they hv taken same positions as a group on multiple global fora
IONS- Indian Ocean Naval Symposium started by India in 2008 for littoral states of Indian Ocean for maritime security n HADR n security enhancement practices; 23 member cou
Infact their way of working of non interference in internal affairs hs cm to be known as ASEAN way
Another measure of achievement cn be seen from the RCEP grouping which basically involves ASEAN+6
countries with which this grp has FTAs
hs nt been able to control China's influence among member states which is using a policy of divide n rule
Cd nt get China to accept the standings of these states on SCS (or PCA ruling)
security concerns with IS gaining grnd in Philipines
Similarly, the grp ws nt successful in Rohingya crisi mgmt
Drug network thru golden triangle- Myanmar, Thailand and Laos
High tariff rates hain abhi
Need to strengthen integration in knowledge n cultural sectors
BCIM Bangladesh-China-Inida-Myanmar
Aim: greater integration of trade and investment between the four countries
· BCIM economic corridor is an initiative conceptualised for significant gains through sub-
regional economic co-operation with BCIM
· The multi-modal corridor will be the first expressway between India and China and will pass
through Myanmar and Bangladesh
· BCIM evolved from ‘Kunming Initiative- Joins Kumming to Kolkata, In India passes
through Manipur & Assam
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa )- formalised in 2006
Originally the first four were grouped as “BRIC” (or “the BRICs”), before the induction of South
Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all leading developing or newly industrialized
countries, but they are distinguished by their large, sometimes fast-growing economies and
significant influence on regional affairs; all five are G-20 members. Since 2009, the BRICS
nations have met annually at formal summits. China will host the 9th BRICS summit in Xiamen
on September 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2017.
The five BRICS countries represent half of the world population; all five members are in
the top 25 of the world by population.
The eighth BRICS summit was held in Goa from 15 to 16 October 2016. The summit concluded
with adaptation of GOA DECLARATION. The objective of GOA DECLARATION is to “curb
terrorism “
year as IORA
NEW DELHI DECLARATION ON EDUCATION adopted in the 4th Meeting of BRICS Ministers of
Education in New Delhi, Jaipur ws fr women, Udaipur fr disaster mgmt
The theme for the summit was “Building Responsive, Inclusive and Collective Solutions”.
First-ever BRICS-BIMSTEC Outreach Summit was also held on side-lines of 2016 BRICS Summit.
The New Development Bank (NDB), formerly referred to as the BRICS Development Bank, is a
multilateral development bank established by the BRICS states. 57 countries members, invests
in developing countries needs, all hv equal vote share. Non BRICS can bcm members provided
BRICS share ds nt fall below 55%; Fortaleza mein sign hua tha formation ka agreement- isi
mein Contingency reserve arrangement bhi signed
The bank is headquartered in Shanghai, China. The first regional office of the NDB will be
opened in Johannesburg, South Africa.
The Ninth summit will be held in China.
Members : India, Brazil, Germany and Japan
· All members support each other’s bids for permanent seats on the United Nations Security
Each of these four countries have figured among the elected non-permanent members of the
council since the UN’s establishment.
· Their economic and political influence has grown significantly in the last decades, reaching a
This is opposed by UNited fr consensus- a Block of nations opposed to UNSC reforms led by Italy, also called Coffee club, Turkey is also one of them
scope comparable to the permanent members (P5)
· G4 campaigns for U.N. Reforms, including more representation for developing countries,
both in the
permanent and non-permanent categories, in the UNSC
· IBSA was formalised and launched through the adoption of the “Brasilia Declaration"
Brasilia Declaration (2003) : Approved urgent need for reforms in the United Nations,
the Security Council.
· The Group of 7 (G7) is a group consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United
Kingdom, and the United States.
· The European Union is also represented within the G7.
· These countries are the seven major advanced economies as reported by the International
Monetary Fund.
· G7 countries represent more than 64% of the net global wealth
· Common denominator among members is the economy and long-term political motives
India and Pakistan signed the memorandum of obligations on 24 June 2016 at Tashkent,
thereby starting the formal process of joining the SCO as full members. The acceptance
process will take some months, by which they are expected to become full members by the
next meeting at Astana in 2017
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is the
regional international organization and geopolitical
In SAARC, proposals to cooperate in 3 areas were signed - energy, road and rail; but only union
energy of
wsnations in South
operationalised as Asia. Its
Pak objected to rest 2. Road ws then taken up separately u
member states include.
Sri Lanka.
SAARC comprises 3% of the world area, 21% of the world population and 3.8% of the global
economy. SAARC was founded in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 8th December, 1985. Its secretariat
is based in Kathmandu Nepal. The organization promotes development of economic and
regional integration. It launched the South Asian free trade area in 2006. SAARC maintains
permanent diplomatic relations at the United Nations as an observer and has developed links
with multilateral entities, including the European Union.
China is an observer along with EU US etc, Myanmar wants to be a member and Russia has
applied fr observer status
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is
an intergovernmental economic organization with 35 member countries, founded in 1960
to stimulate economic progress and world trade. The mission of the OECD is to
promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the
world. It is a forum of countries describing themselves as committed to democracy and
the market economy, providing a platform to compare policy experiences, seeking answers to
common problems, identify good practices and coordinate domestic and international policies
of its members. Most OECD members are high-income economies with a very high
Human Development Index (HDI) and are regarded as developed countries.
In 1948, the OECD originated as the Organisation for European Economic Co-
operation (OEEC).In 1961, the OEEC was reformed into the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development by the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development and membership was extended to non-European states.
The OECD headquartere at Paris, France. The OECD is funded by contributions from member
Czech Republic
New Zealand
Slovak Republic
United Kingdom
United States
PISA, which measures the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds with questions designed to assess
IEA is an OECD body, India hs bcm an associate member recently…NOT a member which only OECD countries cn bcm
their problemsolving capabilities, rates these two states at the bottom, with the scores in
mathematics and science falling way behind the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
development) average…” India
The G20 or Group of Twenty is an international forum for
the governments and central bank governors from 20 major economies. It was founded in
1999 with the aim of studying, reviewing, and promoting high-level discussion of policy issues
pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability. It seeks to address issues that
go beyond the responsibilities of any one organization. The G20 heads of
government or heads of state have periodically conferred at summits since their initial
meeting in 2008, and the group also hosts separate meetings of finance ministers and central
bank governors. The G20 membership comprises a mix of the world’s largest advanced and
emerging economies, representing about two-thirds of the world’s population, 85 per cent of
global gross domestic product and over 75 per cent of global trade. The members of the
G20 are
Singapore Italy
Thailand Japan
Israel Republic of Korea
Iran etc nt there Mexico
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States and
European Union.
The work of G20 members is supported by several international organisations that provide policy
advice. The G20 also regularly engages with non-government sectors. Engagement groups from
business (B20), civil society (C20), labour (L20), think tanks (T20) and youth (Y20) are holding major
events during the year, the outcomes of which will contribute to the deliberations of G20 leaders.
The heads of the G20 nations met semi-annually at G20 summits between 2009 and 2010.
Since the November 2011 Cannes summit, all G20 summits have been held annually.
Summit means PMs meetings and Meet means FMs meetings
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is
an intergovernmental organization of 14 nations, founded in 1960 in Baghdad by the first five
members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela), and headquartered since 1965
in Vienna (Austria). countries accounted for an estimated 42 % of global oil production and 73
% of the world’s oil reserves, giving OPEC a major influence on global oil prices that
were previously determined by American-dominated multinational oil companies.
Don’t decide price OPEC stated mission is "to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its
member countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets, in order to secure an efficient,
economic and regular supply of petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers, and a
fair return on capital for those investing in the petroleum industry. The organization is also a
significant provider of information about the international oil market.
but control supply OPEC’s members are
Indonesia is also a member but Nov 2016 mein it has suspended its membership
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Two-thirds of OPEC’s oil production and reserves are in its six Middle Eastern countries
that surround the oil-rich Persian Gulf. The formation of OPEC marked a turning
point toward national sovereignty over natural resources, and OPEC decisions have come to
play a prominent role in the global oil market and international relations.
New name fr TPP- The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), or the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA),
Comprehensive Progressive is a trade
Trans Pacific Partnership, or agreement between Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Pe
CPTPP ru, Singapore, the United States (until January 23, 2017) and Vietnam. It currently cannot be
ratified due to U.S. withdrawal from the agreement on 23 January 2017. The former Obama
ISDS- Investor state dispute administration claimed that the agreement aimed to promote economic growth; support the
settlement creation and retention of jobs; enhance innovation, productivity and competitiveness; raise
living standards; reduce poverty in the signatories; countries; and promote transparency, good
governance, and enhanced labour and environmental protections. The TPP contains measures
to lower both non-tariff and tariff barriers to trade, and establish an investor-state dispute
settlement (ISDS) mechanism.
The TPP began as an expansion of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic
Partnership Agreement (TPSEP or P4) signed by Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, and Singapore in
2005. Beginning in 2008, additional countries joined the discussion for a
broader agreement: Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, the United States,
and Vietnam, bringing the total number of countries participating in the negotiations to twelve.
Current trade agreements between participating countries, such as the North American Free
Trade Agreement, will be reduced to those provisions that do not conflict with the TPP or
provide greater trade liberalization than the TPP. The Obama administration considered the
TPP a companion agreement to the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP), a broadly similar agreement between the U.S. and the European Union.
one of 3 Mega FTAs Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a proposed free
trade agreement (FTA) between the ten member states of the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN) and some other nations with whom they have a FTA
Brunei Pairs wali countries mein se US Russia
wali countries mein se US Russia pair hata do
Cambodia ASEAN+6 countries with which ASEAN
Vietnam and the six states with which ASEAN has existing free trade agreements
( China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia,and New Zealand).
40% of world trade and RCEP negotiations were formally launched in November 2012 at the ASEAN Summit
50% of world population in Cambodia. The agreement is scheduled to be finalized by the end of 2017. RCEP is viewed
as an alternative to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a proposed trade agreement
which includes several Asian and American nations but excludes China and India. In 2016,
prospective RCEP member states accounted for a population of 3.4 billion people with a
total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $21.4 trillion, approximately 30 % of the world’s GDP.
Atpata sa - 6 members APTA
INDIA+5 Burma etc “The Mekong–Ganga Cooperation (MGC) was
established on November 10, 2000 at
Mekong falls on border of Vietnam in Pacific Ocean
Vientiane at the First MGC Ministerial
Meeting. It comprises six member countries,
namely India, Thailand, Myanmar,
Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. They
N+6 countries with which ASEAN has FTAs means 3 pairs of Asia
emphasised four areas of cooperation, which
are tourism, culture, education, and
transportation linkage in order to be solid
foundation for future trade and investment
cooperation in the region.”
SASEC- South Asia Sub Regional Economic Cooperation (SAARC se toot ke bana)
South Asia minus 2, Myanmar latest addition
ADB, based in Manila (Philipines), is dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional i
ADB ke HQ mein hi this organisation has headquarters because ADB proposed this. formed in 2001 in
response to the request of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) to assist in facilitating economic
cooperation among them. Sri Lanka and Maldives joined the sub-regional group in 2014. Myanmar in 2017
Consists of project based development, means all countries will come together for a project to be executed
Consists of all south Asian (SAARC) countries except Pak & Afghanistan
SL, Maldives, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh and now 2017 mein Myanmar
ASEAN meeting ke baad East Asian Summit
meeting hoti hai, 4 pairs aur Learning: Membership of the EAS comprises the ten ASEAN countries plus other imp nations pairs mein
aa jaate hain (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Burma, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam),
China, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Russia.
EAS meetings are held after annual ASEAN leaders' meetings.
IAEA nt under direct UN control bt reports to both UNSC and UNGA, called atoms fr peace, also developed a
cancer trtmnt program PACT
ICC vs ICJ ICC derives authority from Rome Statute, those who sign it become its members. It is a criminal court, tries war crimes, genocides etc..Tries INDIVID
Russia recently separated from it because it ruled against Russia in Syria case. It is independent from UN, Un may give coluntary donations to it tho
It comes handy when the national courts fail or the Govt itself is the perpetrator. Was set up when mass killings went up in Rwanda
It ds hv an appeal mechanism too, there is an appeals council
ICJ on the other hand is UN Court also called World Court. It tries Governments, not individuals
Anyone who is a UN member automatically becomes ICJ member too.
mes, genocides etc..Tries INDIVIDUALS
ve coluntary donations to it though.
nt up in Rwanda
They are binding and final (no appeals mechanism). UNSC gets them implemented
Kulbhushan Jadhav case, India has approached ICJ, Hague because Pak is violating Vienna convention(which
is for diplomatic relations, diplomatic privileges and safeguards)
EEU- formed in 2015
RABKK The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). EEU, comprising Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan,
formed in 2015, India has signed FTA with it
along with APEC Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA): It is an international organisation consisting of coastal states bordering
the Indian Ocean. IORA was established in 1997 to promote cooperation in the Indian Ocean region. It was f
ormerly known as the Indian Ocean Rim Initiative and Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperatio
n (IOR-ARC). The IORA is a regional forum, tripartite in nature, bringing together representatives of Govern
ment, Business and Academia, for promoting co-operation and closer interaction among them. It is based o
n the principles of Open Regionalism for strengthening Economic Cooperation particularly on Trade Facilitati
on and Investment, Promotion as well as Social Development of the region. It seeks to expand mutually be
neficial cooperation through a consensus-based, evolutionary and non-intrusive approach. IORA is the onl
y regional forum linking most countries on the Indian Ocean rim through an annual Foreign Ministers’ mee
ting. The Coordinating Secretariat of IORA is located at Ebene, Mauritius. The Association comprises 20
member states and 7 dialogue partners, the Indian Ocean Tourism Organisation and the Indian Ocean Res
earch Group has observer status.
Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR).
It is a multilateral treaty concluded at Geneva in 1975 to simplify and harmonise the
administrative formalities of international road transport. It was adopted under the auspices of the United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
The TIR system has a globally accepted electronic control system for integrated transit operations.
TIR is the only global customs transit system that provides easy and smooth movement of goods across
borders in sealed compartments or containers under customs control from the customs office of departure
to the customs office of destination.
This will allow India to take full benefit of International North South Transportation Corridor or INSTC, which
enables access to Eurasian region., EEU and BBIN Network
INSTC The International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC) is a 7,200 km long multi-mode network of ship,
rail, and road route for moving freight between India, Russia, Iran, Europe and Central Asia. The route
primarily involves moving freight from India, Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia via ship, rail and road.[2] The
objective of the corridor is to increase trade connectivity between major cities such as Mumbai, Moscow,
Tehran, Baku, Bandar Abbas, Astrakhan, Bandar Anzali, etc
Trade Integration Initiative, Pacific Alliance
The Pacific Alliance is a regional integration initiative formed by Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru on April
28, 2011.
Its main purpose is for members to form a regional trading bloc and forge stronger economic ties with the
Asia-Pacific region.
India is an Observer Member to the alliance
GCC Saudi Arab, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait,UAE
Common market region in the Gulf, rivalry around gulf area, so Iran and Iraq left out, mechanism for defence
protection as well.
WEF WEF was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
It is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests.
The Forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
try agendas.
the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of
nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy,
and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament.
● Opened for signature in 1968, the treaty entered into force in 1970.
● Four UN member states have never accepted the NPT, three of which are thought to possess nuclear
weapons: India, Israel, and Pakistan. In addition, South Sudan, founded in 2011, has not joined. Rmember
IRAN IS a member, IAEA tabhi inspection bhi karta hai
North Korea joined it but then came out
NSG Set up after India nucler test in 1974, to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons
controls export of materials that cn be used to develop nuclear weapons
48 members, China scuttles our entry…cz works on unanimity principle
only NPT members r allowed bt exceptions r France joined it when it ws nt NPT signatory
New Agenda for coalition Promote NPT & promote Nuclear disarmament Eg: NZ is one of these and ds nt favour India entering NSG-
Brazil, South Africa, New Zealand n others
United for consensus
Block of nations opposed to UNSC reforms led by Italy, also called Coffee club, Turkey is also one of them
Other Members in Coffee Club - Spain, Malta , San Marino , Pakistan , South Korea, Canada , Mexico,
Argentina, Colombia and Turkey
Wassenaar Arrangement- The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and
CD…….. Formed in 1996 Technologies is a multilateral export control regime (MECR) with 42 members. India (42nd member) hs bcm
a member of it one yr after joining MTCR- credibility as a responsible nuclear power enhanced and access to
critical technologies also increased; acquiring nuclear fuel also easier. China is neither member of MTCR, or
Wassenaar..hence entry became easier
China is nt a member of MTCR, Wass
India signed agreement 123 with US f
Australia Group- ABC The Australia Group is an informal group of countries (now joined by the European Commission) established
in 1985 (after the use of chemical weapons by Iraq in 1984) to help member countries to identify those
exports which need to be controlled so as not to contribute to the spread of chemical and biological
weapons. Biological and Chemical weapons both covered
is nt a member of MTCR, Wassenar or Australia Grp
signed agreement 123 with US fr nuclear supplies
India is now a member of all these groups.
MTCR- India 35th member, involuntary and informal org to control the export of missile technology and
UAVs (500 kg se more carrying capacity and range of 300 Km or more wali missiles). China, Israel and
Pakistan are not members of MTCR….woMD (chemical, bio or nuclear) ki delivery rokna
Hague Code of Conduct
(HCOC),….Hague CoC is diff The International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation, also known as the
frm Hague convention Hague Code of Conduct (HCOC), supplements MTCR, was established in 2002 to prevent the proliferation of
which is fr children ballistic missiles. HCOC is voluntary, legally non-binding, preventing the spread of ballistic missiles that can
abduction by parents deliver weapons of mass destruction. India joined the HCOC on 1 June 2016. The number of signatories of
HCOC is 138. China, Pakistan, Israel and Iran have not joined the
voluntary regime yet
United Nations Treaty on
prohibition of nuclear Y?
weapons- signed by 122 - CTBT has nt been enforced due to non ratification by required no of countries
countries, all nuclear states- Principle of deterrence is faulty, nuclear weapons is not the best way to keep away from danger of use.
remaining away Possession of nuclear arms makes the use possiblity very much real. aND Any use can jeopardise the survival
of the civilisation.
Multilateral n legally -
binding, shd be ratified by - Already smaller groupings opposing nuclear arms are in place such as New Agenda for Coalition, NSG, NPT
50 states to come into force - ICJ asked UN to draft n codify principles for nuclear weapons ban after Marshall islands sued US for
radiation exposure from latter's culear tests
- ALready a complete ban on biological n chemical weapons is in place; Nuclear weapons being more deadly
shd naturally be banned
- Imminent threat is from North Korea- a totalitarian regime is threatening the use of nuclear weapons n nt
bowing to world pressure
In the vote on the treaty text, 122 were in favour, 1 voted against (Netherlands), and 1 abstained (Singapore). 69 nations did n
apore). 69 nations did not vote, among them all of the nuclear weapon states and all NATO members except the Netherlands.
Org of Islamic Cooperation The OIC is an international organization founded in 1969. It consists of 57 member states including
Iran and Pakistan. Administrative centre (headquarters) is in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In this
organisation, India is a blocked country, though it has about 12% of the world’s Muslim population.
India has been blocked by Pakistan from joining the OIC over Kashmir issue. OIC regard parts of
Kashmir as “occupied by India”.
Its Objectives: (i) Raise the collective voice of the Muslim world. (ii) Collectively work to safeguard
and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and
harmony. OIC has permanent delegations to United Nations and the European Union.
IEA IEA is a Paris-based autonomous intergovernmental organization established in the framework of the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Founded in 1974, the IEA was initially designed to help countries co-ordinate a collective response to major
disruptions in the supply of oil.
Only OECD member states can become members of the IEA.
Except for Chile, Iceland, Israel, Mexico, Slovenia all OECD member states are members of the IEA.
In 2014, Estonia joined the IEA and became its 29th member.
China, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Singapore and Thailand are the associate members of IEA.
The IEA examines the full spectrum of energy issues including oil, gas and coal supply and demand,
renewable energy technologies, electricity markets, energy efficiency, access to energy, demand side
management etc.
The IEA acts as a policy adviser to its member states, but also works with non-member countries, especially
China, India, and Russia.
Its flagship releases are World Energy Outlook and Key World Energy Statistics
IEA member countries are required to maintain total oil stock levels equivalent to at least 90 days of the
previous year's net imports.
Arctic Council Arctic Council Member States are Canada, Denmark (including Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Finland,
Iceland, Norway, Russian Federation, Sweden, and the United States of America.
In addition to the Member States, the Arctic Council has the category of Permanent Participants which
include various local institutions. India became a invitee member like CHina, Japan, SK, Singapore etc
Nordic Council Nordic Council – Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden.
Shangri La and ORF The “Shangri-La Dialogue”, an annual Asia Security Summit, is organized by
C. International Institute for Strategic Studies (UK) and the Singaporean Government
- This annual dialogue brings together defence ministers and military chiefs from 28 Asia-Pacific countries to
talk about security in the region.
It gets its name from the location of the meeting, the Shangri-La hotel in Singapore.
The Raisina Dialogue that is organized jointly by Ministry of External Affairs and the Observer Research
Foundation (ORF), an independent think tank based in India.
Belmont Forum Grp of countries joining hands fr environmental research, India is one of the members
1267 Masood Azhar name is nt getting added to 1267 list which bans the free movement of terrorist, freezes his accounts
2322 For judicial cooperation among countries to try terrorists
2334 Resolution against Israel
The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) is the process established in 2003 to prevent "conflict
diamonds" from entering the mainstream rough diamond market by United Nations General Assembly
Resolution 55/56 following recommendations in the Fowler Report.- India a founder member, ministry of
Commerce n Industry takes care of this. KPCS is a joint initiative of the governments, industry and civil
societies to prevent the entry of conflict diamonds from the mainstream rough diamond market
APTTA Afghanistan–Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement (also known as APTTA), India nt a member, allows Afghan to ship goods to India bt not back to their
APTTA allows for both countries to use each other's airports, railways, roads, and ports for transit trade along designated transit corridors. The agre
Commonwealth The most recent departure was the Maldives, which severed its connection with the Commonwealth on 13
October 2016.
ods to India bt not back to their country frm India
nated transit corridors. The agreement does not cover road transport vehicles from any third country
Mercosur is a sub-regional bloc. Its full members are Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Mercosur suspended Venezuela from it for violating the bloc’s democratic principles and failing to meet its
basic standards.
Its associate countries are Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Suriname.
Ashgabat Agreement (capital of Turkmenistan)- India hs bcm a member, it will provide India alternative connectivity to Central
Asia (other is Gwadar airport and then Zaranj Delram Highway leading to Afghanistan). Iran, Oman,
Turkmenistan n Uzbekistan r d members earlier. Pak, Kajakhastan and India have bcm its members
subsequently. It provides T. & U. access to seas thru ports of Iran n Oman. The Iran-Turkmenistan-
Kazakhstan (ITK) railway line will be the major route according to the Ashgabat Agreement.
AIIB can finance developmental works in Asia n BEYOND. Non Asian countries can also bcm members
capital is smaller than ADB n also WB
set up in 2016 and has 84 members now
OPCW NON- UN body, administers chemical weapons convention
2013 Nobel Peace Prize
Tasks- promote the peaceful use of chemistry, Destroying all existing chemical weapons under international
verification by the OPCW, prevent new weapons from re-emerging.
Sl.No Report title Organisation
1 The Energy Report & Living Planet Report WWF (World Wildlife Fund)- Earth Hour celebrate karaata hai
3 World Intellectual Property Report (WIPR) WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)
4 Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) WEF (World Economic Forum)
5 Global Energy Architecture Performance Index Report WEF (World Economic Forum) Make pairs:
6 Global Environment Performance Index 2016 WEF (World Economic Forum) Economy related- Competitiveness, Risk
7 Global Gender Gap Report WEF (World Economic Forum) Technology- IT, Network Readiness
Social- Gender gap, Human Capital, inclusive develo
8 Global Information Technology Report WEF (World Economic Forum)
9 Global Risks Report WEF (World Economic Forum)
Environment- Energy Architecture, Environment Per
10 Human Capital Index WEF (World Economic Forum)
Special- Power Language Index, Travel and Tourism
11 Network Readiness Index WEF (World Economic Forum)
12 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report WEF (World Economic Forum)
13 World Power Language Index WEF (World Economic Forum)
Inclusive Development Index WEF (World Economic Forum)
14 Global Slavery Report Walk Free Foundation ( Australia-based human rights group )
Drugs & Crime ka office-
15 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) Crime
16 World Drug Report UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) (because all 3 are traffick
17 World Wildlife Crime Report UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
18 World Happiness Report United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network
United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human
Security (UNU-EHS) and Bundnis Entwicklung Hilft in cooperation
19 World Risk Index with the University of Stuttgart in Germany.
20 e-government readiness index(EGDI) United Nations Public Administration Programme (UNPAP)
21 E-Participation Index United Nations Public Administration Programme (UNPAP)
22 Global Assessment Report UNISDR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction)
23 Industrial Development Report UNIDO(United Nations Industrial Development Organization)
UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research
24 Reports on Counterfeiting and Organized Crime Institute)
25 Report on Regular Resources UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund )
26 The State of the World’s Children report UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund )
27 The Global Report/Global trends Report UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees )
UNEP+WMO- IPCC in 1988
Its an NGO, IUCN (red book wali) & WWF both led to establishment of Traffic
WIP Index is published by US chamber of commerce
mpetitiveness, Risk
rk Readiness
man Capital, inclusive development
India- 62/ behind BRICS
Drugs & Crime ka office- Drugs, Trafficking in Persons, Wildlife
(because all 3 are trafficked across the border)
Happiness will come from sustainable development report
Global Risk- WEF and World Risk- UN
28 World Cities Report UN-Habitat
29 State of world population UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
30 Global education monitoring Report Organization)
31 Actions on Air Quality UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme )
32 Global Environment Outlook UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme )
33 The Rise of Environmental Crime UNEP & INTERPOL
34 Education Development Index UNDP(United Nations Development Programme)
35 Gender Inequality Index UNDP(United Nations Development Programme)
36 World human development report UNDP(United Nations Development Programme)
37 World Investment Report UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
38 Levels and Trends in Child Mortality Report UN Inter-agency Group
Global Corruption Report (GCR) (Both C. Barometer
39 and Perception Index) Transparency International
40 World Press Freedom Index Reporters Without Borders
41 Report card of Swachh Bharath Mission Quality Council of India- also conducts Swachta Pakhwara
42 OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries )
43 World Oil Outlook OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries )
Agricultural Marketing and Farmer Friendly Reforms
44 Index NITI Aayog
45 School Education Quality Index (SEQI) NITI Aayog
National Index for performance on Health Outcomes NITI Aayog
India Innovation Index NITI Aayog with WIPO, Cornell University, World Bank, DIPP etc
46 Southeast Asia Energy Outlook International Energy Agency
47 World Energy Outlook (WEO) International Energy Agency
INSEAD business school in partnership with Adecco Group and the
49 Global talent competitiveness Index Human Capital Leadership Institute of Singapore
Cornell University INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property
70 Global Innovation Index Organization (WIPO)
Global Financial Stability Report, Since 2009 one new
50 report started called Fiscal monitor IMF (International Monetary Fund)
India was elected its Prez
Global Environment performance and global environment outlook
Gender Gap Index is ratio of women HDI to Men HDI
Perceived corruption Index ranks India at 79/176, better than Bangladesh n Pakistan…public sector corruption
India just became an associate member
How countries grow n retain talent..India at 81..lowest amng BRICS
60th rank
Financial Stability Report by RBI in India
51 World Economic Outlook IMF (International Monetary Fund)
52 Global Wage Report ILO (International Labour Organization)
ILO- Work, Wage, Employment, Social
53 World Employment and Social Outlook ILO (International Labour Organization)
54 World of Work Report ILO (International Labour Organization)
55 World Social Protection Report ILO (International Labour Organization)
56 Global Hunger Index report IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Global Food Policy Report IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute)
57 Safety Reports ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)- CORSIA
58 Ease of Doing Business IBRD (World Bank)
2 World Logistics Performance Index (every 2 years) IBRD (world bank )
59 Ease of Living Report IBRD (World Bank)
60 World Development Report IBRD (World Bank)
61 Global Economic Prospect (GEP) report IBRD (World Bank)
62 Remittance report IBRD (World Bank)
Service trade restriction Index IBRD (World Bank)
63 Technical Cooperation Report IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
64 Nuclear Technology Review IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
65 State of Global Air 2017 Report Health Effects Institute, Boston
66 Global Wind Power Installed Capacity Index Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).
67 Change the World List Data Fortune
68 India State of Forest Report Forest Survey of India
69 Global Money Laundering Report FATF (Financial Action Task Force)
71 National Air Quality Indices (AQI) Central Pollution Control Board
72 Global Financial System Report BIS (Bank for International Settlements)
73 Asian Development Outlook ADB (Asian Development bank)
Status of the Global Climate in 2016 report World Meteorological Organisation
World Malaria Report, global burden of diseases WHO, is a UN body
Global Peace Index is published by Institute of economics and Peace
Indian India Exclusion Report Centre for Equity Studies
State of Food and Agriculture 2015 FAO, UN
World Human Right Report Amnesty International
Quality of Living Mercer
ILO is the only tripartite (involving three parties) U.N. agency that brings together governments, employers and workers
2017-19 report says that India spends less than many poor african countries on social protection, plus inclusion exclusion errors, corruption, ineffectiveness
India ka BRAP by DIPP
India jumped to 35th rank in 2016 report
Economic Prospect to WB, since prospect to Bank ke hote hain, IMF ke to Economic outlook hote hain
IAEA- Nuclear Review mein cooperation
chahiye so it publsihes 2 reports viz
Nuclear Technoolgy and Techcology
cooperation report
India ranks 4, China, US & Germany ist 3, 60 W target by 2022 and 6 GW currently
Financial Stability dekhne ka kaam IMF, Financial System BIS dekh lega
World Dev- World Bank
Argues that 1.2 will be breached this yr itself, IUCN+WMO formed IPCC
The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors study is put together by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluatio
Amnesty, Human Rights watch n others present Martin Ennals awards
Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
World Youth Index Commonwealth Secretariat
Trends in world Military expenditure Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Global Inequality Report Global Inequality Lab- a biennial publication
Global cybersecurity Index ITU
World Social Protection Report ILO
Inclusive Development Index WEF (World Economic Forum)
Environmental performance Index Yale n Columbia Univ with WEF
World Water Development Report UN Water
World Digital Competitiveness and World Talent Rankings International Institute for Management Development
Rule of Law Index World Justice Project (WJP)
Economic Freedom Index Heritage Foundation (US based think tank)
IP approval in Multiple contries WIPO
Trademark approval in Multiple contries Madrid System
Means no need to file separate applications across countries, single fee and single application
Project Brahma (The Biodiversity of India (BOI) website) community driven project, much like Wikipedia, where anyone can contribute their knowledge of India’s b
Vienna convention is for consular access (Kulbhushan Jadhav) which Pakistan is not adhering
Chemical weapon convention, 1993 for Chemical weapon prevention, OPCW imposes it, got noble prize for same, NOT a UN body
Marrakesh treaty is for providing blind ppl IPR free, braile books…by WIPO with NGO- ABC accessible books consortium
Sugamya Pustakalay in India by dept of empowerment of PwD with NGO- Daisy Forum of India
Atlas for disabled by by the National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO), office under Department of Science & Technology, under Ministry of Scie
Bcz survey is by Dept of S&T
Montreal … for airline emissions since airlines emissions were nt covered under UNFCCC
UDAAN aims to develop skills of youth in J&K; Other UDAAn is fr girl students from Govt schools including KVs to compete fr Engineering institutes
is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. It is one of the most respected think tanks worldwide.
In 2017, India features in maturing category..24 out of 165 countries
New report..3 pillars- growth, inclusivity n intergenerational parity…India 62nd ..BRIC ahead of us
India @ 177/180- due to poor environmental policy n deaths due to air pollution
based on 12 parameters- Rule of Law, Govt Size, Regulatory Efficiency, Open Markets…India ranked low at 130 (China ahead of us and Pak behind us)
bute their knowledge of India’s biodiversity
chnology, under Ministry of Science & technology
eering institutes
pected think tanks worldwide. India 5th biggest spender after US, China, Russia and Saudi. Pak nt among top 15 spenders
UDAN is a cheap airfare scheme.
There is also one more UDAAN for girl children. (check page no. 27, Insights module on Govt Schemes)
Sanjay Gubbi of Karnataka and Purnima Barman of Assam have won the prestigious Whitley Award for their efforts in wildlife conservation. This award is popularl
IUCN gives heritage hero awards- To NGO Aranyak activist based out of Assam- linking Manas with Royal Manas of Bhutan
Goldman Environment Prize by foundation Goldman Environment- For Orissa man- Samantra- Dongria Kondhs or Jharnias protection from mining in Niyamgiri hills
The FAO Food Commodity Price Indices show changes in
monthly international prices of major food commodities. It is a
major policy tool to understand the impact of global food
prices on farmer’s income (export competitiveness) and
domestic inflation
Drug Abuse mgmt ie deaddiction etc Ministry of Social Justice n Empowerment
Budapest convention on Cybercrime India shd sign it cz India is vulnerable to cyber attacks due to low security as users are less aware a
ervation. This award is popularly known as Green Oscars.
on from mining in Niyamgiri hills
ecurity as users are less aware and Digital program is leading to increasing digital penetration; IB has raised concerns about harm to national sovereignty so due care shd be taken to address
ue care shd be taken to address this aspect, but given the international spread of attacks eg wannacry that affected many countries, such international cooperation is needed
ation is needed
Watal Committee Promotion of cashless economy
BN Srikrisna Committee to look into aspects of RTP Also on Arbitration improvement
NK Sngh New FRBM 2.5% n 0.8% FD & RD by 2022; 60% debt GDP ratio and a fiscal council, flexibility during boom n slo
Dhirendra Singh Committee strategic partnership model- pvt players collaboration with foreign partners fr defence mfg
Specialised institutes focusing on defence R&D shd be set up
Shekhar joined Army
Shekatkar Committee For reforms in armed forces- suggested improving tooth to tail ratio
3% of GDP allocation, against Budget mein 2%
Anil master rail pe lotya hai
Anil Kakodkar Committee On Railway Safety remember Hoff Bauschman coaches too
Shah Comm Emergency excesses, violations of human rights
Nanavati Sikh Riots
D K Basu Guidelines Arrest reforms- HR violatiosn r nt there
Swaminathan committee Recommended agricultural overhaul measures
Like SHG, there r marginal n small farmers grups, shd be promoted
Organic farming, cooperative farming n diversification towards bee keeping, horticulture, floriculture, ornamental fisher
Nayak committees recommendation for effective governance in PSB
the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013
ncil, flexibility during boom n slowdown
floriculture, ornamental fishery shd be promoted fr they hv higher returns
AMASR Ancient monuments and archaelogical sites n remains (protection) act, 1958 Earlier 100m within vicinity of monument was a no c
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971
Unorganised Workers social security act, 2009
Sexual harassment of women at workplace, 2013 After Nirbhaya case
Minimum wage act
Recently ESI was extended to domestic workers thru a notification bt a half hearted attempt cz premium payment by them, registration by them- police se
PCPNDT Pre conception n pre natal diagnostics techniques (prohibition) Act
POCSO Act ( Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012)
SC ST (Prohibition of atrocities Act) 1989 Cases r registered under IPC n nt this act cz IPC is less stringent
here onus is on accused to prove his innocence and it is non bailable too
IPC Rajesh Sharma Case has led to 498 A dowry related change- family welfare committee to review first before arrests can be made
Ordinance promulgation
Cooper (satisfaction is s. to judicial review), D C Wadhwa n Krishna Kumar Singh- repeated promulgation of ordinance n failure to place b4 parli fraud
Krishna Kumar case- Section 3 of Consitn ds nt apply to personal laws
Kilhoto case- Anti defection law- ruling of Speaker under JR
Kharak Singh n Satish Singh vs MP Sharma- Rt to privacy nt FR
Bommai case guidelines shd be implemented to prevent Prez. rule in states
IPC 499 n 500- defamation
498 A dowry
497 adultery
IPC 375- deals with marital rape which is exception
Recently SC noted that having ex with a minor girl even if she is wife is rape, this ends the difference bw section 375 of IPC n POCSO
cinity of monument was a no construction zone, this clause removed now; so public works (means work undertaken or financed by central Govt) r nw allowed. National Monument authorit
, registration by them- police se approval so cumbersome procedure, form elecronicaly uploaded, benefits limited- only to insured n nt to family n no sickness allowanceor disability cover, l
ure to place b4 parli fraud
d. National Monument authority will mk recommendation aftr conducting impact analysis, final decision will be that of central govt
allowanceor disability cover, limited hospitals mein allowed
WB says an increase in 10% internet penetration results in 1.4% GDP improvement
Status of the World
Global Climate in Meteorological
Climate change 2016 report Organisation Argues that 1.2 will be breached this yr itself, IUCN+WMO formed IPCC
Transparency International India had the highest bribery rate among the 16 Asia Pacific countries.
ILO says India has 30% gender wage gap. Womn constitute only 23% of labour force
More than 95% of forest fires in India r man made
50 cr hv feature phones, 24 crore have smartphones and 50 cr have internet access
students cannot read class 2 text
e on impressionable young minds, extremely competitive environment and expectations of society takes a toll on students mental and physical health. Kota is not only the education hub for
s making commendble progress
x for 2017 BY IFPRI……….serious hunger levels
108 out of 144 countries in the Gender Gap Index.
in developed countries, only 23% of Labour force
by IMF chief Christine Lagarde
g women at par with men
5k se upar population and density mr than 400 per sq Km
Municipal corporation, M. Council or Notified area committee
patients and just 8 pyshologists
on. India is ranked 23rd on the index with a score of 0.683 and has been listed in the “maturing” category. The findings show that there is “space for further improvement in cooperation” at
not only the education hub for Medical aspirants but also the suicide hub.
mprovement in cooperation” at all levels
50% women r anaemic and 40% children r stunted
Economic Survey 2017-18 stats
Cash GDP Ratio 12% v high
Tax GDP Ratio 19% 4% of voters file IT returns and 2% pay tax, 2.5% show zero taxable income
Education 3.70% Down from 5% few yrs back
Health 1.20% 2.5% by 2025
ES 2016-17
Next yr Growth range 7.50%
This yr growth 6.75%
Debt 480 Bn
Agricultural Growth 2.10% 4.10%
India is home to nearly 1660 languages (22 official) and dialects, nearly 3000 castes
16-64….64% India is now a youth- predominant nation, with over 65 percent of its population being under 35 years
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) released the report tracking the performance of countries in meeting their SDG goals
India scores a lowly 116, behind Nepal n SL
Imp- This report argues that nationalism and protectionism are hurting the efforts to meet SDGs. Developed countries are nt serving as role mod
ES 2015-16 mentions
Agriculture contri to GDP 17%
Agriculture workers comprise roughly 50% of workforce
NSSO- latest round mentions that 40% of their borrowings are from informal sources- which means exorbitant intrest rate and chances of harass
Agriculture India is home to 17.5% of the world’s population, but only 4% of its fresh water resources, 2.4% of global land. Agriculture consumes some 78% o
Agri contributes to around 15% of zGHG emissions
Manufacturing sector contri to GDP- 14% (14 to 25% is d target of MII); Overall Industrial sector share is- 25%, Services-57% and Agri- 17%
India's share in global mfg- 2%;share in services- 5%
ero taxable income
or last 7 yrs in a row
n meeting their SDG goals
ntries are nt serving as role models
ntrest rate and chances of harassment
griculture consumes some 78% of the country’s fresh-water supply
ervices-57% and Agri- 17%
8% of GDP n 40% exports of country
15-64- 65% of popu MSME Sector 90% of industrial units r MSME 38% of GDP MUDRA loans to small businesses, nt more than 10 lacs loan; Udy
<35- 65% of pop 40% of country's workforce employed
Services sector includes which all- BFS, IT & Software, R&D, Tourism, Consultancy (PWC, Deloittes and KPMG), shipping, Real Estate and Housing,
Contributed 66% to GVA ISRO, medical tourism
IT sector promotes both regional and gender equality cz women omprise 40% of IT workforce, much higher than LPR in other sectors and it attrac
Coal cess collection is 400 rs per tonne of coal, goes to clean energy Fund
Tendulkar Committee estimates poverty rate at 21.9% in 2011-12
Prison n Judicial D K Basu case guideines by SC shd be implemented in letter n spirit- informing the cause of arrest, informing sm known o
Judiciary Close to 3 cr cases r pending in courts across India- roughly 50% more than 5 yr pendency
Jails More than 67% of inmates r undertrials. Further, they belong to poor marginalised sections disproportionately….
Jails r overcrowded by more than 50%
Class divide exists among inmates too- wealthy n influential get preferential treatment, as revealed in Shahsikala's case
267th Report by LCI- denounces hate speech and sees it as areal threat to democracy. LC hs nw proposed zcriminal Amendment bill to mk changes to IPC n CPC
273rd Report Shayad, ...jail reforms
Torture bill to be brought
Roughly 40% of food gets wasted
We need a new green revolution being termed as rainbow revolution with focus on organic farming, sustainable means n diversification into hort
Swaminathan committee recommendations shd be implemented
NITI Aayog launches India Innovation Index with WIPO fr states
Urban Ministry launched liveability index
LPR in other sectors and it attracts majority of talent from Non tier 1 cities
e of arrest, informing sm known one about arrest, provision of Lawyer to be looked after by NALSA
to mk changes to IPC n CPC
means n diversification into horticulture, organic culture etc
ED scheme to promote their competitiveness (financial incentives r given), MII to tk mfg share to 25% of GDP by 2022, National SC-ST hub to promote entrepreneurship amg SC,T; public pro
eneurship amg SC,T; public procurement policy to ensure mkt access to MSMEs- 20% procurement mandatory
126 section Section 126 prohibits display of election matter within 48 hrs of election closure
Section 20 deals with NRI voters- Plus The Registration of Electors Rules, 1960 requires them to be physcially present at the time of polling
With proposed amendment; they can vote thru proxy
Section 33 Allows a candidate to contest from more than 1 seat viz 2 seats (introduced in 96 else one cd contest frm many consttuencies earlier)
EC opined that it wants to limit it to one seat as this practice leads to added burden on public exchequer due to reelection if a candidate wins fro
One person, one vote & one candidate, one constituency is the dictum of democracy
esent at the time of polling
consttuencies earlier)
reelection if a candidate wins from both seats
India and ICC
India is not a party to ICC. (China neither, Russia withdrew after ICC claimed Putin responsible) The
major objections of India to the Rome Statute are :
Since ICC is subordinate to UNSC, permanent members are vested with unbridled powers.
Terrorism and nuclear weapons usage is not in the purview of ICC.
There is criticism that India on signing up the Rome Statute, would immediately come under ICC
jurisdiction for human right violations under AFSPA, abuses in Naga movement, Kashmir conflict
US opposes it because its actions in West Asia may come under attack
1946. 15 judges elected for 9 years by absolute majority in both general assembly and security council;
VETO not applicable here- judging ka maamla hai, may be re-elected for up to two further terms, seats
distribution by geography, informal understanding that each of UNSC members will hv one member
each, one third of the Court is elected every three years, reelection allowed, Judge's experience is
ESTABLISHEMENT YEAR what matters and not the nationality
RELATIONSHIP WITH U.N Official court of U.N, commonly known as “World Court”.
HEADQUARTERS Peace Palace , Hague
U.N Member states. Can give advisory opinions to UN bodies. Cannot try individuals. Applies
JURISDICTION International Law
Sovereignty, boundary disputes, maritime disputes, trade, natural resources, human rights, treaty
TYPES OF CASES violations, treaty interpretation, etc.
States that ratify the U.N. Charter become parties to the ICJ Statute. Non-UN member states can also
DERIVES AUTHORITY FROM become parties to the ICJ by ratifying the ICJ Statute.
APPEALS ICJ decision is binding. UNSC can review if states do not comply.
PCA- Permanent court of arbitration is separate,
this is not a UN body but an independent body,
China & Philipines case was judged by a PCA
appointed under UNCLOS. Other bodies like
UNCITRAL etc also give options to go for ICJ or PCA.
Award is final and binding, no appeal allowed. The
PCA is not a court "in the traditional sense", but
provides services of arbitral tribunal to resolve
disputes. It does not even have permanent judges.
The organization is also not a United Nations
Russia and Burundi withdrew
agency. China has refused to comply with its
orders arguing it ds nt hv the authority to govern
this case
Independent. Not governed by U.N. Can receive
referrals from UNSC. If referred by UNSC, the
ruling bcms binding fr member country
Individuals accused of international crimes. Uses
International Law, as war crimes violate Geneva
Genocide, crimes against humanity, war
crimes, crimes of aggression.
Rome Statute
Appeals Chamber, according to Rome Statute.
FUNDING U.N funded
contribution from state parties to the Rome
Statute; voluntary contributions from the U.N;
voluntary contributions from governments,
international organizations, individuals,
corporations and other entities.
Majuli- Mising or Mishing tribes from Arunachal Pradesh who immigrated here centuries ago. Others are Deori and Sonowal Kacharis tribes.
Garo celebrate Wangla festival and Khasi-Jaintia mk root bridge
Chakmas are Buddhists and Hajongs r Hindus, fled from Bangladesh n now resettled in AP, SC has asked centre to grant them citizenship
Apatani Arunachal Pradesh Dree festival celebrate karte hain, Rice ki irrigated cultivation despite no scientific method being used, UNESCO wants to
Monpas Arunachal Pradesh Live in Tawang where DL had paid a visit and India is linking it with a railway line- both objected by China, Thembang, the
Naga tribe- Konyak Whole body is tattoed
Ahom, Rajbanshis Assam Rajbanshis wr involved in Tibhaga movment
Limbu, Tamang Sikkim their count has been increased in Sikkim state assembly
Lepcha Sikkim urumin fr treating flu- it i
Bhutia Sikkim practice tantric Budhhism ie Vajrayan Multiple therapeutic pro
Oraon WB, their language Kurukh has been declared state official alngage Western Ghats Kani tribe pe named Kan
Angami Nagaland Seykerni festival Western Ghats 4 miniature frogs- The ne
Munnar mein The newly discovered sp
1. Nishis : Arunachal Pradesh, nisha hui khatm means sun wali state AP
2. Angami : Manipur, called so because headhunters means enemy head cut karte the Amazon Fluoroscent frogs
3. Rengma : Nagaland, make dye frm yellow flowers and paint clothes KANIYAN tribe in TN Kan
Andaman has barren island, active volcano DASKATHIA- GOD KE LIYE
PVTG were named by B.. Report Great Nicobaris are (27000 strenth) STs bt Great Andamanese are PVTG- they r Negrito
Andaman Tribes- JOSS- Jawars, Onges, Sentalese, Shom Pen. KORAS (extinct now) PVTG (Onges, Sentelese (15), Great Andmanese).
Lakshadweep- KAMIN MAL MAL- Koyas, Amindivis, Malechri, Malmis (Highest tribal literacy rate as per census 2011, in Laks..)
PVTG Saharias Sahara type ke Rajasthani Ahariyas move to Gujrat salt pans to mk salt KOYAS live in forests of Telangana too; cel
PVTG Toda Nilgiris Pastoralists
PVTG Toto W Bengal
PVTG Dongria Kondhs Orissa Niyamgiri Hills for which Samantra awarded Goldman Environmental Prize
Paika rebellion Orissa In 1817
Chik Baraks Central India Earlier weaved clothes for king, nt any longer
Irular TN snake catchers
Slaves brought by Arabs
Habshi Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat, and the city of Hyderabad (there’s also a sizable population in Pakistan), Called Siddis too
Main component
LNG Methane
g used, UNESCO wants to include them as Heritag site for this
by China, Thembang, the settlement of the Monpas is a village within a fortified area, a tentative UNESCO site
urumin fr treating flu- it is frogs saliva
Multiple therapeutic properties of Neurocalyx calycinus used by the Cholanaickan tribe, one of the particularly vulnerable groups in Kerala, to treat inflammations and wounds
Kani tribe pe named Kani tree crab
4 miniature frogs- The newly discovered frogs include: Athirappilly Night Frog, Sabarimala Night Frog, Radcliffe’s Night frog and the Kadalar Night Frog.
The newly discovered specis include- Impatiens Mankulamensis and Impatiens Panduramgani. They are included in the critically endangered category of IUCN. Impatiens, also called jewel
Fluoroscent frogs
KANIYAN tribe in TN Kaniyan Kuthu- men only, dance
are PVTG- they r Negritoes
5), Great Andmanese).
ests of Telangana too; celebrate festival called Medaram Jatra..will be declared a national festival so that later it wd be considered fr UNESCO intangible cultural heritage tag
tions and wounds
N. Impatiens, also called jewel weeds,
ral heritage tag
Anaerobic respiration se gobargas
Methane Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and CO2 are also formed simultaneously
LPG Butane Propane By product of petroleum refining and natural gas production
Gandhian Books
Constructive Programme : Its Meaning and Place
C. Indian Home Rule (Hind Swaraj)- we are being ruled bcz of supoort of Indians to British, the day we adopt Swaraj, we will free ourselves. Very critical of Western c
D. Key to Health
Translation of John Ruskin book Unto this Last to "Sarvoday"
Learning: Chenchus are hindu Aboriginal tribes residing in the central hillstations of Andhra Pradesh. They inhabit the
Nallmalla hills which has been a part of Nagarjuna Sagar, the Tiger Sanctuary for centuries in Andhra Pradesh
ASURAS Live in Jahrkhand n Bihar etc, claim to hv descended from Asuras, traditionally smelt rust free iron ore
Reangs live in Tripura and dance is Hojagiri
steam wtc that convert coal into syngas
gh adsorption unlike natural cases mein found in sedimentary rocks
Very critical of Western civilisation. He argued that western civilisation in such that it wd auto destroy itself. Gujrati mein likhi, British banned its Gujrati version bt allowed the English versio
on bt allowed the English version