Simplified Parliamentary Procedure
Simplified Parliamentary Procedure
Simplified Parliamentary Procedure
2 • CNSC College of Engineering - College Student Council
Effective Meetings — Simplified
Parliamentary Procedure
“We must learn to run a meeting without victimizing the audience; but more
importantly, without being victimized by individuals who are armed with
parliamentary procedure and a personal agenda.”
Parliamentary procedure. Sound complicated? Controlling? Boring? Intimidating? Why
do we need to know all those rules for conducting a meeting? Why can’t we just run the
meetings however we want to? Who cares if we follow parliamentary procedure?
How many times have you attended a meeting that ran on and on and didn’t accomplish
anything? The meeting jumps from one topic to another without deciding on anything.
Group members disrupt the meeting with their own personal agendas. Arguments erupt. A
few people make all the decisions and ignore everyone else’s opinions. Everyone leaves the
meeting feeling frustrated. Sound familiar? Then a little parliamentary procedure may just
be the thing to turn your unproductive, frustrating meetings into a thing of beauty — or at
least make them more enjoyable and productive.
The Chairperson
The chairperson has the success or failure of the meeting riding on his or her shoulders.
He or she should be thoroughly familiar with all the business to be dealt with at the
meeting, including committee reports and business held over from previous meetings.
The chairperson must be sensitive to the physical, informational, and social needs of the
Under the rules of parliamentary procedure, the chairperson has absolute control over
the meeting. No one can speak without being recognized by the chairperson. This power
comes with a great deal of responsibility. The chair must at all times conduct the meeting
impartially and stay on top of the agenda. She or he must be familiar with parliamentary
procedure in order to keep the discussion moving and know when to take a vote without
someone having to “call for the question.”
Adoption of Agenda
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Reports of Committees (if applicable)
Unfinished Business (if applicable)
New Business (if applicable)
Announcements (if applicable)
Adjournment (if applicable)
Call to Order: The chairperson begins the meeting at the published time by saying
something such as “The meeting will now come to order.”
Roll Call: Roll call is a legal requirement for some local government boards and
commissions. The minutes must list the names of those present and absent. Some boards and
commissions have taken the additional step of indicating in the minutes the time late
members arrive (it helps get people there on time!). The meeting secretary usually conducts
the roll call. Civic organizations and community groups may not need to record members
present by taking roll call.
Adoption of the Agenda: It is a good practice to send members a copy of the tentative
agenda in advance of the meeting so they can prepare for the meeting. If this is not possible,
the tentative agenda should be given to the members when they arrive at the meeting. A
meeting without an agenda usually ends up as no meeting at all!
Many official government bodies are required to publicize their agendas by informing the
news media and posting agendas in a public place prior to the meeting. Government bodies
should never add potentially controversial items to the agenda after it is published.
When the meeting starts, the chairperson should ask if anyone has items to place on the
agenda. After these have been added, the chair should call for a motion to adopt the agenda. A
member should, “Move that the agenda be adopted.” A second is required. A simple majority
vote restricts the business of the meeting to the items listed on the agenda. After the agenda
has been adopted, it takes a two-thirds majority vote to change it.
Less formal community groups don’t need to formally adopt the agenda. If an agenda is
approved by majority vote, however, it can only be changed by a formal motion to do so.
This prevents members from introducing new business without prior warning.
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting: Reading meeting minutes during
the meeting is a time waster. Minutes should be sent out (with the agenda) for members to
read prior to the meeting. Unless there is a disagreement regarding the minutes, it is not
necessary for a motion or a vote to accept the minutes. The chairperson can simply declare
them approved. “Are there any additions or corrections to the minutes?” If there are no
corrections, the chairperson can say, “There being no corrections to the minutes of (date)
meeting, the minutes are approved as printed ( or “ . . . approved as amended”).
Quorum of Members
The by-laws of a board or organization should specify the number of members that must be
present at a meeting in order to officially conduct business. This minimum number of
members is called a quorum. A quorum should be small enough to allow the organization to
conduct its business, but not so small that a minority of members can pass motions that do
not represent the opinions of the majority. Typically, a quorum is one person more than half
the total membership. Without a quorum, no official business can be transacted.
6 • CNSC College of Engineering - College Student Council
Nearly all business conducted during a meeting begins with a motion. A motion requires two
people — a “mover” and a “seconder.”
“I move that we accept the treasurer’s report of June 3, 1999, as amended.”
“I second that motion.”
Strictly speaking, a motion must be made and seconded before any discussion on the topic can
begin. In practical terms, a preliminary discussion frequently occurs prior to the actual motion
being made. This gives people time to formulate some opinions and ideas before making the
formal motion. This can result in a more precisely worded motion. A lot of time is wasted at
meetings trying to get the proper wording for a motion. Motions should be short, precise, and in
writing. Departing from strict parliamentary procedure is the chairperson’s decision. Care must be
taken not to let the meeting get out of control with a wandering discussion prior to a motion being
group, or interest area, the chairperson may participate in debate and vote so his or her
constituency is fully represented.
5. When an organization has a board of directors, an executive committee, standing committees, or
special committees, the chair of those committees may have the same privileges as any other
member to make motions, discuss issues, and vote.
If the chairperson participates in the debate, she or he must not abuse the privilege. It is important for
the chairperson to avoid dominating the discussion. Once the chairperson has taken sides into an
issue, it is even more important that the powers of the chair be exercised impartially. If necessary, the
chairperson can avoid the appearance of bias by turning the chair over to the vice chairperson or some
other member before making motions or discussing the merits of a question before the group.
Privileged Motions
1. Adjourn to
a fixed time X X majority vote
2. Adjourn meeting X majority vote
3. Recess meeting X X majority vote
4. Point of Privilege X decision of chair
5. Order of business
(agenda) X enforced by chair
Subsidiary Motions
6. Table a motion X majority vote
7. Previous question X two-thirds vote
8. Limit or extend debate X X two-thirds vote
9. Postpone to a certain
time X X X majority vote
10. Refer to a committee X X X majority vote
11. Amend a motion X X X majority vote
12. Main motion X X X majority rule
Precedence of Motions
accepted by the chairperson.
There are three types of motions: Privileged Motions, Subsidiary Motions, and Incidental Motions.
Privileged Motions
Privileged motions deal with the meeting environment itself: the meeting time, agenda, meeting room
comfort, and the rights and behaviors of individuals. These motions have overriding importance and can
interrupt the meeting at any time. The privileged motions are listed below in order of rank. Higher ranked
motions must be considered before lower ranked motions.
1. Adjourn To A Fixed Time
This type of motion is the highest order and takes precedence over all other motions. It is used to set the
next meeting date, time, and location.
“I move that the meeting adjourn to Wednesday, June 18, at 7 p.m. in the city conference room.” The motion
must be seconded. It is not debatable but can be amended. It requires a majority vote to pass.
2. Adjourn Meeting
A member can “move to adjourn” to end the meeting even though not all of the business has been finished. A
motion to adjourn must be seconded and requires a majority vote. The chairperson should declare the meeting
adjourned after an affirmative vote.
3. Recess Meeting
A member can ask for an intermission or recess even when another motion is on the floor. A motion to
recess must have a second and requires a majority vote. “I move that this meeting recess until 8:30 p.m.”
The chair may also declare a recess without a vote of the group.
4. Point of Privilege
A member can raise a “point of privilege” concerning the welfare of the membership. “Chairperson, I rise
to a point of privilege.” Points of privilege usually deal with comfort in the meeting room (noise, inad-
equate ventilation, heat, cold) or the conduct of others. No second or vote is required. The chairperson
rules as to the admissibility of the point of privilege.
5. Order of Business (agenda)
A member may call for “the orders of the day” if that member feels that the meeting agenda is not being
followed. An “order of business” motion does not require a second or a vote. If the chairperson admits
that the agenda has not been followed, she or he must return to the agenda. If the chair doesn’t return to
the agenda, a two-thirds vote can force the chairperson to do so.
Subsidiary Motions
Subsidiary motions deal directly with the business at hand. They provide a structured way to introduce,
discuss, alter, and make democratic decisions on specific business items. The subsidiary motions listed
below are in order of precedence. For example, action on a “motion to table” must be completed before a
“motion to amend” can be considered. The concept is that the membership can consider only one motion
at a time.
6. Table a Motion
A motion is said to be “on the floor” when it is being considered by the group. When a motion is “tabled,”
it is temporarily set aside while other business is considered. A tabled motion can be taken up again
during that meeting or the next meeting whenever the majority so decides. A motion to table requires a
Incidental Motions
There are some motions that can be made at any time. They have no order of precedence. They include:
• Appeal decision to chair
A member may appeal a decision to the chairperson at any time. A second and a majority vote is required.
• Object to consideration of a question
A member may have so much objection to a motion that he or she doesn’t even want it discussed by the
Types of Motions
membership. A motion objecting to the main motion may only be made before debate on the objection-
able motion has begun. A member may simply stand up, without being recognized by the chairperson,
and say, “Chairperson, I object to the consideration of the question.” No second is required. It is not
debatable. The chairperson says, “An objection has been made to the motion. Shall we consider the
motion?” A two-thirds vote is required to uphold the objection and dismiss the main motion.
• Point of order
A member who thinks the group is not following proper parliamentary procedures may ask for a “point of
order.” A point of order does not require a second. The chairperson decides whether or not to accept the
point of order.
Member: “Chairperson, I rise to a point of order.”
Chairperson: “State your point of order.”
• Withdraw a motion
The person who makes a motion can withdraw it (before any amendment is made) with the consent of the
person who seconded it. No vote of the membership is required to withdraw a motion unless someone
objects; then it takes a majority vote to withdraw the motion.
Any member may move to withdraw a motion. If the maker of the motion and the seconder agree, the
motion can be withdrawn from consideration. If the maker doesn’t agree to the withdrawal, a majority
vote is required.
• Point of Information
A member may ask the chairperson for some information or fact relevant to the current discussion. The
chairperson may request an answer from any appropriate member. This is a request for information, not
an opportunity to state an opinion or debate a point. The chairperson can rule the request out of order.
• Division of the Meeting
If a member doubts the accuracy of the chairperson’s ruling on the outcome of the vote, the member can
demand a “division of the meeting.” This requires the chairperson to immediately conduct a vote by a
more precise method. Alternatives include a show of hands, a standing vote (members stand to indicate a
vote for or against a motion), ballot, or roll call. Division of the meeting is usually the prerogative of any
member and does not usually require a motion or a vote.
Quick Reference
“So Moved”
All members have a right to know exactly what is being moved. The chairperson must state the exact motion
to avoid confusion. “So moved” doesn’t mean anything.
“Question” or “I call for the question.”
This is not a motion as stated. It is the chairperson’s responsibility to know when debate is over and conduct a
vote. Generally, a vote should not be taken if any member still seeks the floor. Members should not normally
make a motion to stop the debate, but if they do, they should seek the floor and say, “I move to close debate.”
1.If the membership is clearly in support of a motion, don’t waste time getting a second. Just move on to
2.“If there is no objection . . .” If there is no opposition, the chairperson can save time conducting routine
business by obtaining “unanimous consent.” This eliminates the need for a motion, second, debate, and/or a
vote. If there is objection to the unanimous consent, then the formal steps of making and debating a motion
must be followed.
3.“Straw Poll” — Sometimes it is useful to get a feel of the membership regarding several alternatives before
making a formal motion. A straw poll can informally poll members for opinions.