exam Institution Year %
Xth Fr Agnel School, New Delhi 1995 83
XIIth Fr Agnel School, New Delhi 1997 76
B.Tech (Electrical) AMU, Aligarh 2002 71
Number of Attempts Two
What did you do for the Interview preparation? always unpredictable. But couple of questions asked
in the interview itself worked. For e.g. in current
I started preparation after getting the call for the
affairs, foreign affairs etc, it did work. But most of
Interview. Before that I was just tracking the current
the time, it was a test of 25 years of personality that
developments, reading newspapers and catching
I had.
with TV news and all. After I got the call for the
Interview, I got into a little bit of stringent work and How was the atmosphere during your Interview?
then I had little bit of discussion with my friends on
Very cordial and all the members tried to put me at
some key issues. Moreover, whatever I had done in
ease, so that the best could be drawn out of me. It
current affairs, I needed to consolidate upon that. I
lasted for 40-45 minutes.
just pre-guessed— what could be the questions that
could be asked from current developments etc and What do you think is the right way to face the
then I focused on those areas. Interview Board confidently?
Did it work? Realising that interview is not the sole deciding factor
and going with an open mind and full confidence. A
Quite a bit. Interview is always unpredictable. Given
free discussion always helps draw the best out.
the scope of questions that can be asked, they are
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 39
Manish Ranjan Rank 4(2001)
Educational Qualifications
Exam Institution Year %
Xth Netarhat Vidyalaya, Netarhat 1990 85
XIIth Patna College, Patna 1992 78
BA (Sociology) Hindu College, Delhi University 1996 60
PGDRM IRMA, Gujarat 1998 65
Number of Attempts Two
What was your experience of the Interview? wanted my reaction to his comment. I also replied,
“If NDDB is a pen full of ink writing the story of dairy
The atmosphere was very cordial. The Interview
development in India, I am a small little drop of ink in
Board put me at ease and encouraged me to
the pen. If NDDB is a wheel bringing about positive
express myself freely. It was more of a dialogue:
social transformation in the country, I am a small
a participatory discussion rather than five experts
spoke in the wheel.” It seems this answer appealed
asking questions. They were intent upon extracting
to the Board. Again some time later, the Chairman
the best out of me.
commented that I was the most suitable candidate
During the interview, did the Board member (s) ask who should be going for Indian Foreign Service (IFS).
you any tricky question (s)? I responded positively and agreed with him. Then, I
The chairman once sarcastically commented that shared with him my plans how I intended to serve
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is my country as an IAS. I added that my heart lies in
performing so well despite an officer like me! He being the part of IAS.
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40 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
Alok Ranjan Jha Rank1(2001)
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
Educational Qualifications
Exam Institution Year %
Xth St Michael’s High School, Patna 1987 70
XIIth St Michael’s High School, Patna 1989 81
BA (Pol Sc) Hindu College, Delhi University 1992 60
MA(Pol Sc) Hindu College, Delhi University 1994 60.5
Number of Attempts Three
Marks Obtained in this Attempt
Essay GS Pol. Sc Sociology Interview Total
122 384 362 347 210 1425
Service Preferences IFS, IAS, IPS, IRS
Prize, Medal, Scholarship JRF/UGC
Extra-curricular Activities Debating, Quiz, Cricket
Hobbies/Interests Reading and Travelling
of India issued a stay on this order, upholding the amends or adds to the relevant sections. In addition,
ban, after a petition filed by the Animal Welfare it seeks to overcome the objection that the State law
Board of India and PETA India, leading to protests is not in conformity with the relevant central law.
all over Tamil Nadu. The Supreme Court refused An earlier Act, the Tamil Nadu Jallikattu Regulation
to review its decision on 26 July 2016. Act, 2009 was struck down by the Supreme Court on
this ground. The present ordinance seeks to elimi-
Latest protest in Tamil Nadu nate the elements of conflict with the Centre’s prior
On 16 January 2017, the World Youth Organization permission.
(WYO) protested at Chennai against the stay on the On 31 Jan 2017, the Supreme Court refused to
order overturning ban on conducting Jallikattu in stay the Tamil Nadu government’s law permitting
Tamil Nadu. The WYO also demanded a ban on PETA jallikattu, but agreed to hear a plea against it. The
in India. Several hundreds of protesters conducted court issued a notice to Tamil Nadu on the validity
a rally at Chennai Marina opposing the ban on Jal- of the new state law, and gave the state government
likattu. Critics even argued that the mass protests at six weeks to reply to it. The plea was filed by the
Marina beach were about fulfilling the aspirations Animal Welfare Board, and other activists sympa-
of the people and restoring the self-esteem of the thetic to its views. They said the law was illegal and
Tamils other than protest against the ban only. unconstitutional.
Tamil Nadu legislators passed the Bill on January
23, 2017, after the state witnessed pro-jallikattu In support of Jallikattu
protests on an unprecedented scale. The ordinance One strong characteristic of life in India is the per-
defines jallikattu, and amend some of the exiting sistence of certain social institutions, the origins of
provisions with overall purpose in protecting jal- which are lost in pre-history. Though the profile of
likattu from legal challenge and to promote and fol- these practices change, they retain their essential
low tradition and culture, and to ensure survival and features. Jallikattu is one such precious heritage
continuance of native breeds of bulls. In particular, that has been preserved over millennia and its duty
a) It defines 9540528336,9540467939
‘jallikattu’ as an event involving bulls of the present generation to take this forward. Fol-
conducted with a view to following tradition and lowing factors can be attributed in favour of this.
culture between January and May every year in
Tamil Nadu. 1. Native breeds as a factor
b) It amends Section 3 of PCA so that notwithstand- There were scores of cattle breeds in India 100 years
ing its provisions, jallikattu may be held subject ago but we lost many of them. Unless we engage
to rules and regulations. with the traditional livestock keepers and support
them, we will keep losing existing breeds as well.
c) It amends Section 11 to add ‘the conduct of jal-
likattu’ as another exception to the list of actions Tamil Nadu had six major cattle breeds, Kangayam,
that do not amount to cruelty. Pulikulam, Umbalachery, Barugur, Alambadi and
d) It amends Section 22, which relates to restrictions Malai Maadu other than many more minor breeds.
on some animals being used for performances, to Most of these are on the verge of extinction.
make this clause inapplicable to jallikattu.
e) It adds jallikattu as another item in a list of ‘ex- Native cattle have evolved over millennia, adapting
emptions’ from the rule against using some ani- to the local environmental conditions. They are an
mals as performing animals. The original list con- integral part of farming, especially for small and
tained use of animals by the police and military marginal farmers as they serve multiple purposes
after training them and for use for scientific and like ploughing, transportation, source for farmyard
educational purposes. manure, and as a source of milk. The native cattle
f) It adds Section 28A to say nothing in the Act are both an input as well as insurance to the live-
would apply to jallikattu. stock keepers and are considered as unit of wealth
in villages.
The ordinance seeks to address the specific grounds
Other than economic it also has a socio-cultural
on which the Supreme Court held jallikattu illegal.
connotation. If the sport is banned, farmers will be
In particular, the court had held jallikattu is violating
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 43
forced to abandon the raising of native livestock, III. Buyers of cows for breeding and household usage
on Biological Diversity (CBD), to which India is a Expected Questions for IAS Mains
signatory state, livestock keepers are creators of
breeds and custodians of animal genetic resources Jallikattu
for food and agriculture. The livestock keepers and
• Jallikatu is not just a sport but is related to
the sustainable use of traditional breeds are depen-
socio-cultural as well as economic perspec-
dent on the conservation of their respective eco-
tive of people of Tamil Nadu. Discuss
systems. The traditional breeds represent collec-
tive property; they are the products of indigenous • For the executive to intervene and promul-
knowledge and the cultural expression of livestock gate an ordinance under pressure for Jal-
keepers. Keeping in mind the pros and cons of the likattu amount to disrespect to the judiciary
sport along with cultural and socio-economic bene- and due process. Critically examine this
fits, this event can be pursued in future. Nonethe- statement.
less, the proper adherence to any guidelines by the • The Jallikattu debate raises questions about
government to minimise violence, brutality and ac- the viability of judicial diktat in reforming tra-
cidents must be there. ditional practices and customs. Elucidate
Paradigm shift in India-UAE ties was the hallmark opportunity to further expand bilateral ties as they
of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the Emir- see growing synergies. If they succeed, it could be a
ates in August last year. On a similar note the visit of win-win situation for both.
Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the crown
prince of Abu Dhabi and deputy supreme commander Expected Questions for IAS Mains
of the armed forces of the UAE will provide ground
for deeper and cordial economic and geostrategic India UAE Relations
ties. UAE is lynch-pin of the economic, defence and • “Increase of warmth in India-UAE relations
strategic strands of the India’s coordinated strategy has potential to redefine power-balance in
to outreach west Asia. South Asia”. Critically examine.
This upward trajectory of bilateral ties between In- • Better Relationship between India-UAE is a win-
dia and the UAE is just the extension of India’s effort win opportunity for both countries. Discuss.
to get bigger footprint at world stage. For now, both
Rail Safety Committees Council (RRDC) be set up directly under the gov-
A railway safety committee is a common feature
which follows any major rail accident. But imple- 4. The Committee recommends the adoption of an
mentation of any major recommendation to bring Advanced Signalling System (akin to the Euro-
any quality change on the ground has never been pean Train Control System) for the entire trunk
materialised. Followings are the major reports by route length of 19,000 km within 5 years.
rail safety committees gathering dust on bureau- 5. All Level Crossings (both manned and unmanned)
cratic table. should be eliminated over five years.
1954: Justice Shahnawaz Committee suggested 6. The Committee also recommends a switch over
policy reforms to ensure centrality of safety in op- from the ICF design coaches to the much safer
erations. STATUS: Not implemented LHB design coaches.
Railway Safety
• Accidents and security failures in Indian Railways are not isolated events but the result of a combina-
tion of causes. Discuss. Also suggest measures to enhance passenger’s safety in the Railways.
• Managing safety in a huge transport organisation like Indian Railways cannot be based on knee-jerk
reactions and dramatic gestures. Elucidate.
rate is the reason jawans are killing their own ply corps is always blamed for indulging in cor-
colleagues and seniors. More than 400 personnel rupt practices while providing tender for ration.
died in last 5 years due to suicide and fratricide. This is one of the main reason for low quality of
4. Top posts in the Central Police Forces are manned ration supplied to the forces.
by the IPS officers, who don’t understand the 7. Armed forces in general and army in particular is
plight of the force. Majority of these officers at facing serious crunch in officers cadre. This has
the top level consider this as a time pass short caused various instances of ugly faceoff between
stint. There is no cadre loyalty. officers and PBOR.
5. There is no family accommodation at posting ar-
eas. Even education, healthcare, water and elec- Way Ahead
tricity are erratic in their government quarters. The transfers, postings, perks and other benefits like
There is no concept of peace posting and the holidays to the jawans must be given in a transpar-
break in duty. 80% of the personnel never get to ent and accountable manner. The scope of discretion
live with their family during entire posting. in the hands of the officers must be minimized using
6. Career promotion system not as smoothly orga- the technology and other modern day tools. Except in
nized as in army. The officers in Central Police the case of contingencies the working hours of the
forces don’t get same pay and perks like others in jawans should be fixed on case to case basis. The
“Organized” Group-A central services. disparities between the Armed forces and paramil-
7. There is no hardship allowance or risk allowance itary forces at-least in monetary benefits must get
facility for central armed forces as given to army. reduced. The recommendations of the seventh pay
Even when transferred, they don’t get transfer al- commission must be implemented without further
lowance. Working conditions of armed forces are delay.
very brutal and risky. For example- CRPF working
Proper grievance redressing mechanism with prompt
condition in naxal areas is one of the toughest in
solution is the need of hour so that social media is
the country. Still there is no pay parity with re-
spect to army.
not used as a platform for making the system listen
and respond to them. Armed forces must also adhere
to a zero tolerance policy towards the corruption. At-
Issues with Army tempt must be made with proper consultation of all
1. Modern Weapons: Presently used indigenous the stakeholders to improve the standard and work-
INSAS rifles has various inbuilt issues like block- ing environment of the PBOR ranks jawans, so that
ing, braking of body parts, magazine jams. There they don’t feel marginalised in their own system.
is no end to problems that this weapon has. There
The colonial legacy and “Yes Boss” culture with deep
is urgent need of international standard state of
cleavages in all realms between officers and jawans
art assault rifle.
must give the way to open culture. Officers must be
2. Bullet Proofs equipment: Third largest stand- made more sensitive towards their units and jawans
ing army of the world didn’t have adequate Bullet and must no indulge in favouritism and nepotism.
Proof protection for its soldiers. The older ones
are immensely heavy and cause lot of exhaustion Conclusion
during patrols in jungles and climbing mountains.
This leads to lack of focus and alertness. We really Morale and discipline are two essential prerequi-
need light weight good equipment for every soldier. sites for any force. Situation is grave as use of social
media to vent up anger and grievances is glaring ex-
4. Rations: Army marches on it’s belly isn’t taken
ample of loss of discipline as well as command and
too seriously. We need good quality, nutritious
control. On the other hand existing problems damp-
and better packed food for long operations.
ens the morale of ground soldiers who are putting
5. Buddy system or sahayak:-Prevalence of buddy even their life at risk in the service of nation. The
system is nothing but a reflection of colonial leg- colonial legacy and the wide gap between the offi-
acy. Though its need cannot be disregarded in cers and jawans must be replaced by a transparent
army fraternity but use of trained soldiers for and open culture however keeping the discipline and
daily chores of officers is nothing but a rampant control intact.
violation of human rights.
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Security Apparatus
• Social Media is not the appropriate platform for grievance redressal but there should be sufficient
platforms to address the issues of the armed forces in the country. Discuss.
• Do you agree that colonial legacy is still prevalent in esteemed institution like army and other armed
forces? In this context, discuss the problems of armed forces and suggest measures to address the
• There are no objective criteria for deciding merit at the senior levels of the Army brass besides previous
annual confidential reports and civilian considerations, both of which are subjective. Discuss
President in following three cases where the as- ment Act parliament deleted clause (4) inserted
sent of the President would have been required to by the 38th Constitutional Amendment Act
pass a similar Bill. 3. In AK Roy vs. Union of India (1982) the Court
(a) If a Bill containing the same provisions would held that the President’s Ordinance making power
have required the previous sanction of the is not beyond the scope of judicial review. How-
President for introduction into the legislature; ever, need to exercise judicial review over the
(b) If the Governor would have deemed it nec- President’s decision arises only when there exits
essary to reserve a Bill containing the same substantial grounds to challenge the decision,
provisions for the consideration of the Presi- and not at “every casual and passing challenge”.
dent; and 4. In T Venkata Reddy vs. State of Andhra Pradesh
(c) If an Act of the legislature containing the (1985), the Court affirmed that the Ordinance
same provisions would have been invalid un- making power of the President and the Gover-
less it received the assent of the President. nor was a legislative power, comparable to the
legislative power of the Parliament and state
Issue of re-promulgation legislatures respectively. So the motives behind
the exercise of ordinance making power cannot
Re-promulgation of Ordinance is nothing but a clever be questioned, just as in the case of legislation
and vicious design to bypass any legislative scrutiny. by the Parliament and state legislatures.
Re-promulgation is all about continuation of legisla-
5. It was held by the court in DC Wadhwa vs.
tion in the form of ordinance without even tabling it
State of Bihar (1987) that the legislative power
on the floor of legislature. It is a fraud on part of con-
of the executive to promulgate Ordinances is to
stitution and encroachment by executive in domain
be used only in exceptional circumstances and
of legislative.
not as a substitute for the law making power
Validity of ordinance making power:
of the legislature. Further, The Supreme Court
also held that if Ordinance making was made a
Judicial Scrutiny
There has been significant debate with reference to
usual practice, creating an ‘Ordinance raj’ the
courts have power to strike down re-promul-
the Ordinance making power of the President (and gated Ordinances.
Governor). Constitutionally, important issues that Re promulgation of ordinance for 256 times with-
have been raised include judicial review of the Ordi- out any legislative scrutiny was held as “sub-
nance making powers of the executive; the necessity version of democratic process” and “colourable
for ‘immediate action’ while promulgating an Ordi- exercise of powers” and it amounts to a fraud on
nance; and the granting of Ordinance making powers part of constitution.
to the executive, given the principle of separation of
6. In B.A. Hasanabha v State of Karnataka (1998) ,
the Karnataka high Court observed “ An ordinance
Below is the judicial historical overview on the evo- unlike an Act is required to be very carefully scru-
lution of Ordinance making powers of the executive tinised by a court if it is challenged because an
in India post-Independence. Ordinance is an unfettered , unbridled power to
1. In RC Cooper vs. Union of India (1970) the promulgate provisions which have the effect of
Supreme Court, while examining the constitu- law without their going through the constitution-
tionality of the Banking Companies (Acquisition ally prescribed process”.
of Undertakings) Ordinance, 1969 which sought 7. On 2 January 2017, in Krishna Kumar Singh and
to nationalise 14 of India’s largest commercial others v State of Bihar, Seven judge constitu-
banks, held that the President’s decision cannot tional bench of Supreme Court in its judgement
be challenged on the grounds that ‘immediate ac- (6:1) held that ordinances cannot be promulgated
tion’ was not required. repeatedly without being placed before the legis-
2. In 1975 by 38th Constitutional Amendment Act lature. “The satisfaction of the President would
parliament inserted a new clause (4) in Article not be immune from judicial review and the court
123 stating that the President’s satisfaction while in this exercise would not have to determine the
promulgating an Ordinance is final and could not sufficiency or adequacy of the material,” the SC
be questioned in any court of law on any ground. said.
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The apex court held that Bihar’s ordinance and the
• In the judgement of Krishna Kumar Singh and others V State of Bihar, the Supreme Court has tried to
uphold the supremacy of constitutionalism in India. Discuss.
• Discuss the importance of Ordinance promulgating power of Executive in parliamentary democracy like
India. Trace the judicial scrutiny on this power since independence.
CBI: Issues and Challenges
Why in News? of bribery and corruption by Central Government
The Supreme Court has recently set up a special employees. The DSPE acquired its popular current
investigation team led by newly-appointed CBI di- name, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), through
rector Alok Kumar Verma to probe allegations that a Home Ministry resolution dated 1.4.1963. The ju-
former agency chief Ranjit Sinha had met several risdiction of the SPE extended to all the Union Terri-
persons accused in the coal block-allocation contro- tories and could be extended also to the States with
versy to scuttle the case. Once again the issues like the consent of the State Government concerned.
corruption, nepotism and political interference has
come to the surface in context to the prime investi- Areas of operations
gating agency. Anti-Corruption: CBI investigates corruption and
fraud committed by public servants of all Central
What is CENTRAL BUREAU OF Govt. Departments, Central Public Sector Undertak-
INVESTIGATION? ings and Central Financial Institutions.
Central Bureau of Investigation is the prime inves- Economic Crimes: CBI investigates crimes such as
tigative agency of India. It was not established via bank frauds, financial frauds, Import Export & For-
any act of the parliament, yet it derives its power eign Exchange violations, large-scale smuggling of
of investigation from the Delhi Special Police Estab- narcotics, antiques, cultural property and smuggling
lishment Act 1946. of other contraband items etc.
It was first set up as Special Police Establishment Special Crimes: Under special crimes, CBI handles
(SPE). After independence, the Delhi Special Police cases such as terrorism, bomb blasts, sensational
Establishment Act was enacted which retained it as homicides, kidnapping for ransom and crimes com-
a Central Government agency to investigate cases mitted by the mafia/the underworld.
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56 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
It is the nodal police agency in India to coordinate 4. Political Interference
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
with Interpol. It investigates those crimes which may It is the political overtone of CBI that determines the
have interstate and international ramifications. modus operandi and pace of investigation. Serving
the political masters rather than being truthful to
Organisation structure their own service has diminished the credentials of
CBI comes under the control of Department of Per- the whole institution. It is always seen that political
sonnel and Training in the Ministry of Personnel, leverage is the focal point in determining the posting
Public Grievances and Pension. The CBI is headed of officers in agency rather than calibre and efficiency.
by a Director, an IPS officer with a rank of Director 5. Exemption from RTI
General of Police. The director is selected based on
CBI is exempted from the provisions of the Right to
the CVC Act 2003, and has a two-year term.
Information Act on the ground of national security.
It was criticized by the Central Information Commis-
Issues with CBI
sion and RTI activists, who said the blanket exemp-
1. High Acquittal rate tion is complete violation of the letter and intent of
Efficacy of any investigative agency is quantified the RTI Act.
only on the yardstick of conviction rate. High acquit-
6. Issue Regarding Autonomy to CBI
tal rate not only dent the credibility of calibre of in-
vestigative agency but also dampens the morale of The issue regarding granting of autonomy to CBI has
the institution. always crated noise but no serious attempt is pur-
sued in this regard. Revelation made by the agency
Since 2006, CBI probed over 7,000 cases, of which itself in apex court regarding tampering of report by
trial has been completed in 6,533. About 4,054 cases political masters has drawn the ire of court in the
(68%) ended in conviction of the accused under the form of realistic adjective i.e “caged parrot that has
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, while 2,095 many masters”.
(32%) ended in acquittal.
About one third of cases investigated by CBI results in Strengthening the autonomy of CBI:
acquittal, this9540528336,9540467939
may looks decent against national stan- CBI has time and again made the following demands
dard but is surely not enough to put premier investi- for its functional, administrative and financial auton-
gative agency of the country among the best in the omy:
business. Various reasons can be attributed to this,
• Vesting its Director with the powers of ex-officio
and leniency in investigation is surely one of them.
Secretary to the Govt of India so that Director has
2. Lack of skilled human resource to directly report to the Minister of Personnel and
Lack of skilled human resource is one of the factors hence reducing the hassles faced by CBI in go-
which act as hindrance in CBI growth as a dedicated ing through DoPT for even basic administrative
professional agency. There is no institutionalised issues.
cadre of its own. Officers come from IPS and IRS • CBI has also asked for complete authority for its
cadre on deputation basis, and they are also not director to appoint public prosecutor in cases in-
familiarised with nuances of investigation. Need vestigated by the agency. This will give it greater
of the hour is to provide a dedicated skilled human autonomy in politically sensitive investigations.
resource with timely up gradation in skills, to make So far, public prosecutors have been appointed
this agency a force to reckon with. by Ministry of Law and Justice.
3. Corruption charges • Three-year tenure for its Director as opposed to
Nothing can be more sarcastic than the corruption the current two-year tenure
charges levelled against the erstwhile Director of • At present, the CBI has to depend on DoPT for
premier agency investigating that has the mandate its major financial needs. It receives less than the
to investigate the corruption charges on others. fund required for its expenses for investigations,
Nothing can cause more dent in the credibility of CBI training, etc. According to official sources, the
than these allegations of corruption charges. Every government has agreed to grant financial powers
attempt must be made to have the house in order to the CBI director equivalent to those enjoyed by
by strict code of conduct, zero tolerance policy and Director Generals of various paramilitary forces.
prosecution of the involved.
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Current status superintendence and interference in its investigation
Autonomy of RBI
Why in News? • As Monetary Authority of India RBI formulates
There have been allegations that the crucial decision implements and monitors the monetary policy
of demonetization was unilaterally taken by the gov- with objective of maintaining price stability and
ernment. It is alleged that the RBI was deliberately ensuring adequate flow of credit to productive
surpassed on a significant issue related to the mon- sectors.
etary policy, although the monetary policy comes un- • It acts as regulator and supervisor of the financial
der the sole purview of the RBI. Thus the autonomy system by prescribing broad parameters of bank-
of RBI has become an issue for debate. ing operations within which the country’s bank-
ing and financial system functions. This helps
Reserve Bank of India in maintaining public confidence in the system,
protect depositors’ interest and provide cost-ef-
The Reserve Bank of India was established on April
fective banking services to the public.
1, 1935 in accordance with the provisions of the Re-
serve Bank of India Act, 1934. It was originally pri- • RBI is the exclusive manager of Foreign Exchange
vately owned, but since its nationalisation in 1949, in India as per the provisions of Foreign Exchange
the RBI is fully owned by the Government of India. Management Act, 1999. ITS objective is to facil-
itate external trade and payment and promote
Main Functions orderly development and maintenance of foreign
exchange market in India.
The Preamble of the Reserve Bank of India describes
• RBI issues and exchanges or destroys currency
the basic functions of the Reserve Bank as”
and coins not fit for circulation to give the public
regulate the issue of Bank Notes and keeping of
adequate quantity of supplies of currency notes
reserves with a view to securing monetary stability
and coins and in good quality.
in India and generally to operate the currency and
credit system of the country to its advantage.”
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58 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
• RBI is Banker to the Government as it performs Autonomy and Accountability
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
merchant banking function for the central and the Autonomy and accountability are two important
state governments. pillars that the institutions in a democracy must ad-
• RBI is Banker to banks as it maintains banking here to. RBI must be accountable to the goals, man-
accounts of all scheduled banks. date and framework that have been assigned to it
through the Act of Parliament. However, the political
Issue of autonomy intervention in the decision making and day to day
Relations between central banks and governments activities are against the ethos of the institutional
have never been easy anywhere. India is no excep- autonomy and the parliamentary democracy.
tion. Autonomy of RBI has always been in news due
to overlapping of its function with Finance minis- Conclusion
try. Monetary policy is the exclusive prerogative of Hitherto, RBI has been an epitome of efficiency and
RBI. However difference of opinion regarding steps independence that has been built up over decades by
to be taken has always been a bone of contention the strenuous effort of its staff and judicious policy
between these two. Involvement of executive in making. Dilution of this image for short term political
regular functioning RBI diminishes the authority and goal will not serve any purpose. Synchronisation of
autonomy of central Bank. decision making by both RBI and central government
Recent move of demonetisation with secrecy cir- is prerequisite for betterment of economy.
cumscribing the decision taken has flared up this It must also be remembered that consultations be-
issue once again. Did government imposed its deci- tween the government and the RBI on various matters
sion of demonetization on the RBI and treated it like of public importance wherever such consultation is
a rubber stamp? This issue needs to be seen on a mandated by law or has evolved as a practice should
broader context of the relationship between central not be taken as infringement of autonomy of RBI. Line
bank and government rather than just as an occa-
sional violation of institutional propriety.
between consultation and infringement of autonomy
is though very thin but very essential to maintain as
The relationship between a central bank and the gov-
ernment is at best diplomatic, needing considerable
well as strengthen the economic fibres of the country.
Furthermore occasional aberrations often overlap
skills and patience in working on the policy strate- the fact that relations between the RBI and the gov-
gies. This standard operating procedure is essential ernment have stood the test of time. Be it in the era
to achieve stable domestic prices, avoiding volatility of planning, or for the task of diversifying the range
in exchange rates, and pursuing capacity utilization of development institutions, or during the course of
and employment objectives. However like in the pres- transition to a market economy, the RBI and the gov-
ent case, the arm twisting of the RBI by a stern, po- ernment have always worked in tandem. This pro-
litically worded request regarding any decision which cess of interaction clearly indicates an ambience of
comes under the exclusive powers of the central bank wise understanding.
is obstruction of the highest order. It is true that ques-
tions of radically transformative changes are always Having faith in the maturity and prudence in both in-
discussed by policymakers with specialised agencies stitution let’s hope that recent friction will go down
such as the RBI. But no one agency tries to superim- in the history just as exception not as an example.
pose its views on others. However recent attempt is
a blatant violation of the same.
Expected Questions for IAS Mains
It is the unstated responsibility of the Executive in a
democratic society to nurture and protect the auton-
omy of institutions .Yet, if this unstated rule is not RBI
followed, what is the way out? Question lingers that • During and after demonetisation drive by the
“Who will guard the guards?” government, the image and autonomy of the
Central Bank has received a serious jolt. Elu-
In any democratic country, the autonomy of the cen-
tral bank is treated with the highest respect. It is ut-
most important that a clear cut convention must be • RBI has fallen victim to ‘institutional capture’
laid down that the Government does not arm-twist by the current regime. Critically examine.
the central bank on issues relating to currency and
exchange rates.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 59
Interest Litigations
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere –“ Martin Luther King, Jr.
its jurisdiction and interfering in the domain of ex- with time into a correction jurisdiction of higher court
ecutive and legislature. It is also criticised for its and a shortcut for vested private interests. Many a
inability to implement its own orders effectively. time judiciary is seen in an overdrive to assert its
• PIL has pilled up cases on already overburdened supremacy, which goes against the basic principle of
judiciary. our constitution, “balance of power”.
• PIL is being misused by the public agitating for It is the demand of time to for better facilitation and
private grievances in the grab of public interest regulation of PIL, to achieve the aim for which it was
by seeking publicity rather than supporting the incorporated in Indian jurisprudence. Effective filtration
public cause. mechanism must be adopted to differentiate between
• The dilution of the locus standi requirement has genuine claim and frivolous and time killing cases.
permitted cropping up of privately motivated in-
terests in disguise of public interests. The abuse Expected Questions for IAS Mains
of PIL has become more rampant than its use for
genuine causes.
Public Interest Litigation
As a result, the apex court itself has been compelled
to lay down certain guidelines to govern the man- • Recent incidents indicate that PIL which was
agement and disposal of PILs. based on a noble aim is getting frivolously
used for vested interests. In this context
Analysis of working of PIL trace the evolution of PIL.
Public Interest Litigation was a welcome innova- • “With PIL, the post-Emergency Supreme
tion on pat of Indian judicial System which was Court is very rarely a court for judicial review
applauded by all over the world. However lack of and far more often, the court for judicial pop-
responsibility and accountability on part of litigants ulism.” Comment
• PIL is another instrument to overburden judi-
and lack of restrain on part of judiciary has attracted
unwanted criticism to this radical evolution. This
attempt by judiciary to provide cheap and effective
ciary. Elucidate.
civil servants. The Annual Performance Report of and the Administrative Reforms Commission reports
the civil servants are prepared by their immediate of 2009. These recommendations were not imple-
seniors and this exercise involves lot of subjectiv- mented by the government, and the Supreme Court
ity and human perception. The scientific perfor- verdict again focuses on need for administrative ef-
mance indicators and yardsticks are missing. ficiency.
Indian democracy has ambiguously displayed the attention of many countries. There are many coun-
signs of strength and decline. On a positive note, tries which are planning to replicate the similar in-
since independence the country is governed by par- stitutions like Election Commission.
liamentary form of government elected on the basis
Thirdly, 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts
of universal adult suffrage. We have an independent
have further added to the vibrancy of Indian democ-
judiciary in place to check and balance the executive
racy by decentralization of political power to the
and legislature. The scope of fundamental rights for
grassroots. The local self governments as envisaged
common citizens as interpreted by judiciary is grad-
by 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts
ually increasing. The demands for decentralization
have drastically enhanced the number of elected
and accountability related to exercise of political
representatives in rural and urban centers. Moreo-
power are becoming assertive. The civil society and
ver in these acts there are mandatory provisions of
public media have gained great momentums. How-
reservations for dalits and women, so that vulnera-
ever, this is just the one side of the coin. Contrary
ble are marginalized sections of the society can be
to this, the system in the country is increasing be-
mainstreamed and can play active role in democracy.
coming subservient to the elites who control land
This has made democracy much more inclusive.
and capital. The crisis of governability is increasing
in the country. The social cleavages and inequalities Finally, we have a brilliant track record of conducting
are enhancing day by day. The gap between the com- free and fair elections as envisioned by the founding
mon citizens and those who have access to political fathers of the constitution. The cases of violence and
power is increasing. The sanctity of parliament is no malpractices during the election have witnessed a
longer in vogue. In nut shell, procedural democracy downward trend in past decade. Various groups and
political parties in with inherent tendencies of to-
has strengthened in the country but at the same time
the substantive democracy is on a trend of steady talitarianism have changed themselves and aligned
decline. themselves with the democratic process of the coun-
When I say that the procedural democracy in India
is strengthening day by day, I have the following Nonetheless the flip side of Indian democracy sug-
grounds. Firstly, there are very few developing coun- gests entirely different story. It won’t be an exag-
tries wherein the democracy is functioning in the geration to say that political leadership and bureau-
manner like we have in India. Many of our neighbor- cratic apparatus are obsessed with the procedures
ing countries (who share common culture and cus- involved in the democracy rather than delivering the
toms) have witnessed coups and blood bath with the core values.
transfer of political power. Hijack of political power The money and muscle power has played a vital role
by armed forces and fundamentalist groups is also in the electoral process. All the major political par-
rampant in many Asian countries. There are various ties are infested with leaders with criminal anteced-
examples in many developing countries of censoring ents, ethical deficit and the tendencies to grab po-
of public media and gross violation of human rights litical power. Ideology and values have minimal role
in order to perpetuate the vested interests to grab to play in the political alliances which have come to
political power. Fortunately in India, the only means surface to seize the power in the era of coalition.
to gain political power is through democratic pro-
cess. The transfers of power in India at all levels The intraparty democracy is missing in all the ma-
since independence have been peaceful. jor political parties. All the important decisions are
taken by party high commands and party supermos.
Secondly, we have proactive, unbiased and power- The ordinary party workers have no decision making
ful institution in the form of Election Commission to power. The election tickets are distributed on the
ensure free and fair elections. Electoral process in whims and fancies of the party high command with-
the largest democracy and second most populous out any accountability. As a consequence there are
country on this planet is a herculean task. Fair and widespread cases of defection, anomalies in voting
timely elections conducted by Election Commission by party members on the floor of house and horse
as per the ethos of the constitution has gained the trading because of ideological cohesion.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 69
Most lamentably the parliamentary system in the 13% of members in the present Lok Sabha have
Parliamentary disruptions
In last three years sessions of Indian Parliament has in 1952. All these developments have had both a
witnessed frequent disruptions. In this context the positive and a negative impact on the working of
last Winter Session of Parliament was a clear dis- parliament. For example from 1952 to 1967, we had
appointment on all counts. Reports suggest that this general elections once every five years and at these
was the least productive session since 2010. Such is
the extent of the breakdown of the democratic sys-
elections we elected a new Lok Sabha and new state
assemblies. The elections to parliament and state
tem in recent years that public expectation from rep-
resentative bodies has also declined substantially.
assemblies were held simultaneously on the same
day. All this changed when Indira Gandhi as Prime
Veteran BJP leader, LK Advani’s words of despair ‘I Minister decided to delink the two when she opted
feel like resigning’ will resonate well with the most for early elections to the Lok Sabha in 1971. Once
Indians feel at this moment looking at a completely this cycle was broken, no one has been able to put it
washed-out Sessions of Parliament. back and now we are saddled with elections in some
part of the country or the other almost every year,
The Rot Continues thus causing political instability both at the Centre
There are many reasons to feel disappointed with and in the states. This has also led to a crisis of gov-
the working of the two Houses of Parliament. Some ernance in many states and at times at the federal
recent developments has put a question mark on level also because of what Atul Kohli, the author of
the quality of MPs and the ability of parliament to ‘Democracy and Discontent’ describes as dissipa-
police its members. Side by side, there is a visible tion of mandate. In his view, political leaders in India
reluctance on the part of parliament to improve the generally find that their mandates evaporate within
institution’s functional efficiency and to take a fresh 18 to 24 months after an election. From that point
look at its practices and procedures in order to meet onwards, governance becomes difficult because the
the aspirations of the people. Equally disappointing voters are just waiting for elections to dislodge the
is the fact that the decline has been apparent for a incumbent. Another thing that has happened with
long time but there has not been a single initiative the delinking of these elections is that MPs have lost
by the country’s political parties to stem the rot. If their anonymity. Earlier they were riding piggy-back
anything, every political party has done its bit to un- on the state assembly candidates of their respective
dermine the importance of parliament. parties. This is no longer the case. People now know
whom they are sending to parliament and therefore
Governance Crisis demand a lot from their MPs. With the building up of
constituency pressures, an MP’s work in parliament
India has witnessed much political, social and has begun to suffer.
economic change since the first general elections
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70 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
Decline of Parliament days per year on an average and even these sittings
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
There is now damning evidence of the growing ir- were not effectively utilized to keep a watch on the
relevance of parliament. For example, until the late executive because as much as 24 per cent of Parlia-
1970s, parliament devoted 23 per cent of its time ment’s time was lost in disruptions. The number of
to discussing the union budget and this gave MPs laws passed by parliament have also declined over
enough time to focus on budgetary allocations and the years. The first Lok Sabha passed an average of
governmental performance in every sector. These 72 bills each year. This decreased to 40 bills a year
days parliament devote just 10 per cent of its time in the 15th Lok Sabha. Parliament passed 118 bills
to scrutinize the budget. MPs argue that some of the in 1976, the highest in a year. The lowest number of
load has since shifted to the standing committees bills - 18 - passed was in 2004.
but even if this be so, there is no doubt that there is
a sharp decline in the time spent by the two Houses Cost of Running Parliament
to budget-related debates. There has been a phenomenal rise in cost of parlia-
ment. It has risen from Rs 36,000 a day in the 1950s
Another troubling statistic is the decline in the num-
to over 1.23 crore per day in 2004. In 2012, it is close
ber of sittings of parliament per year. In the 1950s,
to Rs 2 crore per day. If the people do not get value
parliament had an average of 127 sittings, in the
for money, the efficacy of the parliamentary system
1960s it rose to 138 sittings. This had declined dras-
is certain to be called into question. Cutting across
tically to just 78 sittings in the year 2003. In 2011,
party lines, India’s political leadership must under-
the two Houses met for just 73 days. The irony is
stand the gravity of the situation and take measures
that while the work of government is expanding, the
to restore public confidence in parliamentary democ-
work of parliament, which has oversight responsi-
bilities, is declining. Even if one were to take into
account the 15 working days set apart for scrutiny of A beginning can be made with a review of the prac-
the demands for grants of various ministries in the tice and procedure of parliament. This has never
standing committees, parliament’s sittings per year been more pressing. Though the two Houses have
is down by over 30 per cent. In fact since 1988, Par- been in existence for 54 years, we have not had an
liament has never met for 100 days or more. The last honest audit of the working of parliament and this
time it came close to this mark was in 1992, when has contributed in no small measure to the growing
the Lok Sabha met for 98 days. Several MPs have hiatus between this elected body and the people.
exercised their concern over the decline in sittings A look at the quality of debates and the efficacy of
per year. On May 13, 2012, when both the Lok Sabha parliamentary instruments will give us an idea of
and the Rajya Sabha met for a special sitting to mark how far removed we are from that ideal parliament
the 60th anniversary of the first sitting of the two that we all thought we would have after independ-
Houses on May 13, 1952, MPs sought immediate re- ence. Right till the 1980s, the Question Hour was an
medial measures. Mr. Sitaram Yechury told the Rajya extremely productive hour in the two houses. MPs
Sabha that day that Parliament had not met for 100 came armed with razor sharp questions and min-
days in a year for over two decades. The 14th Lok isters called upon to respond to questions faced
Sabha, Yechury observed, was marked by the least this hour with much trepidation. The MPs not only
number of sittings in the history of Parliament with drafted their own questions but also had a string of
332 sittings averaging just 66 a year. He said unless supplementary in hand to corner ministers and to
Parliament had more sittings, it cannot perform its cause much embarrassment to inefficient or dishon-
oversight duties effectively. He suggested that 100 est members of the government.
sittings per year should be made mandatory for the
two Houses of Parliament. Conclusion
While sittings per year and time allocated for budg- India confronts challenges across sectors: public
etary matters is down, there is a sharp rise in the health facilities are broken, infrastructure sectors
time lost in disruptions and in the cost of parliament. see capacity shortages, the banking sector confronts
The 11th Lok Sabha lost 5 per cent of its time to dis- non-performing assets, the justice delivery system is
ruptions. This rose to over 10 per cent in the 12th very slow, there is an agrarian crisis, women’s safety
Lok Sabha and 22.40 per cent in the 13th Lok Sabha. is an issue in most places and children’s nutrition
In the 14th Lok Sabha, parliament met for just 66 levels are among the worst in the world. Should not
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 71
Parliament find time to discuss these and other is- Predominant Schools of Thought
they are offshoots of pre-modern ethnic communi- educated class” in India. Mccully claims that when
ties. In Smith’s view, nations are historically embed- a small section of the educated began attacking ven-
ded— they are rooted in a common cultural heritage erated traditions in the name of reform and progress,
and language that may long predate the achieve- it precipitated a conflict inside Indian society. Social
ment of statehood or even the quest for national tension born from cultural alienation, coupled with
independence. economic distress, were the activating factors which
led the educated to experiment with nationalism.
Early Discourses on Indian Nationalism
Annie Besant’s study reveals to some extent how Indian Nationalism through its
her preoccupations with Theosophy and Hindu re- Civilization
vivalism influenced her perception of Indian nation- The civilization of India did not take a linear path, but
alism. The Aryan civilization is depicted as the true is the outcome of a confluence of various cultural,
breeding ground of Indian nationality. On the one religious, linguistic and ethnic traditions. Indian civi-
hand, there was the proud literary heritage which lization has come to be characterized by diversity of
fostered legends, traditions, drama and songs which culture, religion, language, race and caste groups.
“live still more vitally in Indian hearts and prayers According to Rajni Kothari, “in the absence of a cen-
and ceremonies today.” Besant argues that it is “on tralized political authority it was ‘the Indian civiliza-
this literature and on the past embodied in it that tional enterprise’ which ‘over the centuries achieved
the foundation of Indian nationality is indestructibly a remarkable degree of cohesion and held together
laid.” On the other hand, religion came to consoli- different sub-systems in a continental-size society’.”
date further this sense of unity and consciousness. Thus, the unifying force of Indian civilization was the
acceptance of multi-culturality and linguistic diver-
Roy and the Perspective of Historical sity rather than a political ideology of regimentation.
Materialism ATUL PHOTOSTAT It should also be understood that India had existed
as separate country for nearly two thousand years,
MN Roy denies vehemently the claims of the Ro-
mantic School9540528336,9540467939
that Indian nationalism originated in united by its geography and its culture. Politically
ancient times. For him, Nations were born at a cer- also very large part of India have existed as single
tain stage of economic development when people in empire long before colonization by British. Techni-
a given area were welded together into a national cally also, British never ruled over whole of India.
entity. Specifically it is the development of a mode of There were around 600 independent states within
production that brings into existence the bourgeoisie India which were independent kingdoms with which
that provided the conditions for the rise of national- British had entered into treaties. Also, there were
ism. This class, argues Roy, anxious to obtain power territories within India that were under control of
in order to control the means of production and dis- countries like France and Portugal.
tribution, originated the theory of nationhood in an
attempt to rally the support of other classes. India Conclusion
did not inherit a bourgeoisie before the eighteenth The uniqueness about Indian Nationalism is that
century and as such the concept of nationhood was it is not confined to one understanding but on the
unknown at that time. other hand, it has several stakeholders and is man-
ifested in its explicit diversity. A nation emphasizes
Mccully and the Theory of the Educated the consciousness of unity due to psychological or
Class spiritual feelings whereas state emphasizes political
unity and has tangible attributes such as population,
BT Mccully’s research findings were incorporated
territory, government and sovereignty. A nation may
and published in a monograph called English Edu-
lack a feeling of oneness among its people and yet
cation and the Origins of Indian nationalism. The
remain a state. It could be argued that India has
author claims that nationalism was a global phe-
a sense of identity that was pre-colonial. Its most
nomenon which had touched all peoples and states.
striking characteristic was its native culture.
Mccully conceives English education as the agency
through which nationalism entered India. Govern- Considering that nationalism is an ardent form of
ment patronage, combined with missionary zeal love of one’s own kind; where there is dislike and
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 73
hostility to outsiders, both Ashish Nandy and Am- a nationalism based on diversity instead of homoge-
Triple Talaq
The Supreme Court had recently said it would prefer a wider debate, in public as well as in court,
before taking a decision on the constitutional validity of triple talaq, which many complain is
abused by Muslim men to arbitrarily divorce their wives
India’s Supreme Court may soon take one of its
to modernize Muslim personal law. Any attempts to
most interesting and far-reaching court decisions,
change Indian Muslim personal law has been met
one that could go down as pivotal in Indian history.
with claims by Muslim religious leaders that they
At stake is the Muslim practice of “triple talaq,” in
constituted assaults upon the rights and freedoms
which a Muslim man can legally divorce his wife al- of the Muslim minority. In the particularly infamous
most instantaneously by uttering the Arabic word for Shah Bano case of 1985, a Muslim woman, Shah
divorce, talaq, three times in a row, or by indicating Bano won an alimony case in the Supreme Court, the
his intention to end the marriage in similar ways, for provisions of which were opposed by orthodox Sunni
example, by saying “I reject you.” Many traditional Muslim clerics. As a result, the Congress Party,
Islamic interpretations of Islamic Law, especially in which dominated Parliament at that time, passed a
South Asia, allege this is legal, with some scholars bill to overturn the case, a move widely derided as
deriving arguments in favor of this in part from verse pandering; liberal Muslims, Shias, and most Hindus
229 of Surah 2 of the Quran which states: “Divorce supported the court decision.
is twice; then keep her honorably or release her
virtuously.” There are numerous alternative under- Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan
standings of divorce within Islam that do not sup- (BMMA) Takes the Lead
port the notion of triple talaq, and it is banned or not
The BMMA is an Indian Islamic feminist organisation
practiced (due to creative interpretations of sharia)
which brings forth the plight of the ordinary Muslim
in many Muslim countries including Turkey, Algeria,
women in India who constantly live under the fear of
Tunisia, Malaysia, Iran, and Pakistan. Interestingly,
being unilaterally divorced by their husbands.
the Wahhabi movement has also been opposed to
the practice. More than 50,000 Indian Muslim women and men
have signed a petition demanding a total ban on the
However, in India, Muslim personal law is governed
“un-Quranic” practice of the unilateral triple talaq or
independently, and there is no single civil law code
divorce and “nikah-halala” under the mantle of the
for all of India’s citizens. The body that regulates In-
BMMA. In 2016, Shayara Bano and Afreen Rahman,
dian Sunni Muslim law (Shias have a separate body)
unilaterally divorced by their husbands, approached
is the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIM-
the Supreme Court of India, demanding an end to
PLB), which has strenuously resisted any attempts
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74 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
triple talaq, seeking justice from the courts to nullify Supreme Court and Civil Code
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
a practice which is not only unconstitutional but, ac- Supreme Court has announced that it will review the
cording to the BMMA and a number of scholars, also country’s personal law code for Muslims, in what
“un-Quranic”. Both cases have opened a Pandora’s it says is an attempt to rectify any biases against
Box, and now the question of whether it is the right women. A two-judge bench mentioned polygamy
time to abolish the practice in India is being debated and the ease of divorce as particularly problematic,
by all quarters of the media and civil society. and potentially in conflict with the constitution’s
stipulation against gender discrimination. Where
The Grounds to Ban Triple Talaq such conflict is found to occur, following examina-
Over the past six years, the BMMA has been work- tion by judges, the Supreme Court has the power to
ing with hundreds of women who have been suffer- strike down personal laws.
ing as a result of a unilateral divorce. What makes
For a Muslim woman, “there is no safeguard against
the conditions of these women worse are sanctions
arbitrary divorce and second marriage by her hus-
from religious seminaries. Darul Uloom Deoband,
band during currency of the first marriage, resulting
one such revered seminary, has often validated di-
in a denial of dignity and security to her,” judges AR
vorce given by a husband on the phone, by written
Dave and AK Goel wrote in a note to the then chief
communication, and also where a husband repeats
justice of India HL Dattu. Mr Dave and Mr Goel also
the word “talaq” thrice, even in the absence of his
issued notices for legal opinions to the government’s
wife. According to the findings of a BMMA study,
attorney general and the National Legal Services
more than 90 percent of the 4,710 women inter-
Authority – which provides free legal aid to the dis-
viewed wanted a ban on unilateral divorce. It has
been argued that triple talaq creates a power dy-
namic in a marriage which is greatly in favour of the Laws governing most family matters, known as
man and oppressive to the woman. personal laws, have differed from religion to reli-
Litigation or Reform?
gion in India since the 18th century. Laws relating
to adoption, domestic violence and child marriage
After the Shah Bano verdict of 1985, when a court
granted a 70-year-old divorcee maintenance for life,
have been amended or struck down by the courts
since the country gained independence in 1947, but
and the controversial Muslim Women Act - which in other matters, Indians follow laws derived from
was passed to overturn it when that judgement cre- their own religion’s teachings. But in their note to Mr
ated uproar as being intrusive and against Muslim Dattu, judges Dave and Goel said that “laws dealing
laws by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board with marriage and succession are not part of reli-
(AIMPLB) and others - there has hardly been any gion”. “Law has to change with time,” they added,
evident effort by the state or the judiciary towards referring to another Supreme Court judgement from
reviving the process of reform towards gender-just October 13, 2015 for support.
laws. In the 13 October 2015 judgment, which followed
With the Muslim community entangled with issues a petition from a Christian couple challenging the
concerning its identity and socio-economic security, personal law that requires them to go through two
working towards securing the basic human rights of years of separation before formalising their divorce,
Muslim women seems to have been relegated to the judges Vikramjit Sen and Shiva Kirti Singh pressed
background. It is important to note, however, that the government on whether it was willing to push
there are a number of personal law cases where the for a uniform code of personal law.
courts have made very progressive judgements, such Couples from religious groups other than Christianity
as those in the Shamim Ara vs State of UP. Supreme are only required to go through one year of sepa-
Court nullified arbitrary triple talaq, and opined that ration before being granted a divorce.“There’s total
talaq has to be pronounced as per Quranic injunc- confusion,” the judges said to the lawyer appearing
tions in order to be valid. Although a good precedent, for the government. “If you want to do it, then you
in the absence of any codified Muslim personal law should do it. Why don’t you frame and implement
(MPL) there can be no guarantee to always achieve it?”Article 44 of the Indian constitution explicitly in-
similar outcomes. structed the state to “endeavour to secure for the
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citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory commission. It has also sought to know whether the
India’s bid to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group agreed under the India-US Civilian Nuclear Agree-
(NSG) — a 48-country cartel that controls nuclear ment. These commitments included separating its
exports — failed during the group’s plenary session civilian and military nuclear facilities in a phased
in Seoul last . Despite a well thought out diplomatic manner; placing civil nuclear facilities under IAEA
exercise by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his safeguards; signing and adhering to the IAEA’s Addi-
foreign secretary with meetings across the globe to tional Protocol; continuing its unilateral moratorium
advocate on India’s behalf including with Chinese on nuclear testing; working with the United States
President Xi Jinping, the NSG was unable to reach a for the conclusion of the Fissile Material Cut-off
consensus on granting India membership. Treaty (FMCT); refraining from the transfer of enrich-
ment and reprocessing technology to states that do
The unfavorable outcome for India has been de-
not have them and supporting international efforts
scribed as an “embarrassment,” a “car wreck,” a
to limit their spread; introducing comprehensive ex-
“fiasco,” and an abortive bid where India “found it-
port control legislation to secure nuclear material;
self alone.” The government has been quick to rebut
and adhering to the Missile Technology Control Re-
the charge of a diplomatic failure but the Ministry
gime (MTCR) and NSG guidelines.
of External Affairs has admitted that the result was
unexpected. The analysts have mostly been pessi- It was reported that NSG members were divided into
mistic and considered that India’s application faced three groups, according to their national policies to-
predictably long odds due to China’s opposition. But wards the waiver. The first group of countries, mo-
despite such a daunting odd, India raised expecta- tivated by mercantile interests, strongly supported
tion and invested a very heavy diplomatic capital. the exemption. This group consisted of France, Rus-
sia, and the United Kingdom. The second group was
Background ATUL PHOTOSTAT “like-minded” countries, small states with a strong
non-proliferation stance, and included Austria, New
On November 10, 2010, former President Obama an-
nounced US support for admitting India into the Nu- Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, Swe-
den, and Switzerland, and wanted to include strong
clear Suppliers Group (NSG). And in May 2011, prior
to the June 2011 NSG Consultative Group (CG) and non-proliferation conditions in the draft. The third
Plenary meetings at Noordwijk, the US circulated a group of countries, which came out in favor of the
“Food for Thought” paper on the question of India’s exemption but were not enthusiastic, included Ger-
NSG membership for consideration and feedback by many, Japan, Canada, and Australia. This waiver
the participating governments. Although five Plenar- was possible because of intense American diplo-
ies have been held since then and the group’s Public macy, with help from France, Russia, and Britain in
Statements after these plenaries routinely state that reaching consensus. The Bush administration was
the plenary “discussed the NSG relationship with keen to get approval as it had only weeks to get
India”, there does not seem to have been any sub- Congressional approval for the US-India agreement
stantive movement during these five years on the before US elections, and receive the credit for the
question of the NSG accommodating India as a Par- initiative.
ticipating Government.
Difference in Bush and Obama
NSG waiver to India Diplomacy
In 2008, the NSG exempted India from the require- The Obama administration committed to supporting
ment adopted by the NSG in 1992 banning nuclear the bid but in contrast to the Bush administration
cooperation with any state that had not accepted there was no such urgency. The U.S. had urged India
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) compre- to play a more proactive diplomatic role in persuad-
hensive safeguards. That move allowed India to en- ing the hold-outs to support its membership, while
gage in nuclear trade with NSG members. India insisted that Washington take on the job of
achieving a consensus in the NSG, just as the Bush
India received the NSG waiver after some tough ne- administration did in the waiver negotiations. Dur-
gotiations. India got its exemption on the basis of ing the waiver negotiations, India made it clear that
certain non-proliferation commitments to which it according to its reading of commitments in the 2005
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agreement, the United States was responsible for China erects a Great wall between NSG
India’s track-record in observing the provisions of the it put in its application in 2004, because several
NPT and NSG, even though it has not been a mem- members have concerns about China’s dubious pro-
ber of either body, is impeccable. If the NSG was liferation record in supplying missile technology to
able to grant a waiver to India in 2008 on the basis countries like Pakistan, Iran and North Korea.
of its past performance, it should have no objection Responsibility devolves upon China, more than it
to admitting the country as a member because of its does upon India, to bridge the trust deficit between
record in adhering to all its commitments over the the two countries. This is a sterling opportunity that
last eight years. It is, however, obvious that the de- China should welcome and grasp with both hands.
cision in Seoul was taken by some countries on po- For the 21st century to be an Asian century, India and
litical considerations rather than on merit. The next China should not been seen as blocking each other’s
plenary is due in year end and it provides a glimmer growth but cooperating in each other’s rise.
of hope for India to walk the extra mile in diplomacy
India is trying to project itself as a rising and re-
to achieve consensus.
sponsible power in the world. So on India’s part, it
India has reached out to China directly to explain should have tried back-channel diplomacy to secure
that its interest in NSG membership is not guided consensus and then applied for membership. Instead
by any political or strategic considerations but only India very heavily relied on US to vigorously work
to facilitate the expansion of its clean and green nu- for India’s consensus which never happened and the
clear energy programme. Prime Minister Modi took aggressive diplomacy at the last minute generated
up the issue with President Xi Jinping in Tashkent hype but it was more hype than substance. What
where both leaders met on the sidelines of SCO India requires is to use the NSG waiver to its advan-
Summit on 23-24 June. tage so that more and more members would find nu-
India became a Member of the Missile Technology clear trade with India as indispensable. Diplomacy
Control Regime (MTCR) on 7 June 2016. All 34 mem-
bers of MTCR are members of the NSG. It may be
should always be practiced maturely with minimum
of fuss and hype.
Article 3 9540528336,9540467939
to deploy the paramilitary forces in the state to
meet the law and order situation. This can be done
As per the Article 3 of the constitution, only the Cen- even without the consent of the state government.
tre has the final authority to reorganize the bounda- There have been various instances where in the
ries of the states. As a matter of fact there are fre- state government and the local populations have
quent demands for state reorganization by various reacted against the deployment of the paramilitary
political parties and regional pressure groups. These and armed forces.
demands for the smaller states could be heard in the
political echelons. Support of the demands of this Interstate disputes
kind by the Central Government or any kind of prom- The mandatory involvement of Central government
ise for the future might antagonize the incumbent in the interstate disputes influences the centre-state
state government. relations. The central government act as the arbitra-
The recent decision of bifurcation of Andhara tor in the interstate disputes like boundary issues
Pradesh by the UPA II government is a case in point. (e.g. between Karnataka and Maharashtra) and wa-
This decision of the Central government has opened ter disputes (e.g. Cauvery issue, Mulaparriyer dam
the Pandora ’s Box. The central government was un- issue and Sutlej-Yamuna link). Although the center’s
der the intense pressure of regional party Telangana involvement in these issues is merely as an arbitra-
Rashtriya Samiti (TRS), which is also a coalition part- tor rather than as an interested party, but it often get
ner of UPA II. Nonetheless the incumbent state gov- caught in inter-state cross fire. This influences the
ernment of Andhara Pradesh has openly criticized centre-state relations.
the decision.
Financial disputes
Administrative Relations The modalities of authoritative allocation of re-
Like the Legislative Powers the administrative pow- sources and finances by the Centre to the states
ers are also divided between the centre and the affect the centre-state relations. The devolution of
states. Administrative relations between the Union finances is marred by political interests and compul-
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82 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
sions. The competitive politics also influences the Conclusion
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
The slogans raised in a prestigious Indian University Anti-India Slogan
have become the major point of discussion among The slogans that were raised calling for India’s de-
people in India today. The issue has caught the at- struction can never be defended on the pretext of
tention of the nation and has created a divide in Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression enu-
media, society and polity of this country in such a merated in Article 19 (1)a. The Constitution is ample
manner never seen before. Police arrested the stu- clear on the issue that the right is not absolute and
dent, who heads student union, in connection with can be restricted by the Government. The sub-clause
a demonstration authorities called “anti-national.” (2) in Article 19 gives a detail list of circumstances
The gathering had been organized to commemorate and conditions where the government can limit the
the 2013 execution of a Kashmiri separatist who liberty by framing a law. One of the important issue
was convicted for his role in an attack on India’s Par- points to understand is the condition dealing with
liament in 2001. The arrest has sparked protests and the unity and integrity of India. When slogans call-
fresh debate over free speech in India, again pitting ing for destruction of India are raised, it is a direct
government against those who say civil rights are assault on the unity and integrity of India.
increasingly under threat.
National/anti-national, free-speech/sedition; the Charge of Sedition
whole country has conveniently been divided on the According to reports, the FIR has been registered un-
issue. Nearly two weeks and counting, it has initi- der Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code (sedition),
ated more violence than conversations. Things we and the police have already arrested some students.
can or cannot say in a democracy have become the It is important to note that under the Indian law of
judgement scale for whether one will or will not go sedition, the events at the public meeting, even if
to jail. It is said in the media report that police have completely true, do not even come close to estab-
registered a case of sedition against the students lishing an offence. In Kedar Nath Singh’s Case, 5
shouting anti-India slogans. Till now four students judges of the Supreme Court – a Constitution bench
have been arrested.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 83
– made it clear that allegedly seditious speech and Recent Cases of Sedition in India
we owe the idea that free speech cannot be pro- India to rethink sedition law, too. It is tragi-comic
scribed merely because we find it disagreeable, and that there is talk of ‘sedition’ at a time when it is
that curbs may be imposed only if such expression regarded as obsolete in many countries. Courts have
constitutes a direct, explicit, and unequivocal incite- ruled that laws that aim to punish people for bring-
ment to violence. The British gave India the sedition ing a government into hatred or contempt are fright-
law in 1860, to be able to detain those who spoke eningly broad and risk being used to suppress radical
against the colonial government. In 2010, the British political views.
deliberately chose not to merge smaller territories Authority and Municipal Corporation of Delhi. Delhi
with the neighboring states due to multiple reasons. Police is not answerable to the state government,
While in some cases the status of “Union Territory” but to the Centre through LG. Likewise the author-
was alloted to a region for safeguarding the rights ity to appoint bureaucrats rest with LG and not with
of indigenous cultures, there had been other in- elected ministers.
stances wherein a portion of geographical landmass
Moreover there is lot of ambiguity and vagueness
was made into a union territory to maintain military
in terms of distribution of powers in National Capi-
prowess and also to avert political turmoil.
tal Territory of Delhi Act, 1992, and the Transaction
It was observed that these “economically unbal- of Business of the Government of National Capital
anced, financially weak, and administratively and Territory of Delhi Rules, 1993. The Transaction of
politically unstable” territories can’t survive as via- Business Rules has been interpreted by each side to
ble administrative units without depending heavily suit its argument. The Rules give vast powers to the
on the Union government. Thus the Union Territories LG, but also make it mandatory for the LG to consult
were formed in this context. Therefore unlike the the Council of Ministers in case of a difference of
states where the council of ministers led by Chief opinion between the LG and a Minister. The cleav-
Minister is the fountain head of the executive pow- age between the CM and LG gets widen when the
ers, in case of Union Territories these powers rest different (and hostile) political parties are in power
with central government and are exercised through in centre and in NCT of Delhi.
administrators (LG in case of NCT of Delhi).
The road ahead
Special status of NCT of Delhi The deadlock between the two apex constitutional
69 Amendment to the Constitution has guaranteed
offices of NCT of Delhi has affected the quality of
that Delhi enjoys a special status among Union Ter- governance in Delhi. The ultimate sufferer is the com-
ritories. Unlike other Union Territories, Delhi has its mon man who is eagerly waiting for the change. In
elected Assembly, the state Assembly has the right order to improve the quality of governance and make
to legislate on all subjects except some such as law the administration more responsive and accounta-
and order and land. The administration of Delhi is ble, its quintessential that locus of power must shift
primarily governed by Article 239AA, National Cap- in the favor of elected representatives. Thus in In-
ital Territory of Delhi Act, 1992, and the Transaction dian context, the power must be decentralized from
of Business of the Government of National Capital centre to state governments and from state govern-
Territory of Delhi Rules, 1993. ments to local bodies. BJP led central government
must understand that it’s the CM and not LG that
Bone of contention has people’s mandate to rule Delhi. Therefore any
There are four power centers in Delhi: the elected step towards giving Delhi complete statehood and
government, the lieutenant governor, the Municipal giving more powers to elected government would
Corporation (accountable to the home ministry), and be a welcome step. At the same time, CM Kejriwal
the Delhi Development Authority (accountable to the and AAP leaders ought to handle the situation more
urban development ministry). In every state, land maturely. They must realize that they are no more
and law and order are state subjects. In Delhi land activists now but have the herculean responsibilities
to serve the people of Delhi.
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tion bench quashed the President’s rule in Arunachal the governor in bringing the political situation to the
Pradesh. In this way, the seven-month-old political president’s notice in his monthly communications
and legal battle in Nabam Rebia and Bamang Felix may have well been justified. But it was clearly be-
vs Union of India and others came to an end. yond the scope of the governor’s authority to engage
through his constitutional position and exercise his
The case first came to the Supreme Court as a Spe-
constitutional authority to resolve the issue.
cial Leave Petition (SLP) by the former Arunachal
Pradesh house speaker, Nabam Rebia, and the Con- The bench said that the governor has no role what-
gress Chief Whip in Arunachal Pradesh, Bamang soever in the removal of the speaker (or deputy
Felix. They questioned the Governor’s decision to speaker) under Article 179 of the Constitution. The
hold the assembly one month early in December question of adoption or rejection of a notice of res-
2015, which led to political instability. The chief olution for the removal of the speaker is to be de-
minister, Nabam Tuki, could not prove his majority termined by the legislators. If the resolution for the
in the House, as a result. The Deputy Speaker then speaker’s removal is supported by a simple majority
removed the Speaker, by holding a session called by of the members of the house, the motion has to be
the Governor, and annulled the disqualification of 14 adopted and the speaker removed. Any action taken
rebel MLAs by the Speaker on 14 December 2015. by the governor, based on disputations with refer-
The Supreme Court’s five-judge constitution bench ence to activities in which he has no role to play, is
heard the matter for one full month, and reserved its liable to be considered as extraneous. The court also
judgment on 22 February. said it is not for the governor to schedule the func-
tioning of the assembly and it is not in his domain to
A five-judge constitution bench of Justices JS Khe-
schedule the agenda of the house. According to the
har, Dipak Misra, Madan B Lokur, PC Ghose and NV
bench, the governor has no role with reference to the
Ramana in its 331-page verdict unseated Pul as chief
proceedings in the assembly and must keep away
minister and ordered the “status quo ante as on De-
cember 15, 2015”, thus clearing the way for Tuki to
from all that goes on within the House.
return as chief minister. Justices Khehar, Misra and
Governor’s Discretion scrutinized
Lokur gave three different but concurring verdicts.
The bench quashed the Gauhati high court order that Article 163(2) says that a Governor’s constitutional
upheld Rajkhowa’s discretionary powers to summon use of discretion should not be called into question
or advance a sitting of the Arunachal Pradesh assem- if there is uncertainty about whether he’s allowed
bly. It also quashed the orders passed by the deputy to exercise that discretion. If any question arises
speaker removing the disqualification order passed whether any matter is or is not a matter as respects
by the speaker on the rebel MLAs. Writing the main which the Governor is by or under this Constitution
judgment, Justice Khehar held that the governor did required to act in his discretion, the decision of the
not have power to bring forward an assembly ses- Governor in his discretion shall be final, and the va-
sion without the aid and advice of the chief minister lidity of anything done by the Governor shall not be
and his council of ministers. If the governor had any called in question on the ground that he ought or
doubt about the majority of the Tuki government, the ought not to have acted in his discretion.
best course of action is to have ordered a ‘floor test,’ The bench, however, held that this provision does
which he did not do. not mean what it possibly seems to say. “Accept-
ing the above position will convert the Governor into
Severe Indictment of Governor an all-pervading super-constitutional authority,” the
According to the bench, the governor must keep bench held. The reason, according to the bench, is
clear of any political horse-trading and unsavoury that the Governor has not been assigned any signif-
political manipulations. Who should or should not be icant role either in the executive or the legislative
a leader of a political party is a political question, functioning of the State. Taking the overall harmo-
to be dealt with and resolved privately by the polit- nious construction of the provisions of the Consti-
ical party itself. The bench was of the view that the tution, the bench again relied on originalism for an
governor should not make such issues a matter of answer. The Constituent Assembly debates on the
his concern. It also said the provisions of the Con- draft Article 143, which was renumbered as Article
stitution do not give the governor the authority to 163 later, came to the rescue.The bench also relied
resolve disputes within a political party or between on the Sarkaria and Punchhi Commission reports on
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centre-state relations, to conclude that unlimited undermine constitutional and democratic norms.
Weak governance perpetuates evils in the society. responsibilities of state are often substandard and
If the power is abused or exercised in a weak or im- are infeor in quality. There is accountability deficit
proper ways, those at the bottom of pyramid in the at levels. The bureaucratic apparatus in the country
society with the least power- the poor are most likely values rules and processes more than the final out-
to suffer. Weak governance further marginalizes the comes and social objectives. “Lick up and kick below
vulnerable sections of the society. Weak governance culture” has infested the bureaucracy and public
compromises the delivery of services to those who functionaries. Whimsical, arbitrary and partisan per-
need them the most. Poor governance generates and formance appraisals have almost become a norm in
reinforces poverty and destabilizes the efforts to re- the bureaucracy. Non performing civil servants leave
duce poverty and inequalities. Thus strengthening a little choice to the politicians but to resort to pop-
governance is an essential precondition for improv- ulist, rhetoric and sectarian strategies.
ing lives of the poor.
One of the major issues with the governance and
Governance in India is marred by various weak- delivery is that fact that there are no indicators to
nesses. The delivery of goods and services which are quantify the quality of a public good or service deliv-
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90 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
ered by public agency. Secondly the entire focus of districts should be mapped using this index. Central
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
the government and public agency is on controlling and state governments should create an annual fund
the inputs rather than monitoring the outcomes. Till to augment the plan resources to those states and
date there is no scientific way inculcated to measure districts (respectively) which agree to improve the
the social objectives and satisfaction of the stake- governance on the lines suggested. Likewise the
holders for the delivered public goods and services. service conditions of the civil servants and other
state functionaries should also be linked with the
Improving governance and delivery social outcomes.
The first step to improve the quality of governance To improve the delivery of services, the “outward ac-
is quantification. The concept of good governance countability” is quintessential. By outward account-
needs to be translated into the quantifiable annual ability, I mean to say that apart from the governmen-
index on the basis of certain agreed social and fiscal tal departments that involved in regular monitoring
indicators. The performance of public functionaries and evaluation of the public projects and schemes
at the states and districts should be judged on this the other stakeholders should also be involved. The
quantifiable index. The performing public functionar- report of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)
ies, states and districts must be incentivized. must not be the sole criterion to judge a project or
Certain social indicators like Infant Mortality Rate scheme. There should be provisions for user sur-
(IMR), Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), Sex Ratio, veys, investigative journalism, media access, exter-
electrification of rural households, connectivity of nal monitoring, citizen report card, public opinion,
the all weather roads, accessibility to primary health Panchayat audits etc. Social audits can be an impor-
care centers etc should be the components of this tant means to understand the relationship between
index. Like fiscal indicators like revenue deficit, fiscal the resources used and the achievement of social
deficit etc should also be incorporated in the index. objectives. The efficiency and the effectiveness of
The comprehensive performance of the state and the public schemes or projects must be measured
ATUL PHOTOSTAT along with equity.
Social Dimension of Globalization
The social dimension of globalization refers to the sector and its replacement with private sector
impact of globalization on the life and work of peo- means that the access of people to employment,
ple, on their families and their societies. Concerns capital and social services like education, hous-
and issues are often raised about the impact of ing and health services will be much less. The
globalization on employment, working conditions, structural adjustment policies of the national
income and social protection. Beyond the world of government involving the relinquishing of eco-
work, the social dimension encompasses security, nomic activities from the public sector into the
culture and identity, inclusion or exclusion and the hands of the private sector, i.e., the state moving
cohesiveness of families and communities etc. In away from economic planning and leaving eco-
this section let us see some of the social dimensions nomic decisions to the market, will result in the
of globalization. withdrawal of social protection to the public. Re-
ducing social benefits in order to reduce payroll
a) Withdrawal of National Government from
fringe costs to increase competitive ability leads
Social Sector
to “social dumping” which means a process that
The liberalization of the economy resulted in a lowers production costs through low wages and
general reduction in the role of the State in eco- substandard social conditions. This has been re-
nomic governance. The reduction in the govern- flected in the Government’s policies which has
ment’s economic role reflected in a decline in the been constantly trying to reduce the size of cur-
public spending. The consequence of the reduc- rent expenditure by reducing expenditure on pen-
tion in the role of the government and the public sions, subsidies etc.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 91
b) Labour Reforms and Deteriorating Labour c) Feminisation of Labour
As per Article 19(1) (a) of the Constitution of India, fused to frame guidelines for media reporting for
all citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech court cases. In a recent judgment in September, 2012,
and expression. However, this freedom is not ab- a Constitution Bench of five judges said when there
solute, as Article 19(2) also speaks of power of the was conflict between two rights - right to dignity and
state to frame laws for imposing reasonable restric- right to presumption of innocence guaranteed under
tions in the interests of the sovereignty and integrity Article 21 and right to free speech under Article 19 -
of India, the security of the State, friendly relations the right to free speech must give way to right to life
with foreign States, public order, decency or moral- as in India, the right under Article 19(1) (a) was not
ity, or in relation to contempt of court, defamation an absolute one. To protect the rights of the accused,
or incitement to an offence. In a democratic form of the Court evolved the ‘Doctrine of Postponement’ in
Government, media is an important tool available to which the higher judiciary could impose a temporary
the people against the power of the state and is usu- freeze on the reporting of a case under trial.
ally referred as the fourth estate of democracy along
with executive, legislature and judiciary. Matters relating to security concerns
The advent of electronic media has completely During the terrorist attack on Mumbai, the media
changed the scenario of reporting. Now we have 24x7 beamed live images of various encounter sites and
news channel beaming news from all over the country. action being taken by the security forces. This live
However, like any other technological development, it coverage gave the terrorists important information
has its own merits and demerits. While constant avail- about the movement of the security forces, which
ability of news in visual form is a positive develop- the terrorists used to their advantage. This action
ment, the flip side is that due to the nature of the me- was criticized by the Supreme Court. A bench of Jus-
dium and due to cut throat competition, the channels
do not get enough time to verify a number of news and
tices Aftab Alam and C K Prasad said that “The shots
and visuals that were shown live by TV channels
hence errs at times which adversely affects the rights
of a number of people. Some of the controversial is-
could have also been shown after all the terrorists
were neutralized and the security operations were
sues about the electronic media are as under: over. But in that case, the TV programmes would not
have had the same shrill, scintillating and chilling
Media trial effect and would not have shot up the TRP ratings
of the channels.”
In many cases, the electronic media has shown sto-
ries on basis of allegations leveled against a person
or on the basis of legal proceedings. While media Social Responsibility
claims that they are reporting a factual position, the The content of news channels has invited criticism
effect of such a broadcast is that the person is con- and it has been alleged that these channels are air-
sidered to be a criminal prior to a verdict by a Court ing programmes with the sole aim of increasing TRP.
of Law. Subjects like films and cricket are prominent sub-
jects and if these prove insufficient in increasing the
In October, 2005, Naresh Pal, an employee of Pusa
TRP, then excerpts of soap operas and reality shows
Agricultural Institute was accused by his niece
from entertainment channels of the same group
of raping her. She called a media channel which
are roped in to improve the TRP. Obviously, this is
promptly aired the news. The accused committed
at the expense of serious issues facing the country.
suicide along with his wife. In his suicide note he
Apart from this, most of the channels broadcast pro-
stated that his niece has made allegations of rape
grammes about astrology or some other mysterious
against him although he was impotent and he was
methods to solve the problems of people. At the time
ending his life as he cannot face the humiliation.
of every major festival or a solar/lunar eclipse we
This incident shows the lack of responsibility on part
can see a host of gentlemen trying to guide people
of media channel by not verifying the facts before
to prosperity or to save them from disaster. Needless
broadcasting the news.
to say, these solutions do not have any scientific or
Courts have taken an adverse view in the matter logical basis. This does not help in developing a sci-
though the Supreme Court in a recent decision re- entific and rational approach.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 95
Sting Operation Regulation
Electoral Reforms
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
Holding of regular elections is the foundation of a has not been able to make any impact. One reason
representative democracy like ours. However, in or- for this is that considering the present judicial sce-
der to be the democracy to be participatory in true nario, it is difficult to prove charges against a pow-
sense, it is of utmost importance that the elections erful politician. Another reason is that the political
held are free and fair and reflect the true will of the parties which give tickets to such candidates do not
people. However, our experience of more than 60 have legal liability.
years has shown us that a number of malice have
In this regard, the Election Commission has pro-
entered our electoral politics which is hampering the
posed that those persons against whom charges
true voice of the common people in reaching our leg-
have been framed by a Court for an offence punish-
islative institutions. Criminalization of politics, ex-
able by imprisonment of five years or more, should
cessive use of money power, misuse of government
be disqualified from contesting the elections. As a
machinery, regulation of conduct of political parties,
precaution against lodging of false case just prior to
non-availability of option of negative/neutral voting
the elections, it has also been suggested that only
and delay in adjudication of election disputes are
cases in which charges have been framed before six
some such prominent issues.
months prior to the elections should be taken into
The issue of electoral reforms has been taken up a account for that election.
number of Commissions and Committees like the
Goswami Committee on Electoral Reforms (1990), Funding of elections
Indrajit Gupta Committee on State funding of elec- Excessive use of money in elections is another prob-
tions (1998), Vohra Committee Report (1993), Law lem area. Section 77 of Representation of People’s
Commission Report on Reform of the Electoral Laws Act and Rule 90 of the Conduct of Election Rules
(1999), National Commission to review the Working
of the Constitution (2001). Election Commission of
prescribe maximum limits for the expenditure in the
Parliamentary and State legislatures. However, the
India has also proposed certain electoral reforms
in the year 2004 while the Second Administrative
concept of limit has been assailed on two grounds.
Firstly, it is said that the limits prescribed are un-
Reforms Commission has also deliberated upon the realistically low (limit for parliamentary constituen-
issue in its report in the year 2008. However, despite cies of bigger states such as Uttar Pradesh is Rs.25
these detailed deliberations these problems con- lakhs). Second aspect is that despite this criticism
tinue to plague the Indian electoral system. most of the candidates in their statement of expend-
iture claim that they have spend only 45% to 55% of
Criminalisation of politics the limit. Both these statements are contradictory.
Participation and winning of elections by a candidate However, this becomes possible because Section
having criminal background is the most evident prob- 77 of the Representation of People’s Act mentions
lem of the Indian electoral politics. As per a report the expenditure as that done by the candidate or his
prepared by ADR India, 15% of the candidates con- agent. This brings in the possibility of expenditure
testing last Lok Sabha elections had criminal cases not being reported under the claim that this is not
pending against them. Out of these 608 candidates, done by the candidate or his agents. Hence prescrib-
have criminal cases of serious nature. Almost all ing of limits does not seem to have served any pur-
the major political parties fielded these candidates pose.
and a large number of such candidates contested
However, excessive use of money in elections causes
as independents as well. The above said report also
problems in the basic functioning of the democracy.
states out of 543 elected candidates 162 have crim-
National Commission on Review of Working of the
inal cases pending against them.
Constitution has pointed out that high cost of elec-
Presently, Section 8 of the People’s Representation tions “creates a high degree of compulsion for cor-
Act, 1951 provides for disqualification of persons ruption in the public arena”, and that “the sources of
convicted for certain offences. The disqualification some of the election funds are believed to be unac-
is operative for a period of six years after the punish- counted criminal money in return for protection, un-
ment has been served. However, as the previously accounted funds from business groups who expect
mentioned figures would clearly indicate, the law a high return on this investment, kickbacks or com-
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 97
missions on contracts, etc.” and also that “Electoral tion of political parties to reduce mushrooming of
stituencies is to be retained, the law should be has sought this safeguard in respect of Election
amended to provide that if a candidate wins both Commissioners.
seat and has to vacate one, then he should have
to deposit in the Government account an appro- Conclusion
priate amount of money being the expenditure As the successive Committees and Commission have
for holding the bye-election. The amount could pointed out, electoral reforms are of utmost impor-
be Rs.5,00,000/- for State Assembly and Coun- tance for bringing transparency and purity in public
cil election and Rs.10,00,000/- for election to the life. Ministry of Law and Justice has constituted a
Lok Sabha. Core Committee, which has held a number of con-
• In order to ensure the independence of the Elec- sultations, with individuals and groups, on various
tion Commission, Article 324 of the Constitution issues related to electoral reforms. However, as the
provides that the Chief Election Commissioner report has not been submitted yet, the stand of the
cannot be removed from office except in the man- Government and other stakeholders on these issues
ner prescribed for removal of a Supreme Court will be clear only after the Committee submits its
Judge. However, no such protection is available report.
ever most of the SFCs have formulated the fiscal policy problems in India. The urban poverty has
packages without access to the clear directives on also given born to other problems such as child
the functional jurisdictions of the urban local bodies. labour, increased juvenile crimes, law and order
It has resulted into a gross mismatch between the problems, organized and unorganized crimes etc.
functional responsibilities and resource generation • Urban divide: A number of studies from the
capacity of the urban local bodies. World Bank and MoUD have been highlighting
In most of the states the executive functions of the the fact the inequality has spread in urban areas
urban local bodies are vested in the hands of the more rapidly compared to urban areas. Today,
Commissioners. The Commissioners are the govern- there is considerable difference among rich and
ment officials and not the elected representatives. poor; literate and illiterate; skilled and non-skilled
Thus they are accountable to the state government workforce; in urban areas. This gap has widened
and not to the people. This is the most prominent in absence of meaningful government interven-
stumbling block in decentralization of power to the tion and rapid degradation of environment and
people. climate change. Any urban rejuvenation program
must take note of this fast spreading inequality in
Apart from the grey areas in the implementation of urban cities.
the 74th CAA, there are various policies issues as
well related to the urban governance. Since inde- Environment challenge in urbanisation:
pendence we are perusing a restrictive urban policy.
Rapid urbanization has caused wide spread environ-
The public policies instead of allowing urban areas
mental degradation in the country. The government
to grow at their natural pace have often tried to re-
has conceded that despite imposition of regulatory
strict them. Also the pace of urbanization is not uni-
measures, the magnitude of pollution from industrial
form across the country. The bigger urban areas are
sources in the country has not shown any apprecia-
growing at much faster pace vis-à-vis the middle and
smaller urban areas. Nonetheless the governmental
ble decrease during the last two decades. Increase
in pollution levels in urban areas is also fuelled by
policies are nearly homogeneous in context of the
urban areas and are unable to address this differen-
ever-growing traffic. . The number of registered
automobiles in the country, mostly concentrated in
tial pace of growth.
the cities, has increased from 1.87 million in 1971
The municipal laws in India are very old have be- to 5.39 million in 1981 and 62.03million in 2016.
come outdated. These laws often do not enable the These figures show an extraordinary high annual
urban local bodies to implement reforms. There are (exponential) growth rate while the urban popula-
various stake holders that are involved in urban gov- tion grew only by about four-seven percent annually
ernance like central government, state governments, during this period. Thus, the growth in the number
local bodies, NGOs, international agencies, funding of vehicles per capita in the past 22 years has been
agencies, research agencies etc. To avoid the dupli- very high in the country. These vehicles contribute
cation and overlapping of various functions there is the most to air pollution levels. Poor maintenance of
an immediate and dire need of the coordination be- vehicles and traffic congestion have been found to
tween these stake holders. be critical factors of air pollution problems in urban
areas. Most vehicles do not confirm to permissible
Socio-economic Issues in Urban areas: emission limits.
• Urban poverty: In recent time, urban poverty has In all of ten major cities of India, there has been a
increased considerably in India. Urban poverty in substantial increase of the suspended particulate
India is over 25 percent; some 81 million people matter (SPM) in the air, which suggests the pres-
live in urban areas on incomes that are below the ence of dust and carbon particles coated with toxic
poverty line. At the national level, rural poverty gases. The highest level of SPM is reported to be in
remains higher than urban poverty, but the gap Delhi and Kolkata. The high levels of air pollution in
is closing. The nature of urban poverty poses dis- Indian cities are largely attributable to incomplete
tinct challenges for housing, water, sanitation, combustion of diesel and leaded petrol, particularly
health, education, social security, livelihoods and in case of two- and three-wheelers, which use inef-
the special needs of vulnerable groups such as ficient two-stroke engines and indirect fuel injection.
women, children and the aging. However, the ur- Rapid urbanization together with other associated
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 101
problems of shelter and provision of infrastructural At this critical juncture, when the entire world seems
Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality: Meaning and nuances The principle of Net Neutrality argues that no bit of
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or telecom com- information should be prioritized over another. This
panies are accredited to offer data services. They implies that an information network such as the in-
broadcast data packets generated by the users or, ternet is most efficient and useful to the public when
more precisely, by the users’ computers. What is in it is less focused on a particular audience and in-
the packets is treated as content — video, audio, stead attentive to multiple users. In normal parlance
text or pure data — and is generally not the subject there should be no differential pricing and/or differ-
matter of the telecom regulations. ential speed (quality) on internet. Simply speaking,
the principle of net neutrality demands that telecom
The original architecture of the internet was pro- service providers should not discriminate between
posed as being agnostic to the quality of the doc- data packets based on source, ownership or content.
uments and files (data) that are being accessed. So, The principle is essential to maintain a level playing
no matter where the content is located, the digital field on the Internet by ensuring all content is equally
network shall try to maximize the speed and give accessible to the public.
users the shortest route of access to that data. Net
Neutrality reinforces the same.
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102 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
So if you are accessing your result from the U.P.S.C services and cannot charge its users differently for
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
website or talking to your friend on Watsapp, the In- the data that they consume. This would mean faster
ternet Service Provider (ISP) should not differentiate Internet traffic for those who can afford to pay the
between the two and ideally should try to maximize premium and slow connections for the rest. Another
the speed and give the shortest route of access to threat would be that bigger firms can use their mus-
the data at the same price. cle to dominate at the cost of smaller firms. Moreo-
ver, to debilitate the internet companies which offer
O.T.T Services and VoIP Telephony: The close substitute of conventional telephony at lower
bone of contention price is anti-developmental and against the interests
of the users.
At the centre of Net Neutrality debate are the issues
pertaining to over the top services (OTT) and Voice
over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Telephony. OTT or over-
The real story
the-top refers to applications and services which Telecom companies have two major revenue sources
are accessible over the internet and ride on ISP net- i.e. conventional telephony (voice and SMS) and
works. The best known examples of OTT are Skype, internet data. Two-third of internet users in India
Viber, WhatsApp, e-commerce sites, Ola, Facebook accesses the internet through their mobile phones.
messenger. Thus for telecom companies the internet data gen-
erates substantial revenues. The telecom operators
The OTTs are not bound by any regulations therefore lobby has not offered any evidence that data ser-
they have grown in leaps and bounds. Many small vices do not generate enough revenue; instead fig-
and big companies across the globe are coming up ures show revenues growing at a dizzying pace. In
with innovative internet based applications to make fact, even voice and SMS traffic in India is growing.
our lives easier and better. Many such applications The recent high auction price of spectrum shows
have not just made our life easier but have made the that the telecom sector has enough revenues. Yes,
businesses and processes more efficient, cost effec-
tive and transparent. But as a matter of fact they all
some drop has taken place in international calling.
But has it not been more than compensated by an
are facilitated by the infrastructure of ISPs for deliv-
ering values. Telecom players have an eye on their
increase in revenues from data services.
profits and are lobbying for the same. They look at As a matter of fact the telecom companies have full
the huge success of a number of Internet companies autonomy to set their own rates for voice and data.
with a jaundiced eye, and feel that since they “sup- So if they are of the view that data is cannibalizing
ply” the basic infrastructure, they deserve the share the revenue shares of conventional telephony, rather
in booty. than compromising with Net Neutrality they have an
option to increase the overall price of this segment.
One of such OTT services is VoIP telephony. The
companies like Viber, WhatsApp etc now offer calls If Net Neutrality is compromised, either explicitly or
and data transfer at much lower rates vis-à-vis the implicitly, the small companies would be at a really
conventional telephony and SMS services which are disadvantageous position. This would sap the inter-
the major sources of revenue for the telecom compa- net innovation which has become new buzz word in
nies. The telecom companies are extremely skeptic countries like India. A large number of small compa-
about the same. They have complaint that these OTT nies would die unnatural death because they won’t
services which rely on their infrastructures ironically have enough monies to offer to telecom companies
cannibalize with their revenue shares. There is a for preferential treatment. They would not be able to
direct conflict of interest in the telecom companies compete with the big multination companies whose
and VoIP telephony applications. To counter this, website and applications would open at much faster
these companies have demanded that the users of speed on internet.
such services, applications and websites should be In long run the aim of telecom companies and policy
charged extra in order to maintain the level playing makers should be to make joys of internet available
field. to every Indian at most affordable price. For this a
Nonetheless, this is against the basic premise of Net substantial investment is required in the infrastruc-
Neutrality which argues that that no bit of informa- ture and bandwidth. If net neutrality is desecrated,
tion should be prioritized over another. It insists that telecom operators would have a headstrong incen-
the internet has to be uniformly neutral to all the tive to not expand their infrastructure or bandwidth.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 103
Once bandwidth is choked, bigger Internet players those offered by Skype and WhatsApp. the broad-
opment does not automatically include marginalized This is particularly important with common margin
groups, the poor, women or ethnic minorities unless property resources such as rangeland, watersheds,
their participation is specifically highlighted as a fisheries, and woodlots. If people do not know what
goal, both at the agency and community levels. Com- resources they are responsible for, they cannot be
munity based development is concerned with the in- expected to manage those resources rationally.
volvement of local stakeholders in decision making.
If people in communities are to take initiative, be Nature of the Benefits
creative, learn, and assume responsibility for their Collective action is easier to stimulate when bene-
own development, they must be actively encouraged fits are quick, visible, and local, when they accrue
to participate. This requires building into policies only to those who participate, and when they are
and projects features which enable people’s par- felt to be proportionate to contributions. Benefits are
ticipation. In order to encourage community based affected by ownership, tenure and land use rights.
development on a large scale, it is important to first If benefits from participation in conservation meas-
understand the dynamics at the household, group, ures such as forestry, fisheries, or wildlife protection
or community levels. Based on this understanding, accrue only at the district or national level, local
what needs to happen to support community action communities have little incentive to participate. For
can be defined at successively higher and more dis- this reason, clean up of rivers and lakes is difficult to
tant levels. Community based development requires induce through collective action. The long gestation
reversing control and accountability from central period before benefits accrue in forestry and tree
authorities to individuals, groups, and communities. planting projects is a disincentive to investment, par-
Success is dependent on tapping into local needs ticularly when combined with insecurity over tenure.
and creating local ownership, management (rules, Projects which have provided access to fodder, non
control, authority, and responsibility), and organi- timber forest products, and firewood while timber
zational capacity. The challenge facing agencies is
to “reinvent themselves so that they can support
is actually maturing have generally been more suc-
cessful than those which relied solely on promised
community involvement, participation, and capacity
building for sustained change. Community based
timber benefits. If the resource does not lend itself
to quick, visible and localized benefits, community
management on a large scale requires fundamental based development should not be attempted unless
changes in the policies, incentives, and structures of strategies can be developed that provide quick, visi-
agencies. This has costs, but when done properly, ble benefits without violating a demand orientation.
the benefits are considerable. When results are induced artificially by agency ini-
Community based development is not an appropriate tiated short cuts, they may be counterproductive to
strategy for every situation. Three factors influence collective action. Communities may justifiably ask
the prospects for participation. These need, there- themselves why they should do the difficult work of
fore, to be considered prior to adopting a community organization, negotiation, and resource mobilization
based approach. These three factors are the nature themselves, when there are easier ways of getting
of the good or service, the nature of benefits, and the the same results.
nature of the task.
Nature of the task to be Performed
Nature of the Good or Service Community based development is dependent on
Collective action is necessary to ensure a flow of ser- action and change at the community level. This re-
vices or goods when their provision or management quires a clear goal orientation, definition of tasks
is not attractive to the profit making sector, when to be performed at the community level and agreed
resources are scarce, or collectively owned or man- upon outcomes at the community level (both physi-
aged. In such cases, the resource or service must cal and capacity building). Among the task charac-
be managed so that those who do not contribute teristics which must be considered are specificity,
or follow rules can be denied access. This ability to coordination, and continuity.
regulate access is critical for success and is usually Community based development is being used by the
determined by a combination of technological and Government of India in a number of programmes. It
social factors, such as organization, social pressure, has the advantage that it encourages participation
and the ability to impose sanctions. People must also from the local people. Community Based Organiza-
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tions are an important stakeholders in most of the villages of Uttaranchal, which spearheaded Chipko
not remain a necessity any longer. Hence the pro- where money has retained a “ceremonial character
cess of empowerment would mean conferring some that is obligatory and effective”, as described by
powers upon persons or a group of persons who Mauss. In rural India, it would also mean breaking
were hitherto not enjoying this power. The empow- up of “Jajmani” system. Empowering women would
erment has to be through legal means. The process challenge the ‘patriarchal’ structure of the society
of empowerment challenges the power structures of where conferment of property rights, particularly
subordination and hence at certain times invites the land title, and literacy were considered to be the
ire of those at the higher end in the power structure. domain of upper caste male members of the society.
spheres like education, which have been attributed country. In general, relations between the Hindus
to poverty, lack of schools, low return from education and Christians are reasonably cordial. Though there
and certain school-based factors. Economic inequal- have been incidents of violence by the Hindu fanat-
ities exist in the form of low public employment and ics against the Christian missionaries on the issue
a similar situation in the public sector. Liberalization of conversion, it goes to the credit of the communi-
has adverse impact on Muslim artisans. Muslims are ties that this has not spoiled the relations between
usually engaged in unorganized sector which does the communities at large. Christian missionaries
not have any protection and impact of liberalization continue to work in various areas of the country in
has been more adverse for them. The traditional oc- fields of education, health and social service. Large
cupations of Muslims in industries such as silk and number of Hindu students in Christian schools point
sericulture, hand and power looms, the leather in- out to the mutual faith and understanding between
dustry, automobile repairing, garment making have the two communities. The next largest religious
borne the brunt of liberalization. The import of silk community, the Sikhs have traditionally remained in
from China and its debilitating impact on the silk in- harmonious relationship with Hinduism. In fact, both
dustry was mentioned in this regard. The emergence these religions have so intertwined that it is difficult
of the ready-made garment industry has thrown a lot to separate the two communities at the social level.
of tailors, mostly Muslims, out of business. Discrim- The only point of discord was the rise of militancy in
ination also exists in banking and credit facilities as Punjab and anti-Sikh riots in Delhi and other parts
well in others spheres. of the country. However, both the communities have
moved ahead and are living with the traditional har-
Intolerance Quotient (IQ)
The term “Intolerance” became the buzzword in the are deprived of the right to political and social equal-
year 2016. On a daily basis new stakeholders entered ity. Curtailment of freedom of belief and expression
its arena. Artists, writers, historians, filmmakers, in- is also a decisive component of Intolerant culture. In-
tellects, scientists and superstars have got involved tolerance exists when the state or society promotes
and have carefully picked the sides. The debate in- mono culture and a particular set of religious values,
itiated with one individual, Nayantara Sehgal, and mores, practices, identities and beliefs considering
snowballed into a protest movement. The support- these as the ultimate truth; while abhorring the
ers and detractors had firm logics to justify their re- other sets as erroneous and immoral.
spective stand. The incumbent government and its
Non-state actors and fringe elements can also per-
affiliates have their own version. They were of the
petuate intolerance. If the state tacitly empowers
view that this debate was artificially orchested with
them by tolerating and perhaps encouraging them,
vested interest by the opposition parties and their
they are able to exercise their intolerance.
At this point, it’s also important to distinguish be-
Are all these protests and dissents politically or-
tween the societal and state intolerance. Indian so-
chestrated? Is this a manufactured revolt by Con-
ciety rests on the bedrock of the composite culture.
gress, Leftists and their proxies? Or we have actually
Tolerance, flexibility and peaceful coexistence have
become intolerant?
been the hallmark of Indian society since centuries.
This society cannot transform in just 18 months.
What is “Intolerance”? Thus the intolerance debate is essentially about the
For the better understanding of this complex issue, state intolerance. There have been several instances
let me theoretically define “intolerance” in context where the state (read government) has displayed in-
of plural democracy like India. A society or state can tolerance in the recent past and this triggered the
be considered intolerant if the groups or individuals debate. Dadri is a case in point.
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What was different in Dadri? Reaction to intolerance debate
have expressed the concern that excessive promo- writers, intellects, filmmakers, superstars and above
tion of Hindutva by right wing affiliates of the incum- all the youth has got involved in the intolerance de-
bent government have backfired and was the major bate, the same fervor and enthusiasm should con-
reason for the poor show of NDA in the elections. tinue in future for relevant issues like criminalization
PM Modi should also understand that mandate that of politics, corruption and eradication of poverty.
he has received from his fellow countrymen in 2014
is to implement the development agenda and not to
uphold the schema of saffron brigade.
Office of Profit
The expression “office of profit” has not been de- High Court judgments in the past have deemed the
fined in the Constitution or in the Representation of appointment of Parliamentary Secretaries unconsti-
the People Act, 1951. It is for the courts to explain tutional and have ruled against such appointments.
the significance and meaning of this concept
Discussion and controversy with regard to the office A brief history of judicial decisions on
of profit has again erupted in the recent days as the the post of Parliamentary Secretary
President of India rejected a proposed legislation • Various petitions in the High Court have chal-
by the Delhi government to exempt the post of Par- lenged the appointment of Parliament Secretary,
liamentary Secretary from the purview of office-of- arguing that the post is in contradiction to Article
profit. On 14 June 2016, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind 164 (1A) of the Constitution which provides for
Kejriwal reacted strongly to the President’s action. limiting the number of Ministers in the State Cab-
Delhi is not the only State where the post of Par- inets to 15 per cent of the total number of mem-
liamentary Secretary has been challenged. Various bers of the State Legislative Assembly.
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112 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
• Because a Parliament Secretary often holds the the Schedule to the Parliament (Prevention of Dis-
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
rank of Minister of State, the Calcutta High Court, qualification) Act, 1959. The membership of bodies
in June 2015, quashed the appointment of 24 Par- listed in Part I of the same Schedule entails no dis-
liamentary Secretaries in West Bengal dubbing it qualification on the ground of holding an office.
• Similar action was taken by the Bombay High Disqualification in India and England: A
Court in 2009 for the appointment of two Parlia- comparison
mentary Secretaries in Goa and by the Himachal In England, there is no general theory that a disqual-
Pradesh High Court in 2005 for the appointment ification arises from holding an office of profit under
of eight Chief Parliamentary Secretaries and four the Crown. There disqualifications are specific and
Parliamentary Secretaries in the State. disqualification arises only when a person holds a
• In May 2015, the Hyderabad High Court stayed disqualifying office so declared under a parliamen-
the appointment of Parliamentary Secretaries in tary legislation. The position is, however, different
Telangana. The matter is sub judice in Punjab and in India as there prevails a general disqualification
Haryana. under the Constitution, but specific exemptions may
be granted from it under a law of Parliament. Hence,
Constitutional provision and its analysis it may be concluded that the drafters of the Indian
Clause (a) of Article 102 of the Constitution of India Constitution intended to exempt as less a number
says a person shall be disqualified for being chosen of offices of profit from not operating as ground of
as, and for being, a member of either house of Par- disqualification under article 102 (1)(a) as possible.
liament, if he holds any “office of profit” under the
Government of India or the Government of any State What is an office of profit?
other than an office declared by Parliament by law The expression “office of profit” has not been de-
not to disqualify its holder. Sub-Clause (a) of the said fined in the Constitution or in the Representation of
Article itself carves out an exception by empower- the People Act, 1951. It is for the courts to explain
ing the Parliament to declare (by law) certain offices the significance and meaning of this concept. Over
of profit as exempted from the operation of Article the years, courts have decided this issue in the con-
text of specific factual situations.
The object of the provision is to secure independ- An office of profit means a position that brings to the
ence of the MPs and to ensure that Parliament does person holding it some financial gain, or advantage,
not contain persons who have received favours or or benefit. It may be an office or place of profit if
benefits from the executive and who consequently it carries some remuneration, financial advantage,
might be amenable to its influence. In other words, benefit etc. The amount of such profit is immaterial.
the provision appears to have been made in order
to eliminate or reduce the risk of conflict between Supreme Court on office of profit
duty and self-interest among MPs. This provision is
thus designed to protect the democratic fabric of the The Supreme Court of India in Ashok Kumar Bhat-
country from being corrupted by executive patronage tacharya vs Ajoy Biswas (AIR 1985 SC 211) held that
and also secures the independence of MPs from the to determine whether a person holds an office under
influence of the Government so that they discharge the Government, each case must be measured and
their functions without fear or favour. judged in the light of the relevant provisions and sec-
tions. A Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court in
India had the Parliament (Prevention of Disqualifica- Guru Gobind Basu vs Sankari Prasad Ghosal & others
tion) Act, 1950, 1951, and 1953 exempting certain (AIR 1964 SC 254) ruled that the decisive test for de-
posts from being recorded as offices of profit. All termining whether a person holds any office of profit
these Acts were replaced by the Parliament (Pre- under the Government is the test of appointment.
vention of Disqualification) Act, 1959. By virtue of There are several factors that enter into the determi-
section 3 of the said Act, certain offices did not dis- nation of this question such as: appointing authority;
qualify their holders from being members of either the authority vested with the power to terminate the
houses of Parliament. appointment; the authority that determines the re-
Certain offices were declared to be non-profit. A list muneration; the source from which the remuneration
of non-profit offices has been mentioned in Part II of is paid; the authority vested with the power to con-
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trol the manner in which the duties of the office are suggest that the statute intended it to be a statu-
The court said it would be a stretch to say that up- ment of Article 21 of the Constitution and balancing
holding criminal defamation in modern times would of fundamental rights is a constitutional necessity
amount to imposition of silence and further the legislature in its wisdom has kept
the penal provision alive, it is extremely difficult to
It was a great setback to the liberals when the Su-
subscribe to the view that criminal defamation has
preme Court on May 13, in a judgment that holds
a chilling effect on the freedom of speech and ex-
far-reaching implications for political dissent and a
pression.” It further said that “The individual should
free press, upheld a colonial and pre-Constitutional
have all the rights under the Constitution but si-
law criminalising defamation. It has not gone well
multaneously he has the responsibility to live upto
with the liberals and human rights activists who have
the constitutional values like essential brotherhood
criticised the judgment as unprogressive and obscure.
– the fraternity – that strengthens the societal in-
The judgment came on a batch of petitions filed by terest. Fraternity means brotherhood and common
BJP leader Subramanian Swamy, Congress vice-pres- interest.”
ident Rahul Gandhi, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind
Kejriwal, and media associations, among others. A Grounds of attack on law of criminal
Bench of Justices Dipak Misra and PC Pant said the defamation under sections 499 and 500
reputation of an individual was an equally impor- of the Indian Penal Code
tant right and stood on the same pedestal as free
speech. The verdict dismissed apprehensions, raised • Damage to reputation is a private wrong. The re-
by personalities across the political spectrum and gime of criminal liability set up by Sections 499
media organisations championing the fundamental and 500 goes beyond the “reasonableness” re-
quirement of Article 19(2).
right under Article 19 (1) (a) of the Constitution, that
criminal defamation may have a chilling effect on • These restrictions have a chilling effect on free-
the freedom to circulate one’s independent view. The dom of speech.
court said it would be a stretch to say that upholding • They create an anomaly whereby the threshold
criminal defamation in modern times would amount for criminal prosecution for defamation is now
to imposition of silence. The Court refused exhorta- possibly lower than the threshold for civil dam-
tions that penalisation of defamation is past its time, ages.
and the nation now risks the danger of being reduced • They provide public remedies for essentially pri-
to a “frozen democracy.” The Court held that crimi- vate wrongs; they go against the global trend of
nalisation of defamation to protect individual dignity decriminalising defamation.
of life and reputation is a “reasonable restriction” on
the fundamental right of free speech and expression. Criticism
“The right to reputation is a constituent of Article 21
The judgment actually comes from taking damage
of the Constitution. It is an individual’s fundamental
to reputation as a serious public issue. Law often
right,” Justice Misra observed.
depends on an underlying picture of what a society
“Mutual respect is the fulcrum of fraternity that as- should fear more. The judges look at Indian society
sures dignity. It does not mean that there cannot be and regard those who are worried about freedom of
dissent. It does not convey that all should join the expression. In the evolution of law, the trend is usu-
chorus or sing the same song. Indubitably not. One ally towards decriminalisation of more crimes and the
has a right to freedom of speech and expression. institution of civil remedies. India seems to be moving
One is also required to maintain the idea of frater- in an opposite direction. More and more crimes, from
nity that assures the dignity of the individual,” said trademark violations to drinking and eating, are be-
Justice Misra, who authored the verdict. coming criminal violations. We prefer penal over civil
The Court went on to say that “Reputation being an remedies, Article 19(2) of the Constitution permits
inherent component of Article 21, we do not think it “reasonable restrictions” upon the freedom of speech,
should be allowed to be sullied solely because an- “in the interests of… defamation.” Article 19(2) is si-
other individual can have its freedom. Once we have lent about whether “defamation” includes both civil
held that reputation of an individual is a basic ele- and criminal defamation. The word “reasonable”,
according to the judgments of the Supreme Court, re-
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quires a relationship of proportionality between the against the other as a crime. It depends on the leg-
The debate over the need of a National Court of Ap- Court had to adjudicate on. However, areas of law
peal with regional Benches has again been brought like intellectual property, and taxation and corpo-
to the centre of discussion among the jurists as the rate law were not as big as they are today. Thus,
Supreme Court Bench headed by Chief Justice of In-
dia TS Thakur, on 26 February 2016, while hearing a
with a limited population and limited areas of law,
the Court could cope with just the chief justice and
PIL filed by Puducherry-based advocate V Vasantha-
kumar in 2014, issued notice to Centre seeking re-
seven judges. Over the decades, with the growth in
population and an increasing number of cases going
sponse on a plea for setting up of National Court of for appeal, there is a massive backlog of cases.
Appeal. The Court has appointed Senior Advocates
KK Venugopal and Salman Khurshid as Amicus Cu- Background
riae in this Case. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court on In 2010, KK Venugopal in his landmark Jain Me-
15th March decided to set up a five-judge Constitu- morial Lecture on the subject “Towards a holistic
tion Bench to debate the establishment of a National restructuring of the Supreme Court of India” advo-
Court of Appeal. cated the proposal of establishing National Court of
Why do we need the NCA?
He stated as follows: “I suggest that instead of
The Supreme Court of India, as the highest court of
adding more judges to the Supreme Court of India,
the land, has a sacrosanct function to ensure that the
one should create four Regional or Zonal Courts
country is governed adhering to the principles of the
of Appeal which would absorb the 140 categories
rule of law. It has evolved remarkably well, steering
of cases which are today pending in the Supreme
the country through thick and thin. It also has had a
Court of India being matrimonial, rent control, la-
tremendous contribution to the jurisprudential land-
bour, service, land acquisition and other such like
scape, not just in the country but also internationally.
cases. These cases would belong to the exclusive
The time has come, however, to revisit the court’s
jurisdiction of the Courts of Appeal which would be
function and align it with the needs of today.
established in the four regions of the country. The
Since the Supreme Court was established in 1950, Chartered High Courts themselves could well be the
the nation’s demands have changed tremendously. seats of these Courts of Appeals which would be
The population of India in 1950 was less than 36 manned by judges of the same calibre as the judges
crores. At present, it is over 1.2 billion. The ques- who would otherwise be elevated from the High
tions that came before the courts back then were Courts to the Supreme Court. The age of retirement
of course, important constitutional matters that the of the Judges of the Court of Appeal would be 65,
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as logically, they would have to have a higher age and it was necessary to pronounce the correct law
Jat Reservation
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
For decades, successive governments have found states of Bihar, Uttarakhand and NCT of Delhi were
caste-based quota an easy way out to achieve the also referred to the NCBC.
constitutional goal of equality to undo historic injus-
The ICSSR submitted a report but made no specific
tice to backward castes in Hindu society
recommendations about inclusion/exclusion in the
Recent times has been a witness to the worst form Central List. The report was discussed by the NCBC
of agitation including the rape of innocent women and on 26 February 2014, the NCBC submitted a re-
inter alia large scale bandh, arson and loot of private port to the government, stating that “the Jat Com-
and government property. It claimed several pre- munity had not fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in
cious lives and destroyed property worth thousands the Central List of OBCs.” But on 2 March 2014, the
of crores. The government is in a fix and in order to cabinet rejected this report on the ground that it did
cool down the passion, it has promised to meet the not take into account “ground realities.” Two days
demands of the protesters and formed a committee later, via a notification, Jats were placed in the Cen-
under Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu. However, any tral List for the nine states.
decision of the government will have to pass the test
of the apex Court as very recently the Supreme Court NCBC
in Ram Singh vs Union of India gave a blow to such It is a statutory body, established under the National
laws. Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993. Under
The Court quashed the notification issued by the Cen- S. 9(2), it is provided that when it comes to inclusion
tral government on 4 March 2014, to include Jats in or exclusion from the Lists, “the advice of the Com-
the Central List of OBCs for the States of Bihar, Gu- mission shall ordinarily be binding upon the Central
jarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Government.” This closely followed the judgment of
the National Capital Territory of Delhi, Bharatpur and the Supreme Court in Indra Sawhney vs Union of In-
Dholpur districts of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Ut- dia, where it was observed that “its advice/opinion
tarakhand. The previous United Progressive Alliance should ordinarily be binding upon the Government
(UPA) government had issued this notification, on and where the Government does not agree with its
the eve of the last Lok Sabha elections, overruling recommendation, it must record its reasons.”
the binding recommendation of the National Com-
mission for Backward Classes (NCBC) against it. The What did the apex court say on
government claimed that the NCBC had ignored the reservations?
“ground realities” that justified the inclusion of Jats. • The apex court said the backwardness of a caste
The Court quashed the notification on the grounds must be decided according to the economic and
that the reports and the literature relied on by the social status and not only on caste.
government to justify the inclusion of Jats in the list • The inclusion of politically-organised castes like
of OBCs were at least a decade old. the Jats in the OBC list is not good for other back-
ward classes.
Background • Though the Union of India is empowered under
In 1997, in response to numerous petitions, the Na- the Constitution to provide reservation to a par-
tional Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) car- ticular class, it cannot be permitted to do so on
ried out a study, at the end of which it recommended the basis of a decade-old-finding about the back-
the inclusion of Jats in the Central List only for two wardness of a caste.
districts of Rajasthan. Subsequently on 19 July 2011, • The Supreme Court also asked why communities
the NCBC decided to approach the Indian Council are being increasingly included in the OBC list
of Social Science Research (ICSSR), asking them and not being removed from the category with
to conduct a survey in various states (UP, Haryana, the passage of time.
Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh and
• Referring to the case of transgenders, it asked
Gujarat), in order to determine the socio-economic
the Centre to consider new and emerging forms
status of Jats. By a subsequent Cabinet decision, the
of backwardness to decide the OBC list.
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• Outdated statistics cannot provide accurate pa- a convenient starting point for a reservations, the ul-
The question that should euthanasia be legalized right to live with dignity. Having faced an irreversi-
is a subjective one which depends more upon the ble brain damage, she was kept on a constant, arti-
cases and circumstances ficial life support. After several considerations, the
court deemed the hospital staff as the next friend of
In our society, the palliative care and quality of life
Aruna, rather than Pinki and rejected her petition. A
issues in patients with terminal illnesses like ad-
set of rules were laid down following the verdict in
vanced cancer and AIDS have become an important
the case.
concern. Parallel to this concern has arisen another
controversial issue— euthanasia or “mercy-killing”
of terminally ill patients. Earlier judgments
In MS Dubal vs State of Maharastra, the Bombay
Bringing alive this dormant debate, the Supreme
High Court held that right to life under Article 21 of
Court on 15 January 2016 asked the Centre whether
the Indian Constitution includes ‘right to die’. On the
a terminally ill person, medically diagnosed to be
other hand in Chenna Jagadeeswar vs State of AP,
in the last stages of life, could be kept alive on life
the AP High Court said that right to die is not a fun-
support system even though he had willed against
damental right under Article 21 of the Constitution.
it? A five-judge constitution bench felt prolonging a
However in P Rathinam’s case, Supreme Court of In-
patient’s life by putting him on ventilator or life sup-
dia observed that the ‘right to live’ includes ‘right not
port system against his will could amount to torture
to live’ i.e right to die or to terminate one’s life. But
of the patient and be financially draining for his fam-
again in Gain Kaur vs State of Punjab, a five mem-
ily. The bench sought the Centre’s response within
ber bench overruled the P Rathainam’s case and held
a fortnight on the plea for legalizing ‘Living Will’, in
that right to life under Article 21 does not include
which a person when in sound mind and good health
records his wish that he should not be kept alive
Right to die or right to be killed.
with the help of ventilators if doctors at any stage
Law Commission’s 241st report
of his life opine that he cannot be kept alive without
life support system. • Law Commission in its 241st report had recom-
mended, “A competent adult patient has the right
Euthanasia: its types to insist that there should be no invasive medi-
cal treatment by way of artificial life sustaining
The English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon coined the
measures/treatment and such decision is binding
phrase “euthanasia” early in the 17th century. Eutha-
on the doctors attending on such patient provided
nasia is derived from the Greek word ‘eu’, meaning
that the doctor is satisfied that the patient has
“good” and ‘thanatos’ meaning “death,” and early
taken an ‘informed decision’ based on free exer-
on signified a “good” or “easy” death. Euthanasia
cise of his or her will.”
is classified into two types: passive and active eu-
thanasia. Passive euthanasia is legalized whereas • On patients in coma or in vegetative state, the
active euthanasia is not. Passive euthanasia refrains commission had suggested that their relatives
from treatment of the person necessary to extend “shall have to get clearance from the high court”
the life which may include turning off life support for withdrawing or withholding life sustaining
or withdrawing supplementing life with medication treatment.
necessary to maintain life. On the other hand, active
Arguments against euthanasia
euthanasia is carried out by means of a lethal sub-
stance. • The human life is gift of God and taking life is
wrong and immoral. Thus euthanasia devalues
Legal perspective human life.
India’s tryst with the sensitive issue of euthanasia • It is totally against the medical ethics, morals and
dates back to 1973 during the Aruna Shanbaug case, public policy. Medical ethics call for nursing, care
wherein she was plunged into a permanent vegeta- giving and healing and not ending the life of the
tive state following a tragic incident. A petition was patient. In the present time, medical science is
filed in the Supreme Court citing violation of Aruna’s advancing at a great pace. Thus even the most in-
curable diseases are becoming curable today. The
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decision to ask for euthanasia is not made solely • Article 21 of the Indian Constitution clearly pro-
It refers to the legal means to avoid or reduce tax liability by taking advantage of some provision
or the lack of provision in the law
General Anti Avoidance Rule (GAAR) is a set of tax planning by the tax payer may be termed as a
broad and general principles-based rules enacted case of tax avoidance by the tax authorities leading
in the tax code aimed at counteracting avoidance of to confrontation. So, even honest tax payers always
tax. fear that tax authorities may misuse the provision of
GAAR to harass them and even the genuine cases
Tax avoidance is an area of concern across the world
of tax mitigation and tax planning may be termed as
as the companies and businesses try to avoid to pay
methods of tax avoidance.
tax or to minimize the taxes payable. The rules are
framed in different countries to minimize such avoid- Anti-Avoidance Rules are broadly divided into two
ance. Such rules are known as ‘General Anti Avoid- categories— ‘General’ and ‘Specific’. Legislations
ance Rules’ or GAAR. dealing with general rules are termed as GAAR
whereas legislation dealing with specific rules are
The methods adopted by the companies to reduce
termed as SAAR. In India, SAAR is used and laws
their tax liability can be classified under four cate-
are amended to plug specific loopholes as and when
gories— ‘Tax Evasion’, ‘Tax Avoidance’, ‘Tax Miti-
any loophole and misuse of it is noticed. As GAAR
gation’, and ‘Tax Planning’. But the differences be-
gives widespread powers to tax authorities, tax pay-
tween the four categories become blurred owing to
ers fear that arbitrary and wide interpretations by
the perception of tax authorities and/or tax payers.
tax authorities may lead to misuse of it leading to
Tax Evasion: It refers to illegal arrangements where
liability to tax is reduced by the tax payer by hiding
harassment of the tax payers.
News for GAAR has been in prominence during the
income or information from tax authorities. Thus the
last few years as Indian Government has taken in-
tax liability is reduced by illegal means.
itiative to introduce GAAR with a view to increase
Tax Avoidance: It refers to the legal means to avoid tax collection and discourage tax avoidance efforts
or reduce tax liability by taking advantage of some by companies. In India, GAAR came to limelight
provision or the lack of provision in the law. In this with the release of the draft DTC (Direct Tax Code)
case, tax liability is reduced by the tax payer through Bill popularly known as DTC 2009. It contained the
legal means but may not be as per the intent of the provisions of GAAR. Later on it was tabled in Parlia-
law. In this case, the tax payer is not hiding any fact ment as a formal bill to enact the law known as DTC
from the tax authorities but is still able to avoid tax 2010. The same was to be made applicable w.e.f.
or reduce tax liability on account of some loopholes/ April 1, 2012. However, owing to negative publicity
gaps in the tax laws. and pressures from various groups, GAAR was post-
Tax Mitigation: It refers to a situation where the tax poned to at least 2013. In the meantime, an expert
payer takes advantage of a fiscal incentive offered to committee was set up in July known as Parthasara-
him under some government policy by the tax legis- thi Shome Committee. On the recommendations of
lation. A good example of ‘Tax Mitigation’ is setting the Committee, it was further deferred to 2016-17. In
up a business undertaking in SEZ where several tax the budget 2015-16, the finance minister expressed
concessions have been offered by the government the intention to implement the provisions of GAAR
to the units. w.e.f. April 2017.
Tax Planning: It refers to an arrangement of a busi- As per the notification issued in September 2013,
ness in order to minimize tax liability. It is also per- GAAR would be applicable only to foreign institu-
fectly legal. tional investors that have not taken the benefit of
DTAA (Double Tax Avoidance Agreement). Invest-
Thus there are four possible situations but there is ments made by foreign investors prior to August
a very thin line between them. Therefore, a lot de- 2010 will not attract GAAR. It will apply only to busi-
pends on the perception of the tax payers and tax ness arrangements with a tax benefit exceeding Rs
authorities. For example, a case of tax mitigation or 3 crore.
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Unemployment trap
Unemployment trap is a situation created by social ning Commission estimates for 2011-12, only 21.9
security and/or unemployment benefits which erode percent of the population in India was poor while
any motivation on the part of the unemployed to the coverage under the food security is 67 percent. If
take up a job. An unemployment trap arises when the government provides ration for the family at just
opportunity cost of going to work is higher than the Rs 75 per family per month which is being offered
income received, discouraging people from returning minimum Rs 150 (much more in many other states)
to work and being productive. for one day’s work, there is every chance that there
is less incentive to work more. It is being reflected
The Western world is known for providing social
in the employment data presented by the Planning
security to its citizens but in many countries ques-
Commission for the year 2009-10. The Planning Com-
tions are being raised about the quantum of it. Many
mission has reported that demand for work by the
countries are facing the situation of unemployment
female labour force in rural areas has shown trends
trap. Some researches in Western countries have
of decline. This trend shows that after crossing a
shown that if replacement rates cross 70 percent,
threshold limit for income, the families in rural area
there are chances of people preferring to stay home
are showing less interest in jobs. Agriculture min-
and take social security benefits rather than opting
istry has also raised questions about the timing of
for employment.
the employment offered under the MGNREGA. There
The replacement rate for given income levels meas- are reports in many parts of the country that rural/
ures the proportion of out-of-work benefits received farm labour has started opting out of work as there
when unemployed against take home pay if in work. income levels are increasing thus creating shortage
While there is no pre-determined level of replace- of labour in peak demand periods in farm activities.
ment rate which would influence every individual’s
These trends are quite disturbing. Helping poor
decision to work, clearly the higher the replacement
families in their effort to increase their purchasing
rate, the lower the incentive to work. A replacement
power and lead better life is certainly our concern.
rate in excess of 70% is considered to be excessive.
But there is also need to have a close watch on the
Thus it is a measure of how much of a person’s fam- behavioural pattern. Any policy which fails to guess
ily income would be replaced if they were to lose the right response of the people may fail to succeed
their job/income and start receiving social welfare. or it may solve one problem while at the same time
This is of concern in many developed countries and creating another economic or social problem.
has been captured by independent researchers.
Social security measures in India need close scru-
A related problem is poverty trap which occurs when tiny of the governments, political parties and policy
an increase in employed person’s gross income re- makers. Satisfaction at the lower level of income is
sults in a reduction in net income, thereby resulting a dangerous outcome of these policies. India has
in disincentive to work for higher earnings or work reached the stage of development where we need
for increased hours. This can arise because of higher to maximise the productivity of labour and utilize the
tax bracket or because of withdrawal of social bene- strength of the labour force for faster growth of the
fits as gross income crosses certain threshold. economy.
These issues have become suddenly relevant to In- India entering into unemployment trap and poverty
dia as we are heading towards situations like unem- trap at this stage of development can be disastrous
ployment trap and poverty trap. for the economy and our aspirations to move faster
A study of election manifestoes of various political on the path of development. There is certainly a
parties reflects their intention to increase depend- need to look into the type and size of the social se-
ence on freebies. Subsidies are already at higher lev- curity tools suitable for Indian conditions rather than
els like food subsidy. The coverage percentage under blindly following the Western models because the
the food security is disturbing. According to the Plan- behavioural pattern of the people is different in dif-
ferent countries.
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124 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
There is need to maintain a proper balance between subsidies and investment in the farm sector
There are different types of subsidies being provided Farmers also need credit from time to time for buying
by the central and state governments to the farm inputs and also for investment in agricultural imple-
sector. These subsidies are known as input subsi- ments. The government incentivises use of better
dies, price subsidy, infrastructure subsidy and export equipments and inputs through providing credit sub-
subsidy. sidy. Poor farmers are unable to afford loans at nor-
mal rates. Credit subsidy is the difference between
Input subsidies are granted through distribution of
interest charged from farmers and actual cost of
inputs at prices that are less than the normal mar-
providing credit plus others costs such as writing off
ket price. The amount of subsidy will therefore be
bad loans. The government can also link the subsidy
equal to the difference between the two prices—
to timely repayment of loans. Under the interest sub-
distribution price and normal market price. Several
vention scheme, the government of India is providing
subsidies in India fall under this category, namely
interest subsidy of 3 percent to the farmers repaying
fertilizer, irrigation, power, seed credit etc.
their loans timely.
Distribution of cheap fertilizers to farmers amounts
Another important subsidy being provided to the
to the difference between price paid to the manufac-
farmers in India is ‘price subsidy’. It is the difference
turer of the fertilizer and the price received from the
between the price of foodgrains at which Food Cor-
farmers. The objective of this subsidy is to provide
poration of India procures foodgrains from the farm-
cheap input to the farmers to promote use of it. It
ers and the price at which it sells it to traders or to
also ensures reasonable returns to the farmers and
stability of fertilizer prices in the country.
the consumers through the public distribution sys-
tem. This subsidy becomes more important consid-
Almost all the states in India provide irrigation sub-
sidy which is the difference between operating and
ering the dependence on monsoon and frequent ups
and downs in production. In years of bumper crop,
maintenance cost of irrigation infrastructure and irri- market price may be so low that the farmers will be
gation charges recovered from the farmers. This sub- forced to incur losses instead of making profits. In
sidy is provided through provisions of public goods such a case the government may promise to buy the
such as canals and dams which is constructed by the crop from the farmers at a price which is higher than
government but charges are low or are provided free the market price. It encourages the farmers to grow
of cost to the farmers. crops which are regularly procured.
States also provide power/electricity subsidy which Another important subsidy is infrastructure subsidy.
imply that the state governments charge lower rates Farm sector needs infrastructure like irrigation,
for electricity supplied to the farmers. It is primarily power, transportation, storage, information about
for irrigation purposes. Power subsidy is the differ- the market etc. for carrying out production and sale
ence between cost of generating and distributing operations. These facilities need huge investment
electricity and the price recovered from the farmers. which is not possible for an individual farmer. There-
Power subsidy acts as an incentive to farmers to in- fore the government takes the responsibility of pro-
vest in tube-wells and pumping sets. viding these and given the condition of Indian farm-
High yielding varieties of seeds are necessary for ers a lower price can be charged from the poorer
increasing productivity. High yielding varieties of farmers.
seeds are provided by state governments at subsi- Sometimes subsidy is also provided by the govern-
dized rates to promote use of it. The research and ment to promote export of specific farm product. Ag-
development activities needed to produce such pro- ricultural exports are promoted as long as they do
ductive seeds are also undertaken by the govern- not harm the domestic economy. Subsides provided
ment, the expenditure on these is a sort of subsidy to encourage exports are referred as export subsi-
granted to the farmers. dies.
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There is no doubt, farm subsidies are important for cost of investment in agriculture. Subsidy targeted
MGNREGA: An analysis
In fact, it has been both a major success Another issue is identification of most backward dis-
and huge failure tricts to focus on. In this context, one issue is the
need to understand India’s backwardness in terms
MGNREGA provides a guarantee for 100 days of
of blocks rather than districts. Many advanced dis-
unskilled employment to one member of all rural
tricts in India hide pockets of backwardness and not
households during the year. It was started in 2006
all the blocks in the so-called backward districts are
with the coverage of 200 districts which was later
equally deprived. In this context, the NDA govern-
on extended to cover all districts in the country. It is
ment has correctly sought to focus intensive partic-
about to complete 10 years. Obviously, it is the right
ipatory planning exercises in the 2,500 most back-
time to evaluate successes or failures of the scheme.
ward sub-districts and also set-up cluster facilitation
The results are mixed. After analysis of the scheme teams there.
it is quite visible the states where the leadership has
On the failure part, it will be imperative to say that
understood the potential of the programme, every ef-
universalization without quality is the major weak-
fort has been made to make it more effective. This is
ness of the programme. In the rush to universalize,
true across the political spectrum. Madhya Pradesh,
we compromise the quality of work and at times cre-
Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Tamil Nadu and Orissa have
ate perverse effects, such as incentivisation of cor-
taken a number of initiatives with lot of imagination.
ruption. For example, there are countless instances
But the programme is not successful uniformly. In of labour-scarce areas in the country, where the
fact, it has been both a major success and huge pressure to spend under MGNREGA led to contrac-
failure. So, there is need to understand and analyse tors deploying machines, in collusion with bureau-
the reasons of success to be replicated and also the crats, for doing the work and fudging entries in the
reasons of failures to be reformed. job cards of the workers who sat at home and pock-
eted part of the wages.
According to the reports presented by the govern-
ment, thousands of villages where water harvesting Another vexed question is the wage-material ration
structures have been created, agriculture has im- which was set at 60:40 originally but changed to
proved, distress migration has stopped and women 51:49 by the NDA government. As a matter of fact,
have been empowered. The success of the scheme excellent earthen engineering work has been done
in certain areas and states are due to: one, avail- under MGNREGA where care was taken to learn
ability of strong technical support to the main im- from these traditions and also to empower gram
plementing agency, the gram panchayat and two, panchayats to understand the principles underlying
awareness among MGNREGA work seekers of their the watershed approach. Changing the wage-mate-
entitlements and procedures under the programme. rial ratio in a blanket fashion has the inherent dan-
Other things which also contributed to the success ger of converting the people-centric programme to
are compulsory social audit that checked corrup- contractor-centric one. But, it would be appropriate
tion to certain extent and the systems that ensured to provide greater flexibility in the ratio in certain
timely payments. parts of the country, where material cost tend to be
generally very high like Himalayan region, where
But a lot needs to be done. One issue often raised by
transport costs are steep or deserts where long dis-
the chief ministers is the flexibility in the programme.
tances are to be traversed. In such regions, lowering
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126 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
the wage-material ratio could actually enable more No doubt, in a country as large and as varied as In-
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
work to be provided under MGNREGA. This has also dia, a one-size-fits-all centralized model is bound to
been a long standing demand of many states. Else- fail in some if not all parts of the country. If greater
where, there is abundant scope for individual works flexibility is the objective then effective devolution
with a lower wage-material ratio because it is only of powers to panchayats should be planned with
average that needs to be 60:40. adequate monitoring arrangements in place so that
they have real authority to identify infrastructure
works and plan for MGNREGA expenditure.
The need for simultaneous elections: and also reduce the impact on delivery of essential
Should the country have simultaneous elections to services and burden on crucial manpower that is de-
the Lok Sabha, the state assemblies and the local ployed during election time.
bodies? Yes, say our President and our Prime Min- It recommended an alternative and practicable
ister. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was the first method of holding simultaneous elections which
among the two to raise this issue earlier this year involves holding of polls in two phases. The Com-
when he said that the country should be spared mittee has envisaged holding of elections of some
from bracing for polls “throughout the year”. He had legislative assemblies at midterm of Lok Sabha and
said his government was exploring the “option” of remaining with the end of tenure of Lok Sabha. The
holding assembly and Lok Sabha elections simulta- terms of some state legislative assemblies may
neously. need to be extended while some of them may need
His argument was that conducting Lok Sabha and to be curtailed. While as per electoral law, elections
assembly elections separately consumes quite a lot can be held six months prior to the end of the term of
of time. “For 40-50 days, the decision-making pro- a House, the term of the House cannot be extended
cess in the government is stalled in different parts except during proclamation of Emergency.
of the country due to the model code of conduct.”
Modi’s idea received support from President Pra- The flip side:
nab Mukherjee is of the opinion that such a system Following the report of the parliamentary standing
could ensure political and administrative stability. committee, the Law Ministry had asked the Election
According to the Election Commission, it is prepared Commission to give its views. The EC supported the
to simultaneously hold general and state assembly idea to hold simultaneous elections to Lok Sabha and
polls provided there is a consensus among all polit- state assemblies but made it clear that it will cost
ical parties and constitutional amendments to this a lot and the Constitution will have to be amended
effect. to curtail or extend the term of certain state assem-
blies. The Election Commission said simultaneous
According to a rough estimate, Lok Sabha and state
conduct of elections would require large-scale pur-
polls cost around Rs 4,500 crore in 2004. A parlia-
chase of Electronic Voting Machines and Voter Veri-
mentary standing committee looking into the Feasi-
fiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) machines.
bility of Holding Simultaneous Elections to House of
People (Lok Sabha) and State Legislative Assemblies The former Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) S Y
in it’s report said that simultaneous polls would re- Quraishi also begs to differ. He says the idea is good
duce the massive expenditure that is currently in- in principle but seems fraught with constitutional is-
curred for the conduct of separate elections; reduce sues and administrative problems. In a newspaper
the policy paralysis that results from the imposition article, he wrote that it is true that due to frequent
of the Model Code of Conduct during election time; elections, normal work comes to a standstill to a
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 127
considerable extent, cost becomes a major issue • Elections give a boost to the economy at the
The present government recently unveiled a sev- is dependent on the weather god – monsoon. India
en-point strategy to double the income of farmers by is among the few countries which has monsoon as a
2022. This is a welcome development as agriculture, season as it being tropical country and a peninsula,
though important component of India’s economic surrounded by two monsoon active seas and Indian
development strategy since independence, has not ocean. It starts with South West Monsoon in Kerala
achieved desired progress partly because of sys- and gets deflected in the Himalayas and comes back
temic and inherent problems. as North East monsoon to down south in Tamil Nadu.
This is a unique phenomenon. Yet India has a long
It is a plausible and possible target but one has to be
way to go in agriculture despite big strides made in
skeptical as it looks impossible to achieve in a short
the farm sector during the seventy years of independ-
span of six years. In a democratic set up, which has
ence. A modest target of achieving average 4 per
slow polity and different pulls and pressures, achiev-
ing such targets need herculean effort. cent agriculture growth annually has not been real-
ized so far. The closest India came to this target was
A lot has been done in the last seventy years but
3.6 per cent average annual growth during the 11th
the cutting edge development has not happened.
five year plan ending 2012, partly because of good
The reason has been that a holistic approach has not
and dispersed monsoon for most of the five years.
been taken so far for the development of agriculture.
The holding is getting fragmented, Technology has India has 60 per cent of its land area as cultivable
been inadequately utilized. As a result, 60 per cent land as compared to 35 per cent of China and 25 per
of the population, still dependent on agriculture ac- cent of United States. Yet United States has more
counting for less than 15 per cent of GDP. Average arable land than India because of modern agricul-
farm productivity is one of the lowest in the World in ture and China produces more food grains than India
most of the crops though India’s yield of various farm because of much better yield. China has less area
products in pockets matched the best in the World. under cultivation in food grains, consumes less fer-
This is a paradoxical situation. tilizer and yet produces more than the double that
of India. China produces over 570 million tonnes of
Despite conducive factors food grains annually as against India’s 250 million
India is endowed with conducive climate, and one tonnes. India is among the top countries in use of
of the most fertile land-mass in the world, particu- fertilizers and production of wheat, cotton, rice,
larly gangetic plains. Yet average yield is one of the fruits and vegetables, milk, pulses, sugarcane and
lowest in the World. This is not the only dichotomy so on. Yet our agriculture is still in pathetic condition
there are many more. India has the largest ground with farmer’s income none too encouraging, land
water irrigated area in the world, yet nearly two- getting increasingly fragmented despite large rural
thirds of nearly1.6 million hectares of cultivated land population moving on to urban areas.
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The Issues and Challenges reaped due to haphazard development of agri-
Challenges and measures of Jobless less than 30%. Manufacturing contributes 16%
growth in India to the GDP and employs around 13%. This clearly
Arguments favoring ‘Jobless-Growth’ in Indian
depicts a scenario, where the gross addition to
the GDP has been done by services sector which
• India’s unconventional growth pattern: It
is less job intensive compared to agriculture and
manufacturing sector. In other countries, chiefly
is important to recognize that India’s pattern of in East Asian Tigers, the growth is attributed into
growth has been distinctly different and has not manufacturing sector and agriculture sector. Agri-
followed the standard path as other economies cultural productivity is one of the highest in these
follow in a conventional process of development. countries.
In India, the phases of development process or • Import-oriented economy: Post-liberalization
the structural transformation did not go hand in period, India did not move from the import substi-
hand from primary sector to manufacturing and tuting phases of its economic development to an
then the services, one driving the other. export-oriented development strategy and hence
However, for India, it seems that the second failed to witness a strong growth in the labour
(manufacturing) stage of development process intensive segment of the manufacturing sector.
has been bypassed and has entered into the third Opening up of the economy has only strengthened
(service) stage directly from the first (agriculture) it leading to the availability of cheap capital goods
stage. This has created a growth path which is from abroad. The weak base for capital goods has
not participated by manufacturing (job-intensive) further hastened this process and changed it al-
sector. most into a spiral non-ending process.
• Service Sector led growth: Unlike the East • Informal employment generation: Whatever
Asian Tigers such as Japan, Korea and even jobs that were created outside of agriculture
China, in India, growth is attributed to service were mostly in the low productivity – low wage
sector, whereby both employment and wages informal services sector comprising mostly trade,
have seen a rise. But as figures say, the biggest hotels and restaurants. Slow movement of labour
employing sector in India is the Agriculture sec- from the less productive agriculture to the more
tor, employing 45% of the population but contrib- productive manufacturing and service sectors has
uting 15% to the GDP, whereas Service sector is reflected the poor capacity of Indian economy to
the biggest contributor to the GDP but employs generate quality jobs.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 133
• Stagnation in manufacturing output: Due to Sluggish process in education and skill levels of
International media and human rights organizations Another growing concern in the region is that if
have often described Rohingyas as one of the most state led prosecution and discrimination of Rohing-
persecuted minorities in the world and also as “boat yas continues in Myanmar, there is a high chance
people”, as they remain stranded on boats while that Islamic radicalization may raise its ugly head.
fleeing from Myanmar. They also migrated to Ban- There are reports of linkages of Rohingya groups
gladesh (especially Cox bazar), Malaysia, Indonesia, with extremists in the region. A lesser known
Australia, India and Pakistan as refugees. Rohingya militant group “Aqa Mul Mujahideen”
(AMM) is believed to be responsible for the recent
Presently, the nascent democracy in Mayanmar
attack on military’s border outpost on October 9. In
along with the stronghold of the military junta in pol-
the long run such radicalization has the potential to
icy formulation has further intensified the complex-
destabilize the peace and tranquility of South Asia.
ities of this issue. The public opinion in Mayanmar
about Rohingyas is highly acrimonious thus any kind • Dent on the credibility of “Democracy Icon”
of support to them by any political party could invite Aung San Suu Kyi
the public backlash. Critics are of view that even the change of guard
in Myanmar after decades of military junta regime
The recent crisis to Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for De-
A new humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Myanmar mocracy, has not brought any meaningful differ-
by the Military crackdown on Rohingyas since Octo- ence to the lives of the persecuted ethnic groups
ber 2016. Military crackdown on “Islamist jihadists” of Myanmar. The new government has proved to
in the Rakhine State was in retaliation to the attack be ineffective in tackling internal security and hu-
on three border security posts. A series of attacks manitarian crisis. If the crisis continues to linger,
on security posts along the Myanmar-Bangladesh it will surely make a dent in the image of Noble
border in October 2016 rejuvenated ethnic ferocity laureate and de-facto ruler of Mayanmar i.e.
in Rakhine state. Local government and authorities Aung San Suu Kyi as the champion of democratic
ethos. There are already voices accusing Aung
accused Rohingya militants for the attacks, stimulat-
ing an inflow of military and police forces to support San Suu Kyi of potentially “legitimizing genocide
of Rohingyas” due to her prolonged silence on
a manhunt for those responsible and to tighten se-
curity. Dozens of people were executed in raids and the simmering issue. Some of the staunch critics
more than thirty thousand displaced internally. As have even urged to take away noble peace prize
a result, a new wave of migration of Rohingyas to away from her.
the neighboring countries has started once again. • Chances of isolation of Myanmar
Ironically the immigrants are not even welcomed in Myanmar is surrounded by Muslim-majority
Myanmar’s neighborhood states either. countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Ban-
gladesh. There are chances that she might get
Issues isolated diplomatically in the region.
Following are some of the issue which arises out of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak partici-
one of the largest exodus of people from their own pated in a protests rally on 4 December to support
country: the Rohingyas and called for review of Myanmar’s
membership in the regional bloc ASEAN. Malay-
• Human rights Issues
sia is of the view that this issue is of “interna-
The greatest issue which is associated with the tional concern”. Malaysia also canceled recently
Rohingyas is the gross violation of human rights two football matches with Myanmar in protest
in an institutionalized manner. Rohingyas are the of the crackdown on Rohingyas. In November,
victim of “state led persecution”. It is nothing less Bangladesh summoned the Myanmar’s envoy to
than a crime against the humanity. In November express ‘tremendous concern’ over the Rohingya
2016, John McKissick, a senior UN official, ac- persecution. In the world’s largest Muslim-major-
cused Myanmar of conducting “ethnic cleansing” ity country, Indonesia, several Islamic organiza-
in the Rakhine state to free it from Muslim mi- tions have protested the killings of Rohingyas in
nority. Myanmar.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 135
India and Rohingyas crisis mar’s internal affair. Nevertheless, as a pioneer of
The Rohingyas Issue
Who are Rohingyas in Mayanmar? hingyas of acquiring a nationality, the 1.33 million
Myanmar is a Buddhist majority state and about Rohingyas have led uncertain lives. They have even
87.9% of its total population is Buddhist. On the other migrated in large numbers to the safer places. The
hand Rohingyas are Indo-Aryan Muslims minority Burma Citizenship Law, along with denying them
groups predominantly from the Rakhine State (previ- right to nationality, curtailed their freedom of move-
ously known as Arakan state) in Western Myanmar. ment, their access to education and services, and
The Rohingya differ from Myanmar’s dominant Bud- legitimized arbitrary confiscation of their properties.
dhist groups ethnically, linguistically, and religiously. International media and human rights organizations
Rohingyas claims that they are indigenous to Rakhine have often described Rohingyas as one of the most
State. This view is seriously contested by the majority persecuted minorities in the world and also as “boat
of Buddhist population in Mayanmar which consider people”, as they remain stranded on boats while
them as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh though fleeing from Myanmar. They also migrated to Ban-
they have been living in Rakhine for generations. gladesh (especially Cox bazar), Malaysia, Indonesia,
Australia, India and Pakistan as refugees.
Myanmar’s military started a systematic persecution
of the Rohingyas in the 1970s when thousands were Presently, the nascent democracy in Mayanmar
deported to Bangladesh. The rest were stripped off along with the stronghold of the military junta in pol-
the citizenship by the military junta, which often icy formulation has further intensified the complex-
used the Rohingya problem to muster the public sup- ities of this issue. The public opinion in Mayanmar
port for its authoritarian rule. about Rohingyas is highly acrimonious thus any kind
of support to them by any political party could invite
Since the enactment of the 1982 Burma Citizenship the public backlash.
Law, which effectively denies any possibility for Ro-
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136 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
The recent crisis mocracy, has not brought any meaningful differ-
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
A new humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Myanmar ence to the lives of the persecuted ethnic groups
by the Military crackdown on Rohingyas since Octo- of Myanmar. The new government has proved to
ber 2016. Military crackdown on “Islamist jihadists” be ineffective in tackling internal security and hu-
in the Rakhine State was in retaliation to the attack manitarian crisis. If the crisis continues to linger,
on three border security posts. A series of attacks it will surely make a dent in the image of Noble
on security posts along the Myanmar-Bangladesh laureate and de-facto ruler of Mayanmar i.e.
border in October 2016 rejuvenated ethnic ferocity Aung San Suu Kyi as the champion of democratic
in Rakhine state. Local government and authorities ethos. There are already voices accusing Aung
accused Rohingya militants for the attacks, stimulat- San Suu Kyi of potentially “legitimizing genocide
ing an inflow of military and police forces to support of Rohingyas” due to her prolonged silence on
a manhunt for those responsible and to tighten se- the simmering issue. Some of the staunch critics
curity. Dozens of people were executed in raids and have even urged to take away noble peace prize
more than thirty thousand displaced internally. As away from her.
a result, a new wave of migration of Rohingyas to • Chances of isolation of Myanmar
the neighboring countries has started once again. Myanmar is surrounded by Muslim-majority
Ironically the immigrants are not even welcomed in countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Ban-
Myanmar’s neighborhood states either. gladesh. There are chances that she might get
isolated diplomatically in the region.
Issues Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak partici-
Following are some of the issue which arises out of pated in a protests rally on 4 December to support
one of the largest exodus of people from their own the Rohingyas and called for review of Myanmar’s
country: membership in the regional bloc ASEAN. Malay-
sia is of the view that this issue is of “interna-
• Human rights Issues
The greatest issue which is associated with the
tional concern”. Malaysia also canceled recently
two football matches with Myanmar in protest
Rohingyas is the gross violation of human rights
in an institutionalized manner. Rohingyas are the
of the crackdown on Rohingyas. In November,
Bangladesh summoned the Myanmar’s envoy to
victim of “state led persecution”. It is nothing less express ‘tremendous concern’ over the Rohingya
than a crime against the humanity. In November persecution. In the world’s largest Muslim-major-
2016, John McKissick, a senior UN official, ac- ity country, Indonesia, several Islamic organiza-
cused Myanmar of conducting “ethnic cleansing” tions have protested the killings of Rohingyas in
in the Rakhine state to free it from Muslim mi- Myanmar.
• Islamic radicalization India and Rohingyas crisis
Another growing concern in the region is that if Large influx of radically charged Rohingyas refugees
state led prosecution and discrimination of Rohing- posed a grave danger to South Asia in general and
yas continues in Myanmar, there is a high chance India in particular. India being the victim of Islamic
that Islamic radicalization may raise its ugly head. fundamentalism since decades at this juncture can-
There are reports of linkages of Rohingya groups not afford that its own backyard becomes the sanc-
with extremists in the region. A lesser known tuary of radicalization.
Rohingya militant group “Aqa Mul Mujahideen”
(AMM) is believed to be responsible for the recent India till date has remained silent on the ongoing
attack on military’s border outpost on October 9. In issue due to diplomatic necessities. It’s only in the
the long run such radicalization has the potential to recent past that her relations with Mayanmar have
destabilize the peace and tranquility of South Asia. become warm and cordial. Prior to this while military
junta was in power in Mayanmar, India was not very
• Dent on the credibility of “Democracy Icon” keen to deal with the authoritarian leadership. On
Aung San Suu Kyi the other hand China had always maintained close
Critics are of view that even the change of guard proximity with military junta, which had always been
in Myanmar after decades of military junta regime the issue of concern for Indian diplomats. The equa-
to Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for De- tion has changed recently between India and Myan-
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mar with Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Conclusion:
Manipur Blockade
Why in News? The blockade called by UNC is to oppose the creation
Recently, United Naga Council (UNC) called for block- of seven new districts by the state government. UNC
has criticized the state government’s decision as uni-
ade of the national highways leading to the Manipur
valley. The blockade has seriously influenced the day lateral and non-consensual. Counter-blockades have
also been called by other ethnic groups in the state
to day lives of the ordinary citizens. This has resulted
in the shortages and escalation in the costs of the in response to the blockades by UNC. There have
essential commodities such as fuel, medicines and been reports of escalation of violence in both in the
food. This blockade at the time of demonetisation hills and in the valley.
has added to the suffering of the people manifold.
Why the UNC is opposing state
Manipur’s Demography government?
Manipur is a small north-eastern state with a pop- United Naga Council (UNC) in complete contrast to
ulation of just over 25 lakh and having both hills the residents of the new districts has protested al-
and valley. Imphal, the capital city valley is predom- leging that areas with Naga dominated population
inantly inhabited by the Meiteis, and the hills are have been purposely divided. UNC has also alleged
predominantly inhabited by the Nagas and Kukis. that the decision was taken without the consultation
of all the stakeholders. The council considers the
Immediate cause for the present blocade decision as the complete violation of commitments
made by both the Centre and the State governments.
The state government issued a gazette notification
for the creation of seven new districts by bifurcating No doubt creation of seven new districts will ensure
seven (of the total of nine) districts. This decision by effective administration and decentralization but
state government was in conformity with long-pend- UNC is of the view that some of the new smaller
ing demands of the locals, in particular for a new districts would be under greater political control of
Kuki-majority district to be carved out of the larger the Manipur state administration at Imphal. There is
Senapati hill district. According to the government, also a feeling of embitterment among the Nagas as
the decision for formation of seven new districts was they are of the view that non-Naga tribes like Ku-
taken for administrative convenience and to enable kis would now eventually dominate in districts like
the state government take up development works Kangpokpi — where presently exsists the demo-
effectively even in the remote and underdeveloped graphic balance between the Kukis, the Nagas and
parts of the state the Meiteis.
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The UNC also claims that the creation of new dis- UNC is also trying to pursue the Union government
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
tricts in the Naga dominated hill areas will encroach to expedite the peace parleys with the Isak-Muivah
upon and divide the traditional land holdings of faction of major Naga insurgent group National So-
Naga tribes. Besides, the government has not con- cialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN-IM) based on the
sulted the Hill Area Committees in this regard before “Framework Agreement” signed last year.
taking the decision. The Hill Area Committees are
formed to protect the rights of hill people, and as Conclusion
per Article 371(C) of Constitution, these committees Central government should not only consider the
must be consulted on any matter related to the tribal present crisis in Manipur as merely a political prob-
population of the area. lem rather it should focus on the larger picture.
Peace in Manipur is quintessential for security of
Effects on Common people north-east India. Attempts must be made to find a
The blockade called by UNC has been causing eco- long lasting political solution which shall be accept-
nomic distress with prices of essential commodities able to all the stakeholders. The solution must be
including fuel and drugs increasing substantially. within the framework of the special constitutional
This blockade has intensely aggravated the prob- status given to Manipur and Nagaland.
lems faced by common people who were already
Call for blocade is nothing but an evil design for eth-
suffering from the scarcity of cash due to demone-
nic polarisation. It has not only deprived the citizens
of the basic essentials of life but the fragile peace
in Manipur is also at the stake. Any solution to this
Union government Response political crisis can only be achieved by deliberate
Manipur government has sought the Centre’s assis- multi-stakeholders negotiation. State government
tance to end the blockade. While the Centre has sent must take all pressure groups and political parties
paramilitary forces to both Nagaland and Manipur, into confidence. However it cannot happen in the
the inaction in clearing the blockade of the national backdrop of arm-twisting tactics like blockade. So
highways is puzzling. first and foremost there should be a zero tolerance
It is also interesting that New Delhi is carrying on policy towards all such blockades which should be
peace talks with the National Socialist Council of implemented in both letter and spirit.
Nagalim (Isak-Muivah) group that supports the UNC.
Assumptions vis-à-vis reality and other institutions would become dividend for the
Demonetization was based on few assumptions. Central government and this shall be spent on the
One, it was assumed that bulk of black money is public and welfare schemes.
hoarded in the form of cash. Two, sudden demoneti- The idea was to eliminate unaccounted money from
zation of large denomination currency notes with the the economy and to pump it back in the desired sec-
elements of secrecy and surprise will eliminate huge tors and among targeted beneficiaries. Since the
amount of unaccounted cash from the economy. It flow of money from the unaccounted sources to the
was assumed that between 3 to 4 lakh crore of black desired sectors and among targeted beneficiaries is
money would not reach the banks and other institu- in national interest the public was requested to co-
tions though this so called masterstroke. Three, the operate for just 50 odd days.
eliminated money that would not reach the banking
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However, with data of money deposited by people consumption was 59% of the total GDP. Cash crunch
the home of largest number of illiterates and larg- less. Cyber security regime in India is still is the na-
est number of poor in the world. There are pockets scent stage. According to an official estimate about
even in metro cities where connectivity is marred 1000 government websites were hacked in the year
with rampant issues. One can imagine the state of 2015-16. Likewise the bulk of population uses the
affairs in the rural and remote areas. Even the basic low cost “Made in China” smartphones and it’s diffi-
amenities like access to portable water, education, cult to rely on their security.
sanitation, electricity and primary health care is a
We must understand there mere a trigger in the be-
distant dream in many villages and towns, to as-
havior through cash crunch will not induce people
sume that overnight triggered by demonetization the
to adhere to online payments, rather the structural
population there will go cashless is sheer optimism.
changes are required in this context. The recent step
Government should make sure that while making In-
of the finance minister in giving tax and other bene-
dia cashless, the hitches are not created for Bharat.
fits on digital payments is a welcome step.
The recent verdict of Delhi High Court in the context Implications of the judgment:
of liberal interpretation of Indian Copyright Act 1957 1. Interests of Publishers
is a welcome step. The Court verdict is based on the
premise that Copyright Act is intended to increase The judgment of Delhi High Court tried for balance
and not to impede the harvest of knowledge. between the “legitimate interests” of publishers
and the right of students to get access to books.
Indian education system and Universities are marred Terming copyright as a statutory right rather than
with some of the serious limitations; this verdict has a “divine” or natural right, Court allows for ex-
tried to address the same. These limitations include; ceptions to the right. Even, Berne Convention and
one colossal mismatches between the number of TRIPS allow countries to carve out exceptions un-
learners and the relevant books and study material der domestic law while ensuring that the “legiti-
available in the public libraries. Two, exorbitant cost mate interests” of the publisher are protected.
of course books (especially that of foreign publishers) Thus Sec 52 (1) (i) INDIAN COPYRIGHT ACT,
that the bulk of learners cannot afford at market prices. 1957 permit the making of copies of literary works
by a teacher or pupil for academic purposes. This
Bone of contention provision is aimed to balance copyright protection
The suit related to copyright violation was initi- with the public interest in ensuring access.
ated by three major international publishing houses Now a pertinent question that arises is whether con-
against Photocopy Service providers of University of ferring unrestricted reprographic rights on academic
Delhi. These publishers claimed that photocopying institutions will drive reputed publishers out of the
of course packs prepared by these Photocopy Ser- field of education? It is true that academic publica-
vice providers comprising the portions from their
books was the violation of the Indian Copyright Act.
tions, especially international ones, are expensive,
putting them beyond the reach of many students.
Also being the private businesses, they are primarily
The Verdict9540528336,9540467939 driven by the profit motives. The unrestricted repro-
In the verdict, the Delhi High Court is of the view that graphic rights and insufficient copyright protection
Copyright is not a natural or common law right in India, may make publishers unsecure about their invest-
but is subject to statute. The Court opined that copy- ment. Eventually, it may lead to backing out of major
right is not an inevitable, divine, or natural right that publishing houses from the country, which might be
confers on authors about absolute ownership of their detrimental for the public interest.
creations. So photocopying for academic purposes is 2. Access to Education
not an infringement as Section 52(1) (i) of the Copyright This radically transformative decision by Delhi High
Act that permits the making of copies of literary works Court will have herculean effect with reference to
by a teacher or pupil for academic purposes. principle of equitable access to education. Access
to education is one of the most important consid-
Sec 52 of “INDIAN COPYRIGHT erations for a developing country like India where
ACT, 1957 libraries and universities have to cope up with the
needs of thousands of students simultaneously. It
According to Indian Copyright Act, certain acts do would be just a utopia to expect every student to
not come under the purview of copyright. The fol- buy hardcopies of every book. Equitable access to
lowing acts shall not constitute an infringement of education is quintessential for a country like India
copyright, namely: where the focus is on protection and promotion of
(i) the performance, in the course of the activities human capital. Optimum utilization of demographic
of an educational institution, of a literary, dramatic dividend will not be possible if access to education
or musical work by the staff and students of the in- is impeded by high cost of relevant educational
stitution, or of a cinematograph film or a sound re- materials.
cordings if the audience is limited to such staff and 3. Global Implications.
students, the parents and guardians of the students
Compliance with international standard for pro-
and persons directly connected with the activities of
tection of IPR is a must in today’s globalized world.
the institution [or the communication to such an au-
dience of a cinematograph film or sound recording.
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Interview Interview Guide: The Last Leap 143
The copyright norms of international law (Berne for profit churning mechanism. Any law must be
1995 Act 2016 Act
No. of Disabilities 7 21
Extent of disabili- At least 40% of any disability specified Rights apply to all PWD irrespective of
ties to be covered in Act extent of disability
under Law
Benchmark disability: Person with 40%
of a specified disability can avail benefit
such as reservation in education, employ-
ment, other schemes etc.
Reservation in Employment – 3% in govt. organizational Employment – 4% in govt. organizations
Education and em- within that 1% for specific disabilities (within that 1% for specific disabilities)
ployment in govt.
Education –3 % Education – 4% in higher educational
institution [Upper age relaxation of 5 yrs\
and free elementary education for those
between 6-18 yrs of age 6-14 and RTE]
Guardianship No provision in PWD Act Guardianship Addresses guardianship of mentally ill
covered under the National Trust Act – persons in terms of limited and plenary
1999 and Mental Health Act 1987 guardianships.
Kigali Amendment
The long standing debate over phasing out of Hy- by the late 2040s under Montreal protocol framework.
dro-fluorocarbons (HFCs) has reached to an end in Under this Amendment, all 197 countries, including In-
Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the Parties to the Mon- dia have agreed to a timeline to reduce the use of HFCs
treal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone by roughly 85% of their baselines by 2045.
Layer (MOP28) in Kigali city of Rwanda, when 197
countries came together to sign the amendment in Significance of Kigali meeting of Parties
Montreal Protocol. This amendment has popularly (MoP-28)
been known as “Kigali amendment”.
Kigali amendment has been held historic in the sense
Over the years, there has been persistent debate that for the first time any global treaty has phased
between developing countries and developed coun- out a substance on basis of its greenhouse warming
tries on the issue of under what framework HFCs potential (GWP). Hydro-fluorocarbons (HFCs) are not
should be phased out. Developing countries wanted ozone depleting substances per se and in-fact these
HFCs discussions under United Nations Framework were adopted as option of Chloro-Flouro Carbon
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) framework (CFCs) and Hydro-FlouroChloro Carbons (HCFC), se-
whereas the developed countries group led by the verely ozone depleting substances. However, HFC’s
USA and the EU, wanted all discussions pertaining greenhouse warming potential (GWP) is much higher
to removal of HFCs under the Montreal Protocol. than all these mentioned. The average lifespan of
HFCs is also significantly higher than other green-
However, as per the recently concluded MOP in Kigali,
house gases (GHGs). The Kigali Amendment amends
the Kigali Amendment seeks to amend the 1987 Mon-
the 1987 Montreal Protocol and therefore, makes it
treal Protocol which is aimed at phasing out Hydro-fluo-
mandatory for each party of the convention to phase
rocarbons (HFCs), a family of potent greenhouse gases
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• Overall, the agreement is expected to reduce HFC
companies may leverage this by flooding Indian mar- Indian industry to chart a new environment-friendly
ket with costly HFOs. growth trajectory based on non-fluorinated chemi-
cals like hydrocarbons.
What are HFOs?
Way ahead
Hydro-fluoroolefins (HFOs) are unsaturated com-
pound which once reached in the atmosphere, dis- The Kigali agreement offers a golden opportunity
sociate quickly leading to its low greenhouse gas to the entire global community to strike a balance
potential (GHP). The same unstable nature however among development, environment conservation,
may also lead to by-products like trifluoroacetic acid equity and national aspirations. For long been,
(TFA), which in significant quantities is known to the environment conservation negotiations have
cause environmental damage in aquatic ecosystems. been seen mere as tool in hands of some devel-
Additionally, some of the processes for the manufac- oped countries and multi-national companies to
ture of HFO use HCFC 22 as feedstock, which may serve their vested political and economic interests.
lead to the production of HFC 23—a super green- However, the recently concluded Kigali agreement
house gas, with a GWP of 14,800. reflect the global concerns and ability to come over
on same plane on degrading environment issues.
However, India went with a clear strategy to start The world lost the opportunity 20 years ago in 1998
reducing the use of HFCs when the patent for HFOs in Australia, when it knew that ozone substitutes
expires. As the patent for these chemicals are slated had huge implications for climate. But the business
to lapse in 2026/ 2028 in India, India deliberately interests took over and the world did not look at the
chose 2024-2026 as baseline. then nascent but viable hydrocarbon option, sim-
Secondly, India linked its reduction schedule with ply because they were cheaper and had no patent
that of the developed countries. Under the agree- masters. This must not be repeated. Implementa-
ment, in 2029, when India will start reducing the use tion of phasing out of HFCs are going to be tough
and challenging. After all, there are markets to be
of HFCs, developed countries will reach an HFC re-
duction of 70 per cent. This means, by 2029 there will
be greater technological optimization and increased
gained and lost and money to be made. But in all
these, we must not forget the past mistakes and
economies of scale for HFC alternatives to meet the find answers that benefit people and the planet.
needs of the developed countries. This will result in Much is at stake for the world’s “most successful”
further reduction in costs for countries like India. environmental treaty.
Cashless Economy and Cyber Security
Introduction among BRICS countries only but in the world also. It
Recently, the Government of India (GoI) has pitched is 9.47% in China and 4% in Brazil. Further, the num-
strongly in favour of cashless economy. In fact, the ber of currency notes in circulation is also far higher
discourse on cashless economy has become so in- than in other large economies like the EU, Russia,
tensive that across political, social and economic China and Japan. India had 76.47 billion currency
spheres, “Cashless Economy” has become a buzz- notes in circulation in 2012-13 compared with 34.5
word. Cashless economy, in a nutshell, can be de- billion in the US.
fined as an economy where majority of financial
transactions take place through digital means such Benefits of Cashless economy:
as debit cards, credit cards, e- wallets, electronic Cashless economy has following set of advantages:
clearing, and online payment systems such as Imme-
• Low transaction cost: Prima facie, the transaction
diate Payment Service (IMPS), National Electronic
cost on digital transaction may seem greater than
Funds Transfer (NEFT) and Real Time Gross Settle-
the cash based economy. However, if we consider
ment (RTGS).
the all hidden costs on cash transactions, it will
However, irrespective of euphoria over cashless surely surpass the transaction cost of digital pay-
economy, the ground reality is that the Indian Econ- ments. The transaction cost on digital mode are
omy continues to be driven by the use of cash. Only coming down and will further go down. Once a
less than 5% of all payments happen electronically. substantial part of transactions are cashless, it
In India, the ratio of cash to gross domestic product would bring down the cost of printing, managing
is 12.42% of GDP, which is not one of the highest and moving money around.
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150 Interview Guide: The Last Leap Interview
alleviate this friction and increase circulation of
Interview Guide by Alternative Learning Systems
“If democracy and accountability constitute the core of our constitutional system, the same con-
cepts must also apply to and bind the political parties which are integral to parliamentary democ-
racy. A political party which does not respect democratic principles in its internal working cannot
be expected to respect those principles in the governance of the country. It cannot be dictatorship
internally and democratic in its functioning outside.”
170th report of the Law Commission Issues with the working of political
These words of the Law Commission Report give the parties
bird’s eye view of the importance of accountability • Criminalization of political parties: Distribution
in political parties. Political parties are perhaps the of party tickets is perhaps the most discussed
most important institutions and almost indispens- aspect of a political party. Presently, there is no
able to a democratic system. Political parties accom- established convention on distribution of party
plish critical tasks in a democracy which includes tickets. As there is no well-defined process for
selection of candidates, mobilisation of the elector- the distribution of tickets to candidates before
ate, formulation of agendas and the passing of leg- elections, tickets are given to candidates on the
islation. However, in recent past we have witnessed vague concept of potential “winnability”. This
how the functioning of political parties of India has has led to problem of candidates with criminal
deteriorated internally as well externally. While it is backgrounds making forays into the Lok Sabha
true that politics is inseparable from political parties and State Assemblies.
as they are the prime instruments for the execution By virtue of money and muscle power, criminals
of the same, there must be some ethical systematic
standard of doing so while respecting internal orga-
are considered winnable candidates and political
parties are not shy about giving tickets to them.
nizational values, transparency, accountability and
national interests at the same time.
According to the data analyzed by the Associa-
tion for Democratic Reforms (ADR), there are 162
In India, there are mainly two categories of political Members of Parliament in the 15th Lok Sabha
parties in India- National and State or regional parties, with criminal antecedents.
and are so recognized by the Election Commission of The Election Commission of India (ECI) and other
India (ECI) on the basis of certain specified criteria. commissions on electoral-political reforms in-
cluding the Goswami Committee on Electoral Re-
Constitutional and legal position of forms (1990), the Vohra Committee Report (1993),
political parties in India the Indrajit Gupta Committee on State Funding of
Elections (1998), the Law Commission Report on
Political parties do not find any direct mention in the Reform of the Electoral Laws (1999), the National
Constitution of India. However, there is one provi- Commission to Review the Working of the Consti-
sion in the Constitution which is directly relevant to tution (2001), the Election Commission of India –
the functioning of political parties- the Tenth Sched- Proposed Electoral Reforms (2004). In the similar
ule. The Tenth Schedule of the Constitution was context the Second Administrative Reforms Com-
added by the Constitution (Fifty-second Amend- mission (2008) in India, has suggested disbarring
ment) Act, 1985. It deals with the disqualification candidates with criminal cases from contesting
of a person for being a member of either House of elections. Political leaders from various parties
Parliament [Art. 102(2)] or the Legislative Assem- also raise this issue every now and then. How-
bly or Legislative Council of a State [Art.191(2)], ever, political parties have consistently abating
on ground of defection. In the absence of the suffi- these concerned voices.
ciently detailed constitutional provisions, the onus
of framing and administering the rules and regula-
tions governing political parties in India is on the
Election Commission
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norms and institutions systematically over the
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