2001 Dec 1347-1357 PDF
2001 Dec 1347-1357 PDF
2001 Dec 1347-1357 PDF
ground coordinates, the surrounding grid points are found. Tri- (X, Y , Z). In order to minimize the introduction of errors during
linear interpolation is then used between these eight points. the computations and improve the numerical stability of equa-
The grid interpolation model does not produce adequate accu- tions, the two image coordinates and three ground coordinates
racy. The RFM uses ratios of polynomials to establish the rela- are each offset and scaled to fit the range from -1.0 to +1.0
tionship between the image coordinates and the object (NIMA, 2000). For the ground-to-image transformation, the
coordinates. The universal real-time model is in fact an exten- defined ratios of polynomials have the following form for each
sion to the RFM. It employs interpolation of high-order correc- image section (OGC, 1999):
tion functions. Because the RFM is the most popular model in
use, the emphasis in this study is placed on the investigation of
the RFM.
Chatacterlstlcs of the RFM
Mathematically, the disadvantage of using polynomials for
approximation is their tendency for oscillation. This often
causes error bounds in polynomial approximation to signifi-
cantly exceed the average approximation error. The RFM has where rn and cn are the normalized row and column indices,
better interpolation properties. It is typically smoother and can respectively, of pixels in image space, and Xn,Yn,and Znare
spread the approximation error more evenly between exact fit the normalized coordinate values of object points in ground
points. The RFM has the added advantage of permitting efficient space. The normalization of the coordinates is computed using
approximation of functions that have infinite discontinuities the following equations (OGC, 1999):
near, but outside, the interval of fitting, while a polynomial
approximation is generally unacceptable in this situation (Bur-
den and Faires, 1997).
The RFM is independent of sensors and platforms. It also
has coordinate system flexibility. It can accommodate object
coordinates in any system such as geocentric, geographic, or
any map projection coordinate system (Paderes et al., 1989).
The RFM resembles projective equations very well
(Madani, 1999). With adequate control information, the RFM where r, and c, are offset values for the two image coordinates,
can achieve a very high fitting accuracy with sufficient speed to and r, and c, are scale values for the two image coordinates.
support real time implementations. This is the primary reason Similarly, X,, Y,, and 4 are offset values for the three ground
why the RFM has been used as a replacement sensor model. coordinates, and Xs, Y,,and Z, are scale values for the three
Because there are no functional relationships between the ground coordinates.
parameters of the physical sensor model and those of the RFM, The maximum power of each ground coordinate is typi-
the physical parameters can hardly be recovered from the W M cally limited to 3; and the total power of all ground coordinates
and the sensor information can be kept confidential. In order is also limited to 3. In such a case, each polynomial is of 20-term
to protect the undisclosed sensor information, some commer- cubic form (the subscripts are omitted for convenience): i.e.,
cial satellite data vendors, such as Space Imaging Inc., only
provide users with the RF'M instead of the physical sensor mod-
els. As a result, without knowing the physical sensor models,
users are still able to perform photogrammetric processing such
as ortho-rectification, stereo reconstruction, and DEM genera-
tion at no discernible loss of accuracy (Grodecki, 2001).
The RFM is already available within some digital photogram-
metric software packages (Madani, 1988; Paderes et al., 1989; where aijkare polynomial coefficients called rational function
Greve et al., 1992;Toutin and Cheng, 2000; Yang, 2000). Except coefficients (RFCS). The order of the terms is trivial and may
for some experimental results reported, the research on the differ in different literature.
various aspects of the RFM has not been published. For this rea- The distortions caused by the optical projection can gener-
son, the University of Calgary initiated a research project in ally be represented by the ratios of first-order terms, while cor-
1999, "A Comprehensive Study on the RFM for Photogrammet- rections such as Earth curvature, atmospheric refraction, lens
ric Processing" (Tao and Hu, Zoola). This paper addresses the distortion, etc., can be well approximated by the second-order
important practical issues pertaining to the use of the RFM. terms. Some other unknown distortions with high-order com-
The derivation of the iterative and direct least-squares ponents, such as camera vibration, can be modeled with the
solution to the RFM is described in the next section. The two third-order terms.
computational scenarios, i.e., terrain-independent and terrain- The RFM is essentially a generic form of polynomials.
dependent, are then discussed. For the terrain-dependent sce- When the denominator is equal to 1, Equations l a and l b
nario, where the physical sensor model is not available, a become reguIar 3D polynomials. The RFM resembles the projec-
robust bucketing technique is proposed and developed for tive equations, such as the Direct Linear Transformation (repre-
automatic selection of evenly distributed control points in sented as the ratios of two first-order polynomials). A com-
ground space. Finally, several tests using both aerial photograph parative study of the with other imaging geometric models
and SPOT data sets are described, and evaluations, findings, and is given in Tao and Hu (2000b).
conclusions are given.
lteratlve and Direct LeastSquaresSolutions
Solutions to the Rational Function Model Two methods have been developed to solve for the RFM,direct
Bask Equations and iterative least-squares solutions (Tao and Hu, 2000a). The
In the rational function model, image pixel coordinates (r, c) are derivation of these two solutions is given below.
expressed as the ratios of polynomials of ground coordinates First, we can rewrite Equations l a and l b as
1 ZYX --
----... Y3X3-- rY ...
r z -- r
1 Z Y X ... --
c z --
Y3X3-- cY ..* --D --D
cy3 cx31 . K --
W, can be considered as the weight matrix for the residuals on
the left side ofEquation 6a. Consequently,the obtained normal
equation is
vi = Bv, = [lZ YX ... Y3 X3 -rZ -rY .-.-rY3 -rX3] . J - r MW,2MJ - MTWfR= 0 (8)
If W, is set to be the identity matrix, the direct solution of
RFCS can be represented as
For the iterative solution, the initial values J(O) of the coeffi-
where cients are first solved for using the direction solution method,
i.e., Equation 9. Then W,(')and Jfi) are calculated by solving the
B = (1 Z YX ... Y3 X3) ' (1 bl '.' bl9IT normal Equation 8 iteratively until the absolute difference of
the residuals between two consecutive iterations is below some
J = (a, al alg b, b, ... b1g)T
threshold. A check for zero crossing in the denominator B is
D = (1 Z Y X . . . Y3 X3) ' (1 dl "' dlJT performed during the computation in order to protect the
weight matrix from division by zero.
K = (c, c1 ... clg dl d2 d19)T Comparing the direct solution, Equation 9, and the itera-
tive solution, Equation 8, the latter is theoretically more rigor-
Given n, the number of ground control points (GCPS) and ous because the weights have been accounted for in the
the corresponding image points, the matrix form of Equation solution. The weight matrix multiplication is introduced to
5a can be written as form the new design matrix of the normal equations in the itera-
tive solution. By making this simplification of weighting, the
direct solution is obtained. Therefore, the computational bur-
den of each iteration is close to the time needed for the direct
The solution of column-wise Equation 5b is the same as
that of row-wise Equation 5a, provided that the symbols r, B, J,
a, b, R, and M in Equations 5 through 8 are replaced by c, D, K,
c, d, C, and N, respectively. The row-wise and column-wise
equations, Equations 5a and 5b, can be adjusted together. The
following error equations can be used:
V = WTI - WG.
error (pixel)
4 -
3 - m
2- m
, ---__--__----------.--------
- mwm
O i , . , , , , , , , , , T , , , , , q , , , , a q ! , , , l h,
0 2 4 6 8 10 20 30 40 50 80 70 BO 90 lOOXlO
solved for RFCS can be provided to users for image ortho-rectifi- buckets shown in Figure 3 (from Zhang (1995)).Each bucket
cation, or for stereo reconstruction if a pair of stereo images may contain a number of points, and the buckets having no
each with a set of RFCS is available (Yang, 2000; Tao and Hu, points are excluded. To generate a subset of n GCPS, we select
2001b). This characteristic of the RFM is very attractive because the two points with maximum and minimum elevation values,
users can make use of the images without knowing the physical then randomly select n -2 mutually different buckets and
sensor model that might be treated as confidential information choose one point in each selected bucket randomly.
by commercial vendors. On the other hand, the users do not However, the number of points in a bucket may be quite
need to change the ortho-rectification and stereo reconstruc- different from one to another. There is, consequently, a higher
tion software if the software was developed based on the RFM. probability of selecting a point pertaining to a bucket having
The software can also be used to deal with images acquired by fewer points. In order for each point to have almost the same
different sensors as long as the RFCS of each image are provided. probability of being selected, it is thus preferred that a bucket
having more points should have a higher probability of being
Terrain-DependentComputational Scenarios selected than a bucket having fewer points. This is to ensure
With no physical sensor models at hand, the 3D object grid can- that points selected are evenly distributed. This concept can be
not be established. Therefore, the GCPS and checkpoints have realized using the following procedure (Buckley, 1994;Zhang,
to be collected in a conventional manner (e.g.,from maps or a 1995):if there are in total L buckets, we divide the range [O, 11
DEM).In this case, the solution is highly dependent on the into L intervals such that the length of the i~ interval is equal to
actual terrain relief, the number of GCPS, and their distribution lilSili,where li is the number of points attached to the i~ bucket
across the scene. This method is obviously terrain-dependent. shown in Figure 3. During the bucket selection procedure, a
This is a popular approach for image rectification of remote random number from [O, 11, generated by a uniform random
sensing imagery when the rigorous physical sensor model is generator and falling in the id interval, implies that the id
not available, and when the accuracy requirement is not bucket is selected. Then a point in the i~ bucket is randomly
stringent. selected as a GCP and is excluded from the next selection.
Because the RFM has a very high fitting capability, we are
interested in comparing these two computational scenarios in Robust Selection of GCPs
terms of accuracy and numerical stability. The testing results The bucketing technique only accounts for the planimetric dis-
will be discussed in a later section. tribution of points and not for the vertical (elevation) distribu-
tion. In addition, the generated subset is not unique. Because
Robust Bucketing for Automatic Selection of GCPs the program executes several times, the produced RFM results
For terrain-dependent scenarios, different results can be may be not comparable. In order to determine the best subset,
obtained with different input control information, such as the we could, theoretically, complete trials for all the possible sub-
number of GCPS and their distribution. Given a set of known sets. The best subset is the one in which the RMS (root-mean-
control points, the question is how to select a group of control square) error of the solution at checkpoints is minimum. For
points by which the RFM can reach the best overall fitting accu-
racy. In other words, how do we select a group of points that are
evenly distributed in each dimension? To address this ques-
example, given 71 input points, the number of subsets each
with 64 points is C!f 1.33 X lo9. This is computationally
impossible in practice, especially when the number of input
tion, we developed a robust bucketing method for automatic points is large. Thus, we choose t(s1)trials in such a way that
selection of GCPS from a given set of control points. the ~robabilitvof at least one subset with evenlv distributed
poiits will beg large value A close to 1. ~ e c a u s i t h entire
e set
Bucketing Technique has been divided into L buckets, the expression for this proba-
This method is based on a regular random selection bucketing bility is
technique (Zhanget al., 1995).The idea of selecting a subset of
points h a t are evenly distributed is not to select more than one
point for a given neighborhood. The bucketing technique is A = 1 - (1 - d'lL)* (14)
given as follows:
First, the minimum and maximum of the planimetric coor- where a is the probability measuring the extent to which the
dinates of the entire point set in the ground space are calcu- entire set distributes evenly; then cu"JL is the probability of
lated. Then the test region is divided into w X w (e.g., w = 8) obtaining a perfect subset by bucketing. In our experiments, a
I ,.
, ',* m; ; I uniform
0 1 2 ... w-l 0 1 variable
The approximating accuracy of the RFM with denominators
(cases p2 # p4 and p2 = p4) is extremely high and is signifi-
cantly better than the regular polynomial cases (p2 = p4 1).
Figure 5. 3D view of the distribution of checkpoints from the The accuracy reaches the level of lo-' to pixels in compar-
SPOT data I. ison to the regular polynomial cases where the accuracy level
is at 10-I to pixels for the second- and third-order polyno-
mials. This shows that the RFM with rational components
(denominators) resembles the collinearity equations well and
has no accuracy loss for the aerial photograph data.
. .
..' ..-...
. .
... ..... . ..
The cases of first-order RFM with denominators gain the best
results at both CNPS and CKPS (shaded area in Table 4). It indicates
..'. . ..
. ,.1'
. .
. . .. .... that the higher order RFM may not be necessary when dealing
with aerial frame data sets.
The number of layers used in the object grid affects the RMS C5.0e - 02 at CKPS),
if the control points are adequate and
numerical stability of the RFM. The design matrix becomes sin- evenly distributed for the aerial frame data. However, the level
gular and the normal equation is ill-conditioned if only two or of approximation is not as high as that in the terrain-indepen-
three elevation layers in the object grid are used. However, the dent scenario.
The WM cases with denominator are better than the regular
approximation accuracies are very close when four or more lay- polynomial models overall, but the accuracy of the third-order
ers are used. regular polynomial model is still very good.
It is interesting that, from Table 6, the case p2 f p4 always has
Experiments and Evaluation :Terraln-Dependent Scenario a better fitting accuracy than the case p2 = p4 at CNPS for
different orders, but the case p2 = p4 works better than the
Accuracy Aspect-Aerial Photograph Data case p2 # p4 at cKPs. However, there is no significant difference
between both cases.
In the terrain-dependent scenario, the GCPs are from the real ter- The first-order RFM cases (shaded areas in Table 6) gain higher
rain surface. For a comparison, we used the same data set, accuracy at CKPS,while the third-order RFM cases have higher
aerial photograph data from ERDAS, in which 7499 ground accuracy at CNPS. None of these cases can achieve the best accu-
points onthe terrain surface are available. In this test, 100points racy at both CNPS and CKPS. This implies that the RFM approxi-
out of 7499 points were first selected as GCPs using the auto- mation has not achieved the best numerical status under the
matic bucketing selection method, and the remaining points terrain-dependent scenario. Therefore, for terrain-dependent
solutions, one may need to try different orders in order to deter-
are treated as checkpoints. Due to the good distribution of these mine the best RFM case or the best trade-off.
points, only one trial was needed in the bucketing selection
process. As described earlier, this selection ensures that these
100 GCPS are evenly distributed from the given 7499 points. Computation Aspect-Aerial Photograph Data
In order to provide a reliable assessment on accuracy, the
rigorous collinearity equations were used to transform these Due to the fact that the design matrix is almost rank-deficient
7499 points to both the left and right images. The obtained under the terrain-dependent scenario, regularization is particu-
accuracy of the RFM solution based on the 100 GePs and the larly important especially for the cases with the second- and
7399 checkpoints, as well as their corresponding image points, third-order polynomials. Table 7 shows a comparison of results
is shown in Table 6. The results are computed from the left solved for with and without the use of regularization (Table 6
image using the direct least-squares solution with regulariza- is the result with regularization). The improvements are very
tion ( h = 0.001). significant in terms of accuracy. It is worth mentioning that
regularization also makes the solutions converge. This result
This result shows that, under the terrain-dependent scenario, indicates that the numerical stability of the RFM may be poor
the RFM can also achieve a high approximation accuracy (i.e., under the terrain-dependent scenario, although it is able to
h = 0.001
h 0
h = 0.001
- 4.0481e-02
achieve a high approximation accuracy provided the ccps are The third-order case p2 # p4 gains the best approximation
adequate and well distributed. accuracy at the CWS,while the regular 3D polynomial model
For this data set, due to the adequate number of well-distributed reaches the same level of accuracy at the CWS.
ccps, the accuracy obtained by the direct solution is comparable The cases with denominator are better than the regular polyno-
to that from the iterative solution. Therefore, only the results mial cases (p2 = p4 = 1).
from the direct solution are given in Table 7. The cases with non-equal denominator (p2 # p4) are always
Figure 7 shows the relationship between the number of GCPS better than the cases with equal denominator (p2 = p4). This
used (from 40 to 1600) and the accuracy obtained at CKPS. In conclusion is the same as that from the SPOT data I test under
Figure 7, the computation result is based on the third-order RFM the terrain-independent scenario.
with unequal denominator case where the required minimum For this data set, the higher the order, the better the approxima-
number of W s is 39 (see Table 2). It can be observed from tion accuracy.
Figure 7 that the accuracy will not be improved much once
the number of ccps used is larger than 80 (which doubles the
required minimum number, 39). This is a useful finding
because the use of too many ~s would not be beneficial to Computation Aspect-SPOT Data ZI
the accuracy. It also indicates that the proposed automatic
selection method of ccps is efficient. The iterative least-squares solution with regularization pro-
vides better results than does the direct soIution. This result
shows that the iterative solution with regularization is much
Accuracy Aspect-SPOT Data I1 more robust. It performs best for data sets in which the normal
Sixty-four out of the total given 71 GCPS were selected automati- equations are not well-conditioned or GCPs are not well distrib-
cally using the robust bucketing method, and the remaining uted. More comparative experiments have been reported in Tao
points were used as checkpoints. It is a fact that the distribution and Hu (2000a; 2000b).
of these GCPS (see Figure 5) is not good. The obtained a is only
56.3 percent (see Equation 14) and the number of trials is seven Conclusions and Discussions
when the probability A is assumed to be 95 percent. The results In this paper, the iterative and direct least-squares solutions to
shown in Table 8 were computed using the iterative least- the WMare derived. The regularization technique is proposed
squares method with regularization (h = 0.001). The following to improve the solutions when the condition of the normal
findings were obtained: equations is poor. The terrain-independent and terrain-depen-
dent scenarios are analyzed and compared. Based on the
Because the available ccps are not evenly distributed, the
obtained accuracy is only at the one-pixel level. This is under- numerous tests, the following conclusions can be drawn:
standable because the RFM solution is sensitive to the distribu- With the physical sensor model available-terrain-inde-
tion of GCPS under the terrain-dependent scenario. pendent scenario:
The RFM can approximate the rigorous physical sensor model
extremely well for aerial frame data and SPOT pushbroom data
used in the tests. Thus, it can be used as a replacement sensor
model to communicate to end users for photogrammetric proc-
0.3 -error- (pixel)
- -5 essing such as ortho-rectification and stereo reconstruction.
RMSE The high order RFM may not be necessary when dealing with
-MA)( -- 4 aerial frame data sets, because the RFM resembles the projective
............................... -...-.. ........ model very well. However, the high order RFM is preferable
-- 3 when SPOT data are processed.
..... .-. The RFM cases with unequal denominator achieve a better accu-
-- 2 racy than the cases with equal denominator at cws overall.
... .. The RFM cases with denominator perform better than the regular
polynomials, but the regular third-order polynomial model can
. =. ......w:"
1 achieve an accuracy that is also reasonably good.
0. r . .
. . . . . . .
7 r v o
The conditions of normal equations are very good. The iterative
least-squares solution is only slightly better than the direct
40 50 60 80 100 120 160 200 300 403 800 1M)O 1800 . least-squares solution. There is no need to apply regularization.
no.ofaFs The direct solution without regularization is recommended for
solving the RFM due to its simplicity and no iterations involved.
Figure 7. The relationship between the accuracy and the In the establishment of the 3D object grid for the RFM solutions,
number of GCPs. at least four or more elevation layers are needed, otherwise,
the design matrix would be singular.
With the physical sensor model unknown-temin-depen- number of coefficients. This causes instability i n the least-
dent scenario: squares solution. Madani (1999) proposed selecting the signifi-
cant coefficients for a particular sensor by the trial-and-error
The RFM can also achieve a good approximation accuracy pro- method. In this paper w e used the regularization technique
vided the GCPS are adequate and are evenly distributed. How- with some success to overcome this drawback. Further investi-
ever, the accuracy of the approximation is not as high as that gations on the accuracy analysis of high resolution images
in the terrain-independent scenario. Moreover, in practice, it
is not easy to collect an "adequate number" of GCPS. (such as IKONOS-2 imagery) using the RFM approach are of inter-
The RFM solution is sensitive to the distribution of GCPS as well est (Tao and Hu, 2001b).
as to the number of GCPs. The result cannot be expected to be
good once the distribution of the GCPS is not good (see tests on Acknowledgments
SPOT Data 11). Discussions with Drs. Xinghe Yang and Yongnia Wang from
It is difficult to determine which case of the RFM can provide ERDAS Inc., Dr. Philip Cheng from PC1 Geomatics, Dr. Thierry
the best result, because the solution is not numerically stable. Toutin from the Canada Centre for Remote S e ~ s i n gMr.
, Brian
Therefore, one may need to try different cases to determine the Robertson from MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd., Dr.
best RFM case (i.e., order) or to find the best trade-off. Clive Fraser from the University of Melbourne, and Prof. Gor-
The design matrix is almost rank-deficient;therefore, regulariza- don Petrie from the University of Glasgow were extremely val-
tion is extremely important, especially for the high order RFM uable. We also appreciate the comments made by Dr. Mostafa
cases. Use of regularization to improve the conditions of the
design matrix will result in a much better accuracy and make Madani from Z/I Imaging, Dr. Ian Dowman from University
the solutions converged. College London, Mr. Kris Morin from LH systems, as well as
The iterative least-squares solution always offers better results anonymous reviewers. Special thanks go to ERDAS Inc. (Drs.
than does the direct solution, particularly for the terrain-depen- X. Yang and Y. Wang), PC1 Geomatics (Dr. P. Cheng), and
dent scenario.Therefore, the iterative least-squaresmethod with Intermap Technologies (Dr. J. Bryan Mercer) for providing test
regularization should be adopted for solving the RFM under the data sets to support the research.
terrain-dependent scenario.
The proposed method on automatic selection of GCPS is useful
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Because low-order RFM cases may obtain better approxi- togrammetry: An Addendum (C. W. Greve, editor), American Soci-
mating accuracy, a remaining problem with the high-order RFM ety for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Maryland,
cases is their over-parameterization because of an excessive pp. 115-123.
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