Radiolaria Siliceous Plankton Through Time
Radiolaria Siliceous Plankton Through Time
Radiolaria Siliceous Plankton Through Time
Upper Jurassic Radiolaria from the Vocontian basin of SE Influence of the Frasnian-Famennian event on radiolarian
France . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. S 35 faunas S 127
The plankton turnover at the Permo-Triassic boundary. empha- Middle to Upper Permian radiolarian faunas from chert blocks in
sis on radiolarians. . . . . . . . . . . . S 49 Pai area, northwestern Thailand S 133
Radiolaria are a very diverse marine siliceous microplankton obstacle to the elaboration of detailed biochronozones is the
group that have existed at least since the Cambrian to the Re- discontinuous nature of the radiolarian record, due to spotty
cent. Fossil Radiolaria were known since the middle of the pre servation. Biogenous, opaline silica is unstable in the ocean
19th Century and studied by man y scienti sts at the turn of the and in the diagenetic environment. Large amounts of the more
19th120th Century, in part as a consequence of the discoveri es deli cate radiolarian tests become dissolved already during
made in samples collected be the HMS Challenger expediti - their descent in the wat er column and in the bottom sed iments
ons. Intense biostratigraphic radiolarian rese arch was spurted (Takahashi & Honjo 1981). During early diagenesis, opaline
again in the early 1970's by the Deep Sea Drilling Project. silica dissolves and radi olarians becom e preserved either as
Biochronologic zonations based on sample s recovered by casts of the mould that leaves the dissolved test, or as replace-
Ocean Drilling were first proposed for the Tertiary (Riedel & ment by quartz, pyrite or other minerals. In Palaeozo ic and
Sanfilippo 1978) and th e Cre taceous (Fo reman 1973, 1975). Mesozoic samples, usually onl y robust for ms are preserved .
However , the radiolarites, cherty oceanic sedime nts associated Ho wever , exceptionally well preserved samples from special
with ophi olites, had so far only been studied in thin sections. diagene tic enviro nme nts, such as Middle Jurassic man ganese
This chan ged when radiolarian work ers discovered the use of carb on ate nodules (Yao 1997), or euxinic en vironm ents like
hydroflu or ic acid to extract Radiolaria from che rt and othe r the Late Jurassic Solnh ofen Limestone (Z tigeI 1997, Dumitrica
siliceous rocks (Dumitrica 1970, Pessagno & Newport 1972) & Ztigel 2002) show several hundred morphotypes, a diver sity
The new method allowed to work on land samples from moun- that rivals with the diversity of living radiolarians. Th ese sam-
tain ranges that had unde rgone burial diagenesis or even meta- ples teach us, that the average radiol arian assemblage extrac-
morphosis. As a consequence, radiolarian biochronology was ted by harsh chemical treatments from rocks is a poor residue
rapidl y extended into the Jurassic, Triassic and the Palaeozoic of dissolut ion resistant forms. The consequ ence of this una voi-
(Pessagno 1977, Pessagno et al. 1979, Yao et al. 1980, Nak ase- dable fact is the discontinuous record of radiolarian ranges,
ko & Nishimur a 1979, Holdsworth & Jones 1980). A major which greatly hampers biochronologic cor relation. A major
Institut de Geologie et Paleont ologie, Universite de Lausann e, Anth ropole. CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. E-mail: Peter.Baum [email protected]
Preface SIll
step in resolving this problem has been the use of the Unitary essentially based on biochronologic ages and palaeobiogeo-
Associations method (Guex 1977, 1991). Already in early at- graphic affinities of Radiolaria. Much work has dealt with radi-
tempts for a Jurassic-Cretaceous radiolarian zonation (Baum- olarian faunal changes related to major geologic boundaries in
gartner et al. 1980), we realised that this method allows inte- the Palaeozoic (Wang & Luo this volume), at the Permo-
gration of the data on mutual co-occurrence of all considered Triassic boundary (DeWever et al. this volume), and in the
taxa from all studied sections, thus overcoming local gaps of Cenozoic (Hollis, this volume). Mesozoic radiolarian
preservation. Unitary Associations represent maximal sets of biochronology continues to be improved and better calibrated
co-occurring taxa that are put in a stratigraphic sequence by (Danelian this volume, Beccaro this volume, Bandini et al. this
their identification in all studied sections. Starting in 1984 volume).
(Baumgartner 1984a,b) computer programs (Guex and Da- For a number of years, the radiolarian community is con-
vaud 1982) allowed the calculation of Unitary Associations cerned with the development of databases. With the rapid de-
from large data sets. The largest data set so far treated was the velopment of computer technologies, databases have become
MRD database on Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous radio- more and more sophisticated and for the last few years only,
larians (Baumgartner et al. 1995). A radiolarian biozonation have become available online. There has been a common
including 22 Unitary Association Zones for the Middle Juras- agreement among radiolarian specialists, that is
sic to Early Cretaceous interval was calculated with the Bio- the portal that provides links to most radiolarian databases
graph software (Savary & Guex 1991). Today the majority of and hosts a wealth of information on Radiolaria and radiolari-
Mesozoic radiolarian biozonations are based on Unitary Asso- an workers (Dolven, this volume).
ciations. An excellent example is presented in this volume
(Beccaro, this volume). A new software, UA-Graph (Hammer
et al. 2001) has been developed. REFERENCES
Dating pelagic sediments by radiolarian biochronology has
BAUMGARTNER, P. O. 1984a: Comparison of Unitary Associations and proba-
totally changed our understanding of the geology of Tethyan bilistic ranking and scaling as applied to Mesozoic radiolarians. Computer
and Circumpacific mountain ranges. Suture zones and ophioli- & Geosciences 10(1), 167-184.
tes, interpreted in the frame of plate tectonics as remnants of BAUMGARTNER, P. O. 1984b: A Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous low-latitude
ancient oceans, needed to be dated. A vast campaign of sam- radiolarian zonation based on unitary associations and age of Tethyan ra-
diolarites. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 77(3), 729-837.
pling and dating radiolarites started in the 1980's and is still BAUMGARTNER, P.O., BARTOLINI, A., CARTER, E., CONTI, M., CORTESE, G.,
Today, Radiolaria are an important microfossil group used KITo, N., MARCUCCI, M., MATSUOKA, A., MURCHEY, 8., O'DOGHERTY,
worldwide to date mostly basinal sediments of the entire L., SAVARY, J., VISHNEVSKAYA, V., WIDZ, D. & YAO, A. 1995: Middle
Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Radiolarian Biochronology of Tethys Based
on Unitary Associations. In: BAUMGARTNER, P.O., O'DOGHERTY, L.,
The spectacular diversity of Radiolaria has spurted biogeo- GORICAN, S., URQUHART, E., PILLEVUIT A., & DE WEVER, P. (Eds):
graphic and palaeo-oceanographic studies based on radiolarian Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: Occurrences,
assemblages from Cenozoic (Hollis, this volume, Moore 1978) Systematics, Biochronology, Mernoires de Geologie (Lausanne), 23,1013-
to recent samples (Yamashita et al. 2002) from all oceans. In
BAUMGARTNER, P.O., DE WEVER, P. & KOCHER, R. 1980: Correlation of
the modern ocean about 400 known species occupy almost all Tethyan Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous radiolarian events. Cahiers de
ecologic niches from shallow water to the deep ocean. Many Micropal. eR.N.S., 1980/2, 23-72.
species are endemic to certain water masses and can therefore CASEY, R. E. 1971a: Distribution of polycystine Radiolaria in the oceans in re-
be used as oceanographic tracers (Casey 1971a,b). The distrib- lation to physical and chemical conditions. In: FUNNELL, 8. M., & RIEDEL,
W. R. (Eds.): The Micropalaeontology of Oceans, Cambridge, UK: Cam-
ution of Late Tertiary to Holocene Radiolaria in piston cores bridge University Press, 151-159.
from the world's oceans have been widely used to trace pale- CASEY, R. E. 1971b: Radiolarians as indicators of past and present water-mass-
ooceanographic features, such as the upwelling zones (Caulet es In: FUNNELL, B. M., & RIEDEL, W. R. (Eds.): The Micropalaeontology
et al. 1992), the growth and vane of polar water masses of Oceans, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 331-341.
through the Ice Ages (Romine and Moore 1981, Venec-Peyre
1992: Variation of South Somalian upwelling during the last 160 ka: radio-
et al. 1997) as well as the major current systems, such as the larian and foraminifera records in core MD 85674. Geological Society
Humbolt Current (Molina-Cruz 1977). Special Publication.
This volume gives a representative view of research topics DUMITRICA, P. 1970: Cryptocephalic and cryptothoracic Nassellaria in some
Mesozoic deposits of Romania. Revue roumaine de Geologie, Geo-
discussed at the 10th International Meeting of Radiolarian
physique et Geographie (serie Geologie) 14(1),45-124.
Palaeontologists, held at the University of Lausanne in 2003. A DUMITRICA, P. & ZOGEL, P. 2002: Mendacastrum n. gen. and Domuzdagia n.
large effort is currently made to refine and better understand gen., two Jurassic spherical Spumellaria (Radiolaria) with hagiastrid
Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic radiolarian biochronology medullary shell. Micropaleontology 48(1), 23-34.
(Feng et al. this volume, Marquez et al. this volume, Won- FORMAN, H. P., 1973: Radiolaria of Leg 10 with systematics and ranges for the
families Amphipyndacidae, Artostrobiidae, and Theoperidae. In:
ganan & Caridroit this volume). Cherts associated with basalts WORZEL, J.L., BRYANT, W., et al. (Eds): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea
and other ophiolitic rocks are often the only remnants of Drilling Project, 10, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington DC,
Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ocean basins. Their reconstruction is 407-474.
SIV P. O. Baumgartner
FORMAN, H. P. 1975: Radiolaria from the North Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling ROMINE, K. & MOORE, T. c, JR. 1981: Radiolarian assemblage distributions
Project, Leg 32. In: Larson, R. L., Moberly, R. et al. (Eds): Initial Reports and paleoceanography of the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean during the
of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 32. U. S. Government Printing Office, last 127,000 years.; CLIMAP's regional ocean dynamics. Palaeogeogra-
Washington, D.C., 579-676. phy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 35(2-4), 281-314.
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Lausanne, 224, 309-322. Bull. Geol, Lausanne, 313, 317-340. tion des correlations biochronologiques basees sur les associations uni-
GUEX, J. 1991: Biochronologic Correlations. Springer-Verlag, 1-252. taires. Bull. Geol. Lausanne, 313, 317-340.
GUEX, J. & DAVAUD, E. 1982: Recherche automatique des associations uni- TAKAHASHI, K. & HONJO,S. 1981: Vertical flux of Radiolaria; a taxon-quanti-
taires en biochronologie. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 76, no. 361, 53-69. tative sediment trap study from the western tropical Atlantic. Micropale-
HOLDSWORTH, B. K. & JONES, D. L.1980: Preliminary radiolarian zonation for ontology 27(2),140-190.
late Devonian through Permian time. Geology 8(6), 281-285. HAMMER, 0., HARPER, D.A.T. & RYAN, P. D. 2001: PAST: Paleontological
MOLINA CRUZ, A. 1977: Radiolarian assemblages and their relationship to the Statistics Software Package for Education and Data Analysis. Palaeon-
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ontology 2(4), 315-352. issue 1_01.htm
MOORE, T. C. 1978: The distribution of radiolarian assemblages in the modern VENEC PEYRE MARIE, T., CAULET, J. P. & VERGNAUD GRAZZINI, C. 1997:
and ice-age Pacific. Marine Micropaleontology 3(3), 229-266. Glacial! interglacial changes in the equatorial part of the Somali Basin
NAKASEKO, K. & NISHIMURA, A. 1979: Upper Triassic Radiolaria from south- (NW Indian Ocean) during the last 355 kyr. Paleoceanography 12(5),640-
west Japan. Science Reports, College of General Education, Osaka Uni- 648.
versity, 28, 2 (2),61-109. YAO, A. 1997: Faunal change of Early - middle Jurassic radiolarians. News of
PESSAGNO, E. A., JR. 1977: Upper Jurassic Radiolaria and radiolarian bios- Osaka Micropaleontologists 10, 155-182.
tratigraphy of the California Coast Ranges. Micropaleontology 23(1),56- YAO, A., MATSUDA, T. & ISOZAKI, Y. 1980: Triassic and Jurassic radiolarians
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Cenozoic radiolarians. Micropaleontology 24(1), 61-96. tologische Zeitschrift 71,197-209.
Preface SV
0012-9402/06/01S0001-20 Eclogae geol. Helv. 99 (2006) Supplement 1, SI-S20
DOI 1O.1 007/s00015-006-0605-2
Birkh auser Verlag, Basel , 2006
Key words: Mesozoic, Upper Cretaceo us, Turonian, Radiolaria , Fo raminifera, Teth ys, Pelagonian Zone, Argolis Peninsula, Greece
Near Karnezeika a roughly 140 m thick Upper Cretaceous section consists of species are described and figured in this work. The radiolarian chronos tratig-
interb edded pelagic limestones , cherts and coarse polymict breccias including raphy established by 10 different authors in 11 publications was compared for
ophiolites and shallow water limeston es. At the base, pink pelagic limestones this study and used to establish radiolarian ranges. This exercise shows major
rest on deep ly altered and fractu red Lower Jur assic Pantokrator Limeston e. discrepan cies between authors for the radiolarian ranges of the studied assem-
Th is first pelagic facies is dated as middle Tur onian, based on planktonic blage. Nevertheless, a Turon ian age can be state d based on a synthesis of cited
Fora minifera. Ove r 100 m of coarse ophiolite-carbo nate breccias, interpreted radiolarian ranges. Thi s age is consistent with the age based on planktonic
as a channel or canyon fill in a pelagic environment, document the eros ion of fora minifera. In combining the ages of both Radiolaria and planktonic
the Late Jur assic napp e edifice along the Cre taceo us Pelagonian margin. Foraminifera, the studied samples can be restricted to the late Tu ronian. How-
Above these breccias, we mesured 16 m of principally pink and red pelagic ever , the discrepancies of publ ished radiolar ian ranges call for an urgent,
limestones and radiolarian cherts, in which we recovered well-preserved radi- major revision of the Late Cretaceo us radiolarian biochro nology. The integra-
olarians discussed here. In this interval. the prese nce of planktonic For amin- tion of plankt onic foraminifera with radiolarians may grea tly enhance
fera allows to state a late Turonian to Coniacian age. More than 40 radiolarian biochro nologic resolution in sections where both groups occur.
Relatively few studies exist of Upper Cretaceous Radiolaria op hiolite-carbonate breccias yield ed well-preserved radiolari-
from Greece, except for some occurences in the Pindos- ans. From these samples 41 radiolarian species belonging to 18
Ol onos zone (De Wever & Thi eb ault 1981; Thiebault et al. gen era are described and figured in this work. Overall, th e as-
1981; De Wever & Origlia-Devos 1982; Neumann 2003). In the semblage resembles those described by O'Dogherty (1994)
Hellenides , ongoing tectonic activity is reflected in a small- from the lower Turonian. The radiolarian biostratigraphy es-
scaled puzzle of shallow, detrital and pelagic facies in palaeo- tabli shed by the following 11 publications (given with regions)
geographic realms such as the Pelagon ian (Vrielynck 1981). was compared for this study: Dumitrica (1975 , Romani a),
Upper Cretaceous radiolarian occurrences ar e therefore re- For eman (1975, Pacific and 1977, Atlantic), O 'Dogherty (1994,
stricted to times of high silica producticity in pelagic palaeo en - Italy and Spain ), Pessagn o (1976, Californ ia), Riedel & Sanfil-
vironments. One of the objec tives of th is study was to compare ippo (1974, Composite), San filippo & Riedel (1985, Compos-
publ ished radiolarian ran ges give n by different authors for the ite), Schaaf (1985, Composi te) , Taketani (1982, Jap an ),
Upper Cretaceous and to tr y to esta blish an acceptable radi o- Thurow (1988, Atlantic), Vishnevskaya (2001, Russia).
larian age in spite of the differ enc es in radio larian ranges give n Th e presence of abundant planktonic Foraminifera both at
by the various authors. th e ba se of the studied Cr et aceou s section and immediately
For this pr eliminary work we collected 17 samples in a total above the radiolarian samples allow th e comparison between
of 140 m of section for the study of planktonic Foraminifera th e ages determined by radi olari an and foraminiferal bios-
and R adiolari a. 5 samples in a 2.6 m inte rva l above coarse tr ati graph y (Caron 1985).
I Institut de geologie et de paleont ologie, Anth ropole-Dorigny, Un iversite de Lausanne , 1015 Lausann e, Switzerland .
Emai l: Alexandr [email protected]
2 Institut de geologie et de paleotonlogie, Universite de Fribourg, Perolles, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland . Email: Michele.Caron
deep ~1
shallow ~ Basal Series
I ILower
'-----J Tertiary flysch
Fig. I. Overview of the tectono-stratigraph y of the Argolis Peninsula. Based on: Baumgartner (1985), Vrielynck (1981), Clift (Poros Island) and several unpub-
lished diploma thesis University of Lau sann e (Bandini 2004; Giraud 2005; Glassey 2005).
Geological Setting shallow water limestones that document the ongoing erosion
of the Late Jurassic Pelagonian nappe edifice in a high-relief,
In the Argolis Peninsula, the Juras sic nappe edifice of the east- deeper marine environment.
ern Pelagonian margin is unconformably overlain by several
different Cretaceous series (Vrielynck 1981). The studied sec-
Stratigraphy and sedimentology
tion is located in the Depression of Karnezeika-Stavropodhi, a
complex nappe syncline affected by neotectonic E-W trending Near Karnezeika a roughly 140 m thick section consists of in-
subvertical faults (Fig. 1). The northern edge of this zone is terbedded pelagic limestones, chert s and boulder breccias con-
built by Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Pantokrator Lim e- taining abundant ophiolite clasts along with boulders of the
stone (Fig. 2) belonging to the Basal Series of the Dhidhimi- underlying Pantokrator Limestone (Fig. 3). At the base, pink
Trapezona Composite Unit (Baumgartner 1985). These series pelagic limestones rest on deeply altered and fractured Pan-
became overthrust during the late Juras sic by nappes including tokrator Limestone. Over 100 m of coarse ophiolite-carbonate
ophiolites and then the area became deeply eroded during lat- breccias represent a channel or canyon fill in a pelagic environ-
est Jurassic and Early Cretaceous times. ment. The following 16 m are principally pink and red pelagic
Upper Cretaceous pelagic and coarse clastic sediments un- limestones and radiol arian cherts , from which we recovered
conformably overlie the Pant okra tor limestone of the basal se- well-pre served radiolari ans described here.
ries and contain disorganised boulder breccias of basalts and The studied section rests conformably on the breccias de-
~~~ Limesto nes, marl s, shallow wa ter &
pelagic breccias
Turonian - Maastrichtian
Tert iary Overthrust s
Upper Cretaceous · Paleocene
Ophiolite Breccias
Turonian - upper Campanian
~= _=_=_=~
Dhlma lna Fonmatlon
Fig. 2. Geological M ap of the area east of Karnczeik a (modified after V ernez 1990)
scribed above. It is a 16 m thick alternation of marls and red believe that the differences result from locally inclompet e
radiolarian cherts with detrital levels evolving progressively ranges of radiolarian taxa, eithe r due to plaeobiogeographic or
int o a pel agic limestone rich in Gl obotruncanidae. Up section pale oecologic exclusions, or due to preservational (diagenetic )
follow 10 m of disorganised boulder br eccias with a limestone biases. The only way to use th ese ra diolarian zonations is to
inte rbe d, which are in turn un conformabl y covered by quater - maximise the range of each taxon by stacking th e "spartial"
nar y br eccias. ran ges expressed in each publicat ion . In principle, the best way
of doing this is to cre at e U nita ry A ssociations (G ue x
1977-1 991: Baumga rtner et al. 1980; Gu ex & Da vaud 1982,
Radiolarian biochronology
1984; Baumgartner 1984 and Savar y & Gu ex 1991) in using th e
T oday no standard radiolarian bioch ron ology is available for the occurre nce data of well-de fine d tax a only, det ach ed from the
Late Cret aceous. However , several local and regional radiolarian chro nostra tigraphic calibrati on s (Ba umgartner et al. 1995). In
zona tions have been proposed in the past (sec citations above). such a way , we can con struct a range chart for th e Lat e Creta-
In comparing the published ran ge charts it becomes evide nt ceo us that reflects ma ximal ra nges of each taxon with re spect to
th at the chro nostratigraphic ra nge of an y given ta xon proposed the ma ximal ranges of all othe r taxa. Thi s work is in progre ss,
by differ ent authors sho ws major discrep an cies for the studied but not completed (Jack ett et a1. 2002 and Diserens et al. 2003) .
asse mblage (Figs. 4a-b-e--d ) from one pubicati on to the other. For thi s paper the co mpa rison of ran ges is based on th e
Thi s may be du e to uncertainties in the chronostratigraphic ca l- chro nos tratigraphic ran ge of ea ch taxon ex pessed by each au-
ibra tion of radiolarian occur re nces. However, most radiolarian th or. We have simply stacked th ese chronostratigraphic ran ges
zona tions of the Late Cretaceous ar e rather well calibrated by to obta in a minimum and a maximum age for th e existe nce of
mean s of plaktonic foraminifer a and nannofossils. We rather each taxon. We are awar e of the possible errors that may ar ise
130m L1imeston e
Debris now
110m 16m .
Pink pelagic
marls 15m ·n
!iiil~~ ~:
CKAR'3" "0]
Pink pelagic 14m
marls j AJ76 1350" E il
~ - ~~
13m 2
:3' Progressive passage of
cherts to limestones
Pink pelagic ~
marls ~
10m '0.
§ ~
Bloks of
3m J 's""
AI73 320·
60m A17,( 300°
~ .~
2 ~
2m E
SOm "0
Ophiolite-carb "0
Al70_090 "
onate breccias 1m .~
""'7 1_0a0
40m Al68_060" !
Serpent inites
• Radiolarian samplesconsidered for this atudy
30m and basalts •• FOfiIIffiirwfer sa~ les consideftlid for Ihis study
using this procedure. We are, however, in good company, since forniaensis and Afens liriodes (have not been cited from earlier
this procedure was practiced in a series of papers on Mesozoic than early Turonian), found together with Pseudoaulophacus
Radiolaria (e.g. De Wever et al. 1986). putahensis (has not been cited from later than late Turonian).
Despite the major discrepancies between the ranges of Moreover, Dictyomitra urakawensis, Stichomitra communis
each author, a Turonian age can be stated using the procedure and Pseudodictyomitra pseudomacrocephala have not been
described above. This age is mainly based on the presence of cited from later than Coniacian, Crucel/a messinae have not
Patel/ula ecliptica, Patel/ula heroica, Praeconocaryomma cali- been cited from later than early Santonian (Fig. 5).
Acanthocircus tympanum
O'OOGHERTY, 1994 ?
Acanthoclrcus venetus
(SQUINABOL, 1914) ?
sensu O'OOGHERTY, 1994
Afens llriodes
Cruce/fa cectiensis
Fig. ua, Selected T uro nian-Santon ian rad iolari an ranges according to 10 authors as cited in the figure s. Note the major discrepe ncies between authors,
Crueel/a messinae
Die/yomltra formosa
Dictyomnre mo ntisserei
sensu O'OOGHERTY, 1994
Dle/yomllra urakawensls
TAKETANI 1982 Foreman 1975 1977
O' ""rt1994
Pessa no 1976
RIMel and Sanfih 1974
Sanfili and Rldel 1985
Helesium uiocontnum
Durrutnc a 1975
(SQUINABOL, 1903b) Foreman (19751977
' ,~
Pes no 1976
Ried el and Sanhh 197 4
Sanfili and Rrdel 1985
Schaa f 19A5
Tf'lk.e ta ni 1982
Vishnevska a 12001)
Patel/ufa eefipt/ea
SChaaf 1985
Iaketam 11982
Thurow 1988
Vlshnevska a (2001)
Thurow 11988
Vishnevska a (2001)
Fig, 4b. Selected Turonian-Santoni an radio larian ra nges according to 10 authors as cited in the figures . Note the major discrepencies between auth or s.
Praeconocaryomma califomiaensis
Praeconocaryomma lipmanae
Praeconocaryomma universa
Pseudoacanlhosphaera galeata
Pseudoacanthosphaera superba
(SQUINABOL, 1904 )
Fig.4c. Selected Turonian-Santonian rad io larian ran ges according to 10 a uthors as cited in the figures. Note the major discrepencie s between authors.
(SQUINABOL , 1903)
Stichomtlra communis
sr ichomitra stocki
sensu O'DOGHERTY. 1994
Tetracanthellipsis euganeu s
PeSS8 no 1976
R del and anfili 1974
Santil! and Ridet 1985
ScI1aaf 1985
Tak IRni 19
Thurow 1988
Vishnevska a (2001)
Pes no 1 76
Riedel and Sanfili 1974
Sanfih and Ridel 1985
ScI1aaf 1985
Takelani 1982
Thurow 1988
Voshnevska a (2001)
P sa no 1976
Riedel and Santili 1974
Sanfili and Rid91 1985
Schaa f 1985
Taketani 1982
Thu 1
Vl$hnevska a 200 1)
Fig. 4d. Selected Turonian-Santonian radiolarian ranges according to 10 authors as cited in the figures. Note the major discrepencies between authors.
IHalesium triaeanth um 31
IPseudoacanthosphaera suoerb« 18
Genus ACAENIOTYLE FOREMAN 1973 1994 Triaetoma hexeris n. sp. O ' D OGII ERTY. p. 303, pI. 55, figs. 14-21.
A caeniotyle rebellis Q 'DOGHERTY 1994 Triactoma sp, aff. T. hexeris Q 'DOGHERTY 1994
(Plate 1, Figs. 21-22) (Plate 1, Fig. 34»
1994 Acaenio tyle rebel/is n. sp. O' DOGHERTY, p. 287-288 , pI. 51, figs. 5-10. Remarks. - Te st with cor tica l shell less rouded th en previous
species, but more he xagon al thiner. Por es ar e not clearl y
Acaeniotyle sp, A hexagon al.
(Plate 1, Fig. 23)
Superfamily ACTINOMMACEA (B) HAECKEL 1862, emend.
Remarks. - Test with two primar y spines well preser ved an d at DE WEVER et al. 2001
the bottom right part of th e she ll a th ird spine. The an gle be - Family ACTINOMMIDAE HAECKEL 1862
tween the three primary spines is 90 degrees (perhaps it had
origina lly four primary spin es"), Genus PSEUDOACANTHOSPHAERA Q'DoGHERTY 1994
Remarks. - Specimen not ver y well pr eserved with onl y one 1994 Pseudoacanthosp haera galeata n. sp. O ' DOGHERTY, p. 297, pI. 53, figs.
spine . Test with tub ercl es.
Remark s. - Test with ellipsoidal cortical she ll and three, maybe Superfamily PYLONIACEA H AE CKEL 1881
four primary spines (the fourth one is not visible ). Primar y Subsup erfamily DACTYLIOSPHAERILAE SOUI NASOl 1904
spines three-bladed. Meshwork developing small secondary Family HAGIASTRIDAE RI ED EL 1971
spines at pore vertices.
Crucella messinae P ESSAGNO 1971
Tetracanthellipsis euganeus S O UINABOL 1903 (Plate 2, Figs. 14-15)
(Plate 1, Fig. 25)
1971 Cr ucella m essina e n. sp. PESSAGNO. p. 56, pI. 6, figs. 1- 3.
1903 Tetracanthellipsis eugan eus n. sp. SQUIN ABOL, p. 117. pI. 8. fig. 9. 1975 Crucella sp. FOREMAN, p. 6 12. pI. 10. fig. 7: pI. 20. fig. 9.
1994 Tetracanth ellipsis eugan eus SQUI NABOL. - O 'OOGHERTY. p. 295-296. 1976 Crucella messinae PESSAGNO. - PESSAGNO. p. 32, pI. I , figs. 4.
pI. 53. figs. 8-10. non 1982 Crucella messinae PESSAGNO. - TAKETANI, p. 50. pI. 9. fig. 17.
1988 Crucella messinae PESSAGNO.- THUROW" p. 399, pI. 5, fig. 22.
? 1988 Crucella sp. B THUROW" p. 399. pI. 2. fig. 15.
Sup erfamily ACTINOMMACEA (C) HA ECKEL 1862, emend. 1994 Crucella messinae PESSAGNO. - O 'DOGHERTY. p. 368. pI. 70, figs.
D E WEVER et al. 2001 21-2 4, pI. 71. figs. 1-6.
Family CONOCARYOMMIDAE LI PMAN 1969 2001 Crucella cf. m essinae PESSAGNO. - VISHNEVSKAYA . p. 158, pI. 114,
fig. 10.
1903 Dictyastrum triacanthos n. sp. SQUI NABOL, p. 121, pI. 9, fig. 28.
Praeconocaryomma Iipmanae P ESSAG NO 1976 ? 1988 Halesium quadratum PESSAGNO. - THUROW" p. 401, pI. 2, fig. 10.
(Plate 2, Figs. 26-27) 1994 Halesium triacanthum (SQUINABOL). - O'OOGHERTY, p. 350--351, pI.
65, figs. 9-14.
1976 Praecon ocaryomma lipman ae n. sp. PESSAGNO, p. 41-42, pI. 4, fig.
12- 13.
Halesium sp.
1982 Praecon ocaryomma lipma nae PESSAGNO. - TAKETANI. p. 47. pI. 9. fig. 3.
(Plate 2, Figs. 11-12)
Praeconocaryomma sp,
Remarks. - Test with 3 relatively thick and small ra ys,
(Plate 2, Figs. 28-29)
Family PSEUDOAULOPHACIDAE RI EDEL 1967 1994 Patellula ec/iptica n. sp. O ' OOOHERTY, p. 329, pI. 61, figs. 1-5 .
Subfa mily PSEUDOAULOPHACINAE RIED EL 1967 Patellula heroica O 'DOGH ERTY 19 94
( P late 2, Figs . 5-6)
Genus DACTILYODISCUS S OUINABOL 1903 1994 Patellula heroica n. sp. O'OOOHERTY, p. 330, pI. 61, figs. 6-11.
Patellula sp,
Dactyliodiscus sp, ( P la te 2, Fig. 7 )
( P late 2 , Figs. 8-9 )
Remarks. - T est flattened e lli pso idal w it h fifteen spine s r adiat-
Remarks. - T est is disc-shaped a n d circu la r in outline w ith a ing in the same equatorial plane .
v ariable number of equatorial s pines. M e shwork spongy w ith
irregul arly pore frames. Poorly d efined central raised area. Order ENTACTINARIA K OZUR & MOSTLER 1982
Upper a n d lower surfaces of the test with small tubercles. Family SATURNALIDAE D EFLANDRE 1953
Pseudoaulophacus sculptus (SOU INA BOL 1904) sensu 0'-
D OGHERTY 1994 Acanthocircus venetus (S OU1NABOL 1 9 14) s e n s u O'D OGH ERTY
(P la t e 1 , Figs. 35-36) 1994
( P late 1, Figs. 15-16)
1904 Theodiscus sculptus n. sp. SQUII'ABOL, p. 200, pI. 4, fig. 9.
1988 Alievium superbum « Ce no manian » for m (SQUINABOL). - THUROW.. 1914 Saturnalis venetus n. f. SQUINABOL, p. 269, 299. pI. 20[1]. fig. 2; pI.
p. 397, pI. 5, fig. 11. 24[5], fig. 1.
1988 A lievium sp. A. T HUROW, p. 397, pI. 5, fig. 12. ? 1975 Spo ngosaturnalis horridus (SQUINABOL). - FOREMAN, p. 610, pI. 4,
1994 Pseudoauloph acus sculptus (SQUINABOL). - O'OOOHERTY, p. fig. 3.
319-320 , pI. 59, figs. 1--4. 1975 Spongosaturnalis hueyi gro up (PESSAONO) . - FOREMAN, p. 611, pI.
1B, figs. 1-3; non pI. 1A . figs. 7- 8 (=A. tym panum ?).
1975 Spo ngosaturnalis (?) prec/arus new species FOREMA N, p. 611, pI. l A ,
Pseudoaulophacus putahensis P ESSAGNO 1972
figs. 4--5; pI. 4, fig. 8.
( P late 1 , Fig s . 3 7-38) 1994 Acanthoci rcus venetus (SQ U INA BOL). - O 'OOOHERTY, p. 256, pI.
45, figs. 1--8.
1972 Pseudoaulophacus putahensis n. sp. PESSAONO, p. 301, pI. 27, fig. 1.
1976 Pseudoaulophacus putahensis PESSAONO. - PESSAONO, p. 28, pI. 3, fig.
13. Acanthocircus tympanum O'DOG HERT Y 1994
1988 Pseudoaulophacus put ahensls PESSAONO. - T HUROW" p. 404, pI. 2, fig. ( P lat e 1, Figs. 17-18)
1994 Pseudoaulophacus putah ensis PESSAONO. - O'OOOHERTY, p. 320-321,
pa rs 1975Spongosaturnalis hueyi gro up (PESSAONO). - FOREMAN, p. 611, pI.
pI. 59, figs. 5-13.
l A, figs. 7-8; non pI. IB, figs. 1-3 (=A. venetus?)
2001 Pseudoaulophacus putah ensis PESSAONO. - VISHNEVSKAYA, p. 181, pI.
1994 A canthocircus tympanum n. sp . O'OOOHERTY, p. 259-260, pI. 45,
130, fig. 7.
figs. 17-24.
Genus PATELLULA K OZLOVA 19 72 1975 Spongosaturnalis hueyi (PESSAONO). - FOREMAN, p. 611, pI. 1A , fig. 6;
pI. 4. fig. 10.
Patellula helios ( S OU INA BOL 19 03 ) s e n s u O 'DOGHERTY 19 94 1976 Spo ngosaturnalis hueyi n. sp. PESSAONO, p. 39, pI. 12, fig. 1.
( P late 2, F ig s . 1-2) 1994 Acanthocircus hu eyi (PESSAONO). - O' DOOHERTY, p. 260-261, pI. 46,
figs. 1- 5.
200! Spo ngosaturnalis hueyi (PESSAONO). - VISHNEVSKAYA. p. 186, pI. 122,
1903 Stylotrochus helios n. sp. SQUINABOL, p. 124, pI. 10, figs. 23-23a.
fig. 2.
1976 Pseudoau lophacus lenticulatus (WH ITE). - PESSAONO, p. 28, pI. 9,
200! Spongosa turnalis ex. gr. hu eyi (PESSAONO). - VISHNEVSKAYA, p. !86,
figs. 11-1 2.
pI. 92, figs. 7--8, pI. 95, figs. 1-3.
1982 Pseudoa ulophacus lenticulatus (WH ITE) . - TAKETANI, p. 51, pI. 10,
fig. 11.
1985 Pseudoaulophacus lenticulatus (W H IT E) . - SANFILIPPO & RIEDEL, p. Order NASSELARIA EH RENBERG 1875
596, te xt-figs. 6.4a- b. Superfam ily ARCHAEDICTYOMITRACEA PESSAGNO
1994 Patellula helios (SQUINABOL). - O'OOOHERTY, p. 327-328, pI. 60, figs.
1904 Th eo con us co ronatus n. sp. SOUINABOL. p. 220. pI. 8. fig . 3. Stichomitra stocki ( C A MP BELL & CLA RK 1944) sensu 0 '-
1976 Sticho m itra (?) zam o raensis n. sp. PESSAGNO. p. 54. pI. 3. fi gs. 7-9. D OGHERTY 1994
1982 Spo ngocaps ula (?) zam o raensis (PESSAGNO). - TA KETANI. p. 62. pI. 5. (Plate 1, Figs. 12-13 )
figs. 6a-b; pI. 12, fi gs. 12-13.
1988 Theocon us coronatus Gro up SOUINABOL.- TH UROW" p. 407, pI. 4, fi gs. 2.
1944 Stichocapsa (?) stock i n. sp, CAMPBELL & CLARK, p. 44, pI. 8, fi gs. 31-33.
Plate 1
Optical microscope illustrations of Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminfers from Kamezeika, Argolis Peninsula (Greece)
Figure 1 Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica (BOLLI 1945) CKAR2
Figure 2 Marginotruncana marianosi (DOUGLAS 1969) CKAR7
Figure 3 Marginotruncana schneegansi SIGAL1952 CKAR13
Figure 4 Marginotruncana coronata (BOLLI 1945) CKAR13
Figure 5 Marginotruncana sigali (REICHEL1950) CKAR13
Figure 6 Marginotruncano pseudolinneiana PESSAGNO 1967 CKAR14
Figure 7 Margtnotruncana schneegansi SIGAL1952 CKAR14
Figure 8 Marginotruncana sinuosa PORTHAULT 1970 CKAR14
Figure 9 Dicarinella primitiva (DALBIEZ1955) CKAR14
Figure 10 Morginotruncana pseudolinneiana PESSAGNO 1967 AI76_1350
Figure 11 Marginotruncana pseudolinneiana PESSAGNO 1967 AI76_1350
Figure 12 Marginotruncana sigali (REICHEL 1950) AI76_1350
Key words: Radiolarians, Amm onit es. Biostrat igraph y, Unit ary Associat ions Zones, Rosso Ammonitico Medio, Middle-Late Jurassic,Italy
Parole chiave: Radiolar i, Amm oniti , Biostr at igrafia, Zone ad Associazioni Unitarie , Rosso Amm on itico Medio, Gi urassico medio-super iore, Italia
This paper deals with the radiolarian biostratigraphy of Middle-Upper Jurassic La ricerca riguarda la biostratigrafia a radiolari di successioni pelagiche silicee
pelagic siliceous successions of the Southern Alps and Western Sicily (Italy ). riferibili al Giurassico Medio-Superiore delle Alpi Meridionali e della Sicilia
Th e crucial complement to this research is the occurrence of ammonites in the occide ntale (Italia). L'asp etto piu impo rtante e la presenza di ammoniti sia
studied successions (Rosso Amm on itico Medi o: the intermediate siliceou s nelle successioni studiate (Rosso Amm onitico Medio: porzione interm edia si-
memb er of the Rosso Ammonitico Formation ), as well as in the under- and licea della Formazione del Rosso Amm on itico) sia in quelle sotto- e sovra-
overlying sediments (Rosso Ammonitico Inferiore and Rosso Ammonitico Su- stanti (rispell ivame nte Rosso Amm onitico Inferiore e Rosso Amm on itico Su-
periore, respectively). The abund ance of rad iolarians in all successions allow per iore). L'abb ond anza di radiolari in tull e Ie sezioni studiate ha perm esso di
to analyse them for a twofold purp ose: to date directly most of (he successions, analizza rli sia per datar e dirett arnent e la maggior parte delle successio ni sia
and to impro ve the calibra tio n of radiolar ian biozones thanks to the occur- per miglior are la calibrazione delle biozone a rad iolari grazie alia presen za
rence of ammonites. The biostr atigraph ic analysis has been carried out using delle ammoniti. L'a nalisi biostr at igrafica e stata effettuata con il met odo delle
the Unita ry Associations meth od, and six new radiolarian biozone s have been Associazioni Unitarie e sono state definite sei nuove biozone a radiolari: la co-
defined: the combined occur rence of radiolarians and ammonites provided a pre senza di radiolari ed ammoniti ha cosl fornit o una nuo va zonazione a ra-
new Bath onian to late Kimmerid gian radiolarian zonat ion for the South ern diolari per l'int ervallo di temp o Batonian o-Kimm erid giano delle A lpi Meri-
Alps and Western Sicily (Ita ly). The new Unitary Association Zone s show a dionali e della Sicilia occident ale (Italia). Le Zone ad Associazioni Unitarie
good reprodu cibility throughout the investigate d successions, and mak e possi- ide ntificate mostr ano una buo na riproducibilita tra Ie sezioni stra tigrafiche
ble a first direct da ting and cor relatio n by rad iolarians of the Rosso Am- analizzate ed hanno perm esso una prim a datazione e correlazione dirett a a ra-
monitico Medi o. Fur therm ore, the radiolar ian biozones revea l a significant di- diolar i del Rosso Ammonitico Medio. Le biozone a radiolari hanno inoltre ri-
achro nism for both the lower a nd the uppe r limit of the Jurassic pelagic velato un significativo diacron ismo sia per il limite inferiore sia per il limite su-
siliceo us facies in the Alpine and Sicilian sections. In the light of new radio lar- per iore de lle facies pelagiche silicee nelle sezioni alpine e siciliane. Alia luce
ian biozo nes, the age assignme nts of the Ceniga (Southern Alps) and the San- dei nuovi dati biostrat igrafici forniti dai radiolar i sono infine discusse Ie eta
t ' Ann a (Sicily) sections, and the ranges of some taxa are discussed . della facies silicea nelle sezioni di Ceniga (Alpi Merid ionali ) e di Sant ' Ann a
(Sicilia) e la distribuzi one stratigrafica di alcuni taxa.
The Sicilian chain and the Southern Alps represent seg-
Th e study of siliceous successions in the Southern Alps and in ments of the Alpine collision al belt formed during the "T er-
Western Sicily (Italy) benefits from the fact that such successi- tiary" time along th e boundary between the European and
ons are approximately coeval and may be refe rred to anal o- African plates. The Jurassic paleog eographic settings of Sicily
gous paleogeographic settings. These similarities enable to and the Alps result from the bre akup of the Triassic carbon ate
comp are radiolarian assemblages of different geographic areas platform and the subseque nt extensional mo vements. The
and to correlate different Teth yan paleog eographic region s. plat form was divided in several areas with different subside nce
Th e paleogeographic dom ains are two pelagic plateaux (Tra - rates, and different paleog eographic domains were formed
panese Domain in Western Sicily and Tr ento Plateau in the (pe lagic plateaux, basins and limited areas of platforms) (Figs.
Southern Alps) and one basin (Sicanian Domain in Western 1 and 2). During the Middl e Jurassic a general deepening took
Sicily) (Figs. 1 and 2). The age of the studied successions ran- place and the deposition of sediments in the Rosso Arnmoniti-
ges fro m the Bathonian to the Kimmeridgian. co facies occurred on the pelagic plateaux up to Late Jurassic
I Dipartimento di Scienze della Te rra. Via Valperga Caluso 35, 10125 Tori no. Italy. Ema il: [email protected]
Ioni an
fill Fig. 1. An attempt of paleogeograph ic recon-
struction of the Sicilian area at the Late Tri assic
Ej time (Catalano et al. 1996). Favignana , Balala di
o Reeh Baida and 1nici MI. sections belon g to the pelagic
plateau of the Trap ane se Domain ; Sant'Anna sec-
• Slopes
tion belon gs to the Sicanian Basin. The paleogeo-
D Basinal areas graphi c location of the stratigraphic sections is
only indicative.
(Winterer & Bosellini 1981; Catalano et al, 1996). The Rosso under- and overlying sediments and, in some instances, also
Ammonitico sediments consist of condensed red nodular lime- within the siliceous successions: This fact motivates the analy-
stone rich in ammonites, and are subdivided in three members sis of radiolarian assemblages in the selected sections. The
whose ages differ between the Southern Alps and Sicily. The abundance of radiolarians enables to study them for a twofold
lower part (RAI: Rosso Ammonitico Inferiore) spans the late purpose: to date directly most of the siliceous facies (whose
Bajocian-early Callovian in the Alps and the Bathonian-mid age was generally based on the ages of the bracketing forma-
Oxfordian in Sicily. The upper part (RAS: Rosso Ammonitico tions) and to improve the calibration of radiolarian zones by
Superiore) starts in the mid Oxfordian in the Alps and in the ammonite zones.
early Kimmeridgian in Sicily. RAI and RAS are separated by This paper deals with the main results of the author's PhD
the intermediate siliceous member (RAM: Rosso Ammonitico research (Beccaro 2002) where radiolarian assemblages were
Medio), assigned to upper Callovian-mid Oxfordian in the studied for the first time in the following sections: Fornazzo
Alps and mid Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian in Sicily. The interme- Strada, Fornazzo Cava, Castello Inici, Balata di Baida, Favig-
diate siliceous member represents the studied sediments in all nana (North-western Sicily) (Beccaro 2002, 2004a) and Cava
the stratigraphic sections except for Sant 'Anna (Sicily) . Vianini (Southern Alps) (Beccaro 2002). Concerning the San-
Very few authors have studied the Jurassic radiolarian as- t'Anna (South-western Sicily) and the Ceniga (Southern Alps)
semblages of the Southern Alps and Western Sicily. Kocher sections, new radiolarian data improved the former biochrono-
(1981) was the first author who studied radiolarians from the logic assignments. New species of Nassellaria (Fultacapsa
Southern Alps but mainly in the Lombardian basin. The Ceni- ozvoldo vae, Podobursa andreai, Podobursa vannae, Loopus
ga section was first described by Fogelgesang (1975) , and then doliolum martae) and Spumellaria (Emiluvia peteri, Triactoma
studied for radiolarians by Baumgartner (1984) and Baumgart- enzoi) from the cited sections have been described in Beccaro
ner et al. (1995b). The Coston delle Vette section was first de- 2004b.
scribed by Dal Piaz (1907) , then analysed by Bosellini & Dal
Cin (1968) and Della Bruna & Martire (1985), and finally stud-
Lithologic description of the stratigraphic sections
ied for radiolarians by Beccaro (1998) and Beccaro et al.
(2002). The Cava Vianini was only described by Papa (1994) In Western Sicily five stratigraphic sections of the Rosso Am-
for sedimentologic purposes. Concerning Western Sicily, sev- monitico Medio (RAM) have been studied in the Trapanese
eral authors studied the geology for different aims (Giunta & Domain (pelagic plateau) and one section in the Sicanian
Liguori 1972, 1973; Wendt 1964, 1971; Catalano et a1. 1989; Basin (Fig . 1). The geographic location of these sections is
Cecca et al. 2001; Catalano et al. 2002 among others). Never- shown in Figure 3.
theless, the radiolarian papers regarding the Sicanian Basin TRAPANESE DOMAIN (North-western Sicily) - Fornazzo
have been mainly focused on the Sant'Anna section (Riedel & sections are located at the Inici Mt. near Castellammare del
Sanfilippo 1974; Mascle 1973, 1979; Baumgartner et al. 1980; Golfo. The Fornazzo Strada section crops out along the road
Origlia-Devos 1983; Baumgartner 1984; De Wever et al. 1986; to Fornazzo quarry. The RAM is 26 m thick and consists of
Aita 1987; De Wever 1995) because of its rich fossil content well-stratified red siliceous limestone alternating with calcare-
(ammonites, belemnites, brachiopods, echinoderms, nannofos- ous marlstone. Nodules and beds of dark red chert are abun-
sils). Other Sicanian sections were studied by Kito et al. (1990) dant (Fig . 4). The Fornazzo Cava section crops out in the old
and Kito & De Wever (1992,1994). Fornazzo quarry, and the Castello Inici section is located in
Generally, the close association of ammonite-bearing beds the southwestern side of the Inici Mt. In both sections the
with levels containing well-preserved radiolarians is quite rare. RAM is incomplete and it is 8 m and I3 m thick, respectively.
In the investigated sections, the ammonites occur both in the The lithology is the same as at Fornazzo Strada and the main
S22 P. Beccaro
cv • 0 rRl ULI
( Maggiore.
.Cumo Lake
J ;! ..:::- .L
....- CE
Bc llu no
.:s> /. I'LATFOR:Yl
O~al dO ~1t.
I" Lake ,";;/ Fig. 2. Geographic location of the stratigraphic
~ sections and present day distribution of Mesozoic
difference is the occurrence of macrofossils (ammonites and dark siliceous limestone and beds chert (light brown, red and
belemnites; Fig. 4). The Balata di Baida section crops out black in colour). Some levels of bentonites occur at the top
along the orographic left of the Sarcona River at Balata di of the section (Fig. 4). The radiolarian preservation varies
Baida village (near Inici Mt.). The RAM is 21 m thick, and it from moderate to very good. The Ceniga section crops out
consists of an alternation of nodular red limestone and vari- near the Sarca River, south of Ceniga village (North of the
ously coloured chert beds; thin levels of marls tone are wide- Garda Lake). In this section it is also possible to observe the
spread along the section (Fig. 4). The radiolarian preservation Early Jurassic platform deposits of San Vigilio Oolite
in the Inici sections is moderate. The Favignana succession is (oolitic-bioclastic grainstone). The top of San Vigilio Oolite
located in the southern coast of the Favignana island (Egadi is overlain by a very thin RAI (20 em) formed by pink pelag-
Archipelago). The section is 2 m thick, and it consists of thin ic limestone and bearing a hardground at its top. The RAM
limestone and marlstone alternating with thin chert beds black is 9 m thick, and it consists of an alternation of red siliceous
and red in colour (Fig. 4). Neither the base nor the top of the limestone thinly stratified and thin whitish marlstone. Six
siliceous succession crop out. The radiolarian preservation is levels of bentonites occur in the middle part of the section
very good. (Fig. 4). The radiolarian preservation is poor. The Coston
SICANIAN DOMAIN (South-western Sicily) - The basinal delle Vette section is located in the Feltrine Alps (Dolomiti
succession of Sant'Anna crops out at about 1 km NE of San- Bellunesi). Here, the time-equivalent facies of the RAM is
t'Anna village (near Sciacca). The stratigraphic section is 9 m the Fonzaso Formation, which reaches a thickness of 100 m.
thick, and consists of a regular alternation of whitish limestone The Fonzaso Fm. consists of a quite regular alternation of
and marls tone; the chert is rare. The base is not exposed packstone and wackestone with subordinate oolitic grain-
(Fig. 4). The radiolarian preservation is good. stone and mudstone, and chert ribbons and nodules (Fig. 4)
In the Southern Alps three stratigraphic sections have (Della Bruna & Martire 1985; Beccaro 1998; Beccaro et al.
been studied in the Trento Plateau (Fig. 2). The Cava Viani- 2002). The central part of the formation is characterized by
ni section crops out in an active quarry close to Madonna the oolitic grainstone resedimented from the Friuli Platform.
della Corona Sanctuary (eastern side of the Garda Lake). The radiolarian preservation varies from moderate to very
The RAM is 10 m thick, and it consists of an alternation of good.
, :nJ"'Jil'tt~
RASI- '-""""-t---~
-" '~, .....
'- -~ "
~ _ ~ ll ".
~~" ,
C enigu A
Fig, 4, Radiolarian biostratigraphic correlation of pelagic siliceous facies between Western Sicily and the Southern Alps by means of the six radiolarians biozones UAZ A-F. Three sections from the
Southern Alps (Ceniga, Cava Vianini, Coston delle Vette), five sections from North-western Sicily (Fornazzo Strada, Fornazzo Cava, Castello Inici, Balata di Baida, Favignana), and one section from
South-western Sicily (Sant'Anna) have been dated and correlated, The investigated successions represent the intermediate pelagic siliceous member (RAM) of the Rosso Ammonitico Frn. in all the sec-
tions, except at Coston delle Vette (where the Fonzaso Fm. is the time-equivalent siliceous facies of the RAM) and at Sant'Anna (where a basinal section crops out). The age of the biostratigraphic units
UAZ A-F is provided by calibration with ammonite assemblages found both in the studied successions and in the under- and overlying sediments.
A B c o E F Unitary Associations Zones for Sicily and Southern Alps
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Unitary Association. (UAs)
123 4567 890123 4567890
• . . .. ,. .. . ' . . . . - . . . • .. Eucyrtidiellum unuma~n~e dentalum B"'UlKoARTNIEA
• . , ,. . . ., C . . . 0' c .c Styiocaps. oblon gulB KocH~JI
• . . .. .., ~ , . .g ~ .' ~ Vnume emin ll/us lCHl1Vo'M& y U)
: : : . : :: : : q ..:: ~~ ~~/:~:I~:c'::t~R~~HEA) v. :
- . . . . . . . 3 . , . . 6 §r . , . . ~ . . Mlnfv sus fNiJt;;ili~ pnJet; uad alupe n! l-S BAlNCAA THER & BARTOLINI
. . ii . . . . 3 ~ . ... ~ - Mlrifvs U$ fra gili.s s I B~ TNER
-. ~ ~ '.".'.;Q.l 9
..... . , . . 3' · ,
A " P.seuaoeucyrtrs fm"" HULL
A cafmiot~psis varliltus Vf1riatu s (OlVO~DO'''''')
• - . • • • • • ·oJ • , •• ~ • • • • ? . Tethys etta dhJmena ~n .s/.s s:I. e..
. " . .. : : S'_ . . , "tJ • . .... r. tradltryrn a co ,.,.lito$~m$is 5 I (p[$$A(i. No)
• . . . . . . . . . . ..~ . . A C8M IOtylopSlS variatu .s s I (OZ\l'Ol.OO"t,oA)
• . ...•. • . • . . • " . , •• ~ •. Telh~etta dhimen~M$J! up. A SM SU Baumgartner e t al. 1995c.
• • • • ' • • ' 0 • •• ~ . , Eucyrt idieJlu m l,mUmaen$e $ I (YAO)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • , • • ~ 0 , Podobuf$a polyac~nth~ (F ISCHU)
• • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • 41 • , Pa hniindromeda spp .
• • • • • • • • • • 2:; , •• , 0 •• 0 , Em iIuvi. premyogii ~ItTN~R
• • • • • • • • • • • ' •• , •. 3 . . Perispyridium ordll1arium gr. ( PESSA.GNO)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . ;3 . , Irensnsuum bre vicostafum Qr, (~ DCNA)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . .. Risto !, alrissim. s.l. (Rusr)
• ••••••••••••••• . , • . , Parahswm Carpatlt iCum Wtoz. &. D E WE \lE.R
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . ' , • , Paron~~ na bandyi P U SAGIoI O
• •• • ••••••••••••• • . ,
.:...:..- • •
C •••
•••••••••••••••• • . .
. .. .. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.
0 • , o. ••• • ••• , ••
Pou/~$ sp. at!. P ocu!~tus Of. W£vu sensu Baumgartner et at. 1 99~
Bemoullius deera (B AUUQUTNER)
Angulobf8cchia puris imae nsis (PI!.SSAGIofO)
Tnacloma ~rab /ake; YAnG & WANG
KiJinora carenarum (M...r$t)()r.A )
~ : : : . . , .. :: : : : : : ::: . : : : : : . : : : ;:~;~::::e:~%::e~uY:(Y~)
~ ::: ,~ : :::::: ~ : : ~ : : ~ : : : : : ~ : : ~~~=::d=~:e~~;:S=naensiS (BAU~TNfR)
~ •••• , • . ,....... . . , . , •• , . . . WlllinfJdellum (?) ma..euec~. CoRTESE.
~ :::::::: :: :: ~ : ~ ~ : : ~ : ~~~~~Iu;";'::~~~:::TA
:?,0.:rr ... • • • ••
•• ••
• • •• ••
•• •
. ...
•• .,
• • .
0 Telretrabs lea lis (ONOlOO'VAl
Eucyrtidie//um ptyc1um (RIEDEL &. S ,Io.Nf"llIPPO)
Acanthocin;;us suboblorJ9Us e.! (YAal
0: :••:••:: :• :: ~ : ~~x":~~~u;,~~ss~~7~(:~NMGA~rN[~)
~ : :. :. :. :. :. :: J:~~:S~~;~:;k~s{r:c:~"IO)
Qlo . .. Podoburu Ina CiJnthll (FI5C H~ t) gr.
~ • 0 • • 0 • 0 • Tntrab s naY'( P(U,I,(j,NO)
• • o.
C: •• •
• •
• • • , PodotHJfSlt SfMosa (OzVO~DOVA)
• • Tnac10ma blake! ( P rsaAGl NO)
'--- , ,
, •• , • •• •• • 0 Z!Jamoide flum (') exquiSitum Hvu
•• , • . , •. , • . Zanola comuta
• ••• • 0 • Loopusdo/;o lum
(~TN f R )
OllU'T ~ 1CA
0 •
• • • ' • Saitoum ievium DE WE VErt
• • • • HexIJS.tum.lis suboblongus (y '(0)
3 Cingulotums urpata DUUlTRICA
o a: • • 0 ,
• ••
AfChaeodictyomitra apiarium (R OST)
:• •
• Prot unuma j JJ po nicus MATs uOKA & Y"O
• •
• • • •
Eml /uvia hopson; P U 9 01roO..c)
• Trltrabs ewin~i waneS
•• i (PtM"C.NO)
• N.pora deoweWcn 8AlJ htOARTN[ 1II
• • 0
• ,
• • • ZhamoidltHum o vum DUM m~ 1CA
0 Paron."IJa pygmae. B A~JIf TNER
• , •
. . . , Emiluvia ordmaria Ol'YolDOVA
• • ' . . , . MlrJfusus dian8lt mifJor 8~TN E R
PodocaPS' amphJtreptera F OR EN""
• • Emi/uvia ulJimi B ~TN( rt & O ll...,TRIC..
• .'
Minfu sus dianae dia n8ft (K....,UI UI:)
TriactomiJ IJfhonianum R UST
Wrang6' Jlium Okamura ; {MauTANI}
LoopcJs pruYlltivu$ ( MAT8\K)O(,Jl &. y~)
• PSltudOeuCyrlls sp. B sl!Insu IMdz ' 991
Fultacap!Ja !Jphaeriu (OZ'YOl.O(NJo,)
Teo~rtus ca/Marrus (OZ\rOLDO\'A)
E ..• ••
RJsto/~ nodou Hofr l
Saltoum defCourli WI 02 & D E W EVER Fig. 5. Range chart: occurrences of radiolarian taxa used for
A caeonjot~ umbJJicaf. (RUST)
Synrl90Capsa spi ne /Hera BA Litr.tCAItT"'ER the biozonation. The software BioGraph grouped 100 select-
Napora bonelJ" PessoiIgno . WH"llN & YOI
ed species in 20 Unitary Associations which have been manu-
F· PStwOoeucyrffS reticul~ri$ M " T!?tUQll.A & Y NJ
ally assembled in six Unitary Associations Zones: UAZ A-F.
S26 P. Beccaro
Diachronism of the Jurassic siliceous facies between the Concerning the Ceniga section, the time interval stated in
Southern Alps and Western Sicily the previous papers (Baumgartner 1984; Baumgartner et a~.
1995b) spans the mid Callovian to early Tithonian. The radi-
The stratigraphic correlation through UAZ A-F reveals a sig-
olarian assemblages of the new samples CE 0.80 and CE 5.20
nificant diachronism for the lower as well as for the upper limit
belong to U AZ D (Fig. 4) and assign most of the section to
of the pelagic siliceous facies in the Alpine and Sicilian sec-
mid?-late? Oxfordian. The radiolarian content of the new
samples CE 5.77, CE 5.90 and CE 6.90 belong to UAZ E
In the Southern Alps (Trento Plateau) the siliceous deposi-
(Fig. 4), and refer the upper part of the section to late? Ox-
tion began in the early?-mid Bathonian-early Callovian pars
fordian-early Kimmeridgian pars. The last two samples (POB
(UAZ A) at the Coston delle Vette section, in the ~arl'y
1703 and POB 1704) are from Baumgartner's sampling and
Callovian pars - early Oxfordian (UAZ B) at the Cava Viani-
they were assigned to late Oxfordian-early Tithonian (Baum-
ni and in the mid?-late? Oxfordian (UAZ D) at the Ceniga
se~tion (Fig. 4). In North-western Sicily (Trapanese Domain) gartner 1984). The radiolarian assemblages of these samples
belong now to UAZ E (late? Oxf.-early Kimm. pars). I~ ~c
the siliceous deposition started in the mid-late Oxfordian:
count of this research, the age of the Rosso Ammonitico
UAZ C (mid Oxf.) at the Fornazzo Strada, Fornazzo Cava and
Medio at the Ceniga section is restricted to mid? Oxfordian-
Castello Inici sections; UAZ D (mid?-late? Oxf.) at the Balata
early Kimmeridgian pars (UAZ D-E) (Fig. 4). This ~ge a.s-
di Baida and Favignana sections. In the basinal section of San-
signment highly differs from those stated for other sections m
t' Anna the onset of the siliceous facies is the youngest: U AZ E
the Trento Plateau, where the RAM is referred to late
(late? Oxf.-early Kimm. pars) (Fig. 4). On the other hand,
Callovian - mid Oxfordian (e.g., Cava Vianini, this paper;
UAZ D (mid?-late? Oxf.) corresponds to the final phase of
Martire 1996).
the siliceous deposition at the Cava Vianini section (Southern
Concerning the Sant' Anna section, several authors as-
Alps), and UAZ E (late? Oxf.-early Kimm. pars) corresponds
signed it to a variety of ages: mid Oxfordian to mi~ Tith~n
to the final phase of the siliceous deposition in the Ceniga sec-
ian (Origlia-Devos 1983), mid Oxfordian to early Kimrnerid-
tion (Southern Alps). UAZ F (early Kimm. pars-late Kimm.)
gian (De Wever et al. 1986), mid-late Oxfordian to l~te
indicates the end of the siliceous facies at the Coston delle
Oxfordian-early Kimmeridgian (De Wever 1995). The radio-
Vette (Southern Alps), Fornazzo Strada and Sant'Anna
larian content of the new sample SA 0.35 belongs to UAZ E
(Western Sicily). The diachronism of the ending of the
(Fig. 4) and constrains the first layers of the su~cess~on to
siliceous facies in the Fornazzo Cava, Castello Inici and Favig-
late? Oxfordian-early Kimmeridgian pars. The radiolarian as-
nana sections is only due to the incompleteness of the succes-
semblages of the new samples SA 5.10 and SA 9.10 belong to
sions (Fig. 4).
UAZ F (Fig. 4) and date the middle and upper parts of the
As can be inferred by the above discussion, the diachro-
section to early Kimmeridgian pars-late Kimmeridgian. This
nism of the siliceous facies occurs within the same paleogeo-
age assignment is consistent with the early Tithonian age. of
graphic domain as well (Fig. 4). The three Alpine sections
the ammonite assemblages found at the base of the overlying
were located in different sectors of the Trento Plateau, and the
nodular limestone (De Wever et al. 1986). The present study
diachronism suggests that local topography and/or tectonic
now restricts the age of the pelagic siliceous succession of the
movements primarily controlled the onset of the siliceous de-
Sant'Anna section to the late? Oxfordian-late Kimmeridgian
position. Different bottom morphology and t~ct~nic~ may
(UAZ E-F).
have influenced different spatial and temporal distribution of
the siliceous facies: the oldest onset and the youngest end took
place at Coston delle Vette (located in a transitional area be- Age assignment discussion for some taxa
tween Trento Plateau and Belluno Basin) while the youngest
After the calibration of UAZ A-F through ammonite zones,
onset was at Ceniga (located near the strongly tectonic active
the stratigraphic distribution of some taxa can be compared
Garda Escarpment). On the other hand, the Sicilian sections
with those of Baumgartner et al. (1995a). In the following dis-
belonging to the Trapanese Domain were paleogeographically
cussion the lettered UAZones (e.g., UAZ A) refer to the
very close to each other, and the diachronism of the onset
new biozones illustrated in the present paper; the numbered
amongst them is minor (only Favignana section shows a rather
UAZones (e.g., UAZ 8-13) refer to the biozones of Baum-
younger onset but its base does not crop out).
gartner et al. (I 995a). Some age considerations were illustrat-
ed also in Beccaro (2004a) concerning Eucyrtidiellum
unumaense s.l. (Y AO) and Williriedellum (?) marcucciae
Age assignment discussion on the siliceous facies at Ceniga
CORTESE. The ranges of these species remained unchanged
(Southern Alps) and Sant'Anna (Sicily)
after the new zonation by UAZ A-F: Eucyrtidiellum
In the light of new radiolarian biozones UAZ A-F, the age as- unumaense s.l. (Y AO) and Williriedellum (?) marcucciae
signments of the Ceniga (Trento Plateau, Southern Alps) and CORTESE extended to mid Oxfordian (and not only to early
the Sant'Anna (Sicanian Domain, South-western Sicily) sec- Oxfordian as the previous assignment of Baumgartner et al.
tions have been discussed. 1995a).
S28 P. Beccaro
Acknowledgements BOSELLINI, A., MASETTI D. & SARTI M. 1981: A Jurassic "Tongue of the
ocean" infilled with oolitic sands: the Belluno Trough, Venetian Alps,
italy. Marine Geology, 44, 59-95.
I would like to thank the supervisors of my PhD thesis: Prof. Peter O. Baum-
BOVERO, A. 2000: Analisi paleontologica e stratigrafica del Rosso Ammoniti-
gartner (Universite de Lausanne. Switzerland), Dr. Spela Gorican (Paleonto-
co (Giurassico medio-superiore) nella sezione Fornazzo di Monte Inici,
loski Institut ZRC-SAZU, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Prof. Marta Marcucci (Uni-
Sicilia Occidentale. Graduation Thesis, University of Turin, Italy, (un-
versity of Florence, Italy) and Dr. Luca Martire (University of Turin, Italy). I
publ.), 1-173.
am also grateful to the reviewer Dr. Luis O'Dogherty (Universidad de Cadiz,
CATALANO, R, DI STEFANO, P. & KOZUR, H. 1989: Lower Permian Albaillel-
Spain) for having improved this paper by helpful comments.
lace a (Radiolaria) from Sicily and their stratigraphic and paleogeographic
The scanning electron micrographs have been taken at the University of Flo-
significance. Rend. Accad. Sc. Fis. Mat. Napoli, IV, LVI, CXXVIII, 80--113.
rence and University of Turin (Italy), at the University of Bristol (Great
CATALANO, R, DI STEFANO, P., SULLI, A. & VITALE, F.P. 1996: Paleogeogra-
Britain) and at the Paleontoloski Institut ZRC-SAZU (Ljubljana, Slovenia).
phy and structure of the Central Mediterranean: Sicily and its offshore
area. Tectonophysics 260, 291-323.
CATALANO, R, Lo CICERO, G. & SULLI, A. 2002: Geology of Sicily: an intro-
duction. In: SANTANTONIO, M. (Ed.): General Field Trip Guidebook, VI
AlTA, Y. 1987: Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Radiolarian Biostratigra- International Symposium on the Jurassic System, 12-22 September 2002,
phy of Shikoku with Reference to Selected Sections in Lombardy Basin Palermo, Italy, 1-320.
and Sicily. Tohokun Univ., Sci. Rep., 2nd ser. (Geol.), 58/1. 1-91. CECCA, F., SAVARY, B., BARTOLINI, A., REMANE, J. & CORDEY, F. 2001: The
BAUMGARTNER, P.O. 1984: A Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous low-latitude Middle Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous Rosso Ammonitico succession of
radiolarian zonation based on Unitary associations and age of Tethyan Monte Inici (Trapanese domain, western Sicily): sedimentology, biostratig-
radiolarites. Ecl. geol. Helv., 77/3, 729-837. raphy and isotope stratigraphy. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 172/5, 647--D60.
BAUMGARTNER, P.O., DE WEVER, P. & KOCHER, R 1980: Correlation of DAL PIAZ, G. 1907: Le Alpi Feltrine. Memorie del Reale Veneto Istituto di
Tethyan Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous radiolarian events. Cah. Mi- Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 27/9,1-162.
cropaleontologie, 2, 23-85. DELLA BRUNA, G. & MARTIRE, L. 1985: The Jurassic succession (Pliensbachian-
BAUMGARTNER, P.O., BARTOLINI, A., CARTER, E.S., CONTI, M., CORTESE, G., Kimmeridgian) in the Feltre Alps, Belluno. Riv. It. Pal. Strat., 9111, 15--D2.
DANELIAN, T., DE WEVER, P., DUMITRICA, P., DUMITRICA-JUD, R., DE WEVER, P. 1995: Radiolarians from the Sciacca Zone, Santa Anna, Sicily
GORICAN, S., GUEX, 1., HULL, D. M., KITO, N., MARCUCCI, M., MATSUO- (italy). In: BAUMGARTNER, P.O. et al. (Eds.): Middle Jurassic to Lower
KA, A., MURCHEY, B., O'DOGHERTY, L., SAVARY, J., VISHNEVSKAYA, V., Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: Occurrences, Systematics, Biochronolo-
WIDZ, D. & YAO, A., 1995a: Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous radio- gy. Mernoires de Geologie (Lausanne), 23, 839-845.
larian biochronology of Tethys based on Unitary Associations. In: Middle DE WEVER, P., GEYSSANT, J.R, AZEMA, 1., DEVOS, I., DUEE, G., MANIVIT, H. &
Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: Occurrences, System- VRIELYNCK, B. 1986: La coupe de Santa Anna (Zone de Sciacca, Sicile):
atics, Biochronology. BAUMGARTNER, P.O. et al. (Eds.). Mernoires de une synthese des apports des macro-, micro- et nannofosilles du Jurassique
Geologie (Lausanne), 23, 1013-1043. superieur et Cretace inferieur. Revue de Micropaleontologie, 29/3,141-186.
BAUMGARTNER, P.O., MARTIRE, L., GORICAN, S., O'DOGHERTY, L., ERBA, E. FOGELGESANG, J.F. 1975: Geologie du Monte Baldo septentrional (Prov. de
& PILLEVUlT, A. 1995b: New Middle and Upper Jurassic radiolarian as- Trente, italie) et aspects geochimiques de la sedimentation pelagique tri-
semblages co-occurring with ammonites and nannofossils from the South- dentine et lombarde au Jurassique. These 3 eme cycle, Universite Pierre et
ern Alps (Northern Italy). In: BAUMGARTNER, P.O. et al. (Eds.): Middle Marie Curie (unpubl.), Paris, 1-178.
Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: Occurrences, System- GIUNTA, G. & LIGUORI, V. 1972: Geologia dell'estremita nord-occidentale
atics, Biochronology. Mernoires de Geologie (Lausanne), 23, 737-749. della Sicilia. Riv. Min. Sic., 136-138: 165-226.
BAUMGARTNER, P.O., O'DOGHERTY. L., Go RICAN, S., DUMITRICA-JUD, R., GIUNTA, G. & LIGUORI, V. 1973: Evoluzione palaeotettonica della Sicilia. Boll.
DUMITRICA, P., PILLEVUIT, A., URQUHART, E.. MATSUOKA, A., Soc. Geol. Ital., 92, 903-924.
DANELIAN, T, BARTOLINI, A., CARTER, E.S., DE WEVER, P., KITo, N., GUEX,J. 1977: Une nouvelle methode d'analyse biochronologique. Bull. Geol.
MARCUCCI, M. & STEIGER, T. 1995c: Radiolarian catalogue and systemat- Lausanne, No 224, 309-322.
ics of Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Tethyan genera and species. In: GUEX, J. 1991: Biochronologic Correlations. Springer-Verlag, 1-252.
BAUMGARTNER, P.O. et al. (Eds.): Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Krro, N. & DE WEVER, P. 1992: Nouvelles especes d'Hagiastridae (Radio-
Radiolaria of Tethys: Occurrences, Systematics, Biochronology. Me- laires) du Jurassique moyen de Sicilie (italie). Revue de Micropaleontolo-
moires de Geologie (Lausanne), 23, 37-685. gie, 35/2, 127-141.
BAUMGARTNER, P.O., O'DOGHERTY, L., GORICAN, S., URQUHART, E., PILLE- Krro, N. & DE WEVER, P. 1994: New species of middle Jurassic Actinommidae
VUlT, A. & DE WEVER, P. Eds. 1995d: Middle Jurassic to Lower Creta- (Radiolaria) from Sicily (Italy). Revue de Micropaleontologie, 37/2,123-134.
ceous Radiolaria of Tethys: Occurrences, Systematics, Biochronology. Krro, N., DE WEVER, P., DANELIAN, T & CORDEY, F. 1990: Middle to Late
Mernoires de Geologie (Lausanne), 23, 1-1172. Jurassic radiolarians from Sicily (Italy). Marine Micropaleontology, 15,
BECCARO, P. 1998: Biostratigrafia a Radiolari della Formazione di Fonzaso 329-349.
(Giurassico medio-superiore, Dolomiti Bellunesi). Graduation Thesis, KOCHER, R.N. 1981: Biochronostratigraphische Untersuchungen oberjuras-
University of Turin, Italy, (unpubl). 1-163. sicher Radiolarienfiihrender Gesteine, insbesondere del' Sudalpen. Mitt.
BECCARO, P. 2002: Radiolarian Biostratigraphy of Middle-Upper Jurassic Geol. Inst. ETH Univ. Zurich, N.F. 234, 1-184.
Pelagic Siliceous Successions of Western Sicily and Southern Alps (Italy). MARTIRE, L. 1989: Analisi biostratigrafica e sedimentologica del Rosso Am-
PhD Thesis, XIV ciclo, University of Florence, Italy, (unpubl.), 1-134. monitico Veronese dell'Altopiano di Asiago (VI). PhD thesis, University
BECCARO, P. 2004a: Upper Jurassic Radiolarians from Inici Mountain area of Turin, Italy, (unpubl.), 1-166.
(Northwestern Sicily, italy): Biochronology and Calibration by Am- MARTIRE, L. 1992: Sequence stratigraphy and condensed pelagic sediments.
monites. Riv. It. Pal. Strat., 11011, 289-301. An example from the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese, northeastern Italy.
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Sicily and Southern Alps (Italy). Razprave IV, Razreda SAZU, XLV-3, 5-27. MARTIRE, L. 1996: Stratigraphy, Facies and Synsedimentary Tectonics in the
BECCARO, P., BAUMGARTNER, P.O. & MARTIRE, L. 2002: Radiolarian bios- Jurassic Rosso Ammonitico Veronese (Altopiano di Asiago, NE Italy).
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Alps, Italy. Micropaleontology 48, suppl. 1, 43--DO. MASCLE, G.H. 1973: Etude geologique des Monts Sicani (Sicile). These de
BOSELLINI, A. & DAL CIN, R 1968: II Giurassico medio-superiore di Fonzaso Doctorat d'Etat, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 1--D91.
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Sezione IX, Scienze Geologica e Paleontologica, 4, 237-247. Strat., Memoria, 16, 1-431.
S30 P. Beccaro
Plate 1
Scanning electron micrographs of the most important radiolarians used for the definition of the UAZ A-F are illustrated. For each photo are given the code of
the section, the number of the sample, the UAZone of the sample, and the magnification. The codes of the stratigraphic sections are: BB-Balata di Baida, CI-
Castello Inici, CV-Coston delle Vette, FZC-Fornazzo Cava, FV-Favignana, IN-Fornazzo Strada, SA-Sant'Anna, VN-Cava Vianini.
S32 P. Beccaro
Jurassic radiolarians, Southern Alps, Sicily S33
00l2-9402/06/OlS035-13 Eclogae geol. Helv. 99 (2006) Supplement 1, S35-S47
DOl 10.1007/sOO0l5-006-0603-4
Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 2006
Two sections of the Vocontian basin (southeast France) were explored for Deux coupes du bassin Vocontien (Sud - Est de la France) ont ete examinees
their radiolarian content. Preservation in calcite impeded their extraction from pour leur contenu en radiolaires. Leur conservation en calcite dans la coupe de
the Chateauneuf d'Oze section, which is well dated by ammonites. Fortunate- Chateauneuf d'Oze (bien datee par des Ammonites) n'a pas permis leur extra-
ly, oligospecific assemblages of pyritized radiolaria were yielded by twelve ction. Par contre, des assemblages oligospecifiques de radiolaires pyritises ont
limestone beds of the Meouge section. In general, preservation worsens to- pu etre extraits de douze niveaux calcaires de la coupe de Meouge. En general,
wards the top of the section. The extracted fauna is dominated by Nassellaria la conservation des Radiolaires est moins bonne vers Ie haut de la coupe. La
and more particularly by Archaeodictyomitridae, Pseudodictyomitridae and faune extraite est dominee par des Nassellaires et plus particulieremcnt des
Williriedellidae. It is the first time that some species are reported outside their Archaeodictyomitridae, Pseudodictyomitridae et Williriedellidae. Quelques
type area or from Western Tethys. Amongst the published zonations the especes sont signalees pour la premiere fois en dehors de leur region-type ou
scheme of Baumgartner et al. (1995a) is found to he the most useful and allows dans la Tethys occidentale. Parmi les biozonations publiees, celie de Baum-
correlation of the studied part of the section with the mid-late Oxfordian to gartner et al. (1995a) s'avere la plus utile et permet de dater la coupe etudiee
late Kimmeridgian-early Tithonian time interval. avec la fourchette d'age Oxfordien moyen-superieur a Kirnmeridgien supe-
rieur-Tithonien inferieur.
In spite of the enormous progress made over the last thirty nary stratigraphic studies because its pelagic sedimentary se-
years on our knowledge of Mesozoic Radiolaria (see De quences are particularly thick and relatively complete (e.g. Jan
Wever et al. 2001 and references therein) we are still far from du Chene et al. 1993,2000; Groupe Francais d'etude du Juras-
unravelling the full biochronological potential of this plankton sique 1997).
group. This is due to the large number of species that are still Radiolaria were known to be present in the Vocontian
poorly known from a taxonomic and stratigraphic point of Basin (Beaudoin 1977), but observations were based on thin
view and also to the small number of radiolarian-bearing section. Recent reports by Lambert (1999) and Gardin et al.
samples, for which the age is calibrated independently of (2000) on Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian-Hauterivian) pyri-
Radiolaria themselves. The latter point is also important when tized Radiolaria constitute the only modern study for the Vo-
describing the dynamic of radiolarian macroevolutionary contian basin. We present here radiolarian assemblages ex-
changes through time (Danelian & Johnson 2001). tracted from Upper Jurassic strata of the Vocontian Basin and
The Vocontian Basin, situated in the south-eastern part of discuss their biostratigraphic implications.
France (Fig. 1), represents a privileged area for multidiscipli-
1 Micropaleontologie, Universite Pierre-et-Marie-Curie. - C.N.R.S-UMR 5143 Tour 46-56, 5° etage, Case 104,4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05.
Email: [email protected]
2 Biomineralisations et Paleoenvironnernents, Universite Pierre-et-Marie-Curie - FR32. CEPAGE Tour 56--55, 5° etagc, Case 116,4 Place Jussieu,
75252 Paris Cede x 05
Studied material
Z mass ive
« -:J
C> _ . :J limestones
a:: . .:>
w Ul
:::;: ::>
:::;: 0
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w :J
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o:: lr no_________ _
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UJ ::z::~
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« :>:5 50
Cl ....
0 ........... mass ive
X .~ limestones
0:: 1-- D
a. :>
a. ....
=> -c
~ .:J
~ D
CD Mg-21 Fig. 2. A) Compo site lithostratigraphic column of
the Uppe r Juras sic megasequence of the Vocon-
tian basin, between the "Terres noires" formation
E23 Limestone at the bolt om and the massive Tithonian lime-
_ Marl stones at the top (modified after Pederneiras
1995). B) Detailed lithostratigraph ic column of
the Meouge section, including bed numb ers and
tentative lithostratigraphic corr elations with the
Upper Jur assic megasequ ence (after De Rafelis
2000). Arrow s indicate limestone beds that yield-
ed radiolaria.
Species/Samples Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg
2 3 21 29 37 58 77 98/99 100 102 132 133
Acastea A remusa HULL
Ar chaeo dictyomitra apiarium (ROsT)
Archaeodictyom itra etrusca CHIARI et al.
• cf.
al. 1998; De Rafelis et al. 1997). A bove the "Terres Noires" Balderum horizon (Divisum A mmon ite zone) , and finally (4)
Formation one can thu s recognize from bottom to top (1) an a bundl e of massive limestones (beds 153 to 162) which could
interval of massive limeston es (beds 38 to 61) commonly pre- possibly represent the ones occurring at the base of the Kim-
sent within the Planula Ammon ite zone, (2) a bundl e of lime- mer idgian (Acanthicum Ammon ite zone) . In summary, al-
stone beds known as «the gro up of 14 (G-14»> (beds 113 to though no direct biostrat igraphic age assignment existe d for
128), commonly pres ent within the Loth ari Ammonite sub- the Meouge section prior to our study, it could be tent atively
zone, (3) a limestone proj ection (be ds 136 to 140), which is consider ed as coverin g the upp er Oxfordian to upp er Kim-
tentat ively correlated with the one occurring within the meridgian interval.
11 costae visible per half perimeter. It differs from A. patricki Loopus doliolum n.sp.; DUMITRICA in Dumitrica et al. 1997, p. 30, pI. 5, fig. 3,
5, 14
by its smaller size and absence of an inverted trapezoidal distal
part. Remarks. - Morphotypes that are not clearly constricted at
their distal part are included under this species. They are all
Genus Cinguloturris DUMITRICA in Dumitrica & Mello 1982 characterized by a single row of pores and faint costae inter-
Type-species: Cinguloturris carpatica DUMITRICA rupted by well-marked broad stictures. Its known age range is
in Dumitrica & Mello 1982 Oxfordian (Gorican 1994) to Berriasian (Dumitrica et al.
Cinguloturris fusiforma HORI
(PI. 1, Fig. 13) Loopus venustus (CHIARI, CORTESE & MARCUCCI)
Cinguloturris fusiforma n.sp. HORI 1999, p. 93, fig. 9.3-9.6, 11.6. (PI. 1, Fig. 21-23)
Remarks. - Only two specimens of Cinguloturris were Cinguloturris (?) venusta n.sp. CHIARI,CORTESE & MARCUCCI in Chiari et al.
1997, p. 66, pI. 2, fig. 4-5.
found in our material. One of them is incomplete and is ques-
tionably assigned to C. fusiforma. (pI. 1, fig. 14). This species Remarks. - This species is characterized by segments display-
was previously known only from the Palaeopacific (Japan and ing a single row of open pores situated in their middle part.
Far East Russia). C. fusiforma is likely to represent an offshoot Thin costae are placed above and below each pore in such a
lineage of C. carpatica from which it differs by its spindle- way that an upper and a lower row of depressions or relict
shaped contour. pores are formed on each postabdominal segment. Costae do
not loop around the pores. L. venustus is closely related to
Genus Emiluvia FOREMAN 1973 L. primitivus and might be its ancestor.
Type-species: Emiluvia chica FOREMAN 1973
Genus Pantanellium PESSAGNO 1977
Emiluvia pentaporata STEIGER & STEIGER Type-species: Pantanellium riedeli PESSAGNO 1977
(PI. 1, Fig. 15)
Emiluvia pentaporata n.sp. STEIGER & STEIGER 1994, p. 458, pI. 1, fig. 9-10 Pantanellium oligoporum (VINASSA)
Emiluvia bisellea n.sp. DANELIAN in Baumgartner et al. 1995b, p. 196, pI. 4018,
(PI. 2, Fig. 1)
fig. 1-4.
Ellipsoxiphus oligoporus n.sp. VINASSA 1899, p. 228, pI. 17, fig. 44.
Sphaerostylus oligoporus (VINASSA); Sanfilippo & Riedel 1985, p. 590, fig. 4.5;
Genus Eucyrtidiellum BAUMGARTNER 1984 Matsuoka 1992, pI. 3, fig. 4.
Type-species: Eucyrtidium (?) unumaensis YAO 1979 Pantanellium oligoporum (VINASSA); Chiari et al. 1997, pI. 3, fig. 8.
Eucyrtidiellum ptyctum (RIEDEL et SANFILIPPO) Genus Tethysetta DUMITRICA in Dumitrica et al. 1997
(PI. 1, Fig. 16-17) Type-species: Tethysetta pygmaea DUMITRICA et al. 1997
Eucynidium ptyctum n.sp.; Riedel & Sanfilippo 1974, p. 778, pI. 5, fig. 7, pI. 12,
fig. 14; not fig. 15.
Tethysetta (?) sp.
Eucyrtidiellum ptyctum (RIEDEL & SANFILIPPO); Baumgartner et al. 1995b,
p. 214, pI. 3017, fig. 1-8; Hull 1997, p. 82, pI. 48, fig. 10. (PI. 2, Fig. 10)
Remarks. - A single specimen found in our material recalls
Scanning Electron Micrographs of Radiolaria extracted from samples of the Meouge section. Bar scale (upper right) is equal to 100 J.Im for all figures.
1) Acastea A. remusa HULL, Mg-100; 2-3) Archaeodictyomitra apiarium (RUST), Mg-2; 4) Archaeodictyomitra etrusca CHIARI et al. Mg-29; 5-6) Archaeodic-
tyomitra patricki KOCHER, Mg-29; 7) A. patricki, Mg-2; 8) Archaeodictyomitra sp.aff. A. patricki KOCHER, Mg-2 ; 9) Archaeodictyomitra shengi YANG,Mg-29; 10)
A. shengi, Mg-77; 11) Archaeodictyomitra spelae CHIARI et aI., Mg-77; 12) Archaeodictyomitra sp. A, Mg-2; 13) Cinguloturris fusiforma HORI, Mg-100; 14) Cin-
guloturris C. fusiforma HORI, Mg-77; 15) Emiluvia pentaporata STEIGER & STEIGER, Mg-100; 16) Eucyrtidiellum ptyctum (SANFILIPPO & RIEDEL), Morpho-
type A, Mg-77 ; 17) E. ptyctum, Morphotype B, Mg-2; 18) Gongylothorax favosus DUMITRICA, Mg-37; 19) Loopus doliolum DUMITRICA, Mg-37; 20) L. doliomum,
Mg-29; 21) Loopus venustus (CHIARIet al.), Mg-2; 22) L. venustus, Mg-2; 23) L. venustus, Mg-133.
Scanning Electron Micrographs of Rad iolaria extracted from samples of the Meouge section. Bar scale (upper right) is equal to 100 urn for all figures except of
fig. 7 (=200 urn),
I) Pantane/lium oligopo rum (VINASSA), Mg-2; 2) Praecon ocaryomma scatebra HULL, Mg-21; 3) Protunuma japo nicus MATSUOKA & YAO, Mg-37; 4) P. japonicus,
Mg-37; 5) Ristola altissima cf.ssp. R. a. altissima (ROST) sensu Baumgartn er et al. 1995b, Mg-37; 6) Saitoum pagei PESSAGNO, Mg-21; 7) Spongocapsula palm erae
(PESSAGNO), Mg-21; 8) Stichocapsa tuscanica CIIIARI, CORTESE & MARCUCCI, Mg-77; 9) Suna sp., Mg-77; 10) Tethysetta (1) sp., Mg-77; 11) Triactom a fo remanae
MUZAVOR; Mg-77; 12) Tripocyclia Tiluciae J UD, Mg-100; 13) Tritrabs T. exo tica (PESSAGNO), Mg-37; 14) Wil/iriedel/um carpathicurn DUMITRICA, Mg-
77 ; IS) W. carpathicum , Mg-21; 16) Wi/liriede//um crystallinum DUMITRICA, Mg-37; 17) Zham oidellum ov um DUMITRICA, Mg-37 ; 18) Z. ovum , Mg-21; 19) Z.
ov um , Mg-2.
The examination of plankton biodiversity through Permian-Triassic period L'examen de la biodiversite du plancton au passage Permien-Trias semble
seems to display different patterns of evolution depending of the scale of study montrer differents types de manifestation selon l'echelle d'observation aussi
(taxonomy stratigraphy or biogeography). In this paper we present the state of bien en terme de stratigraphie que de taxonomie ou de geographic. A cette
the art of the plankton turnover at the Permo-Triassic and we review more epoque, Ie plancton etait surtout represente par les radiolaires. A une echelle
precisely the pattern of extinction and recovery of radiolarians during such pe- globale cette periode est certes marquee par des extinctions mais elles sont
riod, because at that time, plankton was essentially represented by radiolari- progressives comme Ie prouvent les deux ordres de radiolaires: les Albaillela-
ans. At a global scale the end-Permian to early Triassic period is marked by ria et des Latentifistularia. Neanmoins cette periode est surtout marquee par
several strong extinctions in the marine realm, and in the radiolarians they une enorme diversification post-crise, plus encore que par l'extinction. A une
occur progressively as exemplified by two orders of radiolarians: Albaillelaria echelle moyenne (ex. niveau generique et celui d'un pays) les renouvellements
and Latentifistularia. Nevertheless, this period is marked by a tremendous de faune semblent impressionnants, alors qu'a l'echelle des especes et de bas-
post-crisis diversification in both at family and generic level, more than extinc- sins particuiiers, on est conduit 11 se demander si des modifications resultent de
tion; an actualized revision of the diversity at the family level is also offered in reelles crises biologiques ou de problernes de conservation. II est amusant de
our review. At a moderate scale (i.e. genera and in a region) the modifications constater que plus Ie nombre d'etudes est eleve, plus la diversite apparait gran-
appear impressive while at specific and regional domain the message is not so de et 11 I'oppose, plus elles sont rares, plus Ie provinciaiisme est evoque.
clear, one can wonder if some crisis manifestation results from a taxonomic ac-
cident or from preservative conditions. In fact, strangely enough more the
number of studies is, more the diversity is high, and oppositely less they are,
more the provincialism is evoked.
End Ordovician 26 84 60 85
Late De vonian 22 79 57 83
End Permian 51 95 82 95
End Tria ssic 22 79 53 80
End Cretaceous 16 70 47 76
faunal turnover, later called catastrophe, extinction event, fau- those of species , because gen era are erected accord ing to
nal change , bio-event, and so on. The concept of catastrophe major features of morphology.
seems somewhat exaggerate as described and emphasized later The problem of estimating the importance of extinctions
by d'Orbigny, but one should set this idea in its proper context: and recovery depends upon the involved taxonomic level and
at that time the Earth was supposed to be approximately 6000 the way the counting is conducted. Sepkoski's family and
years old only. genus level (1989) summaries have allowed the species-level
Bioevents, often in connection with a significant change in extinction intensities of the five major extinctions to be calcu-
lithology, were used by d'Orbigny and most scientists con- lated (Table 1).
cerned in the first three quarters of the 19th century in order to The fossil record of planktonic life has the advantage of
subdivide the Phanerozoic. The result of these works is the abundant specimens, good stra tigra phic control, closely spaced
stratigraphic scale. Nevertheless, thr ee decades ago the fact of samples, and broad geographic distribution. The qual ity, how-
bio-event was disputed and even if these have now been ac- ever, varies substantially from group to group on the one hand ,
cepted, the global synchronicity of the events has often been and is largely dependent on the desired stratigraphic level of
doubted , and the question as to causation has been discussed precision on the other hand .
very controversially. If we still use the term catastrophism, we At a global scale, the Permi an-Triassic boundary was char-
are not using it in its original meaning (Cuvier's definition), acteri zed by the extinct ion of 50% of invertebrate families and
but accepting his valid observation of the existence of bio- 90% of invert ebrate species; extinction of fusulinid s, rugose
events . According to the main pha ses these bioe vents are and tabulate corals (orders), 2 orders of bryozoans , productids
named extinction-radiation or faun al turnover sequence. (order) and several ord ers of articulate brachiopods, trilobites
(class), euryperids (orders), blastoid s (sub-phylum) and sever-
al subclasses of atta ched echinoderms (mostly crino ids).
1.2 Scale of time
Some supposed catastrophes were in fact only the result of a
1.4 Estimation and counting: how variations can be illustrat ed
lack of record and they are no mor e considered as catastrophic
events. One should also be aware of global vs. regional cata- For several years, numerous researchers have been greatly
strophes. If the distinction is quite easy in theory, practically it interested in the study of biodiversity and its evolution thr ough
is not so obvious, as it will be discussed later herein. time. These studies pointed out several crisis periods. Never-
Biotic crises and events are sometimes distinguished. Dif- theless, it must be mentioned that the results depend on the
ferentiating from an event, a crisis spans a relatively long time methodology used. Some researchers simply counted the num-
interv al. This is the case where over a relatively long period ber of taxa presented in a publication without any taxon omic
the extinction rate exceeds the originat ion rate . Crises do not analysis. That is to say that the number of taxa in a particul ar
only occur in times of long-term environmental changes or work often depends on the taxonomic point of view of the
fluctuations, but also as a termin al phase of a taxon , when the author(s) of the used publicat ions. Hence simple counting
diversity of a group of organisms decreases, sometimes to- might be a source of mistak es. It is, therefore, advantag eous if
wards to zero. the counting of taxa is done by one or several specialists with
practice in the respecti ve gro up and after a thorough taxo-
nomic review.
1.3 Crisis: at which taxonomic level?
Biodiversity changes in the paleont ological record show that
1.5 Recovery
mass extinctions and recoveries occurred during some relative-
ly short time intervals. The se events are named and analysed A study by David Jablonski (1996) shows that recover y from
as "e volutionary crises". When considering crisis one might mass extinctions differs from one geographical region to an-
discuss the taxonomic level involved, the message can vary ac- other. Regions differ greatly from each other not only in terms
cording to the category. Plots of generic turnover should pro- of which and how quickly species diversified, but also in the
vide a better indication of morphological innovation than ratio of surviving local species to foreign invaders. In general,
I. 1- -----1- ----
ENTACTINIIDAE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - +.;..+...;.+:-#---
o EPTINGIiDAE 1o;-..... 4'-U----~
• • • •• • •• • ••• •••••• • •• • • • •••• •• ••• ~
en GOMBERELLIDAE • ' 11 .... ----~
"'C PYRAMISPONGIIDAE j-::..j.:~-----4----
C ACTINOMMIDAE •• • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••• • ••••• ••••• •••• ~
:;0 I "".;..;f-- - - - +-
Fig. 1. Stratigraphic ranges of radiolarian families through time (Redraw n fro m De Wever et al. 200]) .
1 Appearance
of family
Anoxia gap
Early Scythian Dienerian
Evaporites ~
~ I
Changhsingian I
Wnrrli. n
Ir t
Euxinia • I
Roadian traps
Leonardian Family
Z Emeishan
« c
2 'C
u .-
Cisura lian (J)
wt I- I I I
o 10 20 30 40 50
Fig. 2. Radiolarian diversity at the family level facing the main events of the Permo-Triassic boundary. The number of appearance of new families clearly corre-
sponds to the periods of main stresses; modified after Kidder & Worsley (2004).
rise to the last Albaillellaria (Follicucullidae and Palacantholi- (Ishigaum and Cauletella, cf Takemura et al. 2003) seem to
tidae). During the Late Permian the evolution of some albail- cross the PIT crisis, and then the order became extinct in the
lellarians underwent two different directions: one was to build Early Triassic. The presence of Spumellaria in the Paleozoic is
a complex shell (Neoalbaillella), the other was to simplify this still uncertain; in fact, many of the Paleozoic spherical radio-
shell (Follicucullus); only the latter crossed the boundary (Bra- larians, previously considered to be Spumellaria contain the
gin 1991; Sugiyama 1992, 1997; Yao & Kuwahara 1997). It is remains of an inner spicule, indicative of Entactinaria (De
known that under environmental stresses, some radiolarian Wever et al. 2001). Since their identification depends on the
species seem to be able to adopt a regressive/primitive charac- study of the innermost skeleton, and in most cases this is ab-
ter. Often this process happens along with a reduction or even sent or not well preserved, they could be confused with some
loss of skeleton (Guex 1981, 2001; De Wever et al. 2003). entactinarians (in which the initial spicule is dissolved), with
The evolution of Nassellaria was very slow during the Late which they share their general morphology. One could consid-
Paleozoic and they practically disappeared during the Permian er, for example, that they are represented by some many-lay-
so that one can say that the main nassellarian groups appeared ered spongy skeletons occurring in the Permian assigned to the
during the Triassic. The oldest Triassic nassellarians are mor- Relindellidae and Archaeospongoprunidae. Nevertheless,
phologically similar and possibly related to Paleozoic Ar- studies in Oregon and South China (Blome & Reed 1992;
chaeosemantidae. Shang et al. 2001) show that true spumellarians (Pantanelli-
The Permian is not marked by the appearance of new or- idae-like forms) seem to be already present before the PIT
ders of radiolarians, although some representatives of proba- boundary. More recently some representative of several fami-
ble spumellarians occur together with the last Latentifistularia lies were reported from uppermost Permian from China (Feng
(Cauletellidae). Some representatives of Latentifistularia et al. in progress); they are respectively Pyramispongidae
6 Smithian 0:::
Bio-Geosphere Perturbation
Induan Dienerian
C Ol
c J:: .-
.~ '2
E .!l!
Q) ,S
0> C
Thuringian Ql
'0, (propa rlj J::
o.. E- C U
Q) 3 '0. "0 o:::, t:
co ~
0::: >- J::
::J (9
260 .4 . 0 7 ..L..._ _..l..- ---lL..-- I . L..- ....L..._- L_ _- - ' - - - l _....L ..l..- .L..-_....L.._'--_ _- - '
Fig. 3. Stratigraphy of events according to their geogra phic (latitud inal) position. It points out the lack of inform at ion for the critical levels; Carb on isot opes from
Bent on & Twitchell (2003) a nd Atudorei (1998). Sulfur isotope from Kato el al. (2002).
(Tetrapaurinella, Paurinella), Gomberellida e ( Tam onella) and In the aftermath of the mass extinction, when th e last rep-
Oertli spon gidae iParaoertlisp on guss , Since the se genera ex- resentatives of the orders Alba illellaria and Latentifistul aria
tent upward, but have not been yet mentioned in the Lower compl etely disappeared, with the exception of some gen era:
Tri assic, they are considered as Lazaru s taxa by these authors. Follicucullus, Ishigaum, Cauletella which are mentioned till the
According to the dat a reviewed above , no new orders of Early Tri assic, (Sugiyama 1997; Takemura et al. 2002), the
radi olari ans appeared after the Pe rmian -Triassic crisis. Th e Earl y Triassic fauna s wer e characterized by extremely low di-
only exception might be Nassellaria, if we consider that Meso- versity and poor preser vation (Hori et al. 2003; Sashid a 1983,
zoic nassellarians are not direct descendants of Paleozoic rep- 199] ; Sugiyama 1992, 1997; Suzuk i et al. 2002). Th ese faun as
resent atives, all of which disapp ear ed by the end of the Car - mostly contain entactinarian s (Cryptostephanidium, Entactinia,
boniferous. The existing linea ges of radiolarians, nevertheless. Hegleria, Parentactinia, Pseudostylosphaera, Tibor ella), some
produced an impressive number of new morphotypes grouped sparse mono- and dicyrtid nassellarians (Archaeosemantis,
into new families. Of the 14 families known in the Permian, 9 Ho zmadia, Poulpus, Spongosilicarmiger?), and rare spumel-
continued to exist in the Mesozoic and among the 55 families larians with inner spicule (Gl om eropyle, Plafkerium?). In addi-
known in the Triassic, 25 appeared during the Early and Mid- tion to this extremely low divers ity, the poor preservation and
dle Tri assic. The Middle Triassic was undoubtedly the main th e scarcity of good outcrops, limit the information that is now
epoch for radiolarian radi ation; mor e than a third of the tot al available about Early Tri assic faun as (Fig. 3). Furthermore, we
number of radiolarian families, recognized from the Cambrian stress the importance pla yed by the apparent abrupt disap-
to the Pre sent originated during th is impo rtant peri od of pearan ce of radiolarian chert s that were common in the deep-
plankt on radiation (Figs. 1, 2). marin e sections of South China, Japan, and Western Canada in
What could have caused these tremendous radiations and the Late Permian (Fig. 4). T hey reapp eared only in the Spath i-
evolutionary inno vation s? For the most part the causes rem ain an afte r a "chert gap" of 7 to 8 Ma (Isozaki 1994; Kakuwa
uncertain , but one of them could be the bre ak-up of cont inent s 1996). This is, in part, the rea son why the abrupt chan ge in ra-
and the partitioning of the world 's oceans that produced diolar ians is amplified after this long period of instability. For
strengthe ned circulation, as suggested by ocean modelling, and the reasons mentioned abo ve the curre nt information available
induced up-welling of nutrient s (De Wever et al. 1994). It is for the radiolarians durin g the Early Tria ssic should be consid-
known th at during the Earl y Mesozoic, modern oceanic basins ered quite incomplete and the evolutionary pattern undergone
began to form (Neotethys spreading) and new oceanic current by the gro up at this interval remains poorl y known .
systems appeared. Numerous microplates began their separa - Follo wing the "che rt gap ", the rapid diversification of Tri-
tion in the Tethys Ocean , crea ting new seaways in the western assic radiolarian assemblages during the Early to Late Triassic
Tethys and mod ifying oceanic circulation. (De Wever & is the most prolific that has ever been recorded in the Phanero-
Baudin 1996). zoic. For example, the extincti on of radiolarians between the
40 20
IV 1Il Fig. 4. Numb ers of quot ed families and genera
Q; 30 oS!
c: E near the Permian-Triassic Bound ary according to
C) U. several authors. and from raw dat a (Ume da 2002 +
20 10 Sugiyama 1997 and Kuwahara & Yao 2001 + Yao
& Kuwahara 1997) and from synthetic data (Yao
10 & Kuwahara 1997 and De Wever et al. 2(03) .
For genera all curves follow the same trend, they
0+-- - - -+-- - - -+-- - - --\ 0-'-- - - +-- - - +-- - --1 decrease from Wuchiapingian to Scythian. For
Wuch . Chang. Scyth. Wuch. Chang . Scy th .
families appears a discrepancy between curves. In
fact information from Yao & Kuwahara (1997)
--tr- Yao & Kuwah ara ; 1997 (synth.) -+- Kuwa . & Yao; 200 1 + Yao & Kuwa.; 1997 (raw data)
have bee n complied but not pre viously homo-
-+- Umeda; 2002 + Sugiyama; 1998 (raw data) --0- De Wever et al.: 200 1 (synth.) genised. Data treatment influences the conclusions.
Permian and Triassic (Fig. 1) seem s to have been a slow pro- (5- 6%0) is recorded (Hallam & Wignall 1997; Benton &
gressive and important phenomenon. But, the most distinctive Twit chett 2003; Korte et al. 2004). The available data for the
featu re for this event is not th e diminishing number of taxa at diversity at generic or family level are insufficient to correlate
both family and generic level s near th e PfT boundary, but to th e carbon isotope cur ve. We can only observe th at ext inc-
rather an important diversification that followed it, during th e tion (and th e drop on diver sity) at famil y or generic level dur-
Triassic: nine families cros s the PfT boundary (six of these Pa- ing the end-Permian (cf. Fig. 3) seem s to be link ed with de-
leozoic families became ex tinct by th e end of the Triassic) and cre asing values of ol3e. But, it see ms ob vious that any inter-
45 new families originated during the Triassic; in other words pretati on of the ol3C signal with out taking into account othe r
the fauna is almost complet ely ren ewed . T he Figure 4 displ ays geo indicators and a det ailed correlati on has actually not much
a similar tendency between family and gen eric curves, but a pale obiological significanc e.
rever se tendenc y is observed in the dat a from Yao & Kuwa -
hara (1997). The differences can be explained because th e
3.2 P- T radiolarian div ersity at a detailed scale
supra -generic assignments into familie s follow ed by these au-
thors is different from that we ha ve used for our curves (De
A vailable data
Wever et al. 2001). Like it was mentioned in the foreword of
th is art icle, Figure 4 well-displays how the biodiversity (espe- Only 21 years of invest igation covers all our informati on o n
cially at family level) is strongly biased by the taxonomy em- E arly Triassic radiolarians; a rath er moderate period of re-
ployed in the analysis of faun al turnovers. Irrespective to this search, and with still few dat a. Table 2 reports the available
correlation, the Middle Triassic is a period of unprecedented taxonomic data for the Early Triassic: 19 papers from the cir-
blooming and accelerated evolution of Entactinaria, Nassellar- cum-Pacific region and only 12 pap ers from the Tethyan area
ia and Spumellaria (Fig. 1). This figur e clearly shows that En- (So uth China, Thailand and Turkey) (Fig. 5). It is also interest-
tactinaria represent the most num er ou s radiolarian group that ing to note that the majority of publications deal with Spath ian
survived both, the PfT boundary and the Early Triassic crisis, radi olari ans. The earliest Tri assic (Griesbachian) radiolarians,
however, the nassellarians represent the gro up with the most on the other hand , are known fro m New Zealand onl y and
rapid evolution and diversification dur ing th e Triassic and wer e first described in 2002. Th e review clearly shows the
later. Thi s fact well illustrates how the nassellarians displ ay a weakness of our knowled ge abo ut the radiolarian stratigraph y
powerful reco ver y during po st-e xtinction per iods as has be en during this phase of reco ver y, and the number of taxa ide nti-
signalled for the Mesozoic time (O 'Dogherty & Guex 2002) fied at genera or species level is extremely low. It is now
Since th e Anis ian the entactinarian s, nassellarians and spumel- kn own how poor preservation can influence the apparent com-
larians diversifi ed simultaneously resulting in new familie s th at po sition of the fauna (O' Dogherty et al. 2003). The small num-
will become th e base for th e spe ctac ular radiation at gen eric ber of species illustrated or describ ed by publication (Ta ble 2)
and species level. also stro ngly contributes to an unr eali stic vision about th e tax-
Usually under anoxic environments radiolarian diversity onomic re-organization and th e radi ation of radiolarians du r-
minima occur simultaneously with the Ol3C positi ve excursion ing th e Early Triassic. Th is insuffic ienc y of data, evidently, can
(O 'Dogherty & Guex 2002) . During th e Changxingian a minor be , in some cases, provision ally translated into a wrong inter-
positive peak is concomitant with th e end Permian extinction pretation about the paleob iogeogr aphy and phylogeny at both
(cf. Holser et al. 1991), but just before the Permo-Triassic or der and family levels.
boundary a conspicuous neg at ive carbon isotopes excursion All these papers report th e pr esence of highly abundant
Entactinaria along with rare Nassellaria and undeterminable assic boundary. As was mentioned earlier, the preservation of
Spumellaria. The Late Permian extinction undoubtedly played radiolarian faunas were so strongly affected by the end Permi-
an important role in the evolutionary history of Radiolaria. A an environmental collapse that a conspicuous "radiolarite gap"
quasi-complete renovation took place during the aftermath of has been described (Isozaki 1994, 1997; Kakuwa 1996) from
the Permian crisis at generic level (only a few genera belonging the uppermost Permian (Clarkina iranica Zone of conodont)
to 10 families), although at order level all the groups seems to until the end of the lower Olenekian (top of the Smithian) last-
cross the critical boundary (Fig. 1). It is interesting to note the ing about 10 Ma. But recent investigations show that this gap,
presence of some radiolarians with Triassic affinities (i.e.: pan- spread over the world, does not exist in high southern latitudes
tanelliids) in the uppermost Paleozoic strata (Shang et al. (New Zealand) where radiolarites have been recently de-
2001), as well as some Paleozoic forms (Fig. 3) which have scribed (Kamata et al. 2003; Takemura et al. 2002, 2003).
been recorded in the Early Triassic (Sugiyama 1992, 1997; Yao At the family level and global scale, we have seen that the
& Kuwahara 1997, 1999). number of radiolarian families was not affected (Figs. 1, 4).
But, oppositely, radiolarian species (and genera) were strongly
affected at low latitudes but not in high southern latitudes
(Kozur 1998). This discrepancy has been interpreted by Kozur
Evoking a crisis requires precise definition of the involved (op. cit) as a differential effect of extinction in southern high
level (taxonomic, geographic or stratigraphic) because a phe- latitude with respect to low or northern latitudes due to a huge
nomenon may appear sharp at one scale but not at a different volcanic activity in northern hemisphere (Siberia and China).
one. That is why at the family level and global scale radiolari- The long phase of recovery would be due to immigration from
ans did not seem to be strongly affected by the Permo-Triassic the southern high latitude cold water (less affected than those
crisis, but seems very sharp at specific level (i.e. 96% of species of high northern and low latitudes) rather than from tropical
disappeared, cf Kozur & Mostler 1982). Other authors (Suzu- waters, which would be a faster process (Kozur 1998, Kozur et
ki et al. 2002) from a database of published data propose at al. 1996). For this author, this process would be slow (c.a. 5
least three distinct turnovers during the Early Triassic time, Ma; late Scythian to early Anisian) because it would require at
the most conspicuous turnover being that of the Late first the adaptation of some elements of the cold water fauna
Olenekian-Anisian boundary (143 species disappearing and to warm tropical conditions. In addition, the recovery of the
118 new species appearing). radiolarians, for this author, started at the base of the Spathian
The small quantity of data is undoubtedly related to the where, however, not yet a distinct radiation of Triassic ele-
scarcity of localities with a complete record for the Permo-Tri- ments occurred but mainly Paleozoic (Late Devonian-Missis-
sippian) "Lazarus taxa" reappeared from "unknown refuges", served, being more fragile, so some may have appeared and
which are the origin for some phylogenetic connection at fam- evolved during this time of environmental crisis without any
ily or even at order level. The proposed " Lazaru s recovery" is fossil record. The strong reduction of biomass at time of the
very big, about 50% of the genera that disappeared at the PfTr crisis is undoubtedly related to the collapse of the primary pro-
boundary re-appeared only in the Olenekian-Middle Triassic ductivity. In order to equilibrate the global biomass reduction,
interval. As shown here above, real data neither support nor some strategies can be drawn (Fig. 6) . Like in several groups
contradict this interpretation, they are just insufficient at pre - (e .g. Foraminifera, Leven & Korgachin 2001) radiolarians may
sent time . strongly decrease their population but maintain their body
From a paleobiogeographic point of view, some paleolati- size, as it is the case of some Paleozoic relict forms (some al-
tudinal differences were mentioned for Anisian radiolarians, baillellids belonging to the genus Follicucullus) that could be
where stratigraphic and taxonomic data are quite abundant considered to be "Lazarus forms" (in the sense of scarce
and consistent (Bragin 1991; Sugiyama 1997; Kozur & Mostler record due to a poor preservation rate). Also some forms that
1994). In this sense, Aita & Bragin (1999) established the reduce the complexity of their skeleton by partial loss of the
genus Glomeropyle for a large, thick-walled form occurring ex- outer components (=proteromorphosis sensu Guex 2001) , but
clusively in high (south and north) latitudes, where other non- moreover having a more delicate skeleton, are more suscepti-
Tethyan species co-occur with well known Tethyan represen- ble to be dissolved, and therefore reinforce the Lazarus effect
tatives (Hori et al. 2003). The same type of reconstruction (i.e. Latentifistulidae). On the other hand, other forms reduce
using a compilation of the published data for the late Early their body size under environmental stress by, i) reducing the
Triassic (Olenekian) has been presented (Suzuki et al. 2002) . size of the entire skeleton (as is the case of large spherical
These authors find a strong provinciality between the radio- spumellarian-type forms of the late Permian (Shimizu et al.
larian faunas of the western Panthalassa and the eastern 2004), or ii) by losing the external skeleton (proteromorphosis,
Tethys. Nevertheless, the non-homogeneous data used in the i.e. Entactinaria forms); the population size being not neces-
comparison (4 studies for the eastern Tethys against 14 papers sarily reduced. It seems likely that many spicular forms be-
for the western Panthalassa) and different stratigraphic levels longing to entactinids in the earliest Triassic in the aftermath
led them to consider that radiolarian provinces were signifi- of the crisis are the result of a severe loss of the outer skeleton.
cantly distinct during late Olenekian because there is only a This simple and economic architecture is a potential source for
5% of coincidence at specific level. Comparing the same data new phylogenetic developments and would explain also the
at a generic level rises up the coincidence to 50%. Such differ- sudden appearance of so many new groups (families, genera
ences, in our opinion, probably derived from an inhomoge- and species) since the beginning of the Middle Triassic when
neous taxonomy (mostly open nomenclature assignations) in the preservation of radiolarian skeletons improved dramatical-
the utilised synthesis, partly at least due to the bad preserva- ly. The strong diversification also coincides with the rising val-
tion recorded in this interval worldwide. ues of strontium isotope ratios (Korte et al 2003), interpreted
as the consequence of Early Triassic sea level rise and the re-
turn to normal geo-biosphere conditions.
Alternative explanation
It is interesting to note that in spite of the low diversity as-
It is clear that the plankton response to the adverse environ- semblages displayed in the earliest Triassic, all the information
ment of the Late Permian is complex and unfortunately badly available shows a clear domination by Entactinaria, with many
documented. Forms with thin skeletons have not been pre- spicular forms, some Spumellaria and mono- or dicyrtid Nas-
w weak Real Extinctions
> radiation
* C> h.
0<) H >tt-- CI)
CI) Z C>
¢- <> ~
RICH >r(.. >n-- -c :U)
0 0 w
~ U
retained population reduced population reduced population
Z outer skeleton
0 skeleton
i= reduction loss
Q-<)¢¢ @GJ)
o, -c> Q- ¢
Entactinaria Latentifistularia Albaillelaria
sellaria. Multicycrtid Nassellaria do not occur befor e the Tri assic, and can be due to the extremely low abu ndances of
Anisian. These sha pes fit perfectly with the ability of some planktonic fauna (basically radiolarians) but it could also be a
specie s to adopt a regressive/primitive character such as spicu- result of exceptionally poor preserv ation. Both phenomena are
lar forms and monocyrtids (De Wever 1982, De Wever et al. undoubtedly connected. For this reason, the apparent faun al
2003) . dissimilarity displa yed betwe en some local studies, actually can
All the data available toda y show that the picture we have not be considered as a solid argument for discussing an early
for Early Triassic radiolarian faun a is very far from being com- and high provinciali sm because it would lead to an unrealistic
plet e. We agree with Wignall & Bent on (1999) who emphasize paleobiogeography mod el for the group at Early Triassic time .
that the abundance of Lazarus taxa (largel y favoured by Kozur A supplementary problem is that larger the interval lacking
1998, in the aftermath of the Late Permi an extinctions is most data is, smaller the probability is to illustrate the origin of the
probably the reflection of the extreme rar ity of these organ- phylogenetic lineages . Indeed, the main period of diversifica-
isms at this time, as well as, the incompleteness of the strati- tion (Spathian) corresponds to the period for which the num-
graphic record (radiolaritic gap) and its poor preservation. ber of publications is the highest (2 for Griensbachian, 4 for
the Dienerian, 2 for Smith ian and 17 for Spathian). Thi s coin-
cidence reminds that of Sheeh an (1977) who showed that the
Final consideration
highest specific diversity of Phanerozoic marine invertebrate
The low diversity displayed by the currently available data re - per Ma corresponds to the largest areal exposure of rocks of a
flects the poor qua ntity of the pelagic fossil record at the Early given age .
Growing amounts of available radiolarian data require better information- is reviewed by appointed web-editors to ensure quality and correctness.
management systems. Managing, preserving and exchanging information can Species names, descriptions, synonyms and references are based on published
be done by using online databases with a web interface. material, and this is linked to a picture-archive showing representatives of the
(, an example of such a web-database. contains species in- species from different geographical areas and/or periods. In addition, Radio-
formation and other resources, and has been designed by and for the radiolar- also serves as a communal website with e.g. news, events and discus-
ian community. In researchers can contribute with information sion forums.
and this body of data is then made freely available. All submitted information
1 Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Pb. 1172 Blindern, 0318 Oslo, Norway. Email: [email protected]
2 Virtual One as, Pb. 229, 2021 Skedsrnokorset, Norway. Email: [email protected]
101 K
Radiolaria 31'"C' holop lankt omc protozoa I·s.a ponodI- •
widely distributed in the oceans. The )' occur
througho ut the water column from near 1< 110
surface to hundred s ofmeters depth . As with
many planktonic organi sms . their abun dance 1<
in a geographical region i~ related to q uality
R l'<''l'l of the water mass, including such ..-ariablcs
"h as temperature, salinity. productivity. ami
available nut rie nts. more ...
&til.obrian Art
Radiolarians have been an inspiration fo r many artists . These pag'-""S
show examples ofthcir works . more ..,
all areas/periods may have yet been included.) The presence of the page. This will tak e the contributor through severa l
a species should be documented by a picture and preferably a steps (pages), wher e different forms are filled out. In form
referenc e to a book or paper. Th e name of the person who one (Species and origin al description) and two (Other de-
contributed the information is indicated in parenthesis. scription), the genus and species name along with at least
The display of species names, descriptions, synonyms and one description (including author and year) is entered.
pictures together has proven very impo rtant in making the Synonym(s) and Reference(s) are inserted in form thr ee,
species concept more homogenous betw een users, as scientists and Image(s) with related information is added in form
use differ ent taxonomies and will therefore give different four. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required
name s to the same specimen. Un fortunately, field s that need to be filled in order to submit the data into
does not prevent the possibility of the same species being reg- the system. Once the data entry is completed, the user can
istered und er two different nam es in two geographical areas/ preview the contributed information. After approval, the
peri ods. data is submitte d along with the contributor's nam e and e-
mail address. Th e contributor is also suggested to notify the
web-editors bye-mail about the new additions.
2.3. Contributing information
2) A user may also add single pieces of information to a
One important aspect of is that any radiolarian species that is already registered in the system. This is done
researcher can add information (provide d it meets certain cri- by selecting the species of interest, locating the "Add "-link
teria, see section 2.4.) into the dat abase. This can be done in on top of each page in the submenu (e.g. Add description ,
severa l ways: Add image , Add synonym/refere nce) , filling out form es),
and submitt ing the information .
1) A contributor can add a species by selecting the stra ti-
graphic /geographic location wher e the species is known to When data are submitte d into the system (either way de-
be pre sent and click on the "Add species" link on top of scribed above), it is not instantly made visible on th e site, but
3. Future and goals
Many thanks to Dr. Giuseppe Cortese for reviewing the paper and providing
A complete online catalogue with high quality information re- useful comments and suggestions. We also like to acknowledge Dr. Norman
quires different people with different expertise to donate many MacLeod and Prof. Kjell Bjorklund for reading and correcting an earlier ver-
hours of work. While some work in is spon- sion of this manuscript. is from 2003-2005 funded by the Nor-
wegian Research Council (Project number: 157834/432).
sored by grants, most is based on voluntary work without mon-
etary compensation. An important part of reaching the goals
of is to recruit area/period-experts willing to REFERENCES
contribute with their time and expertise. Although most radio-
MACLEOD, N. & GURALNICK, R, 2000: Paleoinformatics. In: LANE, RH.,
larian researcher already have a fully booked schedule, we
hope that many will see the importance of this project and will and the future; paleontology in the 21st century. Senckenberg-Buch, 74:
be able to provide help to build up the database in the future. 31-36.
Information systems evolve over time, with new functional- MACLEOD, N., DIVER, P., GURALNICK, R, LAZARUS, D. & MALMGREN, B.,
2000: Computers, quantification, and databases. In: LANE, RH.,
ity ever adapting to new users and needs. What new features
will be requested by the radiolarian community is hard to pre- and the future; paleontology in the 21st century. Senckenberg-Buch, 74:
dict, but some of the currently planned features for Radiolar- 191-201. include:
Manuscript received April 2004
Revision accepted February 2005
Four new species and one indeterminate species of radiolarians from the nal pore frames composed of thick but narrow bars, which is very similar in
Changxiangian (Upper Permian) of southern Guangxi, South China are intro- morphology to some genera within the Mesozoic subfamily Pantanelliinae
duced. They all belong to one new genus: Megaporus n. gen. This new genus is PESSAGNO (1977), but differs from the latter in possessing initial spicules with-
characterized by two concentric spherical shells with pentagonal and hexago- in medullary shell.
I Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China. E-mail: [email protected]
Systematic Paleontology
Discussion. - The structure of this new genus resembles that
All specimens described in this paper are deposited in Muse- of Entactinosphaera FOREMAN (1963) from which it differs by
um of China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, People's the presence of very large pores on the cortical shell, and by ir-
Republic China. regular arrangement of the primary pines on the cortical shell.
It is also similar to some genera of Pantanelliinae PESSAGNO
Class ACTINOPODA (1977), such as Cana MEKIK (2000), Gorgansium PESSAGNO &
Subclass RADIOLARIA BLOME (1980), and Pantanellium PESSAGNO (1977), but differs
Superorder POLYCYSTIDA EHRENBERG 1838, emend. from the latter by having initial spicule in the medullary shell.
RIEDEL1967 The new genus is assigned to the Entactiniidae RIEDEL (1967)
Order ENTACTINARIA KOZUR & MOSTLER 1982 because it has two latticed shells and an initial spicule.
Family Entactiniidae RIEDEL1967 Etymology. - mega (Latin, adj.) = large; porus (Latin, adj.)
= pore.
Type genus. - Entactinia RIEDEL1967 Occurrence. - Upper Permian, Dalong Formation in south-
ern Guangxi, China.
Diagnosis. - Spherical to subspherical Entactinaria with com-
monly six to eght-spined initial spicule. Shell latticed, with one Megaporusjini FENGnew species
or more shells (De Wever et al. 2001). Plate 1, Figures 1-19; Plate 2, Figures 1-3, 8, 9, 12
Occurrence. - Ordovician to Lower Jurassic. ?Cryptostephanidium sp., SHANG, CARIDROIT & WANG 2001,
pI. 4, fig. 20.
Genus Megaporus FENGnew genus
Type species. - Megaporus jini FENGn. sp. Diagnosis. - A species of Megaporus with five to six three-blad-
ed primary spines irregularly arranged on the cortical shell.
Description. - Test small, with two concentric shells: cortical Description. - Test small, spherical, and with five to six ap-
and medullary shells. Cortical shell spherical, and composed proximately equal three-bladed primary spines. Spines gradually
of pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames with two to six decrease in width distally. They are irregularly distributed on
three-bladed primary spines; pore frames thick and narrow; the cortical shell, the angle between two close spines being vari-
pores very large. Medullary shell small, consisting of pentago- able and not always at right-angle. Cortical shell is composed of
nal, hexagonal and irregular pore frames, and connected with pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames with massive but short
cortical shell by some three-bladed and cylindrical beams. secondary spines at the pore frame vertices besides the primary
There is an initial spicule inside the medullary shell, and the spines; pore frame thick and narrow; pores very large, about
spicule is relatively strong compared to the small medullary seven to ten pores present on outer surface of hemisphere.
shell. Medullary shell small, consisting of pentagonal, hexagonal and
C la rai o dieneri
Dongpan Section, southern Guangxi, China.
-l Discussion. - This species is similar to Cana elegans MEKIK
_._. ._. Ophiceras lingi (2000) from the Lower Cretaceous of Northwest Turkey in the
..... _-------- Hua nanoce ra s
-- - characteristics of the cortical shell, but differs from the latter in
------- - -
1:; --..... - - - - - 1-<11 binocer as
---_ .- ._.__ - Nuculopsis
.. having approximately equal primary spines irregularly distrib-
_-_._._....-- Martinia
uted on the cortical shell and an initial spicule.
- - - Spi nomargi ntfera
---- - - - - - Paracrurtthyris
,;:----- Megaporus yini FENG new species
- - - ......
--- ..
Plate 2, Figures 4-7, 10, 11; Plate 3, Figures 16-20; Plate 4,
(, - )
----- Figures 1-9
6· ·1
o"" --- --
nodes at the pore frame vertices. Thickness of bars on the pore
frames about 3 times their width. Pore very large, about six to
a. nine pores present on out surface of hemisphere. Medullary
~ ----- --
--- - shell with polygonal pore frames, and connected with the
-- - [1 nodes on the cortical shell by several beams. Three coplanar
primary spines are similar in configuration: three-bladed and
------- gradually decreasing in width toward distal end, but unequal in
-------... § S hale
length and asymmetrical in arrangement: two spines (basal
- - - - - - - t:."':.1 M udst o
TIL' spines) nearly equal in length and closer together, often short-
....:; - --
- - - - - - § Bent onite er than third spine (polar spine). There are initial spicules in-
--, -- ----------,.;
-------- B ~i~I~$et~~l:
:::0 -------- side the medullary shell.
...: --------
L.:.. --------
-l -------- Etymology. - This species is named for Prof. Hongfu Yin of
en -------- ~ : : : :I :i~~~~:I1~
i:: --
---- -----
---- China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) in honor of his
~ rf:f:f:f:f=t:Ei ~ ~:l~~::u~
S ili ceous
rock many contributions to the study of the Permian-Triassic
~ boundary.
----_ . rock
U (:g Lim estone Type. - Holotype, Plate 4, Figure 1, sample C6-5, catalog
number X0301-15.
Fig, 2. Columnar section showing the stratigraphic position of the radiolarian Measurementsiutiu. - Based on 16 specimens. Length of
fauna described in this paper. polar spine 37-63 (average 52, holotype 38), width of polar
spine near base 11-24 (average 17, holotype 11); length of basal
spine 35-53 (average 42, holotype 35), width of basal spine
irregular pore frames, and connected with cortical shell by some near base 11-23 (average 16, holotype 11); diameter of cortical
three-bladed and cylindrical beams. There are initial spicules in- shell 57-88 (average 71, holotype 57); diameter of pore of cor-
side the medullary shell, but the number of spicules is unclear. tical shell 19-35 (average 29, holotype 19).
Etymology. - This species is named for Prof. Yugan Jin of Occurrence. - This species is only collected from the mid-
the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology in honor of dle part of the Dalong Formation (upper Changxingian) in the
his many contributions to the study of the Permian stratigraphy. Dongpan Section, southern Guangxi, China.
Type. - Holotype, Plate 1 Figure 14, sample C6-3, catalog Discussion. - This species resembles some species of the
number X0301-14. Mesozoic Gorgansium PESSAGNO & BLOME (1980) in outline,
Measurements (urn). - Based on 24 specimens, of which but differs from the latter in having a smaller test, larger pores
only a few possess a medullary shell. Diameter of cortical shell on cortical shell and an initial spicule.
Scanning electro n photomicrographs of the Changxingian radi olarians from the Dalon g Fo rma tion in southe rn G ua ngxi, Southw China (1- 14, 16, 17: bar =50!im;
15,1 8: bar= 20!im; 19: bar=lO!im ). 1-1 9 M egaporu s jini n. sp.; I . C6-411698; 2, C6-411 693; 3, C6-511723,; 4, C6-4/1696; 5, C6·4/1699; 6, C6-5/1722; 7, C6-5/1718; 8,
C6-4/1710; 9, C6-4/I 712; 10, C6-4/1700; I I, C6·511725; 12, C6-5 /2055; 13, C6-511727; 14, C6-3/ 1140, holot ype; 15, C6·3/1255, magn ification of holotype, sho wing
medull ar y shell; 16, C6-4/1716; 17, C6-4/1695; 18, C6-5/1717, magnifi cation of figur e 16, show ing medullary shell and initia l spicules in the medullary shell; 19,
C6·511 739, magnification of figure 16, sho wing initial spicules in the medullary shell.
Scanning electron photomicrographs of the Changxingian radiolarians from the Dalong Formation in southern Guangxi, South China (1-3: bare lum; 4-8:
bare ltlum; 9-13: bar=50Jlm). 1-3,8,9,12 Megaporus jini n. sp.; 1-3, magnification of plate 1 figure 16, showing initial spicules in the medullary shell; 8, magnifi-
cation of the figure 12, showing initial spicules in the medullary shell; 9, C6-5/3116;12, C6-5/2500.4-7, 10, 11, Megaporus yini n. sp.; 4 and 5, magnification of the
figure 10, showing initial spicules in the medullary shell; 6 and 7, magnification of the figure 11, showing initial spicules in the medullary shell; 10, C6-5/3112; 11,
C6-5/2498. 13, Megaporus sp., C6-5/3105.
Scanning electron photomicrographs of the Changxingian radiolarians from the Dalong Formation in southern Guangxi, South China (1-14, 16-20: bar=50llm; 15:
bar=I00llm). 1--6,12-14 Megaporus yangi n. sp.; 1, C6-3/1142, holotype; 2, C6-3/1145; 3, C6-5/1730; 4, C6-5/2057; 5, C6-5/1726; 6, C6-5/1737; 12, C6-3/1059, show-
ing thickness of cortical shell, and beams between cortical and medullary shells; 13, C6-3/1252, magnification of figure 2, showing medullary shell; 14, C6-3/1254,
magnification of the holotype, showing medullary shell. 7-9 Megaporus unicum n. sp.; 7, C6-5/2060, holotype; 8, C6-4/1686; 9, C6-3/1238. 10, 11 Megaporus sp.; 10,
C6-3/1127; 11, C6-5/2058. 15, Neoalbaillella optima Ishiga, Kito and Imoto, C6-3/1093. 16-20 Megaporus yini n. sp.; 16, C6-5/1728; 17, C6-4/1706; 18, C6-5/1720; 19,
C6-4/1713; 20, C6-4/1714.
Scanning electron photomicrographs of the Changxingian radiolarians from the Dalong Formation in southern Guangxi, South China (1-5,7-9: bar=50/lm;
6: bar=20/lm). 1-9 Megaporus yini n. sp.; 1, C6-5/1732, holotype; 2, C6-5/1735;3, C6-4/171l; 4, C6-5/1731;5, C6-5/1729;6, C6-5/1738,magnification of the holotype,
showing medullary shell; 7, C6-311143; 8, C6-5/1736; 9, C6-5/1734.
Key words: South Pacific, Paleogene. Radiolaria, diatoms, paleoecology, global change
The Mead Stream section, northern Clarence Valley, is the most complete Pa- Das Mead Stream Profil, nordliches Clarence Tal, ist die vollstandigste Palao-
leocene-early Eocene record of pelagic sedimentation in the mid-latitude zan-Fruh Eozan Aufzeichnung pelagischer Sedimentation in mittleren Breiten
(_55 0 S paleolatitude) Pacific Ocean. Integrated studies of sediments, siliceous (_55 0 S Palaobreite) des Pazifischen Ozeans. Integrierte Studien von Sedi-
and calcareous microfossils and carbon isotopes have shown that major global men ten, kieseligen und kalkigen Mikrofossilien und Kohlenstoffisotopen
climate events are recorded by distinct changes in lithofacies and biofacies. haben gezeigt, dass bedeutende globale Klimaereignisse durch deutliche Ver-
The consistent and often abundant occurrence of siliceous microfossils in the anderungen in Litho- und Biofazies gekennzeichnet sind. Das bestandige und
section provides a rare opportunity to undertake quantitative analysis of high- oft sehr haufige Vorkommen kieseliger Mikrofossilien im Profil bietet eine
latitude radiolarian population changes through the late Paleocene and early scltene Gelegenheit, quantitative Studien von Veranderungen innerhalb von
Eocene. Late Paleocene assemblages are dominated by spumellarians, al- Radiolarienpopulationen hoher Breiten wah rend des spaten Palaozans und
though the nassellarian species Buryella tetradica is the most abundant species. friihen Eozans durchzufiihren. Spatpalaozane Vergesellschaftungen werden
The Paleocene-Eocene boundary (= base of Paleocene-Eocene thermal maxi- von Spumellarien dominiert, obwohl die Nassellarienart Buryella tetradica die
mum) in the Mead Stream section is marked by major faunal turnover, includ- haufigste Art ist. Die Palaozan-Eozan Grenze (=Basis des Palaozan-Eozan
ing an abrupt decrease in B. tetradica. first occurrences of several low-latitude Warrncmaximums) im Mead Stream Profil ist durch bedeutende faunistische
species (e.g. Amphicraspedum pro/ixum s.s.. Lychnocanium auxilla, Podocyrtis Erneuerungen gekennzeichnet, einschliel3lich der abrupten Abnahme von B.
papalis, Phormocyrtis turgida, Theocorys'? phyzella) and increased abundance tetradica. dem ersten Auftreten zahlrcicher Arten niederer Breiten (z. B. Am-
of large, robust spumellarians relative to small actinommids. Above an 18-m phicraspedum prolixum S.S .• Lychnocanium auxilla, Podocyrtis papa/is, Phor-
thick, lowermost Eocene interval in which radiolarians are abundant to com- mocyrtis turgida, Theocorys'? phyzella) und der zunehmenden Haufigkeit von
mon, radiolarian abundance declines progressively, falling to <10 individuals groBen, robusten Spumellarien im Verhaltnis zu kleinen Actinommida. Ober-
per gram in the marl-dominated unit that is correlated with the early Eocene halb eines 18 Meter machtigen Intervals des untersten Eozans, in dem Radio-
climatic optimum. These trends in siliceous microfossil populations signal larien sehr zahlreich bis haufig sind, nimmt die Radiolarienhaufigkeit progres-
major changes in watermass characteristics along the northeastern New sive ab, bis auf eine Anzahl von weniger als zehn Individuen pro Gramm
Zealand margin in the earliest Eocene. Assemblages typical of cool, eutroph- innerhalb der Mergel-dominierten Einheit, die dem fruheozanen Klimaopti-
ic, watermasses that dominated the Marlborough Paleocene were replaced in mum entspricht. Diese Trends innerhalb von Populationen kieseliger Mikro-
the early Eocene by assemblages more characteristic of oligotrophic, strati- fossilien signalisieren bedeutende Vcranderungen in Wasserrnassencharakte-
fied, subtropical-tropical watermasses. ristika entlang des nordostlichen neuseelandischen Kontinentalrandes im fru-
hcsten Eozan. Vergesellschaftungen typisch fiir kiihle, eutrophische Wasser-
massen, die das Marlborough Palaozan dominierten, wurden im fruhen Eozan
durch Vergesellschaftungen ersetzt, die eher fiir oligotrophische, stratifizierte,
subtropische-tropische Wassermassen charakteristisch sind.
1. Introduction
Radiolaria are the most diverse and widely distributed group sedimentary successions have the potential to reveal much
of marine plankton preserved in the fossil record (Lipps 1993; about biosphere-geosphere interactions in the marine realm
De Wever et al. 2001). High evolutionary turnover and consid- during critical episodes in Earth history. Whereas quantitative
erable geographic variation in populations make radiolarian studies are common for late Cenozoic radiolarians (e.g.
fossils invaluable research tools in biostratigraphy and paleo- Boltovskoy 1987; Caulet et al. 1992), very few such studies
ceanography. Consequently, detailed census studies through have been made of early Cenozoic or Mesozoic assemblages.
1 Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, PO Box 30-368, Lower Hutt, New Zealand. Email: [email protected]
i N
~ I
Lithostratigraphy e
0 13 [bulk carb]
013 e
z" :::; [bent hi c]"
250 -c z
Dm "
t 50
~ Ma
i g'
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~ ~
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s" i
I ~ .=
"C ~
~ 53
c <b
~ ~ lr
~ :1 co
~ a. Upper
0:: t;
B ~~~~y~~a '"
Ribbon Chert
Oee Mart
m ~~"'")1flH ' 50 ....
D _.
D ~~"::;=k'
OIderMNo roK:
0:: 0': :;;
Mud~tonEt ;::
c .3
,,,. C
.., ~
0:: 57
~ a. Waipawa formation
100 ."l 58
Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of eastern Marlborough (after Crampton et
al. 2003) showing location of Mead Stream and other stratigraphic sections 59
mentioned in the text.
o 60
50 "c E
j., ~ Lower
" -n
a. J: Cher1
Notable exceptions are studies of Cretaceous-Tertiary bound- Rock symbols
Mart ~
o 1 2
:::;; ~
Keller et al. 1997; Hollis et al. 2003a, b). In this article we re- '"'a.0:: ...
li mes tone per mil PBC
::; MOl"!;' Cheort t...... :1
."l M ud sl ~ _
S80 c. J. Hollis
study is to use changes in radiolarian assemblages through the tail, as part of a paleoenvironmental study of this interval at
P-E transition at Mead Stream to further elucidate the influ- Mead Stream and nearby Branch Stream (Fig. 1). The KIT
ence of these global events on oceanic conditions in the South- boundary is defined as zero datum in the current study. As a
west Pacific. forerunner to the present study, Hollis et al. (2005) completed
a detailed stratigraphic study of upper Paleocene-lower
Eocene strata at Mead Stream, incorporating lithostratigraphy,
2. Material and Methods
foraminiferal, calcareous nannofossil and radiolarian bios-
This study is based on 42 radiolarian assemblages recovered tratigraphy and carbon isotope stratigraphy (Fig. 2).
from rock samples between 100 and 250 m above the well-con- Paleocene-Eocene strata exposed along Mead Stream con-
strained Krr boundary (Hollis et al. 2003a) in the southern and sist of well-bedded units of chert, siliceous limestone with chert
main branch of Mead Stream. Sampling methods are described nodules, siliceous mudstone, limestone and marl, which form
by Hollis et al. (2005). For radiolarian microfossil extraction, three formations within the Muzzle Group (Reay 1993). The
samples were crushed into 5-10 mm chips and leached in 15% Mead Hill Formation consists of dm-bedded chert and
hydrochloric acid (HCI) until reaction ceased. Siliceous rocks siliceous limestone. It extends from a faulted base 170 m below
with weak reaction to HCI digestion were then rinsed and the KIT boundary to a sharp contact with overlying the
leached in 5% hydrofluoric acid for 2-4 hours. Samples were Waipawa Formation at 108 m above the KIT boundary. The
then washed through a 63 urn screen and the residues cleaned Waipawa Formation is a 7.5 m thick interval (108-115.5 m)
by gentle heating in a 1:1 solution of 10% hydrogen peroxide that consists of lower and upper siliceous mudstone units with
and calgon, (NaP03)6. an intervening unit of siliceous limestone. The two mudstone
Taxonomic nomenclature is summarised in Table 1. Select- units carry the same distinctive geochemical signature of the
ed species are illustrated in Plates 1-3. Census data (Hollis et Waipawa Formation as in its type area in Hawkes Bay, North
al. 2005, supplementary data) have been derived from vertical Island (Killops et al. 2000).
traverses of strewn slides under transmitted light. For sparse The overlying formation, Amuri Limestone, has been sub-
samples (<300 radiolarians per slide), all radiolarians on one, divided into several lithotypes and members (Reay 1993; Hol-
two or more slides were counted. For richer samples, the fol- lis et al. 2005). The basal lithotype is Lower Limestone, which
lowing double count method was utilised. First, all specimens includes two members, Dee Marl and Upper Ribbon Chert.
were counted until a total count of -300 was achieved. The Lower Limestone (116-192 m) consists of dm-bedded siliceous
proportion of the slide examined to this point was determined limestone with thin marl interbeds and rare chert nodules. One
and the abundance of common taxa (>15 radiolarians or >5% unusually thick marl bed provides a useful reference point
of the total fauna) was estimated for the remainder of the (136.5-136.6 m) within Lower Limestone and is referred to as
slide. The remainder of the slide was then examined and oc- Mudstone C (following Hollis et al. 2005). Dee Marl is a 2.4 m
currences of rare taxa «5% in initial count) recorded. This thick unit (157-159.4 m) of dm-bedded alternating marl and
method has the advantage of establishing reliable abundance marly limestone. This unit marks the base of the Eocene at
estimates for rare taxa without expending great amounts of Mead Stream and at the type section, Dee Stream (Hancock et
time counting many hundreds of specimens. One disadvantage al. 2003). Upper Ribbon Chert, the highest occurrence of chert
is that the total count is highly variable, ranging in this dataset in the section, is a 12.6 m thick interval (159.4-172 m) of dm-
from <60 to >7000 individuals. Abundance of larger (>63/lm) bedded siliceous limestone with narrow chert stringers in the
diatoms was also recorded during the initial count (Hollis et al. centre of the beds. The abundance of chert decreases gradually
2005). up-section, whereas the abundance and thickness of marl in-
In order to obtain an accurate estimate of relative abun- terbeds increases. The top of Lower Limestone is placed at the
dance, all specimens have been assigned a taxonomic category. base of the first of a series of thick marl beds intercalated with
Although these counting groups range from the level of sub- limestone beds. The overlying lithotype, Lower Marl,consists
species to family, they are given equal weighting in diversity of 110 m of alternating marl and marly limestone beds, similar
analysis. to the lithology of Dee Marl. The stratigraphy of the upper
part of Amuri Limestone, which is not considered here, is de-
scribed by Strong et al. (1995).
3. Stratigraphy
I L0s
8' j
Fig. 3. Variation (a) radiolarian pr eservation , (b)
j /'
radiolarian abunda nce , (c) diatom/radiolari an
ratio, (d) radiolarian diversity (Fisher a Index).
.:: f- (e) relative ab unda nce of major radi olarian
=' groups, and (f) radi olarian first and last occur-
.. ,1 '" ... •
rences in upper Paleocene-lower Eocene siliceo us
microfossil assemblages at Mead Stream . Radio-
&: ~: '"
;-; ,~'" ';)1 •
. ~a
a e
lari an preser vat ion is reco rded as Barr en . Poor
l ;1~ ··T·~···I··
. (internal and surface features obscured by recrys·
tallisation ), Moderate (internal featur es obsc ured
. ..
IX: L.,- : : by infilling or recrystallisation, surfac e features
~r- iF :""an • Mst C pre served ), Good (test morphology not affected
-'! L by recrystallisat ion, no infilling, breakage minor to
~ ~ ,~
mode rate ). Shaded intervals repr esent two distinc-
...l /'
:;'J . .. tive units (WF = Waipawa For mation, Mst C =
Mudst one C) and a 21 m-thick lowermost Eocene
interv al char acterised by peak radiolarian abun-
B P M G 10' 10' 10' 0 0 .2 0 .. 0 '1 8 12 0 50 HJO 0 70 40 60 80
Radiolarians!g Ratio Fisher Index "Ill Spumellaria No . of species dances (rad acme) .
tative analysis (Fig. 3) . Rad iolarians are generally common but lived increase in the marl bed (Mudstone C) near the ba se of
poorly preserve d in the upper Pa leocene where strong recrys- Z one RP7 . A rapid increase in diversity in the earliest Eocen e
ta llisation, includi ng siliceo us infilling and ove rgrowth, is evi- is followed by a gradual decline with relatively low ex values
den t in siliceo us limestone samples (Fig. 3a-b). In the first 21 through the Lower Marl.
m of Eocene strata, radiolarians are generally abundant and Paleocene radiolarian assemblages are dominated by
moderately preserved. R ecrystallisation is less prono unced in sp ume llarians (Fig. 3e) and, in orde r of abundance, the mo st
this int erval. T his probably reflects reduced silica content in common species and species groups are: Buryella tetradica,
Dee Marl. In the overlying Upper Ribbon Chert, chertifica- Haliomma spp. gr. b, Amphisphaera coronata gr, A . goruna,
tion is restricted to a central zone in each bed and samples Lithelius minor gr. and Buryella granulata. In the lowermost 21
tak en from the outer parts of beds contained relatively well- m of Eocene strata, spumell ari an dominance is greater than in
pre served siliceous microfossils. In the overlying marl-rich the Paleocene and the most common species are: Haliomma
Eocene interval, radiolarians are increasingly ra re but preser- gr. b., Amphisphaera coron ata gr. Lithelius minor gr. and
vation is moderate to good. Theocorys? d. phyzella. In overlying Eocene strata, spumel-
Di atoms are common in radiolarian resi due s in th e Pale- larians dominate to a similar extent as in the Paleocene and the
ocene but are rare to very rare in th e Eocene (Fig. 3c). The most common species are: Haliomma gr. b, Amphisphaera
orig ina l change in diatom abundance across the PIE bou ndary coronata gr. Lithelius minor gr. , Calocyclom a ampulla, Phor-
is like ly to have been even more pronounced tha n is described mocyrtis striata striata, Podocyrtis papalis, Sethocytris babylo-
here. Owing to their smaller average size and more delicate nis, Axoprunum pierinae and Periphaena heliasteriscus.
test s, diatoms are more prone to diagenetic destruction th an
radiolarians. Therefore, diatoms ar e likel y to be under-repre-
sented in Paleocene siliceous limestone samples relative to the
s. Ra dio larian fauna l turnover thro ugh the Paleocene-Eocene
better pr eserved Eocene material.
Radiolarian di versity is highl y variable. Most assemblages In contrast to low-latitude regions where there is little chang e
contain 20---50 taxa whereas three assemblages have <20 taxa in radiolarian assemblages across the Paleocene-Eocene
and seven assemblages ha ve >50 ta xa. The Fisher ex Index is boundary (Sanfilip po & Nigrini 1998a; Nigrini & Sanfilippo
used to assess diversity trends in census data (Fig . 3d) . The di- 2000; Sanfilippo & Blome 2001), four episodes of significant
versity curve for all taxa is considered to be less re liable than faun al turnover are ob serv ed in the upper Pa leocene-lower
the curve for nassellarians. Mo st nassellarians have been iden- Eocene succession at Mead Stream (Fig . 3f, Table 2).
tified to species level , whereas many spume llarians remain un- Th e first episode occurs in th e lower Waipawa Formation
differentiated below family level. Thi s results in an underesti- and is associated with the RP5/RP6 zone boundary. The first
mate o f overall diversity in spumellarian-dominated samples, occurrences (FOs) of 22 species and the last occurrences (Las)
notably in the earliest Eocene. Nas sellarian ex values indicate of 12 species are recorded with in 3 m of strata (-108-111 m) .
relatively low diversity in the Paleocene, apart from a short- Some of the Las are isolated records of Cretaceous-early Pa-
S82 c. J. Hollis
Table 1. Annotated list of radiolarian species or species groups encountered in this study. Species ranges are based on the South Pacific zonation for Mead
Stream and other South Pacific ("Sth Pac") sections (Hollis. 1997,2002; Hollis et al. 1997). and on the tropical zonation (Sanfilippo and Nigrini, 1998a) for low lat-
itude ("Low Lat") records; LK = Late Cretaceous, UZP = unzoned Paleocene. EOC = Eocene. MIa = Miocene. Reference to taxon concept: CC42 = Clark and
Campbell, 1942;F73 = Foreman, 1973;H02 = Hollis. 2002; H97a = Hollis, 1997;H97b = Hollis et al. 1997;K99 = Kozlova, 1999;N92 = Nishimura, 1992;S85 = San-
filippo et al. 1985;SR92 = Sanfilippo and Riedel, 1992; S95 = Strong et al. 1995;SR73 = Sanfilippo & Riedel, 1973.
Lychnocanium aff. carinatum EHRENBERG RP8 RP8 RP6-7 N92 209, fig. 9M (Rhopa/ocanium? sp.)
Lychnocanium aft. tripodium EHRENBERG RP7-8 RP7-8 K99
Lychnocanium amphitrite (FOREMAN) RP9-13 RP9-I4 RP8-20 F73
Lychnocanium auxilla (FOREMAN) RP8 RP8 RP6-7 F73
Lychnocanium bellum CLARK & CAMPB. RP9-13 RP9-I4 RP8-I4 F73 209, fig. IIl-1 (as Lychnocanoma)
Lychnocanium satelles (KOZLOVA) RP5-9 RP5-9 H02 208, fig. 9L (L. auxilla)
Lychnocanium sp. B RP7-8 S95 209, fig. 91
Lychnocanium zhamoidai KOZLOVA RP7-9 K99 209, fig. 9K (Lychnocanoma sp. A)
Middourium regu/are RP6-8 RP6-8 RP6-7 K99
Mita regina (CAMPB. & CLARK) RK9-RP6 RK9-RP6 LK-UZP H97a
Mita sp. A (? = Siphocampe? "cilizabethae") RP9-10 RP9-RPI5 ? S95 209, fig. lOX
Monobrachium irregu/are RP7-8 RP7-8 RP6-7 K99
Myllocercion acineton FOREMAN RK9-RP6 RK9-RP4 LK-UZP H97a
Orbiculiforma renillaeformis gr. (CAMPB. & CL.) RK9-RP6 RK9-RP6 LK-UZP H02
Patagospyris confluens (EHRENBERG) RP4-RP8 RP4-8 UZP-RPlO K99
Periphaena a/veo/ata (LIPMAN) RP5-9 RP5-9 K99
Periphaena heliasteriscus (CLARK & CAMPB.) RP8-9 RP6-9 UZP-EOC SR73
Peritiviator? dumitricai NISHIMURA RP5-7 RP5-6 UZP-RP6 N92
Peta/ospyris fovea/ata EHRENBERG RP5-9 RP5-9 K99 209, fig. 80-R
Peta/ospyris senta (KOZLOVA) RP6-9 RP6-9 K99 209, fig. 8S
Phacostaurus? quadratus NISHIMURA RP6-7 RP6 RP6-7 N92
Phormocyrtis cubensis (RIEDEL & SANFILIPPO) RP8 RP8 RP6-8 F73
Phormocyrtis striata exquisita (KOZLOVA) RP7-8 RP7-8 RP6-9 S95 209, fig. 9N
Phormocyrtis striata striata (BRANDT) RP7-l0 RP7-IO RP7-I4 S95 209, fig. 90-P
Phormocyrtus turgida (KRASHENINNIKOV) RP8 RP8 RP6-8 F73
P/ectodiscus circu/aris (CLARK & CAMPB.) RP6-8 RP6-8 RP6-EOC PK72
Podocyrtis acalles SANFILIPPO & RIEDEL RP8-9 RP8-9 RP8-9 S92 209, fig. 9T-U (P. aphorma)
Podocyrtis papalis EHRENBERG RP8-10 RP8-I4 RP7-I8 S92 209, fig. 9S
Pterocodon pocu/um NISHIMURA RP6-7 RP6-7 RP6-7 H02
Saturnalis kennetti DUMITRICA RP3-8 RPI-8 ? H97a
Sethochytris baby/onis (CLARK & CAMPB.) gr. RP6-13 RP6-I5 RP6-20 H02 208, fig. llA-B (as Lychnocanoma)
Siphocampe nodosaria (HAECKEL) RP6-13 RP4-I5 RP6-I4 H02 209 (S. arachnaea)
Siphocampe quadrata (PETRUSHEV. & KOZLOVA) RP8-13 RP5-I5 RP6-20 H02 209, fig. lOR
Spongurus bi/obatus gr. CLARK & CAMPB. RP5-9 RP4-9 ? H02
Stichomitra carnegiense CAMPB. & CLARK RK9-RP6 RK9-RP6 LK-UZP H97a
Sty/odictya targaeformis CLARK & CAMPB. RP5-9 RP5-9 ? CC42
Sty/osphaera minor CLARK & CAMPB. RP3-9 RP3-6 UZP-MIO H97a
Theocampe urceo/us (CAMPB. & CLARK) RP9-13 RP9-I5 RP8-20 S95 209, fig. lOQ
Theocampe vanderhooft (CAMPB. & CLARK) RK9-RP6 RK9-RP6 LK-UZP H97a
Theocorys? aft. phyzella FOREMAN RP6-8 RP6-8 ? H02 208, fig. 9E (Ca/ocyclas asperum)
Theocorys? cf. phyzella FOREMAN RP7-8 ? RP7 SBOI (as Theocorys aff. phyzella)
Theocorys? phyzella FOREMAN RP8 RP7-8 F73
Tholodiscus densus (KOZLOVA) RP6-8 RK9-RP8 ? H97a
S84 c. 1. Hollis
aJ aJ
aJ aJ 0 0
Ol C N N
0 '"
~ E 0
el c Cia
aJ "C C EM
u, Z
l'O roll.
en Ranges of rad iolarian index species
Dm 12 ~
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c c ~ Range extension .~ !9
l'O ro <:»: ::>
in low latitudes
0. 0. r--:»: .~
>< :S E
el el /'..J -537 Q)
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...J .Q
a::: 1057 0 c::
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co ,!2 0 0 ,!2 ,!2 l'O
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_3 18 i' -<::
- Q.
Q. Q) ~ .g
1\ 451
~ ~ <:( ct ct -J <:( <:( ~ l'O
-J & Q)
Fig. 4. Ranges of radiolarian index species in upper Paleocene-lower Eocene strata at Mead Stream. For age and biostratigraphy columns, intervals of uncertain
age or biozone are shaded, Low-latitude ranges are based on (Sanfilippo & Nigrini 1998a, b) and Sanfilippo & Blome (2001).
leocene species (e.g. Uthocampe wharanui, Mita regina, Myl- LOs are the last record of Cretaceous-Paleocene species that
locercion acineton) that may be reworked into the siliciclastic are generally very rare in the upper Paleocene but are present
Waipawa Formation. Other events are isolated records of taxa in one or more of three relatively rich samples in this interval
that are largely restricted to two particularly rich and diverse (P20/flOn, fl076, fl081); two of these species may be re-
assemblages (P30/f318, f452), e.g. Buryella helenae, B. petru- worked into Mudstone C (Amphipyndax stoch, Theocampe
shevskayae, Cryptocarpium cf. ornatum. As most of the FOs vanderhoofi). Three species with FOs in this interval are key
recorded in this interval relate to species that are known to index species that have much earlier FOs in low latitudes
have earlier local FOs (Hollis 1997, 2002), this episode is not (Lamptonium pennatum, Phormocyrtis striata exquisita, P. s.
thought to reflect a time of high evolutionary turnover. In- striata - Fig. 4). All are very rare in overlying Paleocene strata
stead, the large number of events at the base of the Waipawa but occur consistently in the lowermost Eocene.
Formation suggests that either the unit is highly condensed or The third faunal turnover episode occurs at the base of the
that there is a basal unconformity. Dee Marl (Fig. 3f, Table 2). The FOs of 13 species are record-
The second episode occurs within or directly below the 10 ed within the first 3 m of Eocene strata at Mead Stream, with 9
cm thick marl bed (Mudstone C). The FOs of 6 species and of these species in the basal Eocene sample. Four of these
the LOs of 5 species occur within 5 m of strata. Most of the species appear to be global markers for the PIE boundary
Latest Paleocene (56 Ma)
. >I ; ~:-..-; If > I
Radiolarian Biofacies A B I Radiolarian Biofacies C
Buryella tetradica
• gif
°rJ----.,-.. -..-~.-~-~------------
;; Axoprunum spp.
~ ..~ .. Cool surface currents (eut rophi c reg ime)
Fig. 6. Paleo geographic reconstru ction of New Zealand region durin g the lat-
Haliomma? gr. b est Paleocene (adapted from King et al. 1999) showing major current systems
based on coupled climate model simulations for the Eocen e (Huber 2(0 2)
:.,.r--- - --- - -+!- - " " " Periphaena
":"--:-:-- -spp.- - - - -
] ........ !* PMiddouriumIMonobrachium ,
of the Waipawa Formation, the low number of LOs relative to
: .,.... - P/ectopy~mid';' ! • • FO s in the PIE boundary interval indicates that th e faunal
:J Ca/ocycJoma ampulla ! turnover is not due to a str atigraphic discontinuity. The abr upt
OJ -=oj , '4l '-< appe arance of many low-latitude species indicates that warm-
s Phormocyrtis spp. i m >:
ing at the PETM promoted pol e-ward migration of warm -
J "7
i --""""'--====----======-- ~ i
: T
water radiolar ians. Similar, but less extre me, shor t-lived warm-
oJ] Cit
Theocorys? phyzella gr.
', .--_ - --
'a 4JI"
- - - -- -_
ing ma y explain the FOs of severa l low-latitude species around
the time of deposition of Mud stone C (Fig. 3f, Table 2).
~1 i
J Podocyrtis papalis The final episode of marked faunal change in the studied
~ section occurs -20 m abo ve the PIE boundary (Fig. 3f, Table
2). Within the same 5 m interval in which radiolarian abun-
Fig. 5. Relative abundance of commo n radiolarian species and species group s dance begins to decrease (175-1 80 m), the LOs of 21 species
in upper Paleocene-lower Eocene strata at Mead Stream.
are recorded. These speci es include many that thrived through
much of the late Paleocene as well as many that appeared in
th e ea rliest Eocene (Fig. 4). Only two FOs are recorded in this
(Sanfilippo & Nigrini 1998a; Sanfilippo & Blome 2001): Lamp-
int erval, one of these being th e FO of the common E ocene
tonium fabaeforme fabaeforme, Pod ocyrtis papalis, Phorm o-
ph acodiscid Peripha ena heliasteriscus. The high number of
cyrtis turgida and Theo corys? ph y zella (Fig. 4). Five of the
LO s, coupled with th e onset of long term declin e in radiolarian
species are index species with late Paleocene FOs in low lati -
abunda nce and diversity, ind icat es that this episode of faun al
tudes (Sanfilippo & Nigrini 1998a, b): A mphicraspe dum mur-
change refle cts a oceanographic changes unfavourabl e to all
rayanum , A prolixum s.s., Bekoma bidartensis, Lychnocanium
rad iolari ans.
auxilla, Phormocyrtis cub ensis (Fig. 4).
There ar e relatively few significant LOs associated with the
PIE boundary (Fig. 3f) . The LOs of Lithomespilus coronatus, 6. Radiolarian biofacies
Lith ostrobu s longus and Theocorys? aff. ph yz ella occur within
To simplify the discussion and presentation of census dat a
th e upp ermost 3 m of Paleocene stra ta . Of the three LOs that
(Fig. 5) in th is section, some species are combined into larger
occur with in the basal Eocene De e Marl , two are species that
gro ups that reflect a close ph ylogen et ic relationship or mor-
are restricted to the unit (A mphicraspedum murrayanum, Ly-
ph ologic al similarity:
chnocanium aff. tripodium ) while one is the LO of a sporadi-
cally occurring late Paleocen e sp ecie s (Cycladophora aff , J. A mphisphaera coronata gr. (A. macrosphaera, A. coronata
cosma). In contrast to the faun al changes observed at the base s.l, A. aff, magnaporulosa).
S90 c. J. Hollis
2. Amphisphaera goruna gr. (A. kina, A. goruna) -137 and -142 m, and overlying Eocene marl layers (Fig. 5).
3. Axoprunum spp. (Axoprunum pierinae, A. aft bispiculum) Despite the significant lithologic change from Dee Marl to
4. Buryella granulata gr. (B. granulata, B. foremanae, B. du- Upper Ribbon Chert, there is little change in siliceous micro-
mitricai) fossil assemblages. A slight increase in biosiliceous productivi-
5. Middourium/Monobrachium (Middourium regulare, Mo- ty in Upper Ribbon Chert may be inferred from the increase in
nobrachium irregulare) silica content and a small increase in diatom abundance, al-
6. Periphaena spp. (Periphaena alveolata, P. heliasteriscus) though overall radiolarian abundance and diversity declines
7. Phormocyrtis spp. (Phormocyrtis cubensis, P. striata ex- (Fig.3b-d).
quisita, P. striata striata, P. turgida) Biofacies B has unusual characteristics that make interpre-
8. Plectopyramidins (Bathropyramis and Cornutella spp.) tation difficult. The presence of many low-latitude species in-
9. Theocorys? phyzella gr. (Theocorys? d. phyzella, Theoco- dicates relatively warm climatic conditions. The low abun-
rys? phyzella) dance of diatoms and of radiolarian taxa characteristic of the
eutrophic Paleocene Biofacies A, suggests conditions of rela-
Three radiolarian biofacies are identified in the Paleocene- tively low productivity. However, radiolarian abundance and
Eocene section at Mead Stream: (A) upper Paleocene diversity maxima are recorded in Dee Marl and in underlying
(100-157 m), (B) lowermost Eocene (157-178 m) and (C) Mudstone C, which also contains an assemblage similar to Bio-
lower Eocene (178-250 m). facies B. A very similar assemblage is present in lowermost
Biofacies A is characterised by abundant Buryella tetradica, Eocene carbonate ooze at high-latitude DSDP Site 277, south-
common to abundant Amphisphaera coronata gr. and Haliom- west Campbell Plateau (Hollis et al. 1997). The three features
ma gr. b, and few to common Amphisphaera goruna gr., of high total abundance, high diversity and high numbers of
Buryella granulata gr. and Cassideus aft. mariae (Fig. 5). Di- warm-water species are consistent with late Cenozoic tropical
atoms are common in this biofacies (Fig. 3c) and sediments are radiolarian assemblages (Casey 1993). This suggests that the
moderately siliceous, with a highly siliceous facies of the or- PETM may have promoted the expansion of weakly eutrophic
ganic-rich Waipawa Formation (Killops et al. 2000) occurring subtropical water into the Southwest Pacific (Fig. 6). Further
in the lower part of the interval. Faunal similarities with di- biogeographic study of the distinctive spumellarians that dom-
atom-rich, biosiliceous Paleocene lithofacies lower in the Marl- inate this biofacies is required to confirm this interpretation.
borough sequence (Hollis et al. 1995, 2003a, b) and on the Biofacies C occurs in the upper part of the lower Eocene
eastern margin of Campbell Plateau (Hollis 2002) suggest sequence (178 to 250 m). It is characterised by abundant Am-
moderately eutrophic conditions, consistent with weak to mod- phisphaera coronata gr., Haliomma gr. b, common Calocyclo-
erate upwelling in outer shelf to upper slope depths (Fig. 6). ma ampulla, few to common Phormocyrtis striata striata and
This biofacies spans an interval correlated with the PCIM, few to rare Amphicraspedum prolixum gr., Axoprunum spp.,
which is interpreted as a 3 m.y. episode of enhanced global car- Buryella tetradica, Periphaena heliasteriscus, plectopyramidins,
bon burial, either through increased marine or terrestrial pro- Podocyrtis papalis and Sethochytris babylonis gr. An upwards
ductivity (Corfield & Cartlidge 1992; Thompson & Schmitz decrease in radiolarian abundance and diversity, coupled with
1997; Kurtz et al. 2003). The regional occurrence of organic- low diatom abundance, indicates that this biofacies represents
rich mudstone in the lower part of the interval (Killops et al. relatively oligotrophic conditions. Similar assemblages are
2000; Hollis et al. 2005) and abundant siliceous microfossils found in lower Eocene carbonate ooze at DSDP site 277 (Hol-
(Hollis 2002) indicates that this event is associated with en- lis et al. 1997). As this biofacies is correlated with the EECO, it
hanced marine productivity in the New Zealand region. seems likely that global warming associated with this event
Biofacies B occurs in the lowermost 21 m of Eocene strata promoted the expansion of oligotrophic subtropical water-
(157-178 m). It is characterised by abundant Haliomma gr. b masses into the Southwest Pacific.
and few to common Phormocyrtis spp. and Theocorys? phyzel-
la gr. (Fig. 5). The base of the biofacies coincides with the PIE
7. Conclusions
boundary and the onset of the PETM. A marked increase in
radiolarian abundance and diversity is associated with a sharp The first quantitative study of radiolarian assemblages from an
decline in diatom abundance and in the abundance of Buryella upper Paleocene-lower Eocene bathyal succession has identi-
tetradica - the dominant radiolarian species in the upper Pale- fied three distinct biofacies that can be used to determine the
ocene (Fig. 3b-d, f). This species and B. granulata s.s. are rare influence of major changes in the global carbon cycle and cli-
in this interval, apart from two samples in which both species mate system on Southwest Pacific oceanic conditions.
are common (P30/f533, fl223). The high abundance of large, Biofacies A is associated with the PCIM, a 3 m.y. episode of
robust spumellarians, namely Haliomma gr. b, Middouri- maximum 013C values that is inferred to represent high rates of
um/Monobrachium gr. and Periphaena alveolata, is a distinc- carbon burial due to enhanced marine or terrestrial productivi-
tive feature of Biofacies B. These taxa tend to be most abun- ty (Corfield & Cartlidge 1992; Thompson & Schmitz 1997;
dant in marl samples of Dee Marl and are also common to Kurtz et al. 2003). Hollis et al. (2005) argued that Mead Stream
abundant in underlying Paleocene marly layers, notably at lithofacies, including organic mudstone and siliceous limestone,
S92 C. J. Hollis
KELLER G., ADAITE T., HOLLIS C, ORDONEZ M., ZAMBRANO I., JIMENEZ N., 1998b: Code numbers for Cenozoic low latitude radiolarian biostrati-
STINNESBECK E., ALEMAN A. & HALE-ERLICH W. 1997: The Creta- graphic zones and GPTS conversion tables. Marine Micropaleontology
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eastern boundary current setting. Marine Micropaleontology 31, 97-133. STRONG C, HOLLIS C & WILSON G. 1995: Foraminiferal, radiolarian, and di-
KILLOPS S., HOLLIS C, MORGANS H., SUTHERLAND R, FIELD B. & LECKIE D. noflagellate biostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous to middle Eocene pelagic
2000: Paleoceanographic significance of Late Paleocene dysaerobia at the sediments (Muzzle Group), Mead Stream, Marlborough, New Zealand.
shelf/slope break around New Zealand. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclima- New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 38,171-209.
tology, Palaeoecology 156, 51-70. SUTHERLAND R, KING P. & WOOD R 2001: Tectonic evolution of Cretaceous
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otic events in the marine and terrestrial records, 244-276, Columbia Uni- Revision accepted February 2005
versity Press, New York.
Scanning electron micrographs of spumellarian radiolarians from lower Eocene strata, Mead Stream. Scale bars = 100 urn.
S94 c. J. Hollis
Paleocene-Eocene radiolarians, Mead Stream S95
Plate 2
Scanning electron micrograph s of nassellarian radiolarians from upper Paleocene (Fig. 4) and lower Eocene stra ta, Mead Stream.
Scale bar = 100 11m.
S96 c. J. Hollis
Paleocene-Eocene radiolarians, Mead Stream S97
Plate 3
Transmitted light micrographs of radiolarians from upper Paleocene and lower Eocene strata, Mead Stream. Scale bars = 100 urn.
S98 c. J. Hollis
Paleocene-Eocene radiolarians, Mead Stream S99
0012-9402/06/01S101-25 Eclogae geol. Helv. 99 (2006) Supplement 1, S101-S125
DOl 1O.1007/s00015-006-0606-1
Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 2006
Key words: North Palawan Block, radiolarians, biostratigraphy, Triassic, Permian, Jurassic, East Asian accretion
The North Palawan Block is regarded as the southernmost continuation of a mian, Lower Jurassic, and Middle Jurassic assemblages were also found. The
Late Mesozoic accretionary complex, which developed along the length of the presence of benthonic and planktonic foraminifers at some localities indicates
East Asian margin. It records a long (up to - 100 My) period of pelagic depo- that portions of the Liminangcong Formation were deposited in environments
sition on an oceanic plate from Late Permian to Late Jurassic when subduction above the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). Manganese deposits found
resulting in the disappearance of the plate by the Early Cretaceous began. in some areas (e.g. Busuanga and Dabatonay) suggest that parts of the deposi-
Subduction-accretion resulted in the development of three lithotectonic belts. tional area experienced a very low average sedimentation rate. Examination of
From thirteen localities within these belts, radiolarian investigations yielded the North Palawan accretionary complex reveals the ghosted history of the
173 species belonging to 92 genera and 45 families. Most of the samples con- Izanagi Plate and constrains the timing of subduction beneath the eastern mar-
tain Middle to Upper Triassic faunas. Several sections containing upper Per- gin of Asia.
Cenozoic geology of the North Palawan Block. The Calamian
Palawan is a NE-SW trending ridge located between the South Island Group is an integral part of this block and has been the
China Sea and the Sulu Sea. The northern part of Palawan, to- subject of such investigations (Isozaki et al. 1988; Cheng 1989,
gether with the Calamian Island Group, Cuyo Island Group, 1992; Tumanda et al. 1990; Tumanda 1991a, 1991b, 1994; Yeh
Reed Bank, Spratly Islands, Dangerous Grounds, western 1992; Yeh and Cheng 1996a, 1996b, 1998; Tumanda-Mateer et
Mindoro, Tablas and northwest Panay, is interpreted as a mi- al. 1996; Zamoras & Matsuoka 2000, 2001 and Zamoras 2001).
crocontinent, called the North Palawan Block (NPB) (Figure These studies produced radiolarian biostratigraphic zonations
1). The block is inferred to have rifted from the eastern margin of the Middle Permian to Jurassic chert sequences. Zamoras
of Eurasia as a result of the opening of the South China Sea at (2001) and Zamoras & Matsuoka (2001) established that the
around 32 Ma (Hamilton 1979; Taylor & Hayes 1980; Hol- chert-clastic succession youngs from north to south, and dis-
loway 1982; Briais et al. 1993; Almasco et al. 2000) and collided criminated three different belts - the Northern Busuanga
with the Philippine mobile belt during the middle Miocene (NBB), Middle Busuanga (MBB) and Southern Busuanga
(Hall 2002). Several investigations (e.g., Isozaki et al. 1988; Ko- (SBB) belts. They reported that the NBB accreted to the
jima 1989; Faure & Ishida 1990) considered the NPB as the Asian margin in the late Middle Jurassic, whereas, the MBB
southernmost continuation of the accretionary complex along and SBB accreted in Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, re-
the Eurasian margin that extends southwards from the Russian spectively.
Far East, through NE China, NE and SW Japan and the The present research was undertaken in order to attempt
Ryukyu islands. to locate the Permo-Triassic boundary in the region and to ex-
In the last 30 years, radiolarian research has contributed pand the knowledge of the Triassic radiolarians in Southeast
tremendously in the deciphering and understanding of the pre- Asia, in particular those from the Calamian Island Group, in-
I Department of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines-Manila, Padre Faura St., Errnita, Manila,
Philippines. Email: [email protected];[email protected]
2 Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong SAR, China. Email: [email protected]
3 Graduate School, University of the East, Manila, 1008 Philippines
~ 15 km
eluding Busuanga and surrounding islands. Results presented prising the islands together with the north Palawan mainland
herein provide information from many new localities, which to be a subduction-related complex and named this suite the
complement the previous works in the description of Upper North Palawan Complex. Faure & Ishida (1990) considered
Permian and Middle Jurassic radiolarians. The data presented these rocks to be olistostromes. Zamoras (2001) and Zamoras
herein help to constrain the age of the oceanic materials ac- & Matsuoka (2001) referred to the accretionary complex on
creted along the eastern margin of Eurasia during the Late Busuanga as the Malampaya Sound Group.
Mesozoic. Several investigators considered the chert as part of the
Liminancong Formation (Hashimoto & Sato 1973; Bureau of
Mines and Geosciences 1984; Wolfart et al. 1986; Zamoras
Geologic Background
2001; Zamoras & Matsuoka 2001) and assigned various ages:
Busuanga is the largest island in the Calamian Island Group Middle Triassic (Hashimoto & Sato 1973; Fontaine 1979; Wol-
(Figure 1). As with the rest of the group, the island is part of a fart 1984); Lower to Middle Jurassic (Bureau of Mines and
Late Mesozoic subduction complex that extended from the Geosciences 1984) and Middle-Upper Permian to Upper
Russian Far East southwards at least as far as the north Jurassic (Wolfart et al. 1986; Isozaki et al. 1988; Tumanda
Palawan mainland. The subduction complex mainly consists of 1991a; 1991b; Zamoras 2001; Zamoras and Matsuoka 2001).
accreted limestones and cherts intercalated with trench-fill Japan International Cooperation Agency-Metal Mining
elastic sediments. The location of the sampling sites and a geo- Agency of Japan (1990) subdivided the chert into Liminang-
logic map of the study area are given in Figure 1. cong Chert (Triassic) and Busuanga Chert (Jurassic). Wolfart
Various authors have proposed different stratigraphic sub- et al. (1986) adopted the name Bacuit Formation for the Per-
divisions. Isozaki et al. (1988) interpreted the rock suite com- mian sequence of chert, elastic rocks and limestone.
Rhaetian Livarel/a
UPPER Norian
TRIASSIC Capnodoce
Carnian Capnuchosphaera
Ladinian tnossocorooe deweveri
MIDDLE Pseudostylosphaera japonico
TRIASSIC Anisian Hozmadia altipedaria
Pactarentinia kaikei
LOWER Narnmalian
Neoalbaillella optima
Changxingian NeoaJbaillelJa ornithoformis
FoJlicucullus charveri-Albaillellayamakitai Fig. 2. Permian and Triassic radiolarian zonation
Fol/icucullus ventricosus-Foflicucullus scholosticus schemes used inthis study.
The limestone is distributed sporadically. Based on fora- nas were recovered from the chert on Busuanga and surround-
minifers, algae, conodonts, Porifera and Cnidaria (Fontaine ing islands (Calauit, Dabatonay, Mapadolo, Lusong, Marily,
1979; Hashimoto et al. 1980; Fontaine et al. 1983,1986; Wol- Mayanpayan and Dimanglet). Foraminifers were also noted in
fart et al. 1986), they range from Middle Permian to Upper samples from Mabudyen and on the islands of Marily, Diman-
Jurassic. The Bureau of Mines and Geosciences (1984) dis- glet, Mapadolo and Calauit. The conodont Epigondollela sp.
criminated two limestone units: the Malajon Limestone was found in one sample collected along the Concepcion-
(Upper Triassic) and the Coron Formation (Upper Triassic Dipuyay road on Busuanga.
to Lower Jurassic). Kiessling & Flligel (2000) described the In order to establish the age of the radiolarian assemblages,
limestone outcrops on and around Busuanga, assigning them we used the zonation schemes proposed by Kuwahara et al.
to the Coron Formation. They interpreted the carbonates as (1998) for the Upper Permian, and by Tumanda (1991a,
reefs (Malajon) and carbonate platforms (Kalampisanan, 1991b) for the Triassic (Figure 2). The Jurassic biostratigraphic
Busuanga and Coron). ranges of the radiolarian species discussed in this study have
On geologic maps prepared by the Bureau of Mines and been determined from synthesis of occurrences recorded in the
Geosciences, clastic rocks are separated into the King Ranch literature.
and Liminangcong formations. Several workers used the term In the Mabintangin River section (sample location 13),
Guinlo Formation for the clastic succession (Hashimoto & Sato three late Permian zones have been recognized. The presence
1973; Zamoras 2001; Zamoras & Matsuoka 2001). Wolfart et al. of Albaillella cavitata KUWAHARA was used to delineate the
(1986) subdivided the clastic rocks into the Coron Formation upper Longtanian interval in the Liminangcong Formation. A.
(Triassic) and the Guinlo Formation (Jurassic). Stratigraphic cavitata KUWAHARA is a common species occurring in the Fol-
assignments vary from Middle Jurassic (Tumanda 1991a, licucullus charveti-Albaillella yamakitai assemblage zone
1991b), Middle Jurassic to Upper Jurassic (Tumanda-Mateer et (Kuwahara et al. 1998). Most of the Mabintangin samples also
al. 1996) and Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous (Zamoras contain radiolarian assemblages belonging to the succeeding
2001; Zamoras & Matsuoka 2001). The reported ages of the Neoalbaillella ornithoformis assemblage zone. Follicucullus sp.
clastic rocks were established based on radiolarians. d. F. charveti CARIDROIT & DE WEVER, Foremanhelena
Zamoras (2001) and Zamoras &Matsuoka (2001) intro- musashiensis (SASHIDA & TONlsHI), Albaillella? protolevis
duced the name Bicatan melange for the minor melange bod- KUWAHARA and Nazarovella gracilis DE WEVER & CARIDROIT
ies units they mapped at Buyod Point, Bicatan Peninsula. They are some of the species found in these samples.
recognized two types; limestone-basalt-chert melange and F. musashiensis (SASHIDA & TONISHI) and Albaillella trian-
sandstone-chert-mudstone melange. gularis ISHIGA, KITO & IMOTO are found in one sample. F.
musashiensis (SASHIDA & TONISHI) is a common species of the
Neoalbaillella ornithoformis assemblage zone and the Neoal-
Radiolarian biostratigraphy
baillella optima assemblage zone whereas Albaillella triangu-
Ninety-four samples yielding identifiable radiolarians comprise laris ISHIGA, KITO & IMOTO, considering its occurrence, be-
part of a suite of 261 samples collected from the Calamian longs to the Neoalbaillella optima zone. Based on this, the sam-
Group of Islands, Palawan. Moderately to well-preserved fau- ple is assigned to the Neoalbaillella optima zone.
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Pseudostylospha ero timor ensis..~A S H I DA ,&. KAMAl A X: . x
lli~i.~~at.t!,l/qspp. . .x ,. . x x
Spi~,C!~~.~":r.~.C!~q.'!!P.e..<;'.'!, '!.!~/a.I,! CN~~S~.~~.~.. ~.I.~.~.I.~l!.~)" , .
~p~~C!!~,~a.s~l!':~ ,!}P!. .~.u.'}g,! rica . ~{)~UR ..
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~PC?fJgl!~t.ep~.'!.nJd.i!!.'!i..!.o.!lgisp'~n~~.,!", .~ A.~~~~A . . x ..
Staura corul um .sPP: I . ..x ....,u.':l!/9t1~hi!flu(!ge/i. .~<:l~~~. ~ ~OS!~~R.. ...~. ;x
~tCl.If~~*?rl~,he~pp... . .x , ..~ , ', . x x .
.S./~lf~9/o.",c;h~. !':.~spi!l.o.~", {~()ZlJ.~.~..~9~.!~.~~) .x
.Tiborelia florida .(NAKASEKO.& N ISHI>AU RA) .
:!ibu,':.e./!a..magfliclen.ta{q DY,M~l"~C:A ~ . ~.O~~~..~ MgsTLE.~ .
Tioo!ellas p,
Triassocampecoronota..B.~c:J ~ I .. ~ I .. .X. .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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'" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '"
Acanthosphaera (?) mocki KOZUR & MOSTLER x x
Archaeocenosphaeraspp. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x. x x x x
Cryptamphorella sp.
Cryptostephanidium cornigerum DUMITRICA
Eptingiwn manfredi DUMITRICA x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Eptingium rarnovsi KOZUR ET AL.
Eptingium spp. x x
Haliomma spp.
Hexalonche sp.
Hindeosphaero spinulosa (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA) . x
Hozmadia reticulata DUMITRICA, KOZUR & MOSTLER X X X
Hozmadia rotunda (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA) x x x x
Hozrnadia sp. cf. H. reticula/a DUMITRICA, KOZUR &
Hozmadia spinifera SUGIYAMA
Hozmadia spp. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Katorella bifurcata KOZUR & MOSTLER
Ladinacampejaponica (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA)
Muelleritortis sp.
Napora spp.
Nassellariagen. et. sp. indet,
Pantanellium sp.
Pararuesticyrtium spp. x x x x x x x x x x x x X
Parasepsagon spp. x x x x x x x
Parasepsagon variab/lis (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA)
Pentactinocapsa awaensis (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Pent(Jctinocarpus fusiformis DUMITRICA x X x x x x x x x x
Pentactinocarpus tetracanthus DUMITRICA
Pentaspongodiscus spp. x x x
Plajkerium abboti PESSAGNO
Poulpus spp. x
Pseudosty/osphaera compacta (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Pseudostylo~phaera,goricanae KOZUR ET AL.
Pseudostylosphaerajaponica (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x
Pseudostylosphaera longispinosa KOZUR & MOSTLER x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Pseudostylosphaeraspp. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Pseudostylosphaera timorensis SASHIDA & MMATA x x x
Rikivatella spp.
Sarla spp. x
Sepsagon sp.
Spinotriassocampe annu/ata (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA) X X x
Spongostephanidium japonicum (NAKASEKO &
Stauracontium spp. x
Stauf'olonche spp. x x x
Staurolonche trispinosa (KOZUR & MOSTLER) x x x x x
Thaisphaera spp.
Tiborellaflorida (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA)
Tiborella sp. cf. T anisica KOZUR & MOSTLER
riborella spp. x x x
Triassistephanidium laticome DUMITRICA
Triassocampe campcmilis (KOZUR & MOSTLER)
Triassocampe coronata BRAGIN x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Triassoeampedeweveri (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA) X X X X X X X X X X
Triassocampe sea/oris DUMITRICA, KOZUR & MOSTLER
Triassoeampe spp. x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X
Trilonche spp x x X x x x x
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... ....
..l ..l ..l ..l
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Sample Location
Acanthosphaera? sp.
Archaeocenosphaera spp. x x x x x x x x
Archaeodictyomitra spp. x
Archicapsa sp.
Betraccium deweveri PESSAGNO & BLOME x x
Betraccium mac/earni PESSAGNO & BLOME
Betraccium B. inornatum BLOME x
Busuangat'') sp. x
Canoptum spp. x x
Capnodoce anapetes DE WEVER
Capnodoce e~tent(lBLOME x
Capnuchosphaera lea DE WEVER x x x
Complexapora sp. x
Corum sp. cf. C. de/gada SUGIYAMA x
Eptingium sp. x
Gorgansium sp. x x x
Haeckelicyrtium'! sp. x
Hagiastrum sp.? x
Haliomma sp.
Japonocampe sp. x
Katroma coliforme (HORi)
Katroma sp. x x
Katroma sp. cf. K. irvingi WHALEN & CARTER
Katroma westerrnanni WHALEN & CARTER
Livarella magna TEKIN x x x
Minocapsa sp.
Muelleritortis cochleata (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA)
Napora sp.
Pachus multinodosus TEKIN
Pantanellium sp. x
Pantanelliurn ultrasincerum BLOME x
Parahsuum simplum Y AO x
Parahsuum spp. x x x
Pararuesticyrtium sp.
Paroertlispongus sp. x x
Paronaella sp. x
Parvicingula sp.
Pentaspongodiscus sp.
P1eesus sp. cf. P. aptus YEH
Podobursa sp. x
Praemesosaturnalis huxleyensis (CARTER) x
Praemesosaturnalis rugosus (YEH)
Praemesosaturnalis sandspitense (BLOME)
Praemesosaturnalis sp. cf. P.finchi (PESSAGNO) x x
Pseudostylosphaera compacta (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA) x
Pseudostylosphaerajaponica (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA) x
Pseudostylosphaera spp.
Sarla sp.
Sethocapsa spp. x x x
Silicarmiger sp.
Spongostephanidiumjaponicum (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA) x
Staurolonche spp. x x
Stichocapsa spp. x x x x x
Triassocampe deweveri (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA)
Trilonche sp. x
Tripocyc/ia sp.
Vinassaspongus subsphaericus KOZUR & MOSTLER
Williriedellum sp. x
Xipotheca sp, cf. X. rugosa BRAGIN, emend. TEKIN x
. .
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Sample Location
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== Z= ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
rIO <:> <:> <:> <:> <:> <:>
Archaeocenosphaera spp. x
Astrocentrus sp. cfA.pulcherKozuR& MOSTLER
Canoptumsp.aff. Cunicum
Canoptumspp. .anapetesDEWEvER
OeJlandrec),rtium .carterae.YEH&.CHENG
Eptingiummanfredi DUMITRICA
Eptingium sp.
Hindeosphaeraspinulosa (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA)
Hozmadia reticulata DUMITRICA, KOZUR & MOSTLER
" "
......... ... .............
Ladinocampe sp:
LivareliamagnaTEK IN
Oertlispongus diacanthus Sugiyama
Paleosaturnalis sp. cf. P dotti (BLOME)
Parasepsagonvariabilis (NAKASEKO&' NISHIMURA)
f'entaspongodiscus.spp: x x x
Praemesosalurnalis huxleyensis (CARTER)
j>raern~so;~I~~~~li;l1ii~;~;YEH x
Praemesosaturnalis spp. . ........ x
Pseudostylosphaera compacla (NAKASEKO.&' NISHIMURA) x x x x x
Pseudosl)'losphaerajaponica(NAKASEKO&.NISHIMURA) x x x
Pseudostylosphaera longispinosaKOzuR&MOSTLER x x x
['s~ud~sl)'losphaeramagnispinosa. YEH x
Pseudostylosphaera timorensis SASHIDA & KAMATA
'Spinotriassocampeannulata (NAKASEKO. &.NISHIMURA)
Spongosilicarmiger sp.
Spongostephanidiumjaponicum.(NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA)
Spongosl)'lustricostalus.KOZUR,.KRAINER.& MOSTLER x sp.indet.
Stauracontium__ ~p.
SlaurolonchespI': ..... . .......
Staurolonchetrispinosa (KOZUR&IvI0STLER)
Stichocapsa sP:..
Thaisphaerasp. . ........................
Tfborellaflorida (NAKASEKO & NISHIMURA)
Transhsuum medi~mT AI<EMURA x
Triassocampe coronata BRAGIN x x x
Triassocampedeweveri(NAKASEKO.&.NISHIMU RA )
Triassocampe sPI': x
Trilonche spp. x x x
'0 ...
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El Siliceous Mudstone
Fig. 3. Stratigraphic ranges of lithologies in the
UlirniM ~ .. a ~
••••• C hert
three accretionary belts of Busuanga as con-
1000EPflI.JM KLLPgBf'I8I'1 ' ~ .... o
strained by radiolarian faunas.
This plate traveled from a deep sea environment to a conver- continent/continental fragments to the northwest. He added
gent margin, which developed along the eastern margin of that this spreading episode produced a NNW-directed plate
Asia. However, the paleolatitudes of the block during this motion with the oceanic lithosphere being consumed at a NW-
journey are still under investigation. Kiessling and Fltigel dipping subduction zone (East Asian Subduction Zone;
(2000) suggested that the facies and ages of the carbonates Zamoras 2001) on the southeastern margins of the Indochina
from the islands of Malajon, Kalampisanan, Busuanga and and South China blocks.
Coron do not support a close paleogeographical connection The pelagic sediments in Busuanga and surrounding is-
between the NPB and South China Block. They suggested lands records up to 100 My of deposition. The presence of ben-
that during the Carboniferous and Permian, the NPB was part thonic and planktonic foraminifers at some localities probably
of the Indochina Block from which it separated during the indicates that not all of the chert was deposited below the
Middle Permian. The NPB collided with the South China CCD. Manganese deposits found on Busuanga and Dabatonay
Block during the Late Cretaceous. Paleomagnetic studies car- indicate an oceanic setting affected by a low average sedimen-
ried out by Almasco et al. (2000) on the NPB show that the tation rate. The limestone bodies presently found in fault con-
paleomagnetic directions fail regional fold tests and have al- tact with the chert-clastic succession can be interpreted as shal-
ternating field (AF) demagnetisation features consistent with low water facies or carbonate build-ups on seamounts. The fa-
secondary magnetisation. However, they pointed out that the cies change from cherts through hemipelagic clastics to terrige-
Cretaceous paleolatitude is still comparable to regions of per- nous clastics suggests that the ocean was being influenced by
vasive Cretaceous remagnetisation in the South China border- subduction zone related sedimentation by the Middle to Late
land. They suggested that this may reflect similar rernagneti- Jurassic (Aalenian-Bajocian in the NBB, early-late Bathonian
sation and is consistent with the NPB's proposed South China in the MBB and early-late Tithonian in the SBB).
Based on the tectonic model of Maruyama et al. (1997),
Zamoras (2001) interpreted the NPB to have been part of the
NNW-traveling Izanagi Plate from Late Permian to Late
Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. He suggested that the Middle Car- The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of The University of
Hong Kong-Committee on Research and Conference Grants towards this reo
boniferous limestone described by Kiessling & Fltigel (2000)
search. We also thank Dr. Jason R. Ali and Prof. Graciano P. Yumul, Jr. for
probably originated from the Farallon Plate. Holloway (1982) their company and stimulating discussions while we were undertaking our field
noted that during the Middle Jurassic to Late Jurassic an investigations. Valuable suggestions and comments by our reviewers, Dr.
episode of spreading commenced between Australia and a Spela Gorican and Dr. Martial Caridroit are greatly appreciated.
Upper Permian radiolarians from the Mabintangin River (sample location 13), Busuanga, Philippines. Scale bars = 100 urn.
Middle to Upper Triassic radiolarians from Mapadolo (sample location 3) (figs. 1-4), Dabatonay (sample location 2) (figs.5-35) and Mabudyen (sample location 12)
(figs. 36-40), Philippines. Scale bars = 100 urn,
Middle Triassic to Lower Jurassic radiolarians from Mabudyen (sample location 12) (figs. 1,2), Sitio Tingil (sample location 11) (figs. 3--{j), Marily (Figs. 7-15) and
Dimanglet (sample location 8) (figs. 16-37), Philippines. Scale bars = 100 urn.
Middle Triassic to Lower Jur assic radiolarians from Dimanglet (sample location 8) (figs. 1- 15), Mayanpa yan (sample location 7) (figs. 16, 17), Lusong (sample lo-
cation 5) (figs. 18,1 9), Calauit-I llul tuk Bay (sample location I) (figs. 20-2 1) and Dipuyay-Decalangwang River, Busuanga (sample location 4) (figs. 22-44) , Philip-
pines. Scale bars = 100 urn.
Middle to Uppe r Triassic radiolarians from Dipuyay-Decalangwang River (sample location 4), Busuanga, Philippines. Scale bars = 100 11m.
Middle Triassic to Middle Jurassi c radiolarians from Dipuyay-Decalangwang River (sample location 4) (figs. 1-9 ), Calindo (sample location 10) (figs. 10-4 1) and
a road cut, 3.5 kms east of the township of Coron (sample location 9) (figs. 42-4 5). Scale bars = 100 urn.
The impact of the Frasnian-Famennian biotic mass extinction event (F-F flourished during the Famennian. The F-F event may not have had any drama-
event) on radiolarian faunas is examined in 13 sections, which belong to two tic effect on the radiolarian faunas in deep water and the disappearance of Fa-
types of cherty basin in South China. No appreciable decrease in radiolarian mennian radiolarians in shallow water platform sections may simply be a result
biodiversity is observed across the F-F boundary. Indeed, radiolarian faunas of sea level change rather than any biotic crisis.
I Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008,China. Email: [email protected]
2 Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong SAR, China
Correlation between Upper Devonian radiolarian and
conodont zones
1. East section of Shiti Reservoir, Qinzhou, Guangxi
2. West section of Shiti Reservoir, Qinzhou, Guangxi At pr esent 15 typical Upper Devonian conodont zon es are
3. Wuxiangling section, Nanning, Guangxi erected (7 zones belonging to Frasnian and 8 zon es to Fa-
4. Yangdi section, Guilin, Guangxi mennian , respectively) (Fig. 3) (Wang Cheng-yuang 2000).
5. Bazhai section, Ziyun, Guangxi
6. Shaijingpo section, Xiangyun, Yunnan The Helenifore laticlavium zone from th e Gogo Formation of
7. Lila section, Lancang, Yunnan western Australia is associated with conodonts th at include
8. Taierbu section, Lancang, Yunnan Polygnathus asymmetrica and Ancyrodella rotundilobata ro-
9. Huiku section, Menglian, Yunnan tundilobata . It is comparable to the lower-middle part of the
10. Niuyunling section, Yulin, Guangxi
11. Etang section, Hexian, Guangxi Polygnathus asymmetrica zone (Nazarov & Ormiston 1983).
12. Nanya section, Menglian, Yunnan The Helenifore robustum zone occurs in the Slaven Chert of
13. Ali section, Lancang, Yunnan the Shoshone Range, Nevada, USA (Boundy-Sanders and
Murchey 1999) and in th e Tarbu area, Lachang county, west-
Fig. 1. Map showing Ihelocations of sections studied through Upper Devon- ern Yunnan, Ch ina (Wang et al. 2000) . It is associated with
ian chertystrata in South China.
conodonts that include Palmatolepis eurek a, P. rhenana masu-
ta, P. aubr ecta, Polygnathus brevilaminus, P. aff. timanicus
(Boundy-Sanders and Murchey 1999) or Palmatolepis rhenana
upper Frasnian Helenifore laticlavium or Helenifore robustum rhenana, P. rhenana nasuta , P. hasii and P. sp. (W ang et al.
zone can be distinguished. Moreover, Famennian radiolarian s 2000). Consequently, th e radiolarian Helenifore robu stum zone
and radiolarian zones have never been discovered. From mid- may be correlated with the conodont Palmatolepis hasii zone
dle Frasnian to Famennian, the radiolarian-bearing cherts in to Palmatolepis rhenana zone. The Holoeciscus foremanae ra-
the cherty platform basin were gradually replaced by pha- diolarian zone from the Frankenwald are a, northern Bavaria,
coidal lime stone due to regression. The timing of th is facies Germany is associated with the con odonts Palmatolepis ru-
change differed between areas. It occurred in the middle gosa, P. glabra lepta, P. gracilis gracilis, P. per/obata schinde-
Frasnian in SE Guangxi and in the Famennian in SW Guizhou. wolfii, Branmmehla bohlenana, Pseudop olygnathus granulasus
and occurs in the Palmatolepis trachytera zone to lower P.
po stera zon e in the middle Famennian (Kiessling & Tragelehn,
Age assignment
1994). The same rad iolarian zone from th e Shiti Reservoir For-
mation in Bancheng, Q inzhou, Guangxi is also associated with
Upper Devonian radiolarian faunas
the conodonts Palmatolepis glabra acuta, P. per/obata schinde-
Our recent study suggests that the species Helenifore laticlavi- wolfii. It is correlated with the Famennian Palmatolepis crepi-
um identified by various scholars may be separated into two da zone to P. marginifera zone (Wang et al. 1998). Therefore,
stratigraphically and morphologically distinct spe cies (W ang et the Holoeciscus forem anae zone can be correlated with the
al. 2(03). Helenifore laticlavium NAZAROV & ORMISTON (1983) Palmat olepis crepida zone to P. postera zone (Fig. 3) .
is characterized by a shell with a thinner, ne arl y circular plat e-
ring , two spines (top and base spines) and an opening on one
Upper Devonian radiolarian diversity
extremity of the ring (Plate 1, Figs. 1-5). This species occurs in
the Gogo Formation, Ca nning Basin , western Australia According to our Upper Devonian radiolarian materi als col-
(Nazarov & Ormiston 1983) and the Shiti Reservoir Forma- lect ed from South Ch ina (Wang 1997; Wang et al. 2003) and
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other published materials on Upper Devonian radiolarian fau- 10 genera and 12 species are same in both zones indicating a
nas (Aitchison 1993; Boundy-Sanders et al. 1999; Cheng 1986; close affinity. However, in the Famennian Holoeciscus forem-
Foreman 1963; Holdsworth et al. 1978; Ishiga et al. 1988; anae zone, 154 species, belonging to 28 genera and 10 families,
Kiessling & Tagelehn 1994; Li & Wang 1991; Nazarov 1973, are described. 18 species and 13 genera, as well as 8 families
1975; Nazarov & Ormiston 1983; Nazarov et al. 1982; Sashida continued through from two Frasnian zones. 2 new families
et al. 1993; Schwartzapfel & Holdsworth 1996; Stratford & (Holoeciscidae and Pylentonemidae) and 14 new genera ap-
Aitchison 1997), we find that there are 77 and 35 species with- pear. The number of newborn genera is almost double the
in the Frasnian Helenifore laticlavium zone and H. robustum total number of radiolarian genera in the Frasnian. Although
zone respectively. They all belong to 15 genera and 8 families. the species number decreased in Upper Frasnian compared to
Although these two faunas have the same number of families that of Lower Frasnian, the diversity of Famennian radiolarian
and genera, the number of species recognized in the Helenifore families, genera and species are obviously higher than that of
robustum zone is less half than that in the H. laticlavium zone. whole Frasnian (Fig. 4, Fig. 5).
Consequently, we conclude:
Influence ofthe F-F event on radiolarians
1. The F-F event may have only resulted in a major biotic
The materials mentioned above show that the F-F biotic mass mass extinction for biotas associated with shallow water
extinction event did not have any marked negative effect upon reef facies and parts of the pelagic biota. It did not have a
the open ocean radiolarian fauna. In the open ocean cherty great influence on the radiolarian fauna in deep water and
basin 8 upper Frasnian radiolarian families continue to flourish indeed radiolarians flourished during the Famennian.
and only 2 out of 15 genera become extinct in the Famennian. 2. The disappearance of radiolarians from shallow water plat-
No families and only 13% of genera become extinct. These fig- form sections may simply be a result of sea level change
ures are well below the minimum level of extinction (11 % at rather than any biotic crisis. In deeper water successions,
family level and 20-25% of genera) regarded as indicative of a radiolarians were less affected by sea level change. There
biotic mass extinction (Raup 1982). Elsewhere, in the cherty was no appreciable decrease in radiolarian biodiversity
platform basin, the radiolarians belonging to Helenifore lati- across the F-F boundary.
clavium and H. robustum zones thrived during the early and
late Frasnian. However, as the radiolarian-bearing cherts were In order to test this hypothesis we need to find and examine
replaced by phacoidallimestone because of regression, no Fa- more Famennian platformal cherty successions.
Index species of Late Devonian radiolarian zonations from South China. All scales = 100 11m: A for figure 1; B for figures 2-10; C for figures 11-15.
Figs. 1-5, Helenifore laticlavium NAZAROV & ORMISTON. 1-5 from sample 96shiti159, Shiti Reservoir Formation, Shiti, Bancheng, Guangxi.
Figs. 6-10, Helenifore robustum (BOUNDY-SANDERS & MURCHEY). 6-10 from sample 92J9, Shiti Reservoir Formation, Shija, Bancheng, Guangxi.
Figs. 11-13, Holoeciscus foremanae CHENG. 11-13 from sample 96shiti185, Bancheng Formation, Shiti, Bancheng, Guangxi.
Figs. 14-15, Holoeciscus elongates KIESSLING & TRAGELEHN. 14-15 from sample 96shiti185, Bancheng Formation, Shiti, Bancheng, Guangxi.
Well-preserved Permian radiolarians have been discovered from chertblocks Des assemblages de radiolaires bien preserves ont ete extraits de blocks de
embedded in a unitin the Paidistrict. Mae Hong Son province. northwestern «chert» presents dans la region de Pai (Province de Mae Hong Son. Thailand
Thailand that was recently mapped as Carboniferous. Twenty-four taxa be- du Nord). recernment cartographies en tantque roches du Carbonifere. Vingt-
longingto ten genera have been recognized and somesignificant forms of Fol - quatre especes appartentnant a 10 genres sont reconnues, comprenant plu-
licucullus are present. Two upper Maokouan (Capitanian) to lower Wuchi- sieure Follicucullidae tres significatifs pour la stratigraphie. Deux zones d'as-
apingian radiolarian assemblages iFol licucullus monacanthus, Follicucullus semblages i Fotlicu cullus monacanthus et Fo/li cucullus charveti-F. porrectusi
charveti - F. por rectus assemblages) are reported. Follicucullus charvet i sont presentes et datent Ie Maokouien superieur (Capitanien) et Ie Wuchia-
CARIDROIT & DEWEVER is interpreted as a possible provincialism rather than pingien inferieur; elles sont similairs a celles presentes en Chie du Sud et au
being endemic like other members of the same genus. These results provide Japon. La presence de Follicucullu s charveti CARIDROIT& DEWEVER, espece
more data to demonstratethat in northernThailand.the Devonian to Triassic interpretee comme une forme d'eau chaude, est discutee, Ces resultas sont
was of a zone of deep siliceous marine sedimentation.The resultant deposits fondamentaux et sont une donnee supplernentaire pour prouver que l'en-
are one of the longest witnesses of continuousdeposition in an oceanic setting. semble des temps Devonien a Trias superieur est representepar des depots si-
liceux de mer profonde; ceci etant un des plus longs temoins connus d'une se-
dimentation oceanique continue.
1. Introduction
from Thailand. Radiolarian assemblage zones described from
Th e study of Permian radiolarians in Thailand, has become a Japan and China are identified and briefly discussed. Po ssible
popular topic since radiolarian research started (Caridroit et provincialism is observed with the occurrence of Follicu cullus
aI., 1990). Occurrences of Permian radiolarians are widespread charveti CARIDROIT & D E WEVER at few localities, compared
and th ey have now been studied in many regions; northern with the endemic nature of othe r members of this genus.
Th ailand (Chiang Mai: e.g . Caridroit 1991, 1993; Caridroit et
al. 1992; Sashida et al. 1993; Wongan an et al. 2002) , north-cen-
2. General Geology and Occurrence of Radiolarians
tr al T ha iland (Sukhothai: Sash ida & Nak ornsri 1997), north-
eastern Thailand (Loei: e.g. Sash ida et al. 1993; Sashida & Igo The district of Pai is located in NW northern Thailand, ap-
1999) , eastern Thailand (Sra Kh aew : e .g. Hada et al. 1999; proximately 110 km from Chiang Mai . According to Bunopas
Sashida et al. 20(0). The goals of th ese studies are both to im- (1981) the main Palaeozoic sedime ntary rocks widel y exposed
pr ove the biostratigraphy and to tr ack radiolarite s as remnants in the area is the Ma e Hong Son Formation. Age assi gnm ents
of oceanic palaeoenvironments. Only lower to middle Lower for thi s unit range from Siluro-D evonian (Bunop as 1981) to
and uppermost Permian faunas have been reported from Ca rbo nifero us-Permian (Chua viroj et al. 1985; Intawong e t al.
northern Thailand so far (e .g. Ca ridroit 1993; Sashida et al. 1997). The formation is dominat ed by unmetamorphosed
1993). The aim of thi s paper is to pr esent details of a new Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks, which ar e extensively dist rib-
upper Midd le to lower Upper Permian radiolarian locality uted in northwest Thailand. It mainl y consists of ma ssive or
I Department of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Science. Chiang Mai University,ChiangMai 50200 Thailand. E-mail: [email protected]
2 Laboratoirede Paleontologic et Paleogeographie du Paleozoique (LP3). UMR 8014 et UFR 1818 du C.N.R.S.,
Sciences de laTerre: Universitedes Sciences et Technologies de Lille, F-59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex France. E-mail: [email protected]
IO~ [3 ,....,
.. , Cb,.... ll.Io
C M.a:II,,,,i' '' ''
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Radiolarian locality
Studied area
• Khun "",urn
-... ,
" ~I '
Fig. 1. Index map of northwestern Thailand
showing the studied area and the radi olarian lo-
calit y.
bedded sandstone, shale, chert and slate (Fig. 2). Limestones, beds intercalated within the Upper Silurian to Carboniferous
forming isolated karstic hills are widespread and contain abun- Mae Hong Son Formation (Bunopas 1981), or newly estab-
dant Carboniferous and Permian foraminifers and other fos- lished Carboniferous-Permian of Chauviroj et al. (1985). Ac-
sils. In general mos t Thai geologists correlate these limestones cording to field observations, no outcrops were found which
with the Ratburi G roup. Limestones in this area are lithologi- expose the strata underlying the chert.
cally variable, but mainly consist of massive limestones, with Under the microscope, the chert from lower part consists
local occurrences of dolomitic limestone with lenticular or of mainly cryptocrystalline to microcrystalline quartz associat-
nodular cherts. The relationship between limestone units and ed with very fine clay minerals. Radiolarians are rather well
Pa laeozoic siliceous sedimentary units is not clear. Field ob- preserved and abundant and filled by chalcedony. Further up
servations indicate the limestones unconformably overlie the lithologic column the cherts consist of cryptocrystalline
siliceous sediments, and where faulted the basal contact is lo- quartz with more abundant fine clay mineral and fine volcanic
cally marked by breccias. grains, without any traces of fossils . This probably indicates
The studied section is located approximately 7- 8 km north that there was volcanic activity within or nearby the site of de-
of Pai (Fig. 2), or at position 438455 on Thai topographic map position area conditions did not favour the preservation of ra -
sheet 4647 I Amphoe Pai, in the area of Ban Tan Jed Ton vil- diolarian skeletons.
lage. The section is exposed for approximately 850 m along a Samples from the main chert section (PAI-391 through
gravel road connecting Pai and Wieng Haeng that has been cut PAI-400) yielded the following Upper Permian radiolarian
through a high mountainous area. The section consists of gray faunas: Follicucullus ventricosus ORMISTON & BABCOCK, F.
to greenish gray , partiy dark gray, well-bedded chert with 4 to scholasticus ORMISTON & BABCOCK, F. orthogonus CARIDROIT
10 em thick beds intercalated with thin shale and clay (mm - & DE WEVER, F. porrectus RUDENKO, F. charveti CARIDROIT
few em) layers. The main and lowermost exposed section is & D E WEVER, F. sp. cf. F. bipartitus CARIDROIT & D E WEVER,
about 150 m long , before being obscured by strongly weath- Hegleria mammilla (SHENG & WANG) and others. The associa-
ered yellow volcanic rocks for about 200 m. The second sec- tion of F. charveti and F. porrectus RUDENKO is diagnostic for
tion, which is believed to be a separate block, is composed of assignment to the lower Wuchiapingian. Sample PAI-403 con -
greenish gray well-bedded chert an d about 10 m long. Ten tains fewer radiolarians, however the occurrence of F.
chert samples were collected from the main section (PAI-391 monacanthus ISHIGA & IMOTO is the diagnostic of the Midd le
to PAI-400) and three more were taken from the second (PAI- Permian F. monacanthus Assemblage (Capitanian), therefore
401 to PAI-403). The next three samples (PAI-404 to PAI-406) these chert beds are assigned to the Capitanian.
were taken from a small chert outcrop exposed on the other
side of 200 m of weathered tuffaceous material. Four chert
3. Radiolarian biostratigraphy
samples were collected (PAI-407 to PAI-412) from the last
section which ends at a summit approximately 150 m from the Twenty-two chert samples were collected, and nine samples
previous section. This chert has long been regarded as chert yielded Permian radiolarians (Plate 1). The studied chert sec-
c l~c [ )(' \ ,)l'Ii ~ n 1&.) I ';llc 1\'1'm ian '~ )
tion extends over two radiolarian assemblage zones: the Fol- 1990), Oregon in North America (Blome & Reed 1992), South
licucullus monacanthus, and Follicuculllus charveti - F. porrec- China (Wang et al. 1994), and is also reported in studies by
tus assemblage zones. These zones have been reported by Ishi- Caridroit (in De Wever et al. 2001, fig. 202, p. 313).
ga (1986, 1990) from Japan, Wang et al. (1994) from China and Follicuculllus charveti - F. porrectus assemblage zone
Caridroit in De Wever et al. (2001) and are known to occur in This assemblage zone is found within green chert samples
the middle Maokouan (Capitanian) to lower Wuchiapingian. PAI-393, 396, 398 & 399. It is defined by the co-occurrence of
Follicucullus monacanthus assemblage zone. Follicuculllus charveti CARIDROIT & DE WEVER and F. porrec-
This assemblage zone is found within sample PAI-403. It is tus RUDENKO. The range of this assemblage is considered as a
characterized by the occurrence of Follicucullus monacanthus total range of F. charveti CARIDROIT & DE WEVER. The other
ISHIGA & IMOTO, which is the characteristic taxon. Other radi- characteristic species are Follicuculllus venticosus ORMISTON
olarians species that occur in this assemblage include F. & BABCOCK, Follicucullus scholasticus ORMISTON & BABCOCK,
scholasticus ORMISTON & BABCOCK, Pseudotormentus sp. ct. P. Follicucullus sp. ct. F. bipatitus CARIDROIT & DE WEVER, Ishi-
kamigoriensis CARIDROIT & DE WEVER, F. orthogonus gaum similicutis CARIDROIT & DE WEVER, Triplanospongus
CARIDROIT & DE WEVER, F. ventricosus ORMISTON & BAB- musashiensis SASHIDA & TONISHI, Latentifistula texana
COCK, and Ormistonella robusta CARIDROIT & DE WEVER. The NAZAROV & ORMISTON, Hegleria mammilla (SHENG &
Follicucullus monacanthus assemblage is known from Japan WANG), and others. The assemblage contains the same radio-
(e.g. Ishiga 1986), Far East Russia (Rudenko & Panasenko larian species reported from Japan (e.g. Ishiga 1990), North
Th03-398 ,.
c: ~
~ I I
~ I
~ ~
~ ...:
..J .~ I
= Th03-395
= Th03-394
• • Th03-393' I 1IIIIIIIIIil
",. Tb03-392
I """"I
II • •
I =
ThO.'-402 •••••••• Fig. 3. Columnar sections of the studied bedded
chert section exposed on road between Pai and
Th03391 .1'1 ...v ..;
_ Presence _ _ lnfercd Wieng Hang cities in Ban Tan Jed Ton area (Pai
city, Mae Hong Son province), showing distri-
2m Legend: rurtaccccsrocks Cover part bution of characteristic taxa of radiolarians ob-
America (e.g. Murchey 1990), South China (e.g. Wang et al. by Caridroit & De Wever (1986) and from the Prymorye re-
1994) and New Zealand (e.g. Caridroit & Ferriere 1988). It is gion, Far East Russia by Rudenko & Panasenko (1990) and is
comparable to the F. scholasticus - F. venticosus zone from here regarded as F porrectus RUDENKO. Specimens of Follicu-
China (Wang et at. 1994) and the F. ventricosus - Ps. cullus ventricosus ORMISTON & BABCOCK (PI. 1; Fig. 9) from
fusiformis assemblage of North America (Murchey 1990). the study area are closely similar to those reported from N.
America (Ormiston & Babcock 1979; Blome & Reed 1992)
and from S. China (Wang et al. 1994) having a slightly curved
4. Discussion: Follicucullus faunas and palaeobiogeography
apical cone and big pseudothorax, with short pseudoabdomen;
Follicucullus charveti CARIDROIT & DE WEVER is character- both ventral and dorsal flap are very short.
ized by a long apical cone, which is slightly curved to the ven- Materials presented in this study also contains some bro-
tral side (PI. 1; Fig. 8). Specimens from the area we studied ken pieces that have been assigned to species such as Guste-
have a strongly inflated pseudothorax and a short pseudoab- fana obliqueannulata KOZUR (PI. 1; Fig. 30) and Nazarovella
domen with small, disk-like, rather short ventral flap compared phlogidea WANG (PI. 1; Fig. 31). These forms in fact have little
to those reported from Japan and S. China (e.g. Caridroit & taxonomic value and in our collections all of these broken
De Wever 1986; Wang & Li 1994). F. scholasticus ORMISTON & pieces appear to be the ending part of an arm of already de-
BABCOCK m. I (e.g. Ishiga 1985; Blome & Reed 1992; Wang et fined radiolarian species.
al. 1994), and F scholasticus ORMISTON & BABCOCK m. II (e.g. It is not yet proven that siliceous skeleton zooplanktonic
Ishiga 1985) are considered as two different species. The first is faunas are useful indicators for palaeo-ecology and/or palaeo-
the most abundant form and found in all levels of the section. geographic position. Nevertheless, the possible palaeogeo-
This form has a smooth, undulating shell, however, somewhat graphie implications of the occurrence of a particular taxon
obscure separated portions can be observed in some speci- with distinctive form at a few localities merit some discussion.
mens. Small very short flaps, extending at apertural margin of The Upper Permian Follicucullus charveti - F porectus radio-
the dorsal and ventral sides, are well preserved on most speci- larian assemblage recognized in this study is believed to be
mens. The second morphotype, on the other hand, has a bul- equivalent to the F bipartitus- F charveti assemblage known
bous shell characteristic similar to those reported from Japan from southwest Japan (e.g. Caridroit & De Wever 1984, 1986),
,vf11l1h C(J(I/n..,,.,horinu
... . tb.l.....
northern New Zealand (e.g. Caridroit & Ferriere 1988; Take- CARIDROIT, M. 1993: Permian Radiolarian from NW Thailand. In: THANA-
mura et al. 1999), and south & southwest China (e.g. Wang & SUTHIPITAK, T. (Ed.): Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Biostratigraphy of Mainland Southeast Asia Facies and Paleontology 1,
Li 1994). According to the known literature reported so far, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 83-96.
this assemblage has only been discovered from the four differ- CARIDROIT, M. & DE WEVER, P. 1984: Description de quelques nouvelles es-
ent geographic areas mentioned above. Regarding Follicucul- peces de Follicucullidae et d'Entactinidae (Radiolaires polycystines) du
Ius charveti CARIDROIT & DE WEVER, a diagnostic taxon of Permien du Japon (Description of some new species of Follicucullidae
and Entactinidae (Polycystin radiolarians) from the Permian of Japan).
this assemblage, it is not clear whether it occurs in a restricted
Geobios 17. 639-644.
area with short period (early Wuchiapigian). The occurrence CARIDROIT, M. & DE WEVER. 1'.1986: Some Late Permian Radiolarians from
of this fauna in a restricted area as plotted on a palaeogeo- pelitic rocks of the Tatsuno Formation (Hyogo Prefecture), Southwest
graphic map may suggest that its geographic range was proba- Japan. Marine Micropaleontology 11, 55-90.
CARIDROIT, M. & FERRIERE, J. 1988: Premieres datations precises du Paleo-
bly confined to a special part in the tropical palaeoequator
zoique par radiolaires en Nouvelle Zealande: interet geologique et pale-
(low-latitude) realm within the equatorial warm water ontologique, Compte rendus Academie des Sceances de l'Academie des
province. As this species can likely be defined as a warm-water Sciences (Paris), series II 306, 321-326.
taxon the palaeogeographic positions of terranes containing CARIDROIT, M., FONTAINE, H., JONGKANJAMASOONTORN, Y., SUTEETHORN, V.
radiolarites with this fauna were probably at low latitudes not & VACHARD, D. 1990: First results of a paleontological study of North-
west Thailand. CCOP Technical Secretariat, 337-350.
far from one another (Fig. 4). CARIDROIT, M., V ACHARD, D. & FONTAINE, H. 1992: Datations par radiolaires
(Carbonifere, Permien et Trias) en Thailande nord-occidentale. Mise en
evidence de nappe de charriage et d'olisostromes. Academie des Sciences
Acknowledgements Compte Rendu Paris 314, 515-520.
Our field survey in January 2003 was financial supported by the Chiang Mai
PONGPIPAT, P. 1985: Hydrothermal Research Project, Geological Survey
University (Thailand), the Laboratoire de Pale ontologie et Paleogeographie
Division, Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok, Thailand. 66.
du Paleozoique (CNRS-UMR 8014) and the Universite des Sciences et Tech-
nologies de Lille (France). The Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University for
2001: Radiolarians in the Sedimentary Record. 533 p., Gordon and
supporting field-working facilities is credited here. Fabrice Corday and
Breach Science Publishers.
Frances Spiller are thanked for reviews that helped to improve the manuscript.
HADA. S., BUNoPAs, S., ISHII, K. & YOSHIKURA, S. 1999 Rift-drift history and
the amalgamation of Shan-Thai and Indochina/East Malaya blocks In:
METCALFE, I. (Ed.): Gondwana Dispersion and Asian Accretion. IGCP
321, Sp. Publ., 67-88, A.A. Balkema.
BLOME, C D. & REED, K. M. 1992: Permian and Early (?) Triassic radiolarian HENDERSON, CM. & MEl, S. 1990: Stratigraphic versus environment signifi-
faunas from the Grindstone terrane, central Oregon. Journal of Paleon- cance of Permian serrated conodonts around the Cisuralian-Guadalupian
tology 66, 351-383. boundary: new evidence from Oman. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatol-
BUNoPAs,S. 1981: Palaeogeographic history of western Thailand and adjacent ogy, Palaeoecology 191, 301-328.
parts of South-east Asia: a plate tectonic interpretation. Geological Sur- INTAWONG, A., KUNMANEE, J. & WONGANAN, N. 1997: Geological report in
vey paper vo!. 5, Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok, Special the area of Ban Tan Jed Ton, Tambol Wieng Nue, Amphoe Pai, Chang
Issue, 810. Wat Mae Hong Son. Department of Geological Sciences, Chiang Mai
CARIDROIT. M. 1991: Taxonomic study on Carboniferous and Permian Radio- University, 82.
laria from NW Thailand. Paleontologic. stratigraphic and tectonic signifi- ISHIGA, H. 1985: Discovery of Permian radiolarians from Katsumi and Oi For-
cances. Abstracts. Sixth Meeting, International Association of Radiolari- mation along south of Maizuru Belt, Southwest Japan and its significance.
an Paleontologists (INTERRAD VI), p. 21. Ibid 39, 175-185.
Plate 1
Permian radiolarians from Pai area, northwestern Thailand. All figures are scanning electronic micrographs. Scale bar 100 urn applies to all specimens. 1-6. Fol-
licucullus scholasticus ORMISTON & BABCOCK, PAI-421; 7. Follicucullus porreetus RUDENKO, PAI-421; 8-10. Follicucullus charveti CARIDROIT & DE WEVER, PAI-
421; 11. Follicucullus monacanthus ISHIGA & IMOTO, PAI-421; 12-13. Follicucullus ventricosus ORMISTON & BABCOCK, PAI-419; 14. Follicucullus orthogonus
CARIDROIT & DE WEVER, PAI-421; 15-17. Pseudoalbaillella sp. A, PAI-421; 18. Neoalbaillella sp. ct. N. grypa ISHIGA ETAL., PAI-421; 19. Albaillella sp. aff. A.
levis ISHIGA ET AL., PAI-421; 20. Nazarovella gracilis DE WEVER & CARIDROIT, PAI-402; 21. Quadricaulis femoris CARIDROIT & DE WEVER, PAI-393; 22. Ishi-
gaum (?) similicutis CARIDROIT & DE WEver, PAI-393; 23. Ishigaum trifustis DE WEVER & CARIDROIT, PAI-393; 24. Trianospongos musashiensis SASHIDA &
TONISHI, PAI-393; 25. Latentifistula texana NAZAROV & ORMISTON, PAI-398; 26. Ormistonella robusta DE WEVER & CARIDROIT, PAI-393; 27. Pseudotormentus
sp. ct. P. kamigoriensis DE WEVER & CARIDROIT, PAI-402; 28. Copicyntra sp., PAI-393; 29. Hegleria mammila (SHENG & WANG),PAI-393; 30--31. broken part of
latentifistulinid (30: ct. Gustefana obliqueannulata KOZUR; 31: ct. Nazarovella phlogidea WANG), PAI-393.