Student Teacher Name: Krystina Rodkey Lesson Topic and Grade: Symphonic Band 9-12 National Standards of Music
Student Teacher Name: Krystina Rodkey Lesson Topic and Grade: Symphonic Band 9-12 National Standards of Music
Student Teacher Name: Krystina Rodkey Lesson Topic and Grade: Symphonic Band 9-12 National Standards of Music
The Polar Express
Music stands
Conducting baton
Conductor’s podium
Conductor’s stand
White board with marker
Opening/Introduction Activity
Warm Up
a. Concert F
b. Concert G major scale
1. Articulation on G major
2. One octave up and down, two beats of triplets for each note
c. Play chorale from “36 Chorales” packets
Learning Opportunities/Procedure:
The Polar Express
A. Beginning – remember what we worked on in Monday – play expressively with dynamics
1. 1st time – exaggerate hairpins, play them literally
2. Sing melody all together
3. 2nd time – if you have moving notes outside of the melody, bring them out
4. Think of this part of the piece like a chorale
B. Measure 17 – horns and clarinets: Clarinets do not play piano, come up to mp where horns are marked. Don’t overpower
horns, but make sure you are heard
C. Rallentando in measure 24, back to Tempo I at measure 25
D. Make sure you look at new key signature/new accidentals
E. Measure 35 “The Polar Express”
a. Percussion first
b. Percussion section is the real motor of the train – make sure shaker and cabasa are solid with 16th notes
c. Still percussion, add low voices with 8th notes – make sure everyone is aligned and the motor is running smoothly
d. Add everyone
1. Woodwinds with runs – if you can’t play every 16th note, don’t lose time. Aim for the first note of every set of 4 to
keep your place. Every time you play the section, try to play one more note.
F. Anybody who doesn’t have melody at 43 – down beats, be solid with tempo. Offbeats, don’t wait for downbeats
G. In melody – add separation to every single note – don’t hold on to anything too long, it will take away from the energy
H. Unison 8th notes in 67 and 69 – there is an accent over both; surprise me with your clarity and your accent
I. Transition between measure 34 and 35; start at 29 and get into 35
Closing Activity
a. Run beginning to 70, time permitting
There will only be a portion of the band here today. I will be able to hear if they are not playing with a balanced sound or if
their rhythm is inaccurate. I will be diligent in listening for these things and will be stopping to fix it, even if the students
think it may be tedious.